Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Aug 1910, p. 4

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L HOLLY. I - Miss Gallaher of Toronto is visit ' ipg Miss Lizzie Gibson. 1'! `II 'I'\ I A, , -,II T A young `woman's bible class vvasl organized last Thursday evening at the home Of Mr. A. -Garvin. `The class will be called St. Andi-ew"s Willing Workers. [ The spring crps are ot up to} {the standard-' this year in t Aese parts. | _- _ _ L , . , Ito . "PL. .1 ... L_, _ }-- -rvuuun\AIRl\Q yuan-.1 Jvun All unqvaw ya: I-Du W The d`rz_iy business between Mid- hu_rst and Barrie is ended, the strike- :I being over. ' - U ' run-Inn `1 1" - - . ! W Ferguson is the `recip- \ienJt of a handsome baby girl. Mo- Tlther and daughtgr are doing well. TL - 66'n_.L A ,,_ wBoyce s` corners is `a busy` place] these days, - I --.-. .....\.. ..-can---ya u--- uv---5 "vu- j The` Fathers of the Township :met on Aug. 5th. The Wilson canal iwas the white elephant of the day. AL Q`_____.._'__!_ A__ `AA re . . ....- _..v ....-.v v.-r..u-nu, us ;IA\. ua_y. At `Shana'cy s re, John McCu.tch- eon` had a. narrow escape. He enter- ,'ed the house "and the roof fell irrand Tclosed th'fdOO1` upon him. The door %was broken in and John was rescued lfrom. the ames.. --. . _-vvv. -V- --vJ ----J v-. -_-.---.~ l *Miss Mary and Master` Walter lCoutts of Toronto are spending. part of `the holidays with relatives in this v1cm1ty. ` `If f\ I Miss M. Orok entertained her` .Sunday school class- last Friday af- ternoon.` The little boys all report- ed a good time. . `Do -a - The Craighurst and Midhurst foo-t.-I ball teams met again at Dals-ton for lthe nal game. The score resulted ' 1 to. 0 in favor of Craighurst. "i I"x-s._.- -'_.I:'"I'{napp of Toronto is spendmg a. couple of weeks with her sustcr, Mrs. Ed. Knapp . 11-- 117 'l-_.u_-_ _,,; _|_!1_I__,, -1i f'i\Eis';' 1xZ'i2ia1},"ix4i's's"'L. and Mr. Wm. Black visited near Shanty Bay on Sunday. ~ IRS-` `ll , (iiibgs-(van of, Toronto assisted the choir in St. Andrew s Church -last Sunday evening. - rho" -n , u 1- n n 1 Miss Mary Ford of T. visiting friends in this vil %Born to M.r. and Mrs. W er, on Sunday last, a'son. RA"..- `I"(` :- --, -.. pquanuul I3_:IL, (.5 DUI]. . , 1 Mrs, J._ Swan. of Barrie is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Richardson. . Mrs.` Allen Hm ' of Everett `and daughter are the guests of Capt. and Mrs. MI-H11. !'"*fhE fSan1x}I'B?' the Lord's Sup`- iper will be- held in St, Andrew's Church Sunday, Aug. 21st. ' `III `I7 "'1i&}T'a1{d714*r;}'ii.' gm :* Ora `Spent Sunday with th former`s ymother here.` V Miss Estella Coutts is visiting :friends at Cobalt for a- few `weeks. Miss L. Au1den of Toronto `s. spending a few wefcks with her uncle i.a_nd aunt, Mr. and Mrs A. J. Baxter. '|\.H..- `Ir 1,r-.__:-_.. :- `r... ....-.., m-.. uuu Mono. (1. J. JJGKLCT. Miss K. Morrison, formerly prin- cipzil. of the public school here, _lS renewing old acquaintances, in this `village. S.he-is- theoguest of ;Miss ' 'l'A`, .fI 451$! for._.on 1:h'e'_rou.1'1dJ .o..f\ Y gan_1es.j.' _ the` Dalston boys` defeated the has" y Craighul-s_t ;_la._ds on` the . same >e1d:in a very fast game tc'>f'the tu"nr of 2 ....;.I.- LA A. car ago Satui"da'y T1ii ht, W"1\4x:;.'7'Williams `and niece of Col-.| lingwood are guests of Mrs. Ernesti D;'u'ry. `I\ F "\ I n,,,' _ .C,_ G VVIJ but-rs aun- ; goals to 0.: .Rev..Fathe'r Nolan of o'11ingwood- celebrated Mass-here last `Sunday. } On Wednesday, July 27th, death 'c1aimed one of our highly. respected `neighbors-in the person of Mrs. -Joseph Middlebrooks. She was in.he_r 70th year. Besides her husband, are lleft three sons, Joseph of Toronto, 1William of New Lowell, and Albert at home; and two daughters, Mrs. Jno. Orr, of Toronto, and Mrs. J. Bush, of ._ Angus. v B`rryA-p;ic'k ing' is 1 th. pastime jbf the day. . A L 7 - C...-I-.. IIIIE `\`I -l ' Miss J. McCuaig_ a, Sunday visitorat At`1_gus.f .; V Hena-1:3-r.`.]-)-;.sou1'.' return-% ed home from Fort'W1l11am. - It I` -II fl` 4-';:f't'er"holidaying for a week here IVVilf1-ed_ Bourdon has returned to |fl`q:-_onbto._ . ' T - q 3 up . an in . | :jllsgs-fMi1:t;i:wCa;;;11;l;c;ll.1-;1;<;;;1ipan- led bv Miss Lizzie Scott of C`o!lmg- lvjvood, spent. Sunday among, fneqds T ere. T ` .y vvv-y `. rwun v--cu --v- V Mr. and -`Mrs. Joe Middlebrooks iand daughter of To,ronto attended `the funeral of the former s mother ;last Saturday: `Mr. 'Jno. Orr of To_-. *ronto also attended .r-` Mrs. Middle"- j brc3oks A_-funeral. Drugy of Dalston , was the` guest of _M1ss;Robson for a few` days. ` A11 ,. 'I"I"II ,0 (VA_I. 1,1 - 1\r\j Ilvlaov Quwoon cw-up v .u..----- i . } . Miss Sarah, McCart'hy bf `Toronto ispent,,Sunday' with her` parents. ' M'r. a'rid, M1-_s. Jennett M1ch., are visxting their I James Gauley. L `Il_t\_,_!_- ;Frank Comartih of Toronto. took iadvantage of Torofnto civic holiday `and spent Sunday with their re- .spective parents here. ` c 1t.,,_ 7-- `|A`JJI_L..-_1__ K Messrs. Adrw Desourdie . and-A cw-xv.-vvvgg ..--..__ _.v_ _ _- _ 3 .Mrs. 'R._ A. Dalton v;ri;h~i;1:";vo Shtldren-_.a`rc holidaying at Maple _4A1\' "' '~"1i{s '3;i{e' Eie Wallace ;r9s<.>~ "Ma?lst2x-I Leo Ben-thelohtlt of Utopia `sweat the week-end at Mrs. John 1 Desjardine s. 1 . x ._ a `to an... 3: Congratulations -to "Miss Ettie 1Hay-nes `and Clarence Henderson as ;successful pupils in the e_xams._. . ` .1!` `ll! 9- CRAIGHURSI. QBRENTWOWOD. MIDHURST. Miss Cora Wilson and Miss Mick of "Toronto are holidaying with Miss Sadie: Knapp. \K.._- .___ -5 VlV-.,-.-L_ Q- McQuaig nid _ M i ssI have jjeturned to To- "Toronto 's village. II!` I! ` ""'(3-- ,,Xvm- Young- of_ Detroit,` _ uncle, Mr. wamei friends | __-_---.-_... - V 5 v v V \l A jg 4 U Summary--Two-base hit , D. Ste- wart. Bases on balls, aming I. Stewart I. Struck out, Banting 8. Stewart 3. Left on bases, Ivy 0. Thornton 4`. Double `plays, Hindle to L. `Stewart tomFletc-her: R. Ste- Iwart to J. Speers. Wild pitches, Banting 2. First base on `errors, Ivy 5. Thornton 4. Time of game. I hr. |Umpire, C. Scott. __-v uwvuv - Ivy- A.B.R'.H -P.O.A.E. T. Banting, c . 4 o 2 7 I 0 `Davis, 2b .... .. 4 o I 49 I Boyd, Ib . . . . . . . _. 4 o o 9 o I G. Banting, rf . 4 o I o o o Elliott, cf . . . . . .. 4 I o o o o H. Banting, ss _3 I o o o '2 Coxworth. 3b -. 4 o o I `I I Jennett, lf . . . . . .. 4 o I I o o W. Banting, p . 4 , o o 2 3 on Total . . . . . . . . .. 35' 2 5 24 8 5 Thornton- A.B.R.H.P.O.A.E. L. Stewart, 2b 4 2 I 3 4 I D. Stewart, c , ,3 I I 4 3 o Nixon, If . . . . . . .. 3 o o, I o o Hindle, ss . . . . . .. 4 o o 5 2' 2 A. Stewart, cf .. 4 0 0 3 0 o E. Speers, rf 2 o I o o o J. Speers, Ib .. . 3 o o 6. o I R. Stewart, p 2 'o o 2 I 3 Fleltcher, 3b 3' I, I 3 I I Total . . . . . . 28 4 4 27 II 8 Runs by innings: R.H;E. Ivy....o2ooooooo-25 5: Thornton I o I o oo o 2 *--'4 4 8 HARNESSING j ` SEVERN RIVER ! wvvvJh-ll Mr. Albert Hill of 'Saskatchewan' is visiting at his home here. . _ i `| "Over in East Simcoea company of Midland capitalists are harness- ing one of the historic rivers of the northern section of the province. This is the Severn "River. which was named after a river of the -same ,England, the city of Bristol being ithe principal town on its banks. The ;Severn is the Mu-je--duck of the In- _dian dialect. and was visited and ex- plored by Champlain and the French missionariesunder the old regime. It sprang into fame in Canadian history when the noted furtrader and traveller, Alexander Henry. pas- sed up its" rugged way as a prisoner in 1754, with a relay of Chippewa chiefs and ambassadors on their way to Niagarato negotiate 'a treaty with Sir John Johnston. Henry was in the massacre at Fort Mackinac in .1763, and was taken prisoner. beinsz saved from slaughter by. a` friendly Indian, and was detained a prisoner for one year by Chief ~W'au-ni-wav. On entering the .bay-of Mu-je-duck. Henry's vicissitudes of a year's. im prisonment had not quite ended. A storm arising, the savages threatened to blow. him overboard to appease the evil spirit of the storm, but through the councils of Chief. Me.- neh-wah-na '.he was\privileged to {name in the southwestern part oil meet `Sir-John Johnston at Niaga.g_a\, who "liberated him. The Severn River -lnexnt played `la: prominent part in _Canada s early -historv thirty; years after, when in 1793 . Governor Simcoe and. his suite came down that way on. his visit to the Georgian Bay? to select '-a point for the_erection -of .a nav_a'l._station. On that occasion jG,overnor;__ Simeoe 4 `work. M. Hat: iii` particular; was?` `unapp'roa'cl1able and made \$O!I1`_ sensational plays. _: `Much ,c_rcdit must ;be- givenjjto Dtttcthy Ostraner ' for- .the manner `in wh i'cl1' ietnttted` the, only goal, while A. Hewitt played of his life; I. Ellsmere and E. Caston,kicked steady,_ con-_ sistent football on the outside wings. _At centre half F. Hunter, checked '-Foyston to a standstill; and as a player was second to none. S. Frankom in 'goal for Midhurst was. "at his b_es_t;-their forwards had eed to `burn, bufwere checked too c os;:-* `-- T An L`.-I...-u-Ac 1l7r\'l(Fl" hf and to burn, Dut W:rc cxtcggscu Luv Iy. Len. Edwards worked hard and was ably assisted by` `Coutts and B. Frankom. M . Beath gave entire satisfaction as referee. The line-up -was as follows": :Crai;z'hurst--Goal, .J, Nelson; backs, T. Higgins,'Burt Caston; half backs,-J. Ellsmere. F., Hunter, H`. Jennett; "centre, M. Hart; 1-. wingz. E. Caston, H. Ostrander: 1. wing, T. Ellsmere, A. 'H:ewitt. Mid- hurst--Goal, `S. Frankom-;~ backs. C. Garvin, T. Black; half backs, B. `Frankom, L. Edwards, -B. Foyston; Coutts. W . Black; 1. wmg, G. Coutts, E. Coutts; centre. F. Foyston.` The match was played [at Dalston. = . " V i a The best gameseen in years," was the opini_on of the five hundred spectators who saw the league game here on Saturday evening last. It was red-hot ball all the `way. Thorn- ton pulled off two gooddouble plays. one a dandy. H. Banting` hit one too hot for Dick `Stewart, pitcher. Awhopractically stopped the ball, It rolled slowly to Hindle~ at short, `who by lightning. work got it to `L. Stewart, catching `Elliott at second. and he by extra nuick work got it to Fletcher at 3rd in time to catch G. Banting. Davis for Ivy played a great game at second, robbing Thornton of hits "right along and stopping bad errors by his team mates. T. Banting again leads the batting. getting 2 hits out of 4` at bat. A lot of other-plays deserve mention,` and then the half would not be told. The game had to be seen to be appreciated. C. Scott of %Barrie umpired his usual good game. \The next game will be -played at Ivy on Saturday evening, Aug. 13th. The score: o - u o . , II1I1;f'|IV O THORNTON. M. am in` particular? a.-1_|- -;._.I- .......-In 1-no-nnv 'Ryc ` . . . . . . . . . . . .. Buckwheat .. -Hay, Timothy Hay, new . . . . . . .. Hay. clover . . . . . .. Straw, bundled ` Butter, per lb. Eggs, per doz. Chiekens, dressed . Turkeys . . . . . . . . .. i Dry onions (bush). ` Cabbage . (each) quite ill. - " u;`s. "z~;e;;g;"s;;;;'s`o.; "fag been! . I IIWI `TV .I `I "sojouagtied for a time, dat_ the' `mouth fof-:th'e ,river "at-`thetn6c?1>hirnhies;7" with taxi old trader named` Gowan,. who-`was subsequently drowned in`; the` wreck of the schooner. Specdy *[on Lake Ontario.-Ex. -Pricey mung maze Barrio; _and Tor- _.oiatO_ Markets During the Week. I Wheai; . . . .. Oats `Peas. ;.. ,'Barley . . . . .. Flour 4 . . . . .. Beef, hind qr. | Toronto. 1 1 wheat; fall, bush. IICW . . . . . . u run LATEST MARKETS min : Be Bghind in; Times Get a . Q . . . ensnmas RVa 1:`g_es from K i T"-l"l'1e`VV'Ep\vorth League members` enjoyed a day's outing at Jacl s' Point Tuesday of last week. ' { Cali at office wens` Block, Owen Street moneu. won-it ;ndlwor|. $710.50 to $30.00 . unsung 1 nus. It will save you time and HAM- MUBKS B`ai;rie, Augi1s:t' Ioth; I910. $1.75 $2 $2.50 33 $4 $5 $5 V T What can I do to keep cool? That's the question. Let us suggest makitng use of one of our Hammocks. which is the best way to keep cool. We have the assortment, ranging in prices. from _ the Kirkeld excursion - agy" were, 1 -l'\v/1_n:.m',lJa11;es morfv Allleloxm _w`ill% preach in `St . James vChux'chA'nexti Sunday eveumg. Holy communion will be dispensed. _ ' . | A number of our villagers were on caught in the heavy- stor f of last Wednesday. or m'Nc~-Io.` HARDWARE 4. A. HOAR August 9th, 1910. 08. ms? rAv~:`z:N'rs. 22 co: I600! 1500: .1609; 650 -10 oo' 8 754 I200 8-25` ; Lgmrrstn. 2;. I .18 .! 1 25% IO 00% IO ,9i "MES Mabel" Bush of Callander is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Bush. _ | I0 IO 75 30 I3 15 14 "v_ . ,-- -- . r?`s~ . . `' Rhubar;b',. bunch . . Lettuce .. . Gf`n* on_iog`1rs`.',c'12{z:",', *N.ew`bget-`s (doz.) `G'r"e'en p'eas- (beck) New carrots (bunch). 3_au1io_we_r .. .. ., 'B.cans ' (pick) ..... , , ;:;3*:.661 p n:'i7.}Sz6ii%`i}if Amucn. UNITED awwrus susaumnas ` 81.50 IN ADVANCE EH0 new Iinmo will be Added to the Sub- Ioapuon but until the money is paid. ..l..I.--'&IIn--'n- -`-1 I- --nnn-Q `nu ||.QA -ulnnrflu Verna Gibson returned to! Toronto last week after a month's; visit here. ' an -- 4. 4 4. \Il\I . . 1 ,. ` Ofd potatoes (bag) ;&:sx_u;-:.-V--*~,';,=.=., 1.1.. I I - v v-- -vn;`l`n L :,Qu9t a`t:ons on Tuesday y W "` Jnedium. 5 bums . . . . . . .. 5 Butcher cattle, choice 5 4 `medium . . . . .. 5 -"`V common 5 -__I31_:t'c1`z_er. cows, clioice. 4 _'1edium 4 I. 3. ~ common 3 " c bulls 4 Heavy feeders, 5 ' V bulls Stockers, choice . . . .. 3 5 . I . . . . . . . . . 3 ' Canners .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 | Milkers, choice .... .. 45 [ _ u . ,_____ , , . . A lad of two, who fell into a water tank near Mount Elgin. was resus. citatcd after hope had been almost abandoned. Mr. Joseph Rogers, Supt-rintenvt cut of Provincial Po1ice_ opened an inquest at Midland on Tuesday mm the series of "recent res there - . LUHL ana Springers .. Calves . . . . . .` .Sl}eep, ewes {Bucks arid culls `:Lambs, cwt. i-Hggs, :f.>.b. Ottawa, Aug. 9.--James King, who ,was arrested for drunkenness last night, `was found on being 5 lat the police station to have vc sticks of dynamite in his pockets ;The constable who arre. him for; ltunately handled` him gently, other. wise both captor and captive nljght have been blown to pieces. The mi. lsoner when found by the constable `was lying on Rideau street, where He had fallen, but by good luck not on the dynamite. In this morning's Police Court King was ned $2 and costs. Albert Ruchon, who uncoupled a locomotive from a G.T.R. pznsenqer train at .Montr-cal during: the strike, was` sent to jail for six months. IOOIZOOTO OTC om-o OjOOCO' -OO-OO001IOO1103 IOO`100-O`O C11; CjO0$`3 A DANGEROUS PRISONER. .1-_j-- _-_, _. I "Efhe Misses Ferguson. of Toronfou are_ guests of their cousin, Mxss Edith Page. `IS- `I_I_,I"I'I,_ I _I IV II,,,I_ 0.. 1`H q1t's13fAY, e'd' 2; ndvv;.1e.r.e'L'l com. andume "5 - - - - - . . .. 3ooo. - - - - . . .. 350. HARDWARE IO O30 OTC 3jOO-O -OO-OO-OO- I DjO 3jOOCO !OO-OO-OI 3-0 O-OOCgg: .$ 6 25. 75- Miss Mary Stokes ` ha 'retufned'1 from Toronto. .~ ,...;.' _-.. - _ - A -.-. 565. 25. 85. 25. so. 25. 3 so. 4 50. 25, :3. 16. .$ 6 85. Messrs. Wm. and, Robert Addison; are home from the West. I I `Miss '\7iolet Greenside `has re-'; turned frqm Ivy. `III..- 'Y?__-!I,,_ I'\,,_I.-,..I' _E (V L _ . A __I 2-` fEz1'ly`6rchard; o_f Stroud visaiting Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Orch- a'r . %.H - . .._| Steps .Lcms appnil about H a cons sirabl_ crnm ney Conn Hon said {nan dpal that hhn the r 1902. for year but ~shi0 Hter inah nil canl natu but tera1 legis .spre and was com t`? Eipf dus ed Iv wrvvvlvva y v-cu-w --- ---w rwvw v-- Dr. Br<;wnw' and-'1\;I':". Chas. Per}; were camping at Wasaga Beach a few days. - L ` A - \l",,_ `I !-- ,,,- I FIV,,,,.-l W`, "W" ANGU_S. . Misses, Mary. and Eliza McKinnon spent over Sunday at their home. Mr, Geo. McMulkin of'the S00 is spending a vacation with his parents. I'\.. 11,, ,,,,, _,__I II- (*1.-- `l1-_-.__ ?wIwawrthernavauvvl lxj - HA.-also ngu- ` -Note--Correspondents in speaking of the movement: of yiitore will please state the places ilk-om_ which they come. - . ' V 2 A -`CRUDE. I Pacq 4I__ column Nowupapor. _ .Pnlil.\Ihod from the M160. 123 Dunlap Street.` ' ~ Barrio. in the County of slmooo. the Pro- ` . :v1noovo!.0ntrlc.'r0|.na.d&.onry . Thuradgy Momlnw. by. < fifrfdupson CREW, punnzsnmn Mrs. I5attenden, Sr., is very i`l1._" We hope to hear of her early con-_ valesceucg. ' ' -_- . Mrs. T.-`Campbell and` Miss Margaret-`Peacock'spent Sun-! day with Mrs. C. Peacock of Stroud; .,! __1-__ __, _I TFLL -1! -I;I"i'les of Thornton_ is visiting` at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, McCullough. T T - { 1-\.c ao..n"'c c `of Mrs. Henry Ke1_-foot. -.-vv-.. vy- Mrs. J. 7!. Petch am; little daugh-9 ter of Caledon East are the 7'gusts I u `lI'_~`_ 1"; 0`. 1 ' 6`. V Mi;-`s-' Lega'1't::V -a1`11'c.`lI;zI'-iss. Pritchard`, `Mrs. Legate at the Parsonage, ~ of Toronto are visiting the Rev. `Mr; and Mrs. Melbourne Orchard ' of Buald left on V'Satu:-.d'ay fof Mea,-H ford after `spending a; fortnigkIt_ `in! ;M1nesing. ' '. III- ,_ 1 I .- `-:-'7` -.-I . ab. 5 '. ~' glad to repo;i` tha Downey, who has been .-very. ..1-eoovering.` Mrs.. David I `_-_howeye1`,.> is still s.eriou>sly m. '-' ,M_r:". Bert `Sud % V A * I I IOICV IOIIUIO VICE IIQVIIVJ IV ytbtv Gllblobeli now in arrears to: chase months [nd over will be ohlrzod 81 50 per clung. T u.u_ ..\uuu;uu I,rII;|(1._. * ` - ME Geo. Maher- bf"'Ba'Vj>t;i`7;v`aS L Thursday, August II, .1910. _'1`Igzxs op 8.6350311-now . Misses Annie `S1-igley and Ethel Eden of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks holiday at -the form- er s'ho`me. --. --. CROWN HILL. . ANTEN MILLS. MINESING. _-__S_'_IfROUD.: repori `V that`. Mrs. I ..very. 111,: is. . ' Russ_e_ll, C nunnccnlny - AA? ""X'7}?er'` 2-:'4<`vg:i-;:'i;1.`g"`i'\ ,foovt'l1al_i' mater? ' `Xi `y'ya`.;'vpIayedf.'%2 hereljif:`oYfi%?Siiifan;"?i1ig}1_-.- Wbgetvmnw .'1`A.`%`*`*#-`i`:.e?'`..1'.3 %hus 1 . V ,. . 3* . 0 wine 3 ----.v at I v n.n_-./055v UL DJ. I-\\JVV\.ul Mr. Frank McVCracken` and Mr- ` Jas. O'Brien of Hamilton are visit-', ling `the fox-mer s parents .on- the Iitown line, ` V T ' V . 1' Mrs`. Compton Robon [be up again afterfa few ,, _ness.` . I Mrs. J. J. Marks and -little daugn-I `ter of Barrie ' spent the. week-and with the forme,r s parents, Mr. uul iMrs. J. Ferguson. ' ` -I-I.I n vuo ll Beath handled the bell to! he satisfaction of all in. tho.rccent- r, football game. A - `w n 'A`.: -u - m\'Mn. Thompson and two: boys of Ottawa and Mrs. O. M`a1ey" of Barrie visited Mrs. A. Dyer last wee . V T , E _Mrs. and [route were i Poplars. - If of bH_oll_y ! -spent a few days with Mrs. J. John-- ison last we_e!<. ` i _Mi_sse_s Mary and Ethel .Warsnbp': `of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. H}; "Chapman of Holland Landing spenu lthe week-cn`d at Mr. Jas. Warsn_op's , . . v v v--: v-V-Tvvvvv . _ f Masses _Mary and Teme Jennett of; `Utopia called` on friends here on `Saturday. ` 1'19--. Ir` 4 . A. . .... ~-1/I"'":;f Maud and Gladys Clougby ;ley _ spent Sunday with Utopia ; fnends. , Mabkl and Lottie Fvergtfz-.' son of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. . Albert -.H'ughso,n. 1\,l`!_.. I/I'-_ 71,11 ' . n -- - -a'n(`l' Geo.. Row'e nd Miss" Alma of Torontoare, spending some! time` at the h_ome of Mr. O. S. _Rowe.i \l`.f1 I [ Mr. and Mrs. Gauley -spent Sun- iday in Ivy. " . ' ' T 1 Miss Mabel Gauley. is spending `part of her vacation at Vasey. " Miss -Nellie, Havercroft is holiday- iing at her home in New Lowell. _ l ---: wv --V. ~-owooov nag ovvvv Javvvwllo ` Miss Pearl Russell of Barrie is the guest of Mrs. Thos. Gauley. ` { K II,_ 1"` 7'9 I I 1' 4., I 'IK,,_ VII- ,-v-- vn --v--o ---v-H \-aI-M-\-J- Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ford of Ves- pra spent. Monday here. ' , -V I v\ 1: u an `IE! `I . w . - - 7-, wvvu-.' ---.uv`v`vy Mrs. W. Jardine and children of Midland have returned home after spending two weeks with the form- e1_"s aunt, Mrs. Coeyv. `We are very sorry death of Mrs. Bernard, which togk place on the 7th inst. Deceased leaves to mourn herloss a husband, two daughters and three sons. .-,Th_.e family have the sympathy of the community. H to report i the ` vvvm -~- -3-so-:4 .u-w 10; Bell is spe;1:i'ing a Couple! [of weeks at Ncwrnarket. ; t"- "C';l.\'r;x.'-tmand children {of Toroto are the guests of Mr- `Wm. Tifn: ' ` A .- The_ much-neede_d `rain. caniie. 'Fzfi-, day. nxght. ' - T V IIVI 0. 1. -- -a---~-,-vnu -Ivnu hJ|lI|\-ICIJ llI\)I_lllll5o __ Mn Gregn, _teacher, is getting _. ac- quamted wxth his.sch'olars. before the ,school- opens. We wish him Success. . v.. ...=---w.v 1-Rcvav. J. Russel` M`cLean. is announc- ed` to occupy`thc*pulpit innSt.'I:hom as Church next Sunday"mormn`g. `I- f`.,--._ L- _shing.__pa.rty enjoyed" the -`pleasure `of a good*day s_ sport I" one iay. recently. All` repptjt a good care; ` ,':__ . _'_'.' -. ., l ..--.. -._..-., J. V. ov-510590 { A Mr. John eM:cGi_ll s barn was suc- 'c_essfully raised. No one was hurt *or. ven frightened. I... .--- % J. `Stewart is visiting at her! daughter's, Mrs. J. ~W. Brown s. _ .'If.,.. Y .,, P LII I vwwll III *8`. VIII? CF[Q` M1`. a'nd..'Mrs. Moofe , and iamxl ' are occupying "Forest Nook I _ Mli:l_'I_`ot.ntVVhi=:, Mitsklgka, is vis_`t- mg 15 ms er, rs. . art. . ._ Mrs. J. Arthur of Barrie is visit - mg her dyaughtez-, Mrs. A. Peterson: I Mrs. Hart, Sr., is home ag_ainVT$f-I tfr anhl1!`h1n anuno-5' uynnba 1 [m1\il;iss [Frances Meek, Quebec, si visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.` WM.-ask. . . . _I '3ze'v'.13, ia',"i>'eaZJci{3r Angus `call-I cd on friends here on Saturday. I ` ...-wv Mrs. Brickendon has returned tol Toronto after spending a few days] -with Mrs J. C. Mills. | .. `[1,. 1' I` 11 rnua. West. White has goneto the "'7i{/i ,rI` Iir1ri`s"la"Ai1}.nda1e is yiit- ing her sjster, Mrs. J. W. B1-ownf. '5 "" ".""""7 """ J " ,' ' ` Our pas-tors, Rpvs. Murray and * Jerey, intend takmg a month's holi- days. ` T T aauvvv II % . U` I n A A ....a "V., -`carat an. I-\vb\rID\llIn. Ha)`:-t, again af- ter spending severa! weeks.m De- `troit. ` a4nd .M.rs_. Iohn Robs`o:i' of Shanty Bay. vnsnted Compton Robson `on Sunday. .' A ` - 1 U I ll"- '1' IIIUIOU n -. Mrs. .1`-I`-art, Toronto, ,is visiimlzf friends here. ; l Miss Frances_Rands of Toronto` us home for a holiday. . Mr. -Puchen -and family are aeav. ing for England soon. Mrs. .-Cameron of Ba'rrle spent l Monday in our village. nu--_-, . .__~ ~..' :. .-.` -.----v--J o Q A V Una vnnoslavg I . ;. Pleased to see` Miss Bert bell in our village agaimf 1r. --._4`.1t.._ 1:--.-;_ c v.- ~y--.w-J- Miss Lavina W`illiams of A Brace- [bridge is visiting her sister, Mrs; H. `Bertram. A ' V --y--- ---v --i v % "iJ1}.`. 'ri1s'oB. -'Rerti'oI'd " `of/"I 3'5&ie,_ Manizr, `]r.v,s*la` week. V was the I est .of~ his/uncle, Mr: Sarm I `Y Mr. {Ed WM2;.' iFHra'n`k "1')y.4 {if mm- vale visited over Sunday with friends` he??? __ __-. _ ` -_`_.,- '17-,f vow: . V-- nlilev.` Robert S.imVpsoi1'1 of Nev'mT1ar-.` 'k_et spent a` few" days fast week withj lhxs mothr, Mrs. Ja.s.-;'Sim.pso`n.` ' `I'D c V - .v-uvvv-- curvy ,vv ww-u, j A`W"S-;v;_"al `from here took if: -th reeno 1 gatta at Barrie on M`ond'ay.`, The. ex; iovcellent program was much epjoyed, '|I_, II!-'1 nu n ` EIIJII r sr-% ` Mr. and Mrs. Frank; Robertson of Knbck and Mn`. and Mrs;"~Will Cow- anfof _ Big~Ba'y Point,w`_ere the guests` jot Mr. `and Mrs; Geo. Constable on Suniiay. ' Misses Mgry and Naqm'i"TPja1mer have .returned` home -.after -`v'i"siti'mz rlatives in H'am_ilton and -Brantford. `I7 . v-an . v vu gnu Q-sun-III We arie` sorry.` Gladys. Osborne. . Vfever. .W'e hope " -. .a ('0 ` The -threshing. machine can be` heard again in this locality. .. D. `M y Coutts thres_hed`1.3' acres of T wheat: ;for Frank Perkins, which turned` 35*" kbushels to` the lac:-e. -- T ' 2 . ` - -_ ---- run v-- ' --- V _,...q 7'!R ev.' P. M. '..1 eJa:<;cl< <';f"?.A.t1g'i_1s spent "Va few: days witlrhis mdth"er,` s. C. R. Peacock, last week,` L- - I 9 I scoop VlI_ Von` VJ `nan j V("`:JiBlack'"l;:s[`:;urned home t9 thc_city after; spending Vhis.vaca-"A tsxon with his `father, Mr. Jas. Black,`, r_ ' . 1~catcn. 5; .2 -~ . 3 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Campbell` of `Holly, accompanied by Miss Maggi }Peaco_ck of Toronto, _sp nt Sunday `at Ehe home of` Mrs. C; P<-,acock..| on 'M';:1;;'1z;a':e;,.";,;":+:i;:t;, is? spending his holidays at his home. | SI-IANTY BAY. COLWELL. Miss D Est'arev of To-_ recent-guests at "The DALSTON. .:;'a_...;;.: mat Missv .is sick with scarlet fqr a- speedy, recov-I is able "to" days sick-I _Camp- 1_ -Mr. A. Finlay has been on the sickl i `SE } V ]Mrs. Robson spent last week at! Dalston. j 4 .. .

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