Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Jul 1910, p. 4

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The trouble has occurred over a question of pay- The_ strikers de- manded that .the Grand Trunk pay` the standard wages `paid by most other companies operating in `the eastern portion of the continent. The company offered a; substantial in- crease of about I8'_per `cent. all round, practically the gure named by the Conciliation Board, which recently heard the case, and also of- fered to concede the `standard wage by 1913, or earlier, if` the `Railway Commission so determined, ' but claimed that at present linazicial eon-_. ditions absolutely : prevented` the management from `acceding to -the dhtnand. ;It` was `pointed ont by President. Hays, that" his company _ was .as`k'ed to age! 10- l those _ paid. (Ff c6_rnr;ariies.jyith.. double. the earnings tnilelyu .- Tc .marriage' - of Miss Emma` Priest, dau hter of Mr. and Mrs.~ H. - Priest, to` 1'. William Cole, `took. [place onwednsday, July 13th. DAon "Q T -..._A._ 3- -- r ---vv vuq v v v\oo|\vU\.|ID ' J I-ll LJLII. `Rev. Mr. Legate is suering from an attack of rheumatism.` His C- p9iutments on Sunday were talsn by Rev. Mr: Thornley of -Barrie. - TL- 2..n_-.__.-,.. 9 It _ W - - -.~_,, J-.4 7_'---, up -.Uv vvnvuauu _I_ rofessor Hume, who has been vlsxting his brothers in California, is `spending the` rest of his holidays here. Mrs. R; L. O Brieh, Toronto, is. visiting at the Woods. 2` I Agnes Campbell of Bank- sohte Hall, Toronto, is home for the holidays. ..- Mts. G. Campbell-,ret_urned from Ezgand last week. ` xss Lena Quantz of Barrie is the guestof Miss Rose`Co1lins. - cur - ' - - vr___ _-~--v-v---, d.. ; Glad fo see our old friend, Mr. (Deane, 1n our village agam. _ Mr. Geo. Malcolm was seen swing- ing the cradle to-day, getting ready for the new binder. . _at Miss Raiks Tuesday, Julyf26th,at 2.30 o c1ock. `IW._-f_-_- 1"l",__, A ROGUE r IN AMBUSH.- -' DON'T MISS IT, `AUGUST 4m. UUl'ljIlJIVu uluo uuvu uuv uuauv; on young: Subscribers now in arrears for three months gnd over will be charged $1.50 per annnm. `Craighurst vs. Midhurst. Much in- terest seems to be centered about `l.`h`e, football match, -Craighurst vs. Midhurst, which""wil1 be ulled off next. Saturday evening `in r. James Coutts eld at Miclhurst. Both teams have already met with victory going to the locals but Saturday. will nd the steam shovel team inmuch im- proved form to wrest the laurels from the elevators, so both teams are animated with the spirit for good clean sport. The game promises to be the match of the season. |F""' "' "" ""' "`"" 77"" i""' Mrs. John Hgrt and_daughter of Toronto are viszting frxends here. `I ? ' P Williams spent Sunday ltmder the paxjental roof. Grahafn .is back. in our vil- v--v r-- ------ --'- Iage~~after spending a few days in Gravenhurst with her_ brother, Mr, Joseph Graham, Jr. w fa! 1`. , cc pl-I If "":" "`:' '."""E3 """' """ Miss Ha1g of London,..Eng1and, spent a few days at the Woods last week. - , g Miss Pearl Doane ;`Of_ Barrie js `vxsztmg her cousm, Mxss Frankne P.":' -"1.\v'I'rs. Col. O Brien is homefcrgain after a two weeks trip to thg Mani- toulin- Island. - AAA (5 uannueau noon... , `Mr. H. Snider in_ company with 1115 son Wesley, arnved here from his home in Alberta on Thursday of last week." He is the guest of his son-in-law, Mr. R. Marshall, and he is seriouslyr. ill. V _ I CO7 17 `V P `*1 v---_,v --_. "V Van Norman of Edgar is `doing business in this village. .I'` ,' `("11 . \l',_ I Wihen Sir Wilf. and his suite was passing through here en route to the West he got off at this station to have a look around and one of ,the. sidewalk committee, Tommy O Ne11, taped him up for a donation for the sidewalk. He was sorry! that through the G.T.P. and the cheese box navy heiwasa little short and could not do anything this time, butthat Pugs- ley in the car appeared to have all the toad skins. - , - . -._v, -_ , This=offence should be rmediedo by, legislation as soon as possible, and strict punishment provided. ' ._ A 7 , SHANTY BAY. Mrs. R. Watts and Miss `Andrews of Chesnut Park, Toronto, are the guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Meek. `T A young man here. last week met :with an unfortunate accident by los- `ing two ngers` of his left hand -in coming in contact with a circular saw. in a shingle mill. `IA 1'1 (`V I ___ A___ ___gL[_ BLUH. Quarterly: services :were held in {the Free Methodist `Church from \ Friday evening ` to Sun___d_z_1y- evening \ and were. well attended. At the `Sun- } day evemng _service Views of the mxs- sion stations in China were shown. a an .1_- I__..-- ston. VIUII atauvua Au xuuuu. -. V... __s....... 4 The garden. arty heldat the home of Mr. John Ehappell l_ast 'Wednes- day evening was a` decided success. Despite the dry- weather `there were plenty of strawberries for all. `An excellent program was given. The selections by the male quartette and Mr. Dreyer of Barrie, Miss 1 Smith and Miss Hutcheson of Toronto, Edgar and Dalston friends, besides the numerous local talent were .very much enjoyed. Proceeds `amounted to nearly`. $70.00. A ROGUE IN AMBUSH.- - DON T MISS IT7 A-UGU_ST 4m. "dleath of"th_V1att'e'r3s aunt, Mrs...]qhn- _W.f ' o;"6i.lw' Springs Miss E. -Kerfoot here last CRAIGHURST. MINESING, b With the" rapid changes in `the world s affairs new oences. make their appearance. It appears to be nothing short of-an oence; in the pres- ent state of food supply _and com`- merce generally, to tie up the whole ofea country and render life andpro-' . petty unsafe, just because a partic- ular class of railway hands and their employers fail to reach" an agree- ment as to wages. Not `to speak.of the losses to both employers and men. the entire public suffers heav- ily, without even knowing whi_g_h. side, if any, is to blame. } . -Q - L ` .. I . r L _ ,. . D i l `ed; during the latter part cg Jtgte dried up the pastures and,` although! irecgnt rains` have h~e_lped thef"?grais, `c'attle_ which had begun to go bzik _during theiirought will not recovq; theixifproductivea-power now tliat iejd iii" |'l'Il'|rA`,'I`\]An65`" - ___v.. Iv-vsnunwunvv I *3 more .jp1e_ntifu1. Mrs. McCau1ey`of Listowel is re- inewing old acquaintances here. Mr. and Mrs. R. Little of Toronto visited friendshere last week. Mr.-Alex. Gibson of Toronto cal- led on friends here recently. Miss Dale of Toronto is theguest of the Misse Miller. '-Mr, N. Liscombe and two dough- ters of Big Ba Point spent Sunday with Mr. and rs. T. Redfern. Mr._an_d Mrs. Cameron of Toronto are vxsitmg-their, aunt, Mrs. James "Brown. 1 ` ` - _ Mr. Wilson Kell' and sister Clara.` of Cookstown_spent Sunday at Mr. T. K'e1l s. -'M_astcrs Cegiland Clarence Thomp-. son of Ottawa are spenditi%. their rs. A holidays with their` aunt, Dyer. cm :71: ans THOMPSON ciuzw, PUJBL"ISHER "tic es R}dzn' in the Burns; I `V fifor; -onto Markets `During the Week. 4 mi west Ranges from $10.50 to $30.00 Dt;n t_ Be Behind the Times Get a . . . . . ' % ens anus: Call at Office T Wells` Block, Owen Street ' or RING 78. The Barrie .Gas Company! BUTTER U? A LITTL`:E It wlllsavauou time and money, work andlworry. m;ggg;ueugaag| 11 l- p` u. X-n--mg -1 um MBBKS 1 4 F. A; HOAR $1.75 $2 $2.50 $3 $4 $5 $5 { What "can '1 do to `keep cool? That s the question _ usVsuggest making use. of one of our Hammock .which is the b_est cool. 3' ~ We have the assovrtthent, ranging in prices from Barrie, July LIKE THIS. HOLLY. HARDWARE CASH on us? PAYMENTS. An 8 :71}. 48W0oII_I_-n'lTo\v`opn|bor. 'Pblhed th 111.1231)" Streotf uuedgg-_om eooe nnlop the County of Simooe. t.hoPro- - vlnnn nf nntu-In`- Pumndn. even ;j!+th;; I9I.:J ; LIMITED; '? 7Qi0Eations on- Tuesday were: ` Exgort `cattle, choice.$ 6 6o..$ J Jncdium 625.. ._- . . . . . . .. 500.- vv ff cg cattle, choice. '5 50.. ` medium . . . . .. 5 25.. . Om'mon 5 00- .`_; ' cows, choice. 4 75- - medium 425.. I +;___:Qmmon 3 50-- ' bulls . . . . . . .. 400 ` j_~`~; '15 fgeffs. steers. 5 2S-- 5 V 'l1 S`. . . . . . .. 350-" choice 4 5-- 5 . .,.--__{_;"i2ht . O . ' _ ' U 325., A `z 2 W-' ` "N`if beets (doz.) Green onions, bunch.. =Newr`7ti'rots (bunch)-- Cauliower .. . . . . . .. :vxxrT,`.qnwns, uoz. - - - l ` I. V`>\ T3.`-I KC`? Sprmgers . . . . . . A. W3"".a`.. Glut: Wheat, fall, bush. Oats .. . . . . . . . .. 4 . ~ . . . . . . . . . . -Buck_wh_eat .V . . . . . *Hy, Timothy jHg'y,_ new . . . . . . . H ty; clover `Sti-aw,_' bundled .` Btit'te_r,_._per 1b..... ?"Mi_}kers,. c`ho'i'c.e- % Green hides Calf_ skins, per lb. Sheep skins ..... Tallow, per lb. . VVool, picks Hfse hides Horse Hair Wool. `washed STRIKE ON THE GRAND TRUNK. srocx MARKETS-_ unwashed HARDWARE Toronto, July mth. 19 oo. 15 oo. I0- TIC: III III!` UUIIIIOI DI 51111000; II I vlnoe of Ontario . Canada. every Thursday Mo:-nine. by . 40. 18. 44- Thursday; July` 21"," lo. N51 13 TERHB O_l` SUBSCRIPTION- `run I-Ell!!!`-U3 1{AREz `THE STRIKE. ,m:n Jrtenas at .L.`rangnu_g-st. . , ` _ Mr-. John CameronV"?1""";q/t wecovered and has returned to the? "a"c%,:1ups again. Mr.` M. Dwyer is vigiqg ftjignds, here._% 1 ; \'.;. P.0tfBf Vsawtflillw . dut- 7*%%**wtI==[%=roc*=- L ` J 7 ' 'v . '~. - - - .4 J'|_._>I_lvull.~lU.Cl' OI I8I'II1_CfS;8V musneul haying. . I. _ % V ` Mrs. Joh_n `W_'a_tte _._.spen_t the nth at__ tagebrxdge visiting frxeuds. _ .'. A__ :-_!.I_,f.- . Ilh, 1\".c1o n . .' Chu;ch,`Sun`day evening.-._e V . _ V e Mr. J...;_Gil! 'o.fe `_Chic'go;*__is__.`visiti:i g *' his old ghome;~ - ?APDle- Grove fan-.n1_`," 1iqgf_gg.fgw';,ply,.-_,,__;: `T on snappy: on A. Thompeon, ea}. missiehem laboring at Jerusalem for` seven years; preached` -in the Presbyterian ,?,.., V} ..--v -ywu ---. r` . ""1 ' : - : , Mtg.` '1`-liomasg_'.'v_vas -buried _S'un-A day taiternoon, servgces, being con- ducttliiif fthe ,8_th~ ,Iih_ MiS9i0nz"' "Mr- Thomas has `-the` sympathy `of the The recent death of Giovanni Schiaparelli, the former director of the Milan Observatory, removes one of the. most brilliant astronomers of modern times,--a man wlmsevname has perhaps been associated with more disputed questions about the planets than that of any astronomer of our-time. It was'Schiaparelli who was responsible forithe controversy which has been raging about the planet Mars and" its canals. He also discovered ,that the planet ~ Mercury turns on its axis" in the same time ne`eded`to complete a revolution in his orbit or about 88 days-.__ And he also was-~the rst' to nd `that Venus rotates on her axis in~th_e. period___of her, revolution about ; the sun (zs days). ' i ' 'vNi'iY;wMargarei fShannan- :}is : the "guest of Miss *Do'1-an. i " ""iis;s',iz."XT'3E1F,3em A 1 fg.-. days with ifnends at .C1-aigl:"|1`_g_f]sV`t,. A. -11.1 . 1-1.- r~....___,_ . b - - . ` . .1 The strike is certain to.impqde the.- movement` of freight. If it is long continued the situation will become worse. If a settlement is -not srriv-' .fect win: `be 'disastrous.;, % '_ L I d at Before. _fa/traic ei-V4? w--_ -;.--.vv_- -w_-3: v cw-v-nu. no-v-on-gag a_Ai1 ccidexit to Dr; T.Pa'iI1 i,!I s aiatd `to twa- at`; Dunn's V I-Iigllw caused him ~tq_1 (a'lk '|l"!._` \i'_._;_.._; `an; . .,-__ 5]": .-l , Mrs. Quantz and daughter spent a day at_App1e-Grove F_a_rm. . T . . A..t[i.urt_xhr. of fat1n.enjs__-_have_: nished ' `\a\r:iI|'a-up A`great strike of cloakmakers in i New` York is now agitating that city, F over 70,061) cutters and operators hav- ` ing walked out of over 1300 factories ;on Thursday, The`strike took the manufacturers by. surprise. They ex- pected at least`twe1ve hours notice, but received no `notice at_a11. The workers were ordered to -wrap up `their working tools and leave-their factories at 2 o clock sharp in Jan order1ya_manner., _ t Ari additional three carloads of buaioes -arrived` at Wainwright, Alta.,~ about the middle of June. They were `brought from Montana where the round~up which was at [one time feported to -be abandoned,, ` was s successfully resumed ' this year. Those who saw theshipment report- i ed theanimals as the -nest that ever Came toethe country. Withthis ad- ditionthereiare now 750 buffaloes in the. park. e Two strings to one s bow often make a useful possession; The need for another line of railway. into town, to escape future risks of the kind raised by the present ` strike, is a topic freely discussed in many quart- ers,eand.the Monarch Railway pro- position may now get a sympathetic shearing. V ' .1. .a. .g. Chas. _M. Hays, president of the Grand Trunk, applied to Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King `to put into `opera- -tion the . machinery for arbitration `provided under the Railway. Disputes Act, but the Minister of Labor refus- ed, on the ground that the Industrial Disputes `Act had already been in- voked, and had accomplished as much as could be expected from any furth- er arbitration.V.' p , o . Th_e'Lei1iieux Arct and theiDepart-. meutfof `Labor -acquired a "g'reat_ re- putation in the process of solving probleins that would have solved themselves if - the Government haa kept its handso and placed the un- divided responsibilitjr of nding a" solution upgn` the shoulders of the "parties most. interested.` -e And now- the.'much'-vaunted Lemieux Act and the .over-advertised Department of Labor have failed completely. in their first conict with the situation that had elements of real trouble in it. _Judging from the dozens of col- umns ,in the Toronto dailies lled with advertisernents for school teach- ers, there is a decided dearth through- out the province. ` J.` B". Tyrell, M.E., the `well- known Canadian explorer, ] -was recently. elected President of the Canadian 1 Institute, Toronto, the oldest scienti- jc soeiety in Canada. - Lemiuic` Act` and by the -`e_tabLlish:j meat of a Dep`a'rtme nt-of L`a_bor. _ ' .Can,ad%a< is tit )-`day scent of th jonjy, full-grown. `railway -strike that ha? afflicted any `portion of this con- tijnent since _ the '90s. CURRENI` COMMENT. MIDI-IURST. % or. v vv --u Mrs. Grant and daughter `Cwlara of .Minesing visited M`:-s, Magee last week. j/wen.-. aqd Mrs; L. McQuay `of.-Ivy were Arecept ivisitoxfs to our burg. It! - C . `/4 e `A%Mi5s%;ra;;ey%-hasf ;;Euma_ to _l3_ar gftcxyynsztzng he :-. sxskt,er, Mjrs.V .J91m- john" "Gil`>`son` fxas returned-. `from-his trip tQ.Owen .Sound., ' Mr. Robert . Richardson of Eden- vale occupied the pulpit in the Meth- odist Church here last Sunday. in Rev. Mr. `Legate s absence. 'i\&Iisg::7&Ii1elia Rainey of .B_agrieL was rcnewmgk a cqu-amtan'ce.s _' in our _ burg lastwec " W --- -V- v- v -~..7 _uuVVI -9-- rguvwy vv aw-nu` Already the strike has been the in- direct means ..of throwing a lot of others out of employment. The com- Stratford, Port Huron, Battle Creek, pany has determined to close all;-its shops at Montreal, Toronto, Lo_ndon, Portland, Chicago, and all over the system, pending a- settlement of the dispute. This will mean that many thousands of men in these cities will be thrown out of employment through no fault of their own, perhaps for an -`indenite period. This ~.wi_lle be as serious thing for many business men in the towns affect`ed,iand in Strat- ford, the effect will be similar to com 'mercial paralysis. ` v-vow -vvwu-9 v-u-uv-ur vv van vu- " .-Congtafulations ` to .Misss 'EIva Gien "nd Gladvfs `SchelI, Who were successftil in theit Entrance examina- ' '4' . vv . I '_` M`isa" AI:I`g'1'tchcson aiid Miss ` `Cora I-futch:sdn' of _Tordnto are` guests pf 5%`.';`.r=.I-L VR9b1#-{J.;*%`% ` T ` ` J-Ms. _ .. `. \ Mr. and Mrs. Sa-lvoy. of Duluth, ;M_inn,., -spent a. few days last: week 1,w1thLthe latte:- s aunt, Mrs. James 3 Brown. . ` . occur not`! UV _ % iv was \r\rIalD\a , ted by the "Mennonites at Ebenezer. ' `Mr. H. J. Scheil has been: under the`. doctor s for {the week. Ii:;_` `A..L.".12';' 11-2-- -Camp meetings are being conduct-V ~"i4"}: V{ri1'1'{, Jahiiiae; ME Wales 1 Cr'aighea'dAand Miss -Reta of Midland visited-with their aunt, Mrs. T. Cof- j fey, reiatly. `II , `I'\, -,,. i\!.I__;_.I__,_ J 75.!-_.. l . i Mr. and Mrs. F. W . Harrison and children _have returned to Toronto after spending a couple of weeks `with the latter s parents. ` - 9-yr-ac, 5 has`: acorn-vs u I-VIC. v - . v u. j Born to Mr. and Mrs, F. Co1,"on `July 13th, a son. LCongratu1ations._ ._1-L.._L-.I' L- Juno; ad-an, yo uvuau -----5--.---- v.._. Quite a. number celebrateci the g1orious Mevaford. if___A_ (V , Y'|~-_,.'__1.I_ L-_-- .v-u-rv-v --v-- v- -- V B Messrs. S. ;x'1d7 Iienolds have gone to Midland for the summer. Pl`I_, If_;I-_ i'_. I` C` _Q_. I---_!, ,, -ow wv gv not--`Q av; u---V __--_-- B` \"" """' The Methodist S. S. are having a picnic on the 2x_st tin t_he Pme Grove. up -t1r'II!- _,- It 111,!` -...- 'The strike directly involves four thousand ve hundred conductors, brakemen, baggagemen and yardmen of the`Grand Trunk and Central Vermont Railways, on lines" extend- ing from Portland to Chicago. I V.l1lCl_ICIl, JUUUDLUII V'\rUL}l\.ULll1l. sr. II. to Jr. II'I.--_VVa1te,r\ Jamie- son, Bruce `Cockburn, Theresa Bran- don, Ida McArthur, Herb. Reynolds, Lorne Hutchinson, Russel Thomp- son, Willie Wregitt, Lizzie Morning- star, Ernest Brown, Vincent Hayes. ; E Jr. II. to Sr. II.-E1fred Jo-ry, Ken- \neth Cavanagh, Maurice Hayes, Ella `Hunter, Minnie Hutchinson, Edward B1encoe, Marjorie Kissick, Jessie McArthur. ' 1lfn.. `I1 1')...-.A. 'I`-..-1.A.. `T'TSr. H-1 : 0 Cavan- agh, Mtarie Hutchinson, Bernard Mit_chell, Johnston V-Cockburn. 1. 1-1-7 127 1. . 'r_`,,-!_ D Mrs. G. J. Middleton and boys are spending some time the ` former s parents, Mr. and -Jas. Cumming. p . are nu 9' A11- __w-- V. ..v___.-_ -"Mrs. W. Ggvanlock-' bf Uhtho visited relatives here last .w_ek. --v. - v----... v- -_-_ - .'-.1. V---` -Mr'. and Mxjs, John iehardson have returned after spending two weeks with re1at1v_es at the Soo._ i A Mr..S. Gollan of Angus;and daugh-1 ter Mary. spent Sunday at the home $01` Mr. J_ohn'McIntosh`. l 1 -Miss i*`_lorence .Dob_son has [return-I %ed home after spengimg a `few days with friends in Barne. iIc>i1'r;"of Sunderland visited friends here recently. c\ '"Ms7, ii. `%i311%k5aE1 V1\i/Izazstrx: ' Roy are _visiting friends at Callander. :0 11? . TN "m;.'"wi'1;;g";i;ai'2.11:1`m;;<:a;1; Bell of Avenin are visiting the lat- ter s `parents; gr. and Mrs. M. Bell. II The much-boasted Lemieux Act of the Laurier Administrationat Otta- wa libs had its inefficiency well brought out in the present strike. `It is worse than useless in a crisis of this kind,-and a mere mockery. Until the Labor Act makes it com- pulsory to submit all disputes to a_ `regularly established Board of Con- ciliation, and not to somesternporary and temporizing commission ap- pointed for each case, and als_o n1:Il it criminal not to do so, We Cannot expect the general public, under the conditions of-' modern life,` to be properly protected by safe-` guards. again soon. "f1x&r. Eci}}{11i1d `gm. is sin: onthel sick list.` Hope to see him around Report. of .p:;_cimotion exam. of School Section No. 6, 0ro._ The` names given in order of mem: 1-112 . r~ 1-1-r $7 11- IA 1- 11611593 slV\-ll Ill. Ubuvl UA A11\.IL|. a Jr. IV.` to Sr. IV.(--Nellie McLean, "Mary Bonney, Leta Hayes, Wilfred Cockburn, .Mab_e1 Thompson. -91'? 1'17 IN (I T-i\;Iisvs"-(_I`1:a_1-I->cr r'1an_of' 2.\1lis ton, Miss Eva and Mr. Field Downey spent [Sunday with the Misses Thurlow. fM;;;es";;an;;,' AgVx'1`e:'s_a"x1icV1-"j;2zV1't'_1ie `R1c\hardson spent Sunday with Mxss jAnderson of-Cxfoss1and. . 1fRi{}? 1VX "c1d'i of [West Essa ' called on friend's here on Sunday last. ' A large number from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. Chapman on Sunday-`last. He 1eaves`a widow, two sons and a daughter. to .mourn his loss. .. ___ -. . - `pa cu: noun! ovuuu Miss Mae Wallace and Miss Flor- ence _'Beatty were . Suqgay visitors ,with M;-s. C. P. McClennan.. , S_.in_c1a`ir _i`.'s;>_ a few holxda`)"s wxth M1ss Conme Douse at the la _e.T - ` ` % -'"Miss 'Mary. Gdodfellow is spending _a few days with her sister, -MIZS. J . A. Lucas, * ~ _ .~ ` 9 . In the presentinstance, the men are asking the same wages `as men get on other railway, lines. Without disputing their" claims or attempting to decide the case in any way be,- tween the employers andthe em- ployed, we are bound to remark that the general public should not suffer on account of the dispute as they have been doing. {Miss Rebecca Carr of the Hos- pital, "South Bend, (Indiana), has been spending her par- ental home.` A ___ ' n V nan ":- vu DID! Oovnocvu , Asa Wgrnica wa_s 'taken [till Mon-T day, but 15 recovermg. in-._, 1-xr'_~n._,. 1'1.-..A.-._ -1: 1xr......I...:A- long .3 ovwvuvo-ca `lyvirs. Walter Hunt; of Woodside, Long -ilsland, N.Y., and two sons,` Robert and Walter, have been visit- `_ing with Mrs. Robt._A. Carr. '. - N_ote-Cortespondents speaking of. the movern_en"ts of visitors -will please state the -places from which they come; ` 3 suNmnALE Tcomfmns. FERGUSONVALE. ,Row!i %un.:. % ANTEN MILLS. 'APAINS_WICK: The 'Week1y Sun says :4-- ' That was feared has occurred. TA strike was called on the Grand Trunk Monday night at 9.30. LEFROY. UTOPIA.- Wm. R. Best, Teacher. EDGAR._ THE N%oR`1`HERN.. ADVANCE `little with Mrs. nu guvvu avsnq onnvnuclvl Us ulllc. ' The interment of Mrs. Robt. Thom- as of Minesing Station to 1: place on Sunday afternoon at 4. inesing Cemetery, and was attended by a large number of people. Much sym- pathv is felt `for the bereaved hus- band and `family. = The funeral of Frank.` thelititle son of Mr. and Mrs. James Maw, was held in the Presbyterian Church here on .Wednesday, July 13th. Thecasket was-"covered with beautiful owers and the funeral `was largely` attendv` .;L;< showing. ` the sincere a, path}; lvghihh is ..extet_Ide.d to t)he"_` `weaved l t'aui,ily.j` . E _ ,. k v 1;. T. Manila, July 18.--Dean Q. Wor- .cj yen-,g Americap secretary of inter- ; ir_12for' the LPhilggpines,' was '*'`et';'I\I]_> ot_tj gs;-eng~adTeW'_M9ro::fqa= th}jI_3&}f5f igyang 9-A,1!Ys_- ,ppgI'%LJ`scaped% was;-as:-1 i ttI!%i%a9n l:r: "1 M V -.v--w-d -. ) iM`rs. Marlin of` Bgrie, accompanied by Misses Gladys and Irene, is visit-.. Ming- her sister, Mrs. Henry Kerfoot. V 'M:;s. Carr, (formerly Miss E. Knapp) of Dayton, Ohio; has been visiting Mrs. D. C*_a;npb_Eil and other friexids here.` 7 is-; ' $1.00 PER AN}-JUM. IN ADVANCE. UNITED` 's'1wrEs `svnscnmrme $1.50 IN ADVANCE M'No new name will be "added tothe sub- scription List until the money in paid. n..|._-_.lI.-... .....n In nunnnna Inn tluuna yuan!-Inn

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