Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Aug 1910, p. 1

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{es}. lock t/ze Will Send to Toronto Tm.) Year, Eein! Lust'Amonnt 1 The Executive of the . Barrie Branch of the Bible Society met m the basement. of v St. Andrew s church on Friday afternoon, Aug. 5th, at _3.I5._ There were present His Honor Judge Ardagh, President, LRevs. G. I. ,`J. Elder, W. Hipkin, `Dr. McLeod, Mr. Hubly and the Sec._- Treas. The meeting was opened in due form. ' `Secretary `Little gave a statement of the amounts collected by the col-T llectors who wexfe as" follows : I. Ward, Misses = Urquhart and` Drury; II. Ward, Mrs. John Carley; III. Ward, Mrs. Wm. McLean, M11-s. i,Iern1in and,J.A K. Ross; IV.. W'ard, `Miss Rogerson; V. Ward, Mrs. HEm4 Ian `and M1"s. W`right; VI. Ward, Mrs. `Pierce, .and. Mrs. Ferguson.` Total amount of free contributions ywas $187.55. This, together with `a ibalance of $10.33 from last year and '$23.o5 at annual meeting collection, enables the Executive. to send this year the sum of $200 to th.e U. C. Bible Society. in Toronto, being the` largest amount sent for years back. The way in which this is explainedl is that all the collectors did their l work without commission. I 1` `rs. `II, `l`|-___`l.... _ It was nioved by Rev. Mr. Bowlcsl and Rev. Mr. `Elder that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered` to the collectors for their gratuitous work, ,which showed thatithey hadthe wel- lfare of the cause at heart, and. at _the same time to the citizens for re-` sponding so liberally to the co.l1ec-- tor`s - appeal. , - OOOOOOOOVOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO 2' llirnlltnn Ru elm I I i MUSINGS at: o.,.. O 30ooooooooooooooooooooo:_ last? week near Regina. This is no- thing t_o the wrecking that will take place-when the outt faces the e1e':- ltors in .1912. - nit N `The Laurier Special was wjrecked When they say that `a `dark Shadow "has fallen upon a, s home, it may simply men? that he has engag- ed a colo're_d,cook. _ 1 V A , - If Major Hugh '_Clark, M.P.P.,' wishes to continue his` close relations `with Joe Downey, he knows what mSe:B'A`|;:RJ|wB_l;t"A'NGH ] W. D. MORTON. Managen; ' .Wouldn t it be a magnicent_ spec-' iacllctoz see the Mona:-_ch `Railway `aoperating steam carswon Dunlop St.? ,I But hush! Don t knock the company. E}'1",e-"<-:at:'c'lo." I see the -M"ul`casVter St. wharf hasi been -replanked at last. gut in case you might think the job wasn't doixe `after dark just take a- look at `it. , A highly `respected resident ofi Oro Township in the person ofg] Archibald Currie passed away on : Mondav, `Aug. 1st, at his home, Lot 1 17', Con. 9, after an illness lasting 5 several months. Mr. Currie was 1 born in Scotland in I836,coming to 4 Canada twelve years] later-.;_ The 4 family "settled in Oro, and the 1,great- ` er part, of. deceased s life `was spent I on the {arm on which he_died. "He,: wa]s:a Liberal, in politics and in reli- gion a Presbyterian, A-;,Ot1e off. the largest funerals feyer` seen in the district. was held }-on- Thursday." last to Knox .Churcla cen1et.ey. 4"lRev.` Neil Canipbell; assisted by *'Rejv.-'*Jas. Cur- rie. of Leith, pofciating; The pall- bearers were`: Neil Bell, John [Gil-` l christ, ;H enr`y Pearsall, Robt. Pais- ley, John Fletcher and Jesse. Pond - -a.ll neighbdrs _of_,dacea'sed.e The ' surviving, -n1e`m,lJ;ers ,;lof%"th'e*`;' if-amily are-:"_ Mrs; Currie; `ve "'son_s,John of M'.inneapolis, - Neil of 'Penetangui- ;al~:ne1,Iam'es= of `Calgary, `Archie of Mitchvellr--Squaremand Alex. ';;hOm~ :$n`d; three, dagl11$j:s;i `Mrs;- . Chas. 9. Moon of" Ead"y; !`s's' Marv-`i of Cal- ` saw` and Mr.s.J'ohn _McDougall of `Haw estones ` 1.56. A\v_-:u.. ___, After 1a` L91- otra"ct`ed., illnetss, Mrs.` %-'.KEs,_,']bhh Crispin zis-' -Va ,d`ased" Rttdi `had zbiefzen I ~vgiy; For gone :l'ime. Archibald Currie. OBITUARY. Condensed Arlmrtiscnlents qner this hadl 250.: Btimes, .'-Uc ; payable strxctly. in advance. mmuc. RESULTS 6 FOR SIMCOE co. l The junior matriculation examina- tion results have been issued. The following list contains the names for- the County -of Simcoe of three clas- ses ofcandidates, arranged in three separate groups--A, B. and C. rPassed` in Eleven Subjects. In group A are -given the namesli ifof all candidates who have obtained` complete junior matriculation by-,1 passing on the eleven -required ex-l ._amination papers, which are as fo1-'1 alows :-rEr'1glish `composition, _ Eng-i lish literature, history (ancient and" British Canadian), algebra, geome-i, try, Latin, authors, Latin composi-`. tion, together with the four papers. in two of the following subjects; Experimental science (physics _and chemistry), French` (authors and. composition), German (authors and composition), Greek (authors and composition). ` ` Passed in" Eight at Least. l In group B are given the names] of those who have passed in at least? eight of the papers required for complete matriculation. They have, therefore, failed in not more than` three of the "required papers. The| papers in which these candidates` have failed will be shown on their certicates. They may complete`ma- triculation by passing in all the re- maining papers at one subsequent examination. 5 7 9 \ Passed in All Subjects. In group C are given the names }of those who have written upon any !number of matriculation papers less than the eleven required for com-! plete matriculation and who have: passed on all papers-upon whichi the . have written. In this list `will. be `found the names of successful! candidates who-have written .only`oni those papers required for matricula-E .tion into the faculty of applied; science or into the Ontario` College! of Pharmacy. ` 1 1| -_..._I '[.`_L_-_..- \Je Normal entrance candidates who` were candidates for matriculation also have been considered in the above results. The names of such candidates, if successful in obtain ing complete matriculation, are in- PC 3.!` _ d< cluded in group A. Candidates whola have failed on Normal entrancel papers, but who have passed in the T additional matriculation papers ta M ken, are reported in group C. i ' V1 Apply to Principals. h` H r The certicates of the successful` candidates` and the statements` of those who failed will be sent to the Principals of the high schools and `collegiate institutes or to the publiuia `school inspectors, in about a week. In . Candidates will apply tothese of ; cials, not to the department, for b ' the reports in detail. '1 (1 Successful Candidates. 1 A_--E. `Boothby, J. Bryant, M, A ' Beard, E. Barrons, W. H. Carlton A A. G. Cook, 0. Dickinson, J. A. D.| 9 Elder, J. E. Fraser, F..Hipwell. W.` I al I I V . Lazenby,; O._ Lockhart, H`. Marshall, "C. W. McDermid, F. Millsap, W I Murdoch, G. B. Marshall, G. A. Mc- f Lean, E. `McKellar, E. Mills, M` 1 Montgomery, B. Murphy, A." M. Murray, L. H. M"cCurdy, J. `A. E. Potvin, F. M. Quinlan, J_. E. Rowan 1 `F. Stevenson, M. E. Staord, J. H. 1 bfg Sissons, M. -Witten, L.. G. Young, f `;B-`M`. Armbrister, T. R. Mav- .; n nard, A. M-'. `Partridge, W. R. Peck, . )t P. Peacock, C. S. Robinson, ` Smith, J. W. Sutherland, `M. Sharpe. C-F. `Banting,-H. Black, M. Brown. C. C. Ballantyne, R... A. Campbell, C.'M. W. `Church, S. H. Clutton. 1 .Clarke,"- Cole, M. A. 'Fen.nell. G. . `Frost, O. E. Garrett, E. K. J. Gul- le,ston. F. Gregory. G. M. Henrv. ii. I. H.onsbe'rger, A. Jackson,. N. ie Kirkup. G. M. R;`~-Kidd, M. E.'[:1v- ie inszstone, C. Livingstone. R.B_. Ml]lS,_ st H, 'Magee_. P. E. McGill, ]._A. Me-" ail Gibbon. E. I..M*'cGin'nis. Mitc`h,e'il,.- ,r- I. Overend, C. B, Parkhonse lv`P.. Fayette. N. Picotte-.;,~A. H. Reed, ?l- K. F. Robertson. J. T. Speck_._.J. ls- Scott, Sharpe, ~C.. Tompkins. ad Th'<`_nmso`n,, V; Ti-ask, -A. W'ainman.' he ',S`.'.jW'ainman. -. -l i. r 4: . e _ h.;.; w:..._ ASn"'ccessfu'|y "caught! the AI:".xainiheI" sA E_ye-.-Tlnree` ` ,. innt in church-xc_irc1es`.,? Interment was made` in U_monV Cemetery on Friday . afterneon. __ ' . 4 A _ > i HI. Om. Mr. James Sharpe, who came to ;Town from Essa about three. years- `ago. died at. his residence on Wed- nesday mo'ming,Aug. 3rd. 1Dec.eas- ed was 77 years of azeyhavinz been bornri'n the Township;-~of King. in 1833. ;About 51' years!` ago; he: went Ito Essa and .-`fax,-med`-near ?Bradc'fI s zorners. until his tetirehment~in F1007.` V .`A_'irido'w.' one_ son.` .In:zhaxi1,.wand: _a/. .,fdau~ghter, ,:Mr's,;j:.Cui;g1i;1gj_1;:_z} irnotdw ~Thg ' 1 Classes of Candidates. Alb; 9 Normal Entrance. zooooooooooooouooqooouog 1 ; `Mr. J. VH. Bennett is holiciaying at iJackson s Pomt. 11- 1: T1- .,. 2- I_-12.I-__Z_.__ 2-- ` J;.\,.uuvqn v - v..--- 1 Miss Mary Payne is holidaying i | Toronto and Buffalo. . an n o Mr. and Mirs. A. Sinclair spent civic holiday in Stayner. Miss Hick`ling is visiting in Wal- ikei-ton and Leami_ngton_. Miss Anderton of Toriinto is visit- ing` Mrs. Albert Riddell. Miss Clara Smith is home ifroml a pleasant `visit in Guelph. IV . 4- ,1` T'I-_i v-----r--. % Mr. Frank A. Cassels; late of Bee- iton, was in Town` yesterday. (`HI 1 M15. George Love` is hqme from `Rochester, N.Y., for vacatnon. , _Y r` 1` for light hoasewbrk WA:nI.iF{:) 1'.s`)iTI]gir%t`he care of children. A..n1.~ ..c 'l'1.:. Advmmo Oice- 31-tat on` --vv., -v. w-...__.. _ Mg. Fred Marr hasvbeen Holiday- [mg In Toronto and Peterboro. Pt\'II' I L__, '"`ia{s f2;'y.'"1i4';in"B c3{1iia* 5;; been] the guest of Miss Ault. Peel St. 1' :m-i2v".'i.' 5. BJ1e's"*i's Vho1ikia&ig at`, `his father s home near Brampton. -it 15 -r~v~ -Iv Anna lvaaav n-wag `anion-Ar-VJ-o E Mr. G. Hosken is taking a! icouple of weeks holiday in Toronto.` `II I If , T" , 1 T5 _ ~v..rav V- -vV----.. --- -- v- v--vv ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bemrose,l }'I:o-ronto, were among the holiday lvnsitors. - ! _:36oooooooooo3 | `Mr. Gerry. Manning left on Tues-l day for Moose Jaw, Sask., where h-:5_ `will locate. -- `. Mr. C. W, Plaxton has returned` .to Toronto after a two weeks vaca- tion here. -- _ .. . -1 k-"1;/-I'r-.";1;x'd Mrs. Geo. Garvin andi family of Chicago are in Town for? |a few `weeks. pf!` W i Abernethy. of Toronto`. ywere week-end visitors of Mrs. Col-` ilins, Blake St. " ` H 111! II P T\ `I, E417 ' Iuuue. Bu. ..-- . Wma`nld to assist in the c Apply at The Advance Office. _...-...-v-.. -..~ A Mrs. P. Mart and daughters are! home from a ghort holiday in Thorn-| `ton and vicimty. `I . P (`V 1 ---fl;/`.m:;rr1~3r_' Webb of Davidson. Sask., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Meaford Webb. I ~ Mrs. Geo. W. vfegart of Saskatoon,l lSask., is spending 3 month withi `relatives in. Town. V | --- - - an-- l\"O`v:IV`I' Illv `_'\fV'ClI ' .> ! ; Mrs.- B. W. Rinehart and M155} iBirdie werg: in Orillia for a coup1c{ of days thxs week. 13 I1 P f\ '11` 1_-, IV :5`; -u-. .-..--. E Mrs. `ogardis left this week! {on a visit to friends in AWaubau-* {shene and Mlidland. n p 0'1 P ` V. --J ., v.-- Mrs. Jos.~ Orillia has re- turned home after spending a week with Mrs. H`. Ball. vvay -v-... Jv-urn v--_- xvi}. am} Mrs. C1i <;r'd Lloyd and i Eson of 'St.'Thomas are guests of Mr. gand Mfg. Fred Marr. uoawnny I-Dll\.l gun.-\.-`~--_. Mrs." Sxdney B;-aster and famaly of: Toronto are spending a few weeks with Mrs. John Carley. ` 71. I -,__1. uAl\.L ova. an - v`. ....o.. - - The Misses Crump have returned! `to Toronto after.visting with Mrs. [C. Kelcey, Eugema St. ' . II - 1,1 11-_!_.-.___ 1____.. `V- """""J9 ------::'----~ ~-- } Mr. and Mrs. John Rodgers have| retu,rnegl._from their honeymoon` and Nate resxdlng on Ross St. | at T1 V `II V ,L _,__ A_-1_-.. n.-.` E --:----- ' WANTEn_-A (`ookand a'; Apply ` 10 MRS. W. A. BOYS. Barrie. 81-31 3|` I\r5ll\J|JlB \IAl C`\rIr~r --vq : "Mr. P. J. cLarty was taken sud-E _den1y ill on Tuesday morning with! {an attack of` appendxjxzitis. ` 9 --- 5. ,~. -"~nr rn nu aI.I.a\.I\ U1. uyyu--u-_p-~--. I ; Mr. and "Mrs. T. S. Grimshaw of` Toronto are staying with Major and |Mrs. Cowan at Big Bay Point. 1. ____ \4vvvuL1 us. Log -v.._, ._ -----. _Mrs, Geo. H. Hunt, who has been lvlsitingfriends here, returned to her `home. in Toronto on Saturday. 7` I` 1-` _ _ AL IIUIHU. I11 I.\Jl\IlIL\I V.I.I was `Mr. an E. `,G. Egs of" "Hamilton were `renewing acquaint- ances in Town during the week.. `Mr. A. Bryan of~Whitby has spent a couple of weeks with his sister, !Mrs. (Dr.) Patterson, Dunlop `St. r--W:-- _---... .... ..,1 `awn. sg.--.v--~. , ._----, _r | Mrs, John Gordog, accompaied by Miss Mrytle, has gone to the |Lake of Bays, Muskoka, for a holi-k J--- . ` ldGl\\. l day. uny- -Messrs. A. H. Lowe and W. C.` `Andrew are delegates to the 1.0.0. LF. Grand Lodge in Toronto this | week. ' it! 11'_;_-1 t``__.._.. ...-.,1 III;-.~ Mar- W CC. l Miss Hazel Crew and M455 Mar- `guerite Powell are home on "leave from St; Timothy s Hospital, \Phi1a- delphia. `I - - 4 4 - - - - A ---J Un1Aa .kJ1.Q- UCI llld. Misses Margaret and Helen Mor rxson of Toronto were visitors ot iMr. and Mrs.TMeaford Webb during` l the `week. ..o 4` vs - _,_L__.._...J A... Luc V T Mr. VVU W-. G. Rogers returned to ~Sandwich.on Monday. after spending three weeks with Mr. M. and the Misses St:-itch, 1 . at 11991: 1?--- ,___,1 |\,,1._; WAN'FFZl) one dining room 1'1. and one` kitchen girl. Apply at Weil ngtonq2.Iggtel,`[ Rn rv-`I 0 , in 155:: on nun. g CMr. and Mrs. Will Ness and .baby and Mrs. `H. Ball are spending their holidays at` ldylwiid, Sparrow Lake, Muskoka; . _ : Rev. B. Strangways of Vveston M- 41.- r'..n:.- C+ Mpthn. KV...K. D. _Dt1'aIlgwa_y:o ux vv begun: is supplying the Collier St. Metho ;dist pulpit in the absence of Rev. ll. G. Bowles, the pastor. V Mr. and` Mrs. :Buck1ey and the` rMiSSS Buckley of Leeds, England, and -Mrs; McAtee-.o. Toronto are guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. H..Lyon.. *-Mr.`aH;. G. Robertson returned on `Tuesday: ,f3'0m the I.0.0-.F. Grand -Lo`dge"at To1jo1_1to, bei`n'g called home owing to the illness of his clerk. - * e . 1 Mn and Mrs. J. Dazzell `of To ronto, accompanied by their niece, \Mis s Annie Reid, of. London, Ont-., spent a few days last week with Mrs. Da_zzeIl s sister, Mrs. R. Little, Chai- lotfte fSt.; _ ' ' _ A Salt Lake C.ity"pape`r has thel following-do say of Mrs. -N.F. Cross- ~l`and, who _is well known in Barrie, being. ea"- daughter of Mrs. O. F. Wright: ` Mrs. N. F. Crossland, who ~ha_s'.had charge of idle nurses school atithe St. Mark's hospital and the L. ,S.__ho'sp'i_ta1_in `the past? few years, :and who has recently been connect- Ltd, yvith L the jP_'1`.'otestant . Episcopal ' e .1t`_a%.~1at.;;Phi.1a;1el1ihia.. -will -assume 0,: the-` "jh.o$Dita,l 81 ,O0WPWETFI ANNUM IN ADVANCE. IIIOLI coma `mu: can . o`' 1 ` I NEWS ABOUT mug, AAAAAA4AAAAA4A4A4AAA4A4gA :.....`.:f Anyone. nding a morocco-cdveredi` pass book, kindly return` to Advance ofce. . V IV R] Bame. ..Rainv vspoiled_ th lawn party at Sha.n_ty. Bay on Tuesday evening. {Bane ,Citizens Band was in attend- ance. . The lawyers of the town are ing their ofces daily at 4 p.m. ing July and August, and at I on Wednesdays. [VI _----cw`, -. Clerk Donnell is up to his ears with work preparing the tax bills for I910. The first instalment of `taxes is due Sept. 21st. ' ---Engagement rings and marriage ~11censes usually go together. E. H. i-Williams, Jeweller, Dunlop St., has `both _for sale, also wedding rings. `See hnn. ` +i}ryson's Cakes, Pics and Pastry iwill please you`. `Try them. A If I If -'--v J-... 1 The infant" son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tribble of Big Bay Point died on Saturday, Aug. 6th. Inter itnent was made at St. Paul s, Innis- El, on lTuesday.-'_, ` :11 u .4 K 1 I `an, `val an ocvuv.auuJ u 2` -Ashford Warnica threhed 1600 bushels of `wheat for Mr. Thomas Soules of Big Bay Point in `eleven hours and a half last week. This `wheat was grown "on forty ac-res. `Can you beat it? `I, I `I"II` `I F l -On Monday Willie Boag, son of iMr. H. G.4Boag of the Barrie House, `made a new shing` record when he landed a` carp off -Carley's boat house weighing 11% lbs. The sh was gnearly-as large as the boy. himsel'. ; Purity Flour, the cream of Mani- `Ltoha Wheat, on sale at Bothwcll s. ; Mr. John Moffat, representative of W`estrum1te Limited, Brantford, was {here on Friday and called on the Mayor. It is understood, however, that the Town wi1l`make no move this_ year in the direction of asphalt ilpavmg. FARM FOR &:ALE~-10!) acres, beautifully sit uated just out of the corporation of Barrie. being lot 4. (ion. 1 Ves rs: soil mostly `clef loam. Brick house. one urn. 58:00 ft.. nsma -. lerbarn 30x. >b and implement house 26:10. Will bgsold on reasonable terms. Address J. D. Blrnie. Barrie. 28-33]) An interesting cricket match will ibe played in Queen s Parl; on Fri- sday, 12th inst., between teams repre- 'senting. the Barrie Veterans and the Barrie Cricket Club. It is hoped that all Barrie will try to be there to see the game. Mr. Noah Grose announces that the has taken over the bowling alley land cigar and tobacco store on` Dun- ;lop `St. and hopes to see all the old `patrons once more in attendance. Everything strictly first-class. If vou !have a half hour to spend pleasantlv. `drop in and be accommodated. the counltlry. Fofr several years she lwas in c at e o the nurses school `at St. Markgs hospital. During the 'summer of 1906 she left the St. |Mark s hospital and took charge of {the work at the L. D. S. hospital. iShe remained at the L. D. S. for one `year, and left two years ago for the iP1-otestant Episcopal hospital in `Philadelphia, of which she was a graduate. -She has the honor of be- ing the only graduate nurse from tlat lios{pitalTl:o assurne clfiarge -of t e wor . e starting 0 a new _hospital with all young and untrain- ed nurses is such a task that the hos- pital authorities thought it advis- able _to secure the most competent. -person possible. `or ;;l:I.l-A:;LE`l- l;dl7 ER'l`Y IN THE } TOWN or BARRIE. W Under and by Virtue of the Powers contained in a certain Mortga e, which will be produced ' at the time of sale..t ere will be offered for sale by Public Auction. hv W. A. McConkcy. at the Queen's Hotel. in the Town of Barrie. on >at.urday. the 2--th day of August. 1910`. at the hour or 12 o'clock noon, the following roperty : Parcel 1-Part of the Vt est. Half o t Num- her %. tn the fth concession of the Township of Vespra. in the (`ounty rt Simcoe. containing ten acres, more or less, and described as fol- lows: Commencing on the North side of Wel- lington Street, nineteen chains and fty-four links from the Eastern limit of said Half Lot, thence Norther] and parallel to the Eastern limit fourteen c ams thirteen links. more or less, to the Northern limit of said Halt Lot. thence Westerly along said Northern limit seven chains and twenty-three link: more or less. to a pointhalf. wa distant between the Western limit of said alf Lot and the inter- section ot the Eastern limit or the said land. hereby intended to be conveyed with the said Northern l1m'.t. thence Floutherly parallel to the saidaI't`.astern limit fourteen chains thirteen links. more on-less. to the North side of Wei- lington Strec t. aforesaid. thence Easterly along the North side, of Wellington Street, seven chains twent_y-three links, more or less, to the place of `nning. . I 9 arcel 2- `ct No. eight (8) on the East side of - Innistil St., in said Town of Barrie according . to registered plan. No 245. save and exec tth-at: part thereof heretofore ccnve ed to one tobert A-. Do las by; one Joseph H achmond and his ` wife. lice . Richmond. to bar dower. by 1'3 indenture dated the 12th day of November. [, 1907. subject. a mortgage for $800.90 C from the said Joseph, H Richmond and his wife. Alice 0. Richmond. to bar dower. to one 1.-.J--hn B. Gill. re stexed as No. 10618 for Barrie. I mhnnn Ara uni tn ho. nrnnhed on th first.- SJ--hn B. Gul. srexea as gm. mule xor narrus. There are sni to be erected on the said first- ly describedla.ndsIPau-cel1)a. good two-M01-_ey nine:-oomed brick veneerc dwelling wxtn greenhouse attached thereto. also good cement stable and burn '1-hm-n :2 nlnn A mod nmhard on said nremises stable and ham ' . 'I'here i= also sgood orchard on said premises and spring creek running through same. This nope:-ty would make a splendid mar- ket g, on as well as a residence. Each parcel of [land will be offered fox-_sale separately and each suliect to It reserve lnd. `on-ma-nf sale :..- 1!) ner cent of 1118 purchase segsrateiy and each sutnect to rpserve ulu. `ermsof sale :- 10 per cent of purchase money at time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. ,. For further terms and particulars apply to STEWART 8: STEWART, ,' A Mortgagees Solicitors. )3 Owen street, Barrie. - - - -_.. _A.,-. M 0`, `_ Trinity Church `hated my 18th. 191'-of suN_bAv. Aug. `14, 1910. 8.30-Holy Communion. 11.00--,Matinws and Sermon. A 3.oo-una;y Schogl. _ 7;o0-_Evonnong an ! smu -. V _ Cu 1-. u nunnei `Uri; '_ ,.. OR SALE That _va\uable dwelling house and premises bemg part (1 lot 52 on the Emu. ..:.s. ..c :~..nx.... Qnumo Rn:-min nwnn and line and (Continued on Page Five.) `MRTGAGE,!:E_ ' min. J. BIGGS.._V_'icqr. clos- . dur- `Ult SALE} 'lnaI valuable uweumg uuuac South side of (`olller Street. Barrie. owned and lately occupied by Mr. \Vm. Peirson. h Dropeyty is most centrally located and the uwellmg house thereon has ever modern im- Drov_e!m-m and convenience. `or terms and ruculnru apply to Wm. Peirson 26 Small 8!. r". -I: '18; St rt. Sl'lt. EH32. ux tewar ewa octtom. -__:.,, ----- Hi? ' . ' . ' Savings Accountgn Oligg ?3ank makes it easier thesaw You get into'the habxt W -' ' less re - tmg .more or 3 1:,11,ep(s)rSx;a11 a111ounts of money 9 that would otherwise" quickly` .y_ At the end of the r with the Interest added, yea is a substantial balance to there .,edit--and you have scar-T . missed the deposits. IA sangs Account in the Union Bank is a_ reserve which you ought to prowde agam_st pos- We Sickness or fmancml re- `sllers Why not start `one now ? _..-.nne annual-I I" U!` 3533. Part of the west {of lot 18 in the 1st,,Con. of I Vesnra. (` L' '. 75: ea. V Therois (fr? ?kl.2";`1`;y'oper(g' 3 lax-e brick-clad nousc.,large barn on9-ft. stone was . gand mlo. well-fenced and watered. good In-R good stab-V UFCIIBTH . ' . "50 5078" Also South i of lot 18 m the Egg Sgnotherwise \Vq1'_d sell the parcels s`evg3uex_ Gout, Mi n'.u?-33 3 r{ }{`.""ia'. c`{a7aame. 9 DEIJHI` VURIV I HIV Highest price in cash paid for gdod cedar Bhlgxglle bolus, delivered m Barrie or at any '~'l_. . siding within one hundred muea ot 9 ' . . Bgggzoi-`.11. CLARK, Shingle Manutarturtctsrl `-A--.-___ lVI\-IIVEV |\J 593!` We have a la e amount of money to `ON it lowest c11rrexT.!t1'atcs.either in small or in {M36 Imoum , 1 , - cod farm mort- Rlman EMT)` `A lg: I111 RIEHTSON. in`? .. V... v\tl I Luv nuuuupvltuva an: wuuuouu - -v -v--w Inf 1 ' ' BB8`::?mM(%.I\l "r"r"i9z".'isxti'51 s ;xdU r?3"msoN. NOD Streu, Barrie. . V - w-- -.--_-- The vuiuable pro crty of the late Edwudi Justipo. situate in IE8 east end of the TOW 0` me The proper! in com used of a fruit ar_den contuimng alflkinds 0 largeand 3'95 MB and vcgeuxbles. There is `good W I01` I and also a mo! house on the premisel. Whmh M6 BOW M Hwir lunar. and nan he inlD80C0d It ll?" nu ma house thenPt`;gm&:9B:ecZ'e3 at their best and 0 t be soul to clole anyhflime. The property "mg no`. u t we. ' 3 P 5.11 ?nef?1x`xnation as to term ,ia'v3a'f Jgstiae. gun to am of the executor nu sm. Us. Rhyndress. l*"""` w-32 . AM: Wilkes. 'I`hc_= Gazette. Ban-ta IAwur ux-i-*, France, 1900. All) \\'A.\"1`EI)-For general housework. Apply Mrs. E. J. Getty. Box 872.` Gall: -v . 81-33p NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fl DD clea haul AND D'I'UI' IT '1'.Il9 MA R KE'[_ 3 Jung, ICW ba C ` tur- oys vs. in `__._ mom in , 53.17" Chronic and Nervous dtaeuea II1olIII_\I93`s' treated witbout._dr_ugI`-i, 1 ~:: #4 . "II`I 'j`yv--._ W P. O'Connell. Propnetor. P. CITY M of o ' In Prlnceggxsgtqu.-eet WIMIIWS lrst (`lass Accommodation. Rqmodelled` and Retxxrnishcd Throughbiv. L--2 Wn1:s'1`:uvm.1.x~`c W351` `mt BUD` AND STOP AT nu; ; IlA_.-._..__ --_..--1: "Something worth while. Brtraits FRANK JACKSON. u. w`I`.g'.. Established ' new I._n CHARLES DEJAARDINV EDITH DEJAHDIN , ' osuorxrus ' OSTEOPATHY MONEY TO LOAN _ __._.__A -1 -.--u CEDAR WANT ,hotographi Made by-~ FOR SALE. wo-ioLEWNo'. 5953; U, PUILIII-fll`. _ `V . mrnauctz CLAPPIHTON lid`- nuuruu STREET cums ARE NOW FINAL ny.L.w Amiga by co, J..a..| __.l 3,. I an Thezre was s9rx{e1di`1'c`ulty in ob- taining a. quorum _at a d`og` days session of the` Town Council held on Thursday night last. The Mayor was in the chair, `the meeting-Aha.v'i_n ._ been called specially to wipe offi-ar~_ rears of business. V ..` yvr v-c' V and Forek A Spencer " Creswicke & Alexander wrote on behalfof -Henry. Smith" and wife and Jas. Gossling, who were injured in. a. runaway on Dunlap St. alleged to have been due, .to the negligence of the town teamster. The letter asked xi it was intended that -these? peoble .should' -be 'recompen se'd[ by the Town. ` T" Mrs. L. Stephens had a` complaint! about Sophia `St. drain. _ i T. H. Reddigt drew attetion-td iconditiont of roadway at_ corner of Blake and Rodney Streets. ` H; H. Otto`n, I nspector of Plumb.- iing, reported` nding `the sewer on Cumberland_,`St. two-thirds mu oi quicksand and water. ` ` - R. W; Beli, as Chief H.O. for tario, wrote` regarding the Clap ton St. dgrain L nuisance, a lar signed petition against it ha` reached his ofce. "i2'}5r{24 }}{"1=inance {dealt with" accounts aggregating $3o9.9I. LI! ,9 ` Aldo. Beardsley as Chairman of Finance introduced a by-`law which was passed, authorizing the levying Iand collecting of taxes for I910. A The by--law re changing the names .of certain streets, having been 2113-; `proved by Judge Ardagh,.was read a third time and passed. I-t will be. duly registexfed as required by the [ statutes. " _,. - I . 1 II 1" The free usue of the town hall was accorded the Horticulturat Society {for its annual show'in_September... IVJL 1&9` Q1; n I u u n V o - v vv cg. -vrV- , On` motion _of Beardsley-Bothwell' it was resolved to request the con,-i `tractor on the.W`ellington and Owen. Streets sevver to repair streets open ed by him at once as per agreement, otherwise the Town will do it at his l expense. I'\ ._--A_-.. -1 fh . CJ\lJ\?llD\vo ' 7 ` On motion of Garden-Omig the Clerk was. instructed to notify the Canada Producer and Gas Engine Co.- to make payment of first annual instalment of loan, this liability be- ing now considerably: overdue. " ` " A-J----.. ...I`| I-uh nclrlili fnl % not to exceed $25. `CUB -D7 vv V-7- , Mr; Anderson w come to Barr_xe a alarm system m .w `I 1$ri1 AL J BORN. A ' BA'SSETT--On Saturday-,` Aug-. 6th, a. son to Mr. ant} `Mrs. E. W. Bas+ sett_, Town. _ . -M.`ER`RI=C`K--On July 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Merrick, `Elizabeth ` St., a son. _ _ TW.ISS---In Barrie, V on July. 24th, 1910, to Mr. an&.Mrs_.V'W.A. Twiss, a daughter. . J. * `. Aug. 8th, Gladys - daughtexf of Mr. { aged 17 years. `K I'Ul-y-n_vv- -..V_, and came 1: the wort. 95 feet thareot. There -1- aaid In erecud on thin property 3 . one-and-aahalt storey brick-clad dwe as \ `house. containing sgvenrooms. This property is most conveniently and dent; bly situated. Parcel 'l`wo--V t- number 343:1: (10). on, t e * south oldeo the Essa Rogds . gun's. oak, n the Town ;Barrie, in the 1 1111609.. aooordlng to registered _ Ix mum J two and exqept the em 2-: eat therco _. '1`fhoreiiI.. ,_ - .1 -._ chin `V ` l t 0 com! mi) dnucgl at the glue 0: t. the? will be altered v V S ' ~ her. 1910. atltho hour lo 12 o'clock noon, the tollowmg properties: ~ V Parcel One-Lot mambo: nine when the south side of the Km Rand. Burton : look.ln the Town of Barrie in the `County of Slmcoe. ace cording to reglltmial lay. number 189. _Iav_e according to I'0Kll|!'5n:u 21 ....a tn be ex-eoted,o_n_ $1 III IV U and-w-ha nn Y I.` I11} ;:1 ')`t;t736}i'\7eii1ently.situata. _ H V V . Eachmrcel.oflaud will be oelied for sale separam-ly and as ch subject on I rqnrygjumv. V e-10 per ce`ut-"of th. `inn-ch.n_`ae . Termlof 531 Va , A 0 time uf sale. anvil` money an}: X within thirty day; the:-cutter. _ For fl_".he1`_U61'mlI. and nu-t.1c.n :.1a'r`s`. ' pply if\.n'r..a:~:,s rE\YA;B l`,;` |'WCV C 2:-- V vu.u_AIuz PROPERTY in run rows or annals: M MORTGAGE SALE ~ty thereaxwr. ner norm; and purtlculqfs. apply u,TE3I~"AR'1f ea`; STEWART. . C29 Total -E4LGl-litany`. , Rest & Undivided P:o, Assets, ova $44.0oo,.mo. - --.L I. . 5 .._ .u qyavao . and Police Committee ,_.,-:_1.._ 4|..- nnncnn nf '73:-Imtntsfs or` nAnnu. -1H: couu1'v%or smcoe "Ann TI-IE common or cnuma aim carruuou. will b `ma to and put the ' re? working order, cost` ston, _on Monday,` ys Irene,` eldest Wm. A. Osborn, ` 011-- Clapper- largely having BNRRIE, CQUNTY OF S`IMCOE`.'ON'1'%ARIO. AUG. u. 19:3 BARRIE amen smug soc1I-:TY C n . v n n e R B O I I III

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