Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Aug 1910, p. 1

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FORESTERS AF inc BAY. TSEIRIOUSLY INJURED. STRIKE NOTES. . `REGATTA DAY. DEATH` or cmw T0 ARREST Piilice Act on Discovery of Body 1 "Near Orillia.---Man and Wo- ' main Held in Barrielail. % Orillia, July 3Ist.-A sensation was caused `here on Friday by the arrest of a young" woman named Mary Dolan, andvof a man named on a charge of murder, The arrest arose out of the discovery of the body of an infant child on 'a small island on the Cou- chichingi side of the Narrows. The body had evidently been in the water for some time. The head and arms were almost gone. The `discovery "was made by Frank Ulley, of this town, who was shing in the Nar- rows. The cor0_ner empaneled a Jury, but after hearing the story of the nding-of the body the inquest was adjourned, till i the 8th inst. 1 _ l_,-`l _-I---. IRLS WA.\"rED-For Shoe Factory. Nice clean work. Good wages. Getty 8; Scott. Limited. Galt. Ont. 81-331) ` uu;vu..auu_ u... v.-- ---- __,-_ '. Meantime the local `police took up thematter and their investigation resulted in the arrest of the two parties named. The child, itis alleg- ed, was born in Toronto early in. March. ' On. the 26th day of . that month the police charge that the young `woman brought. the child to Hawkestone. It is here that they with murder. believe the child. was put to death and the body brought on thetrain to the Narrows, separating Lakes: Simcoe and Couchiching, in a grim? which was dropped into the water there only to come to light four months afterwards. It is the theory of the police that M`cNully was privy. to this disposition andit is on this ground that he is jointly charged` r , ;_-1:...:.. I VVILII lllul U91. The case came up for a prelimin- ary hearing before Police Magistrate `Clark Saturday afternoon. Mr. M. lB.? Tudhope appeared for the girl `and Mr. J. T. Mulcahy for McNu1ly. The latter pleaded not guilty, but Mr. Tudhope said that his client would waive a preliminary hearing. County Crown Attorney Cotter, how- ever, said he thought it was in the interests of justice that the evidence should be brought out. As the Coun- ty Crown Attorney was not ready to proceed-with the. case the police lmagistrate adjourned the hearing till `Thursday next. Chief Reid` and Con- stable Wright took the prisoners to Barrie this afternoon to be held in `the county gaol. ` _ 1--- LA-.. :.. ago-1v:nA :91 LIIC LUUIILJ SQUA- Mary Dolan has been in service in town. She is a young woman in the twentiesand comes from Mara. Mc- }Nul1y, was proprietpr of the Upter- grove Hotel until h1s license was cut off two years ago. He had been keeping a billiard room in Orillia of `nl-A l\\.\.l; late. L The `local teag `on Monday last by`a margin of 12 [runs., The following is the score; _ Bari-ie-1st innings. G. Raikes, b Carter . . . . . . . . . . . .. J. Cook, lbw, b Carter . . . . . . . .. Rev. E.` Biggs, run out . . . . . . . . .. C. Elmsley, b Noakes . . . . . . . . .. H. Brown, b Nolakes . . . . . . . . . .. M. `Banting, b" Carter . . . . . . . . . . . W. Little, b Noakes . . . . . . . . . . .. C. J. Banting, c Evans, b Noakes. H. Choppin, c Brown, b Ca:-tcr.. R. Stewart, not out . . . . . . . .. G. Caldwell, c Burleigh, b Noakcs 13__.... - \J'. \al\.|VV uu, \ iExt1-as H. Choppin, c Evans, b Carter, .; J. Cook, lbw, b Griin . . . . R. Stewart, b Grifn . . . . . . . ._..3._ 1. iii Jaquiss, b G'i'r1{1 C. Elmsley, b Grifn i G. Caldwell, b Carter . . . . . . . . . . Rev. E. Biggs, b _G'riin' G. Raikes, c Burleigh, 'b Carter. M. Banting`, b Griin, . . . . . . . . .. W. Little, not out_ . . . . . . . ,Gri"m, c and b'B1-;.)'wn_: ...... G. `Johnston, c Caldwell, b. Coo . Noakes, `b Cook C. T. Sutherland, b Cook` . . . . . . . Carter, "lbw, b Cook . . . . . . . . . . .. Rev.` T. Brown, b `-Cook Moore, run out . . . . . . . Smith, not out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Evans, stpd. Biggs, b Cook Burleigh, b Cook . . . . . . . . . . . .. Longman, `b Brown . . . . . . . . . . . .. Extyas .. l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OHIISIUH, I) Druwu. . . . . . . . a . . . . . . 001-e,_ stpd. Biggs, b Cook .. `Griin, c Choopin, b Cook . . . . .. Smith, stpd. )Biggs, b Brown Evans, b Jaquiss . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . _Carter,_ b Jaquiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noakes; c Choppin, b..Jaquiss C.T. Sutherland, c Little.b Jaquiss Rev.` T. H. Brown, c Harrison, b- Brown , . . . . . . . . Longgnan, 1) Brown; . . . . . . . .- . . Bu_r1e,1gh,`.not. out ........ .;. . Extras . . . . .. COLLIER STREET. METHODIST! %.c1-nlmcnq. 4 1 Next V Sabbath vis qu_g:te_rly Vmeeti`n.g.A ..;;Lope Feast. at 9.30 m `the-'._ ,sc`})_`(ac_)l- ~;,S*Iranzes!:tL%;et theV%A::x0n.=in*g4 JVLGQIKIJ \I"'CllQ `M'eaforVd-VI st Barrie--_2n.d` innings; I`, ._A. 1 Meafo..i'd-`-2nd _ I, 1'._-_.-.. CRICKET. innings. AITRESSES WA?s'TED--At once for Lake Steamers. Good wakes. A221! Musko- L. v'_\..-\~.__:._....:.._ _._J lJ....1 ICC-dtnt` VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV v v v .. A NEWS Amour TOWN oooooooobooodooooooooooo fzooooodooooooooo099999909: A` -A -+4__ -_.-_.__._ A -B1-ys`on s Cakes, Pies and Pastry will please you. Try them. Collingwood Basbeall Team defeat-` ed the home tearn last Thursday by {ft t9 2, in a *friendly'game of seven F mnmgs. - . Pu;ity Flour, the cream of Mani-' - toba Whea , on sale at Bothwell s.| 1 Owing to Toronto s civic holiday 1 falling pm Monday, the regtar trains on Saturday were heavily loaded with passengers. ` The lawyers of the town are clos- ing their offices daily at 4 p.m.~ dur- ing July and August, and at I p.m. on Wednesdays. -' Sgar for `preserving. Redpath \ pure cane sugars only sold at Both- ? well s. A- _ i - The Collier. 'SAt.L Methodist Sunday! School excursion to J'ackson s Point? on Tuesday by Str; Otonabee was ` very `largely attended. p~ p AllI1DEBl.3 VV AI` 1 l`4U-'Al Ul is I}akes!\'a\'igation and Hotel ` Gmenhurst. John McCarthy of Montreal, for! being drunk and disorderly, was ned] an_d costs on Tuesday or 21 dafys \1n jaxl. He took the latter. V ` i The Citizens Band will r_un its `second big moonlight _excurs1on to.- [morrowv (Fnday) ev_e_n1ng, Aug. `A programme of popular music W1 1 lfbe given by the band. " v -Most of the leading stores will! c1ose_at 12 o clock sharp every Wed- nesday during Julyvand August. ` . ` 2 The new cement crossmg over- Dunlop `street, at thefoot of Mul-i :caster, is a decided improvement on )the two-in-one crossings built last l year. V While driving with his son last] Wednesday, Ald. W-. `C. Thompson `was thrown out of his buggy and`re- iceived some injuries. His son es- caped injury. -Q-Fine quality engagement and Awedding rings at E. H. W'i11iams , Dunlop `St. Marriage licenses (no witnesses). ' ' James Roberts, whose death 7n` Toronto occurred last Friday at the V age` of 80 years,- was for several years `the caretaker of the Barrie Central School. He` has been a residexit of! Toronto for a number of years. --Open for the season. Little Lake Summer Resort. Boats for hire. Lunch nrovided `at all hours, also snft drinks. ice cream, etc. Furnish- ed rooms to let. Miss Lawrence. tf. 1 ' On Civic Holiday, Monday, August 18th," an informal dance will be given i by the Barrie Aquatic Club, in the Town Hall. Dancing beginning at -9.30. Music by Addison s orchestra. R .sALE-Brick house. nine rdoma. beauti- fully situated. overlooking Kemmrgelgt in n... A..- ...._.... 1...; _.ul.. .. ...-...I _ Bryson s special 15 cent fruit cake, -a pure inexpensive fruit cake,-just what ybu like these hot days. Order from your grocer or from our wag- gons. And remember you canal- ways get something good at Bryson s Bread and Cake Bakery.` On Monday the proprietors of the sWell`ington Hotel and the Vespra House were each ned $50 and costs for illegal liquor selling. . These cases were adjourned from July 19 to Aug. Ist, and" during the interval they pleaded guiltgv, upon which the nes were impose . An "order-in-Council appears in the lcurrent issue of the Ontario Gazette conrming by-laws of the County of Simcoe and the _T ownships of Tay and Matchedash, `allowing the Sim- coe Railway and Power Co. to erect poles on the roads in the districts for an electric transmissien line. The /Challenge Cup to be competed` for at the Horticultural Society s~Fa11 `Show, Thursday, Sept. It, may be seen in W. L. Reeve s window. This` is but one of at number of additional' attractions which the energetic direc- tors have arranged for the 1910 show. The prize list will be ready for dis- tribittion next week. - W - -r_.`. -l LL- uluuuuu nuns VVI-unn I Mr. _ Pinchin, _manager of the .steamer Otonabee of Peterborough, `brought the boat through into Lake Simcoe last week to introduce her to` the people of these waters. She is the largest boat on the Kawartha lakes, of 128 tons burden, 120 feet long, with_twin screws and engines of I28 horse-power`, capable of driv- jng her 14 miles an hour in deep water. Her registered capacity IS 444 passengers, besides crew. She `was built four years ago, and is the excursion boat of the Company, which has a fleet of four steamers. She ran a, moonlight -excursion out of Orillia `Thursday evening, and o*~.e' for the Band out of Barrie Friday eyemng. ' t I . I - The Education_ Department Tues-( dayrannounced the resu1ts'of the ex- amination for entrance into the fa-. culties of education. Be1ow_is given a list, containing _the names of all candidatesxwho `have passed in one or more parts of the examination for entrance into the faculties of educa- tion for Simcoe County: 9? \ .1? 'f\. I-Isl!` av; uaaunavvv `ave----4 . E. M. Adams (rart II.), TH. Dow- ney (p_art 1.)," F. . Day. (part I.), H. A. Ellxott (part II.), C. S. Gulston (part 1.), M. HL `G1-Veig (part "II.), M. D. Job. (part I._), A.* Jackson (part '-II`.), Lj. Jackson (part 1.), E. M . Ker- foot_'(p'hrt I.), B.R, Kerfoot (part I.),_ _S.`- Mingzy (part I.), L. M`cGinn (part ` f<:Nabb;.;_(i3&_tt'II.), I; A. Part- 5: Vpaif I` S W` Reaman (part .IfC;CEsSFUL CANDIDATES. {$1.00 PER Afmuu m Anvmct IIIOLI COFIII THICK CIITI gbuuoooouooougouoypo: . :Q-`- L A 2 4 .gA;'-g. `- Fun aAuc-Bnck house. mne rooms. nonun- Kempenteldt Bay. Also ve acres land with a good omlurd. APIJY for particulars at this Ofce or oddl B01392 Barrie. W-319' socm PARAGRAPHSL 3ooo1ooo'oo'oo' oooo49.3"- ' E_. -,G. Rogers of HamiIt_on xsr vxsmng In town. .- . 1 r.- 0 q s Frank Smith who yvas" injured in a. runaway last week is around aga_1_n. '__ `I7TI.:L- _._.1 `L..- _I---..LA___ `K-.. A ' :'l'l;E1':.-_JW?-1;-i't;2 ;n}1"i.e}' au'g"1{;r "1`v`1Z"5 gxe visited with friends at Banks last `we_e_k. Mrts. Moodi s brother from Geor- gia made a` short visit with her last. `Week. can . - 0'90 "vii;-"s. Pla.xton_ of Winnipeg is visit- ing_ with her daughter, Mrs. Ben Smgth. no u - 3 nnnonoo _I)octor.Mo1.'ris0n of Copper Cliff vzsxted wxth h1s parents on Charlotte Street last week. a---e.. --- v--, .--,---`. Miss A. `Fair of London, Ont., formerly of the telephone otce here, ;is visiting friends in town. k .` Miss Thompson of Banks, Co11ing- wood Township, is spending a few ilslolida.-ys with Miss White, Charlotte treet. - Miss Ma1'1'(l"_a1l of Toronto is `visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Ness, I 'High Street, Barrie. -r 1 /\ . The sons of the late James Smith, who were `home for their fathers funeralgleft here yesterday evening, 3rd inst., for their home in the West. 1 ARM FOR SALE-Fmy acres. 31.32.} lot 1- concession 13. Innisnl. freehold V px-overt`. wall-fencd, tgity-ve acrfs tt gonaglgus v w , t , en 0 0041- me 1.io11"se?twom6:'c`:1rrd!: uni small (mitt I ta ' t Miss A. v;iefemr`l:1tt`s.app1y on the premises 029.8 . . _--. I _._- Mr.'D. C. Murchison and his bro- ther, Mr. D. R. Murchison, left town on Monday for a trip on.the Sague- \ nay lasting about a month. (N ' Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Getty and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs; George Hancock, Jr., motored fro'm Galt on Monday to visit friends in Barrie. 111- 1. '9 Walter Hunter of the Bank` of Toronto, Copper Cliff, returned to his duties Friday, after spending holidays at his home on Kempenfeldt `Street. Mr. J. A. Trask of Collingwood has decided to accept the position of teaching school in Lindsay and wilt leave in a couple of `weeks for there. --Co1lingwood Messenger. Mr. J. W-. Kedwell, editor of the `Petrolia Topic, and Rev, J. B. G1-im- Shaw of Petrolia, stopped off the `train `at Barrie for a while Monday `on their way to Cochrane. It 1' -1- \r '1 1 Mr. J. A. McNeil] 0f_`the Mail and Empire sta, Toronto, was in town last week for holidays and remained .,over Sunday. He was accompanied `lair Mrs. McNeil1 and their little son arcus. - - ' Norman Hook has just returned to town and will be with the Carey Shoe Co., which is just opening up again in Barrie. For the past ve months he has been in Chatham with that firm. and reports that they have done a very large business in that I city. o 1' 1 Ann! I r .1 A w... . V Hiugh. LeRoy Allingham of the istandard Bank, at Penetanguishene, visited his parents on Bayeld Street last week. Roy is taking holidays- for two weeks, visiting his uncles near Berlin. Before his return to- Penetanguishene he will again call: [on friends in Town. At a meeting of the congregation- of St. George's Presbyterian Church, London Junction, July 26th, it was` decided to extend a hearty and un- animous call to Rev. Alex. W. Craw. of Bracebridge, to become pastor of the church at a salary of $8oo._ or vnuuilua IioraI'rrv IN `I'll! Town or BARRIE. LX108!` IEO. uy Y 111118 OI (I16 l'0W3l`B conlluu-u in a certain Mort; e, which vyill he produced" at the time of sale. t ere will be offered for sale by Pubhc Auction. lg W. A. Mcconkey. at the Queen : Hotel. _m e Town - of Barrie. ` on ` saturday. the mth day of August." 1910. at the- hour of 12 o'clock noon". the tollowin Egoperty : Parcel 1- Part of the `West Half o t l\'um'- ber 3. in the fth concession of the Township of Vespra. in the County of Simcoe. containin ten acres. more or less. and described as to - lows: Commencing on the Northwide of Wel- lington Street, nineteen chalns_and tti-tour links from the Eastern limit. of said Hal Lot; thence Norther) and parallel to the Eastern limit lnnlfoan n ninn` thin-nun link: main or Ill-IQB LCIJIII Irllil uiwvuvn sn nausea vs. and limit fourteen c ins thirteen links. more or less. to the Northern limit of said Half Lot. thence Westerly slong said Northern limit seven chains and twenty-three links. more or less,to n int half we distant between the Western it of said - Lot ~ and the inter- section ot the Eastern limit or the and land. hereby intended to be conveyed with the said" Northern limit. thence southerly parallel to the said Eastern limit fourteen chains thirteen links. more or less. to the North side of Wel- lington Street. aforesaid. thenoe Easterly slang` the North side of Wellington Street. seven Jn:ins ttwenty;ltil;reelinks.1nore or less. to the co o g.` ' _ rgr_:el_2-- _ t N-_q. eight (8)_o_r_1 the East side of FARM FOR SALE` A100 acres. beautifully tit- M_11Medjus t` out of_t_he corpox-a.t_iqn of Ba.rrle.. -A . _ _-_4I_ -_- piece or rung. Parcel 2- No. eight (8) on side Innisl St., in said Town of Barrie. according to restered plan. 1\'o..,245. save and exce t that part ereot heretofore conve ed to one ohert A. Dolfhs b one Joseph H ichmond and his wife. lice . Richmond. to bar dower. by indenture dated the 12th day of November. 1907. subject. howevento a mortgage for ssno.oo `from the said Joseph H. Richmond and his wife, Alice C. Richmond. to bar dower. to one. J. Jan R, Gill. rotrintnnn III Mn IMIB for Harrie. WIIO, A1108 U. xucnmona. [0 DH! |10W6l'. L0 0118. Juhn B. Gill. re sbex-ed as No. 10018 for Barrie. There are` sui to be erected on the said rsto ly described 1ands(Pau-cel 1 a. good two-st:-iet ~ nine-roomed brick venee . dwelling greenhouse attached thereto. also good cement stable and burn . There it also 9. goodn-chard on said premises and spring creek running through some. V This rope:-ty would make I splendid D1815 ket gs en ad well as a residence. ' Each pa.:`ce1'ot land will be offered for sale se erateiy and each subject to A reserve bid. ~ erms of sale :`- 10 per cent of ihe purchase -nnnnnnf flung . gain and flat: hnlnnnn Il"f.,I`I\ separately arm eacn sumac: to a. reserve mu. moneyct time of sale and the balance within. thirty days thereafter. For further terms and particulars apply to STEWART 8: STEWART. V Mortgagees Solicitors . 13 Owen street, Barrie. .IMe. Jn1yi8th,1910- 29-32 Under and by Virtue of the Powers contained 1: n mu-tnin Mnrtnmm- whit-.h will he nrodncad CALL TO REV. A. W. CRAW.. .Dat:e1 July 18th. 191; ` 8.30-Holy Communion. 11.o$_-Matins and Holy~Communion. ` 3.00-'-Children : [Bah-ic`c. A 17-3*E'*'!9PR.%sn t00+:H01!.B8pism- Trinity Chu/rch MORTGAGE SALEW sunbnviuc. 7,, 1910.` 1`-mun run us ms ~11!) acres. neumtuuy sw- uated justoul ofthe corporation being lot 4. Gun. 1 Vea rs: soil mostly ch him. Brick house. one rn. 58:00 ft. as - lerbam 30:60 and implement house rm. Will gesqm on reasonable terms. Addrel -7- D- ime. Barrie. _ 29889 ATCHED TEAM OF` HORSES FOR Sale-Black. suitable for Undertaker. ve {em old. sound and in good oondition. Apply 0A. Cunningham. Small SL. Barrie. 28-81 [ass FOR SALE-~That vausble dwelling bongo H14 Jwremises being part of lot 6! on the 3011111 n e of Collier Street Barrie. ownodnnd `W! occupied by Mr. Wm. Peirlon. ` This Wneyty is most centrally loolted and thc ""1B8housetheroon bu eve? mgdorn im- or Mfement and convenience. OH!!! H111 Il.!`ticn1n......1-o,.u7... n-a....... on nmgll BL i l'6rtraits opening a Savings Accountjn the Union Bank makes it eas1e_rl_ to save. You get into the habit of depositing, more or less larly, small amounts of money what would otherwise `quickly -there is . At the end.of the yea, with the Interest added,. ' a substantial _balance- to your credit--and you _have* scar- ce1v missed the dP051t5- _ A Savings Account in the Union Bank is a_ reserve which on ought to provide against pos- -iible sickness or nancial re- verses. Why not start one now ? _ - ARI E $ B A vwtement and convenience. For terms Ina smlm applyto Wm. Peinon 16 Small St. BN2: or Stewart 8: Stewart. Boggorf. __ , UISDIR WANTED ' ' ' Kishest price in cash id for _ . " ` *:::;:.;., ::i;:;...: ..'?.'.*.?.",:.1'...:.`..":.'e `ikrri J, ~ at t re: `, 0-OM11. (,LAR!,Shing1e Man. an on 0 we MONEY TO LOIN .u...2:.:1,:;::e:1z:`s:.:*:, :1: .::m.'..:: . ::.': "1m'a. on th ~ it. ood farm mortn 7980.8. Mc(`,A 'r8$"n\\? E unnnlnso. No. 31 L. W OMPSON cnaw. TH `L |!.wa1-d-Pu1-i.~', F1-unce. 1900. r U 35y. re I the 15 mw`ot a:;z:.::::::`.: s:.'?3 3~?end* *...":.':'....t Bargi The prove '9 M r $3113 and . and "3"" n contaimng 111 "$g:e`;.e"{ :`fgood{ Wag .1::2,::%:*::;:z.. me .pbrg`'23.i ect'3d -* :1? now aheir best and G3 3 d glov N118 estate. 3 tiny} f0rmation asto t!'m' em` an J n utorl W--" ' 0?: Blakesnan .. g.l}?yr?({19g55' b*:f3i g-89. Altrcd Wilkes. The Owe 3 ' . ' _\' W)--F . ' lhousework. [{.D..)`.A1\4.1;Er I ::pgc:2?r%ln2`s7-2- Gait. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; AID \\'A.\'l`1n--r`or general npuaewur-s.. Apply Mrs. E. J. Getty. Box 872. Gait .` . 31-33p J. FRANK JACKSON. Wnzx AXD STOP AT THE ' MA .`3.'$.E_I. 319.1 .E l"E --vs--I Il\II:I- W P- O'Connell. Proprietor. V V _ . . cm: MARKET `A A.` - - `rglncess street wmmP`. } hiss Accommod9.tion.~ Remodellbd _ and Refllrninha 'I`I\nnnaI-Anni , . , -` ' -nvvwowauu A All vouch-nu vs -- -..-_v D V V V""" V re? ia3'ihx?'ri`r.'&3's? adu'3a1so"' "x' . Non sum Bare. A _ g "Something worthwhile ; CHARLES D:.up)N`f . EDITH Dt:JAn:nm`_',;.,%.%; mmB'A'l='t`l;tJl`fBRAZNCH 1 W. D. MORTON. Manager, I WUNQ Ind N i OF CANADA Established 1865. v-..maB Accommodatlom R0130 Returuished Throughout. j OSTE_Q_P_A'|"HY _ MONEY TO LOAN An I-_._, -____-__A. -1 _.-_. TRAVELLI.\'G Wnsw BE 317.3, . AND STOP 0.-._--- - *1` CEDAR WANTED 5..-- an A-..` wotographic Made by- FOR SIDE. Condenged Advortiscxnents quiet. this head] 2. c.; Sumes. sue ; payable strictly 1n_ad,\(ance._` 1 OITloP:AV1'H`I '.U--AI once I0!` 1453:: urea. A ply 0.. Limited. 31.31 "TITTZ II, Punugpuun. Til-IoI.: No. 3.9%} rllllvu 31.31 _The `strike of the Grand Trunk cOnduct ors and etrainrnen: was oicial-` 19 called off at 6 o clock Tuesday evenings Under the terms of the settlement the men who went out om July 18 obtain two concessions over the terms offered by President Hays, on the afternoon of the. day they I struck. ` > E The Terms of Settlement. - l } First-Th_e commny will put back as `soon as possible the men other than those who have been or may be found guilty of acts of violence, or disorderly conduct, the under-` standing being that there is to ,be no coercion or intimidation used to-` wards the new. men. | Second-The company will put into effect from May 1, 19m, the rates named in schedule` of rate 'dac-' ed July 18, I910, those rates toibel embodied in the present schedules now in effect on- this line, if being understood th_at those rates` shall In no instance effect. a reduction in any existing rate. -.1 Third--T'he "company will on n. I, I9I2, make effective in train and`: yard service on the Grand Trunk` Railway the rates of pay and the mules contained in the schedule or agreement on that date in effect ons the lines" of the Canadian Pacic Railway east of. Fort W'illiam. L "The names of successful candidates of the_examinat.ion. for entrance `into the Normal Schools were given out on Tuesday. by the Education Dept.` Those for `Simcoe "County are as fol- lows:- ' - '- -- -_ -1 if F. J. Allingham, E. Boothby, Burgess, B. Beech, R. Brown, J.%Bry-j lant (honors), M. A. Beard (honoa-s),` 1U. Black, E. Barrans, D. M. Camp- bell (honors), W. H'. Carlton, M. C. Currie, A. G. Cook (honors), K. E Duff, 0. Dickinson, F. Donnelly, J: E. Fr_a,ser (honors), J. Greenaway, L. G. Guest,.J. E. Harvey, L. Hunter, ' " " `` Y'.__I_....:. /1-Aggnanl I K10 \l5I\v& -Jo ac. vva, _. ' W. J. Houston, E. Herbert (honors), W. Hawking E. King, J. C. `Ken- nedy (honors), C. Keenan, A. M. Learofd, O. Lockhart. H. Marshall, J. A. MacDonald, M._May, C. W. ;Mjc;Dermid (honors), A. .McLeod_ (honors), N. McLeod (honors), F. Millsap, `W . Murdoch, W. MacMil1an (honors), Winnie McDonal M._ F. Madill, G_.E. Marshall, E. Mills (hon-. ors), L. O. Mawdsley M. Montgom- ery, B. Murphy, A. M. Murray, E. McKellar (honors), , M. * Martin, L. H`. McCurdy, S. Oliphant, F-. M._ Quinlan, C. Reid`, A. H. Reed, J. E. Ronan, L.` I. S roule, J. T. Speck, . J. Stephens,_O. . -Steer, M. E. Staf- ford, J. 'H. Sissons (honors), L. M. Smith, M. V.` Speers, F. M. Watt, F. Walsh, L. Young. * " -_,-_2..-... AAQIAQQ Walsn, L. gr. xuuug. The following seven can_dida.tes, in ;attendance at the Col_1_eg:ate `Insti- jtu_te_, Barrie, were successful in ob- `-----~ an pnfracc to th"N0fm3l SUCCESSFUL `CANDIDATES. tute, Barrie, succcssnn In vu- taining. an entrance to the- Normal School. One of the these took hon- ors s(i.e. `seveny-ve per cent. of the total marks) : Miss F. J. Allingham, T Miss H. Marshall, Muss L. I. Sproule, Miss L. G. Youn. , Miss D. M. Camp- bell (honors); xss F. "M. Quinlan, It- 1: `u'..\xIa1>1L puma: wxrnn. non EVERYONE ` Dcll \ uuuy. Mr. `F. The Cable Drilling- Co.. of which| :Mr. E. J. `Cable, Owen St`.,ris man- lager, have been making a big suc- cess drilling wells throughput this district of late. Anew well sunk at Guthrie `school house is probably. the best and strongest ow of any well in this part of the country, but other good ones were put in for The Bar- rie Milling Co.. J. Bin-gham, Pene- -btang St.`, and two at Crown-. Hill. ` It pays to`- have good water, saves doc- tor s bills and is`a. source of comfort-. Anyone o`ntemplating sinking a new well or re.-` _ol_d _one should consult Th.e Cable D|'iull`|Z_ C0-"., 331'- rie, and -be assured of` satisfaction.'. WAN'I`ED-\'oumz girl for light housework and to assist in the care of children. Apply at The Advance Office. 31- Entmnce VI'nto Normal Schools.` svakers jwellvvers t ey have chosen. A PUBLIC LIBRARY % have arranged _ V ` Institute to `be h_e`ld at the,ne`w Cag- Publtc Llbfaxy, Penetan`gm- negie ` _ -shene; _Thursday a ntl" Friday, _A;1g1_1st 25th and 26th. The progra.mn_1c`_ 111- ve list o f,,top1cs by `for .a Public A Library eludes am instructi V_ _ ` n` the subjects. gapeakets fwell =v'erse_d _ Lnnog hngan. \ Pu88nger `and Service - `ms m'r:nI:s1's. or 1'1 Ont.` Insnirum; %B%ARkRIE.,CO.UN' I`%YOFS1MCOE.%ONL1:ARIO, AUG. 4, 1.910 1 Oh Friday A. C. Garden, Warden "of Simcoe County, sent the follow- a, ing message by wire to therminister 1 of labor, General Manager Hays and f`1\I?. Murdock, of the strikers: . "Freight trains have been busy since last Thursday and Friday trying to overtake the arrears in the freight blockade. .. Passenger trains have been `run-' ning as usual. Indeed there has been no material collapse of the passenger `service since the rst day of the `strike on July'I8.. No word has been received as to] whether the engine drivers will re- new their agreement with the com- !pany, or join the strikers. General` Master of Transportation Brownlee, of the Grand Trunk Railway, in mak- ing `his daily report. on Saturday smiled at the idea of `the engineers joining the trainmen in a general Estrike. WARDEN GARDEN URGED AV % SETTLEMENT. `Entire* Counly of Simcoee suffer- ing great loss and inconvenience by` strike. Every municipality desires to strongly urge an. early settlement. . The hearing of the evidence in the Tossorontiol disorderly. conduct case was resumed in the police court on `Saturday before Mayor Wallace and Magistrate Lee, and although part of the foren-oon arid the entire after- `noon was occupied with the case It. ____ _...A. -n....1..zI2:r` CA `vs-no "IA phat-(rt-\ `HUUI1 was Uccuplcu .vvu.u un. cue ... `was not concluded. So far the charge] includes the using of blasphemous| language on `thehighway there was` little or no evidence to support it. The demonstration, it appears from lithe" evidence, `was intended chiey 'for. the benet of Gordon May, an employee on the Lytle farm. The affair, jt seems, was in" the nature of AL------_- o._A nu nnnvhA`1 ant` 9 Gll ;affair, it was m the nature or Qa charivari and a cowbell and a gun [loaded with blank shells were among the instruments of- torture. The case will be- resumed in the police court on Thursday forenoon, when a cou- ple of other charges arising out of the trouble will also be ventilated.- Alliston Herald. On Monday next the Aquatic Club ` will furnish the eople) of Barrie with ['a real good d s? sport if the work of the `club ocers and committees can_-be taken as a criterion. Every- thing is about in-"readiness for `the da s fun and a goodly prize `list is o ered. It is up to the merchants and `citizens to join with the boys and make the day one long to be re- memhered in the history of the town. Programmes on sale in the leading stores on Thursday next. Stay in "'|A~---- -...I nn:n-n .unn-calf .store_s on Lnqrsuay uwu. `Ba:-rue and enjoy yourself. Wm. McLarty. ad hfs thigh badly crushed last Thursday morning by the falling of a. wheel which was leaning against a wall, in the foundry of-the Canada Producer & Gas En- gine Co., where ` he was employed. n:. ......a:.:,... mom nnnaiefed` to be gin: LO., WHCTC [IE Wu Cuupnvgvuo HIS condmon. was considered` to be seraous at rst,/but he has been pro- gressing favorably this week. a The I.O.F. are running three trips ler Str. Islay__to Big Bay Point on: onday, -Barrie s -Civic. Holiday. ` Good sports and good fellowship will make, a ,merry day, Hot water, on 'the grounds. . Take. your baskets, your childrenand enjoy. T the lake STEAMER ISI;AY S TRIPS. What` is the matter aw-ithe you tak- ing your fa1_n'ily andlunchl basketand having a trip omthe Steaimerelslayi Regular "trips" every V Tuesday and Fri- day ` to Strawberry. Island and Orillia. There are only` a few more weeks _of excursion weather, so .enJ_oy it while youean`. .4 _ W T - %BARR|!.1'H: couarrv or smcos AND 1':-1:` nounmou or damn: oua cnrremou. 1 `*1 ~ I `A DISTINGUISHED WRITER. Former Resident of Simcoe Cqunty Emily. Ferguson, the `authdr of `Johnny Canuck in the West recent- ;publshed `by Cassell 8: Co., . n gland, United States, Australia da, was born in-.. Simcoe ~ `She "is a. daughter of the `late `Isaac Ferguson bf fcookstomn ' Egandda1ughtetj.of the late Col-I . Is It: She was` ` V A the ' (Bl8h'Op__ .St_ra_c'ha,n scho.ql.e gmomntogj` gijd _n1'arri=e_tlf7- the W35-` THE TOSSORONTIO CASE. a18d'bo!`n:-..i1'1_v thgs county. n: pica- ;ent_..~ they ,4:es;de.. .u1_A-Edmonton; where ~Mi'J.. T . X-'1hais"'11a`r<,=.;coa1 inte.r.ests.-!' ::11*9nL9nA*!is*;% Mur- ~ .;liia_i+i ! WA.\'rED-A (`oak and a housemai'1."';Anply ` 10 MRS. W. A. BOYS. Barrie. 31431 '

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