Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Jan 1910, p. 3

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Mrs. Sarah Willing. On Saturday evening, 8th inst., an. old and highly esteemed resident of Oro Township, in the person of Mrs. Sarah Willing, relict of the late Na- thaniel Willing, passed away in her 85th year. . - The Council-elect\of the Township` of -Essa met at Thornton Jan. Ioth, 1910, in conformity with the Munici- .pal Act, and consisted of Richard Bell, Reeve, Jas. Dundas, Dep.-Reeve, `and J. J. D. Banting, W. A. Miller and Robt. Lawrie, Councillors, each of whom having taken the necessary declaration of qualication and of dfce took his seat in Council. B. L. Banting was given permis- sion to cut the cedars opposite the W . V2 Lot 15, 9th Con., on south side of the highway, the same to be re moved clear of roadway. ` The Clerk was instructed to order six copies of Municipal World for the Clerk and members of Couticil for 1910. 5 `The sum of ten dollars was grant- ed to- the Sick Children s Hospital. Toronto. ` . Charles Denny, Baxter, was ap- pointed Assessor for 1910. ` . The members of the Board of Health for 1910 are as follows: R. Bell, Chairman, I. Coxworth, Sec., Calvin-Du, Thos. 'Whiteside and R. i]. Jennett. V , 1-: cc}: The following ` were appointed fence viewers: Northern Division- iGeo.oDavis; Jas; Sproule and David McCann; `Southern Divis`ion--W'. M. Dinwoody, J. H. Carter and James Bruce`; Western Division--John Ag- Fnew, H. A. Morris and John Alder- son. - . ~ v "G. Whea1ey_ was appointed M. Oiger. .` '__ 5 The following were appointed pound keepers : No. I *Div.--W.- J. :Wilson; No. 2 Div;-W. J. Dales; .No. 3 Div.--Geo. Banting; No. 4_Div. -e-Wm.` Phillips; No. 5 Div.-H. Leadlay:'-No. 6 Div.-A1ex. Stewart; `No. 7 Div.--David Dunn; Q 1.!` I -"' "" -""" E; 'Ayerst.';v-as `gt-iat;te_d the sum is of ten dollars for Barnes, indigent. The following ` accountsuivere onil-7 ered to be paid: Cookstown Advo- `cate, advertising local option by-law, n etc;, $39.30; VV. J ; Lennox; account, 75; S. Gilroy, care of` Cookstown! iLock-up for I909, Essa s share, $5.00; election expenses , and nominations, $102.46; Constablewfees and "use-of halls `for I909," ' $15.00; ,M`unicipal _World', assessment and collectors ;. ...\II.- o `I3p...:a|-con- `nu `\:n-I-lab ennui-.. Cli rixaxl Deposits not bearing Interest .b .' `; .. Deposits bearing Interest _. . . 3.3. .i . .f,.- ,' interest accrued on Deposits `. ; . _.V '., A. _.`. Deposits by other Banks in Canada. . . .e . . Deposits by other Banksin United Kingdomv . Deposits by other Banks in Foreign Countries Notes in Circulation . . . . . . . '. . .' . Drafts drawn between[Branches outstanding .` LC81\ Curl HIS is on*o. the best cough" D mediines we ever. 5sqld.' It ` . -has been u[s e_d_ by persons of all ages? f_or_mapy~ ygars ,.at_xd cannot` }`be,-_`;`xcgl1ed for,` Coughs,_~. Colds; " ;H'oajrsw_e'nssT,-V T-B;r`o;i`chiti:s, _'Ifi":lilit{g .1 in jfthe T.h_rba,t'.`~nd:' &:og;;g`1iin g?fL"agtf Tigigyghgf `P1-ice. $1: `V \II.I\I .1-olls. I, GDUCGDIIILIIL QIIKL \a\III\-\ply\Il D --; `Registrar for births, mar -. Dfg-4,and` ` ` % ms nu; success, % SW"; 1 I-was by o... Shot. `not bother the'spectators. ~. nhonspiel was mzra: j`_c,lc"$se; on Thursday af- : Rose -of V 4M'eaford' ' de- -:_fehted' fRu1`e-.=~of- Collingwood in the I,-Ana`l"s 2 .of=..ithe1 Consolation, score 16- `1,'3:,,;I1n7ti_1_e Primaries: W-. E. Vernon -of `-;Colling'.w`ood carriedo the hon- ors; def`eating~vHogg s rink of Barrie in a verclose game, score being 17 to 16. _oth 1. teams were composed Loft excellent curlers, and it was a bat- `tleall the way. A large numher of citizens and outside curlers" watched the game until the last stone was thrown, and they enjoyed it fully as much as if they were playing them- selves. *The game was not nished till after the dinner hour, but this did I I ..vv--- ..v - v-vv .`v .v'I-n .`th`e- CEonsolat'ion' Rose of- Meaford won out, defeating Rule `of Collingwood. Meaford were put. out of the Primaries` in the rst game, Allan of Churchill defeating them, but they won all. their games after that, while Rule met his first defeat `in'the semi-nals of the Primary, Hogg of Barrie defeating him 12 to 10. . ~ The bonspiel was a success and the citiz_ensT_c'>f the town took greqtt n- terest it it, (witnessing the rnajonty of the games. A J-` A. A. G. A W. Reive H. Mclnnis V E T. Barrie-- ' ' ' Collingwood-- `Scott G. B. Westcott G; Habbick A. Hamilton 'D. Simon B. Fryer I-Iggg, sk..I7 Nolile, sk. . . .15 Churchi1l-- Meaford- ' E. Allan M.- Mclnnis H. Sloan` M. Stephens Allan, sk..I5 W. Rose, sk.....9 Barrie-- V "All`i_stgn- `Pi rt 1`:rL r. Barrie- A Alliston- on R. Webb H. A. Baycroft W. Cline R. Scott - Jas. Vair _ R. Henderson .W. Aiken, sk.I7 W. Bell, sk.... Collingwood- Churchill- M. H. Clark _ Rev. McLean C. T. Stephens W`. Allan L. Watson T. G. Reive N. Rule, sk..I3 R. G. Reive, sk. -Churchil1-- Barrie- S. Todd A R. A. 'Stephens |J. Allan R. F. Garrett A ` ..9 .II to meet at! Angus on Feb. 7th. lN1\1rn~lv.1\u\n-av-r /Q4 riages and deaths, $13.20; A. Mis- campbell, lling washout 25 side road, $1.50; W. Hodgins, rep. side-I walk in Thornton, $2.00. 7!` -_-c, . ..__ -_- -v--- J-..-, -7-`:- After the members had made and subscribed the declarations of otce and of qualication, the Reeve and the .Deputy-Reeve each addressed the Council on the importance of con- ducting the business _on the most economical lines possible, having due. regard to permanency and eFciency.' I All .I_. -1T`,, P l i The vovfutgg .Inni'sl! `Council for the year 1910 was held `at Craigvale on 10th Jan., I9IO. AIL- .1 _ _v rv-------v---J `Qnu\n nnnnnnnn aw}: ' the ofcers of the previous year were re-appointed at the same. sal- raries as last year. I pun us.-uv J unpu- 1 - The fol owing accounts, were ord-l lered to be paid: Mickle, Dyment & Son, lumber supplied Tolendal ;Bridge, $20.47; William H open; `work on 13th Con., $1.50; Jas. H er-I rel], shovelling snow in 1908, $1.50; Maggie McConkey, refund statute labor having been performed, $I.5o;l David Tyndall, refund statute labor_ having been performed, $6.00; Matt-' hew Master, ditching on 4th con.,] $10.00. I . I vs ' - - 4 \y A \Ic\I\J ` The several Deputy Returning Of- pcers each received $11.50 to coverl {election expenses, H. M.` Mathers,1 [constable for nomination, $2, Chester`, .McConkey,` $1.50, for drawing seatsi and preparing Temperance Hall for, nomination, R. J. Hill, $10, for con- ducting election, Mrs. D. Hill, $2. for use. of room for `Council meeting. Fllll` aur`:r\a-`n`:\;` LA ....-...L. ...A. i UI9,\r- WJI I\JLl`lLl I.\II. `\.J\l|-IIIVII .lII\u\|vLlIKn . Council adJou_rned to meet at Churchill on Fnday, 4th _Feb., 1910. I % R. J. HILL, Clerk. 1 ' ' (Continued. from Page Six.) 1 INNISFIL COUNCIL. Advertising Bulletin First Draw A D V . 1&9" 1.7.5` ii no at . AI.II.>.yquv ever think of the involuntary effect of ad- _ "wvertising. upon you? Perhaps you have never `t'_l-:en:ann`interest "in the advertising columns of the news~ _ycau"rad;'n1ayb:e_ you scarcely glance atjthem and :_',3_:1`;Ve.1,,'V.-:,5`:_1'Cv,:a_1lYV.:.l'C3d_ an t gidvertisement. . Ai-Ie there not, however, a few names that have un- .consciously xed themselves in_ your mind? When you -goft_o a-jgroceryfstore for crackers, don t you ask for a certaiit If you want breakfast food, what names to,you'? When. buying toilet soap, aren't h"t'hei;e;;or`-thfee names that you can't forget? 2: Do y'ou"wear ready-made clothing P l35`.ii7`_t' o_{ti;`f_i':'isth,i_j1t;t`fv'.ly have 'faith.._.,.in the goods that are digniedf attractive advertising? iv-Asfor `new-sp,ap`ers, there would be a noticeable loss `(>fa'Ai_1";e`oir$'-, VIa,ltI,e the advertising pages were eliminated. -`T!iY1 bi'igfifthffatxiily ihtd closer. relation with the world " r;:i,dVe.ithgj1;`.aix5'thing. elsegcould do. There are so many "it_L7,f-;`:vA;IV!ji.i:'h1_7Qagivei'fising is `affecting all of us, to our `t.h'84.t we really oweadvertisers the H 'when;..Fwe hive nbt.on1Y their" . H. A a . :`. '1-"5, T j:'c'03irvwoRTH, Clerk. THE EFFECT OF ADVERTISING No. _I..,.`._ -J any _ncrvvo A`-.,Geor`g e` `Armstrong was fatally in- juredand Paul` Somerville badly hurt bycapsizing of a crane at Niag- ara Falls. "A'W1`lx-ewi3'i-antford. Citizens League propose to cut the hotel licenses from sixteen to six and the shop: 1:- eenses from four to two.` Mr. M. J. Butler has resigned from "the Department of` Rai1_w`ays- and and Steel Cornpanies. Canals to accept,theoosition_ of Gen- eral Manager of the Dominion Coal '1` ' .,_-_,.,- -_uyuuu;'.vaIuutg 58 CCU. Judge Dentonz in Toronto x'.egistcr- ed; the x-st conviction of an insoI~ vent `who keep books as re- quired;by the law: if` A - A - 4 ` rHtri2si$fAv j)_\#1 ;`;*fmn. Arthur ' Axel], Toronto, who took pojson'and_ jumped from York street budge Tuesday night,` is dead. 7--.]..- f\, . v ._--.. .--vu-a vvu-yullluuo ' Two promient New York brokers have been suspended for short terms for their connection with the recent urry in Rock Island stock. ,,._--J --- u\IvU. aunuuu l.|J\rl\ Louis APaulhan. the Freud} aviator. `broke all `records for high ying at Los Angeles yesterday, attaining a height of probably 4,000 feet.` C___-,,, ____l.,._. .. rovuuvul -9,vvv l.CCLu/ Several. of the Atlantic steamshio companies have` announced an ad- vance of ve shxllimzs on third-class fares to Canada and the United States. f"'l"he haplication of the Ontgrjo 8: Michigan Power Co. for an Injunc- tion to prevent Port Arthur from `making a contract with the Hydro~ electric Commission was refused at Port Arthur. Mr. Conmee will an- pezrf. ' _ _-_:_--, J:-awn ou'uono The Toronto Board of Education may establish special classes for `de- lfectives. Mr.".Goldwin Smith `was elected Honorary President of the Toronto Press Club. V --------- --5 n -cum nu-4 nvvuiviri Viv` Tonowro, January uoth, I910. `A te:=,iMc'a1se regarding the of some of the directors of funct Soverengn Bank for `shares is being tried. 'II,-_ `I .G. Malcomson W. M. Hgrvey |D. Lennox,sk.2o W. A. _Boys, sk. ____ __ -_ -----,, -.--... Mrs. Joseph `Trepanier died at -Wmdsor from mjunes recewed in a `gasolmea explos1o . -f `-~ `A II`, . 'I'- `-- ; Meaford-- Co1lir`1gvlol>d--- .F. Rose E. S. Brown J. Pilgrim, .W. T. Allan .G. Paul H. Y. Telfer W.Pilgrim,sk.I7 F. Nettleton, sk. Co11ingwood`-- J. G. Peterman Rev. Cranston T. C. Brown A W.Vernon,sk. I6 i4 Collingwood; l;arrie-- iW.Vernon,sk.Io D. McNiven, sk.. `ga;;:;{:T ` `c;11;;.;a,;d:" _G. Hogg, sk.I2 N. A. Rule, sk...1 ! Co1lingwood-- Barrie- `J. Pete:-man J. G. Scott `Rev. Cranston A. G. Habbick `T. Brown, vice D. Simon, vice i . W.Ve;'non,sk. I7 Hogg, sk. . . .16 to Hogg s rink, four carvingr sets. P1-iz'es-Ist Primary to Vernon s rink, 4 cut glass bowls. Q 0 1 4- .__-` .._.._-. L Both teams played well through- Iout the bonspi_el, having put severaP good teams into the Consolation. al-' though their games were very close. ! --Messenger. ,_---. --_r-_-.-v- `(Continued 0;: PazVe'Five.) FRIDAY, JAN. 1461. _ , _ A ..;_ 15-, I my on Semi-Finals. liability the de- certain .10 THE BEVERAGE ma .I0 .12 .10 unit I! I uncanny I IKICOUI -_ -`liivlulilnp, , V p 1 v uwrspnwvugg _; x.`x.. sci;-u, a. s. Carubt, j 1.'7\rz;px` 4p:.uao;i" ` means Excellence - _, vvvuu Deceased was born of Scotch par-. entage in Omagh, County of Tyrone, Ireland, in 1825, and at the age of` sixteen came to Canada with her fa- ther. the late Joseph Tvay1or_, who settled near Duntroon, Nottawasaga, on the farm lately occupied by hen two brothers, James and Peter .,',[:`ay- 101'. In 1844 she was marrid, and for the next nineteen yeavs lived nean -Duntroou. In 1863 Mr. -and Mrs. Wiling came to reside on a farmin Oro township. . , . 1/To-o \}UIIl:..... ....... I.:...1.I-. ....L.`.........I' A s 7: Grateful yo.`i2%r mfg? is?` s|':.;e>a;1:erafj'l;:eve|&-1a`:`es_?i;|k1isA- I-I I:A'o..oriu6:.` I-Canard}. 2 7 E? Jean at. nmn. Prcoidbut; ' c_m;u_ i r I, I..-..... n. I t-..;---.. I \u.._`.. n.....`.; n......_ u.'I..;.. . - u n %`.i 4 azmznm. sTA'r=MIr 4`-T5 t Asf * L.l&ABLILlTlE$.. ' ` V H ` Jb`;`: `II. 9g `R. 31, R118 OBITUARY. * A. Imam` mo B? -Balance . . . . . . ; . '. .7` ` Provisionforloss \JlKl Luvvualuy. . Mrs. Willing was highly esteemed by all who knew her. She was `a kind and sympathetic friend.` and neighbor, and her demise is regretted most by those who'knew her best. She was a devout Christian throuzh-_ out her long life, and was connected; with Clowes Methodist Church. be- ing one of its rst `members.-A 'He'r._ _hushand predeceased her in ,19'o24. Three daughters,` Mrs. P. A. Cooko `Orillia. Mrs. E. D. Thomas of Edgar. and Mrs. A. E. Emrns "at home,."and' . 3,` 0 0 OIOIIIOOlr0.00II`lOI_C`r5N ` =_z:._, 3 in Ii uidating tbe.Onta:i_o Bunk". '.. . 3 Cler sandjunior Managers . . ... `. balance carried to'191o . . ._ . . . ; .- est @6% on Time,Loans . .. . ._ . . .` ilnts Outstanding 0 n 9 v u o 0 0 `n 0 9 6o,payablc 3rd Jam, I910 . . . 5 .' \. . V IGUUD VII VIII` Dividends D `--!_I I_-._, ured by Urain and other Staples . 116000-n zed but not special counted and current zrdue 0 0 I 0 O D I 1y secured . 0 I O C I I O O '0 O I ' O I I C I O O O 0 I a crest. . '. A. : Z Deposits Q30 V01 0 0 o nks o O O nks in Kingdom .. . nks . .` 0 I u n Bra aches ou_tsta; .`r. . C099 V H. MCLEOD, General Manager.- AUDlTORS' REPORT. V ' A$SETS. .-r v- -n`I1F`$XT 1 ' _`;`,,-1,-m. v,I ~' .' '. -v":':`_'.->" '-.SPeCiC2 0 c 9 0 o o 0 c o o 0` n'.`-oVVv'o"owo` Dominion Notes--Lega.l Tenders . . . 4. . Notes of and Cheques on other Banks. a . . Due from other Banks in Foreign Countries `Sterling Exchange . . . . . . . . . . shouid` asoid daf $t:.ALi:`=riz>t:rmes in: delivery from *`the' oven-to`. ;ie~- home; KIWI!-.VV|J . . I\IIll BLDG Ii`), `I53-l.Il|.\,.` \ Insnst on .y`o`urV ;b_a_ke`r` vwrabgxng has `$5-*." - '< r-`=rr' '3 Anti V H The funeral service, held` on the an- niversary- of the deceased's wedding day, was conducted by Rev. C. Jeffrey of Dalston, assisted by .Rev. Mr. Mur- ray of Edgar. Rev. Mr. Jeffrey spoke earnestly and sympathetically from. II. Timothy IV. 7:8: "I have fought. a good, tight, I` have nished my. course, I have kept the faith; hence forth there is laid up for me a crown [of righteousness which the Lord, the `righteous judge, shall give me at that day, .and not/to me only. but unto: all them also that love his aopear-1' mg.' Rev. Mr. Murray talked feel-ll ingly from the words TheyMaster. 15 come and calleth for thee. . one son, Joseph N., survive tb mourn. the loss of an affectionate mother. Sarah Mulford, a hotel emplosie at Newboro, was -arrested on r the charge of murdering her infant; I Those from a distance who attend-. ed the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. -Peter Cook._ and family of Orillia, Mr. Wm. Graham of Maple and Dr. "J. T. Thomasof Creemore. 1 `The cheese exhibited at -the'West- ern Dairymen s convention at_St. Thomas was pronounced" by Inspec- et,o'_r Tohnson equal to any e_ver4-'oqr_o- lduced on this `continent. ` -- i 1). H. mm: 0. A., Edinbugh. 3. oxAHAM.. .A.. Edinburgh, '13. . 'u'i?i' .4.` nu-:l.:\.nwu.n vvn-nu pawouaaoalvll \I\l_VGl IIIQIIJIIL IUI s`IG|-III lb] UI LV_UlU'V_ ClrCula.tlOl1`....o-...,....;..-.o' Loans to Provinces and Municipalities . . . . . . . ._ . Cur:-ent Loans, se_cured by Bonds, Debentures and Stocks Current Loans, secured by Grain and other Staples . Overdrafts,'secured . .- . . . .' . .. . . . .' . . . . Overdrafts. authorized not specially seure . . .' Notes and Bills discounted .l ; . Notes and Bills overdue . . .A . . . V.i . . . B.'mkI remises. . . . . . . o.. . . .~. . .3`. Stationery Department . 0 . ; .\'n'1'1z: A contingent liability of in conjunction wltll Icvcml nthcrlxuxks in connection with he liquklatlon of the Ontario Bank is llul fully expre~isc(l in the above stateniant. I ' ` - mn-n.-I !l|.Iu\A an S2.r69.766 49 ' 218309794 2 2-.x28,272 29 x.533.548 H __3_o_[7v672 $7 o.8t._I7' 97 a7I8oo.777 =9 , 136.9383 6': -ova`--7 Va 1,382,528 55 I,237,829 84 277.503 9.! 123.997 93 17,808,529 21 982,230 go 2 4 319 7 2;:286 4 .u----- , A __ .. . ,,, 9 77o.os3 48 I In `pa nffsn 3,000.00d 00 % 5,500,000 oo 5o.ooo_ oo at. Ann nun 7' I IVIVDL`, '9 6.650, :6: 69 6.888.460 77 0 _-ifs:-\ `A U uvugifvv l -3.-'*_3;..%_6:*._.=6>I='=s6 s4 =s34=;4;6 =- ...Z.__'~.434 I3 672,x56 31 347523 6;? 23.343 9! .\1\ Is5.77a 89 238,129 65 890 _-Q an KISVEE 7; M9057 is A`.`(\(\l\ " uv u 429 00 A AAA An 2: 9.3 BomMfo%rt|ng'% -.-'--.a--...--.`-~vu-n 39v49Ev 33 3' ` 22,238.99 55 agog. Jun. 18.- Doc. 3:.- _942,7z9_$7 2.22 "neln well-informed political circles it . is stated positively that the days of `Hon. A.. G. MacKay, as leader of the opposition in the Ontario legislature, are about numbered. He will, it is stated; attend the opening of the house on the 25th,-meet his follow-i ers, and communicate to them that h_e has decided togive up the chase for ofce, and hiketo the west where there are more opportunities` for am- bitious. young men, says the Toronto World. a ` ' " Intends Going West. 5` SOLICITOR ran CAN. NOR. RY. [mm um T0 QIHTI Since Mr. MacKay went west a few weeks ago, there have been sev- eral rumors_ that the Ontario Liberal leader would seek his home there. One was that he intended to become leader of. the opposition in the Bri- tish Columbia legislature, but this. was "considered -`unlikely, and the public have waited for a better'loca- tion forshim. Now it is said that he is to be the legal representative of the Canadian Northern` Railway in the west, and that seems more than probable. .1 AI . F 2| Strong l_lIimo1_' ~tl_I'af l.._|{t_:raI Leader lnvcsmtcnts`, (Provincial, Municipal and otherfsouds) ;. Call `Loans. secured by Bonds. Debentures and Stocks - Call Loans, secured. by Grain & other Staple Commodities i Deposits with Dominion Government for security of _Note (`iv-nnlnnn - , , fr u v - u - - vv y _ But whatever the future of` the ; Liberal leader mav be it is stated that his resignation as chief of the eighteen oppositionists in the house will certainly be forthcoming. Some time ago `the gentlemen who have subscribed the salary paid Mr. `Mac-. Kay as leader withdrew their contri- butions, and a letter `was sent to Mr. MacKay that in view of the fallen fortunes of the party, and the fact that a thorough re-organization was- imoerative, with new men and new methods, it would be desirable for him to--leave the party entirely free, to makea choice; Mr.` MacKay s `answer is said fto*~h\ave been. a rm lrefusal` to be sacricedand some of his friends -gave it out that he would be there -when the house met, and` many moons `thereafter. ,,,I .I-_ 3 1. vv `tun: \l\t\'n| --. I What th_e plans ',. re for reorgani-| llation are "not state . Indeed, these` .W-ill not be formulated till" the remn- aant get together after the 25th. It is. likelyyt-hat a temporary leader will be chosen and the decision as to who w.il1:=lead' the party out of the wilder-.| ness wil1;be left to the Liberal con- vention which will be held this year. There is certain to be a strong de- '_mand_ for I. `A.?"Macdona'1d, and he imay feel `free to `acc`e'pt when the! 'pres`ent leader is out of the," way;``' ` ' """ "B -"U r.-,------` ---- -- Miss Emily Guigan of; Beeton-' comm_e ncedV duties here last Tu_es-1 day. LWe, welcome her to this part` ..and wish h{`er_`e_ver`y sugs.s. _ 1 `cut ,9 .f_.} --- v.-- u-uvc vu- Since then the men who supply the implement wherewith, to ght the `enemy, namely the money, have taken the bit in their teeth, and Mr. MacKay has been given notice that he_ will not `be. allowed to stand in [the way of a new deal. Therefore, he will take the first opportunity to |1-esign his charge. 9His removal/to ;the west will soonfollow. ' ? _-v-. BIG BAY POINT.. V 1` "(Too late ifot; 1a`tv we:k.)v `Mr. -Edwin Cooke ' of Toronto. is visiting his1p_a_rents here. ` I`-L2--- .r 15...... II-an-sn vv up: now: vvv-J - w - v - - -. I sp,edy7 ,rcgvery.`~'. x` . We - re ,'\r`ei`fy' sorrytho hear of the serious illness, of Mer..A1-`thur Fey- _nell, and.~sincerely hope for _h1s` `ab -`.\ is '3' 2 , 4.1.` 9, `.u-, -r'7;_e;-_.I. A Mr`. R. McCabe 1eft.for the United: $a't_g s _Monday after . spending .a few I ;;1ays _#ith hi)S,_.1b1fOth8tf here. -He was ` ~a,c`<:ompani_ed to `Toronto by his :fr_ien'd,v _M-Ar`. Guglph, `Mayot. Guelph ` Gwinlli bewggcatly i_s`s_e d-_`by~ h-is many ;{ti,nds in*;this=*vicinity; ' a- in. `.; - u 1 51'... gnuvvounnu - -V v---- :1 p I ;_Mr`s.;;. :3":-_`~;."; 1'"%A`z7J.'i'iiTotL`_t.iT rptm-ned home- they r"s'_t of_ le v.Iieek' affter, spending ia"[vggk~.with_;yijlatiirgsfIin Ves'pra.; V ' % i.~w%`u-hauiiiig ` > iS[.T ; r_1e'r~ Icf . fth' V ?&`A;N;~;::0.V-% lamvay; .:h;u;re,; %, .' net%Pr* ;9vm d`9"!,$t~$vt i.:1f ,2 e_ 31.: :heagijs,%;o.:d;epartn1ex1Lts _.of the "into"; tm;As'pccia1%%mes-1 = . _ `V dx;iV$,38. .h.3_t;:i$3<>_r:. and uh `riserva-. .-_ - .- --_- `.- Wc hereby certif ' that we have Rersonally checked the caah on hand at Halifax, Toronto and Montreal. We have also verie the securities aid as inveatmenta, rcnonaily examining those held b the Canadian branches of the Bank, and procuring certicates by responsible buaincaa men, not in the emp oy of the Bank. certiwing to the existence of the remainder of these securities. - - . e have further to re art that we have obtained all the information` required by us and that.'having examined the toregoing alancc Sheet. and havinf compared the same with the boolta of the Head Office, and the certied returns from the branches, we area the opinion that it ia a full and Lair Balance Sheet. exhibiting a true and correct view of the Bank`: aihira at at stat December, 1909. r 'rnlInN'l'n lannnru nna nun 7` `-7 '7' I` ` "-'3-`-----L `-HAUGHTON` LENNOX; K.C. New Prsident of Simcoe County Bar Association; ---_- _--_ .7---_ --- v`..--vau- The Reeve addressed the Council in his usual instructive manner, coun- selling economy and unity in the management of the affairs of the Township during the current year. Messrs. .*W. H. `Davis and W. H. Hatton were appointed Auditors. -rru ' rec I v Township Councils 1* Hear Inaugural Addrgsses` from Reeves. % -----vv-- -~ --v -`-`-----v-- --vv--v.v-- `The Clerk was instructed `to, pre-` \pare a_ by-law for. the next meeting to carry out the statutes in regard to the placing the funds of this. corpor- -ations in a chartered bank. }IscoN0MY nus manna] APPOINT MUNICIPAL omcsns `Capitalpaidup... ..... ..... ... Reserve Fund . .` . . . . . ._ . . e._'. . . _. Reserve for loss in uidatin Burf :k. Special bonus to s and unior Manager .-u . Prot and loss, to I910 `. Rebate of Interest @ 6% on Time,L_oans. '. . Dividend Warrants ..f. Dividend No. I60, payable 1916 .`

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