Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Jul 1910, p. 7

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HORTLY after Charles Vogeler, of St. Jacob -si Oil fame, died, a banker was called in to look over the aairs of his estate. He was horri- ed to nd, in `going through the books of the concern,` that enormous sums had been spent in advertising. He looked upon this as useless ex- pense and so reported to Mr. Voge1- er's widow. He said the oil would sell without advertising, because everybody knew about it. E 11,I A Butthe public is so fickle! As scon "as the advertising ceased to bothervthe expense columns, of the ledger, the demand for the remedy slackened. vv--J-~-- --.--. -~- u-uv--v--'_. "Within two or three years the golden stream of orders had shrunk to proportions that would have dri- ven the former proprietor frantic. That's the reason that you -and sev- eraI million other pe Vle no longer ._ask for St. ]a'cob's 11. As it no that it is no longer on sale. longer advertised, you probably `think--if you think about it at all-- The essence of advertising is `ever- lasting persisting. If you make or sell a good thing. tell the public a- bout it--and keep on doing so. Don t quit until you want to quit business. . 0, Ann Consult. . Education I wing ctrcular Icbpcxguug of teachers has been IS- Ontano Department of The follo s ` scaruty an by the Ueturu submitted to the , Legis- ,;3;'::re last he .\Iodel_ . ` l5z1cu1t1e.~t 0 one th0usant_l. v qualmed Schools, Normal Schools, of hducatxon prepared seven hundred and ve teachers, a supply, larger than in any former t the last year of the ex- ui the County Model Schools, bvious reasons, the pat- zendancc was `somewhat larger than before. Xt>t\\'tt11stz111dx11g_this supply We it 3 cumt'.n11v:(l scarcxty of teach- ,-, which is largtcly due to the in- adequacy of the Ontario salaries and ' 13...` 1: _ _ when. 101' U \\7A..A.\...- session shows that in .I909.- ! \ `Meter cmi1`n< that no person of `tr;`;33i'7fJ -';1".`.`;x: _`~Ir1n:11 Schools will It (3) NH :11>Mic;:ti`>11 for 1 T311190!` afj.'certif1c:m- .~'m'u1(1 be recommend- ed by an ln~pcCtuI' for any person under 18 yc;;:~~ mi uggc, unless the In- ihc rcquirul zeuv can be obtained.` 3. :\t {ht ra-<;L'nt Session of the} Facultiu ox ':Cah1cz1tion teachers-in-\ I2";-.z1`.in,r wh- :r~.11u- to obtain Firstv C:lS.:CQrIir`1C.'-.'=.\'. wv.-rc granted Sec- `1F.i1CI:1s< L`t`I`Ii2}(`:lIC$. valid for two )'tur`.~. 'm- .57;->~`i-11 the Third Class, "`<:'~`~ :!`::t`.H-'1 to teachers-im M` hi` ` 71`: I'M .\'C:1rs. Teach- I I following L... A}. TI` `Total Assets Cgpital and Re Serve! -43 . $5,300,000 - nving circular respecting : Ontario TEACHERS. 28, 71910 ~--_ __---I There will appear in The Northern Advance, h, the first Ainstalmento_f a on August 4t New Serial Story; M By Headon HilI,i ~A utlior of i Millions iof Mischief," F` The Hidden .\fictim, i. "%Un- masked at Lush ? etc, i `runs away like its predecesso:rV . (now` running) has all that eleingnts that go to make 01% {a , thrillin:Tmarrativ_e. alseing, f strut}; in both plot and "inci| nt. the readu-'s% interest is~sus`tained \tntil trim nd.VA~'. V` T Capital . . . Reserve Fund . ', .A . $5,500,000 Head O'1_ce,- Halifax, N.S. General Manage:- s O1ce,`.Tor0`nt_o. . e;'$3,ooo',ooo- General Banking Business T:-Vansactled ' The Bo0ks andestatements -of this Bank are an_nua11y submitted` to a strictly Independent audit. Barrie. Branch -. `Points A S. MoAVD'AM, MANAGER ....`_`_'_,_ OF NOVA ers also who at a previous` Session were awarded such Second and Third Class certicates_valid. for one year may, on the 1'~eco'mme_ndation of the llnspector under whom they last itaug-ht-, have their certicates renew- ed` for an additional year on applica- tioxg to the Deputy Minister of Edu- cation. ` - [_ 4. If, in the opinion of an Inspec`-l tor, there are_school boards in his inspectorship that should be allowed, ` `for the school year 1910-11, to en- gage teachers holding Limited Third Class or lower certicates, he may submit a list of such schools to the Minister for hisapproval, with full information as to the reasons V for such recommendation. For schools so approved, the Inspector may al- low application to be made on form 93:1 without requiring the trustees to advertise. _ 5. Upon the recommendation of `the Inspector, underwhom the teach- er last taught, a Third Class or Dis-4 trict certicate,lof which the original term ofissue terminates in Decem- ber, 1910, will be renewed until June 30th, 1911, provided the teacher pur- poses attending in 1911-12 a Normal or Model School or a. Faculty of Education. | _ 6. A Third Class or` District cer- ticate upon which the holder has no_t- taught for the ful'l `period for which it was originally issued may, upon the recommendation of -the In- spector under whom the teacher last taught, be renewed for a period suf-.1 crent to enable the holder to com- plete the full term. ~ _ - i l Inspectors are reminded that if a Board does not follow the foregoing instructions, it has no right to the Government grant, nor, under the Act of 1909, can the Township grant lbe paid to a teacher who does not holder; legal certicate. The Minis- ter trusts that eachlnspector will do- all `in his power to aid Boards" of Trustees in obtaining the best quali- ed teachers available, and to induce them to pay adequate salaries. Inspectors are hereby directed. to ;g'ive.,V.the contents .-of -this circular as much publicity. as` may appear to. them to be -in the interests of their` schpols. . l 1' 1.... flu: hnnnnr to be. `I To P/uT)1'i I SpCtO1_`S. % Brownlee, the Aucuoneer, n....-., ihandles -credit sales of `farm stock and implements promptly and satis- kfactorily for $5.00 and upwards. Dates `can be arranged for at THE! [ADVANCE OFFICE; * ~ i------- Incorporated 1832. : ' ee the Auctioneer Barrie. B,l;??`_ nl_.'.. .::.. ....'I-._- AS ~ stock `Dep1:1ty 'Mi;1ist;r_3`fvI:;1c1tibn, l Public and Separate School In-.` I havthe honor to be, mYour obedient servant, A. H._U: COLQUHOUN; `Bf :l'l|eo Wilson Lytle Badgero; i. Co., Toronto (T lie` '_ "Largest Vin-Z: I I Tegar Works [nAmerica). f we `own Pg` _Nothing more easy to do than to. dilute _vxn_egar, and nothing` more Subtle. In its deeeption- Any person can distinguish strong butter or stale eggs but not one in a- hundrdean by taste tell the strength of vinegar. A The `introduction of- a little foreign acid may sharpen the `taste without adding `strength, and on the cfher "hand some of the most beautidully imild and delicious Vinegars possess lreally a high strength, not apparent [to the taste. The result of weak vinegar is spoiled -pickles and angry." housewives. Ihe use of strong vine- garinvariably bringssatisfaction to all. If you buy WII~LSON S `from the barrel with-the red ends you will; rget`vinega'r of `strength. Our vine-_ gars are always full strength and ab- solutely pure. Ask your Grocer for W*IL'SON S. If he has not got;-it drop us a postal card and we will in- form you where itpcan be obtained. of the seashore iforvnumber. Some ot them ll volumes, others are con- densed to the space of a magazine '-`article, and now and then a maxim _ holds wisdom- enough_ fdr a week s meditation. One could do worse `than commit to memory the principles of the following Alphabet of Health, which was printed by the Atchison ,.'Globe : Abstain from intoxicating liquors- . Breathe good air. Consume no more food than the body requires. ' ' . -Drink pure water. Exercise daily. "Find congenial occupation. , Give the body frequent baths. r " Have regular habits. A l Insure good digestion by proper mastication.-' ` _ _ Justify right livingby living right. Keep your `head "cool and your feet warm. . _ ' ' i Look for pleasure in moderation. Make denite hours of sleep. Never bolt your food. ' `Overexercise is as bad as under- exercise. a Preserve an even temperament. Question `the benet of too much I medicine. L A Guides to `health are as the sands\ IIJCLIICIIIC. ` > Remember, An ounce of preven- `tion is worth a pound of cure. I, Sacrice money, not health.` Temperance in all things. Under no condition allow the teeth to decay. V ' Vanish superstition. ` Worry nottat all. X-tend the teachings of this "al- phabet to others; Yield not to discouragement. Zealously labor in the cause of; health, and gain everlasting reward. l TALK No.L b4--STRENGTH on L VINEGAR.` % % Rolling off a log while bathing be-' hind the Dundurn park below the Grand Trunk tracks at Hamilton last \ Vednesday, Arthur Fealey, 3 Pine street, 'a seven-year-old boy, fell into l-eight feet of water and was drowned.` The lad `was bathing with Charles` Pfeiffer when the accident occurred} and the latter called fo_r.h.el-p. Herb." She'ehan answered the call, and-, di"'-4 ' ' _ _ A - A . -Anal-mp` FLA kr\r1~:I f\(\..ll bneenan aI15wc1_cu LHC Lclll, (Luu, ..... . ing in, recovered t-he -bod;.I. The po-i lice worked ov_er the lad for smne; ;time, but could not resuscitate'him.i The death occurred recently of, Prof. Cyrus Thomas. of Washi11gton,g ;D.C., an eminent authority on thei `history and life of the North Ameri- can Indians. Prof. Thomas was con- nected for many years with the Bur- eau of Ethnology and -the Smithson- iian Institution, Washington. . V "ALPHABET OF HEALTH. oN'~;AuGus1* Tm '.rHEIANaRTHE RN{ -ADVANCE `Ottawa, July 22.-'=-_H,on. Mackenzie :King received replies to his letter of yesterday from both Mr. C. M. Hays. president of the Grand Trunk, and Mr. James Murdock, -Vice-President of the Brotherhood of Railway -Trainmen_,` but he does not consider it to be hisduty to make the texts `public. Mr. Murdock s`A telegram to 1the minister was given to the press `bx Mr. Murdock,-`and it is expected that Mr. Hays will also give out the textof his _letter to the minister. --- v- - .w--V. pv u... -.....__.v.. Hon. Mr. King statedsto the `press Lthat he considered both of the replies to beevasive, and in order that both .parties should be seized of..the gfave I responsibility which rests upon therri, `he this morning despatched -*the fo1-. slowing telegram to Messrs. Hays and Murdock : ` MINISTER of LABoii's A ATTEMPTS TO CONCILIATE cw- -on v-vs.-. Referring further to my letter of the 20th instant and the replies re- ceived, I would respectfully. point out x that neither the reply from the presi-p l_ dent of the company, .nor- the reply '_ from the representative of the gen- eral committee of the employes, an-. swers the questionpit asks, which is, whether, as representing one, of the parties to "the present dispute, you will not be willing. to refer the exist-A ing differences to"arbitration, provid- ed a board of arbitrators mutually acceptable can be secured, and the. necessary expenses incidental to such a board he met by the Government. ,_I- AL- ,6 Uvutu uv annwu -J ---v ,..- This is a question -to the `people of Canada,'who, at,the pres- ent are being more largely affected vbv thevexisting dispute` than either of the parties, have a right to expect a denite reply, and which, as 3. Min- ister responsible to them, I feel It ..-_. .l..a-. L.` nab nu +1-Hair hp}-ml? ~1SIer 1'CSpUl'l5lUlt: LU Lucm, my duty to ask on theix: behalf. u11r'1 1 !_-.II-- ...--A Q` n A Ill) ULILJ DU tn-Ill vs: v----n -7---~~--. _ i `v i11 you kindly give a direct answer to this question at your earl- iest convenience, that the public may be -able to judge for itself of the present position. and attitude of the parties on a matter which so vitally affects its interests. (Signed). VV. L. MACKENZIE KING, Montreal, July 22.--Mr. C.M. Hays, president of the Grand Trunk, made public at noon to-day his reply. to the overtures of Hon. Mackenzie King, Minister of Labor, proposing a settlement by a Mutually Accept- able Board. ' Mr. Hays letter is as follows :' Montreal, July 21st. To I-Ion. W. L. Mackenzie King, Minister of Labor, Ottawa, Ont; Dear sir :--I have your letter of July 20 suggesting arbitration. What you propose 15 what I oered Mess of July 8th. It eis'als0 what I pro- `posed in my letter to -you of July 13th, to which in yours of July 15th you replied, `I regret that it does not seem to me that I havethe requisite authority to take` either of the courses you suggest, nor do I believe it would be in the public interest to do so. \ Vhile your attitude appears ytohave changed I infer` from the reported statement of the views of Messrs. Murdock and Berry, as contained in the morning papers, that they main- tain the same position they have ..-1__.. 1..-. 41.1: knninnina -Vnnrs is-s. Berry- and Murdock in my letter i Ldlll taken` itruly, truly, .- Chas. M. Hays, President. Mr. Murdock submitted -his reply `for the brotherhoods to Mr. King yesterday, endorsing the p_rincip'Ie of arbitration but urging for a United :States Commission which had been ,_ successful south of the border. - I We offer One Hundred Dollars! `Reward for any case of Catarrhthat cannot be cured by Ha1l s Catarrhb Cure. . . . ' } F.` J. CHENEY 8: C-.O.,.To1edo, 0. We the uxndex-si'gned haveknown If`. "J. Cheney for the last T3 `years, gmd believe him- perfectly honorablel , ;n L ...... .. `4.-nr\enr~1';r\rIc and n; and DCIICVE l'l1II1 pCl'1t:Cuy uuuunauu. 111 all busmess transactions and .\n-* .ancia11y able to carry out any obliga- tions made by his rm. \/Valding, Kinnan &- Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood nd mucous surfaces of the system . Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. - rn-1_, 11-11:- 1:`......:1-. D211: Sn- nan. llhl uvuynuu hr\.rI\.g -4 ...- 7- Take Ha11 s.Fami_ly Pillsfyc; on- stipation. V The Canadian Magazine for August is an unusually strong number. Per- haps the feature of most importance `is a ne article by.Professor W. L. Grant entitled Goldwin -`Smith at Oxford. Professor Grant has been for some time lecturer on Colonial .V ll-Iistory at Oxford, and` the re- searches for this article were made on the spot. There is also a splen did appreciation by Dr. A. H. U; Col- . quhoun, Deputy Minister of Educa- tion for Ontario, of the wo'rk"and place of Goldwin Smith in Canada. These two articles are well illustrate ed. Professor Archibald MacMechan contributes an entertaining account of some early associations in ;I-Iali: fax. Mr. Arthur 0'. `Wheeler, Presi-, `dent of the Canadian Alpine Club, ` has a beautifully. "illustrated article on Cana_da s Wonderland. The sec- ond act of Arthur 'Stringer s', play. The Blot is in this number, as we! as Asometne short stories- ' V According to a recent retain of the British Board of Trade,` the net emie gration from the United Kingdom to countries outside of Europe during `the years 1908 and I909 wds as'fol- \ r.~ - A Country. ' . , r9o8.<. 1909. 3' o"oo- Ai1stra1ia._~. . . H. , . . Ir,_476__ .5 17,377, `ARBITRATION. IN SIGHT. :::3 'B.RI'I'IS_I-Ii EMIGRATIQN; yet: -le PUSILIUH Lllb] luau from the begmmng. -Yours THOW S THIS. * Minister of Labor. Montreal, Iu1y_2I.-Mr. George L. Cains, "president of tlie Montreal. of Trade, stated this morning t01he,. New`-sj . that the ;BOard had not .n1ove-`_; in regard to the 71` 31.1d'`I3 .}n.t I \Jl.uu., _-I-ll-ll.xl\ a` likely to do so. WE REPAIR WEAK MEN 1Eq1xac3- of Untzu'1o szua'r1es anu 111-; x:1i;;(ru11.m tn _thc \/V esterp `Pro- mc(-,-_ [11 View (Y1 Sllgh scarclty qnd the consequent gxxgtxxrncs regardmg the rcnc3m1 nf Ihxrd Class Cert1- rates and rcqm-: for Temporary Ccrticatc.<, 1 mm mstructed by the Hg,-Icy of I7.:1ucuti to `submit for \~(.urg:l1i(1:1I1Cc the following state- `VASES? QHEAVIER We consider that President Hays X " V RATEs_ -- . . is the _best qualied judge whether ` - * t, . the company is in a position to Day do to ` the increaseto the men, ? he observ- e`a1.tIu1yA_.2t e , resident` of_ te. Montreat -certain point we wi1_l nd` the co_;n-17 * " t 2' this ntotning panfy: goimto Ottawa for*permissxoi11`? 4 " ' ` " " ` ' A L " "1-,ei_g`htttari,, and;=ix"% I.-;-Mr. George L. ed." If wages are] forced beyond a ' I C176! _$IIvI in -vvv vu ---w 7 vv- All letters";-ran: Canada addnessed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to ` ONE $3.21 OF OUR SUOGESS. Everycese submitted to us receives the personal etteation of our Medical stair, who consider the symptoms. complications and chronicity. `A and then decide as to the disease and curability. Specic remedies are then prescribed for the case and are compounded by our own chemist in our own Laboratory. Such appropriste treatment cannot fail to cure. as specic medicines are selected to cure the gyaptoms tint trouble you. We have no cure-ell medicines like most specialists use who V the some medicines to all patients alike and cure none. We have treated patients throughout Oenede for over twen y years and can reter to any bank as to our responsibility. WoGIInIteeCureeeiNoPey. VVe'l'reetellDiseuesofMcnendWoInen. i 3' CONSULTATIONA FREE -5 UUnelIle_toCell.VIriteforeQueetionI.|'etferHenieTreet:nent. - '-nnjjj -Zjlhjj Ayer s Hair Vigor mThe Fickle m Public- Vn`.-_V- iji - tin------- -- ------ - Cor. Michigan Avc.{and Griswold St.. Detroit, Mich. -111: Q 1 AH 1;!-Ivno-I"`fnnI (`mvma must he adres iniurious here? Ask your of merit here? Ask your" Wil1ltstopfaIlinghair?_Ask your wanatdesuoydandmm Ask your Let our 24:2 ?/e7?lz'52'zg. ./llmzagzr. -ta/K: it over 7222'!/z you.` T 1, Thu 1'c. Hi the examinations oft11ei"ztc111tic>' oi Education have alreutlv been ;tnnuunced~. As soon as the result.` or the examinations of the .\'orm;il Scliimls` are announced; which will he about the second week (,j_lul_v_ a Boaril of Trustees requir-l mg 3 teacher should advertise for -one with l-`irst. Second, Provincial. Third Class Certicate. T_he adver- tzsement shoulil state the highest Sal.- ary the Board is able to pay.) ill 11'. aftt-r due advertisement, ;.. (tl)H\`L`. a teacher holding one of the Zllm\`L`-111Cl'ltiOl1Cd certi-` (.':'.C.~ cannot lie obtained, the Minis- ler will :i:;;rec to the appointment of atrzlcllcr with lower qualications in iilt l\.i1U\\'illg of preference, on the ltm)llCJ'.IiHil of a Board and the Vtitllillllclliiilllull of the Inspector :-- ill Third L'la.~.< Limted, or Third l:i.~.< 9.\[liI'L`l,i, (.3) District certicate, ` 9: District i-.\pii'c-ll. Failillg these 1 any other `lit-1-:11 whose qualica- V tzaiis the ill~}H,`t`il`l` reports as being the lvest Il\'iliilli>iL' may be granted a iti11pr.>r:iry c er`. 1 ti cat 0.

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