Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Jan 1910, p. 5

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TUESDAY. JJTAN. zath, A car load of `Gowg`a`nda sil.v.e'fV. orfe] was sent to the Merritton smqlter. ' %LoANs 6* xnvssrmznts ~ $37,438,533 IOTAL Ass!-zrs, -_ - 541,939,693 Capital Paid? Up . Reserved Funds.. Tofonto, Canadg. [Pot Roast.--A piece of nice beef,=' either cut in pieces or left in a piece; ' "i_?'r3' oug_.suet, put in the beef and Ubrgown, add an onion if desired after i=b1j_ownink;` pour in a pint of boiling w't;r;. cover, and let` cook slowly un- U .._t'_;tf_e`nder';-";add more water if needed. "a`;o1`xt etlf1ir\ty...minutes. before serving, p;iLh!gi*. *i1hree [large to'matoes._ ` skinned. and .thrown in-. If the. v7uz:;~t,:r`_m.e;a.r:e ews11,.nieoc>;k:=de down e ` t _s _c`an`jcoq,ljIn~the fat , doe;;{.'.;dd 3 "miter 3 Pancakes.--One cup sour milk, one] cup sweet milk, one teaspoon soda in .sc_ur milk,'one teaspoon baking pow- dcjrin our, three eggs, three table- spoons melted batter, salt, our en- O fgh. forgjthin batter. `[.1%.--L .. A .2... `_r ---:-_ 1, _.9 q. After the- wedding dejeimer .Mr. and Mrs-. Little left on the evening train for Toronto and Hamilton and` other points, the bride going away` in -an amethyst suit with hat to} match. On their return they will reside at Wragge-Castle. I carefully and drain off .all the`. li`q'u9r. Add the oysters to the cream, boil unonce. Fill patties. LA.unique feature" of the nuptials` was that the ofciating clergyman,` Canon Murphy, in days gone by, per- fo'1"m'ed the same ofcefor the par-* ents of both bride and groom. 1 ',1Ainong, theguests from -a distancel were Mr. and Mrs. Little and the Misses Dales, Toro_nto, and Miss! .'I`jay_lor, Parryisound. I Mrs. Henderson and four children: lost their lives in a rerthat broke out in the family residence at Saska-l toon. ' i : A ', I The bride, who was given away by her father, entered the drawing room ' ! to the strains of i\ s Weds; ding March played by Mrs. (Dr.)' Little. She was wearing a princess gown of white silk crepe over white taffeta silk, trimmed with baby 'rib- :f bon and duchess satin, with the cus- ', tomary veil and orange blossoms,: and- carried a shower boquet of white 7 carnations and lily of the valley. A ; sunburst of pearls, the gift or the;- groom, was her only ornament. Her l ` attendant, her` sister Miss Millie, was l _ `attired in cream silk, eolienne over - cream taffeta and carried pink carna- i` tions. Little Dorothy Scott, ni_ece of A ` -the groom, also carrying pink carna- l` tions, made a charming ower girl. fl Mr. Jack C. Little of Town support- .ed,t_he,;groom. it _ , The groom s favors were: to the bridesmaid, a pearl ring, to the or- ganist, a pearl crescent, and to thee groomsman, a pearl scarf pin. Many handsome a-nd useful gifts were re- ceived by" the bride. -1 ` . 1 ~Wednesday, Jan. 12th, was the oc- casion of an quiet house wedding, at Cloverdale, the residence of Mr. and .l\1rs.y '\/Villiarn Miller, Holly,` ,when Ida. Florence, their youngest Idaughter, became the wife of Mr. Arthur Bennett Little of Allandale, [youngest son of the late VV. C. Lit-. tle, former1y.M.P. `for South Simcoe. ' 3 Rev. Canon Murphy _performed the ceremony _in the presence of the im-_ -mediate relatives. of `the contracting ; parties. - 5 C. R VLATIMHER. Manager. -* Increase {or near. $0.Iu,3ooV lncrastor uehr, 58.234300 `Increase. for near. $7.08-6.005 WEDDED AT HOLLY. .s:54.51:5.a9z . . $4,000,000 .. 4,818,871 ' zilbcrta Govcrnmgexat f has dc-: cidcd to establish :1 publxcity bureau at Toronto Union. Station. T "Peas . . Barley `Rye .. Buckwheat [Red Clover ;F2our .. .. iBeef, hind fore `Lamb, per i Mutton -171'- 1' ' B\J"ll. .dlI\.l. Iucu. JV ;Sp_rmjg_ers` . . ._. .% .. V. , ; 3c 7 1;ij1res- ,3 oI`.`og`'unI.':oo- ._. 3; F ` Quotations on Tuesday were: Export cattl_e, choice._.$v5 35..$ 6 15 } `A medxum . . . . . . 5 00.. 5 25 ~`` bulls . . . . . . .. 375.._5-oo Butcher catt_le. picked. 5 50.. 5 90 1 ::`_ medmm 5 25.. 5 so ` V common 475.. 500 4B_ut..ch_er cows,` _ch_oic`e. 3 75.. 4 60 ::[ j~''mmo .. .. 2 50.. 3 75 jjBuVtcher` Bulls . ._.. . .. _3 oo.. 4 7o f3__<`i`r 3'5o..~ 4 25 J-lvEIDV'_Y l\v\r\IVl _ Q bull Stoqkers. choice . - light _Ca`,nners' ,. . . MiI`lfe_r~s, choice .. --_. ` 4...! .I- \II\)llI.\I, JCI Wheat, fall ....... . . goose . . . . . . . Peas_ .. :3`. . . . . . . . . .. Rye .. . . . . . . .. Buckwheat .. . . . . .. Hay, Timothy Hay, clover . . . . . . .. ,Straw, bundled ' Eggs, per doz. . . . . .. Butter,` per lb. . . . . .. Chickens, dressed ~Geese .. ` . . . . . . . . . . .. |Turkeys . . . . . . . . . . .. Potatoes, bag . . . . . .. Dry onions gag) .. Beets (bag) . . . . Apples (barrel) A . . . .. l'Can-ots (bag) . . . . . .. Turnios (bag) . . . . . . '-Celery` (doz.) .Cauliower (each) .. '_C'a.bbaze- (eael Parsnips (peck) ;_0yster plant (bunch). """" "SQwash'e'd' Wood, 4-foot per lWood, 2-foot per Prices Ruling in the Barrie and Tor onto Markets During the Week. I Barrie, Jan. 20th, 1910. Wheat .. .._ . . . . . . . .. I 03.. 1 05 Oats .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35.. 36 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80.. .2 . . . . . . . . . . .. 48.. 5.2 A'||llp|-\JII -0 I Hogs, live, 6` 66 Ljivc 4 Stock Markets. THE MARKETS V A_spcc:ial officer was stabbecllbbv an] Jtalxzm at 21 sacred concert In New York. ' i All vv (v\h!Il\,\` - a -foot co1.'c-1 -foot cord Toronto, Jan. 'n`lI 18th,` I910. Q I 1 I063 850 825 1'!` Am 105 82 50 8 50 6 50 \4\p\ , ,,,,. . 4 The barns of Robert Rams1y_ near! Yorkton, Sask., were burned With 75 export cattle. ' ' (Three men connected withthe rob-` bery of freight cars were sentenced at Niagara balls. - - ` A - "VCzfnada s tra?l e with t3he-:Unite'd States for the year 1909 was -`the highest on record. . . -.--------:A .;---v- -.1 ---- , a 1 Russia produced 783,oo,ooo bushel; .-,f wheat last year. \Y' 1' , , , _ ., .,-_.- J -..-on Nine lives were lost in the recent snowstorm in New York. ` acclamation in Britain yesterday; 3 suddenly in Toronto. A James _Ferguson Was` found frozen to death 1n.a eld near Salem. Three Unionists were His" Honor Jlidg Hedging` died 71*` 1- L North Torgnto clared infavor of Canada'b`;?,;:bv: LDreaVdnoughts for -th'_,e'; _Br1_t sh 5 ' I :_.. ,, Five zlutomoliiles were seized at .\ VinniI.)cg for under-Valuation at the Cv.str.:1ns. Four were sold and thC owner of the fth paid ei ne and kept his machine. ` T V 'Mx_'.. Auguste . orn.sne_c_, retired.` V ' gjqgt or the Commo9s;:,::yq cy :- . A (Continued f1-om. page` thre.) SATURDAY, JAN. 15:11. M3oNDA,T JAN. 17th. Egain of Is for the Unionists." In the contested cons,tituen cies_ in Englanclsaturday the Liberals. elect- cd 36 members, the Lborites `6.fand the Unionists-` 32. This-[mea`ns..a net option has reduced licenses,` the cost of adminstering the several counties greatly` ex-} 1:: Fnpc ' DAY BY DAY The appearance of the dramatiza tion by Lem B. Parker of Mary J. Holmes delightful novel, Tempest and Sunshine, is an event._that` should be looked forward torwith in- 7' terest by ocal theatre-goers. The ecen ry as AeauAtTi.fu_l_, everything `used; In: t e rrepresentatxon` bemg carried` Iby 'the'company. The costuming iq .l1quai:_1t and pI,'tt. the gowns being` of'a1ry summery stuffs, made in-7the,. ashi_on of 3850 which _is the beriod ofthe pl`a_y..- ,B'eauti-ful S outhern Tmel-4` ddies are .introduced th'rou_ghout7., playf with greet,` i A new comet, whicb can be `seen ' in the day time, has been discovered [by Prof. Drake of Johannesburg. Ministers are being notified to send in more promptly the records of marriages by publication of 1 banns. a Louis Paulhan, the French aviator, Iieew 23 miles across _ country near] `Les Angeles and returned without] 'hI1A:O\rr' The story is `both stron'gvand in- teresting, and;is-reeved- with much. Acjomcdy which is.._co,n4t1_-ibuted by the darky -servants? as `a ,s_p`ec ia1 ent,er{tain;_-i_ tmentj J for their maitets and/ m_i1strfes`7-:3 . fses,_,. whoa. axe. _ pf. .4th_e"`-Sqgtghern atistpagz; \ \/zzlficzxi-'Cw}a.r't-aer, formerly of Han}-! ilton, Ont., shot and wounded hi5 wife at Buffalo and then committed suicide. - ` Pete Mazucco, an Italian atASan1t %Ste. Marie, hasVbeen arrested on a. %charge. of shooting his wife. The %wom_an~is dangerously wounded.` 'Svera1 Cathdlic riestsj of Essex County _a1fe petitioning for changes. in the lacense law, askmg, among other things, "that the fee b'raised '[empest `.and` Sunshine is one of thebig. snc.c`essesTo,fv recent years and 1 no, one who enjiovs .3-rgt-class _.p'lay,=; presented` in a;__ rs it_-'~ .clV_;gsVs ,ma;nngrj,;, Vs`l!'1`o;jl_g`Ifail= t>i`VeL~T "est1T%ani{_-IS:_au;.:; s `ix..1'.. &at=1t .21 ~ 9&3 `L4 Mr. George O. A1corn, K;.C., of Picton was appointed to succeed the late Judge Hodgins as Master in` VOrdinary.V V . -H7011. Mackenzie.King s bill, pro- viding machinery to deal with trade combines, was int:-oclluced in the Commons. - V - I Ottawa City Council has voted for a reduction in the numbe; of licenses from 67 to 58, and shop licenses from _26 to gr. ` - -LJ\lD I III` `landing. ` Mrs." Bell of A'1VIontreal -was shown to have taught her eleven-year-old son to steal, and -the -boy was sent to the reformatory, ` ' ` The-' re Ioes in Toronto` last `year total-led $740,931. Mr.9John Carnegie, for1nerl_v P. for. Peterboro ; died at Guelph. 1 'vf`i1Fre'eWir;V; named Goxdangii in Toronto were taken to St. Mich- ael's Hospital suspected to be suf-- ferjng from some kind of fodd pois- onmg. ' ` Alex. Reid, the sixh`victimp`e the Saskatoon re, is dead, `VThe.c1rc'.um-l_ stances of the fire are to be matured` into, as "there are sev_era'l rumors oatmg around Sas'katoo_n. ' 1 ed two more missionaries to China The Presbyterian Church appoint- and- one two Formosa. Mr. J. M. Dearon of North Bay- succeeds the late Charles Lamarche as Registrar of Deeds. I R_ubber maxiufacturrs_ and `jobbefs I declded at a {meeting at Montreal on `:1 general incre`a'seL1n pnces. V I Chas. B. Heike, Secretary of` the` American Sugar Rening ~Company,[ wasearraigned at -New York on a charge of conspiring to defraud the United States Government. Mr. Joseph Martin was elected member. for East St. `Pancras in the election. in Britain .yes.terday. Mr." Hamar Greenwood was defeated in York City. I . ,' -. [` oMr'.` Lancaster s motion to abolish! [the `Senate was defeated ,by".a large; majority in the House of Commons; There was along discussion on the; case of Walter Blythe. `V ilies. A break `in the waierfnain that `is difcult to locate hampered, the work of the remen. ` ' I '1`EM.'PES'I__` AND sunsnxn, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1;9fh. Ffed. Diadenhore ` ilied by the cavingVin'of an,i1btnki: qnt on the Canadian`,N%Q%r!(e!" Rev; ames Barclay}. A { au1 s_` resbyteriang v . '1: cal, has placed hi~.?r;s1gnat E5 -------5 -v-v.- wuu nvuunn V adoption of the Mallet ar- Italian at Saul: ticulated sys.t`e.-m has made this `in- .an-es'ted a crease possxble. Two. locomotives ~w1fe._ _The built by the Ba1dwin_Compgny may 3'. "d_`d- V be quoted as instances of this con- l i5t5 0f E5593 struction. _A -freight locomotive for *skgr `;f11Se-the Mountain Division of the South- e ggeraiseg em Pacic Railway, built: a few _ e . _ months ago, has 6,393. square feet of --.-T-- _, heating surface,: the engine weighs SUNSHINE - 213 tons. anel the engme `and tender r * :toa*ethe:`j.e wengh Just.-under 300. tons. "the dfamaza Toward" the close ofjA.the9`seyear v._the 31' M83) Same company b1 1il.t.for.the Atchison, ;1-Ve. ;1`me5e '1opka.,& Santa Fe Railway _a still gardj :3 grifth L'%"`' `9Pm9*iVg %Wi*'h@5+5 -'2` S~"e3 treigoers T-1-he feet of ,he,_tmg surface; and` 1,745 gverythink usedj _sa.'ua_re `:fee't;ofv _sqpe:f1xjeat1n'g~. and `Vre- . is `Being car1'-ied'- h%I]I11Eeeeee[`*`937% ff `h?118',n%e 1%"; IF _conswming. it wexg 3 3 tons, an _. .t engmeean A :4: Igowns .bein~' fedreto . hr'j'3$.6}-tb Th? -m5*e. uuy waa acxu LU F3". in-J--th'e7 - A 7"-`1f.4`3`."' 1 I_`-is"-;the `beriqd "9" '93 1 e\.3ou:nern~me1 -th'ro1g ho The most surprising fact in rail- -road development during 1909 was the continued` and very considerable increase in the size of passenger and freight locomotives. So marked has this been. that welhave ceased to hear anything of `late about the lim- its of size having `been surely reachl _ '1 99 FIVIZ I I "The .-Atchinson Railway Company ;irecen'tly,-ordered a million ties from (Japan. This one simple statement (shows pmdre-strikingly than could be 8 done in any other way the extent oil the reckless waste that has taken place in disposing` o'f'the timber sup- - ply withlwhichfthis continent was so bounteously endowed. More foresight is -being shown -now. The company [which . has ordered` these ties. has [planted 10,000 acres in California for `the purpose of- providing a future supply of tie timber. 1 Railway Statistics. 8 The mileage of railwaysin actual operation in Canada during 1909 was increased 1138, making 24,104 miles now in operation, exceeding the mileage ofaGreat Britain and Ire- land by 1000. Railway capital in Can- ada now $1,,3o8,481,416,< of which`$647,534,6'47 is stocks -and $660,- 946,769 is funded debt. This is a total increase duringthe year of |$69,186,4o3. 32,683,309 passengers were carried last year as against! `34,o44.o92 in 1908. the total `passenger revenue being $45,282,326, as com- !pared with $46,854,158 in 1908. The `carrying of 66,842,258, tons of freight represented an increase of 3,771,091, and the revenue, $95.714,783, was a gain of_ $1,968,127. There were 505 ,killed and 2186 injure(l.'on the rail- wavs. Thirty-six .-of the killed and 281 of the injured during 1909 were passengers. There are 18,272 high- wav crossings in Canada. Of these I079 are protected. 167 bv gates, 300' by overhead bridges,` 379 by subways,. I I16 by bells, and 117 by watchmen. I I `The total mileage of electric rail- ways in_ Canada may be put at 988. `Gross earninszs were $x4.824,9_36, a gain of $817,837. Sixty-eight persons were killed and 2139 injured. . V `h. 'i:t1 1r:11_4 _ " ' _(}W.ijtQf:.:IUpp'et:_Ca1ia3 'CO1l,{ge.' V V ?MiSs `D9:-Va Mufphy "isr,ii1.V l`oi-onto, ;. g1,1:e;ktk.__<`:_ `Mrs: Tyrwhitt; Admiral.- Small' was, thfouh i ndisposiV-_' t1 o:},' unable to attend to her school dut1es on.M9n;1a;~y. -., `.' ovivvv ooO\oOO\\1|r `St. Hc1en s, the ew Roman Cath- uhc church, costmg over $100,000,. was opened in Torontou 0 luv u, 1 During the meeting -of.the Dean4.l {ery'lastweVe`k,VRev. Rural Dean Lit- `tle of Penetanguishene was the guest- of Mrs. F. Dalton. ' V The Flag. of Destiny will be the subject of aolec'ture* in 'BurLon"Ave. Methodist church by:Rev. "J. E. `Starr on Tuesday,` Feb. 1st. \ V ` g , The Lord Bishop'of Toronto held a vconrmation service on Sunday last in St. George s church. There were `twenty candidates, and the ser- vice -.was most impressive through- out. Re_v_. A. V.` Brown conduct'et_lan-- vmversary' servxces at Elmyale on` Sunday. Rev.. Mr. McKay taking his work here. A '_ _ ~ . E Rev._Emest Bi-ggs, M.A., will give ;his _lectu1`-.e on? India on Monday \ night. Jan. 24th, in the Orange -Hall, upder A.Y.P.A. (St. Gorge s) aus- .p1.ces.4 n -- 1 " v T The friends of Mr. andMrsl J. A. V1McNei1 will be glad to learn `that their little son, Marcus,` who has been yer-y ill in Toronto, is now re- covering. A 'Mrs. _ .H.ecLtorV Rosevcar ,jhave` re'turned" to therr home: in New -:Brur;swu:_k.- - * - . - ' 'P?f.gbYtriahs are` holdidg a 'nu16Ac-601:.-noun Auk ' BIG LocoMo'r1vEs. Local option so that cos law in L`L`CdS the fees. Scarcity of Tie Timbr. I - . , . On Tuesday, Holy Communion was celebrated at 8 a.m., by the Rev. H. M. Little, R.D., and at 1o`a.m. the Chapter met for business. the follow- ing members being present: Revs. H. Little, Penetanguishene, Rural Dean, Canon. Murphy, Allanda-le, E. R. J. Biggs, Barrie, G. A. Macon- jachie, MI hurst, E. F. Salmon. Elm-' vale, and F. E. Farncombe, Stayner. After prayers and the reading and conrmation of the minutes _.of the previous m eet'i_ngs of the Chapter, a letter was read from the Rev. A. C. Miles, Secretary, resigning the office which he had held for a period of years. The resignation was received with regret, which was subsequently` expressed in a formal motion bv the Chapter. The Rev. .E. F. Salmons was appointed to the ofhce. Before proceeding to the business set down for consideration, the Chapter spent an hour` in :.Greek `Testament Study led by the Rev. Ernest Biggs, the passage selected being the Epistle to the `Hebrews, Chap. I. Considerable _discussion took place with reference to the M'.`S.Cr.C'.i apportionmeiits to` the various parishes, in `the Deanery, and a schedule was approved and` _ordered` to" be submitted; _to._ the` in- cumbents" `of "the, parishes . 1 It was resolved.,`to.eho ld annually, on `the .Mo'ndaiy a-ftier `_"_Chiljdren sD_a,y, - a Suncfay'Sch o,_ol_ convntio "tor-_.. `the ' .`teac.h_ersv, pinthe Rur a_' `D _a-ne,ry. . ; ~?At_ v the; "afternoon session; `a mighty ;ii1`struct.i`ze.:i. oanere. on gt.h`e..__ ,'f.\a1u,.e` of ` :~thfe.`Sebt11:1Ri'It? was `read. by ;-tl,1`_ e ~ Rev. F.-.'.,S`1m9*` .t'i8g3`.:..*t??S;` .111:-frglbsann ='sj.v. -.a-1.1:; iint,.te.s., t ` A.; . 2 ._ .,,11arm.~.. srfi9v;":ia*dtirsgsl" = `-B9 e c.hit..i`~:;.; derile .. C is? l Oytei-V`; `I?atiie,--_-Qng, ..pi nf ismall oysters}; '9:),i-ihalf fP1t%:?-giswfe___e`t f ;`gr,eam'. . Iva em 1t Is? 1 st 1`o..a_. `The Chapter Hold Interesting and, ; lnstructive Meetings in St. George's Clnirch. {RURAL DEANERY , or WEST smcoa The Chapter of thisARura1 Dean- cry met at Allandale on Monday and Tuesday, the moth and nth inst., on {the invitation of the Rector, Canon. E. Murphy. V /1: 11" being taken to stop the! pollution of the Niagara River_;at .\'iugara Falls, N.Y. ' ' ' I 7` - "'r"J` 1 On Monday evening, Choral Even-E `song was sung at St. George s' Church, the service being taken by `the -Rural Dean and the Rev. `E. 1*`. Salmon, the Rev. E. A. Paget read- ing the lessons. .An eloquent and forcible sermon was preached by the Rev. Ernest Biggs, Vicar of Trinity,` on Chri_st s Revelation of the Fath- erhood of God." This 'was deeply the Chapter and con : gregation. . ' ' M~sEAsN ABLE% ,RE9IPEs- BEING rm: rnprmounni YEAR or susmnssg REcoRn I-`on YEAR ENDING aom NOVEMBER. 1909; - 2 HE` `BA_NKA"OF TORONTO, with fty-four years of experience of V -successful banking business in Canada, with ample resources, with large -Reset-ve.F_unds, with widely extended banking facilities, and with a large clientele, including many `of the best business houses in Canada, offers to merchants,` manufacturers and other business men an unexcelled banking service. - - - Incorporated 1855 -- - Barfi and Allandale Branches N 1"-`Real .L.Qaf;--Four pounds chopved veai none.-half pound salt; pork cho_n~ . 285,5? 15 tour. `t.ab1_esvoon- ' 'b1.'{e8. Q Hs,`; one-half n_\int_ ` DEPOSIVTSV Mqr. .Arch1c Fraser was kllleq In] -the machinery of the Office Specxalty; Works at Newmaxfket. _ _ ]

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