Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Jul 1910, p. 1

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I'DQ\:-- ___, - ---:-nD ' ~ ` swcr to Mr. Kmg s second sent Saturday, to President_ >r As. more du-ect answer to .'_. _` -__-a4. l\ Q, gfnt_ [y 185: 11151:; ,..- _-._ Hays as follows :- Ottawa, Iuly 23, 1.1 :Ha_ys, Pr'eside`nt ( A1_?.a11way. `System ; 1 THE INTERESTS OF youts [On 111` gdly. aq-vise Ins: g... ,.,.. xence 1f,Aas represent- _p1_1ftAyT to .,the disp(ite,.' % t9 refer the; 9x- 3, `yyu _Preside`nt% Grand V. 'Systcm`,` Mont- of [22nd I hb3V I-LA.-_ II` Ildv %BARRIE,%'COUNfl`Y OFSIMCOE} ONTARIO, JULY 28. 191o 1910. _ King, 123 not paocnanmcs AT y'l'HE POLICE COURT \, _#B_usiness .was~:tsu-med` in -the Po- h_ce._Co_1_1r't on Tuesday. for the __rst `A time: _s`ince ~the astrike. or beings drunk .and incapable and lying out in the swamp in an-. intoxi- cated condition Monday night, Frank Murphy, Toronto, and James>Ander- son,` Montreal, were taxed each a dollar and costs, or` 10 days in . jail. Anderson is the man with weak lungs, and a piece of. paper,` who went about the street from door to door `selling shoe laces to get help for has inrmities. `* A George Burns and W!m., Thompson of Toronto were - arrested on the evening passenger train at the sta- tion here Monday night for being drunk and disorderly; In the Police CourtVTuesday morning they admit- ted they were `drunk and having a good time, but did not think- they were disorderly. ~They are Toronto `lathers, and were proce_eding to North Bay to work on a lathing con- tract. The Magistrate remanded their cases until Tuesday, andin the mean- time the authorities will confer with North. Bay people to nd if thei story is true. Last Wednesday,.afte1fnoon the e- ,ond_1-egatta-of the Aquatic Club's series `took place on the bay, with a better attendance of spectators than at the former regatta. The follow- ` in'g were the winners : 1`\ h I _ 1,1; __J_n- ___.._1.... -..L l.,...4.l W-D<;'1x;).l:2' ~;;;d;il-c-2.,-`vs-.i'11'g1es-Ist heat, Bassett and McPherson (tie), 2nd heat, Young, ` III, `I- 1.31-- - \,r_T1|____ Il\r(IIr, ' A vague: Single `paddle, Ldoub)1es-I, McPher- son and Bingharn; 2, Bzissett and Pojve. ` * cu :r`h`ZW}5ad1e+z, Vair, Bingham and McPherson. ` ` ` - 0 17,-,,. `- Gunwale sing'1es-I, Bas`sett;V 2, McPherson. . T - us o 1`: g Ti1ting-I, Grasett and Vair; '2, Bassett and McPherson. She Had Undergone Operation and Did Not Recover. * 1 f_;: Toronto papers of Tuesday record-. ed thedeath of Mrs. Pearson, the wife of Rev. M. L. Pearson, form- erly of the Collier Street Methodist Church, Barrie. r Mrs. Pearson passed away at the Toronto General Hospital at an early hour Monday morning. She had undergone an operation, which prov- ed successful, but she gradually sank and after lingering for nearly ' two weeks,_ she died. ` ' I,.,__I__.._I _.L;.. Lat` :na n.I>`I'|D ` BARBIE. THE.-.cOUN1'V or smco: AND TI-ll: common or cannon ounfcnrrezmou. wccna, any uavuu > Her husband, who had just at the` last Conference -accepted the super- ;annuated relation from _Strath'roy_, had taken up his residence at 377 Rusholme road, Toronto. He was in the ministry. of the Church for forty- .eight years, and was President of the Toronto and_ of the Bay of Quinte Conferences. I:,,-L-,_.I L- 5`-E}; DUIIICI cunca. Besides her husband, to whom she had been married 43 years ago, there survive three sons and two dausrh- ters--Rev. Edward A. Pearson, B.A., now of Central Church, Hamilton; Mrs. F. Edson White, wife of the Assistant General: Manager `of P. D. \-Arm.our s packing establishment, Chi- cago; William P. Pearson, living in South Africa; `Harold W., of Toron- to, _and Miss KathIeen,"at home. -1 ___L2 -1. q--ans np:uaflI t0, AKIIIICCII, |. lnvunv. The funeral which was private, took place Tuesday afternoon _at 2.30 from the family` `residence on Rush- olme road to Prospect Cemetery. DEATH OF MRS. PEARSON. 3 Word comes -from Victoria, B.C., that Geo. R. Ford, formerly of Bar- rie, died insthat city on July 19th. Mr. Ford was a native of Pennsyl- vania, and had lived in Barrie for about forty years, as an auctioneer and active man of business, being wdl known to a large section of the] community. About ninexyears ago Mr. Ford move_d .from_ Barrie` to Winnipeg, where he resided for six years, removing to Victoria, ., three 'years ago. Soon `after reaching that cityhis wife died. He is-sur- ' familyof three. sons, and - four daughters. . --He had been ailing for some `months `p st, `and. his death was not` unexpecte Mr,.1'o_.;was a life member. of .the.A~Masom,_ei frater- V nity, and his f;un_eral was wider the , auspices of t_hat,~`order. I , T" T s I C . Uluusc as-..,..--.. 1 M'ontrea1,Ju_1y 24.---+Th_e following wire ha; been.--semr by Pr_eside`nt' I-Pays ,to Hon. Mr. King :-`-- ' ` 5 "Hon. L. Mackenzie King, Min- ister _of _Labor; Ottawa.:~ _ I ' Your gtejegram; of the;_.231-._d receiv- ed. While; `as you know from .th'e Fmany `conferences urging .your action `before the strike took,.p1ae L-and if;-Qrn ~'-:~ou_:; _ooii`-1o::._; r_pe:;_teq_4~ and 11r`ged union , the =.;cd1,inittgTe-,;. `five were .d.esirous;= of d sooavoidingo the exist- ch action. `DEATH OF GEO. R. FORD.` :_.:Q gns. REGATTA. 7. f1>.=*?'=i#,.`*`` TL- LEGAL MATTERS WERE ARGUED vvs. Lewis was argued last week. A. Creswicke, K.C., argued that 1-The rather celebrated case of" Shaw. his `client is entitled to exemplary damages, to indemnity for the illness of his wife and child, and "costs on the County Court scale. .Haughton Lennox, K.C., for the defendant, contended that theutmost the plain - tiff should recover is the actual value o{ the goods, about $10.00, and Div- 1s1on Court costs. Judgment reserved. -:1-uv. , ----.-- -.._ __ Haughton Lennox, K,C., appeared in the Police Court on the 19th and was ready to defend Wm. Kennedy of the Wellington Hotel and Mr; Hamilton of theVespra House, on charges of illegal selling. The pro-l secution was not ready to proceed, owing to .the absence of an import- ant witness,'and Mr. `W. A. Boys ob- tained an adjournment until the 1st A: A_.....-_1. Luluuu an; of Angus -5 I53 For two ' succeeding Saturdays` their worships the Mayor of Alliston and l\Ir. Lee, have been hearing evi- dence` in a Tossorontio charivari case. W. A. I. Bell, K.C.-, is t-he Counsel for the prosecution and I--Iaughton Lennox for the eight de- fendants. The evidenceis now all in and the case stands for argument to-day (Thursday). eThere will then be two other cases to be tried both connected with the same circum-' stances. The Alliston Herald refer- red to the case in `its last issue thus : The charge of disorderly conduct and using blasphemous language on the; highway, in which Thos. Lytle of| Tossorontio is the complainant and eight young men of the" neighborhood are the defendants, came no in the Alliston police `court on Saturday, -July 16th, before Magistrate Lee and. Mayor VVallace. The case oc- -cupied. nearly the entire `day, but was -not nished. a great mass of evidence being submitted. The case will be resumed on Saturdaymorning. `THE LATE HENRY SMITH OF` UTOPIA. ` U115` oad. --.-.4-~ The remains of .the late Henry Smith of `Utopia were interred Fri- day morning in St. Mary s Cemetery, Barrie. Mr. `Smith wasA7o' years of age, and was a son of Eugene Smith, who died in hBa"rrie three years ago- at the advanced age of over 100 years. 1 . ml - C.....:4-I. mac Ixnrn `at $0115 ,_ I .` Co Angus; and VV ax Iunuau.. , mun, Nebraska; 1we1'l; Mrs. Fred Page, Mrs. F; Francis, Wors- ley St., Barrie. * Mrs. Albert DIED. ,COLE--On July g, I910, at'Barrie, , T- Jessie, wife A of Isaac Cole, in -her 61st year. _ .FORD-On July 19, 1910, at Vic- toria, B.C., George Raynard Ford forr_n'e'r1y of Barrie, aged 73 years. JOHNSTO-N-On July 16, 1910, at , Minesing, Mrs. Annie Johnston, aged 62 years, 3 months, 12 days. NESS--On Friday,_ July 22, 1910, at Stroud, Loas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. H. Ness, aged 3 years, I month; 1 day. 'S'MIT'H'r'--On July 20, 1910, at Utopia, y 11...-.. Cmirh m his 70th year, a News ofthe death of Pan} Findlay, `a son of the late Rev. Allan Findlay of Barrie, was contained in. the _fol- owxng despatch in Monday s daahes : V- 1'--I.`- an _A_'Do1-I1 hf` 0% the late KCY. rtuau .I.'u1u:a._y Barrxe, 1n. the fol- lowing dailies . Ottawa, July. 23.--Pau1 Findlay, of Ottawa, aged 20, and an Indian nam- ed Charles Omen, havebeen. drown- ed near Norway House, Keewatin. Findlaytwas with a Government `sur-_ vey party, and left here only aefew` weeks ago. the oice of A. B. Coutts to form a tn A meeting was held Saturday in company with the ob'eE:t of sinking 1 a test well for oil in ine-sing. The provisional directors were elected" as. follows: _Dr. Pallinsz. Prsident; A. B. Coutts, Sec-Treas.; Adelbert.Ben- nett, A. C. Knapp and Th'os. D. Al- liniharn, directors. If the company can et'leases,,_of_ 5000 acres altogeth- er;t ey will sink the `well into the rr ..'-..a..... hoeennp CI'_Ulcy Wu: Jinn Trenton limestoqg. .` i sc1E_NcE _MAs'r1f:1z ENGAGED PAUL FINDLAY mzownmn. e" H The .Board of Education has secur- ed the services of Thomas Preston, eB.A., of Toronto, late of Renfrew Collegiate .Institute,___ as .a, science suecialiest, to __take_ thg place of D. AL. w!1o_r.es1.gxe:}``; . . * : e M-1 July `U . lyav, us wuvl Henry SIn1th,m hxs 70th year.- coi.LIE12 STREET M`E'I`H0.DI_ST .._----`- .>Th.i"pasto':?s nxt ;S.abbath" mamgng: }W_i_1l`_`:f `I3 "`Ch1r;',s_ta`_ ijthg "'Br?e:'.:a1Ai`-A LiqVuor` Licnse Cases. `ff I` -.. The Alliston Cases. TO BORE. Fink OIL. "-IIi _T :w---. V 0 ` V Qooooooooooooooooooo09000: u\! t3 A` The -fcgur. rinks of Barrie bowlers Vwon` at Orillia last Wednesdav.. by the smal1_majo.rity of 82 to 80. 41.- f"I`I'\, Lllb IVIICILl.lllIlJV-llVI5_ v- v- -v vv. ; Owing `to the strike on the G._T.R'. %the 'Ba`_rr1e Tanning Co. Employees f'Exurs1on has been postponed. I 11,_;,_- _-A-Brysor`1 s Cakes, Pies and_vPastry' Vwxll pleasevyou. Try them. ` \ r 41,, 1___I:__-. -4-_-.' ...I1lI . .v-~`-~-...v~'-- --.1 v~-~---- -Most of the leading stores will] close at? I2_o clock sharp -every; Wed- nesday dunng July and August. `of the Carey Shoe '-Co. s business. Mr. Johnston ca'{ -o"fc:1_`oronto` will be manager of` the Barrie branch` Some alterations to the shop are in progress, and it will be opened next week. ._'. _ .1 - -- . ` Flour, the cream of Mani-` toba Wheat, [on sale at Bothwel1 s.| `placed on Bradford `St. across Bun~ * ker s Creek, where the road improve- ""'U A rzatl coverirn-g deiivvgrexredl has been` ments have been extensive. The side- walk has also been graded with a covering.` 11! '. P7 .1.` ;- 'V72._1_-`l,1 l ; -Vait for the trip to Kirkeldl `Lift Locks, Wednesday, Aug. 3rd., under the auspices of the Elizabeth} St. Methodist League. Adults 75c, children 35c. I - 29 r 1--. A_....I.. `LA; VAIAAEIA VII `Jaw ` In _the`Advance of lasteweek the `statement that Miss A.M. Jenner had` *been secured for a vacancy on the teachingstaff, in` the West VVard School, should of course have read A1landaleVW'ard School. | I` I JIll(LlI\lllI\1 vv unu nu V - . V v .. ` s +, ---Bear in mind `the Union Sunday Schoo1.excursion to Big Bay Point` on Wednesday. Aug. 3rd, per Strw i:Is1ay. ` 117 i`,,, l`_._2-_..L A1LA.4-` rv/ `Gibb: Messrs, VVa1ter Sarjeant, Albert Sarjeaht, their brother from Detroit, {and Fred Otton started yesterday `(VVe_dnesday) _from Owen Sound on a\1nnaIqo-'A {>9-If\ !\ I11- \VVC.(1I1Cbu'd.y) uuxu uxvnu uuuuu \)ll a-p1easur`e trxp to Edmonton, La- Vcombe, Calgary and Banff. P`- .._._._.__'~ - 13;3c\.n6-`In : LUJIIUL, \.;a.15uA_y unsu auu----. I Sugar for preserving." Redpath s pure can; sugars only sold at Both- well s. n .1 -r\ 1 -_1_ ,__ WY ll II. The members of the Band wish to thank the citizens of Barrie for the generous way in which their moon- light was patronized. Their only re- tgret was the inability to` accommo- }date all who wished to take the trip. uuu. ll VV l.l\J Iv sunny gv --Fine _qua1ity engagement and [wedding rings at _E. H. Williams . Dunloo `St. `Marriage licenses (no` witnesses). a One of the chinamen on Elizabeth ;`St. threw a pail of hot ashes against ' some woodwork last Wednesday `night causing a small blaze. The town alarm was rung about 10.40 p. m. butthe re was out before the alarm ceased ringing, and the brigade did not leave the Fire Hall. `I :LA.l.. `I -1... ulu HUI IDGVV Ian Laav .-...---- --Open for the season. Little Lake Summer Resort. Boats for hire. Lunch nrovided at all hours.` also soft drinks. ice cream, etc. Furnish- ed rooms to let. Miss Lawrence. ,tf. A meeting of citizens" interested in the Civic Holiday Regatta is called for `Tuesday. evening, July 20th, in the` Bank of Commerce Chambers to, discuss arrangements for the holidav. It is hoped that a large number will attend` as this year s Civic Holiday sports must be made a success. DEATH OF MRS. ISAAC COLE. The death occurred on `Saturday of Mrs. Isaac Cole at her home on ;Duc_kworth St. Her maiden nameL was Miss Jessie Reid, she having ' been a native of .O'ro Township, where she had resided all her life until coming to town about a year ago. =Rev. Neil Reid, Baptist mis- sionary, is a brother of the deceased, also John, Reid," and Robert Reid. Barrie. The deceased left a husband; and a sister, but nolfamily. Inter-i ment took place on` Monday. in the` Union Cemetery, the Rev. J. Elder] conducting the services. ` Tox`-onto, July 21st, 1910. IN COMPLIANCE with the re- quirements of the Revised Statutes Vof Ontario, 1397,` chapter 181, section `I. -2..- .... A-` c-Anna:-1-`arr +1-H3 cur- OI Vlltaflu, 109/, \'.ua.pLcx xuu, ow.....u.. 14,- being an Act respecting the sur- vey of lands; notice is hereby given that the survey of the side road be- tween_L'ots Nos. 9 and 10, in the 12th concession, of the Tovgnship of Not- `tawasaga, in the County of Simcoe, and to mark the said side road on either _side by permanent monuments, has been performed by Onta;io Land Surveyor, M. Gaviller of Co11ing- wood, who "has led the returns` `in. `dtiplicate in this department. -`I -.1--- 4.1.. :51: Cannrn1'\nr`- ;v|`* UUPIILQLC Ill tuna uu-run u---v.--. On fMonday, the 5th September inext, the returns of this survey will ` be considered, and all parties affected `thereby will be heardby the Depart- ment" of Lands, Forests and Mines, provided any objections to said sur- vey have been led and the depart- -ment is notied accordingly, and in the event of no such objections being `ledthe survey will be conrmed in ~.`aecordance. with the provisions of the .{\__ct above named. -.A-- .__` ._-_-_.... $7 T ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LANDQ FOR- ESTS I MINES SURVEYS BRANCH mm} .00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE . . omen: COPIES `mu: cunt :oo'ooo v:' socm PARAGRAPHS v _T7Cn; - I--u--&--nn- C-1 7 0 . ` 9 00096000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO Miss Grasett returned from` Big- Bay Point LMonday. Miss Emma Maconchy is spending holidays. at Big Bay Point. Jonathan Sissons, Esq., county jailer, is on a trip_ in the West. R5-.. 13`-.. `D..- l\ Fhlnnnn T11 :a JGIJVI, ID \III C I-llP_ Ill |.ll\v IV Mr. Peter Pae of Chicagc:,i11., is visiting in town with his brother, Mr. WV. A. Pae. "N..-'l\'-I.'Campbe1l, barrister, form- erly of Barrie, is here from the West renewing old acquaintances. II I 13- , P I`I` ' '1'\4 rf7EdvJ;.;1 "1'2?{gZ{5s'5{ 'c}{ Chicago, `Ill;, `visited with his mother on High `Street, for a~short`time lately; it \1:- u , _'u _Miss M. `Mingaf has returne'd_to Niagara Falls, N._Y., after spendmg two months~vacatxon in Town. 11?- T.l-.,__-__ `I'\A_1__L-.I__ _f 6.CI._. LWU IJIUII I-113 ` VGDGLIUII Ill -LUVV ll- `Miss Florence Dockstader of "Sim- coe Lodge, Atherley, was the guest ofdthe Mnsses Mmgay for the week- i en . ' I _ . wonwnv W. Robert Laird of Mexico came to `Barrie last week, and is staying with his brother-in-law, Dr. C. H. Bo- sanko. - . 1 no -u us. ----v Mr..Stanley Jones and Mrs. Mor- ton and son of Calgary, A1ta., are guests. of Mrs; J. F. Jackson, Birch Cove. _ _ ` Dr. \Robert Lount of Hempstead, `Long Is1and,.N.Y., is the" guest of [his brother, Samuel Lount, Esq., at the. latter s _summer resort, Bear Point, . . Miss Allie -Warnica of` Franklin, Pa., spent yesterday with friends in Barrie on her way from .\Iuskoka where she has been spending a holi- `day of two weeks. `I 11. T1211 -1 13.-..I:--....4A.. Rev. L. VV. Hill of Burlington, Ont., While on his way to Muskokzt for sufnmer holidays, called at the old home in Innisl and visited his brother, R. J. Hill, Esq., Township iC1erk. / ._. _-- -1 /1 9- n u nu. - Sheri VV. H. Carney of Sauit Ste. rlarie, Ont., who spent a short time yin Barrie last week, was a resident 1-of this town in his boyhood. His father was a prominent citizen in the early days of the town, and moved to Owen Sound, afterward to Sault Ste. Marie. The Sheriff is 81 years of age .and is "still hale and hearty. He was the guest of Mr. F. T. Grafton at thief-latter- s summer resort, Shanty I Bay, until Monday. Eenetgnguishene, Qnt., July 25.- Mrs'. T. Columbus, about 100 years ;of age, died in Penetang yesterday `afternoon. Her husband claimed to be a descendant of" Christopher Co- lumbus, the discoverer of America. F3? American Troops will Occupy it at - the Canadian National. The Model Military Camp at the Canadian National Exhibition will be occupied by American troops this lyear. The 65th Regiment of Buffalo, 600 strong, will be there the first week and the 3rd Regiment N. Y. National Guards, twelve companies strong, the second week. This will furnish_ a splendid opportunity of comparing Cgnadian and American military systems. , WA ROGUE IN AMBUSH will _make his rst appearance in The `Advance next week. ~ 03 VALUAILE PRO-I- BlI"I"'l~lVl7 -ms TOWN or muuua. Under and by Virtue of the Powers contained in a certain Mortg e, which will be produced at the time of sale. ere will be otter-ed for sale 1 by Public Auction. 13 W. A. Mcconkey. at the , Queen : HoteLv in `stun-day. the lth day of August. 1910. at the hour 0: 12 o'clock noon. the followi roperty : . nnmz 1_.Pnrt'nf the I eat Halflo Bot Num- e Town of Barrie. on. { hour or 12 o'clock the touowm Exgrpeny ; ' Parcel 1- Pnrtsot the I est Belt 0 t ber 23. in the fth concession of the Township of Vesprs. in the County of Sirncoe. containing ten acres. more or less, and described us to - lows: Commencing on the North side of Wel- lington Street, nineteen chains and tilt ~tonr links from the Eastern limit of said Bel Lot, thence Northerli and parallel to the Eastern limit fourteen c ains thirteen links. more or less. to the Northern limit of said Halt Lot. thence Westerl along said Northern limit seven chsins an twenty-three links. more or less,ton mint. half we distant between the it of said all Lot and the inter- hereby intended to be conveyed with the said Northern limit. thence Sonthexly parallel to the said Eastern limit fourteen chains thirteen links. more or less. to the North side or Wel- lington Street. aforesaid. thence Easterly along ' the North side of Wellington Street, seven chains twenty-three links, more or less, to the I-|In'lIA nf hnninninsr. ' nnnnllljll DInDRll I`Y IN 1' CIIBIIIB IWGDII-Irrec nuns, uzuu: vs uaco, w nu, place of ning. bl steel 2- t No. eight (8) on the East side of Innisl St., in said Town of Barrie. according to registered Khan. No. 245. save and exce t that port thereof eretofore conve ed to one obert A. Do ins b one Joseph H. chmond and his wife, ce . Richmond, to bar dower. by indentm-9 dated the 12th day of November. 1907. subject. a. mortgage for $800.00 from the said Joseph H. Richmond and his wife, Alice C._ Richmond. to bar dower. to one ` J--hn B. Gill. registered as No. 10018 for Barrie. There are ssi to be erected on the said ret- ly described lands (Parcel 1) a. good two-store nine-roomed brick veneerc dwelling. wit greenhouse attached-thereto. also good cement stnble and born V v There it also ngood orchard on said premises -snndhsipring creek running through same. nvnnnrtv wnnld make I D1315 MODEL `MILITARY CAMP. -'.l`nl8 ropeny womu maze 3 upmuulu unu- ke ` en as well as a` residence. Each reel of land will be offered for sale 30 y and each suhiect to a. reserve bid. em): or sale :- 10 per cent of ihe purchase money a_t time at sale and the balance wnthin thlrtyvdnys thereafter. For further terms and particulars apply to , . -- . STEWART 8: STEWART._ , .' . Mortga.geee'Solic1tors. ` 13 Owen street. Barrie. _. CQEENARIAN DEAD. ""' ' """'"' """1i'" '"h`" T '. .`vi~ ;.' `hi-'.?z` v?:>?1!l)ntgn:k1g":8 spslaeixlzlgid mt on` an nu well an 3'1-eaidence. naca July 18th. 1913 ,'s_'uNpAv. JULY 3:, 1910. x1}~1~H SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.80-Ho1y Communion. 11.0-Mctins and Sermon. 3v.00--Snnda,r_,SchooL W ? - ' ' ;99-~11ve99nsnd8*mone%% I L ~.- # ..__.._..1 _. pr : Trinity Churcl; %1g:;f..J_Tn1cas. vxauf-.L Mortgageet aonclwrs. 13 Owen street, Barrie ` ' nn 01 ro5l'dUupu.,_ _- ;" aplul,Rest&UndividedP fi T i Total Assets, over $.::.ot;'0$ &0 6mW __ 1%` Everysenice a Bank can Range, to a Farmer. 21 Merch \Ian, Firm 0, 8f,-pgr3t_1si- Board or a Mu 1.011 are prepared to regg- . . I .otes or 0 her \Ie - ' . er discoume'd 0,-&ta1g!t1`afbo1;3 3. ' O Iection. Draft, Money order or Tek graph or Cabl T ' a"%eeb0urff{d :33` aign E1.\c ravelers Letter . A_ sued. Money ]O5anC;fdCred1t as terms. n easy . """"` curren t rate of I - nte. Money transmitted b y . ` COUTII. amme BMNCH W.'D. MORTON, Manager. >\-_._': Condensed Adm-rtiaetnents urrler this head %5c.; Btimes. 5v-:.: payable strictly n ad Vance.` A?\"l`ED~L"nok Apply 10 Mm. Blake st. Barrie. _:___..__.._..___. .__.. FURNISHEI) ROOMS to REN'l`-With or wixhout board. 5 minutes walk from Dun- Inn Minot Annh` YH (:90. Jones. Wlllluul Uuttn lop street Apply 1 ncmzn Tum on noasas iron Sal:--B1a<-k. suitable for Undertaker. ve years old. sound and in good oondlt-ion. Apply to A. Cunningham. Small Sm. Barrie. 28431 ._____._-. OR s\LE-- Brick house. nine rooms. beauti-V M}-r.:i::32:::f ,;..`:`;?..`:`2.?`=:. .`.?.'1:c'i.``.`afT Isht FOR Brick house. nine rooms. nonun- fully situated. overlooking Kempenfeldt Bay. Also ve acres land with a. good orchard. Apply for particulars at this Olce or address Rm: 309 Rnrrie. '$lp nppxy Ior pan u 80: 392 Barrie. FARM 1-`on SALE-Fifty acres. N.E. 5 lot 1. concession 1;;. lnnisl. freehold properti- .. well-fenced, thirty-ve acres at for ploug od water. good pasture, plenty at rewood. me house, two orchards and 3111311 fruits. Forterms apply on the premises to Mint A. Weetmhn. E-819 ARM mp. SALE-100 acres, beautituuy sit}-` uated jug} out of the corporation of Barrie. mun Inc A I..- 1 "1-unvuillh o aul (IV ARM FOR SALE-100 oeaumuuy aw- just being lot 4. con. 1 Ves ra: soil mostly ola loam. Brick house. one am 58:60 ft.. Lama - lerbarn 30:50 and implement house 28:40. Will be ld * reel J. D. Birnoie tgxagciasonable terms. Add. fun OR S'ALE-;'l`hat _va.|usble dwelliag hog: gmn_i:_`;o_remases bexng Dart _t_)_f-4 lot 3 .: n-nx.... r3._....o D A nth All FUR sALE~That vsltllnle aweumg nun-_u and remises of 52 on the soumsi e of Collier Street. Barrie. owned and `W515 occupiel by Mr. Wm. Pelnon. , 9lD_rty is most centrally located and the dwellmg hquse thereon has even; modem im- D?0\"_e!nem and convenience. or terms and t1_cularsnpp1,\-toWm. Pei:-son 28 Small St. . ` . llciton. Bagiz. or ttewart 8: Stewart 80. . V L` T` be-. one High t gen! 52 out! cedar 3 Ihi lee)o111:1u fr? Bagrlogor at any x The g._. siding within one hundred mikes 4;! such 9 0. J H. CLARK.Shing1e Manufuc :11; . In-leans e. On . . -- M-EASE! Th TO LET. n F A no e store late} occu ied b r - - hardware merchyant. 0:); the orth side of Bull- `\:}I Street in the Town of Barrie. tmntellil-911. Ct of t.heQueen's Hotel and mute on DC" mo: number thirwen on the North side of lid Dunlop Street. ' ha? Property is located in the centre of $11.5 n . 885 and commercial area of BI.l'!'lO-. For terms and particulate apply to emu .n A run: A. nvnrllll A IDVIV nn'..X.- IVIUNLY IU LIJHII w moan mo$`.'u?r2f`-:2'.`.?:``:? sm.'x`1?;-,in um um . ID wgl:?'~M:a2;ms%%'::az:.u`as":ns8% 0D Street Barrie. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -... wums uuu puruumnrn Dill"! STE wmw 3; STEWART. 8o1i".?' Ima June em. 1910. 13 Owen st. . Ill up 11 J. FRANK JACKSOIN. T WHEN-TRAVELLING Wns1'.a " AND STOP A1` frnl. A : - - _ _._. _ - "- ' i : 6'2:o:ne |.JPs`0l>1"|*~"_`?'t~"_ gig.-Perry MARKET Winni I 1 1 - - mm Elncess S u-coca I v AND GTO? AT THE . M A R K E T._H9.I 3 Ana`, Exchange Dougm -auu _au:u. - Letters of Cred1t`:s- Money loaned on 5. ghcst current Inte- paid on Savings deposits. or upwards starts an ac- "Something worth'while, ' Brtraits '5';ab1?T?e'cI'I'6's7 . dI\,,f!L_ )--(`ak or azood general BBPVIJII. : H. H. A1-dagh Ardraven" arrie. 30-30]) No. so wnou 5 950M CREW, PuI_LIiHn. 9:11-i~. France. 1900. cei- the ted Of I \ .n1bB ACCOIDYDOGBUOD. HBHWU and Returnished Throull_1)`!!=t-`T CHARLES .DJI:R_|'3""'3::i` EDITH DEJARDAIN-L 5; motogfaphic MONEY TO LOAN n... -__., __-__.__4 -1 -_.nA osTe9f_A*I?%( %%L Made by-- rd. 5_minutes walk tram mm- ' to Geo. J ones, Barrie H331. mod eneral servi,nt.' gr 1"} Av-dgnoh "Ardmven" 0:1-:_o|-an-I : M Iufimuctfz; 1 ii cunrtntpu tr tes WHOLE NE; ,3 -uni IQHII K T uuu. I1 J9$1p BI: __ Btmi nu-'. \G.T.R. STRIKE STILL uusanuan A whole` week has` been taicen up: .1 by the intercession of the H`o'n.'.. Mac- .,kenzie King,,.Minister of Labo'r,.0t-` tawa, to bring about" a settlement. He pointed out on M-`Qwnday. that there was no" law in the country to compel President Hays or anyoneelse to re-L sort to arbitration. V V-v vv -- The G. that everirt day that passed showed better than the `day before. The public, it was stat- T ed, who _;were receiving their "freight, knew that they were receiving it. and `the company were taking care of their patrons and customers. Nearly all passenger trains have been` on time. The rush of men to secure en-, gagements continues, one experienc- ed conductor having put in an ap- plication from as far away as. San Francisco. -o -uv---.-vv- `On Monday fiau full passenger. ser-d v1ce went mto operation and the com- `pany began yesterday (Wednesday) to move freights in the Allandalev `yards, which. have been at a {tand- still since: the strike began. The train for North Bzijr (N6. 65) resumed its `regular runs on Monday afternoon. T " - % The freight lying in the Allanda-1 e yards is almost entirely of an im-, perishable nature such as lumber,` ; etc. ` ~- A j Von General satisfaction is felt by thel public at the `resumption of full pgs-l sener service and express 'serv1ce Ionday. ' 1 A11 , 1,1- -L-__- ---..-;-;.,I vu'1'ii`ew.Xl-iajtndalei _shops' feopened Monday, although they had not been .a.1tog'etl_1er closed at any time since t11e- strike began.` The number of passengers earried ` in the trains has not been reduced to any appreciable extent on this divi- sion by the strike. L, L____ 154;... anal-L:v|tv C-'49:!` BIUII Uy LIIC ULll\\n Merchants have been getting their `freight hauled to town ffom Utopia Land Midh,ur_st.. stations_ pf the C.P.R. [in considegable quantmes. -1 n.L-:r:\ 1.-_mA:n-a 111 \_2UuluCp gun. gue... .....-... l The importation of strike leaders from the United` States has not been an acceptable feature to the Cana- dian public. Their proposal to sub- mit arbitration to a Board of Arbi- trator,s_.i,n.the United States" was gall- ing`;d_f,a;?_%pdians, who have. any con- den`c e""1n'* `vrr own country. " f ' As a resultof no freight trains run- ning, the public were converting the express trains into- way-freights, so the G. T. R. cancelled the express carrying` Saturday morning except for small parcels. -This order was rescinded, however, at the end of the day, and -express carried as usual. - tenor of its `way with both` sides still professing satisfaction with their re- spective positions. The railway to- ` night announces that on theUEastern Division` two hundred `more freight ' cars were moved to-day. than on the day .previous, and their promise is made that further improvement will be shown to-morrow. In addition,- orders, are going out to accept all freight with `the exception of perish- ables and_catt1e,`which will only be taken on arrangement with operat- ing oicials, but even this restriction, it is expected, will soon be done away with, _ with. _ . The strikers continue to `say that such progress as the roa _ means that unless the ratio :5 1n- creased the towns served by the road will soon be tied -up. V d is making requsst. 53$ ` Hays for t `L- r'.`(.uprnm Replying to yours or zznu ; um- nothing .to addftocxgy lettex-Hof July 215;. ' _ _ And naliy last ni ht the Minister wxred `Mr. ays allows - xjeal, ~Que.h:. - . IT-n_:ceived this morning your wire m whxch you say, replymg to mine '. of the 22nd, you have nothing st; I h 150 your _lettex of July.2I ' " f Mr. James . . of"h%airbitr'ators math ,. ~ h .iI%;.*):9st=::%k:qd1- h3d;; 1 .f mggath ran STRIKE SITUATION. __._;: - ` er In answ_ Q2 - ..--_- _a|BU I v .. ._. % 1_t_1mz. dngrences A` . _<.j1e.d,; ,a .1;];9_a1rd , 9Af . CIIL afds s'1f{Rn `NOTES. vb OW:

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