Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Feb 1910, p. 2

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Scutt s Bookstore it is to svsndr sums `of when _ ~` you have a large ` a- m_ou_nt about .yo1i._s. . . How much safer `and better it would be to - keep your Spare mon- eysin the bank. This I bank 'is at your ser- vice. .. ._.` .._ Bank of Toronto HWVeW ASSETS: $48,ooo,ooo.oo 25 a Box. K G. A. RADENHURST, Barrister, asolicitor, Notary -Public. &c. Of- ce--rst oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- est rats. ` diii-:sw1cKEm;_ ALXANDE. T1____.!-4_.._ _L-___ LL- 5 IvwID?UOCID llvv IOIIVIO VIIU ISIVIIU) IE ICC!!! -gnbuorlberu now in am for three mnths ind over will be churned 1 5*.) per annum. >a---- ` . AULT, BARRISTER. SOLICI- V tor;-Proctor, Notary, Conveyance:-, etc. Special attention in glrawing a'n'd;- probalting wills, obtaining let- . ters,of.ad1ninisht fa_tion and guardian- ,` 5hii!, ;. collciingl accounts; etc. Of- ces, Ron block. B'ame.. Money to loan. . K. inn. A. T. LITTLE, late`of churcEi'11. Ont. Office and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. STRATHY 8: ESTEN, BARRIS- L4-- c-:L-..- :.- (`Juana-G A` [DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS- - .ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- I to Building, Barrie. Money toloan. H.T. ARNALL, M.D.,C.M., OFFIC :. 1:n-a.1.--...n9.. 1..1....I. A1|....J..1- n.. D1} W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN I L- T `Dl"C CA2` `I D DR. ROBERT S.,BROAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty--Eyc, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. V %.`4T``.VL . jets. * `A;any.sumVs,t 5 pg; cent. Oce, I3 Omit; street, Barrie.` H. D. Stew-, .D., D.- M. Stewart. ,,HQO1'S,- t 5ges.?'; 3' `_ 1c,-. ~ LEN;1~I,ox. cowzm & BR-OWN. DA-.--anLg-an `Ann 'u`n:lt-$5` V M. D.. c.M.` ( l`or.) Late of Toronto Genoral Hospital. qmce of t_h'eV late Di. smith. Collier 8!. ` Phone on. 7 32-15 ' V Collinxwood and Mcafori EIIRII ' L.R.C.P. 8: s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: s. Glasgow ` T --sunaxon-- Eye. Ear. Nose 6 Throat. `ma: ...;::..z:::.: .:::::` ..m'*'%.:: M *" Asslstunti G lden ` uare 51'. Hospital, Lr:m on- Rhtgysl London Ophthalmic Hospital (Mooreldsr; for '5 term as Resident Surgeonln Royal London hthslmic i H ml; Bristol Eye H ital. Brlsto . and Blrm ospham Eye Hos ital, in ham :10:-me: Member of British phthalmologlcal Society. -Dr. J-. A- C. EVANS, PH-`YSICIANT, County. Oice and Residence: William Street, Allandale. `Tele- phone so a. At Stroud Ofce: 2 to 4 pm, Monday to `Friday. _Sm-geon, etc., `Coroner for Simcoe. W- A;_!~_.'=?_VY1S-I $70,000 :a R0011 fl'ee]1d}rl anon 935.. .4. 1-_--_ _- `DR. MORTIMER LYCN,V31 Carl- Q` Tnonnbn in `Q on` D ca A1-`coon THE B|%ll I R` 3335:-n:-' I Inga: UIILL_ I LHIIIIIU "III-L J.n, nonoans] '3f3 lwm. onus "`$`.{neax" `Z33 :3`3nfa. 3`?a`3`.'.;`E. 3" ` Dressed Lumber 922;: V] ` _rggI_cs | 'l`III_'gfIln1s UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN,ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, Med- ical Building, 5. . corner Rich- t_Jr_1ond and Bay Streets, Toronto. no So1ici'tors,_ Ban}: of Toronto Build- ing, B "me, Will be -promptly at- tended to. . ' V . Tango or Buhdnmnox. $1.09 `PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. .IUNI'l`ED STATES SUBSCRIBERS 31.60 IN ADVANCE V i'N o new name will be added to"the Sub- Ioaptinn List until the money is paid. .l..L.....lI.-.... _-_ 1.. _._.-.___ 1... AL_.. _..__AL_ In L o lII.\LVllI-4].! .LVJ 0 `\l' 5' L\.ll.i in Bothwe11 s Allandale. On the premises atnight. Barristers, Solicitors of the Sn- preme Court of Judicature of On- tario. Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancers. etc. Monev to loan. Of- ce, Ross Block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswiclce, K.C.. Arthur Alexander. IL I\fIG'l` I ll: I-`II S J-BL`, AJl Dl\l\LI-I ters, Solicitors in igh `Court of Justice, Notaries" blic, Convey- ancers. Ofces over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten. ';u;;;...,";tc.:`:i:'c.,".:d:;:`i;; C.-P-, London. Oice and resa- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- ' phone, 77. l_L'l5V:I`\[lB, \y\I'VV KIQV II lJl\\l IV A`, Birgisters, So icitors-`L for obtaining probata. of wills, rdianship and `administration, an general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conve ancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block. o. 6 Duniop; stteet, Barrie. Mone to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. ranch offices at Creemore and Alliston. -Hauglr ton Lennox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, LL.B. IL\n &VJ.\JL\l.1.LV.lJAl\ l_a.l\oJ.`, 3]. bill` ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N-Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose am? Throat. Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment: V ! Illlll ULIHUIBIIDOIOKIORI Society. OFFICE--78 Dtmmp STREET. 1 5&0 ' Po 0. I in I `:30 40 oo|unnTowonpor. Published from the olce. 128 Dunlap st:-e_et., Butte. in the county of simooe. the Pro--' vtnooot Ontario. Cuntdmevary Thursday Morning, by . bljngn @2231: 2 _ A _ _ . _ - -..3 ,v,vuu 1 \JL\ 11` V DD 1 MEN 1` good freehoid securig at lowest rate of iqterest. o principal money requxred until end of the term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Bame. _ ` ~ Dr. J. ARTHUR Rog All kd" b 1- .1 van! onec{xpertIn.uhn `P _ {nut *;`o`a::; s`e``?o?.2 ' -`york done Dnnnnntn \ MANUFACTURER-S`: . I ! III III Klnl m.Dessed. L 1 2 : _~ lhlnlles _ __.--;-wqp PI-IYSICTIANS5 SURVEYORS. FINANCIAL. County Council does not "who sees in it a useless appendage .which` we are surrounded. He seems nd favor with the leader writ- er of the Collingwood ` News to the many governing bodies with to think the couhcillors are `engaged in an e_ndless game of grab, each one looking out for No. I.--i.e., his own municipality, - A zini:3I~.' BARBIE. Box. 96. matter exceed four \ v-.. __-._..._ -- - ..v---u-nu-uuvauo Condensed advertisements on rs page such as wants otall kinds, lost and foun , property for sale orto renu specic articles, etc.. etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inset-ted-rst insertion 2 cents per word each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word nu.mes,a.ddresse3 and gures counted as words) ut a reduction or one cent per word will he made when the number of insertions of same Ouu for advertisements must. In any can be mounted on solid metal Inu- mfg changes of Advertisemnts allowed per zEi:1'.beIh1::zrgdore required. composition rates dvnu-Ham A will lint kn nIInnrnA I-A lion bL..l_ W11: 06 cna.nzea._ Advex-tire 3 W111 not be allowed to use their space for acuertlsing anyt-hin outside their own regular business. Shou d they do so transient. rates will be charged for such ad. vertisexnents. 001l'l'B_AC'l' cxuxa :3. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to churn advertisements mustbe handed in'to theo ce not later that Slltday at 10 o'clock and the co for such :;h.::8:h:':.::::r:.*.;:.?*3..,:2X*;:i.2..i2w::22: uuuugu mun De Inc '1'.l`lli Au V AN U19 ol`ll_ce not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday m any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement gnay not be made public until the week follow- IIR. - il.'Prefened positions or local advertise` menu In the paper will be sold at an advance of one-thlt-don above rates, and on no othe: ::.:":.&l*:,*:`.:::z:.*;'c.,,.*.::::;..e W W- 'OUR `COUNTY. 15ARL1A1{mNT. CRAIGHURST, om`. _Ll_CENSED AUCTIONEER 1'33` ,;a.pVAN0l: ll proven to have the '!'own.~ - . , It also by far the largest subscription jlattagr hot demonstrates the 1:31,; 8 patrons. It you have any adverti g to tion of any paper in the Conn,-.. Yof` d __4'_ gbgggpezf glut reaches the neon?" *.:.=;:,;-.:*;':..:':'.:::.:"*M'f&%% to pay the price. es p V Advertisements are charged according to ppooe-1_8 llneupto measure make one inch, nausrmr, Anvuvrxsma. Legs} T Rodeos. Auoiio 831 A eto.-l`irIt insertion` loncentaem rl1l`i`:18:(:m::},tg: stagnant insertion 5 cents per inc. lag noticeglo cents per line for 3.3` insertion Ioenu per line for each subseauent thenjne matter. All items undo, :.*.:.-::~..:'p:2*.:,.';-;::*.:;-.,.h-==d =?2.:rT'.;;2au;;y'o}1;3502?` Most reasonable terms given on all Stock Sales [32 MAKES YOUR sxm ;$LIKE VELVET This is pretty rough on the county corporation, as a whole, .whose duty V-would surely appear to be something higher tha.n a _rnerersub-division of money extracted from the.munici- `palities in the form of countv rates. Doubtless, there" are some of - the councillors-'--we hope they are few- `who take this sordid view of their aim and purpose, but so many mat- ters connected with the public wel- fare are "of such`common interest to `these legislatdrs that they cannot fail to appeal to better qualities of mind and heart than are exhibited in the mania for sectionalism or the mad desire for paltry gain. Educa- : tion, legislation, administration of justice, and the like, are,-the News will agree, on a loftier plane than `pure commercialism. I Dwelling ' 1 roomeitetelale, drive house. sheds and nearly 1 of acre of land in garden and lawns Cox-ner_of Peel and We in Streets, Barrie Dwellln-6 rooms. stable and shed. Large lobon Peel Street. Double dwelling. Grooms in each, on Clap- perton Street. Vacant lot. Satan acre. on Penetanguishene Street. Apply to F. M. MONTGOMERY. tf . Dnwrln _CI 1 U I AU'l'U nun: U1" Wagons .%vm- 4 cnuhoel S --v-sag--xx; 4. .x/ t3'l"aI-In `and Stock Sales 13 Speclahu ji VA-RY I0, Jhn J ennett, Properr Fay TS;lMef Possibly. the, News poor opinion of the utility of the County Council is based on the `belief that it is too `cumbersome for reaheective busi- ness, and in this view we anacon- strained to agree, but cannot see any hope ofa reform that would give di- rect representation to each munici- pality and at `the same time consti- tute a conlneeting link between town- ships, villages and towns, on the one hand, and the County, on the other. This is where the commission idea fails, as it did fail when put `in prac- tice herea few years ago. I.II\Il. 01105. I I All lands in best Companies Aft. Allan Line and C.l .R. SS. Co's A. F. A.TMalcomson Ins_;\_1riance. Tm: . Amman it n`In11InHnn AC an` -2- Hara marvellouu eeob on rough ~2~ skin. One or two applications *" I will remove the roughness, and by -P its occasional use the skin acquires 1 the amoothneu and softness of a .5. I baby's. A 4- . Glycedonia in not sticky. and: 'gloves mny be worn afew momenta .u. after using it. 5? ' 4. D..:.... Hz- .....a n.-:-. I Druggilt; LICENSED AUCTIONEER. AAPPRAISER ETC., MIDHURST P1) {tom the Flnest `M ullfl opg, DUNTLOP smear EAST It does appear, however, fhatione representative in a. county `council from each municipality is `quite suf- ficient for that municipality's require- ments. If this violates the principle` of Rep. by Pop., additional -voting strength could be given to {the reeves of the larger municipalities in order to - equalize. the ` represenit-aztion. In this way, Simcoe would have a coun- cil of 28.memb_ers instead of 44--a considerable relief from the pressure of congestion and a relief ihatshould be beneficial all round` from` :the standpoint of a~.working business `body. ` BARBIE nnewmc cnmrnuv MONKMAN'S GLYCEDONIA. GE_O. MONKMAN. S1718. coinnmcux. com-no-r mus. COXDENBED ADVERTISEMENTS. ,_--~--- --- uuu I \lI'\ll3 Thales! and lrlclnest in coal: and Bottle W-ui r:i"(':e 15c and 25c`. Delightful after nhavimz. Daily anE1 J&fE"h{gyT% .114 irvncrunmn or -iv}-I'<:'In':' 1' 3'5- and PORTER. _.n: --- _ proven to h 3 paper :heaLYu9.`S OWEN ST. BARBIE Barrie. Barrie UBLIC opinion in Canada will, aside from V patty prejudice, heartily endorse the position on -the Naval Bill taken in Parliament, by '.Mr. R. Borden. V The "o !fe'r to the Mother` Countfy of 4_ two Dread-[Z -nougltsts will constitute a real and` "efiectire aid to the Empire. In view? ;.of the fact that German; actiyity Min` :;=i`1av_a1l- matters has gone b_"eyond Jjhe , 9biy-a_.{S-you-go` pol_icy" arid _is`.lr`e`a1Iin; ;` , :0!fu_t towards. the borrowing` stage, we cign,` readily underptand "\yjittt:_th'e,de9' ` tcttnination` of, VI:Z:jglnri<}f1i;.%g-:,;,ei_`agl)bo egardivthe; supreuitti:y___6 V ugguupn 3 present ,s3tuatio1_1.`and maks ' ,dg s._-'duty, the 1ea_rer_ and the: 4 2s....1IJlam vnlo I. I_'_... .T_hAuVrvs'day. February 10, 1910. --- v-w mom No.6l....'l.|iun " l8....1.Ipln` uuu`.`U'!l'|_ No.53" 1|.:ia`m ' 55....7.1|p.m 22....'I.I6m 90--,--53pm .~ 2| 1 "nn?7u;`i` I ' vets-would _4be,~ 6f~t`uo use `.whate\_r_'e} i;tO =f tBritai.n ~in;9;ahee.oft t.;1scd;.hut.*6n tthe, contrary might provej: an ~.'obiee`<:t-.5 -of soIicitu`d bi! "he_'~"|>`a rt4t'of the `bwne`rs It fails to meet the present .. Acme:-"V ~ 8!?.Y~ff*` the ftirthcr 1'ea_80n.i,.t.hat. it _can_x,1ot_; ];;e`;,constructed,% in time, fpr ; g.se1"v'icc; hid; ivere . th`a't % possible; "\?v o 11ldV- p'r6liably'7be iso out-"f of L d'at'e to be totally unt as an instrument of war. _ ' ` - V Tlie only way :9 win in advertis- ing is to get into" it with all your heart, determined to get results, and then leave no stone `unturned `to dis- cover _alon '-what lines advertising will bring t e greatest returns at the smallest cost. ` ` ' -vw--vuv oovvvu qvvli IV] Gil IIIJO People remember" your ..'oods,b- caus; you force them to; ' _ {ins `and they'll stop remembering. V D- __4.2-.... I\-__o. , I top forc-_ 1IU -III? OI 7. U IOIICIU| Illa! . Be patient. Don't expect a. mad mush on the part of the ublic the 1-moment you spring your rst adver- ` tisement upon them. If you want a good crqp you must sow seed. and plenty of it. One grain" of corn won't produce it. - .\' __..--v-- `cw-vu An ad._ must look for the reader. Readers nevey lo_ok for an` ad._ .A campaignragainst infractions of` the game -laws. has been begun by the Provincial police._ For some time past there have been `repeated trans- gressions of the regulations. particul- arly in the unorganized districts, and the Department has instructe`d its officers to take proceedings in all cases where their warnings are dis- obeyed. ` I O . . V D 1" INFRACTIONS OF GAME LAWS !?!'.@:*.`1??E9`_!`| -._- v--. V Actingunder instructions from Su- iperintendent Rogers, Messrs. Taylor ;a'nd.Sowerby, officers` at Blind River, ltook action last week "against the rGeorgian Bay Lumber Co., Camp 1Eight, and William Brant, the fore- man, for killing moose illegally, and` lgaving moose-meatin the cgmp. A hne of $100 and costs were imposed on the company. 1 I .I., `co w--v v----r-.-J- A telegram was received by the Department from Oicer McCurdy, of Chapleaug. `who was, sent after `a gang `of. trappers, that were believed to be operatingilleally. He states that he has seized I23 beaver pelts on_ the main line of the C.P.R. ` He reports further that the law is being violated more or less throughout the whole `district, and,a number of of- cers will be sent in to assist him. _ That delightful Canadian` illustrat- ` -ed magazine, the Canadian Pictor- ial, which is to Canada something of what the Illustrated News, or the Graphic are to England, con- tinues `to improve with each,ye'ar of its existence.` While Canadian pic- tures generally predominate, plenty of illustrations are given of events and scenes the world over. so as to merit its claim to" give News by Views. Short complete stories,` music, and well edited departments [add to the interest. I " 1 hall being in the upper at. "The cost _of such a building. is estimated at V -:`$2o,ooo. ' V ` ~ ` - -- ~-uuvu-vvuu woo-vuvv The building proposed by the De-j ,pa1-tment will haves" frontage of `six-3 lty feet and a dcpthof 125. feet. It._ ;will be two storeys his:-l1,.'tl1e' drill WI`-`J uv The q}1{':E"'he photogravures, `the xquisite enamelled paper, and the fi e printing, cannot be fully an-_ but it is undoubtedly a credit to Canadian journalism. It- certainly was a tribute to merit when the Montreal Carnival Committee this year. as last, unanimously accorded to the Canadian Pictorial the honor of Sharing the ..-exchisiv.e `riit "to :55 sue the ..Omcial -Carnival Souvenir. Last yearzls Carnival Sotienir was an astoun ing success. isyear s issue, at the same low price of fteen creaits,` (1-jarorrzlises t1? be clayen betteigi e ` ana ian ictoria is issue monthly by the Pictorial Publishing 'Com>aili3y, 11 S)t. II:/Ieter stiieet ((`1`Wli`t- ness_ ui mg ontrea, an "t e subscription rate is $1.00 a year.. The Canadian Pictorial and "The dvance oneyear each for only 1.5a. ' . ' A Dreciated unless you actually see it _,,_ \, Capit. ~Lindsay of the Militia De- partment, Ottawa, was in town` on Saturday. says the Orillia News-Let- ter, and had a conference with Mayor Goatt and Mr. C. I. Stephens, presi- V dent of the Agricultural `Society. Mr. `Manley Chew, M.P.,_ and Mr. J. B. Tudhope also were present. The ob- l ject of 'the conference was to discuss the Droposal to erect an armoury building on the Agricultural Society's lot on West street. The proposal is that the town purchase the 1ot~from the Agricultural `Society for $900 and donate it free to the government, the latter to erect '-the arrnoury build-V ing, and that the Society have the -use of the building for show our-' poses a stated `number of days in the year. A T. NEW ARM`-OURY FOR ORILLIA The proposal was laid before `the Minister of Militia in December 1008 by ex-Mayor` Curran, "but the.AMini's-A ter stated that it would not be pos- -sible to consider the proposition ttill March 1910. The government is evi- ;dent1y keeping good faith, for Cap- tain Lindsay was authorized to wet 13.11 the data -and subniit s,ame~to,the Department.]" The party visited the .0118 l!13S1."1A`tS.` 4 I grounds, Capt. Lindsay taking` vari-A; _ `Yuuytti : Cant. Lindsay was driven. about the }old armoury, on Andrew st;-eetand {Twill recommend to the Ministex; that `git be 'disu,ose_d_, ;of at -once. \It_ :sfa'1~ .` tog>ctherV__'inad.equ_ateVic: t!_1'e_;two:com- "apie_'f_. the_ 35th Battalnon which. ' headquar.ter:1.'there,;% tfo sa " he Mi 5 IMPROVING EACH YEAR. grrivals and d`eppA1-4tureIA_.' _a_Atj' `3aggi~g` a:_e_`5s `follows : an l_?ATIE_N1`_; -lllill \iS ; .f."l;`h- `only `strarige. t'h'in_-_ about sell- ingg horse xngat fox: food ;in~ Chicago `is that the)? are` callfngfit by its pro- `per`n_3!'l`l'. `V. , A 1 :0: as as i--i:-\;5}c-iflEri('lv'iz;1ttier s treatment of the senate `remi'nd`s us of the-zealous nurse who woke up -a give him a sleeping powder. Bu1i1J`ExpAress. ._----. ----. --v:.----- - The Whitneyv government will go down -in history as av business gov- ernment-a government that. does things in a businesslike manner and with businesslike economy and ex- pedition. Kincardihe Review. Kingston Standard. VAVa*.`;' s;;.a.1 ,. :|.1,_o;,hs_,in {ll % [MI 3 m'l`o:-onto 8: North~syI31I~pn`: I5 ; 8lOpm..North n.y......;.A-x:=.`4h pa:s;4 07. ll 1: m..'1`oronto& Midland 1.4!: In . Gtfsveuhunt ..a. Iam Aylme} Express. -3-, v---v- ----.-- v-- Owin to the high price of meat lover a" million people in the U. S. have already signed" an agreement not to_;at any until it is" cheaper. .We haven t quit `entirely, but have got down to liver. V Allan Studholme, the Labor mem- `ber from. Hamilton, is shortening his Speeches in the legislature, nor does he make as many of them as former- 1y.. Time was when Studholme was designated a rising. politician. Any _attempt to place. the teaching of French on an equality with Eng- lish in `the schools of Ontario shoul be resisted strenuogsly. .If we can- not have one public school system,` thoroughly British and non-sectarian, let us at least keep out the dual lan- guage nuisance. Stratford Herali. Dunnville Gazette. Toronto Telegram. A,.1 when the evidence at Ottawa is all in, some wise man will move that, whereas this committee is wast- ing its time pottering around Parlia- Ament, it is resolved that we now ad- journ to the Woodbine and proceed to share in the benets provided by the bookmakers. V L `Ottawa Jvournaly. `An Ottawa man has'wor1 a prize for an essay on how to spend ve million dollars. Now, if ome other Ottawa man will kindly write a com- jpanion essay on how to get ve, mil- `lion dollars, the'prize-winning article will be of` considexfable more value -to the majority of us. ' ` I _, --_-v_ -.-v-v-uoovop A Frankly. we do not believe that the horse business of Canada would go to the/demnition bow-wows if every race track in, the Dominion was clos- ed up. There is no track in Norfolk and no county in the province enjovs a higher reputation for good horses lthan ours. On the other hand, we have no sympathv with the salaried reformers who would "make a crime out of what is not a crime. A simple wager in itself "is innocent. `It is as natural for `human beings toindulge in wagers of one kind or another as it is for them to eat. It \is the abuse of betting that constitutes the evil, and.surely our Canadian legislators should not confess themselves pow- erless to deal with an evil, without sacricing` the`.rights- of decent and innocent people. i . A A Ftank Eizpression. Simcoe `Reformer. ' Class VI.-'-'-Harry `W-right; Theo. Brown. Clarice Ferris , Alice Atkin- son, -, . Norman Atkinson, Kenneth Cameron. A Cora `Brown, May Arm- st"1-ong, Louey_- Atkinson. 11-..- .1- V - -' H-1:1-C.);,(Jf v'condut`:t:`_.`-$11 : . ~i2;1t`t, M'la)y Mo'att," Robbi aJ\I|I\vJ e Cameron, Dobson. `Richard Frank` - Dabs _\T_co.A Brown. - ~ on, - Wil,l'ie_ ii;.;'..,' Robertson, ,Rit Dobso ' ht. 3 vv v noOI%` nay: III.-r-R0 at a n,` _ Willie b`l;;;..Cameron, Edna McKeever,, Vera Donald, .Ernie - ---v Sr. Class`.--Frank Dobson, Jean McKee\7Er. j '_ -- V ` Jr. LI. .Class.--Edna Dobson, Frei- da Ferris, Mabel Brown, Archie Smith, ' . - j _- ' -Ferris; Willie Sprott. \ CUNDLES. _Hono1f roll for" January: _ Class .IV.-T-Lina Moffatt, Martha Parr, Greta Daly, May Moatt,~Della' r9|__A `II-1 1- ` ' ' II; Cla .ss.---H'erbertTPlowman, Gladys Armstrong, -Hugh` Plowman, Laura Forb._es,v Norman Wright, Rita Atkinson. Lizzie 'l_`uck,. Richard Arm- -strong, `Gor'do"n Brown; _' " onto " 65..-. 7.50pm. Some sun Remain. `Ask G. Muxiroe. The Farce `of It. V-Biu. Counts. Sounds `Funny. -'Teac h_'er._ Poor Dog ! Well Said. .No.RTH ERN No. 54 .. " fun t erty `of fass88!1.int9sfiX V glpoislies -"`.lV`.an`-2" lsha` 0 , V`WH ;_..; ;.:.:.a.L\.u.IJ 1. U1 V ILLV 1` that an application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at its next Ses- sion by the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Barrie for an-Act con- rming and declaring valid a certain agreement hearing date the Fifteenth day of May, Nineteen Hundred and Nine, between the Barrie Tanning `Company (Limited) and_ the said Municipal Corporation of the Town of Barrie, and conrming and declar- ing valid a certain By-Law Number- 663 of the said: Municipal :Corpora- tion based upon. said`, Agreement and nally passed on the Fifth dav of ,Iul3'v,~ Nineteen _by which -agreement and _By.-Law i _1s amongst other rthing's_prov_ided7and` agreed _ that said Municipal, Corpora-. tion mu during aperiod: ofigtwenty years ither i_.eitempt``;l-till Mtlgge `props: efafter the _ . . Town. of. B Hundred `and Nine `e yr _3nf"AV I Application to Parliament `NOTICE IS I-iEREBY GIVEN} application will he m;.A..1 Barrie and Allandale Branches` c. R. LATIMER. - Mqnuier Heretofore `this has been so expensive that it has been practieally prohibitive but we are pleased to in- form you that we have now one of our ne linen papers, put up in dainty Papeterie form and stylish- ly embossed with every letter. is` now being. used by tl1e= acknowledged leaders in the social and fashion- able world. `All stationery- should be embossed with the initial of the writer on the front page of` each sheet, the embossing giv- ing that` distinctive tone lacking in the plain paper. `The most important fea- ture is that it costs very little more than plain pa-' per. We would be de- lighted to show you this new stock embossed_ with your own initial. ,- INITIAL > STATIONERY nu-oton-going Ivlvbloougg Iv. THOMPSON catw. Paul-nlnon

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