Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Sep 1910, p. 1

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ESL .,1nnxugs;.- . .1: Cook ._. _% '<$1'I%.`VI.'.'%IT.#'I..;% rig moods lg'_ - 47 snouux ATTEND IN [ `LARGER NUMBERS Barrie 3 Flower Show Merits Better _. Interest From Citizens -4 ` I . . I y" Floral beauty was in great evi- dence at the fourth annual exhibition of the Barrie Horticultural Society held in the Town Hall on Tuesday afternoon and evening. Mr- R.. H." Guthrie, who has judged here several years,_ gave it as his opinion that the show of pansies and asters exeelled that of the Toronto Exhibition, while he thought that the gladioli and [sweet peas grown in" Barrie were the best he had. yet seen anywhere. > 1 1 __Though some sections did not ll jvell, the quality all round was Tsu- pperior to anything Barrie has had in lformer years. One thing that.pleas- ed the directors was the fact that the prizes were pretty evenly distri- buted, no onelseeniing to have much of a monopoly. Upwards of $200 was given in prizes, and the `entry list.- reached the two hundred mark. This was outside of the lawn _and boule- vard competition. C An .1 I v-nag vv---..----v..- The attendan_Ce was be_tter than l_a$t *year, the evenmg especnally drawm_g - 13..-`A n..n....-1 'Q4 :H duhcr *FnAHnnr 1: yCll, uu: \.v\'..luug \.ay\..\.Aau_y u1avvau5 at ne crowd. Still, the` feeling is manifest that the public do not take the interest In the exhibition that its importance deserves. The new .me_m.-` bers of the Society are evidently not iyet alive to the opportunities afford- iediby the Show, the novice classeci {being poorly lled. _.'J. _. -,, LL-i - There was only one entry for the` Challenge Cup, that of Mr. vDonald Campbell. This shortage is explain- ed by the bad season for dahlias. the exhibitors generally not being able to comply with.the conditions. Messrs. ` `l.' H. Bennettaand W. Crossland-had la n-ice exhibit of roses which -was [much admired. . l ` no-yawn sauna-.. V-v\~v E Excellent music was provided at the evening session, Miss Sylvia, Mc- Morran presiding at the piano. Fol- lowing are the, prize winners: ! 1 Specials. W, * . . Collection of Sweet Peas-I, Phil.` Love; 2, Geo. Vickers; 3, Mrs. T. Cavena. T V _ ` Gl3dlOll'.'~I, J; H`. Bennett; 2, Geo. Vickers; 3, D. . Campbell. , _ ` -n 1.19-; `II In sters-C-1, P. Love; 2, Miss M. `T. Campbell; 3, J. H; Bennett.` -Plants in Pots--I, biz. Bidwell; .2, D. C. Campbell; 3, Ge_o. Vickers. _ ' 'Dah1ias---I, Mrs. H. Robinson; 2, 1 Walter Patterson; 3, D. C. Campbell. '_"l5a's'l. bf Cut FlQwers-I-, Mfg. W. Robinson; 2. Miss M. E. Campbell; 3, Geo. Vickers. . n 11 ' I 'I'\I'I ...u.--.~..,v--, .1, -. cu vs.--- ----- - Collection of Perennial Phlox`-1,] Mrs. Cavena; 2, Geo. _Vickers. ` Hydrangea--I. Geo. Vickers; 2, R.` -J. Fletcher; 3, Miss Olga Brownlee. Collection Annuals-I, Mrs. W. H. Myers. . - `ll `Inn -l\ I0 "P`a-n;'res--I, Mrs. W. Robinson; 2, D. C. Campbell; 3, P. Love. Y1 , `K `I T` I` ,, Hand Boquet-I, Miss M. E. Camp- bell; 2, Mrs. W. Robinson; 3, P. Love; ` Scabiosa--I, Miss M. E. Campbell;` `'2. P. Love; 3, Mrs."-H. Robinson. ' , __- ].| !__ -O -' C "" "I `J """' 5*` """"""" Boquet of , Native F1owers-Miss Mabel Wattie. ' ' -. 1 u. .- \, -' ---..r. _. V... -___. . For the best pansies I ever saw, donated by "J. R. Cotter--W'm. Rp- binson. -' / V A--. 1-.-_._-'..- . . . "1\/fi;1.iat'1tf<=:"I:`iow`er Garden-I, D. C. Campbell ; 2, Mrs. T. Cavena. ll!` .I If IJIllLIllu V Cut Flow'ets. `- Calliopsis Annual-I, Mrs.` H. binson; 2, Mrs. T. Cavena. ' O , , OR SALE ~G0_od Apple Cider, 20c per. al- lon.atGossl1ngs Barrel Factory. Sop it Street. - 37-37 Mignonette-1, Geo. Vickers; 2, `Mrs. T. Cavena. . Hydrangea, Panniculata _Shrub-I, % R. J, F1etche'r;.2, Geo. Vickers. V 3' `Gladioli, 12 spikes, I variety-I, J. LH. Bnnett; 2, Geo. Vickers. , -' --v. ---~-_- "' ."'.'.""." . ' '. . l Glaxoh, I2 spnkes, I2 vanet1es_-1, D. C; Campbell; 2, J. .H`. Bennett. `IV , "5 I 5 i m:';;t;1'-s-, .1-1`ur.hi`t:-:--.:,'i\/I--i'ss M.E. Camp- ibvell; 2, J. H. Bennett. 7,- ,,I_ _ 'IA 2__ `IT? I`_..._ "A;t'er;,' ilioirivnsoxi; 2, Miss M. E. Campbell. A `f`\ r: ` `u:`.:I;g;t; x-s-:.p1.1;"pl`<-2,-1.1: `Miss Camp- ibell; 2, J. H_. Bennett. _ {::-_ 1: -rs IIVJJ, -r .1; man nan---.-v-v. Asters, cr.imson--1, Miss M. E. Campbell; 2, S. St. John. - ` `I'I-...._;_L.1 """`_'l""""'! 7 f" *' "" I "'7" Asters, ma._uve-1, J. H`. Bennett; } 2, Miss Campbell. v 7 u _ 1' rt 15... Asters, two-shaded-I, J. H. Ben-` \uett; 2, -W. Patterson. . ` _ \t:.'_ r<-.._-L-n_ - ``V``' 5) V7: Luusunuvalg Asters, rose-1, Mis Campbell; 2,` W. Patterson. ' .. ; _'Asters, 3 varieties--I, Mrs. 11.5- ibI_!}_S0n`: 2. Mrs. T. Cavena. ,-L,__ __ `_AL 1 ,Y.5..\'TEI)-Yo11ng ccixl to he! with house work, :`nmll,fmnily. no ch dren. Apply IIThe Advan(-(3 Om:-4*. 371) ` yllluvna , - ovvnu - __-_. "Sweet Peas, 6 varieties, 24 each-' R1, Geo. Vickers; 2, Mrs. T. Cavena.` % Bennett. Roses-I, W. Ci-ossland; 2, J. H. - -0 -1 A` $ (I. ;T1`$1:1'iZs, decorative-I; _A. 5. St. ]ohn. . V L` " " III`: 0 'l'|_,__`,-_-!_'I _ I"-- ":..`.4-no 2, M Phlox Perenniail--I, Geo. Vickers; 2. Mrs. Cavena. ~\._ _ -Petunias, single-1, D. C. Camp- bell; 2, Mrs. Jas. Corbett; Petunias, double--Mrs. Ias. Cor- rs. T. -Cavena. Q "\ >" -_-AKA". A` `tag Uctt, 5. ; . vuvv--nu Stocks--i,'AD.. C. Campbell; 2. Mrs. _Wm._ _ Robinson. % - ` _ `:7 'l'\,LL-_.;-... 4 "l'\ I` VVIII. &\UUAuwvuo 1 Zinnias---I, W. Patterson; 2, D. C. Campbell. , ` Marigolds--I, P. Love; 9; Q. C. Ca`t'npbel1`.V " . Pan _si_es,-724 blooms--I; .Mrs. -{~RbbinsZ91I'l-2; i-.P:- gi " % C Paige-I-Fe. Wbrlnynificent Showing. ` ~ Ro- ` r3iz'v3'Xiab'1ii"f6iri"l YR\'ISHEI) l200.\IS TO oi` m'thout board. A pply to Geo.-Jones. Bar- rh.H.xml m- nr R1 \TwHnnn11` sat. 37-9 | :OQOOQOOOOOOOOOO_OOOOOOOOO: 3600009000600oooo9ooooo3I `Old papers "for sale t Advance _oFce.,, ' T q `l - A special meeting of the W.C.T.U.l {will beheld on Friday, Sept. 16th, at [ three o'clock. . _. The duckshooting season opens" to-day. Mr. Harold Dyrnent was a heany winner with his kennel at the To- }ronto Show last week. `A The aufumri. assizes open here on` eMonday, Sept. 26th. oH.on. Mr. Jus- itnce Britton will` preside. ` Prize lists of Ban-ie s Big Fair can` be _see`;1 at any post oice vqithin ai radxus of 25 miles from Barne. i A special meeting of the W. A. of` the Royal Victoria Hospital will be! held on Saturday,'Sept. I7, at 4 p.rn.i `in the Court Chamber}, 1' \\'1UlUl|l UUlU'H- . \ppl) lU LI neHote|. or at 61 .\IcI)ona1d st. --Brvson s 10; ct.`Ange1 Cakes are` delicious. Just try them once. You'll`-I order again, From your grocer, our: salesmen or Dhone to No. 26. 1 ; -Spices for pick1ing-pure, whole`! :and ground, in bulk and packages.` Garlic, peppers and all essential con- , diments for pickling, at Bothwell s.|_ The Advance begs to acknowledge receipt of cornolimentary ticket from directors of Newmarket Fair ,the i dates of which are Sept. 20, 21 and 22. I -4Engagement rings and marriagei 1 `licenses usually go together. E. H. LWiI1iams, Jeweller, Dunlop St., has. both for sale, also wedding rings. . ' i See` hxm. .The local otillal of motor boats` was added to on Monday by the llau-nching of two gasoline yacht<, owned by Messrs. Carter and Vick- lers, respectively. . 1 Ofcers of Kerr Lodge to the num-I ;ber of half a dozen paid a fraternal` `visit to Minerva Lodge, A.F. & A.M., I Stroud, on Tuesday night and VVelf`i .p1-easantly entertained. ` L According to the Messenger, Col-' tlingwood will. the coming season, have the strongest intermediate hockey team that ever represented} the old gold and blue. I -Vinegar-Eng1ish malt, Tarragon and-the celebrated Canadian Vinegars }manufactured by Wilson, Lytle &; Co.. noted for their strength, purity} land avor, at Bothwe1l s. i School teachers kindly advise Sec- retary" Fletcher of the number of school children's tickets` that will he reauired for their schools and the- `tickets will be forwarded. `` --The W. A. of-the Royal Victonal Hospital will serve a hot dinner on Tuesday `and Wednesday at Barrie eFal1 Fair. Dinner. 25c. Tea, `co. `cream and cake served during after | noon. g -The talk ofthe town is about the great rush at the. Carey Shoe Co. last Saturday. People are always treated there with courtesy. Ware- room and store opposite I. J.` ~-Brown's. ' l Barrie people will no doubt go out! in large numbers, as usual. to` Orol Fair next Tuesday, Sept. zoth. Music and other attractions, with, speed tests in the ring, are promised, `in addition to a big marathon. The free `attractions engaged for B'arrie s Big` Fair this year are the best and most. amusing that havel ever] been on fair grounds in the County. Be sure and see them. `Don t forget the dates:' Sept. 26, 27 [and 28. 1 --The people of Barrie are rejoic-1 ing, that the Carey Shoe Co. o-f To- `ronto were allowed to open business in Barrie, as it means a saving to `them of twenty per cent. on high grade shoes. Wareroom and store opposite J. J- Brown s. While in Cookstown one day last week,` Mr. D`. C. Howard, the well- known local insurance assent. was se- verely kicked by a horse. Besides being: seriously cut in the face, he had several of `his `ribs fractured. He is orqzressing favorably in the R. V. Hospital. narvcat ILUIIIC av: vxucc u \.\.ul' n.ection with St. Peter s Church, Churchill, will be conducted on `Sug- day. Sept. 25. The Lord Bishop of Tpronto will administer the rite of conrmation at the afternoon service. On the evening: of the 26th in the Orange Hali there will "be a meat supper, followed by an entertainment. I ` /D I . There was/a meeting here on Mon- day of the special committee name} `by the County Council to deal with the question of reforestration. Those in attendance were the Warden, and Councillors G. Campbell. Moore, W'attie, Martin, Devitt, Bell, Tud- hooe and Clark. The committee were collecting data` from various sources to be embodied in a report for pres- `entation to the.Co'unty `Council at its October session. ~ ` The Great Northern Exhibition at Collingwood on Sept. 28, 39, 30 and Oct. 1 has an attractive announce- ment. There will be two big days- `Sept. '29 and aOct. 1, Citizens and *lFa`rmers Days. The famous Galt Kittie zfnd is sure `to draw immen sely. _` Highland. dances, Japanese trapeze work. aerial aleaps by `the .ma-rve`_lous\_ Malvern troupe and re ~'?v'r,_c5rlta`;bj3r*` Prof. Hand are _.-some of $P..`iaif ~- ;ats;:_s ;`i <:`en,,rai_1; t in?- I Harvest Home services in con- .!_,. `:1, (`L -L___,- f`L--._..L {-31.00 PER ANNUM IN AbVANCE amour c_ou-nu -mu: emu M Ot'Sl<; T0 I:lIt\"I` on Mary st., 10 rooms,` all nmdern :on`.'cnience8. Apply at Jae. \'air'sotc-e. 437 I zboodoooooooooooooooooooQ: Vsocm PARAGRAPHS V \ O :OCO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Laid __' i1 has been visiting in [Tord:_1;to. - ' A - MiJ's`s Nel'lieGrant.has returned to Montreal after visitmg her parents. i _Dr.oR. D. Orok of Cookstown spent Monday in Town. Mr. Thos. Wilson. was up from Toronto for over Sunday. \ -Mfs. Chas. Kelcey has returned` from a. week s stay in Toronto. I .(Dr.) -Witt_en left on Monday 0:1 a three months visit to Elizabeth, R T ` Au-ADD \aI\DvvA\,n\. 1\.|L Uu u1Ull' day to atten the Bishop Strachan i School. \III 6 NJ. `Mrs. R. J. Long and children of Portage la Prairie are visiting Mrs. Wm, Hun-ter. ` T. Sidsworth of Vancouver, B'.C., is the guest of her daughter, `:Mrs. B. D. O Neil. Mr. L. F. Addison has removed his family to Town the West. and gthev are residing on Collier St. Miss Hazel Crew returned _to [Philadelphia on Mong1ay,_ havmg ilhad several weeks vacatnon 111 Town. OP. s.aL1~i[71:n(if Cni';b1e dwelling house R nd_1preInisL-s hcim: partnof lot 52 on the .pn_n:.,_ -__.2_ _---._...a .._.I [N Mr. T. O Meara was among those `from_ Town who attended the Eu- cl1a`r1stic Congress pageant in Mont- . real. Mrs. J. Alf. Russell of Swift Cur- rent. Sask.. is visiting her sister, .\Ir<. LA. Wilkinson, Iohn St.. for a few % weeks. Mr. and Mrs. `S. Dyment have re- ;turned from the West. The latter `partof the week Mr. D-yment spent in Kingston, _ __ .. ._ . . o . y-I Dts. F. S. Roundthwaite of Cooks- town and I. J. Harper of Alliston have been appointed associate Cor- loners for the County of.`Simcoc. ---_~_ _-_ ,___ _ , Miss Victoria Raineygraduate of Co1lingwood G." & M. Hospital, re- iturned to her home on Eccles St. on Monday after an enjoyable trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls. Mir. Frank7i;Harris of Toronto :m.1 [Miss Edith Barrand, second (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barrand. Toronto. fomferly of Town, were quietly mar- |ried='_ on Saturday, Sept. 3rd. The engag_ 1ent is announced of 1\Iis,V"Ii;;7au`taZ7`arie Lcnnox. daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. W. J. Lennox, Iv'y, to. Mr. Wesley Martin. The mar riage will take place on VVe(lncsday, ` Sept. 2!. Yesterday at the residence of Mrs. Robmson, Clapperton St.. her daugh- i ter, Miss Ina.,. was united in marriage `to Mr. Wesley Dobson of Hamilton. son -'of Mr. and Mrs. T. Dobson of William St. (Ward Six). Rev. Dr. `Mcheod Pi:rform.ed the ceremony. Miss Ida_'Creswicke left 0?: Mon- _LL...._! LL- `l')2_I--__ Dr. tWel1s summer camp at Bear Point was broken on Saturday. the remaining members of the party re- turning to their respective homes. Those who encamped there at various `times during the season were: Dr. and Mrs. _VVel1s, Dr. Roger Wells, Mr. Gordon Wells, -Mr. Frank Roa- ers. Mr. Ken. Lount. Miss Noble (Collingwoodl, Miss L. Morton, Miss F. Wismer, Miss Payne, Miss Dou- gall. Mrs. Geo. Monkman, Mr. ml :Mrs.,Lashley, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. lSparling, the last four of Toronto. `Uh 3.1141`; lllill \iUl11$UlC QWUHIIIK I-IUUUU l and remixes ht-ingxpart of South si 6 of (`ollier Street, Barrie, owned and lately occupied by Mr. VVm. Peirson. This Droperty is most centrally located and the dwelling housothcrcon has ever modern im- Pl`0Ye!nent and -tmvmtionce. or terms and 1`rtlcularsappl_\' to Wm. Peirson 26 Sm_a.ll St. me, or Stewm-1 & Stewart. Solucitore, llarrle. 29! ` L DOIWJNS---On Sept. 4, 1910, at Col- umbia Hospital, Calgary, to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Downs, a son. MARRIED. ARDAGH--CORBOULD-On Wed- nesday-, Sept. 7th, 1910, at St. Barn- abas Church, New Westminster, " B.C., by Rev. C. W. iHoughton, Monica Vera, youngest daughter of Gordon E. Corbould, Esq., to Harold Vernon (Rex) Ardagh. of the Bank of Montreal, High River, Alta., youngest son of Judge and Mrs. Ardagh, Barrie. BAuRRAND--In Toronto. on Sept. 3rd, I910, by Rev. Mr. Taylor, pas- tor of `Cooke s Church, Edith, sec- _ ond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barrand, to Frank Harris, all of Toronto. BUCH:ANAN--oPEACOCK-At the residence of the bride s mother, Mary -St., Barrie, on Sept. 7th, by Rev. 1. G. Bowles, B.A., B.D., `Samuel George Buchanan -to Sarah Elizabeth Peacock. M GIBBON--HEW'SON-0n Wed- " nesday. September 7. 1910, at To- ronto, by Rev.-W. L. Armstrong. Beatrice, fourth daughter of Judze Hewson, Gore Bay, to David D. McGibbon, second son of Charles McG-ibbon. of ' Penetanguishene. SPOTTON--INSOLE--On Thurs- ` day, Sept._ 8th, 1910, at St. Thomas Church,` Hamilton, by the Rev. C. J. James. rector of the Church of ' the v Redeemer, Toronto, Ethel Eleanor` Brett, second daughter of X Mr. and Mrs. James Insole of '1-;I,amilto_n,' .;to- Arthur Knowlson,' second son-iof Mr. and Mrs. H. B. '. Spotton, Markham street, Toronto, E l l | l l formerly :of,. Barrie. . - . 5 . t,`i,lmo`opE`4 At` mg 'l'i;....r....;- .'-.. --,f`-I`l.".- " _... Q__` The sil`vcr:`sto1en_ from the Nova Scotia .nung_jj1t"Coba1t has been 1-: covered, and-<;:ha.1f_ a dozgn men are uhd9t ;:"rr}_ts;~3 ' _ . VV'..l`.'aJ.V1`..l.'-"-*I1'kJ\J.l .|.`.l.\ -' [IL uu. Parsonage, Collier St., on Sept. 7th' Rev. I. G. Bow1es. B.A., 'B.'D., `Lornef--Sweeney to Eie Lxl- lian H'oope_r. BORN. CEDA-`I-2 WANTED {iighest price in cash paid for good cedar. Ihlngle bolts. delivered xn Barrie or at any GMT. . siding within one hundred miles of Barrie. J. HI CLA}{l',Sh' I M tacturer Mme` Ont. \ 1138 8 Hull 9 mung! IU LOAN VlVehavea large amount of money toloa_n . .m(`>)Wesl current ruLes.o1ther1n small or in large ; ants. on the sec-ur1t.v of good farm mort- . MCCARTHY. BOYS 8. . MURCHISON: 0D Street Bm-1-in -VII QDIIJG UK` IU UH. VALpAB1.w. mum PROPERTY. beinz the : ':__}l\o_gth Half of Lot No. Thirteen. in the Vnu'uAlSlnl`l FARM the , horth Thirteen. hzhth concession of the Township of Innlal. _ 0l!!aixunE One Hundred Acres. more or loss, . " D0rty nown as the "Me-Kinley-Farm." ` `W|d- od cla loam. well watered. 800d . ufostorey brick our-39. and bank barn 95x46 E: .-?P9on. Possession given March lat. 1911 with meteor Fall ploughing. etc..Vin the mean- For Further terms and particulars apply to--- ` T308. coRBE'r'r, Mhnm D n ..._ A- . M8 `U0 W ) `Take notice _t;1'a.t the Collft Of 7 OF ' Assizc and Nisi Prius. 0101' "1 n v s::;*::a.';c`%.?.':.%``??.%% a% . mu held at tthey C I : homlzotgze %;!t.1G(l1`ay of September next. at the 0' . m V 1* . su...,... ofceo Baie, ourt House. Barrie. 03' |_a\v-.u-d--Pu1'i.<, F1-um-c, 1900. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VA.\'TED.~-Gc11cm1 Servant. at once. Ap- ply to Mrs. (Iowan. 67 Mary st., Barriqgl. 3, ._ , 0" CANADA. Established 1865. _. & Undivided Profits, $5,544,7m, W Total Assets, over $4_4.00o,ooo, r lane) is P 0Wcr MISS ORD Piano 1`ea.oher% Pupil of _Dusseldort Conservator!" `"~ VAN'I'El)~~G0u gm-neml Pervant, at once. Apply to Mrs. Wallwin, 38 Mary `St.. min. 31.38 J. FRANK JACKSON. sra. mcuAl1'l`H Y. 11101) Street Barrie. URI ANb"'i"6'P X:r;1`in M .* M R A KET Hojren Po o'cl\l|nnII l')..-.___-- __ - v I I\ E I n U = M 01; O'Connell, Proprietozf. ` ' . M` , . V %'.,r5;3e:'2E&.e. Wmgidpez `Ind W wtusE'r'1`. Chotham P. 0., or to (VVIVi1|IIu '. 1 3011 M111 ggteat help 111 ace un - power. \W3r not Start 1:Il1aet1ng this A now! in FOR SALE OR TO LET. 'l1Anvn.-._-__ ____ trinity Church `Rania eturnished T hrouchout. v any time. MONEY `F6 LOAN an Inn:-.. ......_.\..._ -1 ____. C;,..,5e1 and others. But he -rnoney you SaVe`-nOt'V ffhat slips through your compounded at highest es. Money may be with-I ,hotofgraph%ic\ `~\u- . drawll at Made bY` . .., ua LU S'l`EWAR'I` 8:. STEWART. Barristegs. . ruin, I. saw. 15,? 1916. Wzsw nl: 8633' A'I' `FIJI! - Iiri-Q PUILIIHII . Tmou-: No. 394': 1T IUILIIHIR. - , Q, 5. D I.` 37-9 wnama naumman WITHBARRIE Royal Commission Ciass "` Beautiful arrie Among -Tie Prettiest " Towns Yet Visiteul. ; |~MI\ey I comefrom Nova `Seot`ia,_-down by the sea,/Mr. Armstrong went on, ``_`and I canahardly imagine that. this magnicent bay. of yours isn t salt water. Bax-rie_ s natural As'it_uation is, indeed, charming. ' That theilmembers of "the. Royal C`ommissibn were ' delighted with what` they sawof Beautiful B_arrie was made manifest in -`an interview kindly accorded to` The `Advance throughithe favor of Mr._ Walter L.` Breckell, Acting Secretary. Wihat st'r`uck us_ most, said Hon. J. N. Armstron-g,."`was the condent optimism of the people. There is an ambitiO11=.h'Al'e and a hopefulness for ,the"fu_tufe;this was ,characteristic of all` the places in` Town. that we visited. ` ` T Speaking of the ifzictories, Mr. A-rrn~ sitrong said that `while Barrie did not have many industries what she did have were good.` The tgmnery sur-\ _rou'ndings are V119`; like. `the ordinary i tanuery, he observed. They are so iclean and tidy and beautifully loeat-1 OI A ed. At the Barrie Carriage Co. s works, the Canada Producer foundry and the Ball planing mill the com- mis`sio~ners had seen abundant evi- dence.o~f system and business thrift.` Your excel`le1 1t Era_nsporta_tion facil-. `ities arid the ne farming c0untr:y'by' iwhich you are surrounded, `continu- {ed Mr. Armstrong, .``should make Barrie specially favored. syth, B.A., who is Hon. Mr.` Arm- strong s confxfere, explained the gen: eral object of the. commission. Our aim is"to aid, not to criticize, `exist- ing conditions, he declared, and ex- pressegW..}_1,e ?,_.hope that the Royal ; Con__ is'si. evolve something llalon the line of technical-_`and in- (ll1St'1_'ial education that would adapt: itself to the situation .as it is in- Can-~ ada to-day. ' ' ' To The Advance, Mr. David For` I Mr. Ho1ford'Ardagh of Toronto :5` visiting i;`1_Town. . ,V ' All roads are supposed to `lead to Barrie at the time of the annual fall fair; The citizens -could helpmake the Town look brighter` by making a liberal display of ags andJbunting. Percy-t.tB.arry of Midland was" ac- quitted tin Judge _W isrner s court on Friday `of the charge of arso`n pre-_ ferred against him. The case lasted `most of the day, many witnesses be- iing examined. - BARRIE BRANCH .9], D. MORTON. Manager, _$ Death came .~ swiftly to Joseph lO Bri.en of Hawkestone on_ Friday fmornxng last. While teaming for ` Mr. Foster, the Waggon tongue drop- ped, the `horses taking fright and running away. O'Brien got mixed up with the wheels and horses feet, being instantly killed. He was a young man of `very steady `habits. On Tuesday, 13th inst.,- Mr. John` Symon- passed awlavy at the residence _ r. of his son-in-law, rence, Hillside, where for some years he had made his home. Mr. Symon. was a widower andyhad ent- ered upon his 69th ..year._ The fre- maiiis were shipped yesterday via G. T. R; to ..,London,` Ont., where in- tcrinent will `take place on Friday. There was a short house service con- ducted `by the pastor of Christ Church. `Routine matters largely, were dis- posed of at the regular meeting of the Board of Education on Monday evening. The plans for the proposed alterations `at `the Collegiate Institute were `received -from` the architects, ~Benjaniii1 Law- ' Stewar`t.8z Witton of H'ami1'ton,`to-` gether with a, sketch of the elevations. These were laid on the talaie to `be dealtiwith at a special meeting which will be called for that purpose at an" early date. All -the town schools were granted the usual holiday on the second day of thefair. The oicials of -Barrie s Big Fa-Tr are gletermined to make their fall fair `an interesting exhibition in` every` particular. They desire the support df "the people. 1 The management trusts that every class and ring may be lled with. exhibits, and that `products will `prevail. `And it is `earn- estly hoped that .the_best of every thing produced, may be `placed on ex- hibition at; the fair this. year. The sport of ;-,coriip,etitio`n` in various exv` frieiidly riv'a.lry to show the best hibits of:.., 'j"_8t9k "aI1(_l`i.f,8~I' _ln ; pro--* ducts stiriifulates local pride, and is an _ ~iiripo.rtai1't` 1 factor ;iri~ the `di:stri,,ct's progress. 7 . r N T %coLLIER%dTR$ET "E.:f'dj`*% _ L --A..-nnnurf The pastor 8.`= --_ LL. 4!. mill .3`; I5; 333$ Vath h gs."': nnn ' ".'f'" 3 subjct. next` a:vti`l l*`.:5b?}*i.E_`C 319i`11. For =2 H0. and" x %%..:gn ..K-.- her `".1`% ,1 .:.....~ ~ ~ .a:=:~.-.~.n- :'i&.a`iic-I : `silt-` Tm: m'r:n:s'rs or T -Something worth while BjAATR`RIE. COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, s1j:W1fT. I5. 19:0 3990909960960909099000935; g ` Illflinlnvititi n__ .1_ vvvvVvVVVVVVVVV vvvvvvvv musmcs $22: _. . D W"-" .""' O 3009090999goooooooooooqooo Local option is in' the air. Why, even the W'.C.T.U. fountain at Five Points has `gone dry; \ " % vThe_ Lau.rie1_- ciicixs having retu:*n=| i'e'd 'from the West, the animals wi1'l go` to the`House of -Commons men- hgerie for thewwinter. __ V | } The reason that 3 girl prefers `to be under the moon to being under the sun not always due to a desire lto save her complexion. O'rillia s tax rate. of;3ITmi11s looks lik a mountain peak. compared with Ban-ie s modest 21'. .And it s getting] to be a ha_bi_t up there. too. , ` What a sleepy lot those cpunlty town "people var ! saysthe Packet. VW e1I, that s better than -in;Ori1lia where_, they never wake tip. _ A ----" " *"`/""'- . (`onden_sed Aqvomscrncnts qnder_ tins head 259.; Sumes, 50c ; payable smctly m advance." V The fellow who persists in trying to pick a winner at the Woodbine {meeting may be gld to pick a._bone before the dr.eary winter comes. . 1 .Because a few outside articlesof` clothing were laundered at the Orillia Asylum, the Globe is kicking up a lfuss. If, the Globe could manage _to send some of its party s dirty linen_ there for the same purpose it would be pe_rformingfa real service, .-Alas! the poor dog must struggle idn with his muzzle `and grih (if he lean) and bear it. And if he wants to go td Muskoka or Parry Sound with the hunt boys he ll have to walk (or `run) { to get- there. . It s tough luck, `but a little dogged persever- ance will win in the end. I Just at the time when` some British! journals are gloating over what they call The Great Free Trade Move- ment- in Canada, Sir George W. "Ross comes, along gmd spoils the pic- ture by telling the Grit *`\ssociation of Ontario that free trade is an ab-,4 solute impossib-i_lity_ and by defend-I ing the present protective tariff. It s really too bad. V {HAMILTO PLAYS L sou cmcm Ambious V City's` Team Defeat T Locals - Cookstown Went J Down Before Barrie. % Barrie was visited by the Hamilton. ` cricket team on, Friday, and an in- teresting match was pulled off in ;'Queen s Park, the day being ideal. l Capt. Cook ofithe locals_did not have on his full playing strength, several of. his men.-disappointing him at the last moment. The Hamilton eleven included such cracks as A. Gib- :son and Jack Counsell. cricketers` of international repute, while their pro- fessional, Mantelow, added not a lit- tle strength. In view ofthe visitors record and personnel, Barrie did re- markably`well `in -disposing of them for the small total of 39 in the first innings--a feat perhaps that had not been: performed in -years against so good .a club as Hamilton.- In__ the second innings the visitors batted with greater freedom, Gibson, Coun- sell. Mantelowjand '_Boddy (an old Simcoe boy) all scoring well. The Hamilton bowling l;vy"a`s - rather `diffi- cult, for * the" "h6`n1est'ers, who, how- _ever, man.age`d`7to `compile eight more-l ru-ns~ *'th,an::did. Hamilton in their -first Bro_vgn._.b,dwled vex. .c.e.'e mzly vvi-'1l'iif r.,.l,3.I;t,rr.:..e,.x1_1` the 09.?- ing innings. `~_`lI;lf,sttija`g:f?vva sa`tl,I_ ; `enly 4 local. batsman `to. obtain_-d`c\'uble= g- urea; 1 The`score_: J ` . : . Barrie (First Innings). Harrison; b Counsel}, `b Gibson Cook, `b Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Murchison I_),_R., ..b Back Payne, b Gibson. Hooker, c Martin, b: Gibson; . . -Baiting M.,`run out ;. . . . . . . . .. 'Raikes,_ not out .. . . . . . , Creswicke, c Boddy, b Gibson Voq__cno5~ O o a n oooooc`on_noo a: - HARRIS; THE COUNTY-OF SIMCOE AND THEIDOMINION OF CANADI.OUR CRITERION. . _ J ': `_ Hamilton (-First .In_`nin g's).V *Counse;lI., c Wastvua.-ge, 1: Cook .. Gibso,q,,b-Br6wn-..;-........;.... i`se_ t3rqi;gh~ -..lbw,.,,..b_ Cook . ._ . -. . . . . A _______W_ T A.\'TED--A general servant. Apgliy to` Mrs. W. A Boss. -37 I

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