Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Feb 1910, p. 5

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Province Congratulated. Upon rising to deliver his` annual dget, the Provincial Treasurer was dly applauded. Before going in- the nancial questions concerning, e province, he said, he wished to ngratulate the province on the od year which was brought to a se only recently. There was pros-` ritv generally throughout thermo- ce, and the nances were in a osperous condition; : Last year, en he made his budget speech..he '(l, on account of the change in -the cal year, he stated that he expect- a very large decit, but he was ppv to say that because of the neral prosperity, and the adminis- tion, and the extra money which (1 been received, the" Government` y nearly made ends meet. The :11 receipts were $7,477,920, and the penditures $7,545,040, which left a cit of $67,000. But it must be re-! mbered that there was taken into count that a large portion of thel venue from Crown lands, timber] es and about half the revenue fro-m| .c-uses were received in November December: and in the exoendi-l re of the ten months was $35,000} |Ai;L1sI0NBv.LAwsTArin$ ArguIneht `1Was Heard` Here on Sat-. nrday Bgfote Judge Ajrdagh. ` p 4.19.. JVLVLSVIILIC, J-UIUHLU, DU IIULCLI gasezs, of_this_ class, fully __sustained l`1.';e1)lQ.3.t"l_`()l,f.L-.,-fbfi efnergy and in- genmty `iii his` " elaborate"! argument .against_ the . Allistionp Local Option ~:.By;L(gw here on Saturday, but failed to convince His Honor: Judge Ardagh l.that:_Va"iiy of; his `grounds of objection were well taken. To. a. formidably Hang` `array of objections new and -ol'(l;'set up by Mr. McKenzie against the by-law, counsel_ for the }Loca1 lOpti,onists,.Haughton Lennox, K.C., and W. A. J. Bell, K.C.,.contented themselves with very brief replies, relyinsz upon what they contended was; the plainordinary meaning of he language of the Municipal and nfare Tici-as At-I-c ...-.A- `In . Z..4..-.......n us. nua5ua5\; UL LIIC u.|.uuu.1pa| auu ;iIqte_rs` Lists Acts, and the inter re- `Ltation of these, acts by the itzh Court when similar By-Laws were- iattacked in Owen `Sound and Wes- lton and in the Townships of Pitts- burg, 'Salteet and Campbellford. ludjze Ardagh took off one vote cast by a tenant who moved away more This, of course, reduced the local option majority by one, but he added one rejected local option vote, so that, in,-eect, the vote stands as it did begore the scrutiny, that is, 214 'for. an 136 against the by-law. The certicate of the Judge therefore is- sues to the Council that the by-law is `duly carried. This decision is not `subject to appeal. than 3Q days before election day.` iC)nfine or Muzzle Dogs - 1 Say the Dominion. Authorities rnand and Brant counties by June, 1908. {In the following months out- breaks were reported in Norfolk and Oxford. Early last year cases were reported from W'aterloo, Wentworth lands Perth counties, and by July in- fected dogs had gone as far west as Clinton, in Huron county. During the past few weeks cases have been !reported from Simcoe and York counties, and from nearly every county in the whole of the western peninsula. New cases, often from widely separated districts, are now being reported with alarming fre- (Juencv. In Galt and Paris over sixty ldogs have been killed, and a few days aszo a case of rabies was report- ed from Toronto. Although the order promulgated is known to be a severe one, it is the only feasible plan by which the rapid growth of the spread of rabies may be arrested, and Dr. Rutherford states that itdepends on the response made to it by `dog owners as to how long the terms must be kept in force. To soften water put. a tablespoon- ful of borax into the bath. `B':`M\fK`Ven`zie,l Torbnto, 56 nofed -I nnano A` 5`1'a o\`l\nn :..1I-- .~....L..I....-1 (Continued from Page One.) On... Regular $1.25, for 4., . . . . .. Regular 1.00, for . . . . . . . . .. Regular .75c, for Regular ,.6_oc, for . . . . .;. Special bargain for. 25:: pa COME QUICK! BARGAINS SNAPPED UP HERE Five Points` Hardwir` Sto1je . VHEN thL winter's storn"1 is% ragig outside it is a pleasure tio1ha.'v y.Ou,r ,. home t.horougHfy fa{1 d f rdm a` gobd furfpace. . % the best heating 9't`t _C0mfo rt, -5-w- I;16iisi3 'BLAN~I`Es'i- Regular $2.25, for Regular $2.00, for Regular $1.65, for,.... Regular $1.10, `for LINED MeITTS- 1' An `nun 1.25, WOQD, HEATERS-- .:-......-- 1r--.-,..-......l atheson, Provincial Treasurer. By reful management and` foresight e Provincial Treasurer has been le to keep the -nances in an ex- llent condion, and, although. there e ten months of the year, the cal-_ a'r, he said, although there would a great dram on the finances of provmce, the Government would v could not, then -there were re- urces which could be relied upon supplv more money to provide for e ever-increasing `demand . tellmg oenunclauuu-.'uvI_ `Ll|`_UaI';.'-lllEI" 0 seek to spoil *th`e :cred,1t*f of ,t'h`eV;-4.`, ovince, were the A.-features-V::o'i.Ahe dget speech delivered in the ,I`.`e`g%_#'* ature Thursday by. the Hon. C01.` s a seeming decit of $60,000 for` dar vear showed a surplus of $300,"-" With careful management this- able to makerends -`meet, and, if DUAL: `1.I.V1J VVLIULJ. J.1J.`4rLa.J.aL\u--' .Beautifu1 in design. _ Economical on fuel." Takes 18 -to 24 in. wood. _Fir pots, 14 to 16 in; diamater. WfI`NN:ER OAKS- T ' m-~. .1- ..-t___ Q... A UPI. EJDIKP U 1.1 \Jl"l.l\D-" Regular $19.00, for . . . . . . . ..$16.oo Regular $23300, for 20.00 THE IDEAL JEWEL-Base burner with oven, regular $47130, for $41.00 RADIANT H`OM*E- KT. -1 .........`....( @Ar\t\z\ I.-... Q61 A!` ..c..--._ -`,.u_ c13EEgFtfL O:AI;(- (F-.. ..... V 1.3` &`.I.`lL\ $51533 . Regular $13.50, `for Regular. $15.50, for 3L?" LTIIJI-I'll` cl uIl(`LI-Hi" No. 5, regular. $42.00, for No. 6, regular $48.00, for -nu-duo-A out A nvvrtrnrliti ILL` I-Elli Regul: Regul: Regul: Regul: GLADYS OLAIRE, \ Who plays the title role in 'FrohA-, I man's bi `musical comed , . lgjtty Grey." ' I }which had :been paid in cash in rail- way aid, which_ might_ have been given in certicatss payable on forty years if the Act had so been framed. Of-, the expenditure, $15,000` hadvbeen spent,,not out of curernt revenue, `but from cash on hand. , Every item in the estimateswhad been exceeded, continued Hon.~Mr. Matheson. The `revenue was $1,372; 000 in excess of the estimates, which was an evidence of` the prosperity -o-f the province, and was partly caused by the Government pressing for pay- ments which would not otherwise ghave been paid until the last/two `months of the year. Among the in- creases, it was interesting` to note that the interest received by the pro- tvince exceeded the `estimates by $43,- , . . . T. . be greatest optimism _an;d.pt_ffectf isfaction. with the na:ic1a1 sm_1a-5! n of the province, 'togg3tI;ar` Vw1th= telling denunciation of `thp`se.- meal ,.,.,.I. on cnn;"f`1'l; on-hdItWnf 1'11; two: pair. ..$.x.oo -75 ..$n.oo . 13.00 -$35.00 . . 4o_ ..$_ 1-75 .. 1.50 1.35 ms '%o1iveF%*Storey ~iVs _sp-ending 'so 1vne _tin_ie_ with` C%c >1ling-wood" frinds. I Hughes 0} Torontoas i been .the. *guest_ :of thq Misses. ,Mc- > I Mon-ran.` ` " \ , ' H. H.Otton .C0_ngratula:tio ns"to. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith,` Caroline St.,' on the ar- rival of a boy. V i - .Mrs._ R.` Scanlon of Toronto is the` `guest of her sisters, Mrs. L. `Spearin and Mrs. W;~Scott. - . V Searlet fever has again appeared; }this time in the families of Mr. F. Sharp,and_ Mr. S. Goddard. V Low temperature` caused Principal Shea_r s room in the PublicgS:hool to b: -`closed on Mondayhvrnormng. I `There will be a meeting of the Ladies Aid to the_R.V. Hospital Fri- day afternoon at 2.30 at- the home of "Mrs. G. W_.`hitebrad. vi The reguiar Board Meeting of the .Y.M.C.A. "takes place to-night. The membership of the Association is cominiz along steadily. . Mr. D. Steeper, wife and family left on Monday for their home in Fort William, after spending_ ten days with Mr. `Walter Berry. [ Through the derailment other en- gine, train No. 54 lfroml-Meaford was delayed /near Field -s ag station for `several hours on Tuesday morning. ,Alla-ndale auxiliary cleared the line. In consequence of the delay it was necessary to run a first section. from here to` Hamilton. ' On the same morning the passenger train from Hamilton due at Allandale at- 10.20 lwas `held up_for several hours owing `to 'a freight train being stalled -by snow. near Milton. A special section from 'here to Meaford took the place of No. 53. ` * I `L; "M195. of Toronto isv'isit`-I met heroooovares-nts: oh=reo o I ` . Lof." .T1 >ron td is a .=yis`i:tor, at - Mr;. D. J . McDoug'all s.~ The newily-organized Home .Mis- sion, Society in connection with the Presbyterian` Church. met yesterday. The oicers are: President-Mrs: `A. -V. Brown; Vice-President-Miss M. _cLennan; Secretary---Mrs. B. `Gilchrist; Trea;surer---Mrs. Ferguson. S. O. E. Supper, ` About 150 enjoyed the annual sun- `per given on Tuesdaynnight in the ` Orange -Hall by Kempenfeldt Lodge, S. 0. E. Mr. John Bebb presi.ded. After the banquet a splendid pro- gramtof songs, recitations, etc., whil- ed away the time until a late hour. The `function was thoroughly pleas- urable. A V" ' oMiss' Lilv;Br'own of Toronto owasi `home ov_r `Sunday; %.owned by . On Tuesday afternoon; on Tifn `St., the 5-year-old son of Mr. Alex. Ross got in the Way of a double rig John I-Lirons, hveryman. `The little fellow suffered a fractured leg. besides-having his'face severely l tramuled upon by one of the horses. lie is doing as well as can be expect- e . V ` ` Mr. John Summerbell, engineer of the G. T. -R., completed his last run `on Monday, being now on the super- annuated or pension list. He has been in. the employ of the company for % forty-oneyears, and was one of their lingl to the increased development in . mineral work, was -$528,000 over `the estimates, which were gured at $2,- 028,000; the increase from public in- stitutions was $22,000; revenue in the Provincial Secretary's` Department, owing to the. increase in the number of charters, which showed .the out- side prosperity, increased by $83,000,! and the succession` duties were $281,- 000 more than the estimated amount. It was very difficult to estimate the amount to be: received in succession dues, he said. More than $600,000 of the -amount thus received came` in after the fourth of last March, when he made his last budget speech. We can t estimate exactly the amount to be received from succession duties, said the treasurer, but `between $600,000 and $700,000" may be taken as a fair estimate. .But it is liable to go up_ at any timeowing to-the `death of , wealthy people. T; -and N. 0. Earnings. `ooo; revenue from Crown lands, ow-i The earnings "from the Terms- kaming and Northern Ontario Rail- way- have, increased r$250,000, * he continued, f`and I -am:'glad..,to say. that the-G0've`rnment railway seems likely to "become a permanent` source of revenue, and '-will `be -able-::to fpay; from net .earninp;ls` s'uicxent= to: pay the interest onjthe cost of th_e:r0ad. The -total: amoilntfl.received.frorn- the _ railway `was <$I,37'2,000.1 ;__- _The expenditures alo were with- -in`Vthe estimates in early every item. Sovfar as the public institutions are co_ncerned,- A ever item of - appropria- tion, n_ot'oniy for-Vthe asylums, but for all institutions, was in: Ciccess of the amount jactually. spent. `-(An-T please). This was done-`by careful eattention .todetaiI, and _praeticai1`y , the [same thing may be said ,of. every department, forin them all .tl1 e"e:`e- ;-penditurese were, `within the;..';f.e_sti -` - -'l-.'-.;~ _;_p vProvin`cial .Trasurer. in.. *jth Tigoytsev of ` his. je;tce11en~ spe_ec_l1.` a`i`'d : Ouur6`Fi:t1!r9.`:ig ' * `:`I..7'aVsk_ the ipeop_le .*t6:1hv. faith:.i-nc`~ `future o .;the mjovznc` `Peerage. % - .` dscr atgetnpt to . 1 % E \ rlgineer & Iv . Qhrgs ! Serious Accident. tumsm the Keynote e vincial Treasurer : Bucket` Speech at Legielature.~ I Delayed Trains. A , DJ]. Lo:-\3"--Vg'J.LIII, "1. .l\\J\.ll.Cl\H., C.;Lavery. . _ ' (b)--W. Hines, M. Hil1,'M. Leigh. . ,Part LI.-(a)--TE. "Mason, G. San- derson, F. Rosenfeldt. k_(b)`--L. Henson; K. White, E.~ Dur- [ `Jr. IV.--A. scynon, A. Foster," $c"cjtt_t,`L.f;Howar . - A A ` _'Sr,_ IE1.-'-M. `Hill, E. Smith, C, -Cu;-1 tis,=s Harris; ,, _ W V "-Jr; III.-.--A. `Hobley; D. Meeking, G. LMcKi'nley, `G. `firlegey . ` i \ . bin. ,7` `V L i The Council met `on the Ist inst., {pursuant to adjournment. -All the imembers were present with the 'iReeve in the chair. Communications were. read` from . J. A. 4 Currie,_ M.P., re appo'nting delegates to wait upon_ the Go em- ment during the present session with a View of impressing upon them the greater adaptabilityof the route via Nottawasaga River, in the matter of extending the Trent Valley Canal from Lake Simcoe to the Georgian Bay; T. R. Mason, re underbrushing part of the ninth concession line near the C.P.R.; Hon. A. G. MacKay, re petition to have"the Assessment Act amended. e ` WES?` jwmzpj semen 5.`RoLL. ~1-m:c>sAt-=-faithjul;-L a.4nd jre1iahi`e; cmplpjyees; Mn; Summe 1:be1l:.'at the :.thrct1`g`. ;th;e.e passengers --always" cfelt. *sae-. nd-2 `yi1}`g_behind%a G,--T. R.; engine; :-Mr, }...`Snmmerbell- left to jfoinrhis famil.y"m `,Toronto, ~wher_e .he~wil1A now be able {to enjoy a little, of home life.--M id- ` land Free Press. _ V 9 4_ V u. `-1V.lC.l.\ll'l|Cy, ` ., nlrleney- `Sr. II.-D. 1t IJy?:fs, A E. `Martin, -J. Foster, B. Peacock.` `I - T1 If t'-`....!.-... f` IlT2........... I` Reduced Prices $'\IDIu\-'4, o I. C$\u\7\ol\p Jr II;-1- -M". Carley, C. wisenian, Vc; Lau'y. Sr. I.--(a)--V. Hill, M.`Rosenfeldt,| r"'+r.. .... .. ` uu_u ' f(c)_-`-D. `Harris, ,1. AL Lavery, ' Soules.` Number on the roll, 221. ' Av'z"age igtendance, 197. `D *`x,I\t\A 'D..2....Z...~.`l Tenders for printing were. receiv- 1 xvi. a.uL\uuCu. ` ed from the` three Barrie papers. | TL f_11, "' "` "" " '>"` "' """"' I""l"" "' . I The following applied for the pos1- tion `of assessor for the current year: Ed. Allsopp, B. F. Tra_cy_and Edger- ton H. Johnston. T ` MThe following `accounts were pas- sed: Township witnesses (Donnelly ivs. Vespra), $33.40; R. Carson, work }on Con. 8, 1909, $16.00; A. Ronald &. Co., supplies for indigent, $6.20; J.[ .Bailey, conveying indigent to hospi- tal, $2.5o; Robert Demereaux, "refund error in assessment, $1.40; Sarah Harrison,`work on Con. 10, 1909, $4.50; Andrew Quinlan. auditing. $8.00; John Young, auditing, $8.00. Wattie-Harris `-- That the Barrie Examiner s tender for printing- be accepted. i cup . vv . -_. . .. M\-)Vz:1ttie'--Harris-`-That A. Cunning-I ham be granted an extension of time to remove timber off 13th Con., op- posite lot .5. . V V - ..VVattie--Harris -.- That the Clerk prepare a by-law appointing George Plowright overseer of gravel pit in VESPRA COUNCIL. de'partmer1_tal store is encroaching on your territory every ' c`azif4"iiol'gI your trade by sitting passively by while it very door? If there ever was a time Was absolutely -necessary it is Heating Stoves, Hearse Blankets, and Lined Mitts. n , s V the-regwas tiojtruth in the assertion that _advertising pays," do you think su.< ;l'iffirfns Pears Soap. the Prudential Life Insurance C0,, the Eaton . *%a_nd`Sin1psoon_S`litot;es\, and many others, would spend more than a million tlijtblicity promoting? A. One would think that Pears `Soap as to i need no extra advertising--yet this 1ntt?`i_sco;ner` ofthe- civilized` world, set aside $3,ooo,ooo last TiSe-veral years ago this-same firm cut their advertising .,_.1 ., nager isquoted as saying that the receipts . 0 -t , GILUIIUGIIUC, Ly] Geo. R. AWood,. Principal: "rr ? Vl`n ,l:-A;n\,u1cn.--, bliphed continuously fornearl sixty , r;` the o Ie'sjpaper._ taken by peoxe w 0 pay qmtheir-pqner or wlmoiver else they pure. ase. Place . , _ tagger vjhich goes to the people `advotfthilic; in we we "l`.`."_::`; .??.`.`i`**.?`.'3.P.?..$??`:2.?.`%`33 2...?fL .?`. f.. ; , in rise 1.1} }:iu{cZ1"'o};&, Kitty " Grey, at the Grand On ;ou:1-r`ud- ' [ A8tl1, (Eon; A by-law was_ introduced appoint-` ing Ed. Allsopp assessor for the cur -t rent year at a salary of $110.00. ,The; by-`law was given its three readings! and passed. , 1 `X7:-LL:pu '|.'.T........ Tknb J-Ln nrI:4- u ;auu uaaacu. 1 WIattie-Harris -1- That the audit-'1 0`:-ls report be adopted by this Coun-` l-C1 . ` ' ` 111` .'.v 1'-1` - In! .'*.1. 'r\ L `Ella l 'Wattie-Harris-Thatlithe Reeve be`; la_ delegate to go with a delegation to` Ottawa, ,_ re extending Trent . Valley Canal from Lake `Simcoe to Georgian Bav. via4Nottawasaga River route. "FLA Pn.ann:1 .-.A2n...-no}! 4-rx rnaaf . mean on _ commmnai %.Haughton Lennox Among Those ! Who Will Sift Lumsden Affair. I On'.Thursday last Sir Wilfrid! Laurier named the -members of the special committee to inquireinto the Lumsden `matter. The names are.: Libera1s--GeoFfrion, Clarke (Essex), McDonald and Wilson (Laval); Conservatives-Haughton Lennox, Samuel Barker and T. `W. Crothe-rs. The questions which should be in- vestigated are of immense import- ance. but the motionand the speech of Sir Wilfrid Laurier conned the enhuiry within the narrowest -limits. What 'will be the outcome remains for the future to determine. ` LJGVQ VI AVIJLLO-VVC-5G>5(1 L\lV\l l\J|-4||v\-N Thecouncil adjourned to meet} March 9th, at go a.m. j I!l`\1'?flIIT`rI I`: 1 G. P. HUNTLEY, PA. 'A;. I;-.(.Z'OUTTS, . Clerk. fARl0 S ARE IN 6000

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