Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 9 Jun 1910, p. 1

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[utefn {mean Rik, V At -[this rate `they will learn of theL degtof ;Kin_g Edwaxjdabout I932. -, ii `Gag; 3,;-smifh, the noylist, is writ- 'itigV7`The `Follies of I9`IO.. `Barrie s 3?str"ets after the- sewer qontractors ` 'i; c}.t '~.thro}i'gh,wwith them. would make f"a{.;syp1 gcliapter. ; w A` Wnallavceburg doctor has been robbing a grave, contrary to_-the pdpula`r belief sthat a do_ctor s mission `is to 11 gravesinstead of emptying them. tau:k"' *a:;;fr1i%V`::1di;rjT%boys% paraded for Ni- ~ qn V Tuesday in %t_hei'r red 55a%vvith%V;`:1essings. % They would * 1- f _c`.o`mf_ortble. clad c'_its_1~*atI`(`1~.ivshoj`j1$acs. E _ V f .%Tih K B Jfastf F.d" King. % - f Lac ( ' at IIIC plane \,vuay.u....-.. -- _, (Continued on Page Eight.) a 1 Battl Creek d;` I<-ine.L% saxsi thtffin 1':vq1:*1'il` wi11_,.b5e:._ Que '_ `vast V 1:YN.'j`.O_F*`8|MG0I AND THE DOMINION T/ze l'ot"7s'fTz] L ._Six W ise OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOVVV NI=.ws_AA3ouI` TOWN ----AAAAAAAAAAA 9? ` on` page 8. New pictures at the Grind to-niguht. '--Read Last Mountain Valley Ad. 1 '_` .. .. _ __`_. , ---Bryson s `Raisin S_conesV are good. }Try them. You ll enjoy them.` 5 cts. [ each- T _ 9 tf. " Bates. the Orillia bigamist, wins" c'_>h Saturday sentenced to three years In Kmgston by. Judge W'ismer. ` - . . ?,. ,_ _._ -:- 1 I`LIII&9U\la| ..J. `____=_ T . . `5 . . --K1d Evans wxth the movmg pac- ture _show at the Grand in his sensa- `~tiona l roller skateact to-night. ` `- * ` -Pineapples for preserving are now at their best and cheapest--a ne selflction and special prices, at BOtho- we '9; V` TO` :. `--13ryson s.machiixe-made Bread is. ~making new friends every day. Try a loaf now, and you ll be another friend. ' -9. Meaford ratepayers voted down a by-law to `raise the sum of $32,090 for the erection of a new pubhc school building. " " d -1-- ---~t\~\ 1' :++'|'a 1' 91:9 --Open for the season. Little Lake Summer Resort. Boats for hire. Lunch nrovided at all hours. also soft drinks. ice cream," etc. Furnish- ed rooms to let; Miss Lawrence. tf. The boulevard in front of the pow-' er_house has been kerbed with ce- ment; lled in and seeded down. It will make a great improvement. --The great Le Roy in his wonder- ful magic act at the Grand to-night. ilnthe first draft of the'Stationing `Committee of the Toronto Confer- ` ence, Rev. `N-. P. Booth..Ph.D., is as- signed to Elizabeth St. Methodist- Church. . V I \I1L as y... 4--Before installing plumbing or heating iniyour home, see I. J, Nee- lands. He carries the largest stock of plumbing and heating goods in_ Tnuvn Sf" Bin: Town. Iii The` origmal and genuine pictures (imported) of the late King s funeral rwill be seen at the Grand Opera House in a few days; Watch` tor I posters. "'-`------1-uh. ve1.m.1A cm: the reallv PUDLVI D. -E,verybody `should ne entertainment now Opera House. - pg: \ tunity for purchasers. An auction sale of high-clasis furn1- ture will take place at the residence of Mr. A. D. Simon on Friday, June 17th, at 2 p.m. A Brownlee, auc- ticneer. This will be a rare oppor- -----L .... :.ql-an-_ In Saturday's police court, an inter- dict was ned $10 and costs, or in default of payment sentenced to 14 days imprisonment, for being under the spell of the invigorator._ De- fendant chose the latter alternative. l Inspector Duff laid the ,charge. -. ~. ~. 1 FPLA- A,I,.., ---_`. - - Inspector Duff that of Colwell before the day for being under liquor while an inte1 ---s 4\I-r\17nI"I d defe .luDy\.\.s.\.u .. ..-- -___ _ had Thos. Adams` the P.M. on Mon- the inuence of interdict. The case was proven and defendant ned $10 and costs. Where the booze was `purchased could not be -established. own or l ROMlN%l-1NTClTlZEN\ VIA: { inusin IOOOOOOOOOOOO3000OOO: 01' HBTHIIIOH a. a1au.n.. At the funeral on Tuesday after noon, `Rev. I. `G. Bowles, B.D., -of- ficiated. Among` the relatives and near friends who attended from a [distance were Mr. andVMrs`. John ~E11is, Orillia Mr. G0r Hamilton. r. R. E. Davis, London, and Mr. W . G. Co1vi1le",`Fo1-t W'i1'liamV.V The pallebearei-s `were: May r Bee- 4-.1-oft. S. Wesley,~A.*E. H. C eswicke. K.C., Alex. Milne, F. Norman and` bWi}1 `Rx King". Interment was in he . I ' ' The private telephone line extend- ing to noints in the Township of `South Orillia has_"1_ately been con- nected with the lines of the Bell Tele- : phnei Company ofrCanada,at =01-illia, so : that an exchange of conversation ;o'verU the twp: systems _is,.-now`-possib1e,_ I I'A.l.{lVl`.l!a.u I V _v Take your gr-isting and. chopping t9}.Wi1ki;xson3 %Mfi11.% (shopping every ay " c1;;pg'.1% Iobglhs {Aweighediinand ANEW TE LEPI-ZIONE CONNEC- A TI_ON.; of `high-Tclasts -x- -4. L... .-och-!nnm> Juld see the really now at the Grand --__ our cnuuu oun cnrrtmou. 0O60000000Q0OOQO909vvv 7' Iapital Established ` `I365. , Rest 8: UndividedProfits, Total Assets, over 3ooooooQoooooooooooooo3l Mr. A. D. Simon was up from ,T' ronto_this week. ` ' 1 ,_ .11- _ 1-Irn TOIIID uua VVVVuI Mr.` Archie Cundle of Cobalt was % down Over Sunday. 3 `_ Miss Edith` Christie of Orillia is the guest of Mrs. O._ H. Lyon; `Major Currie, M.P., was in Town for a short time on Thursday. 1 -3. _.. C..A..... III! a 3Il\ IIp LIIIIV VAL ---vuow--_,- .Miss Eileen Clayton left on Satur- day for British Columbia, on a _visit of ._several months. A -nu-.-J- -:l U1 _CVCl `I. lllvlltluao '_Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Peacdck of Lmdsay are visiting friends in Town for a couple of weeks. -r . 1:-A- r` 1'J-_..c...1,l '1......a neral of their nephew. IUI a DUUFIC UL Vv\-\-nu. VMr. and Mrs. C. Horseld have been in Peterborb attending the f'u~.` i 4 `Ir '17 11' -47 ...___L_ `L "wig. 'V7e11's`were guests at ;the H -odgetts-Birnie wedding in C01- hlingwood on Thursday last. T I _1__ I . _ _ . ..... LZ....n| vane. vvvu v-- -----_-,- V", Aid. Rodgers, who fofhome time was troubled with a slight affection, of She throat, is now` entirely recov-` VI \p\\A| 7 Mrs. N. F. Crossland and her` daught_er,_ Miss Norma, age here from` Philadelphia visiting the former- s` mother. L . : an n rs ..c p0 1 _gg|` u;v Lu; . Mr. Cummy Scott s.friends willl be pleased tohear that he is pro-\ pressing favorably after his `recent operation. 117 rs 1, L__ !__-__-I :.._-2A... vyvn utlvnau VWarden Garden has issued invita- tions to an outing to be held to- .day per Str. Geneva to Jackson s and Big Bay Ppints. ._.- 1 ---_-__ 1,: n" ....,1 CKIIKI J-'15 L \l I I J U ur- Mr. H"aughton-Lennox, M.P.,' and family have moved into their resi- dence at Hewitt s',Creek. south of the bay, for the Summer. 1 1t,._ r -_n:_ -4- `:-_ 'l",....-....n ua._y, LUI Lucy but-g ....... -. Mr. and Mrs. Gallic are `in Toronto `this week, and will attend the com- mencempnt exercises to-day at the Universtty of Toronto. ` If 1-11 1 __ -1` `I'T __.I | \I V\-I818. -v----__ r. C. E:1.wa rds ianel son of Hud-I son, N.Y., are visiting relatives in Town. It is fteen years since Mr. Edwards has been here. Mr. C. L. Guest is among those who have completed the examination for the `degree of bachelor of pharm acy at the University of Toronto. `If n -n n___:_ -1: `I".'.....1.... ....,1 (IL (1.; LIA wan-u u.._, v. ._ - _y v. ._.,V. , . Mr. R. E. Davis of London and _ Mr. W". G. Colville of Fort William were among those who attended the funeral of the late A. W. VV-ilkinson 1 on Tuesday. a I 1 Messrs. Gordon Gallic and Jack`: Montgomery are now am'ong.thoses `entitled to sign. M. B.iafter theirg .n:.-imes, having passed the nals at the ` Unixgersity of Toronto. ' u it ,_ r_`L, ( . C`-._:A1..qA. ..a.1n \.IlllV\o| 91) Va. -V- -----. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sarjeant cele- brated the fteenth anniversary of their -weddingvon Saturday evening at their residence, W'el1ington St. A ` large number of guests were present `including some from Toronto. a `ll _ t`*L-_1r. C` C4.....Ln..u- III\-lIaI\Alll6 uv-...\, .. V--- _ Mr. and Mrs. Charls E. Stephens of Collingwood have issued invita- tions to the marriage of their daugh- ter, Frances Muriel, and Mr.` Roy} Paftullo Findlay, formerly of Town, to take place in All Saint s Church, ` Collingwoeod, Wednesday,- June 22. A r-_.:a:u. _,.........n.-1 I-|:e DUIIIII5 W u>vu, vv ...... ......_, , J ..-_-- Mr. G. A. Griith removed his fam- ilyto Town from Toronto on Tues- day. Mr. Grifth has gone to a great expense in fitting up the Plummet property recently acquired by him, . and can now boast of one of the most i beautiful residences in Barrie and . vicinity. MOVING PICTURES AND VAU-' [ DEVILLE AT THE GRAND. The Grand Opera House opened on Monday evening last with moving i pictures, vaudeville, etc., to good business, and the entertainment prov- ed rst-class.` It is intended to con-` tinue this class of show every night during the summer season at popular prics--adu1t s, Ioc, children, 5c, with ' a matinee on `Saturday afternoon at 5c to -everybody. An expert operator and a rst-class illustrated song sing- er are with the show. The very best lms that can be procured are used. HI - -_- -t -......1....:11- min: a week. 1 De PYUCUICU GID uo\.\. Change of vaudeville twice a week. %at1 a \'nu- AcoL1};E12 STREET METHODIST _' Next. Sabbath the pastbr will speak` on Ch_`ris't s Teaching on Giving and in the evening on The Mean i .Man I _ -Warm TRAVELLING Wnsr : Am) STOP AT was -7A___-- `.1 M A R?"`?#i4f5 T EL ' 3 '5R-I|Q/ prnfiff. I 0 V `av-q-.-..., _ _ _ opt. crv xunxm rn ' ' 140 Prlncess Street w|n|D8 ` Finbclual Accommodation. Remodelled j _ ,'_ $*1l9tqrnihd 'i'r0\.18h_'\1t- loco o I o I o o u o o o o u - - . .. Irish Overtux-e-The Humors of Donnybrook ', . . . . . . . . .. Volti. *Morceau Characteristique--The `|\----.. .1: T ......9 ` Rpnrar 'M.0I'Ca11 K.onaX'a.CLCllbI.l\1u\.-- .a.u\. Dawn of Love Bendxx. Wa1tz-Italian Nights .. . . . . ||Iv -' "1 . t safety whn.) 9`1 m 332313;? this stimmer, 1s.-m the. Emrgtn of Letters of Credit is sued O . by this Bunk. _ - b ' equ1va1ent fo so m`1,3ci1S1:11fEiner:n21g1ways available to u only, in any'p_art' V u{haendcit\r0ili);ce)d- world, they are i 'ntx-oduetion to thou- 1s:1%Er5S0(f) b;nks and bankers. -r -1 1|A'.......-..4'.- I-unnfr Caprice Elegant--Douces Prom- esses . . . . . . . . . . . Laurendgau Selevctioni from-The Chimes of -Nc_>rman_dy . . . . . .V Planqutte. Barn Dance-How dy. Hiram .. . . . .` . . -' . . . . . . . . . . . . Friedman. Mar'ch--The Battle of the ._.Waves . . . . Hall. werybody. An operator - the best that be we :-::-:-j--$721 BAND CONCERT. following program will be red by the Barrie Citizens Band V :. Post Office square Tliursday B 1g, June 9th, .1910, weather per- :g. o A a I 0 U II ish of ? . orceau . . . . .. ';ltz--Ita1ian ..... `_BANp .III-`rt -._... .. 9 P. 0_`co_nnelI, Proprietor -c-n ' 4 __1V1gnts . . . . Tobani. BE SURE ? {s1,.ooPi:n Anmuu m Auvmcl: SINGLE OOPIII TNRII CIITI Owing to a nuinber of events crowding in at about the date of the_ proposed demonstration, it has been decidednot to hold the Conser- vative Picnic onthe 23rd of June, as was the intention of the Committee. The actual date has not yet been de- termined upon, but it is hoped that it can be arranged for about the middle of August which it is believed would be a more favorable time. _The Court of Revision was resum- ed on Thursday morning, the busi- ness being lafgely contentious. Most of the appeals taken were in respect 3roi. names, values not being attacked. `.!5c.: 3times, 0Uc.; puyu. V 71; SALI;--`Vood sum . some small saws a Bradford St. LAUNDRESS. KITC] MAID wanted. A1 FOR SALE- 1`wo brie] above with all conv wvM+..:, light and gas, ' Both the Court and the appellants seemed to be under the impression that the jurisdiction_of the court ex- tended to the quest1on~of preparing lthe voters 1ist, whereas the purpose of the Court of Revision is generally taken to apply solely to the assess- ment roll. ' ~-~- A-.. nnnvoap - v--. A large number of cases were con- sidered. Many of these were simple changes incidental to changes of ownership since the assessment was made. Another class of appea1s-and trthese caused considerable argument- were represented in the Canadian Railway News Co. (Allandale Re- _A.-.........L\ 4-Ian Darrin RrPWiQ CO. Kailway NEWS LO. \:u1' 1.- staurant), the Barrie Brewing Co. and the Anderton estate where the point turned on -the qualication as to tenancy of directors and the rights of ownership in an estate, Hr. Boys ifor the appellants contending that such names were not properly placed -- --11 K/Tr (Nu-pcur;(`L'P (`OfH'r3_ SUCH 11311135 WCYC IIUIL lJlUlJLl1_y y-u\.\.u on the roll. Mr, Creswlcke, contra, took the opposite view, and statutes \ were freely cited on both sides. The Assessor defended the assessment in -` r-u--- LL... ......nnc nnnn-:1-ino' nn the 'W61' Ifccly Lzucu uu uuu. ., .... .. _-__ Assessor this Way: the names appearing on the roll are there at the request of the ;parties concerned; consequently. the onus is not on the assessor, but on the aopellants. The Court adjourned until Mon- day. _6th inst.,` without making any decision on the points raised. Monday s Session. _ This sitting of the court lasted un- til noon. Re Anderton, no change was made. -u n 15 u r-._ ....n.. --n:~ Luau. The Barrie Brewing Co. case was \ no'.t~__disposed of. - 1 r-rrn ......a...........+ nncn- T T) IlUgL'_,U1Dp!Ua:Cu U1. , In "the, .G~..T.R. restaurant case; J. D. Warde s name was struck off. ..-. . _M_ ___.`J A` VVKIIULD llcllanw Ivsnu u.....-._ V--. A. Klehn s name was removed as co-tenant of A11an s Hotel,_ in spite of;the fact that a lease was produced, duly executed, showing the co"-ten- ancy. _ F. Ke`lcey s and` M. Coope r s names ; were struck off the Queen's Hotel list i as tenants. ` ' `Urn- .1--- ..--,... an |,\,5 nnnnn uu Court adjourned to Monday even- \ing,`]une 13th. ` -u--.-.-.____.?.-_.-.__--- Hl\Q`I MORTON-O-n` Monday, June 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morton, a son, PAGET-At `St. 15aul s Rectory, In- .n?sl, on Sunday, June 5th, to Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Paget, a son. MARRIED. CLUTE-GRAY-At the parsonage, Collier St., on June 1st, by Rev. I. G. Bowles, B.A.', B.D., Willard Geor_`ge Clute, to Alice Gray,'both ..l'D ...-onIA aU3 U; -. V Ask our Local Mana er ` these Letters of Credi%-ita};)-::}t, 5 save you loss and inconvenience Money transmitted by. Bank" Money Order, Draft or Telegraph. or Cable Transfer. V V _ BARRIE BRANC ~ . w. D. MORTON. Mgnagen-e_* WIL`KAINSON--At Barrie, Sunday, ; June 5, I910, A..W. Wilkinson, in `I..:.. "-41-. unac- COURT OF REVISION UIVIJ IU I.-IJHIV wehave a large amount of money to loan at lowest current ra.tes.oither in small or in large jmounts. on the securxty of ood farm mort- McCAR'1`HY. BOYS MURCHISON. nnlop Street Barrie. \JCUlfC wluu of E mvale. Jun J, aycv, . his 45th year. NOTICE To cmznrrons `N 0?l'ICE IS HEREIW GIVEN Pursuant to R. S 0. 1897. C. 129. that all creditors and ..n..... hnvlnn claims against the estate _ot N IS HEREBY Gl_V11:N k'Ill'B1l.nt (D R. 8.0. that all others having claims against the of Robert Culbert. late of the Town of Barrie. retired farmer, who died at the Town of Bar- rleou or about the 2nd day of May. 1910, are required on or before the 20th day of July. 1910. to send by, post prepaid to the undersigned their claims. addresses and articulars. N FURTHER TAKE NOTIC that after such last mentioned date. the executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the names entitled that-eta. having re- gardbonly to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. and that the executors vgillnot. be liable `for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or 1-sous of whose ietinie,e5:n1ch.disuibutiom~ _ V -0t?I,giQ'191,0._, . V H-4 ., *8 _.damtin1ce`shal| not-have n by r .}_.*.:.j__ W.AN l`PZI) -Two Machinery Blacksmith Two Machinery Patternnxakers. Four Marine Boilermakers. Ship Ironworkers and Imbou-rs. Plenty of work. Goodwages. Only rst.`1a'snen needa ly.. Collin wood Shin- L...-1,eE..,.b ({n....m.. pj,-n{ted_ up_era1ion.` thmg like; e cold air` ical meh n and th1 e-building - 4 POSTPQNED. mm-1 & sou 4';-49 Dunlop Street. `Phone 39 Clothes TO command favorable attention in the busi- v\onn mnrl vnn mnnt be T0 commanu mvorame ness world on must be well dres . To be well dressed you should get your clothes from . . EY TO LOAN _ 1---- ...........0- A. nu-nu > BORN. DIED. ATH I & I`Ul.'I-LV. Iibutruz, Solioitorg for the executors; .1 ER Lauorcrs. rxwny U1 wuln. um..- rst-class men need ap ly.; Coll building Company. imlted, nnturin uuuu 1 ng, Ontano. UDURH vvnnuuuu . Highest price in cash paid for good cedar shingle bolts, delivered m Barrie or at any '5i'l`.P.. siding within one hundred miles of Barrie. J HQCLARK, Shingle Manutactuxgr. Duns-u. ue DSXTIC. J Bame. Ont. 11; up I . The store lately occupied b Mr _F. A. H08-1' hard ware merchant. on the 01'! 3159 0.` Dt`g' lop Street in the Town of Barr1e.-imi6di3 y West of theQueen`s Hotel" and situate 0% Dir? of lot number thirteen on the. N079` 3. 9 9 nah} T\....l...\ Conant I SUNDAY. JUNE 12, 1979.` 'n-112:1) SUN-DAY AFTER. TRINITY. U1 JUL HUlllUL'[' uxuugwu UH vuv. ""` "7 said Dunlop Street. - ' V This property is located in the centre of the business and commercia} area. cvflB:(1"!`ie- A F ""l``.`..~i`rd. ."vu'~`}z?`.'qr%- s.'\`r"Ap1:{'r. solicitors I' III` lIIll-`Io A 5mm as owneris leavin town. One acre` 9nd a half. with modern br ck house contain- "18 Seven rooms.furnace. bath. lavatcr . gas. electric lighting and telephone House '9 nice- ly and come".-niently laid out and all beautiful- Iyj decorated. V'eranda.h. from which 3 ne Flew can be had over the town and bay. There Is also on the lot a. small framecottage unused `W3 H Rood barn. This is just the place for any om: wishing to engage in the ultry line or m sxncfial gardening. such as sigwberrles ? or ginseng of which last two there 18 qune R. plot. . . 'I`L:- -A4! .,._\__ _ _-...c..-e..$~.ln`|unu-no for some- an'33por- htful and DuB1ncss and conmericxai area. Oil DtI_6'uw- or m.1;l']1`S1:ai1 A {.i'Ir`t8%'%V`Vl"X) '1`. Solicitor: I)2; _tefd June 6th. 1910. 13 Owen St , Barrie. t . Iaqulu: H. pkul. TH "11 k , for-table home for some- oneJa:;]1<\1`.x'i1r1nt`:e sz`:c(x:'{1`n Situated on North John s:.. :me block west of Bayeld St- W`! on the premises. J. H.,Chambers. M A 28-26 _b AL'NDRESS. KITCHEN GIRL 8:. HOUSE- J Apply at Barrie Hotel. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ..______.___.__.________________. 0011 NTY Notice is hereby given '38,`; OF the County and Genern1.3"*'j ~ ot the Peace and Coun Gout`. SIMCOE, in and for the County a = , ,. will be held in theO0u|'t 80 ._-r 1 0 W 1: ; in the Town at Barrie. on 'ru|-:smnr, the urn can 9! at or ' 1 k ' t It mobli -:-off" . ` gfigeg c(/9(frO1 l1t!3ll':.(}: ` S . v ' . ` andtot(i1I(`)et:.r`:'3u1e;gtx'forI`!(1)'all anus: cuamonxa; annex-min tn them. f { ' , in 1. `; V 8.30-- I L. 1y Communion. 11.u(;- if mine and Sermon. 3.00~ !1mda.y School. * 7. Evensong and Sermon. mm m u_u uuu p8l.'[( appertam to them. .\U 11 Sher Barrie. June lat, 1910. . .L|X. NoL23 A , `TI-to usou cntw,` Trinity Church or can Estab1ished"I"3D5? csdm WANTED _...:J `An Choice: Mab_i5hl5_."' Low Pri_:,`. E. -1; J. BIGGS._ Vicaf. ackson ,2uc' FOR SALE. - __!__. J.- TO LET. -1 L- "3/""M HARVEY` ~ "I ' S1ieri' of Couilti 01:5"PH'_ g`,1 Inf `ll Maker of Portraits II I`I\ru-_ V, Puluu-In. _ wt-noun` No,`jq9kij`} Iuuulun. V .a- . Xvowman SBLDIERSJ To `the am... or Nofxwri Unclcra. W `F Canva; at t_lie./Histbric ut-'o_f-.dooi'." r. Millard , E v_I.'...i 135:1. ncT.`AE`%iNcLuBEn?l I-fa-m..=--s`~ `ion: I'M!` * W. . iNiagara'camp` grotindpjhas under- \ gone `during the last few days its, an- 0 ` nual transformation f'r0m.vacant"coin- i mons to the sleepingg-quarters and drilling place of a colony of 7000 citi- zen soldiers. It is the largest n- , campment of men ever under canvas at this historic spot. ' Saturday the Army Service Corps commenced operatiohs building the ovens, etc.,` in preparation for . the \'o1untee'r'army, On Sunday the first of the advance` parties arri_ved,s and bright` and early" Monday morning they set to work laying out thel ground and erectinggitents. ` pi ` .5- e:-intending the preparations. . I 4 fl - . _ Brig.`-Genera1 Cotton, commandant_ oi .th camp, accompa'hni_e`d by -his staff, was on the `grouridearly, sup- v--v-~- _., On Tuesday the main bodies of the troops detrained at the camp, thejrst scheduled day `of the V annual drill. |_ H ere in. Barrie_ all `was activity. From `nearly. day-break the hustle and din of the soldiers could` be heard; and the streets swarmed with red coats. The 35th Battalion could" muster only I seven companies, and Went away con- siderably under strength. -They we`re` headed by the regimental band from Thornton and the. bugle. band from Collingwood. The new caps worn by the men,Vgave~ them a smart appear- ance. ` The Mississauga Horse had four troops`, comprising '75-men` and`- .69, horses. It vyas \ab_out 10.30 a.m. ~ wliemgethel,-special train. pulled out f.rom.the:d.e"pot. - ll 1-\ The staff o'f the 35th Regt. was`: composed as follows: Ofeer Com- . mending, Lieut.-Col. G. W._Bruce'; . Sr. Major,` F.` Sneath; Jr, Major, D. . ` M.. Grant;. Adjutant, Major D. H. : ` MacLaren;`Surgeon, Major R, Raikes; Qarter Master, Capt. H. E. Jory; Paymast-er, Capt. Wa1ter_Scott; Capt. M} Rpbinson (Reserve Corps). Heads of Cbmpanies: No. I-Lieut.'ROd-" _gers; No. 2-Capt. McLean; N6. 3- Major Preece; No. 4-Lieuts. Duguid and McDonald; No.'5--Lieut. Smith; No. 6--Lieut.- Brown; No. 8--Capt. -Thompson and Lieuts. Spohn and Vansickle. I- ___..- V allcawasnvu Major Frank Burton was in `charge of the jMissi.ssauga horse, comprising two from Orillia. `La-ren is another of the o-icers. U-A `T1--- \ . Two ' of the troops are from Barrie and Capt. W. D. M auve. t and TThe dentistLw1.1:o adve,rtises that: he wi1F.take- some pain; with customers is becoming less popular. _ ` u. * .~ _Is,i bcause they _ _quiet weddings ' that & often "turns _o`u1f. boiste `A ' - I It I ._ . _ . Tis' /,said._th_at Meaford town hall harboizs a -;blind` pig?` How `in `thy. world` did the ~`strange animal 'e ver. V g `t- {.1iD;t.h'e'~st;jairs? % .. .y - _ " "J nM:t t ` " v'!?;h3_:`hvev;.f\$yvo'rij ,%!n' ~a n ]-in lAtBetta;"" _1}II`aJ.1y s`A,the 'w_ou.1d ~gla;d1.y svgi-Jar 1 ; bne*".at` 'Qtt.ayv,%, ._ ._ , . .- r ~:'.v`-I`;-"";. *' J _ * .-r 1 'A.impresi"xj'.-Lis;V general % ofily`:laj'1dy`f=th"1 ` "aid but.th_e %da:ide,'lAid11 "is, the;i.tas t`e- of the wi;1`e mgde'.rq:n.. the..w}iii 5ge.;of aboui` I895. . V. h .. ` , ~~`_ f`. '_.:\ :Aj_ I ,9, . _-,only i i;,bld weat~1e.rV '- c w %~;**'=.a1>4:',=t%afz`t ,t'hi 'Hol::e,l' Tnuaay. (Continued We`: is $5! er penos I anonli ause `they Vhave": so _` many Ldingsthat married life so boisterous ? ' 1 ;'n1`_-I"; "I:s"'rfa:[-or"n3knnu;'f-tn; cqm j---u on. Page 'Fiv.e.) afnew ;c:,bih`t he man ..whO_ if` the;t`,l F-57 of, LRoal4 Filled 0:! Mqndny Ni_ght-%--Dunae f `Ation* Threatenetl; ` \sHac1ALMEImcicAu.nn1 The session-of the `Towncouncil on "Monday evening occupied about an*hour and .a` half. Business was largely routine, and` there were no exciting passages. 4 ' . . Solicitor Price of the Monarch Ry.` Co. in a letter called attention to the - fact that Council had submitted noth- ing in lieu of the` clauses eliminated by thernfrom the company s propo- sition. A U . . , ` Strathy & Esten, on behalf `of -`the ` ; owners of property at corner of Vic- Itoria and Innisl. Streets, demanded payment of $20 damages v by `water cwing into the house from the street when it had been backed up and pre- 'v'ented from getting away by `as side`- walk or other obstruction left there 'by the Town. . Mcdarthy, Boys & Murchison, on be-half of Mrs. McCarthy, put in a |sma1'l claim ($2.00) for repairs to |' water pipe. ` ` Cliief king applied for a new uni- form. ` Canada Producer and Gas Engine Co.` asked the Town in dealing with\ `Monarch -Ry. Co. to reserve such rights` as would. allow for crossing privilegges, asin all probability the engine company. would shortly "need a siding and it would be necessary to `crossvthe tracks of the railway com-V |.pany. V _ i ` ' - 4--...24.A..... /E:n_ .,....._,. ; tA1d. Beards1ey s committee (Fin- lance) reportedtaccounts aggregating $II3r.4o, made up as follows: Sal- a_rie_s, $586.47; [markets `and parks, 1- .1*r--uL Q-:68:-n In- `a_ries, $586.47; markets anu punsa, $79.70; Board of `Health, $16.69; in- digent, $42.25; re and" police, $102.06; I cement` walks contfact, {$30.00; Board of Wbrks, .$237_;85; press, advertising, $14.10; misceiianeous, $2.28; grant to {L. F. Addison, bandmaster, $20.00..` -~--4- /Danna` A; F. Addison, Danumasrer, q>zU.uu., Ald. Garrett s report (Board of Works) recommended the appoint- ment of G, B. Humphrey as road overseer, `vice T.l Caldwell, resigned. Salary, twodollars per day when so employed.-, - An amendment substituting the name of John'Hines for that of G. B. Humphrey was carried on the fol- lowing division: Yeas-Ga@en, Cald- well, Beardsley, Sprott, Rodgers, Powell, Clark and the Mayor-8. Nays--Young,'Bothwell, Craig and Garrett-4.; . F - IA`.I `fnnndarv Vleetric "kabiljwty. Side- walk end Sewer Matters, " \Ja1A\.Ls**-up; . A special committee (Ald. Young, Chairman) recommended grant by Boards of.Wo1-ks of_$75_, sufcient to `place Back St. in a fair state of re- pair at the place complained of by '.--*=------` --on Dnern ,|

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