Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 9 Jun 1910, p. 4

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_ --- ----ov-.- v-o-V-a iThe question of the moment is whether the tail of Hal1ey s comet, bv absorbing all of the electricity, or Sergt. Major Rigg1esford s ice house and cold cream is responsible for the past cool weather. - . -v. r.._._- -v--.. wvunuvnu T "3-(Bur cor. takes the `opportunity of_ thanking Wh_rden _Garden, for an in- vitation to his outing on June 9th. \l\l1lVbl '`:.V:- c _` _ I V : .,'__:`>_. 1 ` _ ` V` ` large number from#.,M;,dhurs at- tended t1ije.dist_rict meetxng qf"_th_e L. O.L. at Mmesmg. . ._ -- ` . no IA'l "Thef prdpiosed "Mona.r<`:h`: Rai1way will be a cheaper w*ay-lof; getting -goods from Tor-on'to's' departmental SIOITCS. ,'`f1` half yearly meeting of the >*I"a.rmers Institute was held at Pene- etargg, James Coutts, and C. Hick1i_ng gomg from here . V . _ / - Mr. Geo. Sa_1unders and son, Frank of Barrie. Tvislted friends in this 1o~ cality over Sunday; ---_ ..._- _- w-V... _.-v-vow--. One of our residents .is moving around on crutches, the`resu1t of a football accident Saturday evening._ _-._ ..``v... V! vgau so A.avL|\J\JI|. Conductor `Harrison, Mrs. Harrison and Miss H`arr.ison of Toronto and Miss McEachern of Dalston were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jary over Sunday- ~ The_ excursion was" an opportunity tq see ` the-r -Government _ Lfarm ;_at' Guelph. V ' ` "* " '.` 44"` -' >.*Al`:.-and .`,f 1\/I/;ss(1? i7a.rlzFo.1;c'l, Nurse, of~Toron-T to, is the geust of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and "Mrs. Geo. McLean. A*`:=!*?!P?*'**."*&*`?*?!e'%`l % CRAIGHURST. THORNTON. mnnunsr. LTAHEA. NVORTHERNA ADVANCEJ I Chieken Omelet.--Add to one cup l of nely {minced chicken one cup of milk and heat through; season to taste with salt and pepper and thick-. `en with two level tablespoonfuls` of `butter rubbed smooth with two level tahlespoonfuls of our, A little Wot- cesters.hire- sauce or teaspoonful. of celery salt will imp:-pve the avor of the mixture; Make a plain Fi-eneh omelet, and when `it `is ready to fold V` spread theer eamed chicken .ov.e re it- 'ai1d% fola. `_ Sei`v"'at once.` Cooked "\'re'al . ~01: -.hamgmay.;;_be; =|lSBd*n instead, of the V.-p`a1'.t ' chicken} t;:fa'n_dN p`art_ t em ** l -...- Jun..- -H-V-I--.7. _;Iv\I_uss'ah! said Brother ones bun}- bly. I specks I se sawtuh oecuha .dat-uh- way," but` it ain_ t never .been, .mah custom to take wxtnesses along when .1 goes out chicken stealin . suh.-Cex';tra1 Law Journal. ' The prisoners who will be- chosenl for the work will be those whose characters have been good during` connement. The guards will be responsible for the actions of the men, and the Department of Public vWlorks will look after the commis- Vsariat department. A rev-gular-com struction camp will be struck, "and the men will be given everjf possible the. prisoners Van - oppg; E proving their 'worth.n ` freedom, This move on 'the_Jpart of the` Government will provide cheap labor for the roads, will'give..19etter transportation facilities, an d;j_. ' 1 give v .``You `are charlgedelwith .stealing `nine of Colonel Henry s hens last night. Have you any witness\e~s%? - asked the Justice sternly. (637,, __v`_ I, In 0 `I OI -0 " sums: I-Ill, JJ1 u\,c \.;UVVllI. ` III.-Jenme Lockhart, Glenme Ness, Lucy Summers, Florence Con- nell, Elsie Gi1hooley,-John`ny Alpine. 111.11, 1.4191: unxnnuuncy, J uuun II.-Lillie Reid, Frank $`$ri; `Bessie Connell, Maurice Martin, Fin- mc Martin, Harold Padgham. - I.-Willie Moore, Lena Graham. Primer, I 'S'r.--Leamer Lockhart, VVil1ie Reid, Louie Ness, Sady Al- pine, Bowman Allen. ` D..:....... T- 1....-. *D......--.i:- 12-.-: i g-'lll\,, j,l\J IV IIIQII I LIISIII , Primer, Jr.-Jenet Bogardis, Estel- la Gilhooley; Amy Gilhooley, Will-`e Bogardis, Mary Alpine, Zada Gil- hooley, Wilma. Thompson, Joel gycimpson, Harold Ayerst,_ Reta a t. _-vv-v-\. v\(\J g--us; av; navy vv \-\u|\p/ Christ Church, Ivy, was the scene of a very pretty event on Wednesday, 18th ult., when Annie, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Feltis of `Egbert, was united in marriage to MI` `(TI-Fl`! T} .R9fIf;(r I-ha Anna.-sang... `Laura Lennox of Ivy. Mr. and` Mrs. .:_5u\.I.I., wan uuucu. Ill. marriage I0 Mr. `Geo. D. `Banting, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. W. F. Carpenter. The Bride was unattend- ed and appeared in white silk, with Irish lace trimming. The groom's gift to her was a handsome gold watch `and chain. After the cere- mony the wedding party drove to the home of the bride s parents where a reception was held. The guests were limited to the immediate families and M r.iand Mrs.*W. J. Lennox and `Miss Banting are spending their honey- moon in Toronto and Hamilton. They will reside at Ivy. ` i Those present every day were: Harvey Ness,'Jennie Lockhart, Bes- sie Connell, Frank Cowan, Maurice Martin, Lena Graham, Leamer Lock- hart, Jenet Bogardis. ' \ Average attendance, 30. 1'1 OI! n a..uou.u \aAIUD|.\;.I. 14 I111, JCGU \.4ll1lClUll.o Jr. i 1.-Emi1y `}ones, Nellie Mc- T_ague, Cecil Jones, Reggie Voice, Szdney Voice, .Howa1;d H'unter4, Roy Longhurst. `D4. 11 A.'._.:. .c.,... 1r'.__.: .n1..-___ LVLIIILILC LLKJEGIIQ VIE ? I.-Grace yacDonald, Viola Hall,` Lulu Banni t , Myrtle Jones, Edna'i=Woods, Nina oMcIntyre, Stella Ritchie, John Mc- Tague, Hazel` Scott, Gladys Scott. `I 1\ er, Victor Stott* S. S. No. 15, INNISFIL. Honor roll for May: -V.---Mary Connell, Doriald Cowan. Sr. IV. ---Harvey Ness,` Isabellal V Allen. Jr. IV.-Robbie Ness, Edna John- ston, Clifford Lockhart, Leonard Martin, Bruge Cowan. `[11 `I'......... 1' ..-I-1.-.... r~u-__..:.. f1=o1N'rs FOR THE Hoi wARp`Ac;i g0L. *Ho_no`r roAll%foi-"Ma'y , 4.. Jr; I.V.4-A. ` Foster, Scanlon, L. Howard. , 7 `Sr. III.--H. Cheesman, -C. Curtis, M. Hill. 4_ ~ ' . Jr. III.+-L. Thbmas-, Hob1,e.y,' G. McKinley, G. Clarke. * K ' .C..` Tl T.` -`Jon-;n If `T - k`E`::Anie 'Stott, I-I'azel`_El`som, Lorne Hpnter, Edith Crawford, Carl Clgte, 1_>'I1nnie Hogan. ,I'1........ `MI'....'|'\.......1.l X71.-.1- Lv1_\;.q.uu:y, u'..~pra_u\;. . , ,;,- - ` `Sr. II... . '_Ma_r(i n,; M. `Harris, L; Storey,` A. Coerg.-':; e_.;,-,1` .. Jr. II.-C.i ,0 t'1tg<`Jfr1eJry , M1. La! 1... f" 1XT`......1.........-` . V J1. ;.-LL 9., OVA-_\{3IIr v-`-~~v`o' ---.- v-- ley _ G. Wardman`. ' `:.:-r- `;;',; = ` v_ L Pt. IL, S1`-.--S._V:`_M_a A. Mgrtxn, 1: r~.......1...'n - .+ 9- 11-9. -.41-7-I-;. -".9-."a~: `-~ -'~'~-.."r'v E. Campbell . 15"; . _ 3,; , Pt.LI-.'I., J'r.-'~E.=.'Lew.i`s, G. Wxseman, M." Leigh. _. V ; '. i 1,` _ % Pt. I., (a)-:-A1.~McKinley, E. B1ge- low, L-.(_`W`iles. 1 ' o / ' ` n.\ 1m-1m.-.L.".:... 1: n....z..:... D v'eF.'" '7 _'..";i" '_' f'"_' !No; on ro1l"for month, 222. `-Average attendance, 189. (V, f\ 1I T___I 73.. s. s.~No. :4, TINY. 9 School report for May : A `S17. IV.--May Jdnes, Ruth Camer- on; Maggie Lynn. 'l\7 f.-.n.....- `l`2"l..A_.. 1")--.._..I Wjr.m15\`75.I:uyc;`1"Ee Elsom, Rus$el Lynn, Allan Cameron, =Hazel Parnell, Wilhelmina Colville, Arthur Bailey. QT! aaaa 31)` vv auuuuuua K/UIVIILC ru uuu. uaucy. Sr. III.---VV`iIlie olville, Florence Colville, Mary MacDonald, Vvallace MacDonald, Hilda Ritchie. ` 'I .`_I2;_1_ 'IK__`l'\-,,-1j `\Y_11!, Macuonala, 1-nlda Ritchie. .Sr. II.-Edith MacDonald Nellie Elsom, Chester Lyrin, Jeanldameron. Too TT 17-nil`. Ttsonnn `KT.-.112.-. IA - ...u yuuau uuu_unO1euII1 .sn1-ea mtg a mat of turpentme 2 oz. of beeswax,` and when meltd apoly a, "mile to yrour oor clotlr as you would furni- ture polish, Polish -`with a soft c1otAh. T_ 7`A_'_3___. _A` . M(vB):3C."i;IcMa}tin; E.'I5ur.bin, R. M?,S0nl,,V . - T1 , .' 0 -r~ r`___-_.._- T? f"..'1 __-w-`...` nt (Received too late fox-A las_t week.) 'f`I- ,,!-. 1"`! Hafris, i; LLa\ rry, F. Cal- ant. scHooL,REP0RTs AV Privatnei Performance. BANTING-FELTIS. Principal; vvvu - rvna-yoga an VIIJII `vyuu. d 3Ull; CIUUI. -In Tcopking cabbage, never add the a1t unt1l.theA ve etable is cooked, as 1t makes the cab asze tough. Insgead-, .when the wa,t'e1-`boils, out in a much Toffbakin soda;_'and add the saltve_ fmznutes _efo_re_ `serving. . . 5 j Rice. _Qmelet.---T`ak,e % one] {cup { of 3, qId_ bo1led,+unseasone_d --rice, 'c'o`_ver ._--- V----_, -.-vv-- B1-Qoks', Teacher.` __-- uv. ' liainey, Teacher. 19:0. Wheaf, :B?.f, hind qr. ;f\DA an T ! VVe have them from $1-75 colors. F. A.HOAR Toi'ohto,. A HARDWARE wvnuyvovoo nan-av usnvna nuav naavanvg nu pu-nu-v -subscribers now in arrears for three months" and over wm be charged $1.50 per annmn, . Absolutely nothing---it's all in what a! name stands for--in the condence which people place in it. If you are a business man yo will at once recognize the tru h of this. Let our Advertzking [Manager talk it ave}? wit/z you. lFor almost sixty years THE ADVANCE` has been published continuously, and the public look` upon its announcements as `the embodiment of integrity. Advertising in its columns al- iways carries `the weight` of the newspaper behind i_t'-it s the guinea stamp that commends it- self to the buying publie. Q-wln 7th, I910. 13` THOMPSON ciuzw, uiausnzn Qiidtations on Tuesday W3: A, `;`oi-ck came, choice. .5 6 so. -$3 ` ` medium - . -gvcommion gttgfher cow_s.* choice V` `,9 0 u o 0 o_ 0 I . *,`.c_h`o3ce . . . . . . *1igh .__`. . . .A . . . o u o a . -__' CUIII. anu `$.{11ngers.; .. W??? \ jDry `onions (bush.) . . .. Apples (barrel) . . . . . .. Carrots, (bag) . . . . . . . .. Turnips (bag) . . . . . . .. Celery (doz) . . . . . . . .. -Cabbage (each) . . . . .. Parsnips (peck) . . . . .. Oyster plant (bunch). Potatoes (ba`g) . . . . .- Rhubatb, A bunch . . -- - Lettuce . . . . . . . . . . . . . Green" onions doz. Beets (dog) - -'---`er .1 .E_1;ei1'if ou alreadr . =%iiAMMo K, Y0`-1 1l)\\%`1`1?a new. one when you see th: styles we're shown `this season; g We aim to be `ready at all :t_im_es_.with whatever you're "l1k_el'y to need. Just at pres. ent Hammocks are a lead- mg! interest; and we have `reason to be proud at the `way they are selling, i We+stuthe best goods of every 8,ottt_hat the market ;a'o.rd,s and sell them tor lit. ,t1 enough to keep business _'<~`._ up to in all styles and uvl-: stock MARKETS- p VOIVIVU o. ucom. and A special meeting of the Council has been called for vWednesday7' night next to consider the matter, but out- side of the assessment clause there is "little to be done at this stage.` It is noteworthy that the company have not yet complied with the7. C_o_uncil s reasonable request for a1 list of share- holders. This is not an evidencefof bc:na `des, and the'Council would be justified in refusing further consider,-. ation until such pre1imin`ajj__[ar- ranged. Barrie wants to be suretphat the men to whom she grants fran-`V chises have the nancial `ability to carry out their undertakings; `%*iI`It:tRsDAY, HARDWARE loojo O -OO-O a ECAUSE the Town. Council navel _ V seen .-fit to eliminate several` objectionable` clauses contained in the proposition of the Monarch Railway C 0., the company, per their Solicito-r,, have written asking the Council to substitute alternatives fortthe clauses so struck out. The Council can hard- ly be expected to frame up the rail- way s proposition for them; the com- pany are the applicant parties. How-' ever, with the exception` of the xed assessment clause, the Council were clear in making their declarations. As to submitting alternatives, some of the clauses from their very nature admit of no middle` course---it is either an afrmative or a negative. ~W' e refer particularly to doub'le-track%- ing,' exclusive rights, and the in- dr-mnication clause re operating local service. On the question of giv- ing the company ve years in which to complete their construction, the Council made it plain that they would .not: go beyondtwo years. Of course, there are many minor details to be considered in working out an agree- ment, but these can only be arranged through a series of conferences. So` 0t 3' ' kg . A./.1 .?'.`.~ '~. `1_Ii:r~'m .l1lL; st of t as of :1 :11 mm mains rmcnt. 1),. um ntcndm 899 he or(mt( '_ .\I. 1 he Ens IDL n 1896 'etwccn 'hcn .\ .` the mntp- Urisdxct A--. .1 ._3..,,.;.. ..,;u_~a :.gnu_Ic.apuun1fu; 0! outs` _ ntg;-a. frying? `+p"a"p,'A d as`, .'ojon as ` 3215 n:V.t!1;e: o111_el`et; I Thc[ LET '.\lr.<. .\ .u. and m sire to farting hi` `U1 xvhich \v;'.rrl. }O(1_L{c 01dc~`t "what the g Our the h .}[c th you 5 'zm-ait "in sm Christi 0ur_ A {Ila J u . . - A Aliunl `gf `ill `To polish dull linoleum `shred into pint turpentine 2 beeswax; nd when mpltd annlu .. um. .. deuc- Wall Ll`!!! :`cz1tc(l| nty; \\j:| RE MONARCH RAILWAY; ._- . ..__._ dftij Vanc ;.Thursday, June 9, r1910. A NEW DEPARTURE; Tmausior sUnsomm~1o'x.[ J`--c-via ovououn I-I-- Miss Clara Calrsonwhays r Toronto afteratwo months wv1sxt at` -her - home here. I A I an`; mascara-any ----1-\ -I ;-:fI'i:"BJarnes of Elm;ra1`e is sfay- ingkfor a few days with Mrs. G. Pea.- coc - V , 1 . V ' - .4.-. -. ` frame. -vv-- Ferrief `of Midlhd spent few days last week with7_Mrs. C. Lat- `".'1{i-E. .vickrs and Miss Campbell` of Minesing spent the week-end at James Muir s.; >Il!, no` II - gr Mr. win. -Tiin is visiting ii -ieiids in Toronto, ' V 1 "V "Mrs; Crowe `of Midland is::;pe.- -Aguelit; of :h'r.faunt`,- Mrs. George`-`Pea -_-` coc -. -~ ' w The Women s Institute met at the home of Mrs. E._ E. Wiggins last ,Tuesday evening and presented` her- with` a kitchen sh_ower.. ` e - . Mrs. James Binnie i_s very `illjvitli mammatory rheumatxsm. V `II ,._ 1* : -Is" I 1\ErT2}}I1"TM:s. A. Hhghson visited AngusLfriends\_1ast.week. _ ` -35* , . nugus Il'lCIl(lS'\ last .wceK. , x ;g, _m Miss Mary `BA;-own. of `Chl1fC::il!'V:ii ' vmtgng her sxster, Mrs. "G. Peacock;-\ -V 11;. Ian ' A 4-IA I` ,.on f :M a_md,in;end`s {Auttxng 1 it `:0n= Aa` .9t*`9i-'%fI?.ht14;`*1t!" 4~ " :1!)-la?--'1'-nu-. -- 7.... .-w.-. :v~op\aUIJ,- ~ On account of the coldweatljxer the .crops.are not growipg so rap1dly as the farmers would lxke. H fl-2.c`>s'<;"c-aft` gayner spent 4 a [few days last week with her daught_er, Mrs. M. Kaiser, who is on the srck. list. % A Mrs. C.` L.`afre'nie spe'n`.`t Monday. in Elngvale: ~ ' ' ._s?pen7g:: ,-iunda o v; ,`J-rzhnso - M`!-s. O..S. Rowe are si3n ing a` fer"',days 'iri Tor`ont`oI.gnd" iG1xeAlph._- . ( e % -_-- r... v..... -.- ----._-cv- Mr. W. Spicher moved his barn last week, and is `now having a foundation put under it. j - I Miss Maude Wiggins of Toronto spent the week-end with her mother, who is illiwith pneumonia. `lA ,,- I-\ A _g puugg ;u.uI`Il.1;`cuU{l-,:_ '- Mr.` Wil17'_..F;ggs.pg1 V. " stmzn "TI{e'"c}'Z1i} 's1e'B"Mr.T Elmer Ro- bins was _ a_ decided sucgess, every- thing bringmg a good price, 11710. P 1 ; ""1_`:e"I'.adi.e's" of the Presbyter- _ian Church intend holding a garden party at`th'e home of Mr. Frank Ro- ybertson on June 24th. - , _ l MAV'sTon grrived at the home ofVM'r.` and Mrs. J. Fralick, Con. 11, on Fri- day, Jung 3.` Congratulations. - ....-, , i w_-_` ----5 . - - - . _ . . ' - . -. Ruth Stgoden, Toronto, paid a fly- ing visit to her friends here before proceeding to San Jose, Cal; ' T1" `I11 I T'\ 'Mrs'.`WiI_'li_ain1Neve is very. low at tzme of wr1tmg.. . ,. I17` 1 ,p "1{/I'is's- spent Sday at AT Jar s, Crziighurst. L Mi S. Geo. T. Baldwin and damnrh-. '5'R;::.:;f`;;;';,';`ii;';.m,.d the Toronto Conference this week; ?Beat`rice A-damsrr of Barri ` spent `Sunday with her, mother, Mrs. 1 J. Adam. ' ` . Mr. White of Barrie took charge of the Presbyterian services here on Sunday, owing -to Rev. L. McLean being in Halifax. ' "'C5l1l-"Vb'a_1;e.l');1-t:a1m' journeyed `to Churchill on. Saturday to play the first league game with the Churchill team, but were defeated. Miss Sadie Malcolm, PeneVtang'ui- shepe, is visiting friends in this 10- cahty. r- v"----a * V ~ " -- J`'`'`') V Mrs. H. W`-yles, Barrie, spent awe`ek or t`wo_in Minesjng Iately. She ex- 11>2e(c_t-: shortly to go to Vancouver, 9.. . Miss Annie _ Wallace, Toronto, wh has been staying for a few weeks with Mrs. onald, has returned to her hor_r1e~." '~ I "T1x4'r"s'." C~} e<`2'.-"'11::-Balydwin and daugh- ter spent Sunday in Barrie. 15, I` 1\ ` --- V--.-. \/O 5-Iv-\.n\~J - s a u n n no unpa- _ Mr`. Manley Partridge of Crowri `Hill will take charge of the Dalston circuit next Sunday. I\ . Mr. W; T. Gilroy is seriously. ill. ` Mrs. P. -Gien spgant last week with her parents `in Allxston. _. 11v A o Note-'-Correspondents in `tphinz of the movements of/ visitors L will please state the places from which % they cogne.` " , " ix/195'. "13[miiii3r"$E"EI:a'1}nood is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Beatty. ' - . 1 it` v\ in A1`. nnloau -v-v-d. Mr. and Mrs. Paisley of Stouville `are spending a few -days with Mrs; H. Grose. _ _ V _ A few friends from here a-ttended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jamieson of Thornton on. Sunday. ` VI` A `If ' TQC C\ A; Denhaxh Had his barn re-roo f-- ed last_ week. T ? ` -. -_ __-' _ -___ -- v--- -_-.... v- w-... I ` 'P_tv1tting ,upTvq,ire fen_ce sqems to be thc~orderof the .day m th1s burg. `k:f_- `|l'-.,I , . 1*. Miss Clafa Cfavvford :of Ba:9r_ie spent Sunday `under the .pare'n_ta1 roof. _A_I 8 5:35 48 coIuinn`;ewnpupa1j. 7 - fubltohodfrom the oloe. 128 Dnnlop Street. % ~ 1. Battle. in theoounty. of simooe, the Pro- - rf 'v1noeot Ontario. Canada, every Thursday Morning, by, -`-v--- --.-----., v-----. v... -`V..- ---`---- .._- ._ "Mrs. "Ford of Barrie wasitlie -guesi of Mr. "and Mrs; Will McArthur over Sunday. " . . ` ' . 1-\.9 AI er: "' "D_ ""',` """" " "7 " """f"f"' - Miss Matilda Donnelly is spending a few.days with friends in Barrie-. Mr. aod M rs.,Wilfrid Stewart have returned . from -their honeymoon. ` _--..----- ------ v------ --'-_-J--_'--_ Crops are doing nely around. here, considering the cold wet weathcr. `It ."I I 1\ go SUN N IDALE CORNERS. 0126 STATION. ANTEN M1L;.s. coi.wELL. MINESING. EDALSTON. $:.ou:-?ER `ANN.UM:;.IAN T ggnvancn. -_.UNITED smwms` suasmmgsf $1.50 IN ADVANCE d No new name will be added to the Sule- ucnption List until the money is paid. V _I--L___.!I_-._.. ____ .9_ _._.--_... 1-.. LI...` ...-..LI...' STROUD.` LEFRo&. The death on'Friday of Mrs. John A. Iamieson cast a gloom over the entire, loca1ity.. , The deceased had beengaficted with that -dr'eaded dis- -eas.e,._can?cer,` and although all. that medicalskil1 could do was done it proved; 'unavailing.. Mxfs. Jamieson w'a`s of -age,` and was married. .a.,b9ut,<._t,e_n, _):ea`xjs _ag_o,_, She ' took an active bait in` Aail'l7c' ch `work of the Methodist V det1om`i`natio1r,' ~-`and, % waif th .3 model wife jg the~full : se t1Tv;wsrec:hium:n` at`? usbhdrr` left to moum the"*=i6ss 7 `Wm 4-A`?-3'f? .nd,.=an 85i%r` ---..-..-- .v van`-val. uvunp nu uxnulallu. The `South Simcoe Baseball League, which had ve clubs, has now got down to two, Thornton and Ivy. Beeton was the last to`i-throw up the sponge. Tottenham was the -rst. to withdraw, _without playing a game, next ,Cookstown,4and nally Beeton. No doubt each of" the clubs had suf- ficient reasons for withdrawing. At `least, that is theconclusion. After `Thornton will again In the Abandvreturns from cam, Ivy and eet. oth these teams are to be_ <:ommend.ed for can.- celling. Saturday's` game out of re-. spect or the memo\-y of the late Mrs. Jamie on. . 4' Mrs. Blevins and children, `who have been visiting the former s oat`- ents, Mr. `and Mrs. P. Elliott, have returned to their home in Midland. TL- .(' .1 ` '0' 'X'meiing as the Ladies Aid,in the Presbyterian `Church,-._'p1ans were arranged for thezpicnic at `J, Coutts . The Miller Bill has gone up in gas [andthe all day light measure is Vunder two feet of concrete. Now, ?what has become of the grant prom- i ised to the 1866 veterans ? Of -course, `the boys have lots of time to wait {for the promised windfall, but then we have a couple of dreadnouszhts, ; one to cruise up and down the New- ; market" canal, and a lot of jolly good i fellows waiting for a sumptuous feast ;of Arctic renown. Mr. and Mrs. Jos.UA;l;1r;:s.of Elm- Vva1.e'visited at their uncle's, "Mr. D. Adains , `5Ple'asant View Farm, last wee . ` T . Mr. Wv. E. Stoddart was the" auc- tioneer at Mr. H. Dunnings sale of household eects. held last Saturday evening. A A L - L T\1 Ward` -Wlattig is VsIo'wly_ imp:-_c:>v-. mg - from his _injurxes. % . ~ ` The dog` show at Barrie did-not at- t tract ma_ny.jfrom hexe. . ` '11` When ironing it is a gr`eaf'p'rot- tion to wear on the right hand an old :thicI< leather glove. This V pr.eve nts` Vthe great heat from bur`ningnthc__b.:a,clcV _ of the hand 'and"f`r,r1akit1,g the nails .brittle.~ V -- ' V The last gap on the cement side- walk has been "spanned by a sub- stantial iank bridge over Bishop's Creek. Many are taking advantage of the continuous graded path in go- ing to and from" the station. ---g V. _...v. --v - . . . - nu nluiaiuuvnng At the regular monthly meeting VVednesday evening of L. O. L. No. 985 several applications-and certi- cates for membership were received. It`iwas resolved that the members meet on Sunday, Ioth of July, and attend .St. Andrew s Church, morn- ing service, and `St. John s Church, afternoon service.. It was arranged to celebrate the 12th at Tottenham.` Mr} Jams Fraser died on `Sunday Vmornmg after a short illness from pneumonia? ` ri-11"`-,,.. _--- r.. v--.. The Battalion Band left here for camp on Monday. We `hope the boys may have a good time. I`-.. ,-_- . 4 up _-_,.. --_-J Congrattilations to Mr; and Mrs. JamesMcDona`ld on the arrival of another permanent boarder. uuvu up v\r\A 5 nnnn so V - - v _ - - - - --J_ -- v--- --1-A-. The Sinjday Schdol Convention` will `be held here on J'uryev24th. "T_1_a}._'h;x} ibsvtjals i}j}ired some M-f the'- early planting in these parts-. 1 The_ `was ' Af- ` 6:` - AA. 6-`an . I-llxcogsmuuo-Inca` There will "be communion service at `St. John s Church next Sunday. A`_minister from Shanty Bay will of- cxate. _ ~ ' . - Mr. Aikens of Toronto is the guest of Mr. R. Jary, who `is spending a vacation at his homevherefrom _C.P. R,-agent work at London. According to the reports of the number of canine heads sent to To- ronto to be examined for rabies, the laboratory there must resemble the kraal of an African chief.- f The experiment which the Hon. Dr. Reaume stated a few days, ago_ would` be tried in connection with road construction in Nor~the`rin On-` tario will be started this week, and all Summer a gang of prisoners from the jails of the north country will be at work` on colonization` roads.'.1Mr. R. P. Fairbairn, dep.uty`Minister of. Public Works, left `Saturday for North Bay, where hewill take three prisoners and a guard, and will pro-. vceed to Cochraneg There he will be met by a gang of twenty prisoners "from the jails of the north country, andiwork will commence on the col- onization road running eighteen miles west to Porcupine. Three small bridges also will be built._

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