Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Sep 1910, p. 5

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Engineefs ` G. 'l_`. `R. _ (Continued from Page One.) i*H1=:`NoxrnERNL}AovAncE |_ BIGGER ea BETTER Than Ever | Barri I S f`.iF& I nmmnn aa BETTER 1' E If Septembr 26'-27-28 The vMaina_gemen.t `have secured the `following unique attractions at great expense from the Parks Booking Cireuit, of New York City. and performance will beugiyeu each day before the Grand Stand Special Attractigms 31 Okamoto Japanese Troupe... Company of Japanese Acrobats, Hand and Head Balancers, Lofty. 7 Perch Artists, Tumblers `WireWalkers and Phe- nomenal Eitponents of Japan'c_:se Characteristic Pastimes, T - The Barrie Citizens Band in Attendance GRAND ENTERTAINMENT in the opera %House on. the evening of the 27th, by _' theold re1iable%MARKS BROS. A1 Co., and other `Special Attractions. V D- 0UINL2_N., THE LARGEST PRIZES ever offer- ed by a County Show will be given. People in Six Acts 2 'Anembnes-1, Geo. Vickers; 2, R; Bidwell, % .. Armuals-.-1, Miss Campbell; -2,, Mrs` -Ca_vena, _ , -- - 'i"e'1-_;.1'1.'11`ials--1. j Mis Ca.mpbelI; ' 2,` Mrs. ' T. -Cavena; L T - . Plants in Pots. Fuschias-R_. Bidwell. _ iGeraniumsM--I, `R. Bidwell ; 2. G. C. Brown. . ' `/ .. `Coleus-_-I, R . Bidwelli 2, `G. C. `Brown; V V ' Begonias, &:P--I, Geo. ~Vickers; 2, R.eBidy;vell. V ., ,""_ Begonias, `Tuberous-1, R. Bidwell; ez, Geo. Vickers. - ` ' Ferns.-'-R. Bidwell. Gloxinias-_--I, J. H. Bennett; 2, Geo. 'Vickers.- - , A _, ,, 11:- - 1' III 'n..a.L......1I. II vu:nu:Ia.' T V V V _ Aman-yl1is--I, `J. M. Bothwell; 2, Mrs. H. Robinson. - _ . Impatiens-1, R. Bid_w:ll; .2,v P; Love. V Hydrangea, indoor-Mrs. ?_ Fer1-ier. m Cactus-1, Mrs. }H. Mart; 2', D. C. Campbell. _ - _ Pa1m-I, 'G.`C. Brown; .2, D. C. ; Campbell. . 5 Boston Fem-.-I, G. C. Brown; -2, i Geo. Vickers. V ' A -_ - ..- ._ .. 'lTn-on `Din:-n:\c;_.'r:FfI. ' Lxeo. V lclcers, Asparagus Fern, V VPlum'osi--`Geo ; Vickers. _ Asparagus Fern, Sperengi-Geo. iVic-kers. . % _Oleander-R.`Bidwe1l. - Geranium, single-1, A. Bidwell; 2, R. Bidwell. ` A _ / V Geranium, doub1e-I, R. Bidwell; 2, A. Bidwell; New, Odd or Rare P1_ant-I, Geo. C. Brown; 2. R. Bidwell. ' T1-it.oma--J. M. Bothwell. Rubber -Plant--A. Milne. . Kochia--Mrs. Wm. "Robinson. Boquets, Decorations and Designs. Danna; Carnal 'Ppa:._-r. GEO. Vick- B0qllet8, IJCCOTIUUDU Illll Ilcilguuu B-oquet Sweet Peas;--I. Geo. ers; 2, Mrs. T. Cavena; 3, D. C. Campbell.` V Table Deco:-ation-I, Miss Camo- bell: 2. Geo. Vickers; 3. Mrs. Cavena. Table Boquet-1. Miss Campbell; 2. Mrs. R. Marshall: 3. Geo. Vickers. -Desiszn'--I, Miss Campbell: 2, Mrs. Wm. Robinson; 3, Geo. Vickers. `Hand B0(1l1et---,I, Miss Camobell; 2. Mrs. W`m. Robinson; 3, Geo. Vick- l'S . M Novice Class. V Gladioli--Mrs. A. Carson; . | Table Boquet--Mrs. F. "Carpenter. dvvno-9 -u`-.-v - _._ _s, The judges appointed to pass upon the competition for`, lawns, boule- vards, window boxes and ower beds presented the following report coupl- ed with their awards: To the Barrie Horticultural and Town Improvement Society: It is with pleasure that the under- signed Committee appointed to in > 1 rsd|t. Lawns, Boulevards. EW- , _ . _ . . . . . . .-.3.-u6nA GA nan: 'bd s[`and window, `barges _jthat have hil` _ei1.ter_'d iv.-inithei-;c7;>r:it'i.fi9n for ' prizes`: _to_ b`e j`5.'ward5ed`1 by your so. ciety. beg leave to hand in their. re- pport.` `Two. in's'pectio'ns. were` made. during the `season, necessitating vis-` iting almost every part of The Town 1 of Barrie, and the Committee were struck with the apparent efforts that l{5**'t1ieir;:5i;;evaas,ieee bxi1rard, -`ower ` have been put forth by a greatmany citizens, in addition to `those who have, entered the competition, to beautify the grounds around their places or residence. The members of the Committee were delighted. with the interest taken in the com- petition by the various competitors, showing that the prizes awarded by the Society sought after, not only for the money value. but also for the honor attached. The Society is to be congratulated on the splendid `re- sults of its work, the interest that has been aroused among the citizens in the matter of beautifying their homes and surrounding grounds and "in theeencouraqement of `a taste for the beautiful and ornamental. Its ex- istence has been- more than justified, and it should receive substantial-em Acouragement from every. inhabitant of the .Town. The members of the Committee were very much pleased to be of ser- vice to the Society and hope it may be found that their work has been done satisfactorily. The Council also are en ltitled to the highest praise for the. assistance given by their grant to lthe Society, which has materially aided in carrying on the good work. The Committee consider-it the duty of every. municipal council to en- courage work such as your Society isrengaged in, and fear that in- the past not enough attention has been `paid to the same. It is trusted that the Council will make these grants` annually and increase them as may be required. . Barrie. Sept. 7, 1910. (Signed) Edward Morton, 11122-.-- -_ I I Lawns (.-k;1->-t` birhownexi)--I. And~ rew Carson, Small St.; 2, D. J. Mc- }Douga.1l_. Bradford? `St.; 3, J. McMa:r-; tin, Small St.; 4, G. R. Wood, Clap-I V perton St.;" 5, Albert 'Sa1-jeant, Dun- lop -St. /1 1 - __.___1___-_I\ - `L! T.` I(\I ma-so I * Lawns -(labor empIoyed)--.1, H. E. Jory, Elizabeth St.; 2, S. Dyment, High `St.: 3, H. M. Dyment, High St.;= 4. ='Geo. Vickers. Owen St.; 5, Mrs. Amy Bird, Sophia St. Publicv Bui1dings-I, R. Martyn `(St Andrew's Church); 2, J. Dickey, -vRE_DUCEDe RATES`-.-- Single First-class Fare jgoir'1geevenir___1g'of September 24th"; returning on September 29th. This ipcludes Tororito. THEJSPEEDING IN T!-iE1lllNG ._Pfize Winners. Will be_ Clean and Straight I! -7-`- Morton, E. A. Wismer, I. R. "Cotter. R- `J--EL%ETCHT1}R. E: vuum nn"_:1 Wll|(|NSON S ----- -- ----,- ;W1fndow Boxes-I, -`Miss M. E. Campbell, Elizabeth St.; 2, R. A. `Stephens, -Peel St.; 3, Geo. Vickers, Swen St.; 4, M. McLean, Mulcaster I .t'_, ` i Flower Beds--1, Mrs.-Amy` Bird, `Sophia, St.; 2, Miss M. E. Campbell, }Elizabeth St.; 3, Geo. Vickers, Owen `St.; 4, Mrs. Cavena, Bradford St. Bou1evards-I, A, Carson, Small `St.; 2, R. J. Fletcher, Owen St.; 3,_ J. McMartin_, Small St.; 4, Alf. Hunt- (`:4 CF (Central School); 3, E. `Willem (Trinity Church). 11!! u 1-` -52- If -in LVLK-LVLGI Iulll. I %e.r, Owen St. Thomas Reilly was committed for Iti.-ial at Cobalt in connection with the`. silver theft. ` coal that's strictly high-grade llrder Now - `Phone No. 23 ...Delivered when You Wish... ` sch bUu\.y- --- The railro w have to provide the` frefghvt g public with sitatisticts ~ _ amount of each gubsesgazzt advance of rates. Hitherto thg ,`.a;l1_ road could Simply announce on its` cdulethat the rate on, say, pork htcago to Boston woujd be from C hundred. In future tt so much per will be reqtn lic W hat the previous rate Was. In other act that achange words. the f be duly publish- `~ an increase must ls have announced new * rat (lal|V.Witl1l es almost my were increases . The .' "gl`l may not ciililllecittr tery important, but sinqe the ran; way,-, have for many years objected to such :1 rule. it is to be inferred that the shipper reaps some benet It 15 another turn of the screw tha the people of the United `States through the Interstate Commer . Ctmnnission. are driving into S: spine ot the r.'nl\\.ayS' and marks one more step on the long road th leads to zm nnderstantlng of it \\'l10lC`([t\C.~`tlm1 of freight rates ads of :11; red to inform, the pub` . Up to the presenttthe railways. the public little the wiser Brownlee, the Auctioneer, Barrie. handles credit sales of farm stock and implements promptly and satis- factorily for $5.00 and upwards. Dates can be arranged for at THE A n11 A 17111: r\1:"l:*TtD .IJlC bull US; ulsuznsuu {ADVANCE OFFICE. Estate 9f;A.y{,wiIkinson Interesting and Extra- ordinary Feats of Great Strength`, that are clev- erly varied. Particularly hazardous and astonish- ing. Acrobatic Novelty, in which Trickay plays no part. A - Nlalvern Troupe The :Matvellc'us JUST A8 USUM Vlonldven-ful Acrobats & Gymnasts 's'.'aue wuklnson. ....Admlnlstrau:lx 'Our.c0ntingcnt of visitors to the Toronto Indu. Ex11il)iti0x1 hav_e returned. V `;\Ii;; Relic .\'celands has returned to the Queen City to resume her profession as nurse. \r_ ....,l `H.-s Dnkf T(nnn:`1a\-xr nF Seetary Fall pleted. [,l'(J1C.\n1Ull H.` --u--w- Mr. and .\Ir: Robt. Kuceshaw of` stem`; Cm-ners spent Sunday with` the fornm"_< brother, Mr. Wm. Knee- slmw. T Ir A (11 IV uuuu . Mr. and Mrs: A. W. Green `wet-`e gtxests of the i0rmer sv father, ' Mr._ Green of Tlmmton. . ` w.\`I`r.,I 'I?{`rv,i:-<-:'rtson has return-` ed home from the mission eld. Several from here took in the com (Err at '1 h..1-ntnn on Monday even- ing. ` 11 . \r A I , IlY_II___ .\ir. and Mrs. Andrew VWa1lacwe were Sunday visitors of their daugh- ter, .\Ir.<. \\'iH Boake of Thornton.` ' 5:EPTE W3B_-.3122} I OR'l` IlLTl{O.\' mzmoxn`, an.-1!. cmc.u;o, m, an cm, ms. Cl.E\'l`.I..-\.\'I:, o .. I), n` I 1 U.-uu:\.\1r `J. It'll . (\'H I11':`.> rm} ()'.:u1~l B.) H CLlC\'|-IL.\.\'H, U. .. . . \'id]):TI'H;.'L'1111Ilzllldc.) H VvR:\.\'1) ll.-\1'll).\', Mich. n _ H;I.\'.\\\', _\h' -1;. .... `M. I. III` - .x11.\'h:.wr>1.1s} ""` " " H II " Yin ! S5U'ni3 & No N.C0. 5- E. BILLINGSLEY, Depot Agent.` BARRIE Egerning Freight Rat.-... . .1- - -n..-:... .1.`c`J RfeVt`L1;n Limix, Man lay. October 3rd, Full infonnukion and Tickets f!.'Om .146 STORE PENING --_-vw_, wheat .=ceding is almost com- Afmual Western Excursnons 5 to 1},'L'E'L99. . 4-4 K25 -,2`;".L-_': __-v-\\1 sTR__oUD. SEPT`; rs; THE 01.1). ARTICLES 01:: BRASS are being picked arefulfy -.oni_;_t_be_ gubbish piled polished, making {few altefatigs. -'3 Come and See but Window Display of B}fass Gocds-the prices win aAstorV'\isVhT yo|1_r , Q9359}; little articles of heat design, at wonglerfu|ly7`lowA prices. You _ da.n_n9t remodel; ,m%ia:rm 't_he._`: Price of the new-. . 1; ' ` " . I5!!! of ' "sent. .Retux'n Fare.. 86. 10 HRH _..--:---:-----u-- that he will. ? . Otton I2 . vu. av 760 LC 13 40 .."s 50 1060 10 35 8 40 .23 40' 31 '90 , `Mr. John Lawson has returned from Windsor. _ 7 ' `T be e;1 holiday- mg In Bay Cnty, Mich. . j . I"|l v' -.-' Miss I... Catcher `was a visitor in, Toronto last week - A ` - _. --vvv -u--uy vv wuss.` Mr: George CummingsLhas been on a vxstt to Cochrane. ` " , = -_.n - ` -..-c --. --wJ w-wa -----van: `Mr; Ke'nnth McLenhan' Tvoron- I . . . . . `to 15 vtsxtmghxs mother. `I : ' 1'! 1- :1. ' A t " wgciitaa Sta`-1:;7".Ac->E`.Toronto `is `visttmg at the Parsonage.` . - ' 5 'l'IT.- 'l'\_.-.I-l 1 11 4- 111 '.r'"- ' `W-Messrs. R, '-1{4'cMiuan; and Phil Mc- iDonald spent Monday in Toronto, ; `7`IIVA -w-up-s--.4 saw. v- . ` --_-----an v-rw--' .--_v-.-uu_r can Iv--V The new Y.M.C.A. secrgtary, W. J. Mercer, has assumed his' duties. -I I~I ' A ---'----g -v ---v as uugvv--crew. Mr- Randolph .Bi'unton: ,of" Cleve- land ~s_pen't Tover Sunday here._ ' \A"._, -I\ It 11011 . `- -'-V-V--'3 `IUD w-s---vsn nan) \_o\|I-Iv-I. "H. T. Brc;v;t-1`,and Mr.'A'. E. Patterson are 'shing_in` the ' 'north_ country. ' ' `I . `Pl ' .'IW" I If . Ii` f1; IF;.*:"'Z'eke "Fi1'-man replaces Mr`. Geo. Wilson as churchwardeu at St. `Gerse s- X L . e L e . r ' M_1".- L.uG. -Pouc 1- has entered the `servace of the C. .'R. as ya`:-dmaster gat -Saskatoon. ,,. ..-.---uvvvvq-u Mr. `nd Mrs. Lamb of East T'o- ronto a'r'e' "guests of their daughter, Mrs. 'W'. Pratt. - ' _A ` au||ua ,. "3L`u__. nut. V = , Mr.- R1isk- and Mrs. `Maud Johnston were .quietly -married` on Tuesday by '_Rey,, J. E. Starr. I 711,910 TI-II , ' "1Ee?.f'M3Li;'ei' aid r'i>"1is'1'ip Polly attended the funeral of their brother in 'ottenham` the latter part. of the wee . w..Ii'.ar\'r'e.s_tf'i`h'g:;3ksgiving servics will- be held in St." -George's Church on- Sl1l1d3Y,"Q5f_. ingt. i L, 1 ll` _ .1: - A case of infantile paralysis is re- ported in the family of Mr. J. AA..Wil- ioughby, his little daughter being 'st1-icken-. ' . A _ - Three hundred homing pigeons were liberated here 01; Saturday for Parkdale. This is the second big ight recently. ' I 1 ,',_ P nI_- `_.-5..-. --v-----J. ` ` The official special train of the G. T . R. is expected here next week }on its way back from Western Can- Mada. President Hays is with the party. 1'\ If,\l'!II_,_ - I.o\.nuov_ -. \ .v_...v-av noun. -- .5: VV Mr. and Mrs. D. Mrs. L. McMillan were_ca1led to West Toronto on Tuesday night `through the` illness of Mr. D. McMil- ` lan_, Jr. . Chas. Henson has severed his connection with the G; T. R. and leaves this week for North. Bay where ;h._e Tljwasn secured a` position with the Miss Ethleen McDonald? won the gold. cash prize given bv the Collin}:- wood Bulletin _in the -Who's Who contest. Miss McDonald` formerly resided in the steanfiboat town. ` Miss M. McLenuan, Miss` Jessie nuantz, Miss Violet Mingay -and lMrs. A. V. Brown are delegates this week at the `Sunday ' School and Clrristian Endeavors Convention of the Presbytery -of Barrie being held. in Stayner. ` - L T `II... J... aC-_L -11.`. `canal! I Ill sJLa._yu\.|. ' "On. Monday, `Sept. 5th. Mr. Frank Cook, well known in town on ac- count of his excellent abilities as a hockeyiplayer and who has been here for the past two years. being employed by the Collingwood Ship- building` C0,, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony at Allandale to Miss Bertha fWalton, of Col1in;z- wood. Rev. Mr. _Starr"oerfo'rmed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Cook are now residing in town.-Enter- prise. ' ' - - i. -3 -. A _ ___ Mrs. Stegzles of Burton Ave. was presented with a mantel clock by _the Ladies `Aid of -the a Presbyterian Church on Tuesday afternoon on her departure to take up residence in Winnipeg. The same day the W. `A . ofthe Royal Victoria 'H'osoital made her the recipient of a writing case- Mrs. Steggles will `be greatly missed in church and charitable work. She and herdaughter, Mrs. Douglas Tew, will spend a few weeksin Toronto` before removing to the TWest. l , A week ago. the telephone system` of dispatching went into operation on this division between Parkdale and Nipissing Junction and between A1- Llandale and Burlington'Junction. The ,system is working very satisfactorily, .....u :. .. _....-'M+ fime `and "labor saver. lACSTHE BAY Now~ Dispatching by Phone. 5 Wonuug vc;,_y aau.~.......,... I ` ' . 77 -great t1,r._r1e and labor 66jc5`5"- `This as the only circuit installed and in_~operation so far on the G. T. R. ----3-uvvow unllu HIV \lo I-o l\o You can saythat the Brdtherhbod `of Lotmotive- Engineers .will havf nn ft-nnkln cultln LI... .f*..-...I l`4.A aaywnsqvbnvv ' J.'4ll5ulCCI5 . Wlll. nave B6? trouble with he "Grand Trunk t_Rail'way. This statement was made ;by one of the brotherhood, who has been in rMontrea'l for some time in conference with the ofcials regard- ing aneincrease of wages. I`I'_'l.. . . . _ _ . ._ l I ,9 -- ----- ---v V; "9539. :1 -- I _ =Have you `obtained. the 20 per ;'cent.~.increase asked for? a - Iam notbin anvpolsition to answer that queston just. now. I can assure you there will ,be no strike; There is no reason for any such move. Our brotherhood` is in splendid condition. On`the 'rst day. of the ear 1910 we had a membershig of . 392, which is"9o per, cent. of all the locomotive engineers in the United. States, Ca.n- ada and Mexico. We have contracts governing rates ,of wages, hours and conditions with 192 railroads. To this number will" `be added in a. short time the G. T. R.--Toronto Tele-i nnnnnnn snouu) ATTEND IN 1 _ LAR(iER1NUMBERS] 81-a_im_ ` ' Salpiglosis'--1, R.- J. Fletcher-; 2,` , Geo. Vlckers. q Nasturtiums-1, Mrs} R. Marshall; `2, P. Love. - ` Dianthus-I, -R. J. Fletcher; 2, Miss Campbell. .r`..1-..A..1.. .' 11 ... r-.......... .. mt..- Verben'a-r, Geo. Vickers; 2, D. C. Campbell. . ' . Phlox Drummondi--`I, R. J. Fletch- ;cr' 2, D. C. Campbell. . }':..n....4:.. n .... ..:..1 . n r } `gaJIIPUUIIt I Gallardia, `Annual--1, D. C. Camp- bell; 2, Mrs. T . Cavena. ' Dldnannn-(I on 1\:`-A1! ` v D` 1' aura: II yauupucu. `Ca endula--I, Mrs. Cavena; 2, Mrs. H. Robinson. . L ` .Candytuft-'-I, Geo. Vickers; 2, P. Love. ` ` Scabiosa-I, Miss Campbell; 2, P. Loxrre. * _,_L__,', _ nu, to-1,; , us In Ll. \.tc \rallllJUUl|. G;ilardia, Perennial--I, D. C. Campbell. nf3..I`l.....l3.. `A........I o T\ I` (`..on'.-\, }. Balsams. .12 spikcs.--I, P. Love; 2,; ,.Mrs; T. Cavena. _Snap Dragon--I; A. S. St. John; 2, Geo. Vickers. -Shlvia--I, J. H. Bennett; 2, Geo. Vike'rs. . ' --.II___I,!- _ 1'\ IV .f'_._--l_--II- `bell; 2, Mrs. T; Cavena`. KJEIJ. V lEl\\al Du Helianthus`, Atinua1-I, D.C. `Camp-V T_]'..12-..A.L. .. T) .... ..2.. - 1') `D2,! uulu, 5, v1.|an haavwuu, Helianthus, `1'=erennia1--.;, R." Bid- `w_el1: 2; Mrs. H". Robinson. T x fV_1_-!A t`-,I--_-._.L - 1 ! `I -__-- 4 V IDBCI 3- Rudbeckia---I. D. C, `Campbell; `, Geo. Vickers. A -r*r-1:-,,u__.._`. A.L._.-_1 _ -nrv r~--._._ Wyn. 6. aura. 11.. l.\uuIuauu. .-Celosia, Cockscornb-I, P. Love; 2, Mrs. T.` Cavena. . .("`AIn.:.. ("96-a-:nlq- D`o~1A 1' \ `h F` Au: 3. J. .- yavcua. Celosia, O`strich~ Plume--I.\ D. C. Campbll; 2, Mrs. T. Cavena. V

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