Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Oct 1909, p. 8

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MfcI?.hee`,wson `of Mr.,_,.S'. `D ... cPhee,. . and Bolton? Price, of:- P_ri"c_e. s 'p|;ner, had a narrow escaipe from day, .a_fternoon.A -' They were -l~uck hooting near Mr. P..eter'"('1:_ho-ms9n s, '_tid'endeavoured to "cross* from one. ;oint `to another. `for the evening. ., shooting. .-A highowind `was blowing, ` and after starting" out they. found the. ea'j_too heavy for-"a ,`;_canoe, and en-'. devoured to turn back. While at`- empting'-turn, the "canoe upset;-` n_d=the two boys were: thrown into, her water.`. They clung 7* to the up- uturned canoetuntilgit drifted ashore.. They__ were in -the. cold Water for, boutan hour and a.-Ah-alf.. It..was` ark, when, they got ashore, -and they were forced to take- refuge in an. Empty house, where they spent the might, without z'1're,'their matches 3 . hiinsr wet. Next n`1orninn'.thev Da'd- . drowntng `in Lake~Simcoe -on. 'Sa.tur- ' 3'o's'p3T I-1"xn{}, Q2-'i:'< :-9. -`;1"1oTl1is.--1fT\r.i;; pgyged hi his cell` at Lindsay Jan.` ; Us `In-` ' qnflnnn `. ' _n-. ' . 'R1's`sia is ait`1_x`ous' Lto_'~s:II her inter-. est` tn` the Man"ch'ur1a'n]jarlroads.' f'v:'"'_I-12; ;-r"'{_iSt;>v1-1-';_:;;'35` 'H;>s'n-iziy street`. car `at St. Thomas ind kigled; mazes-' %sz-as ~`i _.J v `*7? `I`U.E$DAY. O/CTOB'ER 25:11. ;oNp`Axr._ ocrIoBER- =.-.st1i;j. an m _i .- Itiwis understood that the Pnfovin-i "cia1.".Go\fer'nrn.ent has practically "de- cid_ed upon locating the news Gentral Pfisbn on ti site between Toronto anti` Hamilton, says the _,Toronto ' Globe. Some difculty has been ex- perienced- in securing a site which 'would` fulll all the requirements in connectiion with the Government's r shejnei for the utili2ation,of prison ..labor.` This may be_ better `under- stood when it-Tis explained. that the plansifor the new prison will require an expenditure of about $2,000,000` "when they are carried out in their entirety, The new `building will` bei largely constructed of reinforced! `concrete, and an object of the auth-I orities in selecting a. site has beeni [to obtain one on which a portion of i-th`c `material for this,work may be i'o1'1n'd, as well_as providing the ne- cessary land for the development of aiprison farm. In" this regard it was important that upon the area. acquir- ed there shouldwbe ic_0_nsiderab.le dc- `c!'J,'o_s'its of gravel as well as bricks clay in order `,e labor of the convict p'"rison"`ers" might "7 be utilized "in the pr eparation_.~ in the first instance, of 1 building material. \ EQQMI3 `LVl`.1'u-To ' ` ` `V ' ~ `V _ : ".`; ,v wa-`he comr_nittee _dec_i(*1*ed.' to }a_old`tg1ej ;;ve-meutnoncd ,con`\{|_1At`1o,t_1, m__,x1}et ' .1... ..:.-- ,.:rI`.. .'........ .. "l`..... .... It is intended th!!t,tl1enew prison shall be lcor`xstructe'd `in a series of wings, zintl it is anticipated that the xpenditurev will approximate some- thing `in the -neighborhood of $250} tution has been completed in -accord- ance With the plans, or:1_1nt1l the 1m_- mediate reqturements have been pro- I 000 to $300,000 a year untl the insti-I fvi_gledv `for: 5 T A. T , > J;AD.1r`t frofnltlie sclxme 'thaf; V}3a`s already begn outlingd, Jthe Govprn-Q mcnt_ has `been; prebarmg to cope d5%"mmf s Scheme For Using Convict Labor. A E SIT`E. FOR NEW PRISON. . BRAND SYRU_P food. not only for foxf.-everyone--_-.-and it is used by everyone. " Qelicgcyivhich should be in every home. thggoy;-fthi;nV that _Sa,f,ii}ie,'s;=that longing for sweets . .'chil`d,ex_1_`j-V Ih(')VS'*)t a.di111':s `have. J 'tr0nbI1e _in the making up 5` 7*? ` 5?1.`;b A . . '. r % . V .,:`nfnn'iA' CA9 61.. 1..:...I._..4. -----"db _ :*"3t.3fldS3 for tlfe highest possible p_m'ed .iz}Nx_1 cleanwholesome manner _.1m8.' which develop a delicious . WhIfy9n .shOnld iysist"on- having """`\--VIM ucaacx L5 unu` otne: .. CROWN {ERA-ND SYRUI?" 11"?!) `I'I"`n"\1 n.n-`.a... 14.`.-_ ._A, '.I. :C l.l.BA., 'I.\c\.lg, E96, MOPIPO 6 .fI L *3 din#t_1 ivhioh develop f 1'1 i`en.lI'l:_ - ' ` . \\ A ._ ~Vl`\Iiss.VJen11ie-Thoinpson of Karrie sVpnt a few days at v"Thc Elms" 1:1~t week. ` I Miss Katie Shaw of Toronto spent Thanksgxving holidays with her mu- ther` lfeijez `P Messrs. Norman Brown and D111- `ton Armstrong have gone to Bu`alu. `where they have secured positions ~_or the winter. T - the meeting last "week. .\Iissc.< .-Lil,|1_i_`a ,.Mc_L\-Iurray and bizzie Gihsml were the delegates` "e,-lected` to attend }.._the1VV on1en.'s Institute convention in '('1'.`... -2. " met . I with the problem of prison labor af- ter"`building- requirements have been This also has been a factor in the` selection of _a site. It has been felt for a long time that the question `ofroad improvement, at least so far `as the`m`ain "arteries of the Province are concerned, was a matter which should be assisted, and it has been considered by the Government that inthis direction an outlet might be found for prison labor which would not be-open to the same objections as its use inthe process of textile production. V After-'the immediate demands for material for the prison itself have been met-it is understood that the convict labor will be CII1_plOyC(l.~ tn :1 cr:rtain_extent, in preparing material for roadmaking, and it will be read- ily appreciated that the possibilities in thisdirection are very geat in- deed. :oNsERv.A'rIvEs 1 Miss Cassie Buie is \'i:~`itin_-_r hcr `kbrother m Collmgwood. ` Ma . John Gibson has .r0t11rn(*1 hom_e 'f.rom` the North for the winter. 'M'rs . Gbdwin of Toronto spent ,Than1,csgivingV day with her sister. `Mrs. Brown, Maaple Lane." b Mrs. Giin and Miss Daisy \'is`itL- Toronto friends this week. HLIIU VV-K 'GueIph. .SUNNIDALE CORNERS. Bnm (6?) an smug w a i \' ])_.ur Tmg dcny kw than \'\'M 0 Ihcru ` . troll |A\IY IIKJLII of ti fed : . Th ulgu I VV 0 th C ]et 1 a11:m \\I ed_ nu ion hen thre look xve haps b0r grou thcr tl1c V610 100 h1t loaf hon urn port was gate man '1 he side lh1g vall slop ,\vit jcsti J11. not era rep ku1d the cro.` . my ICE! len hon fro Lit wit {Ire tha 111` (2.0 U Th wit cau ` . _g`..'oilT;'and `gas1coxpLpany._a`ry ;wor_I:__- Vin Tecum'seth. .jtt y:`ng 'to mcregge 'numberjof~- `options onland, and: : `.1. ' 5` `f " "..:.:', _: ` fesentqtnves of Mr/`JaS_. {Gan-. E33519` reported they are mgeting _w,'it-h, "macro -5342` LA nna`Ip AQQE `hsidprable guccess; and. the_ ji`1`1dica_'.;_" 1;. 4- ; 7.ES.., % ~ - % *w1L`r. convznin `The -Liberal newspa'pers are Busy circulating`, the report that _the. `Con- servative party -is hop'el,ss'ly .diIrvid-V ed iI1_`it'S .:3lItitlldC. towards ,`t'_h pro- ' posed navalpro/gramrne of_ht`l'ie"_I_.,au;rI- ier Government. If a`ny'prqgm`tme has been announced ; and t'hei'e is some dispute about that-_~i.t`.is_ to_ the effect that Pa'rliatne.nt `will. `be,'a'sl to vote a.c_lurnIp sun`: of_$;o,obQ,`()oo for the construction of` 't'welv'e`1wa'r..ves+ sels` and in addition therto;,an`_an- nual sum of $3,ooo,'ooo for ,th eir`up- keep . and `man'a`ge.n1t,'tt._ This-is the eprogramme as outl%n'e_l7 by th`eOt- tawa_ Free -Press, ` _ _ "Globe andV_other'Libei-al. newspa crs declare it to be a..'n1eaf,e -g"i`1'e$Sl.... Only ..thing at all certain ts thit the ships are to be built` on this side of bered - t Vim- ,-the Atlantic. A K I It will he remem ht ` niedi_1t,e__ly after thevlmperial Igefnce -cConfereg_1ce- in` London Sir _Wilfrid Laurier gave out" a broad intimation ,Vt_<`>/ the ettect, `that. Canada's contr'bu- tionj to`t-h'e_Imper'i,al' Navy Wouly, be bui.1t_in` the `Old .,Conntry.- It does V not, zippear that the present ?Goverif- ment e knew or thought I of ' anything use until`~Mr. Asquithfs speech in the `B-ritish Housq of CqI"nmons.'...p'I`l1a.t speech showed the: deter, -ed .Do1_icy on t,hel.,part.of the_'Briti Govem- ment towards _having;_..ea "colony create its own na"y andwthus _h"9;isted upon .the Laur Hr: Gov'erninen"t p Va scheme of temptation, an` `open door to endless` trouble. -`But no announce- ut f`h;e'_ ,Toronto 6 I i l trnent has been "formally made; to',the:. (Lanadan: people as to what...the new ' navy to be except; in so tar as,Mr. . Asquith .$ sp<:ecl1im,ay`l> . staternent `to -`rCa.nada, as.w.e11,;gs to all, the rest; of.the7En'_1ipire, on`- earth the :Co'n.servatives`_._can'. `the ,_di- e -taken`. as___a',_ vided `in their'attitt1e to`yra_`_i-as} sit- Vtilfrid Laurier -S; naval ,p.r9grammec,i when he has *n.e'_ver announced, any, is a mystery. The Af'a t'.is,th'h ,t- `the. .I. iberal. papers se `for their own. par y.. are trying`-to dis-E. tract attention 9f ..the7,cou;!1_try.l_;'yp`a|Z-, g bre5Akers..ah.ea:d` lesing. ;di1`.ervenc'es.i` qt oaitzion ..;amons' L the members Off the l4,0Pl?.0`$pi0!'l- ; It 1 , __Long headed p`o liti'cian. .'1i'e,`as`tOn- ` ished, at Sir \Vxilfl'.,id Lal13`i`l'; S' i'epk1-. lessness jn t'ackJing,,.the n1'ea}'{1'ail`]>.i-ob- lem upon the large scale dutlined by the Ottawa Free `Press; The`y`sa.y_! that he ig em.barki:\g 'u pdn. '3 ~`rnohey_" .sper_}diqg-expeqition which will make` the Grand '1`runlt-.;E'ac,ic .l_ook_,Jike a - bagatelle.` "fMk'>r..eoVer, the r G'rra_a'd__ ' Trunk Paci, -inclttditm ~the,-.J1_ean'._ and.`- hungry eastern Vsec`t_ion, l)uiI`g*,;.by~.,the ' ,,,,i1ment `at an bexpenge V` of ._.$3o,~,`-_ * ~w.i11 produce, Some` resultsgeeeteiye least sin spots. rand; my`55"me sdinthing to therbuilninz;eaz$;9i.;:he.; cogntyy, -. even: ghojugh &it.bSj p}if&1l_el5 : e xnsti_'n' . _rail_wafys` 1 *The. % T` e: gm` ct '.r`1"0u"8h trbwrefwee e rind .r'qn'k;.1 _a,ic 3 9|" any: ather: ico .nn;.;.t A` 3?: _ _ I V __ ` J , V_ ~7_`.:W Z 1:39;: b,6.t.e ...&. ..g 3 = mx Ln. '3" s~e.,te3;\.: ,- V ycIlp_cu,.uuL a IGgl_l-V!,I] 0 ` .'.lU\ YV. `a-,."a& -, ,',-'_'|l 9. Ir 1osated.hd .?;9ic5tiS.ti"f. d W1 1ir,odi: ,.%...;.._ ;`?;3Aa%% . '- J i. %.'=:!tf3}- sh:m`..w ;ic1=s;,e;aJl His . nEin;f 9f ani1*tIe-"'1ir08#'L 1`><'=?~*ts" `f<>. |_.`:..': "t'h'j.:=. : ~'I3:iili'3i`f". % %*n`nt? %%bn?!ij*3ir i9**f%% v2?;,% ` whme ma2sy;tde,.._wvouid [ `In I884eMr. and) Mrs. Beist.-l`eft thA -farm `and moved into.Collin.gwood. - Mr.xBest died heree-leven: }'ars"la`t- `Cr, `leaving his partner`-ofysixty-three yelaers_'of_ `happy married life .to.`_con-' tmue the journey alone. VTheir_iamily consisted T of ten " chidren, eight` _ boys and two, girls, but only `fotir survive their parents. Those liv;in_'g'. aife WEI} .1s:m in town, Ge`orge-,~_"wh,o lives` on the old homesteadat -Dunedin, Thos. .H.~, managing `director .,of-jthe :C,ana.- dim : Magazine, '1`o'ronto,'au`d. D_a.vid D., of D. M. `Best & Co., zilsro of Toroi1to.-Bulletin.i_` . ~ , i ' " After hex t'.t'Ia`r`x`i'ag""` l'Cl,!u'l} Ul"_|`.llC lLl'U\}p5.q__` 3 -- ,_ Jbhin `Best, who = prVedecea,d*_ Her` " in .1895," jhey ,continue`d,~ tn _)iv_e _in_Ir_elan(1' un- til 1845,;._w_h_en they joined ink. the Vti_d e of immigraftion to Canada. On reach- in?g`-h_ere '-lVI'r-. _.`a_nd'{. Mtifs] Best . settled ` `in the to`-wnshi -of Hope, .near~-.`P`or.t< _ Hoe, where t V when` the" lure of :th_e.,n_o;rt'h -proved too strong and they`ca-me to Notta-_ asaga. ` ' ~ Ar\ ,. 1- av .. ' fa " y fesided untilV A1858 . ~- -v--._...- tied i,n'th'e vicinity `of Dun`edvi_V;__-`then `Oh reaching.Notta.wasai.ajfh.ey et- 1 known as"Bowerma s Mil'ls},.._ je `set;_ `t`I`e`n`1eV_nts "in the` to'vims1ii W51? -.;'.h!1- * few, andthe t'rials`~a,,dh haai-dships'_dfx' `H ` 3- pioneer life were %"~ali u_t_ider`_6ne' bye`? Mn-.[an.d Mfrs. Best. Sit,ufa1t.e.dvia`s-t`heiy-.u theire diFcu1tie:s were g`15.t:er"' them 5 those who were so foArtu`na.te_a`s'-toi `hp: 1 locafedhearer to Collingwood and Not.ta.w,a.saga' Station as Stayn'e`r`.w a;s for,`a time. called. .The.v. however, Kwe_re._endowed with the c'haract"eri`sfic, % de_terminati`or;I' of their_ race and , in` time were rewarded vwith a. comfort- able home anda s_uf'c`1e`nt share of \ {were twenty miles from. .'a,ttjailAvi ria,y;T this w orld s goods to provide. fut them throughotxt the evening of their use. an no ' mg. g. - 4 -0 - .7--cw :%-Cog-:;1:t.)';,'A T,'[re1andV," Qt; }Oc=.tobe_r__ .ird ,` 11 .1mely," _ Gbrg I1 2*x.1'(1`> Iizid. a .dist`i nc`; ;mer11(oi'y _(>.f'._=ti2J` 49; . ; .' . Mrs, _jBest "was-' .bor.-n - ,!8I.9.:.jnd `had. vther.e6re:`~%1iVe4:%1:34 ; the.` .; 1'eli'Qg`1 1's.`."rofr~'`v`e_ Etf11:"sh' ov{_e`rei gti s, ` 1.,` G5i"' `I.Ye.:`. V,Wil1iam=,;IV.,. ` WV'icto'ria - and-,~-`Edwa'-r,(l__ . VI-,I._ She was ve-years` _;.o1;cl, ygheni. thgl Ba;le- of Wate.r1oo`AWas`-fougii1 f;_ x`Lt'urn1 of thc tro(}ps ". "f}s._.M. . , If :_ily~ of_ ; Mrs. John Best. gat-he`;-tj. iq % glliasvgmgg tp` .cellp:;g- ,|,1p1,;:,_11`ir;wVty--: nmth bltthdyy ,.To-rday - they...` mpnrn ?ho'me `(_>f7liex4 son` 0117 Siitur ay,=i'0`-:,tp..- `be`r '.16th;_ ; - % - }\ =::*' .0eaw '.3;1`l`;-.t;.1f`1I.e`5_fai1_"1+; 1g,er`_. gf_eath;.,. wh'i.c_hz _,occu1f";:e_gw,;at;;.`.,. 'tlli'eV A w` it :-> i`;' :1 \ 3: )-.I)U2S, .l\..\.., '.m..r. VV. 1\. out-y Luc, .Lu-.u,.., 9 " *%~TLEqmum1_ Brist< )l, `K.-C.,` AMLP. '=Cdl yam TH`ugh`es, iMLP., Andrew Broder, 4%/lnjo` J. Th. ,.._*rot 'i's-' ; .;: `aior - s. ?5li4e:I:}tie;J 'IvI~.P vs: B. Northrg/J,PK. (I3vEi, M. -. .,, s.~-A. g, _ . ., ,. `Gus ,~Porger,, K.C.,r. while; those requested to act`,by Sir James Whit- ;ne'y are. Hon. W; J." Hanna, M.P_.P., .Hon. A._ Pyne, -LL.D.,` M.P.P.,v .Hon. A. J. 'Matheson, M.P.P.,gHon. V0.1 -Rea"ume,"M-.P.P., P. ;H". Bowyer,_ ".M.P."I .; A. H; qMusgrove, M.'PP.,. aM:.P..P'.,` `T. W. M-`cGair4ry,:.'K.-C.,-'M,P. v`M..'P., ;T. '~ S. Sproule-, |M-.D., ` ?M.P.,- rmgx. Ferguson, M'.P.P.,=*~E. 2E. ?Fiase_r,i' 5:.Pi`, I H. -Mzorei, K.C.`, M.P.P-.,";,W .\lH.v yearst, -M.P.P.-,, T, H._ Lgmiqxg. o'r'1`AwA igfzfrsifz; pqruvnuutuvvvuvnsg-I vw_ uuwuu Iruulvona " .- ml`. ` as nctping copuj._j_ * . 1 rouree aw _; *L,"9+ , - uuuuulg. ` . Te" Vann`3*irersTar\yAfservices in the '."Methodist church Stinday. Oct. mu, _`we1:e- \ve1latt'ended. The thanko'f'- fering amounted .to about $135.-` Grim_ death again Entered. ,our= mid`st~ and took away Mr. Philip, Bmfair. He had `reached, the twilight` Of_5fC`. > ' ` - 7 ! . _ Vi. Hi-.`.'.B'A Rm: , Agent for` . . . lIbI}ii\I;8~. gxQi1:A'IIl'!.\ nunooums. %.% ""Il\nn-n Ink-blunvnnlt mint-nninnti. ` , `V:-villi`! III!" III:4I',"V"'`I-Ila` . w`... . A gram elevator has been bullton the 'C_.P.R. grounds. V ` X A A sct Aofscales has been` put in. 01):. _posite'thc._store. ` ` ` ` . ` ` II! .. .1, .t e-;<-t"et;<'l-..(:;1'1r- sympyafhvy tb Mrs. Leagh on the` death of her mother, The,deceased was 77 years of '_age._ 4 . `ILA Inn Adoring an u-A-cc `Ann 016 I-:|~\n it _ fM`r`s_:V_Ja. Dtinn is very low aiviime i }of wrrtmg.'. / - \_. - % run '1 .`u. 0 '\ . 1 t; `yzto ;ea'!'ly_-g ropcracilon, `,5 r~`*`l3 `rsti:29Is\.*,io - rave. mi .1toyr;1_t thIsi;v?ree ` t . ah.`naiter:~;h;in s-`iced; with 7 dfillin/. A-C. Jfttats `E a. - and 3 Oil ;".L-{ty;_ 7; digit, i `what Vdi`st`ris'_ tfv tqgjdgg jplfets, V L t _for the machitiry `ijqui 3; g I staff of jmenjto Adp`1;_3'tI)`1"el,ic;` Gartlan ,savs:thag.-me , oil, will be; s unk- W'it'hitl~.'V`%1kT 7l_'vli`;;r` le..-= distance of . the `';,sp,`;-i`n`;`gs " tithe ',G.T.R. station ai1d-"'that/ti;-. 4, to operations wi'll7.b_e`~g',uidcd' -ii sulf_t,'of thp ii days of .this driliz` ,_' '_W'o~rld.t_ ' is A 5." VV;illia.m Oliver, an 1employe',e',. in the hipya_rds,f met with a'terr1b1g'-. a`c_ c_i*-, at, on .- fsaturday atternloon V `about. f if-past,` three` o'clock. _1'-He'.1iv._as en-, _V e_d-';w`hite'washing the ceiiin of the ilding when his clothes,- werfe ` tight. by a rapidly revolving -l`in`e V nit; `In. -an instant `he was being hi_t"'l_ed.a_round at at teriic rate, his - msand legs striking `the. walls~with l cat `force, His clothes fw'er,e ,t,o_a-n _ x;on`1 hisbody, and he fell to -the pot below, a distance of fteen.`t`o ` cntyj-fee-t, unconscious ,_and` batter-. = d"almost beyond recognition. _'1`h.e i mbulancci was quickly suininoned i dthe injured_ man was removed to- " he VG. & M. Hospital, wherefhis in- - `uries were a._ttended to. Anaexapi-'; -inznfinn ~.v-annular] that hnfh 1902 and 1 Qntc.) for. Thgnksgivi11g. `V III IJIIUI Ills: .Quite_ zynumber from he?-e i"ntend t:-.k-ingi In the-=reduc"ed rates to.Tor-_V s.` 1 01 ` % T ' _ iwljmml an. *5 ` 1,` .~ [V-4 ` 1` Arch G. %c;\m;;;m;..%{:.;.g;.a 1te't`urn_ec`I,f`ron'1 their wedding. "vtrip, and~-"are noiv` in tl'_n,eir own `home in ghsis gxmage. . ,\ T X N _, ,, (Too lar:aF_ i`<;__ri`.Y:{t week.) - .vRoot`ing is __th.'f" of the day. quits; a` success in regard to he free-. I l.a ["'.I7l'1e,ar1hivers1A'y: services proved,` will_ bering. ; I FD`!-Iei8.t*!`!`1*1V*17l?;;sn:BV`11t: rI9W18,} '7I.;~ V J" \ . - \ 5 * . ~f.:,`i;~ 381653 <'1f::c;mf.s1 .0N,:SAiK[`i5X:lLY" ` `- _ HIIIVEUIIVIL . V A v'ery farge inux "of visitors were ,her: for__th"e Thanksgiving holiday-. aui. I-3 _,_.\ a _ ~ r 7 `Mrs; ' Brit%Be}l and Miss Sadie sp et1tj.__o\_rer` Sunday visiting friends on..t he"r`inth line. .- A ` 'n.\.. ......'. -...|.....n~ u'....-.. :- ..1....;..'.; hbuse is almo'.s`tL complete. V It will be an ui)-`t`o-date bu'iIdig'1g. `V `V . ". : " "t;h:e`.94`t'h"anniversaryof the l_)'irtl1 of _'c9nventio_n `for organization purposes .place..some time next year. The Lil).eral-Conservative party of` ;0,ntario. have arrangctl to celebrate: ~.Sir. J0hn"A. ;Macdonald b`yholdi_n{ a. "'"in. Toronto. T his; convent_1on,, off c'ourse`,`is ent.irely'scpziratc and di"s-" tinct `frond the proposed .Dom`inion'v .~Clonventi-on which _ will likely take` - _-.-,-._._A_-__-u --. ~ auscu- ` :T'..;`;;;e..*...,..V*"%~c."zmggg"me. 3 tegfd having. anoyster supper on Nov._. 5t.~ `I A` ' 5.. .,4'.1`...k .. . -.-.. .-. _ 1; - _ .71: ` <'_ V f. .: xx`, A:gfi;:j.__:j:`overn'tr1gnt_ _1s_A.-1n':,nO . ; jpqsxjtittarl; lt`b*:'f;ond L_"-3; 'Canadxan= Navly._ (`h0i'n;T"-, j'_5"C`:\I"ef`A"-,`.th. '-Cin1serVa'_t`iyes` in p'9`V,\?-~ i ~i.l'5 i.1>eaus:'-' tltadlteons` would ',lZ-.`5y3_;.=i1 ?:'t;h`en'. . ~b[e ` ggestiond. by which" itf; .wil'lf ,re.quig'e years `tor bui, d, ctin a,fter_gjall be ` `f'm.t1ch "help or db nfi_1eh" ;I'oW'%'1.l'dS. >1 , ec1__,in'g" an`. Anglo- `Gei'1ii'a_n navailwa]-*u'I' the North Sea ! Awheither,-a cask contribution be made its ,._ Voting?-.ftv1;enigoth_ `is Tin 1 `Quebec vinlierei'thq.n`a\{al"policy is not popular "`11'n_'less_`,e"_oy ` money and Vpziti-`o_nage .is~ glistributi` V ` th'rot_1ghoutl the prov- .in', to.k_eep` `down re.volt ."-- A few other -evening*by'Se'i'1ator' N. A. .Bel- `court will set. thervheather on *re.` ;Ho'v\reve1~, it is for the Gov.e:'.nment bomgtln` vbf-f;tha"t` kind .,-c`ould 3, .be_ ; .7fa_v.or `helping : rum. -Mlqther. Coudtiy ; _ many _vgiVr'l1 'Vtli'1{',_t'l,ifi`s `prdbosed nav 'A,-`` `two or" tlu*ee'years froi'n`norw.` But . ;Qlt . Wl"lthe.t; and? ships ebfe\furn_-V V ...is_l_f.e.dfor;-~;_wf1etherha new navyee b;e., ct eated; _thel;:-I$at1rie_1fr- Government ,is} _ pla1ced,f,ac,e;~to{ f;'c"i withggtlie fact that and w'her'e{ lt,,will be bitterly opitidsed, ` `mbre`,speech`e like: the one made the _ -to bting down` its policy `and work it V out. 2."Th`e Opposition {cannot be ex- . pectd--ito.qpposeV axpolicy Before it ` is `an5{o_un_g_d. _ V. \ .. % 1\Ia-.-'~a;If1.d.f1I-x-s,`*Ge<'>'.- 13211.2; Elmvale 'spen $u1} Joe Arch'er s.. st.-Ivan -IIQII_\|sI_y |n\. vlg J\_.I\. allvuuvn no T .I\ Ii's'--.E'Vie _C_ievisited,her brother, 1Mr;` 'l`hos. ~Co,` on Wednesday. last. A311 .. - , 7` kn 11:0! ,ti '. ?lifa2%``18' 31,7 % , `. t. hat;;`T 1B txst*"C1i nb1a_`Lih.`-' ".I`%7\'39f; `1`5.`i".?`..i*`_75_" k`:17 * `33;:Od9 ;outT~of~_th*e`2:$ab,'ooo;oo9;1uust I7be *3i>1en ;t , _ on:;.the"\_ Pacic -.coa;8t.. The`.xt1`feI1'tbeI"-9: trgrrg the ,_Q!Tlil'i 'pr.oxjinc"es r arg..ranl_` '1! 3patht1..: % I-xp.era.1 `- ,merr;I2er_s; trorjn 0.n}!fi`0` .811: beinzl dh yd tafasau -'-a_ccor<`lVI1`;,t`V_<>?"tl_1`_afi;if rcspe` ,t1v_e lgcal ~iti$r'7thaf_ .c0uld. `b`e.'.f exp`er`u1ed!i1 Adeepeniii.z`9m`d Wi` 1 't1j_c_' VVe,;d Canal ~ or in` B egi'nningf `work: (won _.the ' `great Grgianf Bay -Ship 3 .ca*na1;* .` * t L `TH ~`ll'llIB`I`_IB])_6vl'J4ll_l(y,.W _ ,T U sf. ' `..z.u.'.._-`HI~,'-..-'.'_-- ,- __ -.;,` __,_ __ .rlIO&v'\IIAn v-q--v --up-v '4 -.v- u Avjoint committee on organization` '.l`hursday".last in Toronto. The Amem;-V bers of the Commons that have been` -, _;1j_,`:questcd-by Mir. R. L,,Bord_cn. K.C., ;..;t0,_act are IHon.gGeor'g.e E_._'Foster,_ gt-21T_Richard Blain, Haughton Len-V v~~ v`1:)ox, K.C., 'M.P.,._W.' R. Sm-ythe, M .1P., in the interests of. the. party met on 1 `l.`=.`~.l.....`..'.'.',t n..:.....1 '11 .r`.` M'|D` ..r."A.'1- ; MAINF81"9- jxsuEzW9ov-` Lela H M`: A nnn-` I4;-' 3Ax1:En_,. % sat; QQIIE R.}`*'.'!glNllll., `wu.uuu.L cl. u|\;,'uu;II `iltltbllvya i;"eing.wet. Next n`1ornit'1'g,they pad- Hled `a'<;'i`oss the bay-_to .Mr.- Peter T.homsons, where they got .dry `clothes zintl; gfood. ' They. lost their guns, and other paraphernalia, but Wereglad ktoe pc _\vith"their lives. '-g-Or ilAl_ia Packet. - f_ The body.` of an unlown.-Italia`n `was foun(l in the woods=near Cold-` _strea._m, B.-C.,.and it"isA suppo_sed "he may have been shot by hunters. Paffcl Skutire. a;-Port Arthur Ital- ian, is in the hospi'ta.l*with bullet .and' A knife-wounds, and refuses to tell how _he received them. He may die. A -It is understood_-th at' Mr. _H7erbct"te le ladstone'wi1l be: offered the post of overnor7Generalpof United `South _|Africa.- . _ _ i j"'~'Phi1ip B.`-Ijrfardy o_To;oi1_t'c$ was' shot and kied in his b`oardix`1g-house '.in V Chic_agoV Sunday night. 4 11:` c ' 1' `T".":x2;,1;;;.:'g'.ve $x`b1;ooo" to wipe .outTt_he, debt on St. Thomas" Anglican Church of Montreal. V .' Attempt was made to blov `1ip` bkenviss`1`1ed forjher arrest. She is` - "jun"-J` `the house ofiM3r. John'Ri1mb1e,_ nea.r_ Chatham, with dynamite. M1 . Rum- ble is suspected and a warrant has` separated from her husband. ~7f71`EZi1JJ"6"fcrci',$Zd th`e land biu ' in a very greatly iamendgd _for1_i1_*. \ . , .Se veral. remen were overcome by}. smoke .w.hile.gl1ting\-a re `at-.the `We's`tingh>use works in 'H z1miIton. } "Arrangements were made for the annual meeting of the Ontario Edu-' eatiqnalj Association -to be held in ,March. - A T ' 4 I `Carriage-buiklers in the ' United Statcs saythat=`the demahd for horse,"- d_rawn.vehicles is Vgreaterthan it ever| Wa. M x l . pgcket. . -_ _ -._.- vv---.-`,.... x;t;t 3-';t .i;ienti ed `was kiIl -' ?ed;by' a train` `in De`0i`t -yesterday. He" had two -Toronto` papers in -has Va`. `RVobbers_stAol_e jew)e.|s of great ilalite ':from the zmhge` ofathe Vxrgin it} a ".V'conve,nt at - _(`3zenstochowa, Russtan Poland. Th,rc.e Toronto men were accident -' rally shot While hun.ting'. _ ..----_-.r,- . m;i h;2f-;f{::1_1:Govefnmt has stab- I lished a high school at Tsimztati, China. ` . T I the, city of` Tofoto` on Tpesdaiy, Jan. }Ith. ' . L ,_ : ; , f ' V`.."1.\/1'1-'.,,J,._i`S. Ciarstairs,- ._I'_eH_sggietqfy % ..0f `the Liberal-Conservatgv;_..Ass_ocI:#--z; !`;1I_4'-IlE VV'lIluCII-lI\JIIWl.l \LUI|VCI|t_IUll, Ink! -_l|_\.v\yL J . ., .. gonof Ontario, was- i_t,1VSt'rl 1fc'V,,t`:ed,.,t,0 i-. `ute the .ttend'anAce of "ail [1_`,Cpi3efr;:. ; _'., tivh.. Federal .; amid ' PrO`viri`c_1zil `die "-;: '_ ,'t.s`,;`Lthe `Conerva. tive` d'fatd_.;`(c_a:_1_ `i-\ a'.te_._,at the elections` las't -*y * "ns"ei'vativ .- S'enatfo'rs: fin- -Y ,()I1tz1`1-.i,o,L tomequest ea,i;:h :Dounii1ibn'?':%i;clitxg~ ; _soelation- ar1d%'%each5;*m.9xh1'ei _` {T A - ;'{l'asLsQciatiQn- -to ;,appip,t ;v.(lr]e. =6 - mjt;9z.-ntep;:,e:s,v3n_t 4t`_h,e;:;zV;.,;._--,_ 505*"!hci.%?s;>*\5?$#?*9!? { wh91lx=zg.g?i;brsanI=at1 n_-'r1u} bodg? of Mr; L. Cassidv. _a' Winnipeg barrister. was found in the- Msea Jjlal Sundrland, England.` .12 ` Elsie Bowm;'n,-1- a_Canadian girl, who has been wandering aboutith'e- United States for years. was {sent to a rescue Home in Cincinnati. ` Y,ou are -rqially. invited to cu.ll? at qur' nw. promiseq (P_aIk'_, 0 L stand) and inaneot o1_ir Fall aoodaiwmcna 'c,omxng:n dai _; a't-~p:'K`;es nnp`qqllpd~ in Barrie. tornugh "mg /cla_ _g_r-` - inntn:.' Our xirioos am right, and_~1 t\ "1`;o ."{11 Jo * i29d1f0lI![59 par ill. p,ax7 -what." jyoju 6anja"1i. tr- t999?**h.;h'~1inc6 dnettherw-%IyVor . ;niI$h1Y._. .t53$*!i5iii9- " Bu8iII'e81I : ` '-lldhti`a'L'=.-= * `x `fawn. gojng to ` ma -_.v'-- _ --....-`y `nu. .. gyuvvbso "TeV'Graiti`1growers Association are ".- question: a.t the. next 'M{an itoba elec- tion, and. will support on1ythe catn- djdates pledged to their cause.` [R/7... TA`... .-__..-1l __."';_ _L,,.-_`_ I, 'e` Government -elqvators % uuy-r la-say-B`-up v\J y--vs: wuuay. E\/I.'r. John Boswell struck by .a` `train while driving at Port Hbpe. His` horse was killed "and three occupants`. of ;tlfe carriage-' were thrown `down an em_ban_kment,,but they escaped with-. out` serious injury; A ceslumbus, Ohio, maxi has soy: a formula` and i'ig`ht_to man'u`fa,ctu_re val` photographic 'pa' to thg Eastman Kodac`k' Co-. for $1,500,000; __ Dr. George A. Fritch, formrlyTof V Drum'bo, Ont, wasicomnpitt d` foia trial in Detrdit on. a'charg'e 0 man- slaixorhter" in.-`A. connectionr with the Adqath of Mfabelle _M.'illma.n, ;=%"'iiv.. r3;1" Ma11igaa,;%Tocbn1:o,L% an`-_- J ounced h`im`sl_f in `favor of Church . ._'~L`=_ I . , u niopI. bf `thfe Delegates in Jan? L woman~with- singed hair boarded a street car near the scene (of the d'ynamit e outrage: in Chaxham, towin- ship, and there is a `suspicion `that she may have been concemed in~it. \ ~Mr.~and Mtr s. R. E, Eliiqtt of ,.'Bar- `{_ri_:'and Miss lprence Elliott oi.-:B,1= fast, Irelanql, vxsited Mia R. J. Ellidtt one 'd_ay~ lg1;sltw'e.el<,.. y`V " - j ` `. \ `.. K J* T `1"3}$rJn at E1}; . ii. Hospital; Bah-V`1.-i..'<*-.' on 0 t... 13th, to..M'r. .n`df~MArs. .R-ob\;. im,` a_ ,daug'h_ter. V v\ `Q ruin: - _.. l 3 A orospdctor named` Parker claims -to have digpovered a vein of-_almo st" pure. quicksilver on the North Sas-( kat'chel-wai1.`_ . . 2' I\Cll-\ull\y~'V ll: _ Mr. John Flynn, sen., was b'urnd! to death and two ra.ce-horses d`e-. `strayed, i,..a fire that wiped out S. D_a!vidson s_ stable at Prescott. % .316 jm eornr. ; | (Too fate for last week.) _ Farmers are busy takiq out theig` p_..otatoe and report a g `_ crop._; ' t I` rf Vliif `A. "JT 14'{113._ iiitd M32 "M; Aqdrews last yvek; ` 13...; .. L- I) If 1_t...._:}._1. ~n_'_;:'_ . ,_=___v--T|,` J v--- -__-r'--v..-q-v--- 1 Mrs." Mabel `ranger, `gouiui guuty: 0 of; ntanslaughter, `was sen`ten.ced~ t fifteen years imp-rfsonment. " 1 H . ` __A_,A`,,_. . `I .-r c I `II ' _ WB1, r- Blyth `was -f>5iii1.'cl j g'iiilty_ -d.f~" Vmanslautghtet: and ; sentepced . to _1g"hte"en___ years imprisonment. L. 1: I u . 9-- V':_3`_`1:"y'.,`:>.V,s'x`>ie:cta:tc")irs wer_-rprdbably fab- aly .m'3`ure d*;`at a`n`automo_b`i1e` race at .0ak1a%nd-'?%Caz:`L i 4 , '* Q;Mladr'h,e_ d_e.~. la :Roche{ ew ` .foui* miles` in _-_aj1-_ aeroplane 1at_ Chalpns, f'Fran'c`e, V , _ ms; ;'fS ofx7.PEf1t'a;iiz is %1`visitiii%;% d~B.I>`.!`_e_r< ' 1;. ._

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