Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Jan 1910, p. 4

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flog ` rdlled `back, Vsriously catching 1 Mr. Robinson across the back. '15:."- at`?'A' Cit?` .0f:..'T1.d".':}s. _ -. 2.-vLucas'1C6ui1ty;.,'.`;-* F'.ank,_ . , Cheney makes -oath". that he T IS `senipt `partner _of ._ the ' .r`m` _of F. J. Cheney & Co.,N.d`oi_ng biasiness in <`the` City~ off 'I`o1deo.~* Cauncswranai Stae__t,e; _afd1:e_s; id, and "thti . said~.'1`f1;_2`21 nyl "inn... `$1..-..2.'... .... ;: `A173 111. 7 The young people of the village` are these` days taking much enjoy-` fment in the pastime of. skating, the ` weather and ice being most favorable` for the , recreation. It is rumored I that a hockey match will be played here shortly. Last _week while F.- Darby, em-, ployed by T. Higgins, was cutting! logs on the Martin limits, a loose limb hanging on a tree fell striking` the young man on theshoulders and back, fracturing the shoulder blade and breaking ve ribs. Dr. Atkinson of Hillsdale was summoned and set the broken `bones. -thg `sukati-n'g.V ' The ice is in isgjlendid condition.` All are welcome to come and enjoy An n.'nt~ . `Cc. ;of `Geneva, N.Y., is spending a short time with her mother at the Manse. - _ A>l.1.',,--.!.-- """'F"' "" ""' """"""" A . business `arid social evening: ` was I heId by the Presbyterian congrega-l %t_i', `.`;1 l`as't: ,`i_'_ig%i_4jqy_.;h;L,`e,vc:|r1ihr'1g_,%1f ._~_ _. . . g I ' W` f__A'_" _ I " .. 1 X :3; V.:;1;*;;.i:;` : `_'_*lj_'_e,,of Catar:j'hfthat cannot-be cured" gbygft:-1,1ev.VV1zs:..qf ..Ha ll -js :C_atarrh}` -Cure. `I , '.1:*nAxr'v~ `I? r~tr'r.~\'7-nxr . There was,a very large attendance` at St. John's Church on Sunday, a number coming from a distance. Extra seating accommodation had to be provided- Mrs. W. W. Shaw pre- sided at_ the organ, and Mr. James Bawdry sang a beautiful solo which |wasmuch appreciated. The Rev. J. H. Tene , rector of St. Philip's Church, oronto, conducted the ser- vice, assisted .by the Rev. R. L. Weaver. Mr. Teney was much pleas- ed to meet so many. of his old friends. Among those from Mine- ` Kiel. sing `were Messrs. Scott and C. M. __ .7L-_- ,7 - -.---`.---` V . " o"f oiir Eioug. p'edplE. 'a't4t egl _qua1-terly V meeting -in _the Metho- dsst Church of ,Crown I-I1._ll.. I-BL- -|.'-:.- _n' tn. A In a tobk. pg`-'tV;;at_-;_tht"acpncert, give}: under Lthe '.,n;spqes::,of_e the Mthodxst .Sun- jevening-.. ..` . ..-- w;1v`h<;"<:"l';6i r of St. X.d'{}"s Church dd? S66IfVbf `=D`1sto"last 1`h'iufSday I Lamar. _ -..~'13,he~ Misses Ardil-1 sp'ent%.[Sunday, with Miss. Mabel Stewar,1':., I - ` ' -1 Miss `M. Kenny of Barrie spent a, fewdays last week with Miss" May C_x.'0nanV.V ` . ` V g usppg _aauL.pa_uu, uuu uluu uaxugnrm wil pay,the~ sum -of ON.E,~HUNgD- `R. D -DOLL`ARvS` for _'ea_c%h.'_'agd =eve1-5: _`;"`.f_` A` `f-`A-_`_._'_'I... `41, LA `Among the many remembrances of friends to one another during the Christmas and. Newv Year s season i there` was one at least worthy of no-I tice, that of Mr, James Morrison of I Lily Bank, Manitoba, who- remem- bered his father and mother here by sending them a ne dressed hog weighing 150 pounds, placed inside of which were two or three pair of dressed fowls. Mr. Morrison was a _favorite here, and his many friends will -be pleased to know. that he has. made a ` comfortable home in the Western province; J .Sutc1iffe 8150115 _. 1 , _b_ ;.'fj'AN`UARY BARGAINS. _YoucannQ't get mote Ire`:-al value are most required just nnw, both in personal and in I '5?B.z1f1'_ie'j: `Newest Dry Goqd `StQre." ' D,iret Importers and` Retailers _B[gi:Q_S are. in. keeping with the we g`iJ`ara2i;t%S'e.i`every_thingL just as it is represented in "3x4"'}'."\'2\7i11 Reid is .epe:i'din"g'!`1i_s ho%li-` days with his mother, Mrs. -J.- Rcid of this village. . , T - ., p ,- I, , , _.`.-_;`_I. wsm. skits*i- well made,j_ plain cloth, reg. $4.00, clearing gt 1911333` _1IDHUl_?S_'I`:- cusromins nus sromz: SERVING FROM; DAY To V . . u 51 11355 VI with v -nuns-pr A l;rge1number from here V%at:tenf:clV'-" ed -the annivenar ' services held in the Presbyterian A hutch in Chtjrehill on `Sunday last. Rev. J. J. of `Midland very ably lled.th_e' pgulpit. The` meat s'up'per also, given on Mon- day," was very largely attended by Left-oy> citizens. ': ft ha.ving ben'.repc>-rtetyif that other trees than elm had been cut on road opposite E} 13, `con. 11, Councillor Smith was` L` appointed to ex-- amine trees cut and re_p_9rt gut _ngxt' xneeting. 'G. V; Brooks applied to purohese one maple tree on ' ' Ridge Road (ope poaite . "Woo-d1'a.nda e'e complained of by Mr. Peuch_n.e On motion of Smith and Cackburn the Reeve vies empow-A Vre wil1A this," ` L - V` I On motion at Campbell and Smith! at the request of W. J Burton, the time was extended to .151: May, 1911 for him to remove timber on road opposite lot-. 10, line con.":11 and 12. "Conn-._ . Cockburn reported` that Victor Slessor wished to `purchase 3 rock elm trees on Cross road east of Crown "Hill, Ooun. Oockburn will {examine trees and report. ~ _ 1 Re Mcliinnon. ditcix. .The Reeve `,and Councillors Cockburn reported that on `Dec. 21, they took measure`- menta `and inspected, generally-, fbut were unable to obtain ' proper .le1_{el_s. owinz to water _`a,.x`1dV ice in, "said ditch [caused by improper ' :`outlel;. . l.,`hey `nd 1 -haifr the % ditch; no;-' V proper` width e!!d_fi*sbt,Ii:e Dorftions Ire not the-`_ oprope;*{_dep1:h;; f f?~'1`hey.{ `+`:the_re-1, fore. .reammr_IdHd%;" 5 The Council-elect for the Town- `ship of Oro for the year 1910, name- ly: F. H. Ball, Reeve; George Camp- `bell, Deputy-Reeve; James H. Cock: lburn, Alexander McArthur and Arch- ibald tsmith, Councillors, met and were duly organized. The Reeve took `the chair and in a concise speech welcomed the-members to the Council . [board and outlined the work for` thel `year so far as known. | Councillor Smlth reported that Jno l Piaterson would remove. elm tree on ; road opposite lot 16, line con. 8 and + 9. Report adopted. Mr. Paterson to remove tree by 1st of May next. On motion oicmpbfand smith, i the Clerk was instructed .to order 4 six copies of Municipal! World .ior~4 1910; j ' On motio of Smith and Cockburn, 2 Richard 0. Bell was appointed an Auditor. ` -` ` 4. dn motion of McArthur `and. Cock-1 burn, R. F. Caldwell, was appointed Sanitary Inspector for the current conno- a 3:20 .4 ! '=u-*z%gsu:g-iuyrg {lie otiloo. 128 taet.' M ..,..~*Atme.-gkz. <:s.e.*m~=- um ads. any 3 On motion. at Smith and campben. William McArthur was appointed As-| _sessor. I On motion of McArthur and Camp- % bell, Gilbert Love was appointed as the other Auditor for 1910. ` I On motion of Campbell and Smith, Alex. McArthur was appointed a lmember of Local Board of Hvejalth for '3 years. ` T `Inn oonvvnvpn us-'5uv3L IIIAUL auu L1 LIILI, Dr. `Geo. B. Jamieso was appotilntedl `Medical Health 0icer.. V from Single Tax Association. On motion of Cockburn and McAr-V! thur, Mrs. Niel Bell appointed care-V taker of Town Hall. - . `I On motion` of Cockburn nnd `Camp? bell. no. action was taken in circular On motion of McArthur and Gamp- 1 bell, Hartley P. Merrick was appoint 1 ed Collector. ; _Onmotion of.vMcArthur and Smith; II! non `D Tnvn{nnn_ cu-nun Ac-.o..~-.Ln.I one CO_UNCIL wlm wuss. Mane; .31:-.wun., . ` .Mr. and Mrs. Harold_; 1-Iastiings of Nantyr spent Sunday wxth M1ss, Donnelly. V L =` Iuvuu r|,!,I 9- _-__.`..I:_-`._ 'l_.'._' !_-I2 ` `:Chi!dfi's Laei 1 " Boots Patent leather toe t 39, Sizes 8, 9. IO and 10% BARRIE On motion `of Campbell and Cock-1 burn, the Clerk to write S. Pearsall, Ex-Reeve, tasking. on what conditions road was closed through Mr. Hunt- er s'1ot, con. 7, Oro. On motion of Smith and Cockburn, 1 the Clerk was ordered. to notify ` Dugald McKay, Overseer, that if ,John Links fence isenot removed by 1 [the -17th inst. to proceed toremove` lsajd _f_en_ce at.Mr. Link's expense. Creswigke & Son in 1861. burn, that whereas the ratepayers of O ro at last nomination expressed the desire that a meeting of the ratepay- ers of our Township be called on the 9th `of February next to appoint a committee to consider the advisabil- ity of receiving orders from such of our ratepayers as may desire to purchase wire fence and gates in 1910 and `if sutcient orders for a carload or more can be obtained that said 3 committee place said orders with whatever Company the ratepayers de- gcide to deal with i motion of Campbell and Cock-i w-V- Mi. 'iI"SnE 5:` Miigak {stay- ino_.for*a_f'ew days at M. Cough1in s. Mr. G:-over. Reynolds spent par_t-of 'Sun'dZayV evenmg at J. McLaughlm s. I I`?! v I `ll \I .I.II_L-_- - I On, niotion of Campbell and Smith] accounts to the amount of `$305.73 were `ordered to be `paid. I With the advent of anether 'year,| Rod` and Gun in Canada. published by W, J. Taylor, Woodstock, Ont., !is to the front with a- ne issue for `January. Running through all the] 3 Council adjourned to meet, Feb. 9, `at 19 a,m. A ' 9' -1- --oocmoop-nu-non JANUARY ROD `AND GUN; tip, Dongola H.J. TUDHOPE. Clerk. Dongola Lace and But- "ton Boots -- Regular 2.5o,,for . . . . Men's Felt Bdots-- Golzished with leather. Regular $2.00, for . . o o o o . . . o oI(.$(lC .` Bert and I .eo Coughlin visitIb'dAtheir' _par;nts over Sunday; _ * I - vs II 'rr,,_,_ ,-L-_&_---_I - -is that pleasant out-door tom- which always proves a healthful tonic, the plentiful supply of which. in stories and pictures, has giventhc magazine anvassured position. Fish- ing; and hunting experiences are in- terspersed with camping stories. ln dian lcgends, prospecting tales of the far Queen Charlotte Islands zm.rl strange happenings in the back- woods, all appealing in some of their many-sidedness to sportsmcn of varied:tastes and inclinations. istorics---and there are manv of them I 'VIbF\ulo A pinch of salt addcd to cream will make it whip more quickly. I Cake batter and candy are both im- ,Vproved'b_v adding a pinch of salt. 1,1,, ;_ To set colors ix; cotton niaterials, `soak before washing 1n strong salt` water. ' - - . 4. . . 'a.v--- -_ -----7-5 _ `_,_,_, To beat the white of eggs quickly ladd a little salt.` In making mayon- I `naise the salt should go in last. k Grease on tOp of a bot stove be `quickly rubbed off by putting 'on"._the scrubbing brush. I -_- ..-.... L...._.!.. ..L....`..... mum VIII .5. hl&|IQIrna|nn on saw..- u If: `scouring boards strdng salt water or wet salt is a great cleanser. Sawdust and coarse salt. mixed in equal parts and spread on a carpet, scrubbed` in and then swept up, will make that carpet look almost like new. `Miss Sadie Knapp has retnned af- purlguta Auvcr auuuay. 4 J ter Spending a week at Frndale. It` p 21- 1,0 -, ___ `BORN- NEWMA`N--On Thursday. Jan. Ith. 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Z\cw- man, Penetang St., a son. ' SOME USES FOR SALT. Stores also in Lindsay 6 Oshawa can salt Mass n;3'I"an}i I.\"I'r.'WI\/iicl:1i;1:'-)-t-1"df_ Elrnvale visited .a_t Mrs. ~Vick.ers v re- cently. - . . ' A -.'n '-r-~ rs , ,1 11.- 11;`: wwvnvn Laura -Cafson and Mr. Ffed Richardson have returned after spending -6`. few da-Wat `Thornton and Ivy. . ' " icokmvmrlsncr-: id wvvqoyo v Miss_ Mary McCuaig of Tordnto is `the, guest of her sister, Mrs. W m. Mc__/_\r_thur. .. 7. n n u . `.1 97. - - ----v Mr. Grover McBu:-ney and sister, `Lizzie, of Painswick,` and Miss Ella Cameron of TWyevale spent Sunday at Mr. Jas. Brown's. ., . an-Mr. John Graham left for the wet fon Tuesday last. ` P (`I`\,,,. 'I\__, vwv ..~..-w- " Mr. Roy 'I_`h'otuton of (31"ov;'VewsT s'pent a day with his, sister, Mrs._ Robert Burt. - av vvvuwvv; -var--v TWMiss "Jennie" Graham of Shanty Bay is the guest of Miss Flora Ross. `I1-an DA`. 'I1 An;IQ"t\OG l\: (`inns-Ivan Miss Laura Mc returned `home after visiting friends in Hawke- stone. _.- -..- ;-u n on: ' . 0 AA farewell party was held at the home of Mr. Thos. Ross on Monday night in honor of Mr. Thos. Bell, who is-leaving for Regina, Sask. I Mr. Jas. and Miss Mabel Moiryof Cookstown` are vismng relatives here. -- - . 1: : wt! 9 fNI' Mr. John and Miss Lizzie*Gibson are visiting friends in Cookstpwn and Ncwmarket. , ' Messrs. Cliff Tliompsonand John gloir s exit Sunday -at Poplar eiszhts, Nottawa. T Mr. Bert and Miss Mae Heron of Blackwater are visitors at Mr.` G. AMoir's, Bonnie Doon." ' ` 5 Ln LL- `:11 `I77 ` _- Miss'Jesse Kell of Torontb is hohdaying at her home here. ___ -_ 1-.. - 5`&VlII I-l\.l5lIl|% IZSIVCII VVE are sorry to learn 6f the in- ness of Miss Edyth Thompson, and hope for a speedy recovery. -___I .!---._I.4.-.. Miss Mary I-Iubbert lff last week" `to_t_ach schpol at Vasey. A , ID two so u`ovv\nJ gvyw-w-J. v1.\J4`r..James Brown and daughter, Miss Annie, attended the funeral of. theklate D. Carruthers at Ivy` last wee. - - . urn `qr . `II - Miss Thompson of Winc4hes`ter`l1'as Been engaged to teach .the_ `school en!-e_ _ , ` . ., - . \ VV HUI`! Mr. A. L. and Miss Margaret Mc- Kinney and- Miss Lizzie Mays. of Minesxngvisited the Misses Moir last week. _ Mrs. T. Campbell is s; few weeks with her Vdaugl G. Vanderburgh, .'_1`or_onto I 11-'19-: I Mrs. Geo._ Brown is visitinig fora- couplc of weeks with friends m Tor- onto. ` ` ` v 5000`-IVIIJDIIBIO, {D\1I_VnIU\'. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Andrews or Bis: Bay Point spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W-. J. `Andrews. 5 `II C` . `Miss .fr'_e1_ds . Miss J. \ ghe guest c on Sunday; wup Ivvy--QCUIJI -` The largest 'crowd of the sa s6n' attended by the-King Edward Rink` on, Saturday eveninvg; 1ast.. ` V ' ~11 `I 'II ,II `I,,._i "*'1\4I-."32a"n i1}I{{'e" '5? " Holly has been spending afew days with his randoarents here. Mr.` afndMr-s. H, woung; e_ ._ A` ['e V The Cookstown hokey club" intend :playi_ng our hockey 'boy a"next' F1,`i7d'a`y eyenang, Jgh,-21ds`t.` 'It` .no}doulgt'f1y`rill. Move .a good xame; _ ` . Large numbers I `y9`1gqgv {p7eoeV` .41 . Mxqw 't`aiI1'mIen`tI` II Int; ~, . ,1 0. . 361:` atten'dt1`$" the.e"angiig.ig:y.e; sjryie fs`- e The sixfe` `xiuall A 4cot1v'entior;.,b<:bf. ._ % Innisls :3E0.wnship Sunday School - . ;s9ciati6ti.,yvill be. held in the,Mth ]_as*.(;Z_l'1 4.!'."`.: :,:'he'tf e._ 6n;f'~1`h ut % % _ . dag-"ft aitd`.. 1, -.Thm"a da3z, `Eaduary 20;` 1;9;r SUNNIDALE CORNERS; MgudZ'}&Es3h is -visiting in Churchill. ' V 1 _j . Wilkinson of .Ba`rrig;s\as `est of Miss Maggie Warnxca A-.. '. ANTEN MILLS. one STATION. ;STOUD. HOLLY. sxendinjz a daughter, , Mrs.- rnnb Mr has :*:s;w: mmgf L jcnncucg , , A thaw ; ova-I n I _v . `/-vjuu`v-.vvrv ww ---.-.-v- . VV'GeB."-' Viltsou v{s'i;e' l. `homke a,&t'Keswi_c-k for 'a2few `day: last wee.` " w ~ I I .- '4; -; A 3,. " Marly "Got.%lar.: of S`ta yn`er v is? ited her father, Mr. A. Gollan. re- % 7 any . ` ,1-_-,_.-._ -2 11-..:-` W.. WeVSt . an` `sister B.ond5 `Head spent over `Sunday with their uncle, V Dr. Wfcst. , 9,: -1: "1-\-_-_`_|_u_ V .vu-uI "WE: :23." fRutheffox?d. of "Dundak spent last week with -,his daughter. Mrs.gA.V.Miscar_npbel1,.,* . , A ' _-&.L YT.'-__.._I.__.@_ '_ ',V"`-T ...-'.';""-7' ' ::C3ufJ?,1$%#$i,:9%9p19A:4*A a}` 7i~%`tri4isJ[Tw%% `6 -`prcp a%fe'a - 9'1'ink `gixtn :fi!i'1`:'viI1age: '57 A 5 . ' Ito ` I! 4- ~r'1'._ _.,9_- _'-' , Miss1--Jessi}; '*I;atimr A of Hasing$1 s_;_>en,t`.a fe,wjwegksA atfher,.ho,m_e.' L '- `1tv'_,-' \l',',',_-,!,"I'\-+*!.I..".'_. L__`.1.'-__ .A. ,\J[-`l"UL|, V," .=vI_au.,uuy.|u;: \JV~\i_l-.. IJuuuu_yn. - Mr. wm;% W!alkiiisha w `is `wloadingl logs` to: me. Basket 'co.;,% oa1mn1e;% _ mar"-11---, -,_`9'_ 2. _`.-I 1.2- -1.) T very iarge crowd of voun folk enjoyed-'a"good night s ska}ting._'$at.- urdaynight at the Excelsaor Rxnk. 111- 111,11 . ,_ _1` .|__ ___g_g___,_ \Jl Dalian Hut Rev. Brown "of Hawkestone is lconducting a series of evangelistic union meetings in the Methodist church, beginning Monday night last. He is assisted by the pastor, Rev. C. W. Jeffrey, and-_ Rev. Murray of the Congregational Church. We hope for a protable time. yw/':~.v_oI`I - In -ugvv `yr,-- awn --v . . 4 .~ , ~ 7Mi`s`s'L. Mag bavidaidn, %tea11er%{ at S't.roufl,, .was.,home; o`y.e_r. Sunday.. A Mr. xv..." .\xn..n.:.. `..1...... :. .1.-....l:'.... 'isZ'r."nd Mrs. Ben Humphrey `oi Barrie visited rclj_at,iyes There recgntly, the guests ,of,__Mi_s:s. E. Tar Bush. " -ova_-gwvuuooo.vww.-y/ . [ Mr. and "Farrell havo gone to Toronto for afew days. T -V _: 4.- 4...: 1:..- A..- 5.. `gvnlv UV Qwovcuu --u .- u- --.,~ A ; Mg. Currie ofvthe 2nd l{ne, 01:0. is h_elpmg_ our blacksmith at present. pA_I__ _ ._I___ A____L 'tark-e}1_ at the. Sunday School _conccrt,on Thurs- day night last. 0 are 1` 1 _ , I__ I--- L-.--.. __2...2a. uay `lllslllu 1335: | e Miss Robson, who has been visit- ing at the parsonage, has returned to her home in Meafc_>rd_. P_II_ Mr. Wm. Wiebber had the-n1isfort- tune to nd his young co1t`fast'.in a manger` Monday morning, but with the aid of. H.Edwards and Dr.`Mor- en th colt is now doing all riht. ` III ,,A _-4 T.`.__;__A. Ell Elly \1\-IOU` Dbl I09 vv \ourIn- vucn --r--vwq We are sorry ti) reportethat Ernest VFarrcll is on the sick list; `He has been suffering for some tirpe with neuralgia; He was greatly zmssed on -the hockey team Monday night a Craighurst. A L _E TT'-__I..-_A.-.... In The Layrnen s.Missionary Move- ment was well representedin the Methodist Church on Sunday even- ing. Mr. Clark, Orillia, eloquently presented the claims of the move- ment to a very appreciative audience. `.\,f.'... -C...... D 'I"u-nnu I-use nncnar` nun- IHCHL LU a Vin-_y apytvwauuvv Guulwasyvo Mrs. `Sara F. Tracy has passed suc- cessfully the Inter-Diocesan Teach- ers Examination. The examination was on -the Sunda `School Lessons of 1908-9, Church octrine. and Me- jthods of Teaching. We understand [that Mrs. Tracy receives aprize of .three dollars in books.` Congratula {. tions. e l T; ', _ ,,,,,1_,,_;-_J L'_-L _ _.-..__' .I-..!.. I A number `of young peoole aroundl here spent a very enjoyable evening at the home `of-Mr. H . B. Armstrong `T last week. 2 I-15.1113. It is understood that a very desir- able site has been secured in Mine- singvillage on which to erect the Anglican;-parsonage. It is situated' near the water-supply, post office and church, and when the` parsonage .lS Vbuilt it will be quite an addition to` thetout-ensemble of the place. We `congratulate the building committee ion the good taste displayed in the selection of the site. v--- w-.,- w-v ---- --v--v- -V; on-wv vv vv--u W e are leased td hear that Mrs _WiA11ie,Mc doing -ni`ceYy.. T ` `lg:-\4AnI\n\Iaa l\nu\an . nbnnnab - Sunday in Holly. the guests oftheg fox-mer's parents-. - T 1 1' n. it I 1 o'}d;'E1'1"Eooke` left Monday for Toronto after spending a couple 0 weeks at his homevhere. `1\ `ll :11 01! I .1 I 1 Lllblb ID IOIIV ' 9|\vI5llIlI6o Jno.` Desjardine- is hauling {gravel 1for the foundation of his barn._ vvo --vs---nap. vuouvuonn aw naonynvvonnpv and Mrs. Chas. Mc ingonv have the sincere sympathy [of th_e_ community in their sad_berea'yement. Hvvuuu ,u.I.\.\ua_y so uuIu .lH\-Cl]. 1 A Minneapolis paper of recent 'date says :. Mark McKinnon, sonof Chas. and Jane McKi_nno_n' of Angus, `Ontario, died in the City Hospital, St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 8, of pneumonia. The remains were brought over-from St. Paul Saturday". and taken to the home -of_ his aunt, Mrs. Richard Welch, one_mi1e north of town. The funeral took place at the Immaculate- Conception -hurch in this -city.`v.fe`s-_ , terday morning, where Rev. ,Fathet~' Boyce, `assisted by `S,t.,'-`Ma_ry*s_;`.. child`; ` ren s choir, ,sang_ solemn, high mass, after which he'preac'hed a ,sh'ort,;.lo4: quent s`erm`on. Thefemains wer'e:;ii1`'.~ terred " in 4 -the , ,:Catholi.c... csgrpefirif. 'Ch`as.- McKinnon',:.,.athet-.,oi`7`th .`yoj\inga man, , -arriv,ed,_;;in. ,;,S_f._;-"I-Tau_l_, =`,up'1e`*{o[f-L ,hours,',1>j,efo;re;Ely'e" dijj_ed,i hand ' " ' ,tendanee`;at2aet1ze ' " `132 t1i;v'."i4;'.'ii;r;}ii ned the pul- pit here qn Sundayand gave a very instructive address on Sunday School ' '"\V':" :j1r that_ Mas- r ter Norman. Duncan is improving.- It` I \t nu it 107: ----vi --o wuuvun wins. now: who v V--nvnu '- Henry Desjardin `spent sev- eral `days at his father's last week. `I ; With al1-t-l-1;-Tt-1 c;v:v'v;e "i1' having, there is ne-sleighing. ' T\ V I c:zA1aHuj2sr.%% 7 Miss % -Eva `V 'I `h6_t'"nisor1` of ' I-Tillsi. is ` thej `gust of `Mr. 1and:Mrs. J. `%Wgrg -,1]. n unrn< .- uuu av-pa vvo 0 via I 1`h$ti te;tula'r; -rhetig '_ of E: O.` .No.f=. 085: `brother - -Bm':.r,1_5 .15vaa._.einsta!l,o!dV * '* \ n . `. f5;...!;_ .,~. '_~ .-. -19 We ar;-s<')r;3;--t-o .tVhat M W. F.` Elliott is on the sick -list. `Mr. and Mrs..L.' Guest of Strc .snent Sunday at Big Bay-[P_oint. `I .f` I heguxtueragamssg :1.` R `Q3; VISA`!-`annoy: Sign-0'-unsung: .----- - -. - no at-,9-we-I ' l *w1:_"Iiss I-P'5lk~i'nLg'h_o_m` of i Lhousge, is ,;hg. guest of ._ her uncle. "a_nd` 1`. " F513 OVJQIQIVUO _' Y-V ~. :pr e_`1V;t'y `.19; ;.`. :3;`. 1.95151 ism BAY POINT.` m_21a:N'1fwoon. 'M[NE_S_{N(_.`v. ,'?ALi`%*`-4 to rlcarzn .that[ Mrs. L.` Stroud .V nz_- n__, 1-3-1... -...`~.`T'%4--IIIAUI nub .vx caunuvu.InurI'v-neg? T-H-OMPSON .cn,cw.` rnoriut1on% `irgurydoii-uvvi

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