Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Jan 1910, p. 2

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; uazun 1.) I1I.`. .l.\;D`.I uxvnm ` that an applicaiion will be made `to the Legfslative Assembly "of the Province of Ontario at its next Ses- sion by the Municipal Corporation of the Town of.Barrie for an Act" con- rming and declaring valid a certain Lastreement hearing date the Fifteenth` day of May, Nineteen Hundred and_ Nine, between the Barrie Tanning Company (Limited) and the said Municipal Corporation of` the Town of Barrie, and conrming and `declar- ing valid at ,certa_1n~aB,y-Law Number 663 of` the said/Municipal` Corpora- tion" based upon?` Said Agreenjent I and nally passed on the Fifth.` at-V. of jTu1'y, .;N1nete_eI1 ,Hhndrcf_d ine" by :w_'lnchi agree`ment;'~_and" By-V-Law` Ii A~ {is amongst `other things~e?pg-ovided`aif ~a_greed:_e t-liat`.;j.V8_ &:'tidlt; :"Munieip`al_` ;g'ifnoiifix-E ! . 1 (I011 iwill dufimf naiaize-i i0i.1;r%t;vs!!3t3v~Ien yearsr thrcaftr eexempt .;la11a~the;;9t9o+ ,er;ty,{p.,_9id;1:ca ,,p:m i.nj1:th:: Town-.*of~. :Bgrrre;vfro_n! ll ` 5 == .i ?8-%ssments;aLex ` lret>oses.l.;;arz l _hall;'pon1y_;h no, 55 snmew s1 Brewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and llqps. T DUNLOP s1`a::1' ans? % BA R RJAE BARBIE % BBEWING BIIMPANY splendid A_LE- and roman; The Best and Brllnest In coal; and Bottle Cut Out This Advt. and bring it with you. %We will allow`: discount of 2593:9225 _ An} Page 48- column Ngwupnpor, Publtlhodfromtlie omce. 129 Dunlop Street. Home. In tliegoatgy cg 81moog.v?;Pro-_ Thursday Morning. by ' THOMPSON cREw_. PROPRIETOR TERMS OF SUB_BORlP'.l`_!0No 314 per .1-rmum, in Advance UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERS $1.50 .IN ADVANCE - n oi: all Fangy Goods. Bookstore OPPOSITE ROSS s'r.. JOHN BARR:S OLD STAND Scott's This ;offer good uri- `til Feb"y 1st, 1910 -9}-o'o'u`:' 1'3`:- Horseshoeing4 D240. 54 7.51am " onto ~?:`i.1 ., ;_ `RSTEWART, '4 BAR~ 4st``1ts_-,A.;;,$o1i9;jito ,__ Notaxzies Public, % 4.Ta i;t;:g1VV`,(72nfg`xAv`eyan\<:'rs. Money to loan V [in anysiums, at 5'fpe1' cent. Office, 13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, [L L-.D..A D. M. `Stewart. w, `I5I1:&T;:`v `BJXFRRISTER, SOLICI- tor,-~ 'Pr6ctor, - Notary; Coiweyancer, . .:et_c.`: * Special attgntion in drawing an_d,__'prohat1ng_.w1l_ls, obtailing let- V:;tersof admimatratnon and guardiano. ~shit>... collecting _accot'1nts, etc._ Of- . -, ces, Ross block, Bvamc. Money to `Aha LE1TN~_O1X. covspm & BROWN, _ Ban-asters, "S6lt0l 8` for obgaining ` prolgate of _wills,.`fua1-dianshxp and admxnistration, an > tors, NotaIfies,* Conveyancers, etc. Oiccs. Hinds block, No. 6 Dunlop _ st're_et,- Barrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch ofces at Creemore and Alliston. Hang}:- ton Letmox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. J, Brown, LL.B. \ ._ general T Solici-` G. A. RADENHURST, Barrister, :1:B;fnf Nata I-1) backup `on I`: ORESWICKE ='& ALEXANDER. Barristers, Solicitors of the Su- preme Court of Judicature of On- tario, Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancers, etc. Monev to loan. Of- ce, Ross Block, Barrie. A. E. H. C reswicke, K.C.. Arthur Alexander. STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- L--- `-C-1:..:;...... .'.. tJ :..-I. t"._.... .t W,!%@9:*s?%_43i2`| {DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRI'S- ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- I. to.Bui1ding, Barrie. Money to loan. H.T; ARNALL, -M'.D.,C.M., OCFFIC 1.. 'D.~LL.-...`I1 .-. `l.1....I- A1l....J..1.. f'\_ i)R. A.'T. LITTLE: late of CEEJE11. Ont. Office and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. 131;. w. A. ROSS PHYSICIAN 9 -5- T D f`C HA2.` 7 D `DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- -cian, Surgeon, etc. Specia1ty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat- Oice and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. DR. MORTIMER VLYCN, 34: Carl-_ 9 "Gas. cl-' TA-naba `ab; A` 'D_-..1-1--.. M. D..` c. M. (`rot-.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. Olce of the late Dr. smith. Collier st. Phone II. 32-ly L.R.C.P. s; s. Edinburgh; M.F.'P. & s. aiaagow :91?!) turn , uuv -u 02 Jonas rush uruu work in Brlti:B :s;itals and h_sv serv`3`:.s Clinical Assistant in Golden Sq re . Throat 8; Nose Hospital, London- R0 1 London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ;_tor a. term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalmlc Hospital; Bristol Eye Hosfaltal. Brlsto :and Birmingham Eye Hosantal, B rmixham :to1-met Member of British phthalmol cal Society. OFFICE--78 Dunno? S-mum, BARBIE. Phone 51. P. 0. Box. 96. -Dr. J. A_. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Ofce and Residence: William Street, Allandale. Tele- phone so a. At Stroud Ofce: 2 to 4 pm,` Monday to Friday. (I.-No 3a.? ..;.....; win he added to the Sub- isoctptlon List until the money is; paid. T a'..n.-_...n....... _-... 1.. -_....._. a....'a\.......`.......aI.'. H ' _ ax`-`$5 ill Snimnn nu "VI; H years Post Grad ospitals lmv serv $70,600 FOR 11;!/VESTMENT `ON dnnrl `I-AALAIJ a--u..Za.-- -A }1uanut%vuuuus mu cu.| _ .._A.__._,,;| "111 D ` - .I`nn'tu1`bA- --_.I ~n..n.:-...~ nn____4- -. {UNwIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, on. l-an-in Ta...-i '2 ........ ._ 'n.____-_ G. G. `SMITH & CO., ESTABLISH- ed j 1869. `Open day and night. . -Collier, and Clapperton Streets, { Barrie. VPVho ne V82. . wv -- -vwv--Cl 'VUIIIo IIRIIIIIE ;.'::.'.::a. ::*-:``:.'.f'.':*:.':'- ' 1*=.e:.-an-=ber . a .l'l'IjB ' 'I`lll'l|ll|I8 and _Wo_c.I' fl`:-outta (Pine and `mm m. `YVBIVUUUII IJIBU \|&IvAa Ilvbbil Jlavoovg ow purch- -Bilbaoribers now in arrears trthree months Ind over will be churned 81.50 per annum. | rag rs. l.\ llIL`4LV.ll\JV.l\JL, DEIIIDICT, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- V`ce-Ist oor Bank of Toronto . Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. 8\lBJ-J1 .I. \l. 12911211, .|Jl.')l.\l.\J.n)" "ters,'Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Ofces over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. H.H. Strathy, -*K.=C., G. H. Esten. ` L. lL\L`J 1.141.; in .JJ0.\/.LV1 ., \J.L' 1.` .L`\aL`4 "in Bothwel1 s biock, Allanda c. On the premises at night. a :. .u. 1. oxwzrxn, `s`in'g'e'on,"tc.f`i'fIZ c.s., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Oce and resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- T phone, 77. ' ,_____-_ . __ -- _._..___..o.. ...-s on u on up \.ll --sURG13:oN--- Eye. Ear. Nose 6 Throat. v.|.\.. LIL\IJ.\J.-|.J.'LJal\ .I_l.I.\aLV, OI. K1411". ton St.; Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N-Y.,) Eye and- Ear Hospital, Vwill be at 67 Owen ,St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye,'Ear Nose vanci Throat. Consultation hours II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap pointment. an vv.uV, muurn! Gt .I".3'.|.'l.`.}1\', UN- _tario Land `Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Ofce, Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- mond and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main,` 1336. Instruc- tions left with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- ing," Barrie, will be promptfy at- tended to._ V ' ,.,,.,.,... .|.'\J.L\ ;uv.r..:Llvu:.1.V.I. UN good freehold securit at`, lowest rate of interest. 0 principal money .1-equired until end of the term: H. H.` Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. [ A ` LICENSED AUQTIONEER, . Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS REVIVE TH; SNOW. ' BY-LAW '. A. LEWIS.} uanumcmnnns. 7 _u__NDEP17z71'AKERs._ PHYSICIANS. ' FINANCIAL. LEG .;`:j?IUARY, 2; .`,"_`l'l1I- ADV Ir 1! proven to have lhg , ml!1l0!1 01 9533 118981.` in the County . : else bra fat _the largest subscriptim, v tract demonstrates the quahty of s I ;latt.vnl.,_ It yonhave any advertismg to d -A ' an E e th t h ,0 ptggegdcg ereac esthe peom ;, Advertisements are charged according t. 013500-18 ljnesskate measure make one inch HERE.IS need in Barrie of a revival of the -snow by-law. _` :`We had pretty abundant proof of this during the `past week when the slippery condition not the side- walks was both a danger and a nuis- ance. The present by-law, No; 429. it passed in 1895, has` been allowed" to-_ become a dead letter,- but it should Elbe, re-enacted, or a new by-law as good or better put in its place, It will be remembered that the `Both-_ well by-law regulated the cleaning -tzf snow and ice from the sidewalks on Dunlop Street between hfulcaster and Bayeld. The credit of the `Town demands that the front street, at least, be kept in a passable and safe condition for pedestrians. Out- side the purely business section, the ,'snow is removed by contract. This is all right as far as it goes, but even` here something supplementary is needed. On occasion, at what might be called extraordinary times, the more icy portions of the walks should be sanded. A couple of teams could easily do this latter work in a day. fldr:th%%rn. dvam oticao. Auction Sales, Amuscme r etc.-.-l|`irst insertion. 10 cents er line. ezrct: an nentinsertloncenta per ne. .- notices, 10 cent: per line for ma; insertion : 5 cents per line for each subscouem `Insertion of the same matter. All items under cwved {ich-....`o 9:: -2 .. l positions or local advertise. mentuin the paper will be sold at an advance ofone-third on above rates, and on no othe; a count will sit! n be ' . Th` :31? will be s mpr%woo:t. wen 18 CONTRACT Cf_IANG ES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to chan e advertisements mustbe handed into theo ce not later that Saturday at l0 o'clock, and the co y for such change must be in THE ADVANC ` otiice not later than 12 o'clock noon _on Monday in any week. otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week follow- imz. ' .1? changes of Advertisements allowed per year. If more are required, composition rates will be chanted. ` Avnl-ting I: will -nn-1 I-so hnvIvnA 4.. ...... n_-:_ will U8 UllllJ.'KU(.lo_ - L Advertire 3 W111 not be allowed to use their space for aczertlsing anythin outside their own regular business. Sho (1 they do so - rausienu rates will be pharged for such ad- vertisements. _'- .__-...._. ..... u an-upaull-1-AILJULVJKFI Coniensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, loet. and found, property for sale or to rent,_.spec1c articles, etc., etc. must be accompa.n_1ed mth the cash, and will be inaerted-rst _1nsertion 2 cents per word each subsequent 11-'.-sertion 1 cent per word (names,addresse3 and gures counted as word 3) but a reduction of one cent_per word will be made when the number of Insertions of same magter exceed four , nln fnr ndvnrtluntnnntn Iran-Vt In gunn- uuivl ` ing- I4; CBAJDICIIII IIIUUI vertisements. 4- m ' Hamilton. T " r 7 Out for ad vertlsemenn must in ever case be mounted on solid metal buses VCFIAIGHURST, om`. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given on all Stock Sales `!:!'P'P44vl'!+Pl+I'P'l*'!--!4"!!4'!+-if MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET V r l qt WI or-ovnnovnaaaig Druggiot. ' - Barrie. * . ++++++++++++++++++++++++$ W Dwelling l roomahtstable, drive house, sheds and nearly 1 of acre of land in garden and lawns Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets. Barrie Dwplling-6 moms. stable and shed. Large loton Peel Street. gv - c ya -uvo goalie dwe!li;g. Brooms in each, on Clap. -perton Street. ;aca.nW `t otan acre, on Penetanguishene `Street. Apply to F. M. IKONTGQLIERY. . `luv-V-Cl: The London Echo` has a little wholesome ad_viceon the "same sub-. iect which every citizen might well take to heart.` Itsays: . RATE; *"lVnI: ' Anviicn uh provef:_ to megtmh-onlntion of any m Com... MONTREAL I'M" 9"ew9_$|@eve' John Jennett, ! Iutonnmon can an-- > V =`~;w_-W2 nJ,'n`98_LEY. Dc-pot Agent- |Ih9,Ne?!Fundrv _.Bar1-ie Propey. For Sale. NEXT noon TO TH EVTAN N an? ' Is open for all orders in CASTIXGS. V MILL REPAIRS, 8:::. T SI. John. & rooker While there appears to be nolaw to compel a householder in the resi- dential streets and avenues to clean off the sidewalk in front of his "prem- ises, there is no law to prevent any man from playing the part of good citizenhip and providing a clear oas- sageway `not only forlhimself, but for others. Often it happens that while the model citizen rises before day- break and digs his way out his neighbor who` is not of the model class gbes on sleeping the sleep of the careless. If by chance the lat- ter should be slightly disturbed by the scraping of the shovel next door; he becomes conscious enough to con- . gratulate himself that he is. still in bed. He has no pride except in his sleeping `and snoring power, and lat- er when he has come to life, he is in- different to contrasts that should cause him shame. And when a thaw comes, as it is certain -to, he will per- haps tell the model citizen, who nds ; the sidewalk in front of his house one big puddle in consequenceof his lazy neighbor's neglect, -that he - should havejleft the snow The ..model citizenhas this one com.fort--_ thatearly rising is goodfor main and; .. that e shovelling snow is excc_llent_.e)t- ' .`-jer,cAis_ e.; `There is just one .`....-qmbdl citizen Shmild, 3v9id.'; i.,..makinR too gooda -`job ofgit,`j1'FV 313 sf.stv-Llofeev<=k1estrins*' diet WC.E`%X.r?5;,liffl,.L, QFin` ' ` " '5?-33iF*W?`ks:7Aei*5**ie.-'* ..-A.I.2.. _ _. _ % `_ 7%.15`and% 9.00 am. % 8.30 audio` 15 p.m. 3 Double.-Track Route -2- Has a. marvellous ecc on rough -E` . skin. One or two appli'cntions '1" `will remove the roughness, and by -7- its occasional use the skin acquires g the smoothness and softness of a .z. baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky. and gloves ;nsy- be worn a. few moments after using it. -13.2..- I5. .'....I O2. ` =l'8ll. "An n.n;...n_. 3.. L... g___ on'xo.z 5 Train daily from % `- Toltonto. Barrie. MoN1mAN's GLYCEDONIA. `Boilers. Engings .{;.a all kinds of farm and stationa? machinery made and repaired on s o1t.est_ notice and moderate prices. v All work done elay expert machin- ist and guarante x,-st. class. UDGIN-%G` irox1"1`tl'Tui=_`t"2-.rVjx_;n_`<-;`nf'clc`:t:!: 1. 1 V `ilains made -by the` %Ur1`ir m i"b t.s_.,_ i '}e Bri_tj__sh- `_el.ctm'-`s do .-ap*- _ {O-V .l:a$.'.'.e..t::i.'l,:"e:1_ .rx_nu__}p stag}: m 1, CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. ___,__I _ J___._4g-., GEO. MONKMAN. FROM TORONTO !'nu_ts1_1N'r ADVRBTISING. A IQUIIJF. Jllo "Price 15c and 25c. Delightful after shaving. Expert Machinists 1 Mo. `3Mo.`6 no.2; y, 05011 I `1m| a$` Barrie ;.,un. `mung! Ann pnqr_1a:71;o}4+ ,- --._-...,---...,~-`V. can nu; oaanoww ullvlb nothing more dangerous .:thVaLt~;.b:fe` :eu1nt under the` .fe:t. I 30:1 v-uu-no l_3aily incltydinz, coulnzwooil nd lltfbfdi I|DA\\l `Thursday, January 27, I910. . 7r5'u I . No. 5`.-nut I in NoJ$3.. 10.IIa`m..V A ' 65.....'l.4I pan H " 2....1.iOs Ill` 26....IIpm `;;:::i.';;;.j rstaiice, ` 191:. Fielding s;;d;i1i;s`;.o:61d_se ~`what"*a .b=lii?!11'f:Ithihir:i ies 4i1*i::i:fi:1ti>.tf`: cr;- ` ~,t.i9n-_ A1rth<%nsh`r.*~,th.-V: 9t*si%erL%Vriwa ? s!?ze;i; `h-.o,'ni' 1 the .o'pp'osition" . cfanip, the . `_ .Gov;'mnnf has [n9,t s1i8.d.ts0eV`c38.r` A it '=oiI,= but goes on` 1vfvea1_"in'g `ityear` a_fter__. `yea__r;" [And itA`fi1V`epagr'S` pretty w`de_l!.* too%::'flooking' tf it iri-pptlieLA;H1igh_t` ofp" ada s great and growing_ commerce,- One woud have` supposed` tlge old freedtradex bogey dead andfburied in this country. Mr. Drury. however, would` seek to - galvanize the corpse and dangle it before theeyes of the oppressed (sic) Canadian people. Mr. Drury does not want _a prefer-. encefrdm England for` the Canadian farmer. It may be true -that the col-: dnies are not _dernanding7 a prefer- ence, but surely, _Mr._ Drury. miscon- ceives-_ the sentiment of the class he pretends to represent if he means -to inform the people of Great Britain that. a preference in theirvmagket in foodstuffs would not be welcomed, ;by the `Canadian wheatgrower ! , - ` a . [_ The evil of V combines .that* Mr. Drury speaks about is a rnatter for internal regulation; and is "not to be cured by". throwing down the `tariff walls and admitting a greater. evil-- that of rnaking Canada a dumping ground and slaughter market -for the nations, and ;wiping out at a blow our industrial insti'tutions._ Patriotism such_ as Mr. Drury declaims is the kind of patriotism that builds, up your neighbor at your own expense. This may be` pre-millenial philanthropy, but it s mighty poor business, as even sedate old John Bull is beginning to nd out Mr. Bourassa objects strongly to any "Canadian . contribution towards naval defence. In his pap_er, Le De- voir, he writes with vigor. On the platform this week he will denounce in unmeasured terms the Resolution df Parliament, _the Naval Bill, and both the political parties at Ottawa. For Mr. Monk, the leader of the Na- tionalists expresses the highest ad- miration. The Lachine speech is ac- cepted as the constit_ution ofthe New Movement. _ * By what process of reasoning eith- er Mr. Monk or his champion can reach the conclusion that Canada is under no obligation to Britain`-forl 1 seadefence it is difficult to learn. The mere fact that some few public men do not desire to make a contri- bution proves nothing; save that they are decades behind the times. No amount of bald denial will change the fact that the British eet has ensured peace to Canada for one hundred years, and thus made our development a possibility. What this country is we owe to the British navy. If Canada has been free from the militarist burden of Europe, taxnayers in Britainjhave paid for that freedom. ' --.A..l Now, when Canada has reached such a pitch of . prosperity that its foreign trade surpasses $7oo,ooo,ooo annually, it is surely reasonable that we shouid relieve the British taxoay- er of a portion of his heavy` burden by doing something to protect that trade effectively; ` . ' 0 C . I _ Particularly is thig our duty when the activitv of foreign `shipyards has made the British two-Power-strength policy a dead letter. , - 1A,. 11., ,.A_ `av.-v; U! -v-- -wuuw-y Britain's supremacy `on the seas- and, consequently, the safety of Can- ada--is challenged. It is time for us to pay like men, and `not to continue [holding 011$ our hands--for a1ms._-- |Toronto News. ` o - I. Railwzgys in Canad. pai.d $1,594,880 in taxataon in 1909, an mcrease of $275,480 over the previous year. -In Ontario the rate is $60 per mile for one track, and $20 per mile for each additional track in organized counties; it is $4o'per mile `for one track, and $10 for an additional track in unorganized territory, provided further that a.. system which does not exceed 150 miles in length shall `pay only $15 per mile for one% track. "and $5 for an additional track, a.nd"'for railways not exceeding 36" miles in length $10` and $s.`N 1; . - L . l`. .. I In Quebec taxation .is $30 for sin- gle track and $15 for second track, and on branch lines $20 for single tracilg and `$10 for each "additional '|l-,-!.,I., `.0 ' II `Manitob I the.` Governor-_in-.` Councxl is empowered to impose a`1 rate not exceeding 3V.per gent; of the gross earnings . ' '1 ...b-_I--._|_, ' `I `7 -- `- A ' In"5as.katc.h.ew_an.v ._where a .l_ine 'has` beenin operation Vfdirv seven years"or more, the taxes .amouht" to--+3_;per. cent. pf; the Vgfoss earnimzs.-,_and. *Tf.or_ r=a'i1 _ays .operating 5 yC_3l"SAa!"l,d "1S:'_S _ than 7, \ I 1-: per c_en_t.% _ - - .7 an Iaullio Xlberta--railways. are taxed a't I oer cent; of[.thej`r agtual va}uc;;,y:d;i91_1? is, ' assuind to;f"be. .'.pe:.. r- 1'hiIi_e.*` .5 7.. \Y-...`-' .' .I'I.'.;A-- __--_ 7 _ -.,, ----- `up ow var `I-vv9vvv.r}I\-I- Ibllliv V. L 1:1 Ndeir ri A 'and*;-r:_`:N6Va7 Scotia there` is -no `vtazgj w`hatv'eji'._-. ma mvv m * - 5 snug:-; A % _, 1 -. ; 1 Ewen snaps 3` IyIay`g1;__ `(_3'`,1l`!4`i;`h_'efj-;tft> ' be}%}eVs:a531is1;g1;f A '. -_v 1; say. oluyll EIO'1`cer`s,__ ,to i bfe jommiSor'1 d;jbx Kin: ai1d`3 :':*GdYrtiOr%Tiia+30f;3;5 .4 3 }tV5_;% .;;$ny._ wan-i wai n4 'rAxA'rI_oN . 01? RAg.wAYs. (PI-IE DU-TYT OF CANADA. .511 `% Tj1i"T,.!" ~`zzI,.'.Te fife c$.f,1` It5yaIty_`_--I .the,.io.n`e that 1 ends. in ta1Ak,-*-and ghe_ _3e ihaWt1e1_1'dSfin.'action, V Of "one kind. the` Canadian people have had quite ienouirb-_j` " * - 5 : T, : W_here, -Whefe -? `To;-dnto V `Telegram; That Essex M-. `P. whqt{;va5:its 33; tection for the farmVer."`vv[;lV Vprobafbly be able to answer the_ t'ime-_h`o .':_ 1ore'd question 5`W:he`re shall the hired man [wash his~feet ?_ - I Craven-he'art'dries.1 ' Londdn . Free Press. ' ' Bourassa says Canada has no need .for a navy. Nolihaas shewvghilc the motherland conbtiigues "to" be hb_o_that31e and willing to rp the need, ,and Canadians craven enqugh `to accept; Turkey's parliament, buildings have beenibutned. Coming so soon after the ring of the Turkish prime min- ister, one would almost imagine that` an `incendiary, was getting, in somei ne work. ' Vmivaxs aid dpaitures - hf +1sud1rom Barrig are` it follows : ' Sometime; Iogether; B`llevi1le' Intelligengeij. Eggs 40 cents; doien, `and chick- gns slightly biggerthan cgmariesgcost nearly as much as'the singing birds. The rate of living wil1___soo`n`be as` high" as Ha1ley _s comet. 1 V The Incendiary Busy} :Hami1ton Spectator. ' Our evening. contemporary across- the street wants to know if't-he Col- onist has discovered the real elixir of life. It has, and it is willing that all theworld should know what it is. _It`is optimismf It will keep a man, a newspaper, a city `or a nation ever young, `' A __ Optimists Never Grow _Old. %VictorAia Colonist. I The British elections have at least found- work -for the unemployed printers.'_ The quantity of pamphlets distributed has" been enormous. _Tons -`upon tons of literature, posters, cards and cartoons have been deluging the country. One society alone has'dis- tributed fty million leaets. The literature will be useful to those short of coal. A . ' The proposition to holdea great International Exposition in Canada- at Winnipeg in 1912 or r9;r3-is the log1cal__re.$ult of half a century of Exposition growth. Conditions were never more favorable for the appli- caton of the Exposition idea than I they are in Canada to-day. The country is exactly prepared by pos- sess_ion of vast natural wealth and resources in a `st e of partial devel- opment, and by x s need of greater population and more capital. to em- plov in the work of development which must be done. The Exposi- tion idea isnicelyvtted to do this- work-by having been carried to a point of perfection as a promoter of travel, of investigation,. of immigra- tion and of investment in business opportunities of the sort in which Canada is so rich.: There can beno doubt that holding an International Exposition in Canada will forward. the filling of population and capital . . needs of the Dominion `more eicr ientlyp than any other method that can be employed.--V The question of cost need not disturb anyone user:-_ ,ousl'y. Proper} fmanarzement "of Ex- position gbusiness will. keep; the cost down tothe level of-econ om and et- ciencyj that `has; been deter,` ined bv the many iexperi-ments thhave A al- , ii,-eadyv been ,_e._; With p. observation 5-of lafui,s.;':`f'Eiwsitin conduct -thus established w}i,i.t.Veif`i;. e;,th `,i9f n ,1 0` _ A Cheap Fuel. Bobcaygeon Independent. -_-,--v, 3 . v ~ w w ow \1`-IIJL qI\I,\J\l\.-I,`-HJ\Io ' Qfcja! estimate .of annual cost of mamtaxmnsz eet $3,000,000; probable cost $5,000,000. 0 ' . l`-_. l g 0 an. 1 c'os't"o which to bui1d ships, of forts to protect same, of naval college, and of pension system; -no estimate. . 5 Xv-053 be-_.. I V .33. not a mromnmac-Nqnh nny~|x.lI.i!'!!I;-. -`I5 ' S p'm.aNonh u.1|pm; . `I! 8.8 p m..'l`oronvo&Midlu.nd `Ml Sm ; Gt-nvenhm-at tin In CANADA'S OPPORTUNITY RIPE 000,000; probable cost $20,000,000. nm-:_: _ _.9,,, VSAISIAGANV-e-AJg as i:1a am :;St2_'_ !.,;,'.,l- l1_or`rijas.`= *;Q11tj-..;. r ;I!`,I .Th11_rsda_Y.- ;Ia;nj:ag-y j2;oth',_ J [thief Wife of Cl1"1d ` I _B3N; North. ,~ us Ana*whv`i:i?? 21=.u; `In: hm-1.8 I discpsc; .1. ` result: idlI_eIae; and;Ay"er' 8iH~airVigor, u made from our new im- proved fomula, quickly and completely destroys` that dis`- - - _- org. :;_2. u--. Inxn-a .UU|ll|JlEIIjvl, uvvu w u ..._. ..T.. :9. The; list: stop: falling` grows more rapidly. and %|%%andm. . cnlorof u. 5.. MA `IUFACTURER OF Buggies, Carriages, Wagons Sleigh: and Cutters. STRICT P1mso.u1. ATTENTION PAID to C; Andrew] Application to Pal`-liument No'rIcE Is HEREBY GIVEN i that an made No; 5;.:..ll.I'Is my Q81... llipm ' " 559:. 7.50pm

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