es and {on ock j of . Prices a1og uQ Business College; pgnlua. - om: <---iI-j smaniin cu. lips-_..-_ .UAILE I-norurrv In 11:: '-rows or minus BORN. e , --`At -The Woods, Shanty the 15th inst.. to Mr. `and Verne: Wilsomv a daughter. D_IED. \l -._.1nn 4 Send for handsome Catalogue. V `THAI `INTEREST! OF `BARRIE,fcoUTY%i)F SIMCOE. ONTARIO. AUG.i 1A8, 910 guoyoognoojgionoooo M5|NG5%%5e one. za AA.`AA----- V Ptobably _Doc Crippen cpuld verify .thg statement that Life is just one dA---{thing after another. . T qtiestxons; :'_ -Catharines `is being ooded with I Ibofgus `Canadian coihs, It is so hard `to. get `money of any kind nowadays that when it does show its color one is tempted to say nothing and ask no Horseshoes usually bring good ;luck. Not so -the one on the `C.P.R. `at Ca1edon,. judging from the testi- many; of those who get their 'regulajr' bumfs there. I t I `Strange hov the .Toi-onto police ithink they are doing their duty by rounding up: the foreign gamblers and letting the home brews go 'scot free. ` p n This hot weather creates excessive thirst and gives one a feeling of op- `pressiveness. As Manley Chew would `say to his].Christian.e Island `Indians, _YQurs in- lager. . I `I I That Wyebridge hobo who swung on his victim" with a loadedvstocking ` evidently believed in -the maxim sock I {it to im.-e ` _._ .._ i `We have legions of men who can `tell us how fortunes are to be made, b.ut mighty few to say how fortunes! may Be lost. & 4. .5 I The health oicer of Aurora, 111.,` has ordered that everybody there: must take a bath, public or private, at least once a week (whether he needs it or ngt, I _suppose). The ques-' ,tion arises, whatare the tramps go- `ing to do about it ? i Q ; Twoinmate have escaped from {Hamilton Asylum, `But then, you` know, Hamilton never was consider- ed a desirable place. to live in. F Isn t it 0dd how the touring'Gr1t ipoliticians` in the West take cred1t to `themselves 101' the good crops and! `charge Providence "up with the bad {ones 1" - CARRIE. TH: counrrv or. smco: AND THE nommou or camp: out: cnrrzmon. RURAL DEANERY w. s1McoE.} s ` A meetign of~ the Chapter of the [Rural Deanery of Wbst Simcoe was held at Elmvale on M'onday and Tuesday, 15th and 16th inst. :.. \l7_--113.-. -KUVDUGJ, Jail: IQIl\L av`..- ------ Evensong was sung in Wycliffe Church at 8 p.m. on Monday, the ser- vice being taken by Canon Murphy and the Rev. E. Biggs. The Rev. R. Macnamara, Rector of Co11ingwood,. preached the sermon. ' IN "l`__-_.I-.-- Unluw r`nrnnqu1o1;nI1 ` PI M.-W 551% now- ---v-. I On Tuesday Holy Communion was celebrated. at 8 a.m., and at 10 % o clock the Chaptermet for business, }Rural Dean- H. M. Little presiding. I -4- '~----_ _--.I 1.. `LA! nuuu ucau 11: am. `an... ,.. ...... nu, _ Interesting papers were read in th ' 9afternoon by Rev. A. C. Miles on 1 The Attitude of the Clergy Towards [Moral Reform. and by the Rev. A. l Durnford on The Incarnation. -~-_-L2.... 4....--` , IJUIIIIUIQ Uu A--v --.....---.._--,,_ In view of the approaching depart-i ure of Rural Dean Little from Pene-| tanguishene to Montreai. the Chapter elected a successor subject to con- rmation by. the Lord Bishop of To- _ 1 '1. Three rinks of Bradford bowleixsl met and defeated Barrie .here on [Wednesday afternoon` of A last week ['11 an exciting game. -The scores : i vs .5 1 Barrie- Mr. Forbes `R. A. Stephens W. R. King ' 1'D. A- McNiven, ' en: 6, u_- '3-. v-~----~--. . Skip 21 Skip 16 F, _%Lower Wiebb ' H; I Myers Porter D. Powell -Neiilly` D. M. Stewart, V Wright; 9 , Skip 24 Skip 17 ?Geo._ Vickers - . ; Campbell M. J. Frawly ` Bro`u'gh_to~n. * % A. Brownlee McW`i11i_a'n1s Geo`. Hogg, _ 'Coomb's,` _ Skip 9 -Skip ;...,.V25 ungu _ nu: At the advanced age of 75 years, Mrs; Thos; .Jennett of Ivy passed away on`Tuesday, Aug. 9th. .Deceas- ed was `born in Ireland, but had been la |'Sid'ent_"c'>f .Ivy since -1858. `She wasaa ne type of woman, and en- "deag-ed herself-to-the fwhole commun- ity by, her mnnv-amiable qualities. The: husba;151._._t'-we {sons and .six vda'uighters' sur,vive_. 4The family are: Mrs. W`. J. Lem`1Qx;;Messrs. R. and J:..e,,T.-:-;I_enne_f._t~.a nd?.iMfs. T. H. Bant- . ing, of Ivy: Mrs. via: V J-.'A. Mi1:ler. Um. ` eMu-a.:?~:>~C..`;mcQu11'Qugh. Oxbow,-` ' e ;`jgr1g Ken/11;e_d_y,VV BARRIE BOWLERS BEATEN. \u_utu' j x__1st:.j. - Interment, vv?':_iVs 3madek Ch. rchr %}C}_1eer: an Th " 2:;;.i. . Total '.. . .9. o__B,rrUARY._' - Porter -Nei`lly ` Chi.-. Bradford- Wylic A `Coombs A Scanlon _Total .. . . tad: ., T Christ Th 3 way, 1 mh 1wAsnm1c1aMARRIEDl Dr.H. E. Sheppard of Toronto Won't A Admit Bigamy, But That : T What He : Charged With.` iFlRST WIFE BARRJF- LADY! Who Lays the P_1'esentComplaint-1 4 A- `A-1 - The T61-onto W,or1.d-o'f the 16th `inst. has the following which may interest local readers :' Dr. Herbert Edward` Sheppard. 04 ?years of age, who has practised, at 18 -Gloucester-street fbra number of years, was arrested yesterday after-. noon by `Inspector Kennedy, of the` "morality department, upon a charge: of bigamy. The_ doctor admits three` marriages, but says that the first was dissolved, and that he had not heard from his second wife for more than seven years, when he contracted the 1ast union`in 1908. He was admitted to bail in the sum of $1000. V The police have record of two mar- lriages`. The first was contracted bv P Dr. Sheppard with Mabel. Louisa San- ders, spinster of Barrie, at that place, and it was upon her complaint by letter from Duck Lake, Sask., where she is no-w living with several of their `six children, that the arrest was ` made. She declares that her life with . the doctor was far from a happy one, and that they were forced to '1-move from place to place `by the. pressure of debt. Some of the places in which she says they lived are Oak- ville. Burlington, Hamilton. Carlisle, Marysville, Mich., and Wilkesport. Then she says that in July, 1884, he left her with her six children-,' one of whom was. at that time. less than `three months old. \ , __l__;2LL...I uucc Juuuuxa uuu. _The second marriage was admittedl by the doctor. He savs that he had obtained a divorce from the first wife i and ten years ago married again, but ' says that he does not remember thei |ady s name. They parted and. not having heard of her for over seven years, he again married. This was .September It, 1908, and the third wife is living with him now. In se- curing this license he described him. self as a widower. He gave his name as Herbert A. Sheppard. The ladvs . name was Lucv. A. Moore of Godex--i ` ich, and she was then 42 years of asze, the doctor being just 20 years herl | senior. ` - " B1 ~ - _ _ _..J .!.'...1....... neseaant Gui On $1,000.`Bail3 5CIHUlc The first Mrs. Sheppard declaresl that the doctor was prosecuted eight years ago for malpractice in connec-, tion with the. treatment of a patient with cancer of the breast. A` plaster was applied and the man died :n l `great agony. . l ,'r\A DI. .... `.1 I.-- uupA11_`tnnu!`r| :11 fh great a..guu_y. `Dr. Sheppard is" well-known in thei city. ,H'e has been ill for some time and. got. out of a. sick bed to visit the A police. not knowing just what it was that Inspector Kennedy wanted to {discuss with him. He`has retained | _N. G. H'e.vd as `his counsei. 4___n.-' ' Where any contracts have been overlooked, I will take your Duchess Apples, in small or large `lots; at 90c %per barrel delivered in Barrie at the- Gossling Apple Barrel Factory, cor-E -....._ `Al...-.1.. Aunnnn and Snnhia Street: Gosslmg Apple Darrel r`d.\;svI_y, eu. V ner Maple..Avenue and Sophia St reet, {commencing to bring them in be-1 -tween the 25th and 31st day of Au- gust. You will be supplied there with new apple barrels. Contract will be made there for Fall and Win - ter Apples also. Any large lots, ar- lrangementos will be made to do our ` own teaming. " ` ~ 1 TI---I...Z`lIn nnn11f\v : OWII tcauuug. The Duchess and Brockville Beauty '` Apples contracted for. commence to pull them on the 25th to the 31st Au- 1gust. ~Clap s Favorite Pears. Alexan- der. St. Lawrence and other early Fall Apples, commence to pull first and second week in September. _-$2.00 per barrelwill be paid for all good Crab Apples in -good condition deliv- ered at the factory in any quautitv. i ;It is very important that the early apples and early pears be delivered as soon- as tl'ley. are pulled-when we do the teaming. Advise us that they are ready by post card or telephone` to No. 361 or by message. Keep the `fruit from the. sun when pulled. Yours truly,_ . y _ JAMES VAIR, _ 5-6, 58 and 60, Dunlop St., yBa'rie.: 108 `Princess Street, Winnipeg. The combined `bands of Barrie and| Orillia. will give a ccmcert at Couchi-' ching Beach_`Park, on the occasion of the excursioru to Orillia next W!ed- {-nesday. afternoon, August 24th. ..The ` trip, is under the auspices of the Bar- rie Cifizens Band, who have engaged a special train leaving Allapdale 1.15 and Barrie at 1.20 p.`rr"1,/ `Returning-,i `will `leave Cou_ch_ichin,g Park. at 10' 2 LL_-'. ....--...-u' LL; gong .-pnnne+c Wlll 1CaV \auuL.uu.nuu5 a.u.... |.Q& -- p.m., thus giving the excursionists .eigh-t hours in O:-ilLia.;`Hot _water,. etc., -w.il1_be provided at the park for` ;th.os_e who take their lunch" baskets. P'I'he fare is 65c for adults, and "3Sc' for children, .2o_od~d 'c>n..."excur sio11*$x7a_in 731$ holida 5 .091! * extvwcdnes ho Come n,....,.....-._ _ -, . ._ . _ &UgdividedPror55r5ym F`l'RtA,,t;, over . mnouev cams , nient and -at. `the, a C0P`_ fI..LAIu cn`D 19fhd APPLES WANTED. A MONSTER ABAND. socw. rmmcmus 7 ' jjj nu -1-:---_.__ __.__ 9 ` i ooonuoqooooooooooooooooc `Nelson Brown _1eft last week L` for Detroit. 1 `Howard Porritt spent Sunday in .Bra.dford.- ' ` ' M-r. Albert -I-Iferrcs is holidaymg `near Berlin. ' ` I Mr/.'Thos. Wilson was up from To- lronto for Sunday. " Miss Florence `Lang is in Toronto for a week s hollday. ` _ Miss Ryan of Stayner is the Lof the M1sse Stritch. V I Miss Mary MacMi1lan spent a few days in Ayr last week. `Miss Mabl Powell of Guelph '25`; AI, _ _ , _ I I _A_ -; 11:..- r~1..-.a...)u 1112155 1'1-utl Luwvxx u; \.n.u..y.. .. the guest of Miss Claxto i _` M_is_s_F1ore1_1ce Gar of Toronto! is v1s1tmg Muss Carne -Greenwood. 1 i Mr. -Wilson. Walker spent a few `days at Inglewood during the week. 1 T Sugknnne BRANCH w, D. MORTON. Manager. --V, - ._ " Mr.`::1'nd `I;/Irs. G. A. Radenhurst are! holidaying at Old Orchard Beach, I I I `Miss `L. Caldwell is home from, Philadelphia fox three weeks vaca-: ` 4.2.... an...- tion. Mrs. Samuel Rapet of C1eveland,i Ohio, is the guest of Mrs. Meafordl Webb. v V 1 Dr. J.-A. C. Grant of 'Grav`enhurst* --An 1-A Tnnvm `(sf `J `PW 'Grav`enhurst`-'1 was in, Town for a few hours on` Wednesday. , A I Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pae are leav- ing on Tuesday for a trip through the ' Canadian West. . i Rev. J. W. Stewart and wife of; `Toronto are visiting _,at Mr. James Cross , Owe:/1 St. --'- .-rs-Ix `r-v__ , Messrs. J. Frawley and B. Dev-I. lin will start next week on. a tour to! `the Pacic Coast. ' V . I -- . I , A _. BII\r & V1159 vvvwwvv I Miss Edith Otton of Hamilton is` the" guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. D-ou-` 1 gal] for a few days. 1114 1- f [-1 `KY.-- Mr. and Mrs. w"-m. Irwi of w-es-_ ton have been: visiting the formefs`; brother. on Clapperton St. ` 00!] OM Miss Moses of Toronto has retuxjn-i; ed . home `after -a- pleasant_ visit w1th' ` Miss Iessxe Smith. "Belvoir." ----~r- . -, , . Mayor keecroft is presiding over: the Police Court in the absence of` his Worship P.M. Radenhurst. t I Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rodgers and`; Master Rodgers `are home from? I`-IA`oney. Harbor aftc; ve weeks holi-i l 1 ! I al-l.\lll\vJ' can--Iv. _--.`_ 7 < day. a . 5 Mrs. C. W". Brown and Master Ray` ` have returned to Detroit after a thrPe weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cha.s.{ Brown, Penetang St. . Mr. P. Lake, of the rm of Day & [_Lake, printers, Haileybury, formerly, of The Barrie Examiner staff, was a; caller at The Advance ofce on Mon-{ `--- 1 \ Lauv. 1 day. \IJl _ - The marriage took piace on Aug. 10th at `Gladstone, Man., of Eliza-`, beth Sinclair, daughter of Mrs. J. .V.| VSmith, of that place, and Wi1liam| iMcGregor Galbraith, formerly of; K 'I`.._.... LVI-\y\JI \r t Town. Mr. George Vair, youngest brother of ex-Mayor~ Vair, died in Sudbu_ry hospital on. Monday evening as the result of an accident on the C. P. R. The first intelligence received here` was that the deceased, who was a. brakeman, had hadihis left leg man-' gled and that amputation above the ankle had been found necessary. A later despatch told of his death in the ; ihospital. At the time of going to fpgfss no further details were avail-' la 6. " " ' ` `lI _-I_....L.._ C; CHIC. I l The family reside on Mulcaster St.. and _the remains will be brought here i for mterment, the funeral taking place `this afternoon to Union Cemetery. i 7---- -1 ....... uua altvnllvvuu 51.: v....... v----,_ ,, , xDe`ceas.d. who was 38 years of age, leaves a widow and three children. St. James` `Sunday School, Orillia, l will run_its excursion to Collingwood, postponed because of the strike. per Grand Trunk Railway, on Tuesday next, the 23rd. The excursion tram passes Barrie at 10 a.m., and many people here will doubtless` be glad to take advantage of the opportunity to visit the Georgian Bay town. The fare is`8o cents, children 40 cents For further particulars see posters.) TAN'l`El)--Yo_ung_ girl tor ugnn nousewuu: and to 885181 1n the care of children. Apply at The Advance Otce. .31-Lt - vg --._--___ % `Dr. _John_ A. Amyot of Toronto,` 1 Bacter1o'log1st, has completed hisoan-I "a1ysis"of the Town- s drinking water. "'----- -A---`n- -non-A :11-'9-|:E`1,Dt1 lySIS OI U16 LUWH: ullllniug vvatwn. Three samples were furnish-ed him by Inspector Penton. taken from taps iat the.. M. C. A., the C. I. and thel iimarket, respectively. The report {comes back: None of the speci- 'mens show infection. This is only another of the many evidences that Barrie s water supply is beyond xe- proach. % The honor junior matriculation ex- ;amination results in connection with the University of Toronto have been announced. The standing obtained in each subject is indicated after a "can- didate s name, I.'indicating rst-class honors..II. second-class honors, and :III. third-class honors. Those who won honors from the County of Sim- , coe are : W. `C. Kester, mathematics III.7, Latin,III.; E. Kiteley; English 11.: J. "C. Thompson. history III.: N. 1ir:..-!_I-.. -r'*.._........ 11' ; |~Il._3 J. U. '1`l'l0mD50- I iW_mck1er, German II. 'Roosere1t was (1efeat-` 1"diI'I the; naOmin_ation for the temoo_r- `ary,:jCha1:maqs.h1p,_ of the New York KILLED ON THE 31.00.!-tn Aiiuou in ADVANCE `INCL! COPIII TNIII CINTO :99booqooooopooooooooooooz 3o9oooooooooooooooooooo: f--i3ryson s Cakes, Pics and Pastry will please you. Try them. V Dyment S,taE;le is weli repre- sented in the O.J.C. stake entries xor .the autumn meet. Purity Flour, the cream of "Mani-` `toba Wheat, on sale at Bothwelrs. Rpv. w.. R. .MicAIntosh of Elora oc- cupxgd the pulpit of St. Andrew's [Church gm Supday last. I A Mr. Phil Love took his family on e,the Islay to Strawberry Island 1ues- :day, and had a tme catch or black bass. See tum smiling! W The Advance acknowledges receipt {from Mr. 1:}. J. Rogerson or Lmcago t`-`pf copy_ of Daily '1rxh.une.conta1nmg Hznterestgng gccount or hmgnts lem- llplar Tnemual Conclave. for preserving. Re{ipath s Pure can; sugars only sold at 150th- mall . -Rev. Canon Murphy of St. George 5 (Allandale) wxll preach at Lruuw. %(.hurch on Sunday evenmg. Collingwood has decided to lay a. block or 3000 yards or pavemcnt `known as- tar-lithxc at, $1.55 per yard. The Westrurnite tender was $2 per 1 yard. ~ --;\/lost of the leading stores will close at 12 o .clock sharp every. Wed- ucsuay uurmg July am: August. 1 -Open for the season. Little Lake %:'mmn1er Resort. boats xor mrc. |`1.zxnch_provided at all hours, also innit c1rmks_. Ice cream, etc. rurmsm ;`e:1 rooms to let. M155 Lawrence. It. --Only a few more trips per Str. lslay to Strawberry Island and,On1- lia this season. !So, take your fam- ilies`, lunch baskets and shing poles iand_enjoy. the water while you may, {on some Tuesday or Friday trip. _--Carey Shoe Co. s last sale in Bar- rie was the biggest shoe sale ever held in Barrie before. They intend to have a repetition of the same this time. Their store is one door west `of Queen's Hotel. a I K i I I *7 V , ' ; Z .' `.l).a\' r `-1 for light.housework_ M:x?dFI0 asgsaltmirgmtlne at l`ho Advnvmn. Otue. ` ` " ' --Engagement rings and marnage llCC,I`-IQCS usually go together. E. H. uwiliims, Jeweller, Dunlop St., has lbot -for sale, also wedding; rings. l See, him. F`.re_d Galbraith of the su. Islay took a lon chance on a jump for Allaind'l'e`doT'k on the return trip of the Band Moonlight Friday night, % but landed several inches short in the ldrink. 'He says he could make it [in two jumps easy., but his footing was` not good. John Wilson got two, months at `hard labor in Judge -Wismer s Court ;on Friday for his assault_ of John K Enright of Wyebridge. Wilson is the .man who attacked gis victim by gswinging on `him with a long stock- iing containing a_stone. The evi- ; dence was`: conclusive. NEWS ABOUT TBWN ` The Iiquor prosecution against Jag. Goodwin of the Clarkson House, charging him with selling liquor on `Sunday, the 7th, failed. There was no evidence whatever pointing to any violation of the law by the defend- ant. `W. A. Boys for the prosecu- tion, Haughton Lennox, K.C., for the defence. ECUCCU JUKII1 I.\dIlC U1 Lay, 1 Iauvnwl in one of the railway construction camps, to 2 years imprisonment with 10 lashes for an unmentionable crime committed upon a boy. of eleven years. The evidence was most re- volting and left no doubt as to the . prisoner s guilt. On Saturday Judge Wismer sent- pnced John Kane of Tay. a laborer _- ....A :5` `Ln ann:1cvn1I t\r\O1ef!'IIt\f;f\I`\ Little 1\Ifabe'l Keenan, the 4-year- old daughter of Mr. J. G. Keenan, ,had.l1er foot very severely cut _on `Tuesday afternoon. by colliding with I- -...... -5 ...1..._-e TBA an:-irlpnf nc- Lucbuay iutcluuuu u_y bvnllunnng `H... a pane of glass. The accident oc- curred a.t a third storey window. and ;the wonder is that the child did not lfall through to the ground. Several stitches were necessary to close the i wound. 8.30-Holy Communion. l1.00-+Matins and Sermon. _:3.oQ-8nndsy_ School. _` and semen. : SHOES REPAII3_E_`._Q A.W. WHITBTS Trinity Church SUNDAY. bus. 21, 1910. Elizabeth St. .. OPP. DREAMLAND N E AT LY QUICKLY 'E. R. J. BIGGS.` euf, A1` IRLS WA\"l`ED-For Shoe Factory. Nico clean work. Good wages. Getty & Scott. Limited. Gall. Om, " 3l-33p '; mm % ! 7A\"I'El)--Good general servant. Applg gton Mrs. G A. Griffith, cor. Wellin .___._A.._ non Y').._..:.\ WA`.\"l`ElJ--Gooa general BCXTIIIW. App: Wellington a Clapperton Ms. Barrie. 83-33 ,4` ________________________ }]`L'H}~'1SHI ROOMS to mcN'r-wnh or withoutb0nrd,5minutes walk from Dun-i lop Street. A pply to Geo. Jones. Barrie Hotel. 83-34 'aord n viii I t __ COI'lVClet `me absolutely safe same t!_ of sendmg_sma}l1 sums of go any pomt m Canada,- Yukon, or_to the princip: of the Umted States. sold at every Branch Bank at the fc rates I It and - - . - . . . . 1` the North East corner 0! lot In 17! me out (`on oflnnisl, on Penetang Road. near the Viage ofstroud. Apply to S. W. Maneer. Stroud Om. 33-36p . IOST-Sunday morning. near Catholic J Church. a Silver Chatelaine nurse. Purse and eunu-ms valued as gifts. inder kindly leave at this oice. _ 334439 MESS: sand und 55 to $10 ,e_r ""-- 3 Sxoto $30 ' . - . . . . $3oto $50 __:::: - . . . , me- . . . . .. `Sc. We issue Draft `. ` S for I arse:-~ kolnta, Im'En4`roi.T.1Eimes Ems . pot 9 Con. 26. Essa. 9 head of came, 5 yearhngu. 1 two- year-olds. on July mnh. Color of cattle. red. marked ith ' r M ear. An person ndimr nymn uTi`I'l`gh4sos':`nit`hll' rnnrllrly. ADDIY l`l'UlUU| U I) ll! '7\7C|Iu \JUIIII Ill CIIlI'I\lp DVIIDV marlted with ring on right A33 lindmg same will be suitably reward . IAPDI! Wsmllh B1-nu. Umnia. 33-33 ARM FOR SALE --10!) acres, beautifully alt- uated j ust. out of the corporation of Barrie. Main... I-; . u Iv-.____ . ...-lI -.1-unllu n|nI1 uuull, same "Ill 00 SUI komilh Bros. Utopia. _-j;:j `mm mm bALl`. --10:: ueauumuy aw- _ uutedjusmut We lot 4. con. 1 Ves ra: sou mostly :13 ham. Brick house. one guru. 58:00 ft.. asm lefbarn 30:5 ! and implement house xm. wm buojd on reasonable terms. Address J. D- 31rme. Barrie. . 38439 I on s.u.xr... um umbne dwelling house ':!rre'3*.8e.-..*>ei32:r Wt 0` '0` 5" 0" '3 QAIIO A in-_,.l- -_._AA --u Fun 33.1.14, --'|':;at vliltnle uweluug uuuau ` and remisen being 5'2 th0 Eouth si e of (iollior Street. Bu-rte. owned and `W5 occupied by Mr. Wm. Peirsqn. V This PP0Pe_rty is most centraliy located and the Uwellmg house thereon has eve modern im- PY0\'_emem and convenience. .301` terms and 1_cu1an-1 apply to Wm. Pei:-Ion 26 Small St. rm. or Stewart 8: Stewart. Sogcgom.` -arrle. L ,_._?:_.-j- r un anun. I vhn ofthe west 30! lot 18111 the 1st con. of en ' ' r . T133: isC$ :I`t{`:'e"'}"'5a la brick-cw` h.8e. large barn cn9- t. atone I . 8004 ``b' glcnalgi silo. well-fenced and watered. 30`! I Also s'o th ' 2 a con..w M 'I'd seal`; tlno:`])nft11x`(g3lls8g:!p?r?Itt:.)1Y 0!` 0h"" hsuit purchaser ~ Apply te Alex. Gout. Mid- hum. or to A. 8. Conan. Barrie. ` 3945 ~"----. t less 5 ens 31605 `I: ` I/te shi}.`1'` 1 1 El): 1-. DH` Ba r1e.Jl me. Ont. I Awu111~ MONEY TC LUIN We have a large amount of money W108 `:tlowea! current mLes.eitherin small nr In large `l1's.ouIlu- securitv of ood farm mort- $.86.!. Mc(`,A H'l`lI\' nhvsg MHRCHISON. um ]`r[" --uuunts. on the 0| 200d an ages. union Street Barrie. ' . " SON. Mcc.um1\'. B0\S& MUPfb*u , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. .\"l'F.I)-F eneral --hous`ework. [Rmu._.k\.u R, .I.{;tcv. Box 872. Gait H_ cemm wnrran cod . '. ' . II am:-`;'::L.r;**a..a:\.:::`s ::?*%:`::.e3:.. ..... - T' - Sidimz within one hundred miles 01 u - , . Bfrgg 0.IIu_1I. (LARK. smngte Manutuqtnrtgr. A11) WA.\"I`l<:I)-r'or genera; '-nousewurlc. Apply Mus. E. J. Getty. Box 372. 31-33p J. FRANK JACKSON. . 29) 22 AN!) BT01 AT THU 3 R K EI. .H{%9.T E '- B l\I4-\__-, ` w11E\"l`Luw:1.I.x\a WEST AND STOP AT THE `A A ._ - - - - -.uu\jI II%.Ij-1 P. O'Connell. ProprxetI_Jt`- . Crry M v 3 o 0 ~ {$3 Pglncegg kSEt1;'eel wpg "B! (-1858 Accommodation. Remodelled and Rnfun-ninhnrl 'l`h-nnnahnnf 4 Ch . PHONESO2 ` _ romc and Nervous diseases ancoesptully : V .treated without drugs. - ` "Something worth while Brtraits F nuirze :2 anti convelet iluu "cu. llI\t' ne method` mg small money . om: in except or to principal citics `t (1 They are .UnAl.yEr\7 RrRnCh Unlte DIHJCD. Luv q-5;}. _of the tBank following Pm-i.~`, France, 1900. .\.was nccommoauuon. nemou and Refuruished 'l`hroughou'.' j;1____._._j::-jl cmmnzs DEJARD|N- Emma DEJARQIIN J os'r1:_9_gA*rHv MONEY TO LdAN __.A. -1 __....u wotographic F31:-cue Made by~ FOR SALE. .un_L oszol-Ami turnmcc : L V ` CLAPPERTON 31'.` - KI`! pulutun. --'--at--- wt-I\ou: N6. ,a:\g`1:}..f-` Iuhl, [null _ V` we. "5 we `J. S I BIG SURI- head? Vance} lB0ARDo1= EDUCATION! Will and "Improve A `c.1. would W. R. Gives: Free Tnitinn'To V Best Entrance Candidate. . ` Tru$fs Laidmn and; Ri,chardson_ werv the on1y-- absentees at a special meeting of the Board of "Education ;held on Tuesday night.- - A 1cter.was' read-frdm Principal \ G. R.dWoeod asking additional remun- eration for taking` entrance class work. `Referred. " ' Accounts aggregating $63.32 were passed for payment. .. T T win R. King addressed~a com- municationio the Board offering-to `pay the tuition fees for one year a. the C. I. for the boy" or girl attend-h ing the public schools of Ba`:-rie who attains` the `highest standing at the `I Entrance. Examination of 1911. It was recommended that the pub-{ lxc school re-open on Sept. 1st and the Collegiate Inst. on Sept, 6th, in [accordance with the. calendar `of the `Dept. of Education. _ 1.--`-.. ._.. ....4. rnnrnmhrlld en IJIEIIO GRAH.AM--In-. Barrie, on Monday... Aug. 15th, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham. - ` F-ORSYTH}-On Tuesday, "Aug. I_6th, Margaret Belle, beloved daughtert of Mr. and Mrs. John. Forsyth, Maple Ave; aged six months I W~ILSON-- At ' vs--- .... clan I 4tl\ Y1~:An Under and by virtue of the were eontalned i'tw rtin ea,w.ih llbe - dnucedoaethe l:`0o;tfz:9. therecwlnbe oepgigl for sale bv public auction. b{nW..A. McCon- key. -at the Queen : Hotel; the Town of Burn. on Retard as . the 17th day of Septem- bev.}19l0. at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, the following properties: N ~ - - - - -. ..........L..1'n to). on the tough . Burton's Block, in the Town or Bun-le in the Countyyot slmcoe, ac- ` lan. number 169. save cording to restate ed g and exce t the we t 2 feet thereof: There `is id 1 gm erected on this} property 9. :}>`1`1e-an?1-u-he`: storey brick-clad dwe lug houeeicontal is most c-onveu tly and deal: ely situated. j Parcel Two--Lot number ten_ (I0). on the south side of the Essa Road..Buruon`e Bbckzln the Town of Barrie. in the County at Simgoe, ` eecordlngito registered glen, number we 've and exe.-gt. the. east 2-: eet',thereo_t._ There is | end to V -ereetod outbit rope:-ty a good one- nn:I.n.~1!lIf- storey brick-cud. dwellings; gouge. "` - --nnnr V. 3 so Slug seven rooms. This property en . V Lnauav Bay, on tile; I5t M1-s. E; Vemcr Endetxoe Qguotgauu in. ....-,.`____ and V 0 `do one `Ito 1-"V . and-a-halt storey brick-cgadpawelflrfg no?.'3. containing five zooms. This e property is also most conveniently situated. Each parcel of land will be oifered for sale separately end each nubjoctm a reserve bid. ` Terms of So.le`--l0 pefeent. ot_1:h'e jpuroh-we 9 at the time of sale. . ndz 'the."halano`e `within thlrtyjlays .th'eteea_ttVer.A . A .e . ` r _F0}' term! 3`1.\`N'_.1cn1urs..&pp1y_to_A ` .B f1W.AR'P, at s12IW1RT. v - eeeuo e e 13;`