Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Jan 1910, p. 2

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IVII \I\Ill\p \, In `.11 \JlII\I0 - Mr. VM:Mulkin `is endeavoring td stock his mil1 t~is.winter., We h`o'\e hewill meet with success. 'I`L-"'l).'.....L..-a.-._.!'.._- I.__,, - I -" 1 LVJ LIIBIL LLB VV IIUIIICO Logs, bolts and wood are `coming lin freel7'y `tg, 'th'estation yard. nun srxnnnr c-non:-HA`:-.n o nan u nus ll.Il3UL' Wlul l.l\2UU33. '1:h-ePresbyter1'Vans have `announced their postponed,-New Yeap s enter- tainment L for .~Janua__ryV >I8th. L niuunk murmur.-st`... 1.. .._A -'__ .I -. .1 .' No. 55 BAYFIEJLD s1 ANGU& '~v 1 (Too 1ate~for last week.) A T _ Dr. and. Mrs. West. have moved. in- to their {Icy hom`e. T % `I __,- Brewed Entirely frbm thelnesi Mum` and ops. . saewumz BARBIE GIIMPANY DUNLQP. s{'ra::1'} EAST B_BB_R"-E Splendid ALB and roirran. `The Best and Brightest in Cask and` Bottle_ Cut % Out This Advt. -yand bring it with you. %We will allow a discount of on all Fancy Goods; 25225993.- opposm-: ROSS s'r. JOHN BARR5 OHLDT 3"` AN Scott's. Bookstore This offer good un_- til Feb y Ist, 1910 "P'H_o'Iu'I:' 1'3 :- `THOMPSON vchzw. I{oPnI:7.oH. A ; '13'`75*&"A STEWART, .`.BAR~_`' .\ _. V __1_t_9rs, .Notari'es:f-Pfublic; _j`and?:?' -i,hpiri2yahii]rs.,v Money to loan. .'in any-".ums at 5 per gent. Ofce, ;_3V0w`ve,;,x s;ret,.Barrie. D. Stew- art- , -L;L~.D;`,~'*--D. -M. Stewart. < % .1 .::W.` A,ULT,V ,B.'A}R=RIS'I-`ER. - SOLICI- tor, _Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, ,e_tc. Sgecial attgqtjon in drawing f;.i.,;.; an"i,;sr iatihg mils, obtaining let-" : a1fii'>,-`. `llefixig accounts, "etc. - Of- i_ices,y;I{qss gblqcik. Barlne; Money to vtgrs. pf__dI'ni11,i,ttati9n ;,and: - Bilrristers, v`So1icito': s for ' obtaining A [Jrobate of "wills, V ardianship and $`."I.d1'!iini'9`,t?atiO,` an general Solici- Ctors, Notaries, .Cot'rveyancers, etc. street, vBarri,e.- Money to loan at :49} and 5 per cent. Branch ofces at Creeinore and Alliston. -Haugh- ; to11*Lennox,. K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. ' E.- J. Brown, LL.B. = }}LENNOX-,:$OWAN'."~& BROWN, 7 % Olces, Hinds `block, No. 6 Dunlop ` A l RADENHURST, ` Barrister, `Solicitor, Notary Public, &E:. Of- _ cee--Ist oor Bank of Toronto _ Building-_ ~ Money to loan at low- ` -est rates; `Q1:'ESWICKEb `& % ALEXANDER. 3-11.-.. -1 AL. (V STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- I-acua |QA11..:L.-.5 :9. -I`.-;'.._A. -1 DONALD Ross, LL.B., `BARRI'S- ter, `Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron~ to'Building, Barrie. Money to`loan. bk. A. T. LITTLE, late of chm-c1Ti11. Ont. Ofce and residence John St., `near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. DR. W, A. ROSS, PHYSI_CIAN, `Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Oice and resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone, 77. Nohu .} `(Slam - `Y we!!! H._T; ARNALL, M.D.,C.M., OZFFI-CE ... `D-.LL..-..1I .-. L1....1- A`H.....I..1.. f\... `DR. ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye,` Ear, Noseand Throat. Office and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. . " .% V V . 7,15 vand9.oo a.m. ; '4 830 and I0 _15 p.m. 7.;On1y Doble-Track Route- Sleeper M. D.. O. M. ( l`or.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. Olce or the me Dr. smniu. Collier St- `A "Phone OI. \ 324y lDR. MORTIMER LYCN, 31 Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, "(N.Y.,) Eye and -Ear Hospital, _ will be at- 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Earl `Nose and Throat. Consultation` hours II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by up pointment. Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat & Nose Hospital, Londorr Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hosfitaill; Brlsto ;and Birmingham rm Eye H Ital, B nghnm : former Member of Btih hthnlmnl (ml Rnnintv I Dr. J. A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Ofce and Residence: William Street, Allandale. Tele- phone 30 a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to.4 pm, Monday to Friday. jw. A. LEWAI s, 'L.1z.c.1>. s._-. s. Edinburgh: m.F.P. `at s. Glasgow ` , --SURGEON-- Eye. Ear. Nose 6 Throat, %?v:#!3%%%uv .u.- qnvofvuulg DILBLUI; uuu E""I"f "'1ta.l.B in ham :forme phthalmolocgcal Society. n`lM.`I`rvn' an nu... .. u_____ `$70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON "good freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal 2:; money required until end . of the 7 term. H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie._ - - . ___.._._..._...T._..__.....__..............__._ UNWIN, MURPHY &: ESTEN, ON- tario Land ;'Sur`ve}'ors,l Engineers, etc. Establnshed 1852. Oice, Med- ,_icaltBuildin%, S.E. corner Rich- mond and t a Telephone`, ' Main, 1336. Instruc- tions_ left with Strathy & Esten, Sphcntors, Bank _of'I`ox-onto Build- ` ing, Barrie,-will be promptly at- ,te'nded_to. ~ ., - y Streets, Toronto.` >'\'n.J vv L\J&\ ' _ J.4.I.'ax|.rxLV=.|JJ.`4l.\- .Ba_n7ist-ers, Solicitors of the Su- -,pr'em`e Court of Judicature of On- tario,` Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancers,,etc.- Monev to loan. Of- .ce, Ross Block, Barrie. A. E? H. Creswieke, Arthur Alexander. \4L.L .11. 1. J.-'osJLl'4L`, 1.hfl1\.'1\.1.D" tors, Solicitors in `High `Court of 3 `Justice, Notaries Public,- Convey- ancers. Oices "over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten. In-lo LJ.\J-`31.11-J JV].-J-/"\/yLVJo, \I\I.'L L\lL'l `in Bothwelrs block, Allandale. 0 Athe-premises at night.' ..__-.._-._. T1: 3. G. SMITH" & co., ESTAB-LI_S- 4ed.I869. O `d . ' COIHEI" 211!` pef`n`oi\a-EL?-l~n.aqnd .t;u x.1U\-I9. ` KJP aay- and I Collngr and Clappferton Streets, Barr}e_'.= . 4Ph[o_n 82; ` .. _-..._ V .,..v-u-an-nvnvlvul LJIIL`-IU Ia] - OF!-`IC_E--78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. Phone 51. P. 0. Box. 96. in-No .15 1 nmiviit ibe(-addcfl to the sub- scription List until the money is paid. ` V ..n..s.--..n....... ........ 3- .._......_.. 1.... 51...-.. .......aI.. D.-. J. ARTHUR Ross _AUNDER'_I_`AKAEVRS._ PHYSICIANS. SURVEYO(1;S`. FINANCIAL. ism. _ Ivvonfvovoo OCOIUV socavoo voov uovoovg ow ya-our asubuorlbors now in arrears for three months and over will be churned 81.50 per annum. ` ---v---. L . , the u 1 t ~ {yo,u;`ha,ve any advertizghg gyf . ey reaches the pgone price. plants, are .,charged according to Ll$ngaspgate.measnrg znake one inch, ', 'trn4_us1'n1;t!' 4nvnm'rs1Na. Anviuecm is rov t . "'`=8ion tot 37l_)Dp "`l.."."-I;.-" 1.- A;__"L-L - u 0 Ollltly un uentlnsertlon 5 cents per" ine. - ;e`:..$ ;o':si.:`t::::;:.:::*::"e,*tL~ *a`::.:%m:.::*; , ` in; notices. 10 cents per line for r insertion`: (Scents per line (qr each subseoue insertion Ofl gamezmptter; All items under 5 l1neu,.o rcharacter, `charged as 5 lines Obituarvf Poetry be per line. I mghuuuonugon '2 .. * a'Preferred "positions or local advertise. ments in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above rates, and on no other account will special positions h pi ' . Th rule will bestrictly carried out. 8 `en 1. CONTRACT CHANG ES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to chan e advertisements mustbe handed into theo ce not later that Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the co y for such change must be in THE ADVAN is office not later than 12 o clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the.advertiser s announcement inay not be made public until the week fo11cw- D2- aln _8 3:30 0oIui:n ia"SI own|inpio;j_ Publtuhed from the ioioe. 123 Dunlap Sweet. Burle. in the County of Simone. the Pro- vince ot Onurtc. -Canada. every A Thursday Momma. izy _. `"552 changes of Advergisements a1_lo_wed peg year. It more are requgred, composmon rates will be charged. Advpj-tic`:-_ cu. will nnf. ho unnum.-1 on Ixon n...:- W111 D8 cnarzea. Advertise 2 will not be allowed to use their space for aaaertlsing anythin outside their own, regular business. $110 6. they do so transiem rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. v--- ----....... ....r - n.--ugn|lAhAIn|HAV Au: Conensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all lands, lost and found, property for sale oz-to rent-, specic articles, etc., etc, must be accompanied with the cash, arm will be inser_ted-1jst _1nsert_1on 2 cents per word each subsequent msertlon 1 cent per word nam_es,9.ddrease3 and gures counted as words) ut 9. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of same matter exceed four . . V Out: for advertisements must In ever case be mounledon solid metal base: CRAIGHURST, ONT. ;LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given on all Stock Sales ` ! . 1 MAKES YOUR sxm I LIKE VELVET LI'I\\TL' \l It\1'G (N1 \7DTF1\t\\7T I `g++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tmmior sunsdnuf-rxox, #1 WW glrmrum m Advance UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERS $1.50 In ADVANCE: | _-___ ' -_ .----w- Dwelling llrobrniasl. stable. drive house, sheds and nearly 10! acre of land in garden and lawns Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets, Barrie Dwelling--,6,1-oomo. stable and shed. Large lotop Peel Street. - uwv . -av. vvus I);-ui>l'eV dweIllng.}6 rooms in each, on (`lap- perton Street. Vacant lot. iotnn acre. on Penetanguishene Street. Apply to % F. M. `MONTGOMERY. H n I-v*1'A '1' 4. -_ _--I-4-Q-I-l~!-I--I-I-I-H-4-+-l-I-I-4-4-i-4--I-+4; MONTREAL John % Jermett, |Ie'39_!{9!!f9undrv m:x1'.nooa TO THE: -rmnanv , _-__.F --_..-wp vuvo Boilers`. Engines and all kinds of farm and staonnfg machinery made and repaired one ontcst t` and moderate prices. no me .A ,AIlwork diine by dxpert machin- V . lat -and guarugteed first class. 3% Jplln & Brooker *~ - ..-_._ V nles co`: BORDEN fscoREs snz WILF.I.{IfI-) Barrie Pr,oper*y. Fo_r Sale.A ?lnss!ra_nce- > n > h I D .1133 8 marvellous e'ecb on rough gloves may be worn a few moments .5 _ after using it. Jl.lUJ.V ALYIALV D U141 UDUULV 1451. skin. One or two applicatims '*` will remove the rev hness, and by . its occasional use th skin acquires ,3, theamoothneas and softness of a 4. baby's. , Giycedonia id net sticky. and Dn:nn `Kn l|vuA 0:` I 1) . . 88lIt, %{j9ni% }.%x*q;;gg daily from 42tf Barfie. MoNKMAN's GLYCEDONIA. Is 011`:-n for all on-tiers in M1 Igamnas. ace. .1`, . :-``No man could: have been more ~relu'ctant, to send any Canadian force to_South'Africa than was the present prime minister. No man could have declared himself more strongly against such a course than _did the present pri1ne,m11i1ster,_ yet when the `final test came he consented, because the right hon. gentleman realized that otherwise he and his govern- mentawould have been swept from power by theiystrength of popular indignation like chaff before` the tem- pest.a (Cheers.) In a speech at "Sher- brooke, just after the.` incident, he expressly admitted that the will of` the people and not the will of the government had sent Canadian forces` to the aid of the empire under`South African skies." ' " fcnnnncur. cdtiwgkcr nuns. : colhut r column . column `COXDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. GEO. MONKMAN. FROM `TORONTO u'l"1:iu<.:e 15c {And 250. Delightful after shaving. Expert Maclnglsts }1Wk_.|1 Mo.`8 Mo. 6 Mo.: 1- Y; 2o,.'191o 3.) A4: Daily; ;n1uding' ri`:L. -3 (`III Barrie. Barrie ht, The resolution of March last `was the most important step towards co- operation in defence for 25 years. Sir Wilfrid Lauricr always opposed any participation. At the imperial conference, 1907, he absolutely refus- ed a proposal substantially the same. He would only discuss it by way Of ! point blank refusal. Butin March last he receded for the time being. from his oft-expressed policy andl formally acknowledecl Canada's duty and responsibility for. the de_-j fence of the empire, and the supre- macy of the navy. I thought it worth something to secure that," said Mr. Borden. ``al- though its terms ' did not in `every respect meet my approval. ` I cons sidered unanimity at that juncture worth something in the interests of the empire. . ' - ,__AR1un: nAxLW&F4* % OW-A-DAYS the farmer's lot. is a pleasant one; his path is strewn with plenty and-`his- life is being spent in the `valley oi` sweet waters. We haveheard a great deal in times gdne by'of the poor farmer. But the tradition has come` to be iooked upon as a joke. VThe `farmer to-day` is king; he-rolls in opulence, and if he isn't making hay, it's hisiown fault, for Old Sol has been smiling on him with. continued favor. If you don't believe this, just listen to what the 'Ay1mr Express `alias to say about it: 7 ' - - `~` There are so many ways for a far- mer to get rich these days that they hardly know which one to select, al- though we notice that many of them "take the one with the least work. All a farmer has got to do now is to keep A half a dozen hens laying and the'pro'- blem of living is solved. If -he raises two or three hogs also. he is sa`ie1in; erecting a new bank barn;- A good` three-year-old fat steer wo?tld:pdy"i r the bigges`t mortgage "il1.`T"ht ewcounty. _. Half a dozen , ,, t.;.sf``odiee whore than -half th.ev'..ff . .1": in Cobalt. -. `while an averageqsifge ` mocks o;. '`jit\_1re :, kevs, which will, huh l;`l1 ._-O_.*Wj!l,h..ll'\7"-` `luv all summer..`will; e`blef::th;;,fer- -;. _ me: and his famil ,.;1ttx:`i`i5j7.tilr,th :_'37:i.3_?:1:'{:: hr months in .. .orif_g.[' _ oedd to.4this?;~l_r6t"bt:t;["1 ' " `e. "_Qrn - oats, ;j_h .V.r5cf";-_>(""`t` :3 to acts: efeserthex f.1'ft*.l?? 2 . hat".be`-kgt.";::9sh;;' W!o`.::*:hfi 39 ' T Coll_i_nzwood:` pad ; Metfdrdg % .1l`sha m H0 . oo;oVou`m 55.... 7.b0p.m_ j oe....s.u`pm I3 0 ; > p V " '2`-91010 D M .!8....10 ~1nni 81-99. I 1.0: THE POOR FARMER. nPEA'KIN.G"on the Naval De-I I fence Bill, Mr. R. L. Borden .thus scores Sir Wi1fridLaur-I Thursday; Jainuary 20, 1910.: Penetgng. Hnrnhton. ' No. 53..` 10.28 0. m ` ` 66....'I._I p.m 2-z.7...`I.lO"Ii_m' a, .9` p vu- \ ed to he a h.a;'d_-fought" battle, the ~ =>nq;the__nne_rs .,,owing ungxpcctod f *"sticngth. V The-`-~"chEkih~g `was hard I jtheit, o ponents slii 1T;3%Th obe8f"5Tu t~:?m.9: of the`. 8%.?` f w f__8Ton_ so; afar .wjasi`-Lathe` =.1injanimo1_x`s ivct-t i . =i~::9ia*.sh: :`5s.3Z?.i1-.`;h!!dt9-izfvsfti : WI?` W319 .Wt_n.3-Qdtt .v1...1Qntg,st "hm: ; a 431:1..'?E!idwi3i1B1itibNn%`1!~1h3W@`{. V " :>-anfd ` hn f -Dymf` nt s`*c'ait's~.~- It `prov-:~ and close th,,1j'<;ov,1`g,l;1 q't1t,-i'B__a1:,rie devel- o _ed the bett'er"vcjcSmbi natiojn,.though t is was tconsivdertabay V noutra1iz,ed , vbbyk _ lfulv-defe-hoe tat:- tics. he locals were nearly always ahead by a comfortable margin, but the visitors had an aggravating habit g0f~ drawing `up every once and` a while. Both goal tenders covered . themselves with `glory. Dnnnn:n nun.` OLA nun`) ob I-`IA `nnb_f\L . `goal had been cleared. Score: 3-.-3. , men on the ice at the time. This V colts two ahead. tu;aucn(1=a1_wIs I _ ,. t , . In `aw ;. " .Bar`r1e':E0t. the; puc through the `nets, but the-bell' having pjla _ alternated .:; for ,;som.e' minutes wit out. any. {seeming advantage. _i_Rowe `went to"the, fencefor a: trip, and the~fB'arrie` goal` ha`d~fa' close, call. ;.`Shortly after .Row-e returned to the ice, a. combined attack -gave-the colts `first blood, Leroux scoring. Collins-. wood came back .-strongly, "and `put a couple of hot shots A up to Brown vwhohowever, was equal. to the -oc-. casion.-i Some general. playfollowe until the visitors" got, an opportunity that could not be denied. Score: attack which resulted successfully, 'lMeeking nding the nets. Foy.ston' shot another in short order, and the colts looked like going away. `But not yet, however. Brown for Barrie "made a corking stop, and a face-o l in front of goal availed nothing. Rowe caught the referee s eye again, and the c'olts were a man short. Col- , lingwood were unable to gain by the advantage, :1 pretty double combina- `tion of theirs just failing at the op- portune morfient. A big run by Meeking came to naught, and the , northerners carrying the puck to the other end scored on a diagonal shot. The play became very fast now, Col- Iingwood equalizing the tally sheet by a quick follow-up after the Barrie In a melee, Stan. Horseld took the next, Barrie repeating immediately afterwards by the smartest kind of work. Collingwood had onlv six` was all until intermission, with the , I ii mid in Va` few. seconds i 'play,had.-~it, : 'p` didn't count. "The! i 1---I. Barrie replied with a spirited` _ little braves had added anotherrtd CCU vvwnn oduoaou After the interval_ Barrie made at determined attack, Leroux eventually ` scoring` on a clever piece of individ~. ual play. Meeking soon capture another, and Barrie had a "lead 0 tom. Collingwood struggled des~) perately at this stage, and on a splepn-. did rush were rewarded with their` ` fourth goal.- Score: 7-c--4. The vis-, pitors goal tender `now showed his a quality, turning aside two hard shots ` in rapid succession. , Leroux was ;again the hero, and-although closely: ` checked got in a beauty, putting the locals once more four to the merryl Play was pretty even, but Rus; Hors-1 eld and Rowe averted several dam gerous rushes by the Collingwooda line. Leroux s side shot made in .9-4.` The colts continued their ag-(. gressive work, but it was ding-dong -play as Collingwood were in no mood forgiving up. The locals defence: [were caught napping. and the visitors: notched another. Intermittent play; followed, both sides showing the ef-i _ iects of the -pace. Meeking at lengtli broke through for Barrie se tenth: tally. "The Collingwood defencenow had their hands full, but managed tol keep out the enemy by sheer hard work. Notwithstanding that the colts kept the puck right at their opp,onJ ents door, the lattergsneaked in fan their sixth and last tally. The homes T-stersnow made a series of assaults! on the.Colli'i1gwood citadel, the..vis-l itors replying with a savage ecou`t`1teI1 `attack. `On a splendid rallv Barrie: took the rubber right. in on their:, rivals, Meeking scoring amid wilds --cheers, the register showing Barrie: 11. Collimzwood 6. This concluded: the counting. and Johnny Dyme,nt ss' their continuous string of _victories.ii The teams : ' -__r' 'n.,-_,___' --:_L 11 |4;mnFoRn's snnsmou LIIU LUCIIIUD o. b , Bame-'-(xoal; Brown; pomt, R.. Ho:-seld;. cover, . Rowe; centre, '.Meekin, ; rover, `S. Horseld; left. wing; oyston; right `wing, 'Leroux. '1': cut 1'5 1 11 ,A 7- ,'_ Edwarci Norris e and Mrs. `Breeze! were Hiking forthe Wen * i When vCaAIight,A A i vv Illa an IIJHUUII,` llaollv IV 0153' qua \rvI-Iv T Co.llingwood-`-Goal, Brown; I:};oint}. Dance; cover, Telfer; rover, oble; centre, `Smith; right wing, Sandera` `son; left_ wing, Lawrence. - . ` The peaceful `little vil1a`geH7of Brad: ford had its own sensation on `Wed- nesday of last`wek. This; is~-how '1`;h.u ;-sday s Toronto News . describes what` happened : what . Chief .Cons tabieSimpkins, of Brad- ford, saw a` ti` containing-ta man and woman hp children dt'ive_~into the town` yesterday. A Little `did he! think as he` .w,tehed thequartette that it ,_would -[be]-Au p'~ ' to him a before many hours had passed to 2 cause an? interruption in A - . the i tprogrammct . of the_ s.`_t1:ip the ' party` 1 `-had ` just began, : was that the party was ma_d_e=; raw-oft a `man ,and,=~another.:v`man{`s -iwxfe; , .; V `..-.`..-...|s \b..s..:~. a.~.1.1.... .:. MN 1anu_1y.- M - , `V-Edward Norris was `the would-be .Loc'hiuva_r and the` lady, with himgwas. _ M_rs.LKate "Breeze, {the '1~wife;';of: af: vneaghbqz. ,,wh'o., _wit_h 1 her` .:;tyvq. %ct_xi1d-~ V`:m`s~'%awn= 8yt1.!3.?!l`=`9Vith:N-1TfiS`.*hn.,3?! % A ' '5.`i:eftif%}B.adord```; gap: ,_"I:f1-1.e`."r:econ'cl -v+--rw -.. -_ ts - V has. %;%5Y?AF%? ~`?`iS!!%%i9f;42599%f *`9t~ V;-mt _dE:]?i.;% ffr;5;xr;il.,' 5313 $ w,i,111 :.-W iY5`F* 3;`!%'i:I2t%j:~:ft*!ii~* J?9ti*?3itii15 1 1 b v . ;>-1.5. . ._.. { ~ -_. 3` V`..5 1 K1nca1_fdinc._Rv1ew. I ,,. A .-, % ' %%P91itica1.;F#torsg%% anIav0".-,:f:F.";'4` :1: N _) /._.P '_,_>._>,| ,r`. . `A: `V ; _ Peei' i'n`" Great" "`BTriwt:_1i'r1 a i'e 7i';c> t 's_o ;1>,t!9,.t Esta? iynV;!?.,s=:ti9n `%PP?`.? |*as*are*=p1%efe*in Caiwaiia. % A * ` V '* ` The; 'd:f.vA7TI(`itn _v`i1:1;;l5i'o.-` ,`ba5bly' be ve_ry~appropVx-iate. fqr. the; new gold; elds in .the.future, when, `a large number have ben stuck; on the proposition. Gu` e'ilph Mercu:y.v [ Hamilton Spetator. ` ' It s' mighty poor 'economy_ t_o_ goi upstairs t wo'st:eps at 'o'nce',. to Vsav" Vtime, and then but your tfousers in sodoing. ` ' ' ` _ Boats L~auri`et s Navy. Toronto Telegram; 7 Up to the `time of goigngito press `the level crossing is a more deadly_ engine of destruction than` the Cana- 'dian'navy. but no method has been discovered of using it against the `Germans in case the peril proves to`~be something more than a cam- paign cry. ' where the eoiuple wereregistered as Edward `and Mrs. Norris. The man was locked up and the woman was; taken. to the `Salvation Army bar-_l racks, `krhere. she spent the night in 1 I tears. . This morning Chief Simpkins_ of_ Bradford came to Toronto and the party will be.taken back home this afternoon. Norris will stand trial at Bradford for abduction. ` A `_--.._---- _-_ -----`wow.-u 3 Chief Simpkins says Norris andl `Breeze are both farm laborers. Nor- ris, he says, was making himself too much at `home around the Breeze. house and was told to leave. Yes- terday he knew that Breeze would be away `from home, so he seized th_e `opportunity to elope with Mrs. mngno ORILLIANS ENJOYED % QUEEN ESTHER uypul. LL11 Breeze. Fifty Trained Singers Get Unetinted Praiseefrom Music Lovers Of Ndrthern Town. Perhaps the best musical event that Orillians have had the pleasure of enjoying this season was the five- act Cantata, Queen Esther, given- in the Opera House, on, Tuesday even- mg, under the auspices of St. And- rew s Church, Barrie. The company comprised fty well trained singers, and they were led by a full, orchestra of equal merit. with themselves. the whole under the direction of Mr. J. Herbert Morgan. Queen Esther is somewhat diicult of` interpretation, but the characters in almost every instance were so well taken that the presentation was all that could be desired, and much more than was ex- pected. It would be invidious to mention individual performers. suf- lce it to say that all did exceedingly well. Much of the chorus work was beyond criticism,,and the solos of the -`principal characters always evok- ed the heartiest applause. Many of the costumes were very rich, and the contrast of" the vari-colored robes of ' the Persian court with the sombre and in some cases picturesque` attire of the `Jews was quite pleasing. There wasa full house. and the audi- ence were thoroughly appreciative. The County Town deserves" the hearty `thanks -of all who were pres- ent , for its" generosity 111,. _ found a good` thing, being willing to pass -it on to; its less eunfortunate. neighbor-s.--Ti.~a1es. I i having` The; nancial condition of the Lib- rary at the close of I909 appears in the Treasurer's Report, which gives- .the details at the receipts and ex- penditures during the year. Although `the revenue, viz._. $675.95, falls short of that for 1903 by $20, still the Board has paid all the accounts of the '-year, and the balances laid over from 1908. 'l,`his"is the first time for ~man-y .'years this has ybeengdone. and `-it is a- result` chiey due to the fact` 3that no ext11a;Hexpenes had` to be e apiaid-_-a y f<`$r1tui1ate,1eifrcumstance 4 that _ V`an.not` _alu2ays_ {he $'e"xpected,, ,even, in. t`ord:;13y.3:ea`rs.Ay ;;Fil1.9n`e_i`a1; I-`Andi. _. a\"Q&-4 [ , ~ L\u\.._\-I|. I. Balance" in hand" ;~. Rents `Members fees GfO.v e'rnment'ant Tlown grant ` .'. _Sle oi ii:aprs' and` `Sale of } cat a1ogue_;s BARRIE PUBLIC LIBRAi2Y; bums A11 sharp: You Bet? Ygl_a~;:` pus. ..;.._.{._-....$` 283' ...'o..V..-... . . . . . . 23300 . . . . 65 .97 an c.Vo_o u 0 :r`: 0 f *maTg'a,_z,mes-_';.Io 90 0 0`; ti o u 0} _ Z55 uu suluannwaxl. Lu; Ja'uua__1_): IOLII. - 97 Much sympathy as exte_n_d'ed~to M ggo 90 Mr. and Mrs, Charles McK,1ijmon of ' the Flats, on the sudden death` of their son, Markle, who, after a short . .il11_iess, passed away a_t-the city hos`-` pita} `in St. Pa'ul. Minn. ` _ At: the close of the Sunday. _eTven_ -V ing `service at the Methodist Chg'x"reh,_ _` Rev.j'_P.'M._ Peacock` wa ,ter`1d'e_'r_g`l,a._ , , \:very_ warm` vote of thanI4egaiorr' pig: heart3r,;sm>Drtre1nrre the rrI-r-i i.=.!.r1?':;, !wt=7:* .V;s:;g;rnna,Isn-` Ansm$kavreT`? H1229` $'9F9$? . -;rf9t.r...thf1%1i!t.=1 r 5 ;_r i1.1VIr;:;,t!. A 1 t4 U: U` I IPIIW UIIIFBIIIRF VIII VD-Cw an incgeueq;gg.ot bl_l,~II|, not .1 gentle Laxative the-da_y ellcving. ormuh on each 3. Shot ltto your doctor; He will in entdxd u u glenee. Dose,`one pill it bedtime. , _ -_--nub;m,u:. }L7 VI`rain Aahu`-`rivals Add d`epjat1irs`_;` fig: from." Barric `ar`e; at*:`~!o11w: : `. %?qo:ai~%wn1%iF:11 ycjzu an: fresh em-I` aiicf sre thefreaI+cures-for`consumption. But ;p,fen% the cough is ,_very yard. j*!flep~ce,`.wesugestjthat ~ -L- .IA-g Ag... WV. C. Andrewl ` LMA VUFACTURER or Buggies, Carriages, Twagons -[III go` JIVIIUU .w~--.-..... ...... i ?`ou at 19: ;.%doetombou:. your; -taking Aver : Cherry _l_?ctoral_. 4 ` Itfolltftols the tick- - `-`.'_'_;l_- ii:;:V3:?:}};ts"th'E E'3E7i:T ~.Sleighd and,Cutte. 1 T.-'%' u~": v :5 ;I;`?" rov H0l`S8hi08 Ill IICCIJ Lt], lIIC'Dl|-IUII yauu. Our young people re makin use of the skatxng on Pine River. ` * R/[us uQ`|kIIl|I1 A: ctncuann .-."..ZL...I "mt. a:a;:`l:n.t:ieUf`of":a;;1:r'visited- Miss E. Tar`Bush on Tuesday. l[:: '1`!-Incc:n 'I`-..D...._-I-. `Into ;I.;'nL LILIBB 1.2. J.cu_1.Iuau UH .|.ucauay. -Mxss Thossne TarB.ush - left . 1a__t week to resume her course m.Mou - -ton" ColIege,- Toronto. V` - e 1:. 1m..u'..n.-:..`:- -...|--_-_-:_-, ._' J75 WW-:.:,.` 09` 4 ` 3% .,*um m-2095M$P9.:?!1x;.. ?1'~'\9`::9 "': 31 -; !"."."'.A'l"1"'` `5 4- 4 - BI!'}'u`.'. i 67 0.80 p m..'1`o1-onto 8; Mldynd MI 9. m` ' .G;ravo!Ih\.\!tt.,_'3%-` ~13!-ll I?-#19: -Q 1 I-!'l...` laglniblnu Cu`: ii ` 7" ` ' ". 2- ." AI`

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