Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Jan 1910, p. 1

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Dull Illat at In: IlIl uuscuulg nun ;a.u;; the r%stV?L" question he asked after. read-* ing ove1'*-,.the; prop9'sed;A contract for the: pr.`}>d;utio1_1p _dfVt1xeirVa"g1;,eep1e5ntt ..frm .`Kansa_;7u_City4 -giving _ exclusive: 1"i"11.ts.. ,,w `ich Hm replie(1- he. dide L. -. vu".:`.`.|.~r1.;..v--.v..... .`..'+94-.1z`u!"4>\' `cow Huh Iflls, `(U .wuu;u L1-Ill 1cyux;u.~ us: usu ncit,thi'nk he _'was entitled to 'see` the" agi-eett1ent;. The Mayor was brees`eLnt_ at;3the_:time= i and _ did not. ; qeegn, to, care ' _wli}etheg;- or not: the jtagreemente was ..o,rd1I_ed._ Po`inting tofMr`.Hilf `the '~ o_""ik`e I-`_'_s'ie\i t__i :i~*' ;?:``:,`L`ia_dies , a`ndi Gentle- `I31. msvzhgt ~::>gon.den;ce.ean,esyonee.p9- `[3 - X? 1-`$.e.,;.}f1`2i~'V@!?3R,,-0.5 hte 110,5 1'3; '-`"*n'5e1%}`ii1`$ `t-.`~ an xmpq tor and I a" 7 7 "6 foczi 11. Iai 0 Mr. Boys hext delt-with Mr. Hi11 s statement before the Council that the. - Weber `Company was worth from $300;00o to $500,000, and. read a letter showing that the company had `gone int0,..1iquidati0n on-. February 9th: and. ethjat when Hill made the abovegstat__e- `ment, he .kne_w;,t__he; ,'Kans'a-s. Company `were utter! `.b,an~krupt.>-; 0 `He 1:i,ointed- ! --.~; .1_-..2s.'1. izg. -A-...a. 'a....d:.-nu as-3&1. I -1:11` I -v_vre' ut_te_LrI:z_`.V b rIkf0Pt- - V, H3 V ,1?=9,1:t?a_ [opt Vhat"at `us first meetmg with H111, .,`.L'v2u.-_--A.2-.. L- -..I....I .34...- n'1na:-`n. `ir Qmcet Ann .`l'Hl- Aoo1a"Im_ovc*;or cannot; om: V lITllWIO!_lf.. ' [COUNCIL vonas MONEY! lndemliity Bon_d Signed by Foundry ` Co. and Directors to Say: Mr.'Lennox read. the bond indem- nifying the Town, the several mem- bers 'of` Council and the Treasurer against loss from any action that may be "taken for non-comp-liames with terms of agreement between company and Town, said bond being signed by the company and its` sev- eral directors. cur`.- Highest privc-e-12:1` gash paid. -f-(I): goooi cedar shingle bolts. delivered m Ba.`rrie`or at any '}.T.1{. siding within one hundred miles of Barrie. J. HQ CLARK, Shingle Manufacturer. Burr-up Ont, tf vv so-V-- 1- Did` your -vac--`--J ---u-vow-v `Several reportdvrelating to valua- tions. etc., were led, and a letter was read from. Haughton Lennox, K.C'., rebond from Canada Produeer and Gas Engine Co., Limited. 1 iii tn ago A` 1" The report of Wm. -Gallic, A; Stapleton and Thos. Rogers placed the value of the foundry land and buildings at $26,037. A. J. Wallace's valuation of the machinery was $37,- 987.94, while Jas. M. Smith's gures were $52,843. ' I " committee composed" of the _'Mayor, the Reeve and the Clerk` re- ported as to _$55,ooo of preferred ' ` ' YsI'I'TU' stock being subscribed, of -which amount $36,244 is paxd up. ' l The company s books show pay- ments on machinery, eguipment, etc., of $36,820.62. For the past six weeks the pay-roll has averaged 35 to 38 men, while the weekly wages, ex- clusive of managers and office he]; ran $393.08; An insurance of $ has beeni transferred to the Town. V light to see their .favorites"ove'r'whel_mv. was .17 to 3; .- ,Bar`rie Juniorse took ,sweet' revenge- _out of Newmarket'- on Monday night 1n the rst `-league came" of the sea- son. It will be remembered th'ata; year ago the colts suffered a severe defeat` in Newmarket, and quietly -have `they, nursed" their `feelings dur- ing the interval. About 30 suooort- ers accompanied -the `team-. to the southern town, and `howled with de-.'` the York County boys. The S0I.'e._, 4-: h--- ..-. __.__-._:~_:...} V A special meeting of the old Coun- cil was held on Thursday evening last; Ito deal with the foundry matter. Ila lI'\.r\pII' LI I1IIJl\IlV\l Iv\J 5l|\- J-\Ivv LII On xation, the reports were adopt- led. v-.-- __-vyvv-_ A `by-law was then introduced au- thorizing the payment over tq _the company of $40,000. .u .1- '1 ,.__'_I3-_., The division on the third reading resulted as follows: Yeas-Garden, Caldwell, Little. Ball`, ,Nes's, Walls, Stapleton, Garrett, Horseld, Clark and the 'Mayor-II.. Nays--Sprott and Craig-`-2._ _p .1- A -1__.- 1-.. _.-.. I Newmarket Ovemhehhed in Fm: r League Cam By 17 OUND-A CUFF LINK. on Moxiday. The owner can have same by calling at this nmnn nnnl n1-nl/int) nrnnprtv, .")2._ | I|I\D \rnI-Ina -- The nal passing of the'by'-law was. carried on` th'e;same divisic_>`n. whlncwsn van -.-w __.__-v _....._---_- Before adjournment instructions were given to renew _the insurance on `the, Town -Hal1-_$4ooo with A. F. A. Malcomson and $4000 with A, Lett,. in rsit`-Acla-ss `companies. ..... ., .., _,. 7 Yet the game was not soone-si'd~`~ `ed ,as the gures would indicate.- The ,c oLIts had a better combination than -the other fellows, and: were in su-. periof condition. L.` hW'hiteheadfof Toronto was referee. Barrie ran in. :4 goals` right off the reel, and-at half- .tir_ne,Ied by 8 to.2.;e Newmarket was !inclined to frough it in the early ;stages.', The teams. 3 " .,- T . <,'goal; R. Hqrsdd, *po_int; , Rowe, ftcove-r; Eoystol;-,.1e`:ft_ -wing ; _Meeking, een,t`re;j S, Hjo`1"s_`eld,t ?.gQv`.;.;bLer9t`1x, nght'j`1ying,. ;; '2 -Newmarket-`~Racin,. ;0;- ._Shupe, :.o6in_t; Ebwo1jth;'*L9Lv`et;- `B.(en1tiet,- e'cefn`t',e`: ef `33313-V, I nan... -v an-nu _ ,1 jFfcr -.Ba"rtie . B1-o_w`n` in: t11_ n=ts iras 'x`nLv:`nc'iIb1e." * xb Rowe ..a'n`d;Rus.~; H We :%.elT;w;"Ab1qrd%-adne dfnc`<=L.% `=1I!k*:was%`Tno01i3sjLr %BARRIE S EASY WIN Town Harmless. DGITIU. J` II Barne. Ont. ~ Johnny. Dyment's Colts versus the fast Simcoe Juniors of Toronto drew a holiday crowd to the Mammoth Rink on New __Year s`afternoon. The exhibition game proved keen and ex- citin,*'and considering that it was the first breakaway of the season" a pretty fair brand of hockey grevailed. Gren Caldwell handled the tinkler, and kept the boys strictly at busi- ness. ` Penalties were numerous, Sib Rowe `managing to catch the referee s eye more than any other player. The` teams showed about even in point of weight, Barrie having a slight advant- age. The line-up was as follows: Barrie-Brown, goal;-e Rus. Hors- etd, point; -Rowe, cover; Stan; Hors- eld, rover; Meeking, centre; Leroux, right wing; Foyston, left wing; Simcoes-Addison, goal; Laverv, point; Nelles, cover; Webster, rover; Clarkson, centre; Warwick, right wing; McGif`t'ney, left wing. 1.1;. .s.nq.. of Tom. sap! . `At the outset the play was pretty - -general, the `puck travelling from end to end with varying fortune. After several` minutes work, Warwick for the visitors scored, Ba_rrie- hav' g a man on the fence at the time. .1`he Simcoes now pressed strongly, and play became more strenuous,` several of the boys beingpenalized. Barrie, however, carried the battle to their opponents territory and gave Addi- son. the Simcoe goal tender, plenty of work. At length after a series of .cl_ose calls Foyston found" the Toron- to nets for Barrie- s rst tally. On resum'ing,- honors were easy for a while. but Meeking nally scored for the colts on a neat piece of combina- tion. Barrie continued" to have the better of theargument, but lost a ne "chance to connect at the psychologi- cal moment. _The puck then went to the other end, Webster notching the second goal for his side after a `sharp rallv. Nothing further was doing be- fore half-time. Score, two all; I Second `Half. The boys felt revivedby the rest, and the hockey became warmer; with thecolts rushing strongly. Meeking again won the applause of the-spes-I tators by capturing Barrie s third! goal. Encouraged; the homesters continued their aggressive tactics, and the Toronto boys "were. so to speak. down on their haunches. Sev- eral players adorned` the fence at this stage, and the combat thickened. Foyston .made a hair"-raising run down the ice from a Simcoe rally, and Stan. Horseld getting possession of the puck shot goal number four. The, visitors now took a bggee, but could not get past their opponent's strong defence. Brown-and R. Horseld al- ways Being in the way. 'Sib Rowe made a splendid rush here, carrying the rubber almost to the enemy's door. but the attempt was blocked. Presentlv. the Simcoes pulled4them- selves together, and` the Barrie cita- del felltwice in rapid succession. thus bringing the score four to four. Dutch Meel' s brilliant indi'vi`cli_1'al work soon put the colts once again in the lead . and the crowd breathed more freely. During a long delay that fol- lowed` the resumption of" play. the organ struck uptS omebod'y s Wait- ing. *, the funny side of the situation tickling the onlookers immensely. Meel` again in the limelight with another goal , albeit that Barrie had a man short at the time. Score:' l _6--4`. Butthe Siincoeswere not yet done bv any meansyand` came right back with another. It was~an`anxious moment. with the game anybody's until` Leroux `by a, clever ljit of play. made it 7 to 5. That nished the tal-. lying, and? no furthera-d\rantage was secured by either-team when the bell rang.` V T ` - I 53...... ;..A._ wnnooonwn-5-:9 The Simcoes. are a likely bunch, and will bear watching; They came up. from Toronto fai'rl'y condent, and Johnny Dyment can be congrat- ;ul`ated on his lads taking their meas- ure. In combination play they show- 'ed` to better advantage than the 10- cals, but the latter offset this by `clever individual` work, besides being faster skaters. Addison in the nets did so1end`1d`l'y. but he had more to `add than had` Brown. Lerofux, the Midland boy, is a decided acquisition- ='td"the coits, though not in theibest a lot `of hard, `useful playing`, and was `a material facto' Barrie s win. The ;:work of the other-shas alreadybeeu _noted.r Altofrether, it was a Dretty inf shone onsattirday Foyston did` ;ga'1-;'r_e_`t_o'j look at. and the `Dvment A=eot_ts?`i"xzivenro1nise__ of.: rendei-in: a o're.ttyf 1-good eaccount of themselves `thef sle`ason Vis irjiich 'OltTl".~ ~ `V . T jM~A_RRIED.T I CA?R`R-HU=DGIN-At the` eesrduice ..__" ;1_'_ .`IL..2.!-9. A--'__..L- -.\0--`I`\--...I_- Btu`_ri,.. on Tuesday; aw 1919;t-Jams.- Lindsay ` zodayay '?st`1E7fa?ic 1'e`7s*`5;KcsfF9 13`3 S,tree't'-, V Toronto, _;on .Wednesdav,- Dfec; 29t_h.*".i.909.`by.`the. Rev. J. D- sn:;-.;.;.:.n..:.-~ .: ~urv....-I-...`.- mr..n....~.::.a.u `V"V "7 L\\4Vo J. `Jo 0.f, {",\7"es:;`l:y7-` Methodi . `.CVh`m-ch, , Ada: `Odessa, etdest daugh- ter Off" and Mrs. `Albert; Hud 5, _t o: Cz_u-'t, of` Painsvfi gk. Comments. {moo "I-tn Aimuu m Anvmcl .UNCII C."l.W'l'C U7. .4Wai'd I. . Ward II. `I7, I YT? `The, Peole by a P*x-onfounccd Ma- Delnnnd Clmnge. |nm=.cRorr nrmrs um '.The municipal, eiectionst passed off quietly on Monday, owing perhaps. to `so View oices being contested. Nevertheless, there were some sur- prises furnishe d.. The Barrie Car- ringe Co-. by-law went down to de- feat, `failing by 165 votes to reach `the required number. This, of course, was very regrettab1e,. butfcan only be laid to recent circmustances which need not .be expatibated upon now. It : `IAUVAA AL-4. LL ,- -~- ---- --~ ~--y-uav-u uyvu nuw. Ll; is hoped that_ the company will yet receive the recognition. it deserves from the rate-payers.. Again, i'n.,,g1'u-_ aldermanic contest` for Ward -Siiit?, _it ' was popularly `understood that? Mr. T. `Gray had withdra.wn.. A. card to `that effect had, in fact, been inserted `in a local sheet. However, when the ballots-sygere. counted. it. was found. that?-'Ald.;.Poucher had been defeated` by two votes, Mr. Gray receiving no- less than '7o~plumpers out of a total -of 93. The race for the commission- `ership lay between. two worthy citi- 'zens, but Mr. Bennettls nrevious ex- perience stood him in good stead with the citizens his majority being: 133. Mr. Brown polled a. splendid vote, and against any other opponent would have won. But. the great bat- tle of the day was for the mayor s chair. Mr. Vair s facilities for get- ting out the voters were. superior to. his opponent's, but Mr. Beecroft had many volunteer workers who never ceased their elforts until ve o c1oclc had ` struck. Both sides expressed. condence in the result; . The first returns came from Ward` II. which gave Beecroft 8. This was followed: by I. and III. showing almost a" neck and neck race. However..when Bee- croft pulled 28 out of_ IV. b, Vair -s supporters realized that theissue was lost, and as the overwhelming figures: were received from -South Ward the rout was complete. Vair made his best showing in W'ard V. w~h'ere~l*ie' overtopped his opponent by 18. VVQILI 111: [Ward IV. Ward IV. Ward V. Ward VI. .. ; V AN'l`ED-A HOUSE `MAID. at once. f1:ply to Ml-KS. J. R. COTTER. Owen 57% ii? v agu xxx. Ward IV. Ward IV. Ward V. . Ward VI.. Ward I. .. Ward II. . Ward III. II - _, J 1'31 : lWard I. . VVard II. Ward III. 1IT,, I T11 VVGI lwar `IV. Ward IV. % Ward V. . Ward VI. ` VJ`!- Beecroft s majority, II4. Commissioner.- [ i3enii`e{'tfs . W: !Necessarv to carry, 830. Deciency, ' I65. \.4lGl l\ \JJ lWard'V"I. I27 'c`13.:1`kT2d Gray eiectqd; District` Cup rinrks,; one: from each` of the two local clubs, liad a friendly bout one day last week. Scones : .N at -71- Pair semi-detached brick houses for rent` situate on Bayeld St. All conveniences Apply MRS. JAS. KEENAN. 41-tt E . Dteamland is again open, ahd there E ai _`rst-cIk_ss.-. bi11= fbt--`the: zest of the .--4 ISGIII week. T u - -rv IIVIIVW II` CD`. Imus; cont: mu: stun ' go; Balls and `Phlaes ;coA:n-mamas arm. TtS'_1`--Whie. shaker d.b. .j;'.1'ROUS8RS_-Same as cost. It. A In fI].lI_ I` __`v - ----v - --4 vvw-. H;AT- -Silk. . . , _SBI.R'I--Plath whine, cu attached. Bonn-m-.sz_uamg. tie, bnoad end. `GI:gl`35`. Ilnks and stug-., V `orrect: Dress uuu m3Ka'ie""ANcH . W. D. MORTON. Mnngger. majority,` I - `x;:;; s_iqr:w1$f:'h_7z:;rsV CURLI_NG. Aldemnen. Mayor. _ 3 J. Psitscnv W. Todd.` OI- Bennett: B`:-owns. 60 * 8r I I8 83' 103 58'. O0 ..... Beecroff 72 I06 8! 87 79 _85 For* Against 73 51 I I0 . 40 {:3 70 '11-: :52 , - ---~--vv--- v-------=-- ----7"" 4' .1AAAAAA&\ RRh "5:49;%.`?9*Iv].3%& uuu. nu.-. info`: I` 50` I6!- Vaiir awn 31 [we will 2.! 53. ifor:f All Kinds. Best Quauey. Hard & son WOOD ,snm1 apsplic, guusxnus Cw Iu;NwA F . We `have already over 415 Bran`- `-ches 1n Ontario and a.bToutA 120 in the West. If we have not yet established -`a Branch within easy reachof you, you can carry on all your`. banking business by ma_i1, con- veniently and safely, ..wxth our ?nearest Branch. r`--n __,._...:4... .....A clan 'lU|'an.on-or Operi a Savings Account with. a Deposit of $1.00 or more. In-_ terest is paid A--t" highest current, rate and money may be with- drawn at any i`t\i me. -_.-g nngnn .-- ----- --7 u_ ` O'Connll. Proprietor. om. (v1'n' MARKET ` ' 148 Princess Street `nnipeg 1`1rst(`.1uss Accommodation. Remodelled V und Refurnished Throughout. Tnearest Drancu. Call orwvrite and the Manlalgerl will gladly explain the" system I\....... n QnIr:nrI'E A!`l`f'I1II1f' Wmzx TRAVELLIKG Wn':s'r 31 SURE AND srop AT THE ` ~ ~ ~r`:'s`abuzZnZZa"fs'6f . Total Assets Oct. -30th. I090. over `gag ggg AQA M A R RE? Hc")A.:r `E L K ll\-_._.II "I.._._____ A. w. WlLKlNSON'S Dhnnn no nan..- 11--.: a. 11:11. 1-4.. at it I it Itli-IIUTZIV T `P-h'one 23. 011109. Yard 8: Mill: John St.` VQL. LIX- O. `I ' vWHOI. I, _N_O.A 3915*. ` VI-cannon cnxw. Pnonntrou,` 2 V NEW KDVERTISEMENTS. -du ikv-VZTUV in shorthand or Business will brin on best results if taken at an old establ s ed on.` f`\r\lIn1I(r}\|t7 vInl:n"\lo anhnn` \l 3nI-on UUSL FUUUILH ll L&KUll_ul: I111 0l(l eacaugsnuu and thoroughly rehable school. W inter Term begins Jan. 4th`. Catalogue tree. an":ru';1=lH AME;RWlV'A`lNl'm BUS} ESS COLL GE (`antral Y.M.C.A. Building.`To1-onto. Our annua1C1ering_S a1e of Furs and Winter =GoodsV_.--tb` ` make room for 4the _ `Hats nowon t`heV3way. to: us`. 1N'1`r.'u-A nuuam xvuuu. as once ;pply Owen St. 52.1 > EyoUR _._....._j u--:- Choice Manitja annmiIy, Low Prices. Best Value: at-e ,..Y9U.R_ ;'VanIasou J. FRANK Maker of Portraits "Flam FOR SALE ,_ \____ CEDAR-WAN'l`ElT or ' iguana 1'1 . J .0`: FOR SALE. TO LET I___! _|_ lVl0X.l(X8y. 1 I16 52-tf Lll'Bl' tt Anniversary; services in` the Ivy. Presbyterian church on Sunday, Jan. 9th. Tea, and concert on the Mon- dav evening. First-class program; See posters. T u A7 ;p}ai'fIn2{i3'oe th w.A. to R. V. Hospital is called for Tuesday, Jan. nth, at 3 p.'m., in the- Court Rdoom,-A`large attendance is request- e V 1 _ 7 I "Monsoon Ted, this famous old English breakfast .1.-ea" can always_ be obtained at Bothw_ell . - --vu aavl-IIVVFII in "G: to V`-V`T'ilkinon s for all kinds. of , Slabs, sawed and splitvanyleng_th you risclii` and _sold per cord, 1106 box on s. T ` . - Dry. Hard and Soft Wood, also- :`1\`Irws.,Geo. Hill of Crown/:1-Iill won the guessing contest at th.e Olympia Candy Works, the prize being ,a sil- ver sugar bOWL" The block of "candy [weighed 67 lbs., 15% oz.~, and Mrs. Hi.ll s `guess came within half` an {ounce of it. Lv0tV)kf`0;1t'f.01' the S. A_A. oben air service Thursday precedmg the auc- tion sale of children in -`the.Citade1[ 5/! R c\ on KTA.-L Cu...-I--- -1. A - --~ uuu can: u: cuuurcll III ~tnC.\.lta.Cll at 8 pan. Next Sunday at 3 p.m. an- other batch of recruits will be en- rolled. At 7.30 Capt. Macdonald will conduct a memorial service to the late Mrs. Ca-me:-on., ' I The Separate School Board nom-| inations on {Wednesday of last week resulted in-acc-lamations. The Board for I910 Ls as follows: John Oliver, Wm. Lana. E. J. Byrne, Jas. F. Cav- anagh, W. Moore, Peter Kea-ms. _P. Moran, E. Ludlow. W. Crossland, W. A-.`Overs,' J. J. Moore, Ias. Mal- loy. E-. J. Byrne and W. Lang are new members. marriage ucense. ,No delay. -( .Mr.{ E. Hill "vv,rits The A `that .toA-mght"s_ `proposed meeting `ini- the opera house. has been cance_l}e;L ,_ .1.` U nr:n:-`._.- -n-....... .. :....'..-.:..- tn_e opera nouse_l_1as been cancel}e.d_g -E. H. `WiIIia'ms,` Bax-rie s fav'o`i-_it__e. jeweller, does ne script 6!`l81'3Vi!18 free `of charge on articles bought in I this store. - .. - A _' `.4 Miss Marion Scott of A!'th1.".h35 been appointed to the vacancy on`the teachinyzrstaff in .West Ward `School, duties to commence Feb. Ist. ' V. ` 0179 Agricultural Society's ` annual meeting takes lace on Tuesday.~,,]a;_;, 13th., not` We n__esday, Jan. I9ti'1, as -prevxously announced. See advt.`_ ' 11., .11 : A I I nauvuu vwu vvu-. ..,., v--- 7" 's4=~ ianking. bvail _- .._- wu-Q-CYZI "Mr. `W-:j_A. snelu 'oFi2}n}?:{13 D.J D.G.M. for Georgian Dist_rictaNo. 9,` will make his oicial visxt to-Ker,r Lodge on the evening of J33-,2ISt g l____u_ ICC A After a lingering illness; 'Ja mes| Czwerhill, a -resident of Brentw'ood,=. died here on Monday, Jan; 3rd, in his 70th year. Deceased was born in Trafalazai-`township. County of Halton. His wife died some years ago. A brother, Thomas : Caverhill,. lives at Oakville. The remainswere shioped from Meaford Webb's estab- lishment` yesterday morninqfto` New i Lowell , fer interment rat ,Brent_w.o_od.` Mrs. `TE1'izd)eth Cameron, an old- time -resident of Barrie, entered the lgreat `beyond on Wednesday, Dec. 29th. aged `86 years. Interment-was made on Friday afternoon in Union. cemetery, the services being conduct- ed by the `Salvation Army with which the deceased had been `connected since its inception here. Two sons, Iphn and` Charles. and. one daughter; Mrs. .T_oe Lang; are left. "Mr." Carn- leron dred many years ago." A A l . . A . .. `celebrated our` always on hand, _at `nnwio w The "vat: foi Loicfax `option in$u[n V nidale wa ;.374 fO`,`..;ari'd I68 agmts;t.t Caldwell `defeated Hickling qfhe Vespra :_-eev_e's'hip 1_$y, 62 ma.i01'1tY- ' Purity Flour, q stdck of this {now Bothw1l s. ca 11* own": I f:.iE$E 1a.; jars}; in at E. wn.j hams , Dunlap St., and procure-'your'i marriage license. No delay. I `ll'_.` 1'.` r!` 1'1'0nu'- . , rnu, - A_I_A-___ _ ` Miss .M8!'gaft' A. Miller of Uto-i pia died on Wednesday, Dec. 29th,` aged -56 years, after an illness of eight months. She was the daughter of `the, late Chas. Miller, and the last survivinghmember of the family, The funeral `on `Saturday. to Ivy, Presby- terian church and _ce'met`ery _' was largely. `attended. service -being" conj- ducted 13? Rev. G.'I. Craw; Si`x,cous- ins of the deceased, L-`Messrs. John, - Chas.. Thos.. Andrew.-,`_ and Ir- win Millet, acted as pgll-bearers. im ame Taninint%B-i 1 (Linn.-I-tn V . Vth{!,_A$Ah'3;f;el`101ders of `je i'1`;":<.`if'5` C1!.,;-3Com an "'~"""""- "lit! I-I116 r .r-; I, J1 Ix _` Th: Annual pny "win-_ take p1a7@= at A.%`,.h\a,. ` "I: .Vl3i V fif" A 2. . *3` 1 '_ 1 :cbrc%h_9_f_I3nsIand I \III 3111:: _ BLACK MARE,six years old. ound and :m [good condition. Apply to MEAFORII WEBB. Undertaker, Barrie. 1-1 M Frmurrv cHunc'HVA%`52av%i%cts " L5`-'."%'`~ JAN-T91??? % - i j any E.R,'J. areas. 8-I30 3.11:).-.g-H.011 Commuiom 11 a.m.-MoI`ning Prayaxand S mjon. _ ' , .' .: 3 p m.-esunaay School. :... 7p.m.-'-EV'9308 and ._\ v * `C .9. -1 u K It III-` _ V -..v-- _ Welcome. %j, -----11 Iutcncl` Fir.-:.i-iiihtt. ` TH! `UULVlJ-'t\ LIU l`.l.` 1Jl.1Vl\v` can_ 1 Oice and pvovxng property. sa1NIc<)iE, ;ON'1`AR10, JAN UJARY? 6. .1910 House w,as:'paek-' ed to: ths;a=i..d5rsa_h:`dn iday niefht to hear: Mn? `Boys defhce, of the charges that iehiald-jreg.efnt"1_y~ been made. against him conce:-ibng matters__p'er- lotaininjk st9the f9undr?veoasree.1nt.' arid the `by.-1_aw hvothedeugion V in May?-last. Mr. '1`.hos.- ,Peatjcey_ p`resided, and at times had `hisehands full in "holding, back the warring elements. There yvereimany stormy passages, and in` one instance it looked for a minute: ox-V two as though the sp.eakers would. come to `blows. No damage was done, however. vvvvwlo have _'Mr. R. J`. Goudy and My. .Mc- Donald up fr`Qm a.Toronto_`.- These gentlemen, were associated with Mr. M}'; Hays had taken the tn-ouble. to` Hill "in ; the attempt` to exploit" the; Port ;Perry company, and spoke -f-roni inside knowledge. The table was.'li_t_- terally covered withdocumentary eva- dence, and no man s word was_asked to be taken. - . There `seemed to be a-deliberate` attempt at _the start to break up the meeting, and considerable inter:-up-' tion was made by those who_should have known better.- Ultimately, how- ever, order was .1-estored, and the meeting .ended amid a whirlwind of aplause, I run. "- - 5`l'y|UI5I9VI After Mr.`Thompson, Manager of the Producer Co., had spoken ve minutes, Mr. Hill` was accorded twenty minutes - He demurred at the shortness of -the- time and claimed the -right of repl if any new matter was raised. Mr. {H11 went over much the same ground as on the previous Tuesday evening, but felt at a dis- advantage not knowingwhat his op- ponents were going to say: H__e ac- cused "Mr. Boys of unprofessional conduct in. giving information to `third parties before disclosing it to his clients, the Town. and taxed him` with promising to support the by-law and failing to keep that promise._ `I! `AA 1'\, 1 i Mr. McDonald. told of his connec- tion with thegPor-tVPerry concern, and of his'n-ally refusing to have anything further to do with it. There never were any patent rights assign- ed.`by the Kansag company. . Ml -.. r:......:.- KAI.` -: -.__-..-_:_-, QL- . ax ' .' - Mr. Goudy-'told of organizing the Canadian 'Weber Co. -He claimed that they still carried the right to`- -manufacture the Weber engines, and did not see where the Canada Pro-. ducer Co. of Barrie could come in: on thxs. ' V Inopening Mr. Boys explained that he regretted exceedingly the matters ~ whichmade necessary the calling oi this meeting, but that he had been minding his own business when he learned of the unfair and untruthful statements made by Mr. Hill and the "Mayor about him. He-explained that upon two previous `occasions, when the late.Nat_haniel Dyment asked the Town for only $20,000 for the same :number of men, he . had spoken and voted for the proposition both `times, and. that his reasons for de-. clining to support the-last proposi- tion were twofold. Firstly, because Mr. Dyment was not `legally bound by any document to carry out` the terms of _. the agreement. with, the Town, and-, secondly, because there. were not now, never were and never could be any exclusive rights what-. ever for the manufacture anywhere. in Canada of the Weber Gas Engine` or. Gas Producer. He produced the: original promotion agreement signed by H'ill, Thompson and Goudy dated last January in: which they agreed to organize and promote the Cana- dian Weber Company and under-the. terms `of which the paid-up stock which (was to revert to them under the pro- motion scheme was to be ooled and divided equally among t em. , He further produced the` original draft: contract dated last February and, prepared by 'Hill s solicitors` in. Tor- onto in which thev_ describe Goudy as the `sole agent for Canada of. the` Weber Company of 'I City, and made` it perfectly plain that the only connection Hill hadleat this` stage was ,throu'gh`.Goudy' with the V Canadi;an- ~.Webe_r Compamr.~. = - .

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