gnaw \Jllva|Ia Toronto `Presbytery gives 1eaLv_e to geveral congregations to enlarge and 'xmprpve churches.` "ll`n-I. ;.LL:__ __ _ ._.__.1A, B u` been appointed County Judge of Pet- erboro . 1 _ - ` ' 1 -L;(;n- Ling, the murderer of` Elsie Sigl, is thought to have sailed for vthe Orient.; A V I George Barry wawlilled at Godar- igh by falling through a trap door;_ _`If__ 17 f! . - 1-9 a. I Springer:w.`f.`.A aim. |Ca1ves.. ._...: . . . . . .. `Sheep, export ewes .. bucks & Culls common iipringlatnbs, each ogs .. .. . . . . . . ta" J .There is a; wide rn'ge of prices .quoted for live hogs at present. Some of'the dealers are only paying /$7.60 f.o.b. to $7.85 fed and"-Watered. While lather representatives of packing lh-ouses are still bidding $7.75 to $8.] xuuuuuu [Butcher bulls Heavy feeders Stockers, choice " light N r'...'.......'.... t 11511;, . .. Canners ... . {,Mi1`1` ch'0i . mo 1- , Toronto, Tuesday. ' A- good deal of light stock wasg brought to `the city market,i andthe number of cattle was no-t as large as the ,run of "-cars might indi- cate. ` V . o . by a` vis- `here. ` and are . and. -...v.sw-ow, 1:79,] ycl " dressed .. Potatoes,` per bag Onions, crate coco` WEDNESDAY4, JULY 7151:. Live Stok 4M_a1"kets. 1 , choice com._- and med. 30 oo;. re an AA Uace. de. -harm ey 36 BI a-A- 3331 4 25. .\A.. .3 25; Ana; E5311 3i 235 5 .25 4 0.. vvasi over the d in sting 5&2; '35 I0 50 ion " Day was` (it-.14`el):rV::ltt i~"by a 3 %} baseba11.A..betwMesn V D. J. Vferguson of London,` `O :-Ant), came 13 8t.W6_ek a;nd- is spepding aplasant vacation with~his w1fe,."at 1:;tt_er s.v '_pa'rn1;s, 1. Mgr." _a,n . e ; g -' ~ .- ;~*` 'B:;1;ball' played` Cr"ee-V: more `qr : Monday at. New Lowell. and $011.10 to s. ;C_or'igr_atu1atio.n-si topm- - vs` 7 ` V - - ~'v-~- --- -,"'_'"" I 'W are sor_x -y to learn that Mr. Fred Coulson _1s conne_d'to his, room und,er`D,r,. Wes`t s_care. ` -- . ~ I . v I The M ethodist Church choir were `invited to_ Grenfelon Tuesday; = .1m..` A n;-_.-_ 44- .. .- V7--- .v ---v----- vu ---~-run-J9 A" Mix`. A. Bunce was `home on Mons day, spent the day with his family. , Misses Thossie and {can Ta.rB_u_sh are spending a. week i Barrie_ with `M11-`S. A. +Cowan.T ' ` - -----r on u-on\a\y \IL BN5`/It As was expected Ivy baseball team are the winners of the gold lockets in the South Simeoe Baseball League. The team has won six straight games and has only two to play, one with Cookstown and one` in Ivy withvthe B.eeton team. This gives a fair esti- mate of what `good practice will do. The above team went to Cookstown -on July Ist and won th`e sweepstakes of ' $40, cash, although '_Cool had an imported battery and also some additional aid. . T , . . , . . . ..u..u uu: apuxta lll \,`(A)0l6-l ltown. - `Messrs. Frank Owens and Harry Doane recently walked around Lake Simcoe from here, a, distance of about one hundred and fty miles; . - Alittle-boy of Mr. and Mrs.zSam. Kilgour, _Allandale, had the misfor- ftunee to break his arm recently. `He had been visiting at- his uncle s, Mr. Arthur M}cClean s, ~ '* v ._Last Sabbath was Local Option Sabbath in the township of Essa. and as a rule every pulpit in the muni- cipality was lled with new speakers [for the occasion. In St. John's `Church the Rev. Rural Dean Dreyer lledrthe pulpit and J. 'H. `Hector (The Black Knight) preached in the Town Line Presbyterian Church in the afternoon and in` the Methodis I (`J111t'H Hm-n .'.-. 41.. .u.'.....:.... 4- - Lem uu. au.C1uUUll arm In [116 'lV.le1.'I'lO(HSt Chuch here in the evening to a. large congregation, who appreciated the -`remarks "that fell. from the lips of this {great temperance orator. V Some of our people wendedUtheir% way. to Barrie on July 1st, while oth- crs attended the sports in Cpolgs-`1 town. ` i Miessrsl Wise and_ Mnile are build- ing a cgment foundation under a barn for 'Mr. Stewart Mic-Quay, Ivy, and Mr. Geo. McM;`enne_ry is building the stone work under a barn for Mr. T. R. Parker, Ivy. _, _.f-... ,1...-.;&u\.u, JJGIIIVC. R` Glad to report that our old friend, Mr. Chas. I-Iindle, is able to be` roun.d- !agahL !` `Agnumber of men frorrl ziroundllvyi were here on `Saturday raising the` telephone poles for Lheir line. V Q1-so-o-`o L.` .... A: `ll . 1": 1 . Iv- ,---w wove \/l I`) Ip\J It Mrs. Blmcklnore and adopted daughter of Newark, N.J., are visit- 91", ing the fo1_-me:-`s mother, Mrs. _Park- _-..v xi nun 551911 Illic- L `Sorry to rexort Mrs. Robt. Nixon as being under the doctor s eare.i Hope to see her out again soon. V ` Our boys were defeated in a league gameof baseball in Beeton last Saturday by,the score of 15 to 7. I 1m`-.. 111 1 - _ ---..-. .. nova x\.\.\..u|.1y. 1 iv1\_Tr. and` Mrs. `Mulligan of Torontoi visited friends here lastweek. Miss Vina Hodgins of Toronto isi under the parental roof at present. -Miss.Belile Stewart has "returned from visiting friends in Listowel. . 111-, Lr, r*- - - - ' ' . _ _ . . . -la 4.-wuua nu .I.4IDLUWCI.. Miss Mary Stewart is visiting her` sister, Mrs. Callighen, Barrie. 1 {`1...1 ;. _, --_->-_ .-_-....\.....\.-v.` uu._;u1_y`1aI.. I I "Mrs.-Vanderburg of Hamilton vis.-` 'ited friends hpre recently. 9 1\:f`.. ..-__1 1\t,,_ -an. n- - - -4- `...- .,,.. ' The public schools of thisevicinit held a union pi nic on Junez th. an large number ,0 - children wit their` parents and teachers attended and seemed to enjoy themselves._ The only objectionable exercise was having boys run two and three miles. To hear them breathing in'~pa.ssing was painful. It is: not a test for eetness, but _for endurance, .and is at least dangerous and hurtful; especially to ygung boys, and should be prohibit- e . ` - , . , _ I Mir. R. D. Henry visited the Cobalt regipn recently. je . e M'1'ss Wright `of Beeton. visited friends here last week. A - ` I - _- `._._,-..a ...... u wily]. v1au.v. 1 Bert Coburn and family of! Beeton visited here on. Julyelst. I I V-`If -n `7.....J-..L.,,, ' r 11- on. - A -Our 'Band returns from morrow. -_--_ ..~-.- vv vwuso Mr. ijohn Graham raised a barn on. Monday and Tuesday. in/I-__ fwL `r in - -* --.: ----. ---~~'--s*J- . . iMr. Chas`. .M-cM`.enn,ery_ of Hamil-1 ton is paying us a brief vvisit. ' 4 ll", 1'! cuu 4.u.uuua._y ICSL. ,l.\CV. 1'1.` LVIKIJCT rid of Stayner delivered `excellent sermons _on Sunday, both morning `and fevenmg, '1_`l1e strawberry fest1- val was held on Miondqy afternoon, and was largely attended. It was: a busy day -for _the .lu_lies,. Mrs] Knowles and MJss Lazzxe Laughlm especiallymust have felt irelief atgits ltergnination. j._ I " ' The Presbytefians held their an- nualf anniversary services on Sunday and -Monday la`st. ,Rev. A.` MlcDer- id delivered `excellent ' T Mrs, W;nL'_1_ riderSon 7 df; Graven- urst is visiting her old neighbors ere. ` Y 7 . M-`rs. Hpwaith of Toronto is visit- ing. M`rs.-` Robt. Laughlin. *iVI`1_-is; `P; 'P$tn' frctm 'Colli3rgwood is with her mother, Mrs. Pif . ' Mr. C. Thoniyson Penetang is spending a. few` days `in_ the Village. II` - u started 5 .ITh`e;l no. ` miniou . *-Gbal =COm1i'any %<;la,i`m* I"a'-t` . ' t.vv"'9?~thir'ds` 26f" their, men V working,-. 7 axid* the `strikers claiin that *xiea'rly* fcir thousand three hundred .mq,v out of the . total foxfcd of _5,28o,* _are mif " {NEW LOWELL; A THORNTON; ANGUS. r . 1. : gstum ant; , ~M:is)s I1;en e Drr is visiting her prother, _=E/.} C.` ry. . _he}d:` in St. Jam.s _ ;C3i3.1!*,??`?*!;f:".r;01.`;r~Su11d;a r. `Vat 11 L; 1 :1")Is'_s _L Avipn` `o_~f _ To;-onto is }viiu9svihrA`brohr..Mr: Eabczt %Avi`-A `~'xu\:.. 7.. -~ -~41 1 ` ` v ' .- I . - ` - `Mr. [W . Elliott icft last Tuesday} ;foVr_Albgr`Tina.V,.`%' . ' I .iD'fL G.'Atkinson of Hillsdalne spent Sunday at his home here. ; 1 Mfrs} Brooks of Toronto was ' a holiday ;gue_st of M,r_s.A Iohn Luck. _'}v1VIJrS. NeiI'y of Toronto is" visiting` her dapghtgr, 'M`r. Luck. L T lS\dllG to bro. A. `W. Willoughby, 1 . W.M`s.,` for his untiring efforts, with the assistance of other oicial _mem- bers in carrying out 39 grand and sucessiul gathering of L.O.L. `church ' worship on their `annual 12th of July set-vic.. ~ I land Divine worship, in commemora-l ltion of 0ur_glorious 12th, on Sunday levening, July 4th, was an event in {the history of, L.O.L. No. 73. .At, [ve o'clock, vehicles began to pour. linto our village from all parts ofthe ` surrounding country, at the hour or; seven o'clock, there. was scarcelyi standing room in the Hall` where the - iservice was held. Visiting brethren Jrepresenting `Ivy, Baxter-and Tory l-lill Lodges, joined Angus brethren. and marched to their hall, headed by I the Ivy Brass Band, after which the! service began, conducted by the Rev. 1 W. G. G. Dreyer, D.G., Chaplain B.E N.A., who preached from the words found in the last part of the 21st. verse, of second chap. of Ioshua.l And. she bound the scarlet line inl the window. The preacher pictured, to "his hearers an object lesson of' pointed facts and Christian admoni- tion, as to imperative duty of every member of the orderiif he would ful- l his obligation and live true to the principles of the n ble order to which he had the ho or to be the ' Deputy Grand Chaplain. He also gointed his hearers to the Orange i ociety` as a` great religious institu- 1 tion whose .banner is love over which. King Jesus reigns, and without . him the order could" not live. The 5 able remarks were foreeable and made a deep impression upon the congregation. Rev. P.__ML -Peacock, I` assisted` with -a very powerful and ` excellent prayer. The choir was ' composed of members of the Society and did their part exceptionally well I [in rendering appropriate music. _M1'ss ] M-.I`A.._ vM'c'Crim__mon presiirled at the , organ. The 'IvyBrass Band render- ed __s,eve`ral` selections of old familiar hymns, before the service began, dur`- .ing_'the assembling` of the congrega- 1 tion, their services being_exceedingly I` acceptably` ap`preciated,; much credit E is an to Bro. -A. Willoughby, P. `Av `Ida `ice-Ilr::'unro A:-upd-5. -u:LL in an the patterns and colorings, c ecks and stripes, 7 ' ' | . T S ' ' A16 Light Grey m pun 2-piece Suits, in c ks and stripee; sizes 35 to4 V ra mg in prxce from 9.50 o V 13.00, while they last . 7 ` `Never were boughw the money, but we ca1j t afford to carry them over. Q White Duck. Pants, th ' cool- it you 2.75 {$9.60 . .50 for 2.50 .V .75 for 3.50 cnown HILL. [d the Clothier T """"_`_-V hastem Part of V1ckers Store. VESTS *3- .'i' `O 6.0 d %M%%% vis- V last - The annual picnic; the usual] `success; The` Edgar football team" played` against A Midhurst" team and the `g`anf1.res;ilted in a draw, the 's_c_ore` `hem " . 1-.-I. ! W" "u" I Miss Isabel Anderson, who has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Rinehart, met with an accident last week. She accompanied one of the boys to the eld and` while going through, a gateway she child-like caught the lines, the horses started, and threw` her out injuring her some- what, but she will soon be alright |.ag`*:|in-. ' ' " Mr.` Smith of Toronto gave an ad- dress in the Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon. M(r. Smith is sup,- erintendent of a mission. `Sunday school. in the city and gave an inter- esting account of the work there. I There will be a strawberry fes- tival at the home of Mr. Wid. Partridge on Wednesday! July _14th. ..Mrs. Thos. Rix.-_ Mlalster Alexander |will remain for a few weeks with his Master Alex. r Luck returned last week. from Children s Hospital, Tor- ronto, where he has been for treat- |ment} for over a year. I_VI"iliex- of Orillia was a Sun- day guest of her father, Mr. Morris- son. ' the holiday. For Tickets and Full Information call on- ,J. E. BILLINGSLE Y. Depot Agent. Hncnuding MUSKOKA, LAKE or BAYS. 1 'rswsAcAm1. ozoncmn nu, . MAGANETAWAN mvsa, KAWARTHA LAKES. 5'91! FULL SUMMER SERVICE NOVV IN E FF ECT. `EXCURSION TICKETS ox SALE DAILY. 912- tricia. ' ALASKA-YU K0.\'-PACIFIC\z `Very low rates. Fast Time. Via Attractive Routes. ' Dajly until Sept. Goth. 1809. E Return llmlt Oct. 3:31, 1909. >Thc Popular Route to All 3 Principal Tourist Resorts. Reg. 1.00 for 79 Reg. [.25 for 95 Reg. [.50 for 1.15 Reg. [.75 to 2.00 for [.50 ' We have the largest range that can be seen anywhere in. a retail store. All the latest in checks and `stripes of the very best material. These are most- 1y W. G. & R. goods and do not require any further recom- mendation, sizes from 14 to 18. fag: 1.00 for: 79 Reg. 1.50. for 1.15 Reg. 2.00 for 1.49 Reg. 2.25 to 2.50 for 1.95 ranging in size from 35 to 42... SEATTLE mm-IuRs'r, SHIRTS ,. A21.` /, "14 I - fa 1VI159 On To ` .` ', and ion ` ' M The Chrxstlys Coaivgfjiag ance C_105d1L,dVgc5 `0 j ' eiCh_" onto wI1_h 9, rk, man .R'}, 116 formisslo of {he Gain Wwgrop -A memb (3,1add."c553nd,.E ~ stagde1iv f`] Brita? (ii. ' vmmd Gruuucca 96 against the An , .1ive.% of. ma ` ,. ml 3' was 15,13 : . ~ 1. `ct bod)` ' - and had her scorched In ot a Dot' , Jf nthe hwrt ( e_ro ...... ux`b'IllL"CT5- Edward Rourke df0PPe_d dead a: London, Ont, while Paintmg at on. f1he re lmlls ,5 The .\ Iani1o}a Gypsum C0mP`my works at Winnipeg were `burned L55,$6,ooo. The projected railway from Vvmn" P68 to the Gulf of Mexico has b ibandonm V . .t._ Rev. J. w. Pcdlcy at T0r."* ` ltlzed a rcccm speech made VbYi'os-:1 : H8h Graham on the naval Clues. ,. l owing to lack Of, .15"l The (`Ia-I-~--'~ ' "n LIIC .The Christian We closed its com `A bomb cmtrugc was perpetrated` |Rh0dc !.~];m(I. `Fourth of July carnage in the L*n1tedStatc.~' \\'as heavy. , _ Rf) . .\licha<-1 Lynch died at Peter- b , aged cighty~tw0. V V V Mr. D. D. .\I.:mn has made a satis-. hctory settlement with the `Canadian 4\0I'th(`rn ;.n..J...,...._.. :-nu J DC .\onhcrn cher; surctmeasous '3, Brown, a f"m'r` lo Bil `ho .1 ` {L ls show. 5 " *\British sea Cilfam -':l::: 91.!.o totia was interviewed by down his $184 I W`? The Toronto RailW3Y oV`{.':,%:1f . 1 a committee. t0` "3 ` Womted , . = ger Flemmg m Aegaffd *I~' ~ \_99lanc> `1r1(3 \Vhlf\. cottons, 8, I0, 5-3 9-2: and*l4c. ,1'ouriSt F}`i al per box. c L;1di=s' \Vash Suits, ex`-K21 value at. . . . . . . _. Prints. special" and dark colors, . egu ,- 11c,for i1e,'li I t] m ale is `_' Clara `1hisseZison's and big ar- ie:y.mosr1y $175 value only 93. g. 5 papers ` ' days only , r f '. -. f , values janywhhere, .;_`so save; hisstore. F_ " .V ` Ygu cannot `beat "the >yOUr time by coming direct t ..."n. " gplendid range to ;-.1 :;%A[l;.4 -, from, ail pew coloripgg, '_ ,i5Pecia! pnce per Z"..15y.`.4.`*...17.".`T'I2'c 1 Suingo vlxo C on 1. Y0r~ Pu comfo Then PIS and plea add: , s7s. for your sugpggr `?Elfq1L:?6t;h;.., Ereat Interest~i;\; and and spent (com). zed from page MONDAY, JULY 5. DAY BY DAY. cn gin ecrs. I t}S$'I'c$. 66 (Av. BARRIE. l\}l II` The ntonfA 62 L jejgtion `to the interferencg: of Great! v~B1:4tain'and'v.R1;s_sria in t_he domestic ai rs,oPei-sia..L . _ ` `L - .1 William- `Ma<;Namara was ,sntenc-' ggg.'at -`Or-ang six, months ime `soqmenftixiqr. -anf aggravated` assault ` A " M.cD'9 a1s VTheJdefe ndant n lcf `T 17s;;.as}` .1'3.-1393138.-' V-5*: TV- ~- -,-`V :-v . ~ --. - . h " ,fa thgqu.$t:ox} of jcvl! `I E V : we - :--- 47-ZT ____._- H;on.-_ Rdam Becl: ' .thcT -Hydro-Electric Power 'Com_mission, hopes` to take power next sprmg. I 1175,, ._ V- - -. _._-_`I-...__. 1 """" "9 ". _j.,,,.- H F rank, Ma.log1e_,_ was gsghyxiatcd -at the Crown .Roserv.e`mme at: Cobalt; % and elihtother men` _'w h_o_ W: ' t togliis 3 assjst'afi'ce~ were %overf:`omAe- _a. _n ~Had.; aj. :;_v I {I M`. _ ,t.. .l `mu, ~ ..v.1` . r : ._I V " ' ' P : I 1. 4-` Inc. v I a1v1~r`:5%:~R"oI:'rt Kilgoiir .' r'fu8eA'(`i tc continyfe. ;his .`suhscn_pTtvionV, .t'o Knox ._Col1:eg . pqcausg bf, _d:sagree.m`nt iwith tam-hint! faculty -on% the .`qu_eHstion. _ 'of_ _ There `is evidencethat a re in the; Scott Machine} Company's premises at Lopdon; Ont.,.:wa.s thezwork "of an I inoend'ary"t~;-o cover. up-ai r"o-bbery.' `` At the Indep_enden,ce,Day celeb:-as tion `in London,- -Lievut. e -Saekeltoni paid afwarm 4trib`ut_e,_tjc_8 the prowessf of. -Capt. Peary, who. is, now ap- proaching the;.nort1;fnVpQ~le.i ; -- - a-_--_2-.-_| .1 VW!lCl|,ll Lllulpu wyyus-no-.7. I - v - - - . . _- IM'9re rigli_d laws and hve"grow"th of pubhc sentx'ment.vf!or a saaje. Fotgrth reduced the numbeg. of lulled` ."an`d` woungied ix}ntheNUn1ted tates;` 1,, L llllablllllval us pony up.-- George Peake AhVaVs been'\s:<-:1-'1_t-:'.'to the ' Pasteur Instityte `at New_,, York .f x-.o'm; `Stratford, haV1!_l8' been bitten by "a dog `some weeks_a.go. . . , , -2 "r'....'.l.... `LI:...A... in UU5 Dunn: vvuuna IQBVI _A meeting. of[Lond_on Hindu .to| protest against-the murder of Lieut.- Col. Wyllie broke up~in. confusion rwhenan Indian student protested. _ -4___L.a.I. -1 0|!-1.1`-ta yv run--u rv -V- _.._-__ .7`.-_7V. "A. Silinoski; a Winnipeg workman, fen uforty feet" off a. building: a'ndTes-~ caped with minor injuries.` ---.-- _.-- ' 1.:n..A -4. I \uIDk'%\D 1' Din: -----ww- ---' v-- _ _ .. i Robert Bremner was :k.illed Georgetown, becoming caught in the machinery at 'th,e_ brick wforks.; - I, I-__ L___. ___.4. ;.- 4.L.. t for erit. itlm TUESDAY, JULY 6. ` The new street railway at Calgary; was ope'n_ed "for business. PI` ' I I` I I I' ' " "in; c%:%Ea{s"o{i}}E E1}1ard `line de- cided"to cagll at Fxshguard instead of Liverpool In order to save time. ,-_ _1._-_.._.- -_.._I___ LL- --v---r-_- --_ __V___ A rowboat was nzder t,h e wheel of the-steamer State of? New -York` and one man drowned. I 1 `I, E-Mcllwain was found in th water: lnezuf Huntsville. z I TNi`C e` assorfmht. of Trunks. Suit Cases, `Tel- escopes at Clearing Prices. `Still clearing `a lot of's`Shoes-and Slippers" ~s'izcs` I 1_ tog .1-2, regularly 1.2_5 and'2.oo, for. .4-9c ' 4 Werev t*he's%e A marked 'tAw. 0 lars "each; ' you "would `say they'were_go od value, `but we have 'rn;ade" "the .a;___- price V: `I .49. chnamas saur Hat; 18c. 25c. 50c. 75 each Ladies Dong_ola Oxford Shoes. ` Special. . .I.25 ' Ix AMen's Heavy Working Boots special at. . ; , . . . . 1.25., and 2.00 Ladies and grey Canvas Shoes, regular 1.50, for. . `. . . : . V. % Baby -s Bonnets, in silk o 0' 0 0 0' 0 n 0 - 45. 5.59 ';- 1` mce very low. I. 45 ..... . \. nu`-aux. LHC Only each OSHAWA. '?u_- --w- , r;`3W,?1`hrc P'itts_bu_rg boys -`who left ;_hQm_ on ,t_ncycIes_to go "to Cobalt had . `experiences m the Pennsylvania .. -; `.7 > x. . - : ' 4 MvagNa1`nara_ was sntenc-M agdfat -'Orang *ev1lle:.`to sax ime -VGA64 e ,M4cD_ o, aldg The defehdant . p3; ti:for an aggravated assault '- , 1`75,;;asa com,.pensa- .".f -I;;:eds. andj Greniiillc 'Couritis ,Co"un'*cil will consider a l5y_-law to .s;ic_'nd $2oo,oooi on road 1m:prove- -ementxi. I " V --...-. \ . _ _ U_nited Ltats V gunbbat Doro- thea, whxch sauled from Chicago for -_IeveIand`1as`t S aturday, has disap-I ". .* *.'"`} ?.~T ~ 1-\-3.`.-_I__,,_, '1- _ 1 u `i. Parlimeht raisd. ob- je,g.t1onWto ,tl_ieA 1nt_erfgrenc_e -Great :3.;tai.n ` and". Ru.s1a_. _1n the dontgstic ` " ; _`i`lf8 j9f,Pe'r_sia.._.% = } N I`. J 1iex}.3131f 1 I7"151i{n1:e of England succeeds Rev. Canon Welch, To'ron- lto.,~ as rector of St.` James ; 1 *"'1`1{e t'{i{1' :5} .:iie'"e7;:'raldition of Mitchell, wanted in Canada on` a charge of fraud, began in `New York. The` parents of three P ittsbu.rg hildreni who '-had been placed in a ;s 'e5lt_er there were located` in Toron-* v . ' 1. ' _ I `to; ` - -. If -'I`h'eV-C.N.R. wMi.Il fake qvgr and Vop- [_,era.te this Pas -Mxsglon se_ct1on of the, IH-udson'.s .B ay'Ra1lway on the Isth Tixgst; V. -A T ` _. _ a popular Sundayj spprt in _l-lu_lI, a.nd"the authorities are sand to be mdierent. V .` 7 j 011.. {ho Sun= lot. ronto ` here. d vba hoH-