Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Aug 1910, p. 8

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-- cu - p. can no 5 Own. I B-Miss--1\7Ia.y am; Mister C.17Coutts of Toronto are; visiting `at J. Coutts. ----J uuu, v-v-_p- v coo 2"-c ` Messrs. J: (jrok. and ~\.7.`Hall left last Tuesday for a two months stay in Saskatchewan and I `Alt_>_erta. ` Coal for July T Chh Only _- CORRESPONDENCF. ' (Confintid~ Page Four. - SHANTY BAY; it up..- ANGU8. EDGAR. wife of `To- .u-- .._'1LI_ It ;194ia.* guy -vs vvna; uo ` ' -Negotiations looking to'a settlc-l `ment of the G.T.R. strike are going ._-`on in Montreal. ` A company of `Royal Dragoons loft Stanley Bargacks to helpprotect pro- perty at Bndgeburg. ' . A A aaaa __l.- I-- I U - " LU` vMr.. of The Rev. RT I. D. Simpson and family are _enj< >yim`z- a holiday` here befoije `going ?ton"N',:w`x'i?I"<"t.*- The` i_rev,Aer_end-` gentleman is } one ,, o the h0yeV8.,.,w hQ. has .su'9.dd:` in fo . . . .. ouA_:: I` i, - : ` B59 } " I The Rev. Mr...Nurse, who gradu ed last. spring from Vwycli Colle ._occupiec_l St.` ude s C_hur'ch pul last Sabbath. he Rev. Mr. Carpe: er, who is n'ow Rural, Dean of i Simcoe, prgached in~ Beetog. DBL-" Vt ~--"" `_ v_---q uvvlo Congratulations to Mr. Fred. Wallwin, who were la_st` week in. Tomato. "The I the. eldest daukhter of Mr. % Arthur M'Cleat_1._,_ Mieses M`;b:1"` Nixon, Georgie Boake and Edith Blackstock enter- tained a few of their friends at a picnic in the Lemnox bush` recently. Mr. Forbes Sproule operator (tele- graph) -at Canadian Soo,_and Miss Elsie Sproule, teacher at Callender, `are spending their vacation under` the parental vroof._ '__,.-- .va a uvudyo A fourteen-and-a-half boarder arrived at .the Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Med cently. Congratulations. `I9 u ' 6 `ll \JIII\Iu `wM'i;s uGarbIit, Toronto, and `Miss Whaley, Superintendent of the `Sick Child:-en's AI-Iospital, Toronto, are here for ayholiday. r A :-.----- - tiiiss Vina". Hodgins is-xv_isiting _her frxends here, at the same txme enJoy- _lng_ 'a_ well-earned rest from her ; dunes In Toronto. Mun- 3|-II "`:`.`.`:A I f.. v, wu. can Jusbllbllso _ A desperate hand-to.-hand .-bat'_tlVe took `place `between export coal imm- ets and _poh_cem_cn. - " . -4 ' I F, . _ A ...-...-..!_I ' .-, __ _-..--.-.u ...a\.-vuvv. I Miss Vernicc Jamieson and her gousm. MISS Powley of Toronto, are `visiting Mrs. Alex. Ferguson, Mid- ?land.` - u -v '- :7 VI`'V ' Mr, Willie Fletcher has returne to Toronto to resume his studies in the School of Practical Scjence. .0 --oovvsll I Mrs. VV-'haley and her daughter Bellaare enjoying the bracing air of the Muskoka lakes this week. Mr. Geo. McMenemy of Hamilton herewith his family, previous to is their removal to the above city. Dr. Jas. .a.ngl_Miss _Lennox of To- 1 rontoi are visiting. friends here, pre- vxous to taking a trip to Europe. '|]'_ Ilvtcco 0-- -_--r v - -- ~`Mrs.-James Simpson of Stroud :'s visitingher daughter, Mrs. J. A. Corbett. Miss Ida Robinson of Cookstown is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. McClean.r - Mrs. Frost, with children` of U.S., are -visiting her sister, Mrs. James A. Jamiesdn. _ Mis Bella Simpson is visiting her mother, Simpson. 9| U33 Here. K are holidaying. > Miss Bella" Stewart is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Tillie Boake has returned to her duties in Toronto. Master Guy McClean is visiting his grandparents in Cookstown. Miss Mabel. Nixon. "has returned from visiting friends in Barrie. _I_)i_--. Wh_aley has returned after visiting friends across the border. Miss Florence McMenemyl has re- turned to Toronto after a. brief visit. Misses Amanda Hiiks and Phoebe ~ Crossley .o_f Toronto are holidaying] here. Mrs. Wm. Maw is visiting in Col.-. lingwood. .. ......uuau. ans. vmuurs at UIC HOITICI of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Warnica. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Latimer, Mr.` and Mrs. Cameron Latimer, all of the! Queen City, were guests of the form.-] er s, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wml, Latimer. I AMI}/frss Ruth H aines of Sharon and Mrs. Kearns and daughter Gertrude of Allandale are visitors at the home _Mrs. E .(}v.:>:'-g:: died: in Trdn$ iq hx`s"89t`t_: ,year. ..:' ~ ` * - fgsults c'>`f"'th.e' ' Norma: ' ai`ap,11n9,t1on. `we 1;e' annguncr-V (an ,. -_,i-`v v. ---n. uuu AVI-13. VV Ill. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Th_os. Stewart of! `Cherry Creek spent Sunday at the! home of their son, Mr. Will Stewart,| here I 1 I I 5 WSLXVIIJI-lo , 4...'M`rs./Simpson `spent a few days with Thornton friends last week. ' Miss `Lulu McCullough of Toronto is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Galloway. I `Mr. E. B. Duncan left for Brown- lee_, 'Sask., were he has secured a po-` sition.-_ Success, Ed. - J. Black of the Toronto police force is spending his vacation with his father, Mr.- Jas. Black, Sr. g` Mr. and M'rs. Wesley Maneer of` ithe Queen Cityspent Monday at the! ihonfle of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young.| Mir -nu! Mr..- TIM- r`-- Do not lye deceived by idle reports that " will not be carried on. l"'IjIVI|.- I 999;; of #19 COAL THORNTON. rI :Nurse, graduat-`_ -Wycliff College; Church pulpit` Rev." Carpent- w Rm-al Dan... at 1` oRnEn Now --~ %-ipnomz No. 2:; nrsuvznzn WHEN YOU wxsn vvvvv -on in the St.` Francis River Melba-.u'n 'c.. , ~ _ . `Mis; n. McKax. W` drcwned .at .ppe]r K STROUD. Sadie Wilkinson, Administx-a`trix. --vv IOU I-II\v r!.9$t. zenia ;`;._'.._... J.-vi? {I i . IIGIL the home McC1c`an 1'6? of Cleveland Mrs. George . and Mrs. re married` `e bride was r. and Mrs-. female; YOU can GET VV.L..-Pqneun . an p.m. to Parry ' do yeicept Sunday. or Collins" Ticket Agents 03:. - A... , Jl E(1VlE4l\J. , . Ffbln Simittosoo Port Arthur and Duluth : "~9_ldT*'Wod'I1eidsy and atu -rug` , ednesdsy and Satur ui 9 . Duluth. and . - -. - 1.30 pm- T` : .` E-m.. ondaya. Wednesdgtii " ` M _qndGeox-glanai D0 ` ` ?Ins`.'..'.'-_vg... .11 _m in mm -vvv yvonlyuouh. W llllnlllccum Dr.` H. H. Crippen and Miss Le- neve ewerg arrested at Fat-her Point. New Ipronto' h`a x-bo_r regulations telialing wzth `small craft are propos-I ...|| ll ,' " ;'.l'wenty-one men were arrested in. an alleged gambling house in To- rnntn, ,5AI%L 5 OF PASSENGER 51f;~:A_MER$. '-. A . x nulnfh -- -- nu-v---- . if 11` nu: sa:As}nI.r.. The. low rate excursions via the Grand .Trunk Railway System to: C3Wha. Que., `Charlottetown, P.E.1-` Halifax} N.S., Kennebunkport, Me., V3-Y Bay, Que., North 5)'de3" 35-: Old Orchard, Me., Portland, .M;.,`_St-,.;:Iohn; N.'B., St. John's, Nd- Tsrdneir. `N.S.;"will enable you to- do .30 at small cost. -'Ti'CI:{ETS G601) coma AUGUST 8. 39 "T9. RETURN-._ LIMIT AUG- DEA'ri-is FROM AUTOS. `A despatc_h of July. 30 says: OM hundred and ninety-four Df505 were killed and 2,945 injured by auto` mobiles in Germany during the .V"~ i which ended September 30th. 199- In the city district of Berlin the were 843 injuries and 36_ deaths. d ___- w\.\rn\, . Thornton-' :\.B. R. H. O. ; . L. Stewart, 2b .. ' D. Stewart, c F. Nixon, If - J. Hindle, ss g, A. Stewart, cf .. `E. Speers, If 3 R. Stewart, p 3 J. Speers, 1b I V. Fletcher, 3b . 3 _Total . . . . .. ) \ - 3 0 0 1 0 0 3 o 0 .O...E. 6 7 A o o o o o 1 I 6 2 1.-._- I Total . . . . .. ES 5 4*26Io 3 `Hindle hit by batted ball. Summary: Two-base hits-F. _Ba.m- ing 2. -First on ba'lls--oFf Bantmg 5. off Stewart 3. Struck out---by Ban! Sing 10, b Stewart 6. -Left on bases --Ivy 7, ;1"hornton 8. W'ild pitches -Banting 2, Stewart 1. First bae on errors--Ivy.7, Thornton 5. Hnt by pitcher-E. Spcers. Time of game` 1 hi}, 35 min. Umpire--C. Scott, |. ;'I:{u:1's Fay mnmgs: HE, Ivy .. .. o I 4 g Thornton 2 o 9 R. oo2oo1I-5 o2ooI03~3 The. second game of the schedule of the S. Simcnc lid League was played in I\'_\' lie: Thornton and `Ivy clubs lzmt 5 day and resulted in Thornton [winning by the score of eight to This leaves the above ICZlIll.~ :1 1 more games to play, one next _ day in Diamond Park here um _nal at Ivy the following: S.-mi good ball will be looked fur_:1.`- doubt the better team will win. as things now look who will ' |The score: T T `_ cess of others. He goe< from Mi; {land to -Newmarket. Succc=.<. V We /awe gzzrc/zasczz at /85; t/zan cost cz mama/ac/m'cr's as. `tire Staci: of samples and s/ad garmeizts cma must clear we ieutire lot at once. 7722': 25 p0sz'tz':'e/y a `gr-;m;`,,-6 I I - - ' ...l.` .1` ---- l 1/225 posztzjve/y `gr-;m;',,~e_ `.5.-2/e 0/`good 7/a/2125. Come and {ma/ce your selectiozz. ear/;'. I \l_ll'lIl3n_ aclennsts who support Mrs. Stewart held a meeting in Ta- ronto.__ _ ' . % THE BARBIE Housefurnishing M D. G. Davidson. Prnn, Davidson. Prop. SKIRTS AT HALF-PRICE -- -yv..u \'| u.'\ :r win. and will win? 3me_ new Sxmcoc Iizneht: Ved In l)I\\'CC.1 Uu r-Ink: 1.. . C ..__.. ..-v uv\Q uy vvIuuUl. ` Tlae model school entrance exam- matnon results are publnshed. Q`. Dr. Bax-nardo s Homes, wer_c licens- ed in the Provlnce of Omaha. . "George Upsdell drank catholic acids. at Hamilton and died from it. . The incorqoration of a number of new companaes. was announced. inn ` Y`, 1' . - - - Five Poims. bus 111683 1: tie in only two ext Satur~ 3 and the Suturulav, -_ -r-u.-no aoa Avlvllbvo Earl Gre left the Soo on his way toward Hudson s Bay. T James John, a six-year-old boy, was drowned at Windsor. TL- V Events of the Week Condensed for Buy Advance Readers. DAILY NEWS GRIND frt.fEsnA_Y, `AUG. and. _ MONDAY, AUG. nit. Mewsanavouixg Mews DEVLIN &MuncH1soN ' (LI \ylIl. Z31l'~_J`l a} ~=St`.`~ And -1_...I A1-chbi shtia 9+ .,Qo~.. A -4: \/ wuuam Fogc, a pjoner farmer bf King township, di_e_d, on his old homestead yesterday. u .. [ . 1m....:...._ .u-_-..a__.. - - - -- V -p-pvqpvuo ` ` Ithe upettlingj 1of_,a vitriol wag,-V gun in Philadelphia ten chi1drer'r3vr_e`i"e bumed, tw `i fatally C \' 4"`!-an f`._-_.J 'l"~~- ' - " ` .....--..-.., -vvv annual ` ' `The Grand Trunk strike has beezi gettged, gmda the men ordered to. re- .p ,ol"?t for duty: `at once. * ` - - Mw'i,1_1ia,n,.A pg, a_.pj9ner_f_aAr11e1;" - girl: ,f `live, `_is Vb.eligved_ fto' be_sucria.'g fdm hydrope ihob1a_ at A '_FI`I_-_ I-r ~ . -------v not --svonlolylvllb " Ch"th'a"m o `m}.::1'1ne's Haggefiy di ed at_.~ Chat'l1a 4rn-' gs a result of the excessxve. use of hquor. ' V ' ' lamses _J0h.so2i was ary._ign,ed at, n a~ charge 131 murdering Jacob_Eno.` ; 1 ' ' . ` __ _`----_,... "~AA explong party rports great Fqds. of a,sph`alt and salt in the Peace; R}5ve:`T di4str.ic't_- - av-Vllilul 0 I . The Grand Trunk Company gave out a`' statement at `Montreal last night saying that an-. agreement with the strikers had been reached. The strike leaders say they know nothing of such an agreement; 4 .wEnNEsnAv, Ana. 3rd. `Edward Matthews, 3. Toronto _lad, twice attempted suicide in Detroit. he Provincial Treasurer. received. ' I1)9,459- for `succession `duties for u y. - . 4 ` } "North Toronto. Council [appointed- ia new Town Clerk and Town Treas- : U1 !-'1 ---vu f urer. iv-v-vgp aannvwo _ Thre boss wer:`:'crushed"`to death ,by` the fail of a. sa,nd-embankment in 1. B_1-opklyn. A ' uvDOOIl|O|3UE|\J\lI IIUIII Inc; Vatlcanb ?E_rwin Wider, cashie: of` the Russo- Chmese Bank Ageny-,~"--is on the` _Jve'rge of nervous collapsgtg band AadVm_it3'3.'V defalcations; " nu AT ; CUT pmcss -_-----v--9 Qay OIIV V5lVa"u ` a John Ly/ons`,;who was `just out of jail for a brutal assault on his wife, committed `suicide in Toronto be- lcause she refused to live with him. Dr. C2-ippenr appeared before a Police Magistrate in Qx_1ebec yester- day, `admitted his identity, and ex- pressed his willingness toreturn to England. A V The C.P.R. has let contracts ap- prroximating a million and a- quarter dollars for the construction of an annex to their Windsor street: sta- `tion in Montreal. " IFI. _ 4-: _---... -~1 1- ' z - Carlist rising and other: troubles are threatened" as_ the resu_lt of the conxct between the` `Spamsh Gov- ernment and the Vatlxcan. ] ~7-1_._ I '...H- ,_-..,..~_-u g aux lV"l|CU EU marry. mm. The funeral `of V the late Charles Welsman, who died suddenly in Mus- koka; was very largely ` attended n -.-,- ov oouuvvaaw Day`. a The barge Grace Whitney was run down in Lake 'E`rie,_and the captain : w_1f_e and son were drowned. . ,_'.,,Mr. Andrew Gunn of Gunns; Lim- ited, died on a train while-on his way from Port Dover to Toronto. 'Capt. Peter Elliston of the Cana- dian Garrison Artillery was murder- ed by a gunner at Victoria, B.C.' \lJ'JII-... 1"` cu uy a gunner at vxctoria, B.C.' William Ca_rl_ton-, _ a. young man, comrmtted suncnde 1:: Toronto be- _caus_e a girl orefqsed to marry. him. | Thai fauna:-al `At cl... I-A- F1 ' --- v ~- was 3 vs: yr "Earl Grey wil1.board {he "Wolver- in_e`at Selkirk on Thursday on his mp to Hudson s Bay. ' . TL- x_._,,.' A ' own van UL Viola W"I`-1;e "Nicaraguan forces have suf-. fered a_disastrous defeat at the hands of the Insurgents. 1$-_u I! Cardina1.V.annut`elli is to be `the `Papa Legate to"the Eucharistic Con- gxfess in Montreal. """' " "" "`5 9 Kllulln 7.301d+tn%3T.'nd warznam. tlJ.Ca:?`3i?1 :iits,ez:.:It`.;i`s'1i i?; ' ' ~ " xi two`:-a\-In Iplv-(I560 '>_fl'hre_Le prosecutions were . instituted `::i'n~'1`or.onto against persons`concern- led in t_l\1e,.colliVsiq_n of - the, fe_rr-y}. Jqhp: 1.31-Ilnlan and thegasoline launch. ` ,. - vocv vu %F0.5. pjoner naln .1:..n .... L.-- .1`; ; Men : 2a.-piece Light Grey Sttuuner I Suits. singlebreasted coat, L regular 8.50. _ Sale price. e Men : 2-piece Light Grey '8` Suite, double! breasted coats, regular e `and t1:oo.- Sale Men : 2 end. 3-piece Light Suihmer` Suits; single breasted and double breasted coats, Trousers with belt f. f``T". ." .g..";`T . ."'."?`.". .S.`T'f" 7.95% F Men`: 3-piece Liht Brov'vn.% Suite. 3-button sack -2 coat, made from ne _, worsted material,-` regular 13,59. Sale price. . . . . . . Mean}: Light Grey gweed Pants, with et straps and cu son bot- ;om,regular 3.50. Sale price 2- Boys 2-"piece Norfolk Suits, light colors, were 2 90 `and 3.50 % ~ Sale price L90 and. . . . . . Men : Oven-allJs,e65c. 75c. 85c, 1.00 and 1.25 per pair. We [are sole L`: L agents for "fShellrakes" Overalls, lJev|m&MMurchison This Is" the Last II'n%d..Low%oLsf 100'! Prints on Cults " This Susan. ' Ngxt M',o1id`ay,- Aug. 8th,`_ Ba:rie s "Civic Hoxiday, the Aquata` Club will `hqld:? it.-:-;thit&1. anm'ia15'; the: A12: ja'*7$*'L"- f9?.rniV a1 A J P Accompanying his annual letter, in which he asks the readers of The r Northern Advance to_ send him the . names and post-oliice `addresses of A any boys or girls, known to them, whose eyesight is SO! defective that they -cannot attend ` the -Public Schools, with advantage, Principal Gardiner, of the Ontario Institution -for the `Education of the Blind, at Brantford, sends us a card on which ms used` by the blind in their read- ing. `These letters are composed of raised dots, or points, arranged in ` two `horizontal rows, and the com- binations of points that have been contrived ' to represent `the various literary,` numeral and musical char- . acter_',s' are-most ingenious. Point `let- ters are much easier to read with the ngers . than line letters, and blind children: soon learn to read and -write A wands, gures and [music signs, the writing `being; ,done_* .with'. `a `steel l styl_us and a brassframe whichthey callia -slate. -The f_School for the _` Blind is maintain.ed` by, the Ontario I -Government `as apart of our free ` `school. system, a ;under the sunetvision - 5 fh9.,Mi#i$tr-r0f.i I-f`di:.cati6n. admit they Principal V 'w`ill'.promptly,.. answer any A he hasprinted, without ink, the let- `' of V inquiry "conceir nin'g_J ~ the I ,schofoJfand_uits~fiyfork;/_ A` -s., 3.---UV 95 %o l\o , A Coroner's jury. at Victoria, B.C., '5 \ brouiht in a verdict accusing Gun- ner llen of the murder of Captain ~` Ellistorr at Work Point Barracks. Building permits representing val- ues aggregating $11,793,883 were is- _` sued by the Iaranto `City Architect [for the rst seven months of thus f year. v- -- - - [How THE nnmn mm) AND I % % warm. _-.. _-..... _rv..3uuou_\uu. V ' ' """ `A memorial window to Xrchisis Sweatman wa,sd d'i"cated at ~St`.`A rew s Church at orontg Island. I `.B$AiQ:". f____1_!' . I Counsel for Britain `in sheries dis- pute. before The Hague tribunal daims exclusive .iuri_sdiction in all pays in North Atlantic. I_nspectori Dew has given it as his opinion. that Miss Leneve knew no- thing of the murder of Dr. Crippen s wife. ' A quarrel has arisen in Toronto over the disposal of the body of John L ons, who committed` suicide on onday. ` Manuiactufrers in London who are employing children under fourteen ears of age in their factories are emg prosecuted. -. Coron_er s jury in "Toronto return- ed_ a verdict that Baby Walter Brown's death was due to the negli- gence of C. R. Dum_as and `wife. `A z~..--..-_v- 2 - --- - * t $eikirk, Man., was destrqyed b_vV I re. A'QUA'7l`IC-`CLUB REGA'r5rA. THE NoR`rCHERN' A`DVA~_NCE ...v w vuynuu at LUTUHIO 1513110. ' "-Premir Cnalejas issiies `a. s_tat'?, meat of reasons for regglling gthq Ambassador from thegvatncan-. ` "l.`-...:.; 1172.1-.. A .4, 0 -- .--... v unauucls WCTC aaaed. The com-xszvsthy had their photo taken, Mr. J. Frank J ackson of Barrie be-. ing the artist. ' Mrs, n. L. '1`arBush entertained the Ladies Aid. of `Zion -Church Wednesday evening of Fast week.` A [splendid repast. was served on the Tlawn. A good number were present. `Several -new members were added. The comnanv hm! mm... .5... .4---` gnu mrs. JOIIII Martyn. ` -l/ " ` Miss Burnace and Miss _DelIa Huh!)- bard of T_oronto are visgting their cousin, 1%/`I:s_s Pearl_ vWalk_ms_haw. Haying is in fullvswiqg amongst `the farmers, mare especially `those ;on the ats. -All report a heavy crop. Mrs, H. L. TarBush Ladies Aid 2.: ' 7:-.. tr-I.---A-A _. v--v- nu-up vvwpn. William Martyn and `route spent over Sunday. with and Mrs. John Martyn. " :1... D.._.._._ 9 `pa - --` -`- - 'M1ss'AdaV Blair and Miss` Law: of -Shelburne [are guests of Mrs. Lorne. Davidson. ` We are sorry to leafn ,of Mr. Gregg s xllness gmd hope he may, soon be out again-. ` V 'l`I.- `I11... 0 - v.. nu $55!) _ The Misses Lula and May Steven- son of Toronto were visitors with Mrs. Pearce last week. \'l72II2-..- \l'- - Jas. Arnold of Toronto spent a few days with his brother, A. T. Arnold. '_ A . work. -r v-._. nn nu; Va UWV Wltll Jul": -lo DCU. Mr. L. F. White has his thresher ready and commenced hxs season's xRaspbc.rries are quite plentiful in this sectxon. -Rev. W`. Morris of. Orangeville spent a day or two with Mr. T. Bell. `Mr- 1' -n 1IfI.!._ - , "}:4-i;s Mary Armstrorzg of Toronto is spending her vacatxon with Mrs. A. A. Flaherty. T ... v-w-v_p. SiF""Jamcs P. Whitney gavean ad- :v"tl`ress about entrance examinations Saturday. ' - RCA race riot took placein Texas` were ki11_gd._ Saturdayvin which eighteen: negrocs _-v--v - Iran - uvvuwg vs JIVAI. vyccno Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Hamilton areholidayfng at Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Gr_a_f_ton _s._ gr. ma s-as == -..---. u-av va-vat-nus Avila J03. \JIlId.Illa Mrs. Cameron of Barrie was visit- 'ing at her son's, Mr. A. Cameron. A -Quite a number took advantage of the cheap rates _to visit friends. ' The W. A. meets" at . Mrs. Clip- ~stone s on Tuesday of next week. II. __.J 11-- Iinw, A -- " Archie .i:l-busy hauling shingles these days. ' Mis_s Millie Hart is on a. visit to Detroit. ' Mrs. Meek is home again after a short visit to Ottawa. "Mr. Jos. Simpson is getting his threshing outt in shape. ' 7 `Miss Glennie of Orillia is visiting her aunt, MISS Cameron. Mr. John Ma ill raised his new barn Tuesday, ug. and; \t__ _'u 1: - \ - Q3506. $Il\II LII-r. and Mrs. Graham of Graven- ihurst are visiting Mr. Jos. Graham. `II..- T`- .;_ - _....-_-`.- :~-n`uv. owgavlnllo Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Best returned on ~Satur'day after two weeks holiday spent w1th`fr1ends `in Barrie and Thornbury._ I ` 1.! I |alCIllCIIo Mrs. McFadden of Kirkeld 95 `spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A, McLean. A. Trottef of Toronto is. thei guest of her friend, Miss Libb e ` Bluemn. ` `f _ ` f'l'\ A`--.--__ U The beautiful` showers of rain on Monday were welcomed by all in this lvvicinity. ` If n 1-: - __ - _-_V--_, - " ' Mr. John Brown_`and son Robert yof Elliott s- Corngrs,` are spendmg a ;few weeks on their farm here. ' I Miss Cassie M-cCuaig is on the sick; ist. . `vagfge `Stags, `an old `and we]!- own civic employee, died in To- tontq, ` -.""!_-E`:-','fA_____ 9| `no: 0 M-r. Shanacy lost his house byhre jron Sunday. afternoon about I _p.m. The furniture and most of the con- tents" were saved. There was some insurance on the house. ' It is not known how the re originated. preached in, `the vP'resbyteria'n Church -Sunday, Juiy 3'Ist. I-Iis text was taken from -St. Luke 17 chap., 20:21 verse. . H e demonstrated the fact that all the religion was not" under a `church roof but in the hearts of iGCh.(1l'ist'-i`ans dwells the Kingdom of o . ` fRev.', v,Saut1<'l" e'rson4 of `Toronto! Miss ;Loui_'ejB'oyce has organized a class Vfor;`}i1istrumenta1,--piano qr organ}. _;A".ew .more.pupiIs. can b; taken. -` ` . . - ` 2 _Miss .Ida4D.oran` of Buffalo and Muss A. Doran of Barrie are visiting their father and sister, Miss A. Doran. ' '- Mr. B1-yshon s bread wagon does not call on the houses; the 12 stores handle the bread npw. Mrs. Joseph Codi: isVi11 anti hon- ~ned to bed. Palling is in at- te_ndance. . _ Drays` froth Barriie draiving provis- -ions from `Midhurst station} are num.- erous since the :_G.T..R. strike began. The _T.P.'C.E.S. held zyrnissionary meeting last ;We.dnesday at which Mr. .F. Orok, late of;Asia Mmor gave aneinteresting address; ' (From another correspondent.) The berry-pickers `are very busy_ gathering in the berries. _ ,.. ichildreg of.Toro1 1tdspen1.: `the. holi- day at, Mrs. Wm. Dunn's. ` 4 o" co co 4 J. a scon i Coal;`6.85 - at Brooklyn. ."B`1:.".<;:>.l< lis .belie`v'ed to hav Vr-V turned to Amenca. and to be staying `Y___-.,

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