Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Feb 1910, p. 8

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.I. cxnu-!."00l'a Mary St. ~ ALLANDALE-McM1Han s Store. OFFICE-41 nuniop st." YARD--F t . . . ALLANnX?.E1EfXn.:. - tmmned I TI` EFIVUHIL olnlfnmishlng = ._ Store. " V,I'5!I.; >tobp.m. prics on Ladies and G577 ` ' " :.-Garments. ' F {,La.d;ie's . `Coats--Regu1ar $10.00 W , i_$2s,oq=r . . . . . . .. $7.50 to 515*}; >Ljtdies _Ski;`fs+-Regular $3-50 ts8fg .~ 1a.?o:_.... $1.98 to `g'd$'f`. ."Si;i '3--..R'egu1ar $15-00 t .` . . e. '. . . . . $11.00 to $13 : `jn(!,1?..9/ sggstse-712e.;um $ro.oo Ca ~;"_$_2$;9j.?.'.;_._`...:j. ., '._;_, . . . . '. . . $6.95 t0 ' 9Vf.93f$f+'R8E`3T $10-.. Y"'t1"".-'..""O-31.-no. wxhy :;M.l1'S _0ve rcOats-Regu1ara$;\C;-"" W ;`..'o'-.,.s..... $7.50 IO $1 charge for credit 0 . l Vei`ti_ed prices. ` 1: 'F`f1"f Mid -Winter ` O ` Prudential Agents are now canvassing in this Vkgillity. They have a most vital story to tell of how life insurance has V saved the home. protected the widow, and educated the children. Let them tell it to you. w13w<;t-l; insurgnts and '_Government troops claim` to have `won a_battle fought_ in Nxcaragua. _ ~` A T 11- ' u n'-ov- ` ` (Etabliahed 1869)- Cdlller a naunem..szs.. Barrie `:*Assorted colofs, with either , frirjge or wood show frames. 'g,()=\~1E QUICK. Limited numbtfr. A We are always originating surprises in the way of Upholstered Furniture, but we might say that we have something SPEC IALLY N FOR 15 DAYS ONLY- We will give you your pick ofa big stock of 4.50 smith 8 C`?! REAL Surprise I HE BARR|E SALE --=- ouches was therush On. the nwi labor (b'ure_ausfopened in England last} for only -FURIN lT['RE -`AND --U.VDER'I`AKlN6 each " Ever] U11 and I `leave A I ...,uJ (Continu`ed from Page One). sewers will be-`constructed 1t'r`th$`l Oct. 1st. ` * T }a?a'] IRA 7 lamb lent nah: '1'!` Hi `thing IIUIU the? Hon. Xlnl` uuu . McC{ Q1110 ovum nu. VV `it. 10] '3. 1 . Barr` AQIUK _ 11 day . Vain` V '(;ar_(l-en--Bea'rds1ey-t--Thatp the, com-` mittee on transportation take`,up`,`.t4h','. matter of the Monarh5'R.`Cb.5"With a view to instructin ' A. ; son, M.P.P., on the o_wnI_`ofJBa-rrie s position, it being {understood that this Council is` p`rep:a::'edp";tpr-ytdnsidbif any fair proposition `\-made by said .T-hom.p - V company. , _ _~ __ A _ _ . . - n,_ .04. a -- . .-- A special committee',v,Inll,,., _.Wit,h A. C. Stewart &._Co. s reqtiest fbr_ '21`: decrease. amount"-of ,seu'nty% held, with power.-to grant said. ap-1 plication after seein vtlieWi;`1_t;ti_e:stsl_4_<>_f; the Town safcguar ed. ' ` ' ' `- Council placed on record .'its`l`.ai)_`-_ preciation of the. hang: ,confrr;egl. upon ReeveGard'en "b `~`thj`Cunty fin electing Ahim.as_Wa;__Vn_, " I`."'.._I A- 1` !A_;_I_ ` `rs 33:; of making .3, gram.` 7 19' -..fa;i,d.i bridg _,`j`_provading. thfej .. Vlvwtlll uula an IV-GIUCII. {Al .. _-M, 4.}. Gm-den--Litt1e-\-,'Ih`hat~ thjBoard _` Works consider the ad`\ risp.b`itit,yT ojf donstructing a walk in? cb n"e`ction.- with the proposed ,brdg,e,;at `Creek, t9_ be builtby` th". 1 15 `-3 x 'Je;%f%%$%AV9*g;% -~ wrvwlw, gsuglb VI 6 .Ill\___3u_l}|_o Rave I Car_dn * idflapgd to motion %said%~%.that' the %b#IA&i`at*%f8un-.; mI%ecas as % $17 0 :2. 4.?" .67. M _ , ' ` . He lievjed % or families payment f`Claims has km. MONDAY, FEB. 7th. Ordinary Policieg. Ages [5 to 66.0 Both Sexes. Amounts, unto 5100.000. Itis wosh znuphto toknowthat when he goes, &his.w%ife.?and children wili not n`ave to w,ait%%forhis Life Insuraince money. Q Promptne Ss --hearty,i syste- matic promjptness %me ans much Ato%the% benegiarr. %% 01139 prompt in securing a. %Prudentia.1 policy. -J4ClThe. Prudential will be prompt when settling the claim. BRANCH on-`ncmu annuzuw. R. English. Ageacyorganim. Brown .-. Building. is It is a system of Life Insurance designed -principally for wage-earners. Premiums range L1 ` I T as -v froms3 `cents per vyeek up. and are collected weekly by Agents who call at the homes of 1 C i suranceb > _ the Pohcyholders- The policies are issued from ages I to '10, on the lives of both sexes. Fire broke out in Trinity _Episco- pal Church, Quebec, during the even- ing. sverviice, `but the congregationi marched out in good order, and lit- tle damage was done. -..~ ~ I FBI .1`! 1 The incf-ea,,se in typhoidefevef "eases is causing anxiety in Toronto. h. A E King Gustave of Sweden was V01)-. ,e`rated` `on for appendicitis" at Stock- [holm..` `- .-.. ,-...-. . o_ , Toronto Board_ of` Education an- nounced the abohtion of home work for _scholars.. T ` - Q, T `Jpn " I I .! a dispute over a bill- for! rent Joseph Martel of Montreal shot his landlord, James McGovern,` and his two daughters. McGovern `is in` I a` critical condition. ` L n u _- . France, will 1fmg1ly_ `on her ten years.` -rs tor scholars. James _McGoverLn,% who was ghot by `Alphonse Martel fat M on treal,. died ,in. the hospital. 1 f\IT' . 0 Week that the police had_ zo be called upon" to keep the lines _In order. _ The Quebec Lake St. John Rail- way will orobably be. forced into li- quidation, as the "English bondhold- ersrefuse a proposal to reduce their interest. - 1 The `Coroner's jury that investigat- *ed the death of Ida `May Hazzard at lW"hitby returned a verdict censuring Mrs'. Wilson. and C. J. Brodie. for Wsubjecting the girl to severe expos- i me while suffering from scarlet fever and ii1su_iciently clothed. . .(r)_"IE;=."efe 4 gaire a big` donation jto-J~t`he-' new, ,R'oman` Catholic 4 seminarygfor,;T(oronto.* _\_ ;.-; DAILY NEWS 'A number of persons were" [4 .frozen- to `death in _Qhio', New 3; Massachusetts and`Nw Jrsy;..'; "III .7` 1: .1 . -------- \1|~~u\r\A yuvuyoaavn -In `w;1:I'1J<"E}.uelph ghs,.electric light and wateworksy -are y'e}c_lli_ng._'~,_>gpo} -~re`- venues under mumc1pa_1__op"erat1on. V I'v_., any n '7 1--r - 4that`_,thg Tot-:onto`| Ra11wayIis' not`.responsjb1e for the safety ofVgintogcicatedpassengers. , . '1"! .'fV.,' I v v--v-cu u-powowo ---you--vutlnoa __.v`ovnI~u-van: - Hon. J".I-I`anna sIkthirten-yeafe old daughter wasIbitt,e1'1 by a "dog`at ;san-nia ..while.-. returning from school. 0-.-- , Some unknown perspns entered the stable of Mr. Ibey at Myersbu-rg Van`d-_.m u_ti1a_t,ec}-, a`: number of horses `ang .-cows. ` ;.*. " ` ` A 7 _ iv Mn` Elihu` `7Stewa'rt at the `To:-gnto ..Catiadian Cvlub '1-efaerred to`, the~ ne ed of doctors 'and`hosp_i1:,a1s_ in,m% notth -b [lands .`of ;onarb._-; ` A uvu-y-I away: 5!: V6 lf 5s.j_1 r'{_=.ifer3._. ;*nearx`: j % all I. .1 ."'~- . , _ .-r. .rI ` ` W` uthb`r1dggg Savings .B_ap`_k_`i-, ' f9L!".1 .s*z9rt%;.%:z%?rh2%j9 -v-..,-- --v--vv-~ ---up -uvvyv v-uv_y.u- X a L Mrfjutice jMathersL of `the ~King?s, Bench, Manitoba, has beeq appointed. Chief Justice of the Provmce. One `of the albnglxrestle "bridgs onw the canadiaxt Nor;thkern%=,Ra`ilway `be; ` tween FortFra_nc'es` and .P_ort.:f_;Arthur` was` destroyed b_Ay.;1fe. ' ~ - r}:`- %"~.I".`.d._.-50,]:-3;.` E141. ~rn.;--_..._-,..;._.' -`.-.._.>.J pvqfro 1'-vV`Olpll,Il`JlI \Q`\'lllIRI:H_ ,. Twenty-sxx` members`- .312 Paw} agrd -Asssogiatiqn ~gp1cag_i;ed~ 1`Rt1_i lty;~ at, ` i 1 . _'.i,1_ _"`..i11gfl.l `_. . 5n`e_`df, Events dot the Week Condensed for Busy Advance Readers. d ' (Continued from Page Seven.) A JoH1~ I~`. 1mY1%>EN,j President. THEPRUDENTIAL INSURANCE co.o1=* AMERICA TUESDAY, FEB. sui. spend` `$28,000,060 Aat_`1-_ navy `during the next UL DUMB VVCIC . Ixuuuu. ' 1n Oh1o',,New o_1;k,` Int-I .'KTAu-ur Tao-any-V ' were found 2.. f\I..ZA- KT--- '\7_...1.. Sewer Petitions Must Be Filed With Clerk by May 1st Incorporated as a Stock Company by the State of New Jersey ' `V \-;:.II, 0 4 Wood , 4-foot per Wood; 2`-foot per `,\/\/"l_'}`ea_t, fall - ` 0053 nfe: g ' u R e .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Buckwheat . . . . . . . . .. Hay, Timothy Hay, clover . . . . . . . . .. Straw, bundled _ Eggs`, per (102. Butter,.,per` lb. . . . . . .. Chickens, dr`ssed .. . . Geese -.:; Turk"ey_s_.V. jPotatoe's,-ba'g :Df.y onions (bag) 2 . . i]3g__ejTtsV (bag I ,_ _ EU; |... ... i V '..'.'..}a- 51??-:i$sV-J%:A(7 ) V i`. . -. f.. ;_Gag1_ `qy}r_}v:=:_r'.;?v=_(evaA'cl'1_')V S; .-_{_}. A` %-;:`-%~ lWheat .. .. Oats}. .. .Peas .. .. Barley .. . Rye .. .. .. Buckwheat . Red Clover . Flour. .. . ; Bchef, hind U `A004 Pticeg Ruling in the Barrie and Tor- onto Markets During the _Week. t Barrie, Feb. VIo`th, I910. Wheat . . . . . . . . . .. I 03.. 1- .05 .` . . . . . . . . 35.. 37 pnnc ` A 0"` ;'1"o 1`I;*3 c'e'u't}.'}er'},va-i}'u;3:":u'Il'";e 2'o'1iZZt'e'd '}'is 1Tiy 7\};eiit'wiCo' "iii ai `Elie T{o'm"c'{t fthe Policyholders. policigs issued THE LATEST MARKETS yesterday was the coldest day of` Athls winter. ' " L/`IVE? srocx mums. Toronto, coco cord` cord F eb. 8th, ..$1o9.. 'I'o\A I910. - Accident to Cobalt Special WSouth T on Friday Morning `at i M Davenport. The Cobalt special due `in Toronto at 7.3o_a.m., while passing Royce avenue, narrowly escaped a serious} engine, No. 1028, , jumped the tracks, but fortunately the. train was running very slowly, and no car left the rails, and no one was injured. Over a .hundred passengers were. on the train, and the.sudden stop of the? train, a few hundred yards after oass-l ing Davenport Station, caused, some alarm. `Several men at work about two hundred yards away heard the. women scream. The planking atthe Royce avenue crossing was badly %splin_tered, while the track from that! _.point to where the run-OE occurred.` was badly twisted and torn. , Thei [ most, _se r-i_ous..i)'ar_t_, .hpwe_ver, was no-; lticedyupon examination later on. '-It accident on Friday morning. The `,.was?_. found thatthe track for, about twenty ya:-.ds.had becomerd_isplaced"{ :for..fu_lly. a'n`:inch.. It did not at>'pea rr Tthfa`t-this ._portion_ of_the` traclt. had! {ENGINE uarr THE max! Eleven men were killed: By anex- plosion 1n.a,'m1ne near Indiana, Pa. The Canadian Northern will spend ve million dollars on new terminals at Montreal. '-' . - an Springergwt`: Calves` |Sheep ewes .. I `6 I-.....I... . I unavcy cvvua . . .. . . . . . . . 3 bucks and culls '5 ring lambs, each ogs, f.o.b. . . . . . ; . . . . fed and watered OOI`VI Canners .. ._. Mxllfers, choice .. . I .....u .....l `Butcher Bulls . . . . . . . . Heavy feeders, steers. I-.11- `*"T % `BTi1s' .7 Stockers, choice I` . _ _ . .... VIA--.._ is-r`; Agxor-:4: ---- -..-v-uyn uuuy I.uI:l.'U- . \ D Neariu` All Dopble Trqck.~: `con- tributing t_o.sufetu.speed V 2 And Oo`n__Ifo`rt. .. .. th %.. L-....a; 4% P:aI?ni_:ed g 1ig`e(:i.?glo_.m:hq:og13?, g %4i%!49d9rn!qniva=:am: T %%hAss:na:as can ~ MANlTOBA - sAsKA'rCHEwAN ALaEnTA1`% we '31!-I-II~?L8Ii3?;?;e `Choice Of iroutgg Ltjlg;-e`.i II-In All ln....'u.n- -.,` , _ - . - i .1j;;1'~;V'lVic;1:1;;5:Figxfmerly `of % wal; kerville, Ont., is charged with whole- sale burglary at Pontiac,'Mich. T ` I Two men d.,esertedvfrom.the Royal Canadian1Dragoons, enlisted in the ! North-west Mom1ted Police and were arrested. - % * 4 g Us: mu: ejaxxhi TRUNK n\Au.wAY svsmm ` HOME OFFICE, NEWARK, N. J. ~ ' I L".' __IO lavlleld street.` Barrie Cw` " ` ;.: , --v-- .-u --.u-o , On account of .the track being iblocked, the passengers on train 1N0. 62, due to arrive in Toronto at 10.10, were transferred at Royce av-` enue and taken to the Union Station, while passengers on No. 61, also, which left Toronto at 8.05. for North Bay,_4were transferred and sent north. i been torn up, as the rivets were rm-I ly in place. A gang of sectionmen were on the scene shortly after the accident took place,-and -"the" track was replaced and repaired as rapid- ly as possible. The great diicultvl was in getting the huge engine re-' railed. A yardengine was on the scene, and half a dozen 4-inch cables were used. Several times these ca- bles broke. The passengers were. of course, caused .some inconvenience, being obliged to get outand walk over to the Carlton and Dundas street car lines. The coaches them-` selves were taken to the Union Sta-' tion at 11.30. F For the month of January" while our teams are hauling in our wood from the country we offer delivered to any part of `the town in team loads: 4 ft. Body Hardwood at $4.50 4 ft. Limb Hard Wood at $3.00 V - I percord. This wood was cut green and. dried in open eld, is mostly maple. . Terms: Strictly Cash. - . V TSx`na_l1eArquantities- also at Bargaxn Prices. - -Give us a 'call, or phone 88. Sarjagnt 1~m:_r A. 06., ` _ T blunted` tniamvnn -- `- Agents-W.AA. Co:-son,w--A. E. Fisher. CUT PRICE IN woon m;I-`l1eV:V line from Winnipeg. to Brandon will be double-traAcked.1 I

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