Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Jan 1910, p. 4

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\IuI_y vv_au.un nun --up ouvuvu ' . -Mr. W. G,` Moir rnetvm-ned home 911 Friday, accompanied by his- cousm, AMiss` Mae Hei'on%/of ._Bla"kwater,` who will - stjgnd " a` fjeIw weeks with rela-' .ti:9; h??W=` in. G1W:W%d-= - %| SUNNIDALE CORNERS. A srizoun, FARMERS ! . I 5 `L734; .-.-..' "D.'.l.`.'I:'r. _ MITCHELL SQUARE. _ The school reopened Tuesday. Mr. ~E~.4 Carefoot is back in his old-posi-, tion as tgacher. T a Is Onnu M11-.. Will McAt_eer is Home for a few weeks visit. or 9 fr! A571 Iv My-nu U a w o on f Mr. Black and wife of Toronto rspent the holiday season with the latter s mother, Mrs. McAteer. Mrs. Preston of Collingwood visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Adams, on New \7. -__!.. o\rIOI u Blair home from the West, and will stay with`his mother for two months. ' . WMrs. Year s. `I:Z_s`t_;W13e1l has gone to Orangeville to spend a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Morris. >The Presbyterian Nev'veYear s ent- ertainment has been postponed ow- ing to the severe storm. There was a very large vote polled here on Monday--I36 for local option and 42 against-V--whieh goes to prove that our people are thoroughly'inter- ested in the tethperance question. We can attribute the success largely to the untiring push and efforts of Rev..P. M. Peacock, who. certainly did his duty to close the bars in.| `I7--- - LIEU ll Essa. ' _ NEWV nos } Mr...,R. Speers of Mayeld zis holyi-A daying here. V . u 1': - 1:7 1' l'*_It..-:;.I. -..-..a. Vnv-o you w uuvuuvuw Miss Bvrtha Brown of Orillia was `the guest of Miss Laura Crawford `last week and the first part of this `week; _ ' anannuuuo Inn. up,-yo--.'_ Miss Florence Pearson is visiting her brother at `Rtfgby. ` . ` M Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook spent lxma. with Mrs. C.` Moore. . Mr. Thomas Speers returned to` Owen Sound Business College this. week. ' . M ` V. Mr. and `Mrs. -Robt'.V, Harvey of Milestone,` Sash, espent` Xmas. ;withA `Mi-._ Ias. H'arve`y;,~ .ac".. `..-,`. 9' The regular monthly meeting oil the Women s Institute` was held at the home of Mrs.` C. W.'. `Sage -`on Tuesday. The report, of `the _dele-. `gates to` Guelph was fully-given by` `Mrs. W;.T.rain~ `anI~Miss` Kirk- `patrielg , * .. -. .- .u .`_'~ .1 I, A_ ._ ` may ohm Again at the return of-Xmas. joys we have been saddened bv the re- moval of a loved orie"fr9j1;1,ouxf; midst. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Han_'rey_ of Mile- ` stone. Saskg. jqrfived at Stayner on Thursday; nig_ht'_ in ` - the .. ar;t`i<:ip'atiogx of Yuletide rjeuniQns.`, -Bu1;._Su`n day followinz while -atg._Ath`eelfgot11e `of Mrs. jWi_1mot `Atkinon,_`Mrs;t`Harvey b_e4j' .c'a.f?i`+'-.. .511." A_ epysician _--W35` `called.-i iGifa;iYe'e1ymutOms., iapnbumonia were` .`apparh tL =Hay;ii1gj1on`g.'!5heen` a _ suffe;-V . Z`l',. :`f l"()e!,I17`f7'thmgi; %"a\:;;_;i`4:Tv a= ` -; = hor't_g Q uni Illa In Mr. ancrlvlrs. W. J. Galbraith spent Xfrfgs. at `Connor. _. % Away Ref ularVa1.ue `Right: xivheii you need` them; gn Qppqrtunity is presented at this store to buy them, allyo.I_J re_qfuire,.'at`prices far.;heljo}v`3iiegulazfvalue. They `came to us direct from a >lead`ir_1gimanufacturer who wnted to wind up theselines before the New. Year. Theprices, willprove to you the advisability of lling all [your requirements: e V * ` i _ .while they*last._ _ Rgvilgr $3.00 Value for $2.48 VVCWl\n . A largecrowd wa s'. on the skating- rink New Year's night, including a number of young people from Hawkestone. V ` VVOMEN, Buy Your Boots Shoes Now while Clearing Prices Prevail As we told you :before, vtre_ need't])e room aud out must go the Women's Shoes. Real? Money-Saving Prtces prevat1,'andV there's no doubt about where; your money; goes fatthtzst. Come Here and See. .- .' LOOK AT `rm: PRICES Attached to These L0ts.-We have grouped them. . ; u this way for Quick Selling: % A DIRECT IMPORTERS J.SllTCl|FFE & SUNS LOT 1--Ladies Felt Slipi$ers_,v fut top. reg. $1.00, 20/9 off . . . . . . . . . Ladies Suede Slippers, fur top, reg. $1.25, for.....~...J.... . . . . . . . . . . .. LOT 3` Women's Felt -3 Lace or Gaiters, reg. $1.50. 2o o` . . . . . Full my "nish, White woo1 Blankets, i_ze 60x80, fancy colored borders,\nished- ends, extra good quality and regular $3 value, on sale,'per pain-.. . . ..._. | coIU0OIOOOOu_0lOcOOOVOOOIO ANGUS. Sl\;o \nlM4I.`&I%nte'1?c%s}&f\'ou More Just Nowfhax : Blankets? u-pun vv --v-vvvu-vu ..The annual school meetixgg was. -held in the school last Wednesday. morning. Mr. Alf. Rouse was the re- tiring trustee. Mr. J. Bamhardt was elected in his `place. :e local/0000000 I .P.P:=r%. .`f`.' 80:: A verbal Speedoiheter. Ex-pry caumgr nus us m-nxuc-ul \'m~.'m ulary. ::n_d lhmau wun5ar( tzumnar mm It are often stxrpriswi :2:-u 1rm:mu at thv ditcunty urns-r no-pie have an un- derstanding it. A writvr In the No-w York World tells at an om nurse-umn in .\1aine`whn mid `mu over at man and was being sued for aanmgos. Which Leg? In :1 enmll town in thv \\'.u.s'l n! F.`-uh lnnd tlw Iuwn c-1+-rk. when Wu.- :1 hi! ul` :1 "t-bamvu-r. had lhv 'mi.\`fnl`3Illu- In lose his we in -n ralnvuy a('f'|dPl|l. As a mark gr! :t:-'-vw-iatlcm and e-sh-mu fur his! 101'}: !~`*':\'imbsl the c-umu"il unani- nu-u~'ls' 812?!-ml In rplm-p his Im-as with an urtmrlnl mm... which they did as soon as he was stltnc-lo-ntly roc-oven-d. .-\` tow months afterward nu tnwu vlvrk. who was` genir'a|l_v;knmvn by his 1 Uhristian name. Paul. was nnturtunnte 1 enough to have his othur Io-g fractured I In an an-c-id:-Int.` Satumlly tgw mishap ? h_(-mun fmvd rm-`luwn gossip, and one ` l old wife _.[1.Ld!s(-ussixng the matter with arjnefgh "If was ovc-rtit-ard saying: rnlni... .. 'n-# nn,,_n '_..-. I... .I ..--._ -.--- .- "?l`~h; court askglt IV`!-1:?-`(vi-31 -!1`(11lllt If [19 wa_s drlrtng fast. [39 answered. "I was` going :1 pm-9." Tho c-uurt then said. ".\'ow; kindly tell the gvum-Imrn or the jury Just how tam you were go- ing." urn-v_`n we .-_.r_a .|._ .:-n.-....I.. --- nnI` _-_.I.-._ ""\;c-5. kw;-3!; toll . the jury how fast a clip i.<':" "Well. It's :.:u|u:.: a dim" "Now. will you [HI the jury how fast a ditp ts?" ' n-:.iVe`Il. amid the detendunt. "'1 reckon I was gain: 8 vli." aAI1'_II ..__!n __-- --.II AI_-' l--.|... |.__._. We!-1'.` a dim`: a, nut; Aliybtuly knows what a am is. U --,,-.-~-- . --`u-<--sn -1`- " 5-'ns~ n 29$-mbizcl husinpss 'tm- l-`a'al. pun-_ man. but Is't his aln leg or the leg {that In-lungs tome man `that`s bro- k n?" , Mr.7Joseph Desourdie and family. have moved to his father's on the old "homestead. . V U ' ' Life of the Red Deer. .Act-ording to an old Gaelic legend. a red deer. might live for 2i0 years. an eagle for 630 and an oak` tree for near- ly nineteen centuries. .-Nowadays. lbqwever. hundred-year-old deer would be dllcuit` to nd. I-`r_om twentyhve ; tf-.thity-are ,vears_"appa`rentiy may: be about the range of their existence.- _ L;bnd6ti< _ ' _. ;T_ho Amateur... A ; f_'Yes." said the. person who had at- ~tended_ this party.` Miss. Keeponuder ; 1?"jas*tb*re: and we had to b' ..hg.-_go.p1gy,!'.__. L % a:a-....w-A A r r Ext `(>334 3293.1 `ht r_or`a (true-fthnt` -svu!:%%.!ImAt`*'ii2iM bet? '0 BARRIE - Beautiful S}: White wool Blankesy extra large size, 72x84, fancy colored bor- ders, ,nish`:d ends. A very ne family 4P_l;a;nket. regular $3.75 per pair, - -' IOl$.Il36vj Jvbvucuun 1 `for.....5....... Miss Josie Foisie was home from Allandale for several days. (`Vanni . 11' LOT 2- LOT 4- `Men's and Women's Felt Slippers, reg. 65, for . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Womn s Calf Lace Boots, felts 1 lined, reg. $2.25, 20% of ...... .. | Regular Vlug for 6 mm . `Stream of Life. Life bears us on like the current ata. mighty river. Our boat at rst ghides down the narrow channel. through the playful murmurings of the little broolr. and the windings or its grassy borders. The trees shed their blossoms over our young heads: the owers on the brink seem to oifer themselves to our young hands; we are happy in hope. and we grasp eagerly at the beauties around. us. hntthe stream hurries on. and still our hands are empty. Our course in- youth and manhood is along a wider and deeper ood. amid objects more striking and magnicent. We are ani- mated by the moving pictures of en- "joyment and industry passing before- " us; we are excited by some short lived: disappointment. But our energy and; our depression are both in vain. The- stream bears noon, and our joys and grief: are alike left behind` us. KI_ :.A__ vL- -LI-n---An.` jg A4:-un .5IlC III? IDIIC I no Irinllln-\n_ I-av We may he ;hl;)w!'ecked-we cannot be delayed. Whet-her rough or smooth the river hasten: to its home till the- ronrot theocennlalnonreu-sand the tossing of the waves is beneath our ten. end the land` lessens from our cyan, and the oods are lifted up- around uspand we take our lane of earth and its inhabitants nntll of out further voyage there is no witness save the lnnnlte and etex-nnl.-Exchange. 53; iazir, u -uvuuouw-v -vp wv v we up Vovvl -- , I .:.Mr. William Clarke spent Xmas.| ,wi_tI_1 hi: mother at Markdale. I `Tapioca. Thu elegant` "and delicate starch is the product of a plant that is culti- vated very extensively in the Mala, peninsula. when its culture is almost entirelylln thelhauds of the Chinese. '.l`he'tnhera of the plant (Manlhot utm- slma). which welsh on an average from ten to twenty-ve pounds, are x-st acrapedand then carefully wash- ed. after which they are reduced to a pulp being passed between rollers. ..1`hlI pulp in carefully washed and _llD lth abundance of water until the tclcula Ielllratea and passes thtonth a very the sieve into a tub ~ beneath. the dour so obtained ,1: then placed _` llj_"d]dn "at home gmutonrq often ct. man: age dyed T..Ff".`. .S.`5`.". ?'.5. 500 LINDSAY OSHAWA puny saw. -v-- ------- E.'vF. Gaulgy t;o1;';. ying trip up from Ban-ie`.,o1h`1 Monday. V the eletiolt is over, and loctl option took" the lead. It will be the bright light in some people's eye. Miss Doddie Dumond was visiting home for a week. .She has now re- turned to. Toronto.` ' _ ` Congratulations to Mr. `and Mrs.` Mitchell Campbell, whose marriage took place oh Monday, Jan. 3rd, in Barrie. , ` it`: u` Mr. Thomas Desourdie of this vil- lage left for Proctor, Mich, where he` will visit_ his .sister,T Mrs. Ernest, Nevils; -Quite a number of our young peo-. ple took in the party at Mr. J. Travis of Grenfel, and all reported a jolly good time. - % A ' V I"" '--"`" , . | The stork visited Mr. and` Mrs. Robert Allen of this village on New Year s day. and left them a bouncing, baby boy. Congratulations. T V l at;d Mrs. `Dan McCa3;thy ha ve returned from Churchill. Mr. Me`-V Carthv at present is very low. Father Ryan was `suddenly called there or)` Sunday aiter.noon, `o' no V The Xmas. and New Year visitors. -have come and gone, and it is out`. sincere wish that they did not feel. any after eect of their hojidays and the extra piece of goose and turkey. %mm1cmL1cnoNs {I mrnnownsnlrsl `52 1 I- Reeve--`Rihard Bc_1l.~(acc.). .' ` Deputy-Reeve--Jas, Dundas. ` %_ ' tCmmcil1 1r.,s7--%R~< Mwry. - A,e:il.-. \ wi -V :;=. s ~Ree\`7.e-eE.. T;`McConkey.'. _' 7 . L -`Debut;/-Reeve.- hen Todd. .- '_Councv1llors-A-VI. B.1aok`.L-I W~:1'_I`_. Martin,-' Ash. Wamia,*_=`[. - % I.'l .'rai,n,; , ' I-"1\_CCVC""JU. baluweu. V T.D.puty-Reeve--Chas. L-W'htt[ieI `{a.).. Councillors--has.m _ H`arris_.+ _Al_:`x. Wilson, Alex. Finlay, ' ' "A s5`I_{`eev--]os. id--4.. Dan..- {`L.... -.`l Thui,-sdagy,` Jatarytggjg 1916;: ` , 3; viii ._ " IRE_N"1TWOOD_. " Vesgra. T % _7_AN.'1`ENf. . Miss Li1iieSliannah`a'1_1~`1 e:ft. on` Sat -` urdajr .for` T`-r_Qut.V\_Creek,>_V ` Q 3 ' I ' n..v-- c ;7Mr.s,i- %.,R-A _Ca1;rs'$ii:A~`si2ei1t"` a "``ie'; I Vglays` Lw_1th f_r1end_s gnT_9`ronto: j ` . .nu'~np-:44. "'V`j1'\?:[-r;:-'.i`:il:J:-u1:'i":*l;f;:,,g;;(1y' %mrxisn.% for. _hxsH,hVome;1n Bgtavia`, N.Y.. 1 II can I `v-.. -_-`.I `.-- -yxuv-l-v---"._. . . M}fj}3i:n Muir of .co1ia}{go& _.sp.ent a few. `days ,.w.ith_ .his_.parents of th1s'-place. ~~ ,, ' ._j '.*= L_ ._-7 j ' n Q-In - 4- '7"i1r}'.7i2'.' Lang and Mags; Lfieougia; lin spent a" few. `days-last week with "friends in Colleigwop . * " ;;`;,1.;.1se; ns+;;i1`I.e;-';i';m;1aeathe opening of _St1-`oud rink .last Saturday night. : Q\'I I '1 `ID . II % Mr. Afthur'"S;>;b-x;lv e.`i;7.`s: holidays with` his mother. Richard Morton.-.\}e17y'l ably lled the pulpit in the ,Methodist. Church on S1_1nday.mox-ning.` "ii? ali %'1&}T7,i'K6ii"`}om the West are Nslpending a- few days at the home of r. and Mrs. Alex`. Adams. `""'7fi{e -'i4a}?s '"v'wIii;E; ' 3""f$I3}{1?:} are spending their.Xmas._ and. New Yeafr s .holidaysA under` the. parental 1'00 . ` . . A ` Any person who rniged V hearing the: local option sermompreached in the` Presbyterian Church here last Sunday night, missed the season's treat. ' _...' V _ ._.._--_- Mr. `and Mrs.-\7V;. B. Sloan spent Christmas with friends in Markham. IL Mr. Hewitt` Latimer dram to?Ey- erettv to spend New Year's at hlS_ home there. ' . ` jgtlvc-1"Mrs. Graham Timmohs spent New Year's with friends in the village. V - st 1: - 0 1 an 1-\ ' 9 | 'TI'\;I?s_'s>`es M. Morris and M . Dean of day seasotjwith friends here.` a "0 Alton"been "spending the holi- u-u-rvoo --vw-wvu E. Sloan gaveea skating party. OI_! Mond_ay eveni_ng- last to a number? 01 her fr1ends.e Among those present from a distance were Miss E`. -`H-igh_ of Torontorand Messrs. R; Malcome spn, N. R. and Claude Sloan of Bar- rxe. V - - "is/1s'."13::' ."iai{iI{1a}7v"}id `Miss E. McKenzie of Toronto have been visiting atothe Willson House. St. Peter s Church Sunday School held a very successful entertainment on `Friday evening`last.` A drill. by sixteen members of the `S. School, one or. two dialogues, `a couple of L duets by the little folks,- Prof. Brown s wax works. songs, choruses, etc., made an excellent `programme; to sayfnothing of the number of se- lections on the phonograph given by Mr; G. Timmons, formerly of this place. Altogether, it was one of the best Christmas entertainments ever given here. Rev. E. A. Paget made an excellent chairman.` - . r I. % % MINESING; % 2 | Miss Edith `G. `Tracy hasTreturned' lto Blind River. - .\l',._ 'l\__-*_I_I I`- 1- ______I!,_._ _ 1!`:-um is'i.xe_o1!l`o_. DJ :1 op'8h~eet," %` V -hrzwintohicoounty of 8_1moo .thoPro-, " M 4 " .1-uom=soN qnlzw. Qfnopnusi-qn Sr., is spending a few days `in -Toronto. ' II? C " I ll ' CI ' " We"ia'v"be}{ Vjlaying ldaily calls from vote-hungry, would-be council- men.- No danger of becoming lone- some when the smiling, sympathetic candidate walks in, and with `benign- ant face discusses local municipal conditions. . --.n . ._. - ... vu ----vu'-.-. We. have been wishing that with the advent of the New Yea: we could congratulate ourselves on _the pur- chase andpossession of a site _ on which .to build the Rectory for the `missions of Minesing, Midhurst and Con. 7, Vespra. Some of uspnd the disappointment heavythat the New Year has not_b1-ought the l_onz-Adea la.V.ed. .earnest1y-hoped-for wish to a wpleasant actual fact. ` ' Y - v u u - - n v u w - w - . - - -v fl`he other presence. even more tibi-. qnitous than-the annual candidate, that bresence which_yopr corres-g pondent names a the `p'est1lence that`- walketh in darkness has been dis- tinguishing itself" again by midnight` disturbances. Wonder how -long any sane individual,~even in ;one s rs? y.ou:th,in one s early. salad days. will `be `capable of nding a fascination, much less 2' comforting pleasure. in creating a disturbance! The Methodist` Sunday School con- cert `and tea was a very successful function last Thursday evening. Pleasant weather, ashappy crowd and an exhaugtive programme (or a. pro- gramme thagwtyuld have been ex- haustive had It not been well render- fed) were contributing factors. yTiny children spoke pieces, and` men and` women sang and made speeches. ad- dresses a1'1'd;so' forth. V Needless to say. the refreshments were`mo'st_de- sirable. v_ *_ _ _ Last Wednesdziy .the mercury drop- Ded to 8 de%greesH'below*zcro. ` - - - Qn ~samaa'y evening, section fo re'- ' man. James 'McCrac1 n`..` fouxtdla man lging on the Aitraick at`? the" e`urv`e_f ` in , raig s cut, "The" man had evidently Iaidi down from` exhaustion:-;a.ndeT had gone _~tof sleep. He;y_vouIgl'_,;_m pro: ; lgabilityg ha'vje`-`- been`. ~f 0v,'`1` -[by . -e<-a'_ ftrain.~if vx1ot=e~.dicove1 ed.i. .;:.i - p_u_|u1u|,,v uuvc - `.IJCCll. , gfull traagi, = Inf .._n__ot_~: _d1scovted. }L.n_nstmas tl'_.Ill(l 0!! the 22!I(l"|llt.` . \ru\;uv_y \.:U., uuuns uuaulcaa L'._ J I . UL , ;,,. _a;d;.of,,_:the V1i5,`a,~=w3,js a .suess ;n, `m the;-iC1ty of. Toldeo, Count and ' . ' `1 " ' L g " _Sta_te__.,ai;;f9'1feLsaid,`,.and that sa' `rm :.`ii g.?;",`; 3:; ~.=.`;?1;`: ? %:`u*?4 win away sum wt om: r`uma>- jceived; and th"*7uri bghaviur-Tof R-ED :DO:LL*ARs for each and every % `-the awe - t1-`aiing. 50.5 athev t qgchef`9- the.child:'.en r'et1ectg_?`.ItIjut:h;`tedi't'; on`ca8.ek1:of1,rQat#rtb' that a3!?T0t .b.-.P1"d_ % > A " `. *T1.L3*~`.A;9fvHa" SI.Catarrh"Cure. .Mi%ss::?17urner1nd`LMi`s%-Tampa: , . E` 11- ; b?8`::?v'OZV;i-WQ 7 3 1 ` 1br`.V-ii1e} `ai1de:S!5`5?5ril?4`. J Ethv ` .o`f_ ;. I810 UUWH XTUITI. CXn3tI0n:'_[[Iu nau ` ` ,- - - V _ 9 gone to` :A\I~Ie.L V,'_,/$2.11Taro: 5 ` L11_8 AC9,11_tY- _ `}ss_ }?31?;}y-:`hw-:.beAe,, g,.gn 03., -,s.-T;,'y%:a-_ A_St`aVt of Ohxo,_;Cxty-_of ~~To1edo,A - 1 tra:;1,~1f.;n9t_:-_discovgted. 53: 5; .j:.._ ".I_j..T~C11e_n,ey,V.1pake oath that )% 'I'.h_ `schobli %r*:en:euaahmen:3-audi<.%w:$1!=%A%Partr .f .Fhe%-n? A0` Ch_ristm'_'as-'-`.trc*e h_el3*.':0?""the; 22`ri(1~'_ult:= - 1-` m7'```-Y'* 8` C092" d`8"b5`53- 2. -...`.:_1T;-1: 11.. ul'ir;.-'._-_`: _.._-- _ T_--~._L-.~-; 2.~.. ii1 ?thbX.Citv. nf Trillion 'CnI1`nfv and `ran: 1 1wAYoRAL*rY7 C:I_I1JRCI-IILL._` _._n - cm Vmunsr. % EEFROY-%: ` spnding his W" y.-_..;,` ".9-:""'.-'f!'_. -. ;.:.'y '5; 379; at.:7e "am. Qnw A -as. .'soendi_ng`. ,h1s', ;Chnstmas vacatxon". ` _w1thIhis-ieparentsivhere; - . . The father '}of' Sergt. Major` ~ Rig`- t,gl_esfbrd 'i"s' fexpected to` a. _1'1`7.'ive frdm. `_E_ng1and shortly. H ` ' 4 , ' `e '. Ir"1`he Rev. R. ;L. Weaver and" Mrs. - Weaver are "visiting friends in Tor- konVt_O.` .. In pital,[To_ronto, to his home here on having just had _her .materna_'l anxiety muchgtaxed-in nursing. a daughter ; at Ardendale. The,.young man is suffer- ing much fromythe loss of his leg; >D_r.' Atkinson pf. Hiillsdale isztin at- i tendance. - A very large -number of tLA'.N.I(Vi:;.:;i;,niiOf1;t..ailefgiieente A zly, .returned`. from ' the. Western. Hos-q ;Chiyi`s tma_s. There was afsad -meeting. .betw_eeh mot_-hersand. son, the latter; Hsy_mpathizing friends have visited the injured man, Among them was Mr. James. Hayes, J.P., of Apto, who cal- eled"to offer words of cheer. Mr; Robert.McCu1lough of -Toron-' to is renewing o'ld `acquaintances -here. ' Ava:-- 1: IN 1 . `p ERY gratifying-.` i_n_deed;__ it must ` ` be to Mayor B eec'_roft to _haye . .. `found `himself sohandsomely. returned by -the `citizens on.` Monday iast. His qualications -,.were` early ; recognised as being. superior tothvose of . his opponent, white he 'had"_"no: N damaging record to confront him. The people `showed by. their votes i that they could not be `stampcded by; l -syrnpathy,` sentiment or lfalse issues. They showed -further that the day has` passed in_ Barr-ie`when`_a mayor can" arise up and demand to `be r,'e-eie_ct.ejdi `for a second term as '_a mere matter of` right. . For the first time 4 in 4o years, in fact in the history of the Town, the citizens. refused to honor ` that so-called right, and..henceiorth L the occupant of the mayor s chair` -has notice that merit alone "counts ancthat he must be prepared to stand` or `fall on his administration; 'To.The Advance the result is par- " ticularly satisfactory; 3 This journal was the only paper that dared to 4.7-jisticize the late regime. It was the wily paper that hadthe courage to --- _-___-..A. -1 `K- _ .;-1`he`.Mis'ses `Constable Vof, Barrie are visiting friends here. -`IlNI n pr!` -vuuv Iv cu-'5 w-- u-- -- ----vvv- __ -- V-`flriwiss Addie and Be'rt- McCo-r;key' gisited the Misses Latime_r on Sun- ay; . _ , . -'4: ' .".r `A .1 If \I&_V 0 Mr." Cameron zlfatimer or the Queen Eity is holidaying ` with his ` parents CFC. ' _. 1, w ` llwg V0 Mt. Stanly Zwnaikerv 'has` rtufned after. spending his holidays with his parents at King. 1 rl\_,-_.._ 2- _-:- yulwblbu an A-nu: V Miss Humphrey of Toronto is vis- iting at the home of Mr. andvMrs. Frank Robertson. - ---c-- -ww-rv- .._-_-- .Mr. Dalfon Roberfson has retu_rn- ed to Knox College after spendmg his vacatign with his parents he-_1;e. Several from here attended the an- niversary services in `St. Jude s church, Thornton, on Sunday`even- mpg. V ' Miss Blanche Duncan has returned from` Brownlee, _Sas1_c._, accompanied bv her sister, Mrs. Bisset, and niece, Mona. - ' - an alt new: In 1 F. R. Merdith of Victoria Col- lege lgas returned to his studies after spendmg his hlolidays with his moth- er here: 1 T . up . up . `pa E` IIVI VI The home of_Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wallace, Stroud;-was the scene of a very quiet `wedding, when their daughter, Jean Mg, became the wifel -1 1\`.. I? (` Dnwvnnnn n|c`uI-`II difghte}, Jean BEcam`e v_vife' ofvD r. F. C. Bowman. Du1uth,TM-mn. TL; an.-nrnnnu urea n`hnr`11t-fat` `xv `H19. finyvo runny. uu-- _ ---v _- .._ , Ta me out openly in suppprt of Mr. `eecroft's candidature. Others shiny- tellyed an?! temporized, but The mdvance` stood for what it believed be right ahd pliinly told the peo- eso. A .- ` ~ U11/I. 1`. K1. uuwuxau, :.Ju1u|.u,_ avxluuu The ceremony was conducted by the Rev..John Power, Unionville, uncle of` the bride. A wedding which greatly interest- ed many of our citizens took place on Dec. 22!/`Id, at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., when Miss Burleigh Mulhol- land. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mulholland; became the wife of Mr. John M. Kaine, a teacher in the Model `School of that place. The happy couple spent a few days last week with the latter s parents, prior to leaving for their future home in Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Kaine have the warmest congratula- tions of this village and community._ OnN ew .Year s night the King Ed-. ward_ skating rink was opened with fairly good ice and a large crowd. Loads came from Barrie, Holly Le- froy, Nantyr and Thornton. Stroud Citizens . Band furnished music for the occasion.` This magnicent rink is 180 x 44 feet with a walk of 4 feet for the spectators and a platform 20 ft. wide.The four gasolinelights fur- nish an excellent light all over the ice. This rink is a credit not onlv to the village but also to Mr. John Ro- bertson, the proprietor. ` Take` your gristing and chopfng to Wilkinson's Mill. Chopping every day, Sc per: Ioo.-lbs., weighed in. and A `Mr. D. Shaw of Newmarket is visit-. ins: friends here. urn `urns: ., 2- "'?s4;.""i=`}2d"'1iIse of Coldwaten-A is. visiting Mrs. Kaiser. , L Mr. and Mrs". J. Brown visite friends in -Ivy last week. * Mr. Tho_s. Afmstrong spent last week with Bradford friends. here. . vv_\v\ynu vvltll a-ray-nu-v-so ocuvuas--- Miss Jennie Thompson of Barrie spent a pleasant holiday atvher home _-nu. vi Mr. Daltori Matthews ._sent list week with frignds in. Oshawa and Toronto.` - ` - - -5 .. n 3' A 1 . I l o v vauuvu Miss M. To11ock of; Cbokstowni commenced duties in S.S." No. I on Monday., - It rw 11-On, -,-.-_;.;2-.-.l &V1I \IIl\JIIJ_I , Mr. and Mrs. VC_. Mi1ls_ entertaixugd their friends very pleasantly on Fri- _day evening. . 4 , 1- 1-\ in 1. \:'v__ 2 "Mr. and Mrs... D. Ross and Miss` Ross pf Cqokstown spent over `Sun- |da'y w_1th fnends hete, ~. V 1111 1`. \: u ., ._ 1 ___, ___ Ag! Page -I8 QOIIIDII _1loSIVlPlP?9 g

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