Ready for the Raiin. A Globe Majority. Jupiter's Favors. Hair Harvest. Chance Good. Overctowding. French Rule. Promising. --Detrboit Free Press. N0 R`THERN Amm a'No 1'1ewA`wlIlT {me-ddded olthe Sub-' scvxptionblsb until the money is` paid. ' _1.-qI-u-n-II-.A-- ff 1.. .._...-_.... J-_ A.I._.-- .., -,,LI, , Sde-ttled. .._..v.v..u urcu nc/wou1a_ go, and was `equally. certain _that he she not. He` did not appear, howe~ and his friends, missing him, for invaded his residence. There ti found both ,him and his wife sitt in their _ chairs [fast asleep: Bee 1 given her .an` Bpiate .v that, -he ,mi s1ip'_`awa)s.and;she1had given him 5 tgha-t` _.he ,;_:jx1_i`ghg1 L _ rreksolved thafhe ',wou1dV `go, and Iwas `eauallv ceri-ain H"... 1... -1- rnuy equipped wl'ithtLathcs, Planer. 1 G C. ' Harry'!D.mWolfenden 59. Baueld Street- En:-I-In V : 3 zoooooooooooooooooooooboo:I MILLMEN! `THRESHERS! FARMERS! ,,, .-,.- - - - - - wuuvwvii i 59 Bgyeld Street, Barrie 3 ooooooooooooooooooooooooso -S_jjj .: A fourth `consequence has been that the East_ern Liberal press has been stirred up to make sundry plain statements that the present tariff will be maintained by the Liberal party for an "indenite period. The"Glo'be,` for example, explained in eectthat free trade is right, that protection _-is -wrong, but that if the Li_bera'l~party were to attempt to give lower tari '_'L __-__I J v v-v-vv---xv qr IIIIVI IVVIIIQ A hIn$'%?%yn, wuHy.; In-gut cut. mm mu vrrnoltlaoprennld. som`:? '|'."5T`I.=3:29:.':.r;!.!L?i r' < IIIIDI "PINK. . - .- wgozvdnnoms dc. qn`xlk,Ian:InoortaldmI3`":u'|- oplmgg rroo Iv e3:"o".` Invent. out: probably munlciv :I:ntantrIot.l(ho::1IIdentl`:l..m onlhtontn t 1 Icon to. ~~ atonu ux;mo':1g n nlgug. o. noun 'sci"titi.c Hmericam A_hI_ndIon_IGl1 illuh-nod weakly. 1 n--I~`-- Your A. Safe-Savings Account in. F he Bank of Toronto is a much better proposition than an investment -in - stocks or bonds, the.rea1 value of which %is unknown to you and the rnaxket for which is fluctuating. Money IN OUR AA f l V _ i SANTNGSIDEPARTMENT 3 Interest is paid every 6 mos., e and your money is availgble; T to you whenever wanted. ` LIGHT READING FOR THE Hor WEATHER INCORPORATED 1355 Ging Nmhf ~_'_g__ And Qther Users of Machinery when m Barxfiepall and see the ` Barrie and Allandale Branches C. R. LA'l`lME_R, ~ Manager Neyv_ Mch_i1_1e' Shp nooxsrom-:, narlae The Bank of Tcronto Flzy equipped with Latlhc.-3_. Planer. fn` T Capital 54;ooo,ooo. Reserved Funds $4,818,000, Have youseen ? that line of { .. clotlvbound : Books at L Exactly the same as regular $1.25 Edition. 500, THOMPSON _CREW, 1=Ui3L1sHER' ""` Q) Clllhl DIJC Bin should E 3,DP3.l'. however, nssma him 4:... c.._ ...... uxfu. uc ,mxgnt 1 had gnven htm one; r . . _ _. %-;~-s.mNs% they sitting Eh`; `4 0: A I lLIv"`5` Ie had- _,might levy Ana- S1-nicr Plnnson 4; 1. :A'l"1`F.'N'l`ION Pun I $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERS $1.50 .IN ADVANCE; ' 1& STEWLART, BAR- .'..`ritS,'i`Sblicito`rs,. Notaries Publib, i L a_n_d._CQn;veyanc er,s. Money to loan - in any stims at 5 per cent. Ofce, *I3_OWen St.,. Barrie. H. D. Stew- V art, LL;D., D. M. Stewart. u_o. 55L%AvrI1ii"f _,-__ 2 v } _ "MA `IUFACTUARER OF Bnggigs, Carriages. WagonsL Sleigh: `and_ putters. 1 `3!lv.n-- - AULT, ABARRISTER, SOLICI- 4_Ktbr,- Proctor,- Notary, vbConveyancer, "etc.~ Special attention in drawing .'.and".pro_batif1g wills, olitaining let-` ters of administration and guard- ianship, ` co'l1'ecting' accounts, etc. Ofces, Ross block, Barxjie. Money - . to. loan.` ` A .-.-_._ .-.-_... LENNQX, COWAN L & BROWN, 'D....'.....L...... C..l:..ILA-..n I.`-... AkL..I....... STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- Aters, Solicitors in-`High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- .ancers. I Ofces over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current `rates. G. H. Esten.` DR. ROBERT s; BROAD. PHYSI-5: I 105. Box 456. R cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye,! _Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and` ` residence; cor.` Elizabeth and Brad-! R ford Sts. (Dyment Gore). Phone' M. D., CJM. ('l`or.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. (mice of the late Dr. smith. Collier st- ` Phone CI. 32-15 No. L.R.C.P. Sc s.Edinburg1{; M.F. P. ---SURGEONj- - ___ -_-, I Having spent 1 years Post Graduate work in 5 British Hospitals and having served as Clinical | Assistant in Goldensquare Ear. Throat & Nose Hospital, London` Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Mooreids) ; for` a term as Resident E Suygeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; 5 Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo ; and Birmingham Ey_e- Hos xtal. Bu-mingham :former Member of Bntish nhthalmnlmzimn .cx....:....- ..-.-..... ..,, V uuayuau, nnston; and 1 Eye Ho%mal, : formex phthalmological Society. OFFICE--78 DUNLOP STREET. 1 Phone 54. P. 0. I iCRESWICKE- & ALEXANDER, Barristers, _So'licit.ors of the Su- " preme Court of Judicature of On- tario, Proctors. Notaries, Convey- ancers, etc. Money totloan. Of-' ce, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C.`, Arthur Alexander. IDR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN,j t Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.i DPD 1',....:,... na:._ 3- I ,H:R. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARL} L, ton -St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn; ".'(N'. Y.) Eye and Ear Hospital,} will be at 67 Owen Stg, Barrie, every: Saturday. Diseases-Eye_. Ear. Nose and Throat. Consultationj hours, II am. to 5. p.m., and by ap- pointment. ` DR. A. T. LITTLE, `LATE OF Churchill, Ont.. Ofce and resi-1 .4-dence, John St., near corner Eliza-, beth. Phone 2I3.- _ ` 2 ' i DR. V. A. HART, GRADUATE OF Trinity University, Toronto, Edin-' F borough and Glasgow and Post l l l l -Graduate of University College, London. Ofce and residence: Cor. Dunlop and Mulcaster Sts.' Oice open each day until 8 pm. ` Phone 124. ' _ G. G. SMITH 8: ,CO., PHONE 82. ' Established 1869.` Undertakers. ` Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, On- tar1o.'_ ' T. ARNALL, M.D;,:C.M. : of-` cc, in Bothwell s block, Allandale. On the premises at night. Yet another thing was that `the! Prime Minister dealt with the ques- tion of reciprocity in the langua_ge'of the protectionist. He saidvthat the disposition of United States -politic- ians is to lookaiter Number One, and that that must be the"disposition' of Canada. He is anxious to secure the market across the border. for the Canadian people, but not at the; sac'; rice of Canadian industries_ and Canadian self-respect. This is ex .actly.,_ what Conservatives said in their day of power`, and "exactly the .language at which the Liberalhpress used to wax satirical a.nd'angry.. ' `DONALD ROSS, 1L.B., BARRIS- for Qn1:n:4-na nan D1144- 4 l`....-.- 112$`-L` \J4,I-9 \.4\./ vv 41;` \.I_. J-l&\\J vv 4.1, eBarrister s, Solicitors for obtaining probate` of wills, guardianship and administr':;1tion,: and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Ofces, Hinds block.`No. 6 Dun-l lop street, Barrie. Money to loan ati4% and 5 per cent. Branch of- -ces` at Creemore. and Alliston. Cow_an, G. E. I. Brown, LLB. I Haughton Lennox, K.C., Alex. . . u u.R.C.P. S. Edinburgh; 8; S. G`-asgow I . --SURGEON A vye. Ear. Nose -`Throat, I`.'...:_.. ..----l surgeon, etc., L.K.L.b., b;d1n., _L..i R.C.P., London. _Ofce a_nd 'resi-i dence,` Dunlop _street, Barne. Telc- phone `77. l._' (Lo .l.\.[l.I./1_4L\LI.\JL\s).l., .IJ1\L\1\l.s.J iter, olicitor, Notary Public, &c. Ofce, Ist; oor Bank of Toronto `Building. Money toloan at low- est rates. - >R. J. A. C. EVANS. PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Ofce and residence: vvmiam street, Allandale. Tele-I "phone 30 a. At Stroud OFce: 2 to 4-p.m. Monday t'o Friday. t ax/14:.1.4aJ .L\\Ju..7, .L4L4.1J., .IJi\1\I.\.l.D" ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Mom_=.'y to loan.` `min _arriv_als and departures 'a't* {rpm Barrig a;rg.asAfollows V Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS `A. C RADENHURST, BAR`RIS- .-.f2-Z4...... \T...L...._- `D..L1Z.. 0- opposnn: `ROSS s'r. JOHN BARR S OLD $'l`AND , '- *`:;-!=_.E _ .__>__. UNDERTAKER; sugvsvoks PHYSICIANS. TLEGAL. . No. .. gun. 1ll1'UUnl GA . 3080 ' ? I Jrhthalmic ` o :and 1 : former 30cict.v_ -xi:-3ia23.f BARRIE. O. Box, 96. Tm ADVAXCE }El)`':l2 circulation ( nub umna to pay t1: Advertisements space--12 lines no inch. 1nA.V:ll`l.VT AD Legal Notices. Auction etc.-F1rst insertion 1:; subae ucntinsertlon ('1-I ` .Rea inxz nnmm In Auocl uuu ; i) CCDIS D01` insertion of the same 1 5c Der line. r.p.---, ` , , uun 111.-\(,"]` CH` Advertigers will please 1 notice of 1ntcnt1o_n In (`hay must he handedlnro the 01 Saturday at 10 ocluck, and change must be in 'l`lll~l A] later than 12 o'clock nnon week. otherwise the zulvcrti may not be made public un ing. fVt\\'I'\l>\'esn.\ {L}c_ENs1:1) Auc-nonm 5%} ' An 8 P730 -I8"UOIl}IQIl Ngwnpapen, Published from the olce. 123 Dunlap Street, Barrie. in the County ` of Simcoe, the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every '1`hursday Morning, by `T etc.-=- First inserti ~Rea_ 1n ipsertgon A msermon . 113 er ' g notxces. 10 own .1) hm ; 5C-cnts ` uuuuua.;\UCUOn S on lgent insertion 5 ales, cents pm. use um PCT Hue CONDENS ED A 1) \' E c a d . . "*`-`~"TS- ' on ense at. \`.crt1s(:I1)(+nts on 11 t as wants of all k1n(l>.', lost and fox1rr:1pag;`th 1 for saleor to `rt-nt_. .`s`1I('l,'io :1I`IiCl0s yer; D!~ must be accomnamcd with ' " 9 the ca, tcv ` Cuts for adverti. mm case be mounted 011.: ` `V l)Xf'.`s`.'~'4-ti Doors I-`ram: Sash Stairs Blinds Shing Tanks and Water Cup! Planing, Matching. . Hot B1:1~:I I 5 Eon THE COUNTY or SIMCJET Most reasonable tcrm.< givcnonal Stock Sales THE Ball PLANINW J. n. noncans BARBIE _ , _ -_.- - u--uIIlII\l BARRIE RODGERS ONT. 1 Carpenters and Buildm-s. 1 and Dealers in all ki:-H.< m 'II( .:~;~4.:] I . . ' 'SI. J_oim & Grookerl UUUJ fa an. TheNew FU_I_!1_;j_fy| 5N:-`X-rnnnn 1-n 1-...- NE effect of Sir [Wilfrid Laur-' A ier s'tour.through the West says an Ottawa cmfrespondeut, has been to ialace before the country the `exact position of the Liberal `party on the trade issue. For a long time . I. 1- NEXT ooon TO THE TANNEI-'( Y| John H gnpett, gang`.-. , -_ ---our COMM XZR('{.-U. Rates will be given on a C(.).\"I'R.-\C'l` Cl `,1...,..4:.. . . - - A" - MAKES `YOUR sxmf LIKE VELVET-- Monkman s Glycedonia. Has a 1n:1r\ ciI_>1:< effect cu rough skin. One or two applica- tions will r3m0\ c the raugnness. and by its use the skin acquires the s'11oo:11ncssar.d softness of :1 b:1}\_\".~`. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gugwes may bt stick) , gloves maybe Wprn a few moments after using it.` Price 15: and 25. Delight- ful.after shaving. Di-uggist. Brewed Entirely from the Finest ~ ' Malt and Hops. co'Ks1* it has been practising protection and collecting the votes of the low` tariff element. The Westerii farmer con- fronted the Premier with'so ener-' getic a demand for low tariff and so rude a reminder of his former free trade promises that several things happened. One was that Sir Wilfrid Laurier, always anxious to pleasehis immediate audience, uttered `a 1-ot of vague free-trade sentiments. Anoth-i Ter was that that he summoned up -courage enough to tell the farmers ,_ vested -interests, and that even agricultural implements canont be admitted free of duty so long asthe /that there must be carefulvregard fori United `States maintains duties on DUNLOP STREET EAST B A R R I E BARBIE BREWWG BMPANY Boilers. En_'-.;im:- farm and ~.Iu1 io12zn'_\' `and repaired on 3}]! moderate prim-.~.`. slllendld ALE and FORTE The Best anu Brightest in Cask and Bottle open for all nrivx'~ in MILL I .EP_\ll{S. xx -. _ All work dome 1;; 1st antlgmu-mm-_-:1 GEO. MONKMAISL SPECIAL` RATES CRAIGHURST, ONT. any of the materials ' which enter into their construction. Fifteen or twenty years ago these considera- tions were treated by the whole Lib- eral party as `base subterfuge. Sir Wilfrid Laurier ~to-day isispeaking the language of the Conservative campaign literature of 1878, and 188,5, .and 1891, and 1896. ' ` AVANCOUVER -VICTORIA .SEATTLE TRANSIENT . .7.-.o:,...- - Expert Machinists ra1nuHK'.1'.-~' ( I)Ir-S.'~'c-d LI;m': Frames Stairs Shingles ' .-.., yllb . us are ch: nonparcil 'P7H O N E ';l`0 THE RAC1` CIIANGES. bear in 2 to clnurgge adve to o mheggurthrugdvaure} II nnlr v ""`1\IlI-an-n Ila--n-us`.-nA- AH) 101' matter. L DISLAY. ; application. A 1.: sale LAURIER S FREE-TRADISM. 1 ('_\9TI.\'GS. an kinds of -hix'.r3r_\' made :1 none:-21nd only _tilI machin- BARRIE RAILWAY GI1I`I,DE;` Barrie. the` m. of loc duty i In a ' cort the la in this muzzli *u.oo p; Special. .. *5.1o d m *4.2D a m...Bu'o.lo Express.`. *9 00 p m` 10 40 a. m'I`oronto 8: North Bay 5 15 p m` 2 08 pm .. Muskoka Express 2051: In 350 p m..North Ba.y........ 1245p 111 8.20 p ni.;'lforunto 8: Midland 7.42 a`. m t\......-..`..-..a.I- -'.._ The ter of yot, "D..k "Rabi life 5 seriou infect diseae vaded of n wo'1v nortf state gene regar ront< hgng an the arly enga mini man; E; .. 7.50am out 55-: uu-v .v ----u . w.v--vw ye -._--.--- yvuu w _ Gravenl 1ux_-st 9.a5a.';; Daily including Sundays _ In. short, the .Liberal 'party ' _' ha ;;be_n dragged into the opfen." It_"i;i"-.`? :e`nds* to keep `oi: priptising. protjgit: "i:i bgcause it. be1ieve's]7t_l 1 a-t"1th`e.Lma-` { `Oh ="of t`he_"el 1ctors- ir p1j9tc_tjpn`- Thursday, Sept. 29, I910 Tmms or Suascmpuow. mmw I Penetang; Hamilton. No. 53.. 10.25 a. m . " 55....7.45p.m 'G6ing. South. " (_$;:._.585pxn 1.50 Qjm. Ixfom 1.50 p.m. from A 22....7`.47am me.;1eege.;e;;; ;; ;.aa;e,`;;;a't1;;j;e- fore it will stick to high tariff. The `Evening Times of" St. John, N.B.', says: Sir Wilfrid has no `quarrel with free trade, butieverybodya, in- -'1u'ding the. grain growers, knows "that free trade is at present,o_ut .Vof "the question. These are but` _'sam~_ ples of` Liberal newspaper `utter- ances. El 46 PREV:N`1'IoN O15 -TYP ~aI(D`i ' . W ` O Comforts.-As made by this Con- nectigut recipe comforts` are a spe- cies of doughnut, but more delicate and digestible and m.uch more easily and quickly, made. Mix t[ioro_i1ghly two eggs well beaten; one cup of sugar; one large teaspoonfu] `of-me1t- ed butter, one cup ` `of sweet fmilk, three and one-half cups of our, "'sift_:_ ed with two` teaspoonfuls of baking`- A powder, a little salt. and -some~. g_rated nutmeg. Drop: the `batter f.r,o4n`:*ae teae-. `fspooniliniztoi fat. :tW.ith.~V%I:5?lyitr; tle practice perfecly, round `ba:]l;st{can . y.T;.3r='s `{1.? _ be pg-.o'd'u c,ed. ' V. ; Whigg th ijoll. thtem in L now-gielred . -_s't`xg` ja Pure - -. Vlater-I-_Ij)e f_ective `Plumbing ' Dangerous. ` . I follows : J.-. . write:-tc`_>"The Telegram, "Toronto, regzjrding the? prev'enti`on of .ty'p'hOid. As what he? says is ofsimore or less general application the full substance `of the `-lettef is `givqn as lg. *In._,guarding again`stjtypho'id `spe-_ `cial attentioneshould-' be paid tofour points, viz:-l--_. - ' ' L _I. "-Watfe_r. 2.. -Food`; _ - A V 3._ `House `garbage. 4. and draiua-ge. _ r . -VV`ater.--The order boil you-r` wa- ter -is a good one, but as `boiling -does not remove any sewage, lth or offensive matter, it fails to give us pure water. However, a good lter will separate the solids from the liquids, then boiling will destroythe typhoid germs. " V Ripe Tomato `Sweet Pickle.--.vFour pounds of small red tomatoes, not too rxpe`. Prick the skins with a darn- ing -needle. Scatter` one pound of light brown 4s'ugar among them and place where they will-cook gently. for an hour. Then add. -a` :pint of good "vinegar, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, half a teaspoontul each of fcloves and cayenne pepper. Let'boil 'for- fteen minutes, then put into iars and seal. ` T V l__Qr vegetables, . Food.--_I`mpure food is an danger- Qus as nnpure water, consequently one should avoid taintedkmeat, or. sh, impure mil-keando decaying fruit `AIAAL A 4I,_,,;!, 1 ---v---- -v-, vvvu Milk.---In one district containing 62 families, there "were 54 families `attacked byltyphoid, who were serv- ed by the Same milkman; aridout `of a total of I4z families supplied by one milkman 70 developed typhoid---. an examination showed that the milk carried the contagion. ` ` 1\_ .V"1 'rLEH No. . 47. `ll --.~;-v T;-1\-I'e':;=tj-Autl'ietic 1` "sh.ow gthatiout of 690 persons partaking `of itainted meat at a festival 290 were. attacked by. typhoid, others" had ;dia'rrhoea, etc. \ , `I'll `I u-vnn vv -o-ryvu vs vulnlg Coffee Frappe.--Pour one quart of `boiling water over four ounces ne ,ground Java coe; cover, sxmmerf ten minutes, strain through cheese- cloth and sweeten with six table- spoonfuls of sugar; when`cold pour `into the freezer and begin to `freeze; as it thickens _add the whites` of two eggs, beaten to a_ st.i1_froth,'4 freeze ve minutes longer, remove A the beater, scrape down, cover and let it stand fteen or twenty minutes before serving; a quart. will be enough for twelve people; serve. in glasseswith a spoonful of whipped cream on `top, ` I'I!_ -' flV_,_,, .11 , . -rs-`I I 1--\ I Decaying fruit orvegetables may not causetyphoid; still, they tend to irritate the gastric-intestinal tract and so may. cause a `typhoid `condi- txon. V -` - vwlumbinig and 1 `drainage.-Defectiv.e plumbing and drainage often means death by typhoid--scores of instan- ces are recorded in which faulty. plumbing allowed_sew`er gas to es- cape, causing a typhoid condition or even death,,while scores of other outbreaks of typhoid were traced di- rectly to drains blocked by` lth and waste matter; in other cases, the pre- sencevof ponds- containing stagnant, lthy water favored typhoid, which disappeared ,when the "ponds were properly` drained. All closets, urin- als and drains should be kept in good order. . K T House _arb'a'ge,{-In' nmniy streets in Toronto the garbage is collected }twice a week: this leaves three or four. days` for house refuse to- decay. and in hot Xveaother` the stench is of- fensive; it IS unheatlthytand. insani_- tary. - ' - T T 1 . 1' 1 I 71 .,!.,,, This can be remedied by burning all scraps of table refuse, peelings, Dapers, wrappings. etc.,;in the stove, furnace or incinerator. This swiilfde-I stroy 21117 waste matter quickly and` efficiently, especially. if one pours or sprays fuel oil on the mass before setting re to it. The oil is` very cheap. There is truth in the saying: No garbage, no ies; no-ies, no fever, as the ies cairyAthe`.germsv of typhoid as well as. other diseases, i` Inc -`.'l'\, 1', 1 .._- I The sum u_p::- Pure'food._ purefwa.-V` ter and` samtar_y' surroundings tend |tQ prevent typhoxdp ` ` .fuls of our into a basin three times, with three teaspoonfuls of baking powder` and one-half teaspoonful 0! salt..` Work into this three table- spoonfuls of butter and the sange of lard. When these ingredients are well i'nc_orporat_ed, wet with a cup- tul of sweet milk. Divide the dough` into two parts. Put half into One round cake pan, the` rest into. an- `other. The pans must be well` but- tered. Bake covered ten minutes, then brown. Split each cake careful- ly into halves, using a fork, not to tear the cakes. Butter each lower, ' half and cover with sliced and sweet- lened peaches`. Prepare these while the `cake is_in-baking. Replace the upper parts of the split cake, `as with other layer cakes, and serve with whippedcream. ' f"..&_.- 17. Peach Shortcake.--Sift `two cm, 4 SELECTED RECIPES. J The `j Q 3%. Ibkjnor marnmasi _._. . I .. -.... ...a an r\.l|.|lll\Jl\ 5 I Father: f`Wh.y., er---it is--ahem!} For `goodness sake, Tommy, don t you; know: anything about mythology at 7all? f`An equinox was a fabled yani,ma~I`--half V horse, _ half . cdw. Its ?n"a_1 7x1_.<-. _j;~`i_s,.;v;.tIerived from the ,words `e_quipef;.:_a1`1d `_'ox.-. 1'I't*do,es seem as 1f_- V ` " ' _gs choo1s_,.*don"ft -`teach ivwaz wwaaxs s`uvvy4v}n_og , I` 'v"'Fa.ther,.-sai`c1V little Tommy` one/T ldav. _what is an equinox? T.`_:.L _ _.`_ ` dirt: . . L` Ottawa Ci_tizn. The _'Unibnist party. in "South`A-frica, notwithstanding its 1 brief career, has. ev'id'entljr been 110 against our Old friend the majority of one. -v--up n-I -_-an I-_l\`UODII-\llI i - Parnts,A_as wen as teacWhe'rs,' have sqmctxmes tq run_ the. gauntlet _of ; `awkward -quest1oV_n_s`. v hi-.;`.1 _ . . _.~ /I Vancouver Province. V 0tll\a_\.l|a|V\vL L Avvnnnvvg `A Jupiter Pluvius does not consider race-_ or creed. It almost ` invariably rains on the Twelfth of July, and the Euchariyic` Congress at Montreval did npt escape without a baptism. vv...\,1`\p(bIllllJf["' .|.uc` Ulla yU;,l, IOIU me to ay' up or` a rainy ay. ' Husband-Yes. * * `.W`1f--.-Why. `I exchapged it for three pans of s1lkVstock1ngs. : F2s...~.1o.'1s a m , " '7.... _7.50pm No. 69 leaves Allgndale Toronto for Penelanq. /' `'7. un _ .__!__-,, lIl___ 3,1- " Shortiy after a -W/oman -marries her] . ideal, she discovers that she didn t. Hlusband (angri1y[--W-ant more 'money., do yog? What did you do with that $10 bill, I` gave you last week ? ' , ' \ - . u; _.s..'_ A . A A ' ~ '-1 London Free Press, v-_...,-- - --- e_-Saxfah Bernhardt, `though 66_ years of age, enters triumphantly upon an- other stage- seasdn} `The divine Sarah has not in her time been equaled in `the wonderseof her art. .. --- r""__' --vy w ---21 u nuv -v}11-f,- v'Gayeboy.-I ll undertgke, to spend every,-`penny of it before to-morrow. I m_orning.-'-Wash1 ngt_onian. I Police Captain (in plain clothes) dryly-Shouldn t be a bit-surprised if I did! Line em up and I ll `look em over !`--Puck. - " The Chinese have had-{the Festival oftthe Full Moon, and in New York they celebrated it by cutting off their _queues. ` When this slaughter of hair becomes general the barbers of [Chinatown will be in luck.- SutAto1`1-"--I can t Siare`,.tl1e mony very well, but '.I"l1 lend -it to you if you promi_'s_e not to keep it too long. .(1......1.-.. rm .....1 ......v1_- ' Paying T'eJler-You ll have to be ideun-tied, sir! Do you know any Dersonvin. this bank ?~ ' ' Kingstbn Whig. -v.....--7-- ._...v -.-.y.. y... gonvuovg cu .aw_a\An subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged 81 59 per annum. % The hobble skirt` aim the towering` hat, `decreed by Paris, are the latesx forms. of ' French dominzition. An Italian Singer by the name or Signor _Lucca says he has.two voices. What a ne circus barker he would make if_he weren t a singer! `Some people can t see the error `of their_ way.s`_because they insist on lkeepmg t_he1r eyes on yours. The old wc$r1d s settling down again, Her coat of tan is fading out, He s~ceased to tell sh _tales to men, There -s something else to think abgut. ' 1-5 , 0 . `rs W` London `Advertiser. 1 V Or a Fisl.1VVendor. {Kingston Standard. ' Ottanga Journal. _'_ _,- ..... _-, {Another seven-hundred-m1le ra1l- "way started "from * monton sug'_- gets that the west should be care- ful not to put (I_own_'so many railways that there will be no room for wheat to gxfow. Ir an `ac ,,,v _. w-va.u---at F Minister Hanna. has punctured that [laundry soap: bubble, and the Gyit `scandal-sni'er`s will need to turn! their noses in another direction for material. ' - - - T \ Only an -active axkd muscular man can afford to los_e hls temper. \ i To Ottawa, For Instance. lToronto Telegram. | E12,.` ., It doeSn t take a briiliaxlt man to shinein sqciety; T Optimi_sm _is' sometimes `due to lack of experience. . e 1: Many_ a` man gets stalled in busi- ness because he lacks "horse sense. LA good _time doesn t alwafs depend on the pnce you pay.for 1t. . VCCK IE fn nn `no In o-051.01.. t'Iicu 3 Wif'ev (c'at|n'11y)-`-'I`,`11'` `one :)\'ou ` told THE MAN WHO LAUGHS. Art of `Lbok_ing Young? TWhat is An. Equinox ? ......` -- ___'n __ '.E;`;0w;;1:r;\:;;Xl'la.n;la1e Penetang for Toronto, ,