Clothing Buying` Made Easy Inevssrwetn Suits for boys _or.yourself would be real sensible buying and just_now is an. opportune time. The holiday spirit that pre- vails seems to beat strongly'at new outts-so come along-- bring the boys and see the valqes we are offering. Note the quality and {our v,er3/i reasonable prices. J.SllTBl|FFE & Lindsay Wait for No Person 4.93! Women s Coats-Made of splen id quality Tweeds and in the 1 g length. These coats sold at $10 a (1 $12 each, but at the price asked t '5 offering ought to help big bu '- ness in the basement section. tra value at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4. Mr, and -Mrs. John Gibson of? Crossland visited` relatives in Tiny] Ion `Sunday. ` ' 1 Mir. and,M~;'rs. Chas. Nixon of Oro 'visited Mr. J. G. Dickinson on Mon- iday. . - : . - Sbrrir to ;e(;;gr_tHt l1;t";xl-Ian Madill is on ihe sick list. ' I\7Irs. Bell pent Sunday visit-I inc friends in Tjny. `I u so .. . I w1VIr. and M:1's."1;:l'bert Spring, spent Sunday in Midland. ` `Mrs. ,Ge. Bell and. Miss Bella pair 'I wan ,auu SIX vChgistms goods. ALLENWOOD. sets in 631: ca`se,\ our pric A . . . . . . . . . .. $7.00 1:-C.`.'~"'8 sets from 75c to 36.00. Rcgula price from $1.50 1 "_F0 ::5-'.--;3-.-'-- ; . . . . . . . . . . .. % . . , , . . . . .. $9.00 ., , _ . t $5-0 .i`!`.`f`~ K11`.g f'P| `Kali!-'s_; Fruit Spoons; fe and Cold _M3t?=ji`T0!1sS+`L at Prices that` will -me`e ., j :_A`ND."{HOC.KEY snc .% K ,"'..`E*r' R; `W -K) 3.3:}, N `V . ` ( . ' L 11111 als-:--appreciate nothmg mor` than a good ." ;__._`_?>- H... , .. .: ` W` I . =;.Skatex,~.OI1rrvstncl:..:1: lnra.s`-Ann...-.1... 4... A _..n z-nn1Pr<, ll purchasers. ' *v-,---_~A-_,;.I-`L-(.163 lulu 3IIIu:_appI'eClaIe IIOUIIIIE mor ..Mk`a:_tes.Qur: stock is large :-enough to 1M!'.,! .;.I`I.'~_:tall ._a`11%d,-Stand Lamps at reduced 3l`|1f 9.. }1f...`?;e "cannot;- save you mo iI:ihJ9:`: X ' V ' than 0" all comers. rices. on your ` There, gte only aboat agmore vshdiping` days, Better make up your ' of artic1es wanted fc>._r~ Qh:ris'tnl,as` at ence` and yoixt buying` no : while the aso%rtment"isA best. ' ` I " BARBIE 7B have alar e assortmen f articles suitable for 1% Christmas resents. On isspecial good value. W in securing a, large as in: of Table Cutlery ave been successful ent of Samples at -as .... -...:. 4-gL -W-st fwo . Us V we purpose owing our c a of this for `tip; Holiday seas uu avuuulus a usage 3350. CH` 0! Dainples 3L 216 A per Con . Discount. \Mni1rnnan (r:cv:dn-up ...... -.. -...-_.-..|.- I_;_..t:+ CI-lRl$1`MAS DECEMBER 9, Mir. Milton Spring of Elmvalc spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spring. Knapp of Elmvale visited at Britten Bell's on Friday. The 0{cers-elect'ed {or Allcnwood -L.O.L., No. 1119, for 1910, are as fol- lows: W.M.--Lonzc Turner; D..\I.-- An-.. 'n,I'-_I:n- i`1.-, 1, _ 1 _.-.. IVVVO . VV pLVL.""I.4\JIILC L LII IICI . .lJ..'l- Allan Madill; Chap.-~Jol'm G. Lang- man; R.S.-J. G. Dickinson; 1-`.S.--- Chas. Draper; Tre_as.---Mervyn Turn- er: D. of C.-Wesley Langman: Lcct. .-Harry Bell; Committec--Oswa`.d Spring, Wesley Kerr, Basil Langman, _W. H. Ansley, Thos. Chapman. %morhing 3.30 :o`\12--+veningf..Jm so Buy Linens To those who keep house there is nothing more ac- ceptable -- so your gifts will" be thoroughly accept- able. 1.25 for. 1.50 for. 2.50 for. Table Linen White Damask at .29, .33, .50, .65, .75, .85, 1.00 and ; . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 per yard for Christmas Gifts Fancy Linens Tray Cloths.-. 25 and 35c Fancy Table Cloths. . . . . Napkins 1.00 per do;/.. 1.25 2.15 the benet 'Plin W.hiteL:.wn Hzin er.`- chiefs, . hemstitched- Re Wlar . 5;: each. V _ - - `Sit. `Morn. and'Evei. fog 5c 3'30 IIIUIIM Illll VPJVWI [U155 55 . . , ,- ` VChi'ldren s A colored Bo} er Handkerchiefs. A -Regular 1 each. . . _ Sat." Mom. and Evc. 7 for 25 Ladies Fancy Erhbroiderg `Handkerchiefs, very An`}_;` Regular 2 for 25. _ Sat. Mom. and Eve. 3 Rhoenix Mufflers, pure white,% silk and wool mixture; Reg-. .ular soc each. - Sat. Mbrn. and Eve. 39 Blankets `Wool Blankets, extra `good; siz.e 64 x 82. Regular $3.50 9 A large shipment of ladies fancy Collars and Handker- chiefs have just come to hand. These will be marked at bargain prices and put on sale at once. pan. Sat. Mom." and Eve. $z.g Saxony Blau_kets, an extra nice, soft msh blanket. "2 sizes only. Sat. Mbrn; and Eve. 1.90, 2.50` -Pure wool blankets. Reg. $4". AL aqua: `Du- Q Fancy Calla`:-s 5 Hkfs. .1. UIC VVIJUI UIGIIACLD. l.\.\S . Sat. M.orn.- A and Evc.5$3`: Regular $4.50. Sat. Mom. and Eve. $3.90 % Xmas. %HandkerchfsV Ladies uumm V There is . pretty how-do-you-do over the ext 5 for lumber in connec- tion with the` sewer contract in Ward Six. Under the terms of the tender, all lumber used for sheeting. piling, shoring, etc., and left in the ground bv order of -the engineer, has to be paid for by the Town at therate of $40 per M . _It turns out that up to date some 100,000 feet of lumber have been thus utilized, and the claim _is made that owing to the nature of the auicksand encountered the removal of the timber would `seriously endanger ,the sewer pipes--perl_1aps displace or even disjoint them. Consequently, the Town is "stuek to, the tune of` $4ooo-i-a sum many times in excess -of thatieontemplated by those ,who undertook to look after the pu.blic's busines_s. There arebitter recrirn.ina- tions being. indulged. in by `various members of -the Council who believe that they should have been. warned by the engineer of the possibilities of such a situation arising. However, it s too late totalk now, for the rea- ..son that the Town on Tuesdayissued i the obligation. I - ~ ' a cheque for the full amount or the" extras . There was no escape from; 1 TI-IIE ALLANDALE Posr critics % DEAL. ~ ` T Jones, `the holder of _a governzmexit job, wishes -to retire. ,He owns the buildingin which the otce is situat-- ed; likewjse_a__s1nall stock 95 store ,e'_e`ct_s.._ ",5ngith cpmfes` hlbit, jnakes` !:a ma forf`ihe`7sfoek+ig1}ra 5 t{>, tiike_ a" lease >of_e.thejbeni;is_e;,fjif the A g`(Tvcrj1ment~ 591),; "1.`_lpe_:`i `witcs are th1""i1v5d3 byeT5~ .%s>11* !9=`l:t`*"*`V T;1ocaI%V;lG`it_ Veeozganpligaziqne f:;:egqs;;stsT' e The A(_lvance A uildefstands that there is a large-sized row `in the Grit camp over the manner of the Allan- lrdale post office _appointmcnt._ Some" ne political engineering `has `been done here, and _the whole thingibears an untoward Vaspecrf;-om the stand- |sVtr.u'ed- 'as fo$ws4: _ : point of public : Tpolicy; . :10 very7 greaf ` _st:fetc_h.jofi 'i3qhg_intib_'u the se- quence of events .n?1igh`t_rea si-_ly_ _b`e- See Our Home-made : `Blankets % En ash "White satin % * Quilts Every pair guaranteed all wool and they - will wear twice as long as any other blankets made. Sizes 66 x 84. -RAeg~ular`$4.`5o. ~ Sat. , Morn. and Eve_.- $3.90 Men's ne `Spspendrs. Reg- ular soc quahty. ' Quin aqua aqua` Ann The will `make Ha most use- fu`l as. present. ` $1.75 and $2.50 each Sizes 70 x 86. Regular $5.0d. Sat. Mom. and Eve. $4.47 uxal quau . s. Maui and Ekre. 29 Men s ne Suspenders. Reg-_' .ular 25c uality. q . cat Ann and Fun van Men s Four-in-hand Ties, made from good silks. ,Re_;z'- lat 25c and 35c. ` , U Sat, Mom. and Eve. Igc Xmas. Suspenders ;en s I fmcy Cashmere T Sdx. gular 25_c and 35c. ` Sat. and Eve, 19c can quaxxcy . `Sat. Mom. and Eve. 19 s ne fancy Cashmere all.wool. Regular soc. Sat. Mom. and Eve. 35 or 3 for $1.00 $4;`>o IN EXTRAS! Men ; Ties 3 I 9imx:;en:4{.withinL the `qcateg'Or-y. of of-_ c";thg.gV.E..1a}{j be'ftr:iickgc_i in_;, in ; ot__he1_', `w0`1jds,[ ;the},'G_6v"e1:hm`1it s mak- V i;nzT re'afl 'et'at _aAn_dV cattels ah ap;- pgage of angoutsid civi1" service ap- V pointmv.-mt, to`7be handed over from appointee to'app'ointe*e in direct line .of._ succession. A ` 'Li`)x;-,f_-at_`- ;fhe}:._. pljcing` of Va .- pjublic. `: gp-.` . - Wlfat galls. t`he,,ra_nk ziild `le of the part~yV ins jithesecret way. in which the p o1it`ica!.v;'.deAa'l..' was manipulated. No- body knew ' of A the resignation, none 0? the would-be -aspirants for the `of- . .ce.._h._a.d amechanzce. A They were not informed and consequently were pass- ` ed dve. ,. Inicident ally,'_it may be mentioried that the position in question is worth $800 per annum, the latest blue book giving the sailary at $804. `T E co1uu=.sI>oNn|-:NcIs number pf the boys f1-onin te West -have returned -home. ? "MI Ea` M's'f.1\Qa}E{v7 king spent | Sunday at the home of~~Mr. and` Mrs.l Thos. Gilpin`. pa gnu: `ova s-Tlj1e'[org'Tan,.reciZta1, which was hld it: the. Methodist Church last weelg, proved a_ very" `great success. pD_ied,,at theresidence of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. -G. A. Lucas, Al-` `bert R. G. Lucas, aged 1 `year and 8 months. Funeral took place on Fri- day, Dec. 3rd`, to the 6th line ceme- tery. The family have the sympathv of the entire -community in their be-` re'av ement. ' A lava: \II|II&IC Miss Mary Goodfellovof Barrie is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Lucas. Mir-s. `If. 1 oif vA1liston spent I the week-end` with her brothers here. % 1\1r.'l\&'.'"C?rz1;I;1: 3%" siayiiie} sbnt Sunday, with" his sister, Mrs. W. G._ Rose; ` T " I. Miss_E. Moir, who has spent the past three months visiting friends` in Toronto, Churchill and Barrie, re- turned home this week. - .-u Aw` I Li`v_ing'tone; was the_ jsucessfi, (me guessiniz .7 the nearest. `thelA4%;1ars.4w;t>=xr?;?.:<>A%?Ri1ard*s cysoguu hut.-Ia Tit. hggg;';;dsp `- .-1 ` J. : " `C Barrie Board of Education are against a condition that is "not exact- ly of their` own creating. They are experiencing more or less diiculty in lling "vacancies on the female sta handicap is in `the salary schedule which -is not high enough. to attract the best teachers. In deference to economy, to makethe burden as light as possible for the taxpayers, the ,/ as these from time to time occur. The! minimum "and "maximum salaries now `offered by the Board are $375 -and $50.0, respectively; that is to say, the new teacher starts with $375, gets an advance of $50 a year for two years, with a further advance of $25 for the fourth year, beyond which there`is' no increase. _ - Mir. G. -M'. Woir and "Mrs. W. `Rose of` Stayner are spending this week with their sister, Mrs. "T. M*cInd1ess,, of `Medonte,ewho is dangerously ill.` ` If at Misses L. Gibson and L; McMur- rav are atterfding the W`omen s In- stitute qonvention in Guelph this week. M'issAM!cMurray will visit Mr. and Mrs. A. B.~Rose in -Cainsvillc be- fore her `return. ` , ' `.Thresh_i`ng }'c'o:x{p1;t}Li in this vi- cinity. ` C`-A4\`-:31:-v.QiIIt\`t\"IC own {`'In' roan hf D. E. Rivers has entered the emoloy of M!r. Herb Arnold for a year, and will occupy Mr. T. Ca.ssin s house ;yhen~ that gentleman removes to Al- nston. V - ` ` "- `J-I -----I....a :..ln... IISIUII. - The Rev; St. John preached in-the morninor, and the Rev. Pugsley in the evening in the Methodist church. There was no u'ncer.tain sound .in their discourses. . _ Mr. ....;I |LusIuaI.nv\.a u.-c-u 5.... ..,.._-- _-_----_- _ The rsygun iut'l1e interests of the Local Option campaign for` the town- shins pf Essa-and fllnuisl will be r- \e'd inthe@Tempcrance Hall here on j-Thursdavee evening, 9th` finst;,- at 8 o c1ok_. .CO!II_ everybody whether ..for or .a_v`a.;}1s_t `the measurejand hear this 'fdj`g'efzalt `aaeszioh: -discussed; ` An A`-I pro.-. .-V EV_31f1.S.. k_arrist- l- V` ` 7 f :_w1_ll_:be t__l1Te p`rmcip'_a-l gr'am"of4.sp;1_in;`and inging `will be. c1uu._y. _ . Shootmg matches are the'__rage here this` fall. . .,_.I III'`_.. '[_I.....~.n.. n9\A 4'...-nil" `CHIS I311. ' ` Mr. and Mrs. Herman and family have moved to Islington. \.n,.- 117 A 1\A`..I".-...`|,.... AC Tlvn-n-:9. nave IIIOVCU I0 lsuugtuu. I Mrs. W. A. McConkey of Barrie visited M`rs. D..A. Adams last week. Large quantities of grain are com- ing to the elevators` here at present. M- .....u R/[0-n. var... nf Vim: enent mg his place `at Inc clcvauu. Congratulations .to Mr. and Mrs. Robert M'cFadden., We wish them a gpfng and prosperous voyage through 1 e. V - ` men I an F!` ,,_ -.._--_- cg...-Ancv At the present juncture the Board have advertised twice to till a vacan- cy in West Ward School. They re- ceived only one eligible application in the first instance, and none in the second. True, there were several other applications put in, but in each _ case _the minimum salary limit was over-reached. It is superuous to point out that these conditions give` the Boa:-d`no_range of selection, and unless a change takes place: along the - line `of increased pay the scarcity will continue and the eiciency of the `town schools thereby fbej impaired. _ ZOIII. ' `Should Reeve Bell retire from municipal life, who A at present in sight will tiy and ll his shoes? That is the question. `A----L L..- LLA iuvntrflfl In S . Jude s-church~ the Rev. Car- penter, 'a~1thoug`h treading on; danger- ous ground, showed clearly where he stood on the question that is. para- mount to all others at the present time. I ..- ' .1`, . grain L- Lllll\;o _ In the near future therev \'iri.llV be public~meeti'ngs `addressed by able "sneakers; axjd was opposition speakers are always Invjted, we would strong- ly advise`th"ose who `arefo_pbosed to the princtpies qf `local option to at- tendWs`uc{h gtneetings` and ' hear for 'themSfe[ve s t_his' gfeat top ic= discussed. ,3 ;I._ am; V/lcw rauu. Mr. Sid Vanderburgh s sale was a success. we understand. Mr. Vander- burgh is going to Toronto. Mr. James Patterson is laid up with a lame back. Mr.. John Grose isgtak- ing his pl'ace`:at the elevator. f`.-no.4-rnoni-uI`ofIr\|1 fft MI , and IIIC. ' I The World's Temperance Sunday was well observed by the different 25`:-1z`1chers in this \ locality on Nov. t `. ' ' - vs ' ' 1:." ...s2.... 5.... buuwan \n-wvv---__- Our sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Coulter in the great loss they `recently sustained in the sudden. death of their third -son, C. W.. at ~BAurk s Falls. ~ I- .1,-. 1'1 _-L I:... Hug I0 (I16 clcvauuna ucnc as pn\.a\.u.. Mr, and'Mrs.' wait of Vine spent Sunday at Mr. D. A`. Adams , Pleas- ant View Farm. (-2; 1r-_..I....l........I.. .- enl`, ,9c 9 SUNNIDALE CORNERS. ' TI`-IORNTON. 2 `It will interest Barrie citizens, per` haps, ' to note what salaries other ! towns are paying to "female teachers. Lindsay s minimum ' and maximum are, respectively, $400 and -$500; Galt paysrfrom $350 to $750, but is `face to face with a demand for . increases}. Berlin s gures are $4ooiand_ -$'65.O;.l 'Peter.boro- ipaysj the same schedule . `as .Berli_n; Guelpfhfs salary lil`I1i_t':I."a1"e_.N $450 and $600,` but. the teachersf:sarje7. dissatised; -Chathai_n -s-. schedule kcorl-g, I A`r_es'p"on_dsj, Jvith r.hL*i:gasay*sl;$ in Owenfl ' Sound _ the gures lare":"$3So 2-(but .=_>therj'e; is ` an i;;;gj;:a;i;9;;. s _ lqries;;`_:"Strgtforgfi mg frdm f_$3so._v nee. 9-VT LEFROY. L - ._......a. all appearances at present-there will vv can-\-use -,Who will be the Council for the Township of Essa for 1910? From be no lack of competitors in the race. The farmers are kicking about the great increase in taxes. Some say. they do not understand the cause of the increase in the Township rate when as they say there is nothing to] show for said increase. It would be well for all those grieved ones to at,- tend the nomination meeting at Ivy when all things will be discussed in an intelligent manner. ' 7,! on. _ .(`_-i._'I-__ `LY--- "about three years ago when he went ` esteem A in V which . =-the - deceased was rheldgwas sho_wn -by the zlarsze con- course; of ` people who assembled a to .:and .business ~ -olafces ' -in `But-k .s Falls ' lwef.-re e_losed- ,,during the , afternoon; p _ In Burl< s Falls on `Sunday, Nov. 28th, 1909, Charles Coulter, aged 29 years, 6 months and 12 days. De- ceased was born in Churchill, town- ship of Innisl, and received his edu- cation at Cookstown Public School. He entered the employ of B. Bell, merchant. Egbert. and remained with him for two years, when Mr.` Bell moved to Burk s Falls. C. W. after a brief period also went to that place. After a. time he entered the service of Mr. Sharpe, merchant of the same place. and remained with him until into. business for himself. He was married to Miss Minnie Day, daugh- ter` of Mr. Daniel" Day" of` Bur-k s Falls. Three children were born of the union. Deceased was one of the most successful merchants of North- ern -Onta rio.' He? was a member of a model family in the truest? sense. To:-him home spelled home. ._ The `nay.-.their' last *tr'ib`ute.p _-.._0nt_` of respect for thehonored dead. all" the stores. Miss I`.:v.-avly-51; `_F:;1'ti' -`I3;;;1ey visit-~ id the Misses Thurlowbn-_Sunday. ' _V\l lvllc AVll3s`.|U3 IVIIIIIIVJVV \III LIIIIIKICJI Miss A. L. Richardson of Minesing `Station spepit %'Svu`nday._ it. her home here. ` ` E . 1" Vows: -`Avg. /o_ u I 27" m Peltg n;1-}`zl`\:?.thi;tt ] v . ` `` en; 4' 1 `I only drawback is that the young man is a single man, but no doubt he has his eye on a wearer for the said watch; ' ___-_ .-_ - . .-. ._ , LADY TEACHERS SALARIES 'Ja_s; u_V1._d MV1fsT. Jno. Cumming visited, their` brother, .Mr, Jasg John- ;s tog1.I`_alt ;H.ill,SdaIe, recehftly. + A Dl.\Jl_l\A-III f_Lu:auu`\.v, gu\._\.I~1.y.. 3.._.R_ev._` Gep.,jCrg1wT of _Th;o,rn_tqn oc- ._cup;esj.L` fpulp_1t ' !1lf.e j _`Su_nda3'r `even: I ` r:elnd,s>vvere p]_1._easd: ;.W,can'giv you Better se:vae--Gm\m Attehtion and Bigger Assortments This will l)e_':our first Christmas in your idsti--the first time Santa Claus will go "direct from usto your home; For this d our future favors from the people _g1vin_gi1s certainly an enjoyable? time, so of Barrie and surrounding district. we ha; e prepared well for your . Christmas buying` at this `store, `and can promise ou exceptionally good values. Gift- ?" ' me and supply yourself abundantly ay be overlooked. so that not a single friend Christmas in the Shoe Section Women's Coats Gift-Buying in the Mantle Section Any `of th1efVamily needing new footwear? If so cop` Ie the tenjoymetit of gift-`giving and lling practical needs at small` outlay. `so here` is your opportunity. We show reliab foot- wear at very reasonable prices. Thpse prices help settle the question _of gift-Buying for th se who want to give a nice warm winter wrap. '