Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 Jul 1910, p. 5

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.a, 1.7 ; 5;{ j{e,"i?.'ii ;;;;;: ::.-.::. ::::"'1 75 Sale Pnce . . . . ... . . . . . . . . | 300 pairs Ladies Oxfords, in Patent Colt, Vici. Kid _ and Ian gr Chocolate Kid, new heels, IXIU 'dllu J ll UL \/IIVJBUIIIBV &&b\l, n n v v v - . V - . -, regular 2.09 value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -I uni-can/c`, nsnos.'_n_o- o o - . .. I 17 5 pairs,Ladies Oxfords, in out newest styles, Patent Colt, Tan or Black Vici Kid, all sizes, `i`;";*3?:..?:5f?.`."I ..... .`;.`."::.'.`.'.:2.l]l] 75 pairs Ladies White Canvas Oxfords, .Blucher Cut,Flexible So1es,sizes 2% to 7 1 u 0 o n o : a o o o o I Sale Price.......... % Ladies White Canvas Pumps, Kid Lined and :33:*;:2:,:::::::..~-:::e:::.:~:;:::::1.25 Ladies Patent Colt Blucher, Lace Boots, Dull Kid To , Newest Last and High Heel.2 Sale rice . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . .. . W it/z `assortment at 2?: Best and sezes in all lines eozplete-Ceme early and get best e/mice. Be/ore Saturday, zfconvenzent, w/zen we can give you better service. Mure s i July Shoe FIRE-BUG AT MIDLAND. GIRLS and OHILDREIPS est1g_at1on H13) {E11533 plant: sv possxbie to 1ocate~v the 1 r: Sale LAD I_ES REAL LIVE BARGAINS: o L After `the. Hamilton police Had dfagggd the bay_ all day. looking` for _`he-botly of Hatftty H; Gan-' he walk- 1 V " ' `hi;A`{had5vbeet1`visi1;fgng .-'et!::':At*nfo. the the ev_eni_ng,. '_I`_oxfonto. O00 A REAL MONEY-SAVI-N G . OPPOR- TUNITY FOR PEOPLE. V _ Over 1200' ;5az'r. of SUMMER LOW SHOES, SLIPPERS and BOOTS in t/ze B2,? Sale ,camot fail to give ample c/mice for ezzery Man, Woman and C/zila . `Styles are strictly new this season,shown in all leathers, in all the New Lasts and ,~Heels-: for dress wear and every day serz/zke. 'Iiym miss these Gooa Buys, you miss the best Shoe Bargains that your money ezrer had the chance to `exchange places with. Tin ofsavzbzg ;8`1.5o to $2.00 on the ,5/toes you need. T /mt : t/ze gain to you. No tras/zy, s/zoddy 6a_rgaz'n-priced footwear ooug/zt ` for the occasion. Every pair picked from regular stock.- Heel and Spring` Heel, in Tan and Black Leather, sizes 4 to 10%, regular I.OO and 1,25_ Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Girls Shoes, in Blucher Oxford and Instep Strap Sli pers, in Tan and Black Kid, Good Leather oles, Toe Cap, Low Heel, sizes II to T)-_--l_.. - a- J 33 -I, -l\I\.o \luIrI, A.a\1vv oavvn, w--avu -- - 2, I I o c c I o I a o o o u 0' I O o I o 0 0 1 I .Sa] price . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -Childrerfs Strap Slippers, Tum Soles, Tan and Black Kid leather, sizes I to 6, regular 70c value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . Sale price. . , . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Misses White Canvas Strap Pumps, Flexible `Soles, Newest Last. sizes II to 2 . . . . . . . Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Child s White Canvas Strap Pumps, Flexible Soles, Nevgest Last, sizes 6 to 10% . . . . . Sale prlcg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. c 50 pai.r`Men s Oxforcls; Patent Colt, Tan Calf and Gun Metal, regular 4.00 value.. . . . 2 I `Sale price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 pairs Men's Boots, all new lasts, Patent Colt and Tan Calf, Goodyear Welt Soles, regular i'XLl`ifii1;u;1.:::.::::':::...':.":::: 3.0!) ~_.. __- - _` 40 pairs Men s \ ici Kid Blucher Boots, newest styles, regular 3.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . _ SALE PRICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 pairs Men s Box Kip Lace Boots, Extension Soles, Tidy, Serviceable Last, sizes 6 to I I, `s".`i1? i%1E`??; .............................. 1.50 Boys Fine Box Calf Lace- Boots, To Cap, ....`:.1 AIo\`r\lI 6:-vane `I "5 C rbcrninr I JJ\I anagra- gooci solilc-lwsoles, "to 5, regular 1.7. Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , SALE PRILE ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youths Fine Box Calf Ba1s., Toe Cap, good solid soles, regular 1.50 value - - - - - SALE PRICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Boys Canvas Lace Boots, leather soles, 9 t `A 'A lJUyD \/cnuvua 1.49:. guy. ...----- -- - sizes 6 to 10. WSpecia,I . . . . . Sizes I I to 13. Special . . . . . . . .70c Sizes 1 to 5. Special. . . . . . . . . . . .'I5c 11116 * MOORES BIG July Shoe Sale IN FULL BLAST Montreal is crowded with summer I tourists, and they have an_ idea down A.t_herAe\.that Toronto s strtct Sunday laws; are `driving that class of trggja .t- are you bother- ed with ies in your house? A small expenditure for Screen Doors and Windows i will give you protection from this pest and in- sure you all the bene- ts of fresh air. Call and see our lines and get ww- R_ 13 VII`75Bl|Qa _ . _ _ -' don East` , x- - .' W Lawr 15 home._ fog-_.the ME, Waldon ]1ol_id3)'5' ` _ ` , L. Burton has H,-efu`medo Mrs. J from Toronto. . V a_r1es Hamlm is here from Ne\\ZlI' ' . _ NI Mmgzw is spending a - ` `i\.Ie:1f0rd. _ Mr. Geo. \ A mmdinn \V`cst. \ri1son is touring through HAMBLY THE... HARDWARE MAN Mr. ~ ' V Mu5kk" chm oi Allzmumc. I\l2ic Thompson of Toronto .a);hh;{11 m'cr-Sumlzly guest of Mrs . Geo. Pouclicr. _ .\lanv Sixth Warders were disap- pninteil on Tuceday when. the Islay (~m`|Ciit`(i her trip to Orlllia. , ' - Mr, (Hill .\lr,<, H. Tholans of New yo,-k are the guests of the latter s sister. Mrs. George Poucher. The regular I1_1CCjtiI}g of the Pres- bvterian I-1mne_1\I1ssion Society was }{e1(1ye.~`tc-r(l:1_v m the church. T Rex-_ .\l:ilcolm i\lc.~\rthur left yes-' terdny for his home in Scatboro af- ter 3 ton holiday here. Mrs. D. C. Cameron and her sis_ter, Mr; Cnylo, of Garry. Ill., are v1sit- ingf1'lCllLiS in Port Huron, Mich. Miss Stella Dockstader of Niagara I-`ails, .\'.\'.. Wilu has been the guest (,9 .\li.~s .\ling.::l_\'. is nowcsummering at Atherley. - The Sons of morrow night. They will hold their annual picnic on Weclnesday next to Minnett's Point. England meet 'to-" Toronto. _ _ mm arles IS from Mr. C ` I`'ark NJ. enditi mss 1\[_V 1 SP 8 ek in Meaforcl. i WW Wilson tourmg through Canadian V the Bassett of Erie, Pa.,` is visit-' M" Mr. and Mrs. Storey; mg her p:n'cnts, ` . Avn Methodxst S. S. W111 .uAuu.- Accident at Meaford. V l A tczun hf horses belongixig to` John Bc11.~'h:1\\', :1 farmer, were lulled . mp 1.:-rum] Trunk vards at Mea- tanner, KIIICG m the m-nml Trunk yard_s Mea- {ml on \\c mormng of last week and Ray Leonard had his back- lzm. 'l`\m teams were left` in charge .:.f _vu11ng: Lcmzt1`d standmg 'by a frtigllt cur preparatory to unloading some Ire1g11t from the car, when the , .l.f__._ ..r..-.1 nnnr:nD Cf'!I !'flPd Irelgnt Irom UIC nan, w:u_.u uu. a}:])1'0{lCl1iI1f: yard engine startled the- hcrses and they dashed in front of the engine, thrm\'i11'q Leonard into thr, ah`, hurting his back, while Bell- s}:aw'.< team were so badly injured that they had to be shot. Leonard s mun c.~c.'t1>c with a few cuts, and l(-th \\':u:::-ms were badly Smashed. Your Shaving Requisites ARE cnm-aruumr sum-man av Get a Gillette US. WE IHANDLE A COMPLETE LINE. on A Carbo-Magnetic Shaving Soap,` ; V Tal-:u|`n Powdef ` Razor Hones I [ltton & Five Points L kHad$gg. V qual- . range `but- T com- ` eifgrs and Y 111.1` $5-Io. % uprht J (11311 H w- assett visit-' m-cuts, Ave. Methodist by mum to O1_'1ll1a next CLOSE EVERY wznnsgn Razor Straps- The best in every line. V Safety Razor ruum GUARANTEED I. C1zt1'k has returned from in Port Hope and Co- 432 went __to 'Meafor.d Two specxals ran out is visiting inACa1e-' for a c1ean'sha've ` B'e1`1__haw: vgiued his .` Qisnn ;\ -P/atriek Lyons: armed into. ch,bur g' a few days, ago and secured employ- ment . -from ,_the G.T. R.e as -switchmaim; He was wanted very urgently inTo-` ronto-, and on the strength of infor- !' mation supplied to P. C. W'm.Swee-T ney that ofcer arrested him on \V~.edfpesday afternoon` of last week. Detective Newton took the prisoner knnb I-A Tnrnnfn (`Van 'l`11o-at`-sup TL`; \.|.\.\.Ln v 9 av vvv ulu Lvvn LIIU pl IBUIICI llalack to Toronto on Thursday-. The charge on which the warrant for his ` arrest was issued was laid by Frank l Taylor, of 229 `Spadina Avenue.` He` `claims that. Lyons got $14 from him on `-the 18th. of June by.means of a worthless` cheque. The police` have a numbefof other informations against the man, and more charges will likely be laid when this one is disposed of. .'S'tTi George s Church, Utopia, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wiednesday, July 6th, when Miss` Delia, youngest daughter `of Mrs, ;Robt. Ellis, was united~-in marriage :to Mr. S. J. Fisher of Terra Nova, `the ceremony being performed by the Rev` W. F. Carpenter, pastor. of the Church. ' ' i ' . ` - ` The bride, who was given away by ` her stepfather, entered the church to the strains of the wedding; march played by` Miss Lucy Dobson. She was wearing a beautiful gown of white silk trimm.ed withwhite satin and over-lace yoke and can-ied_a boquet of Bridal roses and \fern.- Her sister, ~Miss Martha, attended her, and was attired in pale blue mulle. Mr. J. M. Brown of Torontosupport- ed the groom, ` AP.,,, 11,. ....Q......... LL15 `\O:AV'I1 cu |.llC gt UUuI.. .After the ceremony the if bridal - party returned to the home of_ the bricle where _a dainty wedding break- fast was served`. There were many tpresents to evidence the high esteem in which the principals are held by their legion of friends. The groom s gift to the bride was a case of silver, CCO1D\Qled by a cheque. * . Mr. and Mrs. Fisher left on the evening `train? for a trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and Buffalo. They will return to Utopia fora short stay be- fore going to their future home in" Kindersley, Sask. :d`ANmnAs T NEXT % CENSUS 0171 L A POPULATION. ` The next census of Canada `will be taken under date of June 1st, 1911, and will embrace the subjects. of `(population, mortality, agriculture; manufactures, minerals, sheries and dairy products. _ Population will be recorded under the heads of residence and personal .description;` citizenship, nationality and religion; .profession,. occupation and trade or means of living; wage- earnings and insurance; education a and language spoken. and inrmities. Every. person living on Ist June and 265 and be recorded`. will be entered on the schedule of h populationby name, as member of a family, institution or household, to-. gether with place and habitation, sex, relationship to head of the family or household, and whether single, mar- ried, widowed, divorced or legally separated. Theemonth of birth, year of birth and age at last birthday will` " A_-1.. n\t\J, Entries will be made for each per- son to show the country or place of birth, year of immigration to Canada ; if born elsewhere, year of naturaliza- jtion if formerly. an alien, and racial or tribal origin, nationality and reli- gion. Every 'person of alien birth who has become a naturalized citi- zen is a Canadian by nationality; and l-every British subject with residence lin Canada, as well as every native of Canada who has acquired citizen- ship by birth or natnralizationyhis a Canadian by nationality. `But there l is no Canadian. by racial or tribal origin, unless the Indians are so counted.. 0 - I-M nnnna- CUuuu.u.. Every person having an occupa- `ll be entered for it, tion or trade W1 }but if employed in the census year ` at some other occupation for part or ` Wage-earne_rs are entered to show `the number of weeks, employed ' ` I910 atchief occupation or trade; at other than `chief occupation if any; the hours of 'working_ timeper week at chief occupation,- ortat other oc- cupation if any; the total earnings in 19'1o_at chief . occupa.tion; _ the total cidentor. sickness, together. with the. ` cost `.o-fsuch -ixi;s_u.rance- in , the census iUnd,er .t.h"h9.di_31`s.90f' tiaucations ; and g.l`axi guae, records ` 'w`il1=._ hie} taken .501" V:'1 3r~:< .991. -a'9' i.'557; 597.9 ;'3fL3 ?<>f5.~aR.`. : uh` ir'in`2`%- 2the;~:r:_1j:`_:x1I_;`s.1;1.4_`.of nu`-ci, 5%` and language rcord -will. be taken for everyperson .o1fw[e years of--maze and oyer, showing the ?numbe_r of moriths at school in 1910., and If the Dex-son_ca1 reHad,a.nd vgmte, and the "lftnguage commonly spoken ehy"ea<.:h 15. C3-IIVU IV.-.-_ . . The lasitp fquestion on?! Mo." popu1;1ti6n;. .t1.s 'to It _callsVfOr~a "1"-e`<:.6`rd o , having an-. inrmity. i ajnd\_,:.dl1_11;1b,,' ;.c,r'agy. go`: _ _u_1 +gt,:~s%:11y;.; " " , d 1: " an A.rre Ited in. the Yards. FISHER-ELLIS. qu,es(tion_ on` thej sc;1_1`e_d_u1e_ 6n___;rela5s to in-rmxtles.` a recprd of each __p9r`so. infgrmxtty, If %1;;1in` 9 .1I.`.r.`..` `.1 . sfp~efc`1-ed_;r [news A3001` Town] f .(Continue frQV.rn _Page _Of1_e.) _ ' Mr. J. `.MV'or1-ibsonv has been ap-_; pointed to the? sta of`Co11ingwood Public Schools at in initial salary of This leaves a vacancy in the- Cen{'ra_I' School here. " -_Open :0} the s e;son. _Litt'le Lake Summer Resort. A Boats for hire. Lunch nrovided at all hours. also `soft drinks. ice cream, etc. Furnish- ed `rooms to let. `Miss Lawrence. tf. I -St. Jiames" Sunday School, O~ril- -1ia,_"is running an excursion to C01- hngvvvood on` Thursday, the 21st. The excursion train passes through Bar- .:"ie at .10 a.m.; fare from `here, 80 cents. V It is a good chance to visit Barrief_s shipbuilding neighbor._ . Inspector Dnfflhad. a coup1e_of_ de- l1nquents_bef0re the P.M. on Thurs- day mormng. One, an interdict, was 'c'na'rged' with being under the in- ooence, the other with supplying him wrth the baneful liquid. -Fmes `nf $10 and costs and $25 and costs, respectively, were imposed. Thefuneral of Middleton McAteer, who was killed on the railway at Revelstoke, B':C., took p1a_ce on Sun- day from the C.P.R. station at Uto- `gia to Angus cemetery. Rev. J. R. 'turgeon ofciated.` Deceased was `25 years of age and yvas a fheniben ` of the 'Orange.fratern1ty, shortest n _+-Douga11 Bros. eg to announce that they; have gaged the services Of Mr. L. Lea of O1-il1ia,Aand- will be prepared t do all kinds of uphol- stering and rniture repairing on the v Peninsdgir Park Hotel is becom- ~-ing very popular under the manage- ment of Mrs. Ohrt. Already quite a numberhave taken up residence at the hotel,` and more are expected this week. `Barrie `residents should avail themselves of this! convenient resort. Take` the children along and give them a real holiday. Barrie Lodge No. 63, -I.O.O4.F.. had the. following ofcers `installed on Mondav night by P.D,D..G.M. Her- bert G. Robertson: "N.G.-~.C1au,d Faux; V.G.--C. M. G. Smith.;_ R.S. ~N.G.-E'cl. Gray: L.S.NG.-J. Kil- vington; RS.V.`G.--4V.. A. Lawrence; T...S.V.G.-Chas. Jones; Rec. Sec.-- R. M`cLarty; Fin. Sec.--H. G. Ro- bertson; Treas.--W. P. Soules; W ar-` den-_-W"; E. Johnstone; Cond.-~J. P. Neal; Chap.--.T. Bebb; R.S.S.--W. C. Andrew`: L.S.S.--J'. L. Marks; I.G.- S. Somers: O.G.--W'. McManus, I. P.G.--.P. McLa'rty. . [CQLLIER STREET METHODIST. \l\Ia-`Alan-`l&\ `I- .-mi.-- -.-_.. _ _ _ ., , ,, Next Sabbath morning the pastor s subject will be Christ s Passion for Souls and in the evening The ,Obedient Servant of God. I To encourage pupils to greater ef- fort Mr. N. E. King last autumn offered two prizes to be presented to the boy and girl who obtained the highest standing at the entrance ex- aminations. The donor stipulates that the fortunate students must at- tend the Barrie Collegiate Institute after the summer vacation. Frances Robinson of Bradford St. and Carol {Mullen of Owen St., both pu ils of Principal Allingham of the entral School; will doubtless be the fortun- '-A-_ --...!Z.-Ind-an -Fa... fnfn School, will countless u ate candidates for I910. The Dyment horses have been! winning pretty. regularly oflate, and' `at Fort Eriegthe stable uncovered a |2-year-old which promises to take `the lautels of the Canadian circuit. Solid Comfort, 3. Voter-Content lly, `won the Niagara Stakes_ on Thurs- ` 2-- - CAIA AF cnxnan Wifhnt belng won the Nxagara Dtanca Uu nu... `daywn a eld of seven.w1thout being `severely extended. She had up 105 ounds and had a perfect ride _from iusgrave. The prize was valued at $1500. It was only two days before that Solid Comfort broke -out of the maiden class. The {lly has a rare turn of speed. T ,,_L1..... T\unqAn4- 0-179511`- IufI_l U1 Bywvu. . On Friday another Dyment 2-year- old, Coal Shoot, `won the first race `on the card at Fort Ene m a eld 4- -:...L4.- . . I THE N. w. E.-KING PRIZES. U11 uu. \. of eight.` 3 evening. Chairman Robertson `presided at the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Educatxon on. Monday ----` -.-.-:;-`grand-:l\I`I: (V5; VA` evenmg. The formal tesig `M ac Kay, and Miss ANC. School," were read and = Burton accepted. nations `of D. A. Master at the-.C.,I., Science Ethel Graham, ,Teacher in ,,.....L .1 , Han 'r`nm`miHee on cepteu. The re ort ofpthe Committee on School anagement highly com- mended Principal Allingham upon the success of has yoom at the recent. entrance examinatxon. ' ' Accounts aggregating $263.26 were assed for payment. Of this total, 147.30` was payable for entrance ex- aminations a_nd`_$49.85e for. depart- mental exammatxons. T - - H -.._ ...;.u-u-Ha.-I 1-eceiof of. ` Ucutcu -uu..---- -.. I _ , Treasurer Marr re] $ 5.65 from various 0 grants and fees. ` Miss E, F. King weeks leaveof abse of fall term`, .she to ; substitute. - r|~|.-, canrfif W: w:1"enders_ Qfor cadets, as per ordered td be .'c 1os.e, Aug. 1. ' substitute. _ The Secretar was instructed ,to communicate" w _h a reputable archi- tect to obtain information concern- tingcompetitive plans and estimates 811-`the -pr<,>poAsed remodeling of the Tenders tfvore uniforms for the cadets,` _ tier .s1;}ei$Vati-ans, were ` * *-` - M A .` or. 'same`to [A4 Londdn woman, dreading `ad. `0i>.efati?Jn; br919e~[.way fr-Om. the hose. -' -Lhbme and .bai:ricadd;heAr{ ` ' L V `..r;'Sl1`e;:-:g:izas_J?di`suad- T1-_IE DYMENT HORSES. BOARD OF EDUCATION. THE No1zfrHEnN% ADVANCE day- . 3. vIarr_ rported receipt of vanous `sources by way I \E.__ ' W35 SIVSII3 |.vvu absence at beginning e supply a suitable .SpCC1llL2iIu.vua, .. -. - calfd .`for, same to__ was -given, two" ..-.. -4. kn3nn3no' OBITUARY. Arthur Fennell. At the age of 37 years, Arthur Fennell, of Big Bay Point, _eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fennell of Painswick, `xpassed away on Friday last. He had been ailing for some 1 months, but the end-came very sud- denly. Deceased, who was unmar- ried, was very highly respected, and the funeral on Sunday from his fath- er s residence to St. Paul s Church and cemetery, Innisl, was one_ of thevlargest ever seen in this district. Rev. A. E. Paget conducted the ser- vice which was carried out under Orange auspices, deceased having been a member of L.0._L. No. 605, Craigvale. Besides the father and mother, four. brothers and. one sister 's}3r{{i}}eI Attempt to Burn Mr. Jas. Playfaix-`s Residence--Lumber Yards V Also singled Out._ That a reburg has been at work in Midland during the past few weeks was dmonstratedi again on Friday night, when the little frame store of M'r. John -Boden was completely de-V stroyed. This is the third re within a_ few weeks, all supposed to be the work of an incendiary. An attempt was made on Thursday night to burn the lumber in the yards/of'Messrs. Playfair & White by: setting fire to the storehouse of the Shipbuilding C`ompany`_at the west end of the ` millyard. Waste material was stuffed _ into the cracks of the building,- and __ set on re. . It was discovered in a time by the night watchman to avert, a big-gconagra`.tion.' _ Thegfollowing ' night` similar. methods wg;- adopted {an attempt to burn the; residence .- oil Mr; James Playfair; Inammable -' material saturated with oil was plac- _.;v i. .1.- ..-.... "ac Ink rlurmilivia-_ and 85 pairs Women:s-(-)::fdrds: all lthe inew lasts and leathers, Tan Calf,_ Gun Metal Patent Colt and Vici Kid Welt "or Tum `Soles, regular ~ 2i`>3:`e? f`!`f`f:'.'.'.:'.:'.'..:'.'.'.'.:1 2.50 167 pairs Ladies Boots, in patent colt, new short vamp, High Cuban Heel, Empress make, regular 4.00 value. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . priceoool 00 on .61: no.5. evil`! as 75 pairs Ladies Vici Kid 'Blucher Boots, Patent Toe Cap, Extension Soles, all sizes and all leathers, regular 2.25 value.. . . . . . ., priceoooouocenonouu-can odlOl1'B5 160 pairs Women's Vici Kid Blucher Oxford, Patent Toe Cap, Heavy or Light Soles, Kid Lined, High`C_uban I-I_eels or Low Heels, regu- . .. -- --_`nn4\ nan nlrdan ` materxal saturazeu wx_:u Uu. vvua ......~ edato the rear of hxs dwellmg, and set on fire." Mr,- P_1ayfait_", smelling` the smoke, made an mV'.est1gation and %discovered the re in time to save the buding from damage. The cin- zens are very much excited,` _and great `anxiety is fe1t`fo;-jthesafety -`of other-_ prope'rty.`. vthrou`gho _u't the tmym, A `.inves;tiz=Tm0n` im=iY1e`%fa1$9 ;.17l8efe `ftb ~.;..:.~.=.....:1.1`..- -- r;::.=rIr;mr;.tp_n1.1~hi; :ri2eba u& I0

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