Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Dec 1909, p. 3

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all: l een made to` nt to submit I v.`And whereas it has appear that it is_,expe a` By-Law to the el ors of said Township qualied t vote thereon `for the repeal of s d prohibitory By-Law No. 411. ` _ ` Therefore the M icipal `Council! .of the Township 0 Irmisl hereby] . . ' enacts as follows: . 'I'|L._. .1, ' I ' a Simcoe, Prohibiting the4i`Sale of; \Intoxicating Liquors in Town-i ship. ~ . . ` Whereas by a By-La of the Township of Innisl dul submitted to. the Municipal Elector V nd nally Dassed by the Municipa ouncil of.. the Township of Innis and being Number 411 of the By aws of the said Municipality, the s e of intoxi- eating" liquors in the s Township was prohibited. ` it 4 f 95 aivonr, A 99ono.I9y[1n. use -..w __ .. ---- -_w c-no-cu--1nu Myths Worker L PPS S cncnA amass! soon,-value. V . --.----wuss: .-The first diirision -of the session -gavg the Government a majority of. 34- `- ....`I... saw. nu \JI.Ld W :1. "Tie British Columbia elsctions re. sulted in a triumph for the McBride Government. - "If -__- --nos/1 A\. I "wilt was decided to hold the next meeting of the Grand Division Sons of Temperance in Ottawa. ff! n o_I I I9 O ` ` -__ .v--vu A` Five Bridgeburbg men wer arrest- ed on charges of robbing _freight`carsl on - the M.'C.R. l v M;:Lachlan ws committed for trial _at Uxbridge for the murder _. - _ - - v . .. Jllltllo -William Spufgeovn, who was s_truck by a train in To:-onto,jdied of 1115 in- Juries. .... |._nl\v nannvvaj at. LVUUCT. Over two Hundred men were en'- tombed by an explosion in a coal mine in Japan`. lirsuv r- H V A _. _.__-_..-, -gv v o avsna V Mr. `Stewart Donnelly was killed on the railway at Nober. f\, ---- ---.-...-. unlv gun:-nub U1 I.llC \.'ll.yol ` Sir Wilfrid Laurier spoke strong-I lyvin,~favor of enlavrgling the Welland Canal to a deputation who went to! Ottawa to urge that matter upon the Government. ;The `Premier was not soencouraging in his feply to an- other deputation, who wanted the Ontario powertlegislation disallow- Cd. / ' the. construction of an aqueduct` 300 `Plans `have been subtnitted to the New York Board of Estimates for '- -- v-...,-- ----uuavan A-l\IBII\I I feet beneath the surface of `the city. c:.. uz:1:..:.: r--,-:-_ - A ' Stuartvkennedy, the million-i iire, who died recently in New York, left $5,000,000 to the Presbyterian Foreign Mission Board. ,_,,_-,1s__ -- ...._,. I Que cf_ the. suffragttes who threw gcid af a poll clerk at the Bermond- "stay? bye-election f was `sentenced to Seven m onths_in prison. Ti-"The Attorney-General is applying for` a rehearing of the case against the Niagara `, Power -Company as to the basis Of `rates `fox-power. ` A colored boy named Alonzo Lane died at St.`Catharines from convul- sicns, andfit is supposed he was poi- zoned by eating cream pus. Miss Christabel Pankhurst was prevented by students and others from speaking at "a suffragette gath- ering at Bristol. and solved it with-ours ;method of construction Now, we wrestled 7 ' h this problem l_yea atent wooden mt: which is exclusive Mason and Risch pi e ~ ` ` ` new Anna an--LL_.I qtgagen to-day. !,)-.._M1. , . I . ` I The records of `Dr. Cook's Polar; _I,1trip~-.will be vdespafched - to Copen-' I ghefts, will __be deported. .| THerbert` R.- Smith, an English boy, `convicted ,in . Toronto of several . u .11.. 1' .0 ` - \ Haricock, postmaster V at .f}Ridge;town, is-Hdead atthe age of 90 iggfeais. . ` - - ' i v. --rv. ,4 wv --~~-----v --v - - -J--' I The` Arm Museum` of :. Toronto was brmally`,*open,$`d,~ ' A Volcanic} eruptions continue ~- with _iicresng?? iviolencej`. in Tencrie. i }Atmi1itary orps will be formed at Queerfs University, and the kilts will lge worn. ; 1 { ' I nv.LAw No. 4:59. .;THUR'SDA:Y, Nov. 25th. ._A an... 1u"__`_._._- n 1) Av %"BY~n Av f> FRIDAY, NOV. 26th. COCOA . keep expanding t .rm1Y L; . placed, but: `is in a warm troom; < , bolts expand and;s:ntt:..-tn t the holes theygiitt` , when the room*,n ts` cold they contract. u tracting until/t ey tv`v6 rk"t the pin-b_loc=k loose put- ting the pganq out pf tune V n and marrmg Its tone. ~ `s Take notice that e above is a true copy of :1 pr, osed -By-Law which has been tke into considera- tion by `the M-unicip` ./Council" Township of Innislnd which will; be; nally-passed by; e sajd `Council in the event of`the- ent-of the elec.-;.: "tor! -"being" obtained }- ereto afte`r~-'.one`j;j jniohth from. the` ` st publicationf `thereof i`n`.~th~Nort .g n Advancmhe, ; -_- :4 .a- -- 5.` That the Clet of the said Municipal Council of` the Township of Innisl shall atte at his ofce inthe Township of- nnisl. at the hour of ten o'clock the forenoon on the 5th day of Ja ary. AD. 1909, -to sum up the.numb . of votes given lfor and against this `: y-Law. Olin. wt; 1 [ 6. This By-Law s operation and be 04 ect on and after glay next, after th throf . ' ' - I this 22nd day of No mbcr, I909. :f`I....I`. ` . n _ ___- me.;a at the Tcminio of Innisl I Pollingsnb-`I`)ivisi No.'.1o. w. T. }Fisher s house`, Co stow`n_. W. T. [Fisher, Deputy Re -A ing Oicer. 4. That ._on the 11. day of Dec- ember, A.D. 1909, at H is Oice in Le- froy, in the Towns A of Innisl. at the hour of ten o cl k in the fore~ noon, the Reeve o-f e said Town- shin. shall appoint i .,writing. signed by himself.-two pets 5 tofattend at `the nal summing I of the votes by the Clerk and o `person to at- tend atxeach polling ._ lace on behalf of the persons interted in and de- sirous of promoting he passing of" thisiBy-Law and a behalf of the perso and desirous of opp nf' Hui: n\r_T an! ' ke number on interested__ In- ng the passing Iavulula VA LlI\. P I of this By-Law. Pollinvg Sub-Divis ` House No. I4, Art gputy' Returning O No. 9. School 1: Fennell,_De- ,er. . Polling`, Sub-Divis "n No. 8, Hall,_Painswick, Jo , Cook, iRetumipg Oicer. L Polling-Sub-Divis Hall, Craigvale, W` puty Returning O tone of th { N n in % aad pRis(31e:xl:-E Polling Sub-"Divvis House No. 12, Joh [Returning Oicer- Returning Officer. Polling Sub-Div`: on Hgll, Stroud, R. . PollingvSub~D'ivision No. 4. Orange lHal`I,- Thornton) Timothy Connell, `Deputy Returnin|O 1cer Polling Sub+Division Nn. Hall, Lef{'oy, Chris. Gros` Returning Ofcer. _ -- ,,.-...._.u LIICII VICVVS. Mr. A. -C. Jones, who was injured in the gas explosion at Parry Sound, died without recovering conscious- k ViCtiIn. -._-_...., LU an announcement by `Sir Richard Cartwright. Mr. Ager, barrister. and ex-Chief of Police Coates of Sircoe were arrest- ed at Hagersville for tearing up the sidewalk to supply material evidence in a suit for damages. gonsideration of the insurance bill at Ottawa will be laid'o\-`er until after the Christmas holidays to give the parties- interested a better opportun- ity to present their views. l M. A r` *` ` ----.. .v\I|\.. `Several applicati made to the Pari permission to est houses for the sl: The Government the ratication of t before the Christrr cording to an anng Cartwright. ' -The negotiations looking in Morocco have proved f1 been resume \ `| Gilbert Tremblay was grain in Toronto and die Juries. ' Tel:-dcrs fbr the new Qu~ will be called for early in year. `N I, Franz Stendtz lbv a _lunatic in ILibrary. VIN! Angeles when a troll the automobile in whi riding. . Mr. James Kerr was `A. C. Jones badly i_nju ploston` of gas while 1 ing marine buoys at P I 'VM;s-.WiIebe<;ca Flintoff, her grand`-A daughter, Miss Layra McDonald, and Fred. Blake, :1 boarder, were asphys xiated at Aurora. C_'__ ,__-_ ........ sv ;au IUI [WU IHOUIHS. `For the nancial year of ten months .juSt `closed the _Provincial ihrailway taxation realized` $416,936. 'D., was inducted as pastor of St. (1 James uare Presbyterian Church, Toronto. The Rev. Andrew Robertson, D.` -.auuq\.:;v al. 1V1"lJ5KC8'0n, Nllch. ' Jph_n' Powell, G.T.R. constable, was a yconvtcted of robbery at Parry Sound," and sent to jail for two months. I `Ens ...- cg--- - - A Tuwo Indians`. arrested for `drunk; .enncss broke jail at Htagersrille and got away. n. ' A ' - " " , ,---- - .ua-wt. auu vauaua. ~ I -`Four `per-sons lost `their lives lthrough an explosion on a gasoline Uaunch. at M'11skegon, Mich. Tnlun` `D...._...n rs an -n - - is" The_' Compagnie Transatyaiitic _pla;'m1ng to run mail steamers be-' itween France and Canada. .`I'.`...... -- ` ` SATURDAY, NOV. us- . `Clerk. as killed and Mr. :s injured by an ex- they were ll- Parry Sound. 1. ----. ul UUKQ- ;rnment desires to secure I011 c_>f the French treaty Chnstmas holidays, ac~ announcement rtwmzht -\I\JlIIII6 LU we futile and resumed. .-.. .. -.u.auul).', QC` 'e 'c6ntracted leprosy which she purchased were killeel at Los trolley car struck in` which they were was the ay struck by died of his in E 11 No. 6, Orange I. Leonard, De- 6th LINE, INNISFIL. n No. 7, School gsngley` Deputy ., __-`~. all come intp full force and - I25... _I__.. -9 n No. 3, Grange Grose, Deputy 1 No. Orange Black, Deputy 5 u LUILC auu. 2 First dav_o nal passing g a Pittsl;11rg dc- In-\....,_, . Gramre Deputy shot and killed Bu'alo Public. Quebec bridge ' `the coming Reeve. Ill` VINE. I. 1. "-1 ,9-:`:,:;.s.. - 1 l ' A }5J2d)1'` 5 i 1 ` ` ` A. r .> Towel The piangwithqa soul. .is frie tell you moreoabofut ' ~Mason and Rischl j` P` 5 coupon to-day, U-I an Illustrated V Scull me YOU. Exactly . trated bool l one of these " ` "` . _ M _ should own a .ts 111 your mm. piano. ,m obligates no to pure] Name . Th? i$ ~ .?.V.5.R;-itd Mr; W. Webb sL bush, and is `expected to start work soon- ~. R \r.!_ - rs JJAI, ' 11., _ 3" `n 791`: J. - -.-ii , . Froin railway taxation during the past year the Ontario Government - has ._received='t_he;tsinn of $416,936, an Binrease--from-$4oo,227.`.in 1908. Of ' this sum_$3o,ooo will be applied to : the Ontario Railway and Municipal` Board for `maintenance, and one`-half of the remainder will be divided` V :'amongJ th_.".V'3"l'J"0l1Sfiltlilicilialiticsljof the province. The municipalities. will, `therefore, * receive $193,468--" from~ the vrovince. The `result of the collec- itiqn. of:-the lt8X*e3C on railways` .?-this year is that the per capita amount has `increased V fttpmg, eight to .nine . cents ;, for ' ve"tyqne-- the pgovince. , " TAX orsrjk _,v_ , _ ___.._---:--1 Pfovince More 'l`han`V `Last Year. T I Mr. `and Mrs. Wm. Reid. W'illowE Vale Farm, Churchill. celebrated! their twenty-fth wedding anniver-' sary on Nov. 19th in the presence of. a number of their friends. The table decorations were of chyrsanth ums. Music. was rendered .by M Will Ness and Jas; Reid. a very enjoyable eveni . able gifts were rece' visiting Miss Maggie Ledgerwood. Mr. Jack AiliFis::1V' a:1<'1Ds`i-s't'evr.-`of I Clover Hill "visited M'iss Florence! Reid. ` '_ | 4.. _- ; Mr. Geo. `Reid, i s going to move to; Big Bay_ Eoint. h this problem years jago 9&9: ':!9d=.1 .mter1=;!= " -- ~----.--._. _ ' 5-,`f,g,, " I . . "W;fIen};a knife is dull a ~Pamde"ra owner never _vvhSt~es btime hunti'ng for. a stee'l_. She jiist walks`I-.~;6irei' t6 5 the_ gmg.__tf_; ` rod " attachment to MPand,r' I8fYS.; .if *??8ix"or1' eigli?t~`:pI;f$7Ov5r Aie 1%11ighgr1z.VAAn1rr%,AJ% ?ptitJs%, I .t1 IV Mr. A1gie_.Guest.-, Qf:.Bar,1:i,.;. .._Visite.d' Mr. Will Reid last week._ w j ' misou } / and RISCH PIANO CO.. Limited. TORONTO ` 1_:; '1:'i'1e ? l-\vlI_Ial.J ln\%UBIlQl -Hhll in ,the uning . `of Thorngo`n,` bee `ivision No.',.4, `and Depuggr... Return-.T ` '-:'r7.;u !_- ._u._ ,__'g_; ._ At. . the; AOr,ang corpotated 1 Villa inst` Polling `Sub Timothy`. Connel g O__f'cer " ther l|L;c_~. -ulc|cu.un. "- ; .. " .}thef Or ~Po11ing_ Sub-Div 'b9rtA J. . Black`: f;:?t.her,1G " ` V Or7a`ng cor-porated _Vill a ` At the Orange corporatecf Vitlag ing Polling Subs D. W. Lenxkfx, 0.i'.cer[ jthA:eV ;,.'o.f\ Churchill, be- Iepuiy `Returning 1'11. - ill. in Vthe unbin-. vision No, 2, and. "V th'e Grqh: coroorated. V1113 {$11, in` the Aimin: of Lefroy, beirgg "Po`llimz No. '3, `and Christd her` G10 :1... .44. . LL`.-- g Deputy R}etu_rn`- bellsvare ringing on_,__thgl sixth lin._ _ - -i ` - v vv an VA Aalllllllo H And be `it fut-the votes of the elector be taken on this By-Law on Mond the 3rd day of January, .1910,-co ending at nine o'clock -in the mo ing and continu- ing until five o cl`o in the afternoon .at_the undermenti "ed places : ' Hindi;-_ s `Sch 1,1-rouse, School ' ng-Polling Sub- d;[Pts=1.' Green- etumapg _ ., Otceif Section No. ,z,"__ Divisiot1,`No.V-1, `s*ides,. . Depnxy A 1 . tlaereftit:-tjtt t' t 4 -` -. .- nacted that the- --v., '. -.- -- "rI3WeV it ther-ef:).r-e, 4 Municipal Council? of="Innisl that t Parks Act be adop lcipality , the Town . e petitioned Township of adoption of in the-Muni- Whereas electors - the Council of the|sa' Ihnisl praying for the Public Par_ks.{\ lcipality of Innisl, 'A By-Law to Proviide forjthe Adop- tion of the ' Public 3 the Township of I_ hsl in the 3 Co_unty of ;_Si1_'a.c_oe. [3y.L.w for Establishing a Park.` in 35:. `Lewis was called and stated : that~a small bone had been broken in a" Miss Montgomery's throat. She could not speak without effort or danger, as every movement of the tongue af- lfected the union.` There was a con- siorror swelling on the back of,the ead. `Did not think she could be ex- amined for two: or three weeks, It s a very rare fracture. ief Smith also had explored the premises _on Thompson. `St. He ha noticed with reference `to the `-north-east bedroom that `there were -no sheets or pillows on the bed. .. The heat of the mainre would not have ignited the matches that were found. I'MThe Cdroner here explainedfhat ltheabsence of Misg Jessie Mqntgom- ery was dueAto`inJuries received on Monday when` falling in the witness g box. ___.--- V-.. . - . v u u nu a A I L any l\.IIJlllD.' I (By Mr. Bo_ys.). Witness said he knew that _some people had been_ through the- house after the re. but he did not think there would be much alteration in the position of things. Inreply to a query of the Coroner; fit was stated that all but one of the ljurymen had visited the Thompson `St. house. ` Chief King deposed that he had visited thelscene of the house re on Tuesday, `Nov. 23rd; Hlad gone up- stairs by means of a ladder. The north-"east bedroom was first visited. Detected `a strong smell of coal pil. A streak on the floor of sixzor seven feet had `been saturated with oil. Wit- ness described the` state of the re- maining rooms. In one of them there would (be about a neck of burnt matches. Would not be sufficient heat upstairs from the re to have` ignited these. Had founda strong odor of coal -oil in a cupboard. There had been a re set here. was struck with the general bareness of the rooms. A peach basket full of litter saturated with oil court` and identied by witness having been found in the rooms.- /n ---. \ `er 1-` was produced in i as _-...........,., W... U... Cros_s-examined by ~Mr5. Boys., wit-i ness-said the stuff was now} in the] same condition as when found. The imatches might have been set are by rats or mice or the intense heat of t e oor might have ignited them. Could not see where there had been any. re in. the rooms that had been_ caused by the main re. IVI,' P 170 4 Threshingjs the order of th day Mr. Vanderburgh is leaving our neighborhood, andis going to reide in Barrie. ' I many U1 tnose present were women. - Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie had seats in the audience. R. C. Sweeney, whopwas examined by Mr. Cotter; wa's the~ rst witness. He described the condition of the house on Thompson St. as.he had found it after the re. `He had not- ._iced coal oil on the floor in oneiof_ the bedrooms. This was the N. " E. room. ICloths, rags, papers and arol] of wall paper. which had been dis- covered in a closet, were produced in ` court. All smelled strongly of kero- sene. In another bedroom had `been found a quantity of burnt matches littered over the oor and a broken bottle containing coal oil. f____i 0 o. sational element at Friday's inquest proceedings. The only important 1 testimony given related to matters tl;Iat,_p `1nted in the direction of in.- cendxarxsm at. the Thompson. St. re. In antzci-pation of some new-develop: mI,1ts,; , 1>r..0bably -_ prpmptd. i l'>'y. 5t'h?.; C!`Own S actionIon'.the 'previoi1s:d3?, as large *'crowd was in-attendance, the - court room being lled to the doors. Many of those present women. Mr and l\/I.-n I'3'..l...:- I.-.I I ,There was an absenceof the sen- I [ms :nvs`srucAr:ou Ts BY-LAW No. 4:53. fl.-Inxzill . in; tiie uriir e .of Stroud; being ion_-NO. 5; 4a.ncl .R.0=_ %v1!t%Rtnrnins 0%, _acted by the the r Township .S.aid` Public (1 in this Muni- p of Iunisl. ' enac.ted 't1_iaf K- L_I--_A -7 On Wednesday afternooh, Nov. 24th, one of Vine s most popular young ladies, "Miss Emma Ruth, sec- ond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Kelcey, was united in marriage to Mr. Victor Lawrence of Barrie, -at -the Methodist Parsonage, Allandale. `Rev. J. E. Starr performed the cere- mony in the presence of only'th`e im- mediate friends of the contracting parties. Miss Ea Kelcey, sister of the bride, attended the bridesmaid, while the groom was supported by Mr. Frederick Piiilpots of Barrie. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the home of Mrs. M. Wice, sister of :the bride, Stroud, `where -an .sump_tuous repast awaited_ them, the `remainder of the evening being spent in; games and amuse- ments. Mr. anti Mrs," Lawrence will reside on Victoria St._, Barrie, The best wishes of their many friends ac-' company them to their newhome. : . NOT-YET conctunam `true copy of a `cil jig the eventbf T_:,,1e,c,Vt1:';rs% being ob`t_a _ Bllb Jul *J4l`VVa R. J. . I-IIL-L, Clerk. Take notice t t thgabove; is. :1 _1-ooosed `By-Law which ha"s.been` , en into considera- tion by the Mimi al Council of `the Township of In'ni- ` _and which will be xfally passed; _;the :`said Coun-` e assentaof -dye d thereto after` rouse-.{month;fr6m"th, , rst "oIu'blicationA mt % was V af ~ 1 ";.hV3-_. ' That on." Mo ay, the 20th day of December next, athis office in the {Village of Left , at 2 o clock in the `afternoon, the eeve shall appoint in writing. sign by him, two per- sons. to attend t the nal` summing uoof the votes the "Clerk. and one person to` atte at each Polling place on behalf of -the persons ,in-` terested .in and esirous of promot- ins:-. the passing it this By-Law, and a.lil-:`e number " behalf of .tl1`eper-' `sons interested in-`and; d_es_irot_:s of o`oo`o_sing then`-pk _ V in: ;of'_tlWI1bs_"B3r.-6L`:'W_r. - 5lI% W3 III a like number s _ sons interested in- and dcsjrous of o0po_sing. the p _ of`__this' By;-La'w. That the C1 of. the said _M\'t_ni- cipal Corporati shalt attend at his ofce in "the T` nship-o'f Innisl at `the houri of te' oc1_ock infthc. fore- noon, "on the _ 1910, tofsum up he number of votes given. nspeptiir the By-La\w. ' J `I-AG UV , QIIVI -`b r 1111.1`. (-1.4. ` b`e.i;;1fuof the pe:--' tlg day of J anuary , L for sand agaiinstt _.IIl `f. l.l >`f7`C\.k7l|I ua I-V- 'lJbV_DI l`lI.\vI1 A,D.-.%r9,%a9dAat th? `four. qlav and ,pl*a`c_e` `thgrexnj ;:;`ed` V-f tatgnqx `_ f'.1"t ` X{'Zne`}Is's in the Police" being Polling -601 House of School I4, bing Polling Sub- , and Arthur Fennel], At the Section No. Divis'ion .,No. . Deputy Retu *p'Itv Pl\ van a ing `Officer therefor. V At '2}. *2;;;.;';g: I;-a'n";;. ;;.=;' :,'.;;.;- ing Pollin Sub-Division No. 8, and _ Deputy _ Returning Of- Village of' Painswick, be-' :At {lee School /House df Sghooli Segtjqt jNo. .12, being Polling Sub- -Dw1sxo . No. 7, and John _Srigley, Deputy `eturnimz,_Ofcer therefor. - A4. 4.1.. r`__...___ `L`l"_II :_ LL`. _,_:,_ therefor. Thejury `decided that the inquiry should be resumed. andaccordingly Thursday. Dec. 2nd. at 10` o'clock a. m.,, was xed for the next hearing. '_IV'he(fo_rone r's opinion was that an adIournmen_t would be` proper. He asked the Jury to retire andlconfer. The jury [inquiry should T1111-ahnuv TM... near` as 1n`n n14\4.`. an I Mr. -Cotter stated that McDougall 7had left the court room on Friday `without his knowledge. He could not therefore bind him over when he wasn't there. Mr. -Cotter reminded` Mr. Boys that the Police Miagistrate or the -County Judg'_e had jurisdiction to` try arson or perjury cases. Mr. Creswicke urged that the in- quiry should not be shut off. Time enough to do that if no evidence re- mained unheard. The ,Guthries should be pleased to get this evidence. Pos- sibly it might clear them of suspicion. ``Let s find out where Miss MBntgom- ery was between 8 and I0 o clock on the night of the re. concluded Mr. Creswicke. _,..g... "V: ngunuulpg Luc IIIVCSIIKHUOH over? asked Mr. Boys. `It wasn't fair to.say McDougall, had skipped out. He could have been secured. The principal evidence was alltin, and the witnesses had allbeen heard once and-some of them` more than once. Suspense was over these people, and he desired, if there was to be a trial, that they should be able to. have it set down for the Court of Sessions, beginning` Dec. 14th. and not be de- ilayed until Spring. _,..-_, .. .... ".5 Au Luc lua.l.lCl'. Mr. Boys pressed that there should be no further delay. It was a fact that McDougall had not been sub- poenaed or bound over to re-appear as `witness; `He (Mr. Boys) thought that the_ Crown, Attorney could trace Miss M'ontgomery s movements on 'the evening of the re without re-ex- amining her. What then is the.ob- ject of holding the investigation P , 2 Q`(Pd pave It L -tn ~00,` "Mr. -Creswicke merely desired to have it in court so as to compare the handwriting. . . . Mr. Cotter.then` declared that this was all the evidence he had ready. He -was anxious `to have Miss_ M|ont- gomery and Herbert M'cDouga11 [heard again. 1'0 111- - - - -an-unu imiijs Worship Wgs inclined. to get Fthe'Jury s feelmg m the matter. I... DA___ __,_ 1 .0 - ` i , - -.-u-- -1- JZIIBIIDIO - Mr. Creswicke, having compared the writing with another writing con- 'tained in an order for wages signed by M`cDouga1l, asked that the `latter be `impounded in court. ` _I Mr. Boys objected to the order be- I ing impounded. 3 IN 1 .-,- .- -..`.....u.n.. , ; 7 . " Samuel}. Guthrie, recalled by Mr. `Creswicke,' said` that he last saw M'c- Dougall on Saturday `evening, Nov. 20th. He was then enlieavoring to strike a job. iH'ad received a letter from him later through the post of- ce; 2Gave the letter to `Chief King fteen minutes after receiving it. Witness had no idea where McDou- gall went. Did not know where let- ter was mailed from; it was in Mc- Dougall s own writing. The letter `was signed at the foot Herbert Mc- Dougall, Midhurst. _. ..\. snunlau Ul_. LLCI I. ,was called three t1m'es_;_`.but therc was no response. ` V I ' (1 0 r. 4 - wvv-on mg` ~'I3c_lith ; M}>ori _ . . . .. IIJ guy sgvus uuulg BIILIL. . To a jurr Chief Smith said "that thercondition of things at the house on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, was the same ;as on`-the`morning' after `the re. The name of Herbe_rt..MKcDougzll _was called threp 1-im':acL` Inn ol-.`.'..- .....- `Witness attributed .the fact < heap of rags not "being tconsun lack of ventilation in the < closet by the door being shut. TA - Z--.'.. __ 51-? 9 (V mce. o`f W. T. Fisher il-lage of -Cookstown, ub-Division No. 10, 1', Deputy Returning of the consumed to clothes .. -1. --L "713t3n'uj Division No. 1, Hin-' d1e s"_Sch`ool House, Peter Green- sigl`es,`=`-Deput Returning Ofcer. ' . 'DA:h .o .-Cu h:uo:n:'An A 6 nfllvn ' , IICPIIL -l\CllII IIIII` \lIlI\CI- '~l;c>l!ing `-51: Division No. 2, Orange Hall, Churc lI;,D.. W. Lennox. Dc- puty .Ret_m-ni g -Ofcer. _ -eontinuing un Iplacep, Vviz : III tlll. ucuau. 3. That the of the said To be taken _on th putv Returnin named on the one thousand at nine o cloc_ . . I ote of the electors ship of Innisl will By-Law` by the De- Oicers hereinafter hird day of January, ne hundred and ten, in the morning and .ve 'o clock in the the undermentioned afte]t`6on' at 4-5 i -`I 0 0 no pv- yvuxuu. '2. That this B aw shall be sub- mitted fo_r`appro l to the electors of said Township f Innisl qualied! to vote thereon (1 shall not be n- ally passed ..-un s and until said electors have ap ved thefeofiin the manner provide for in the Statutes in tha t`Lbehal.f.9 `r .1, \.Anu\.L-D an IUIIUWD`. i I. That the said; y-Law of the `Township of Innis , `Number 411,` and entitled Loca Option By-Law No. 411, to prohib' the sale of liq- uors in the~Town ip of Irmisl in the County of Si ,.is hereby re- pealed. ' 'rL_L 4.3- n ` The Mason and Risch "'7 Piano Co., Limited, 32 West King St., Toronto. \,

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