?Rev. Dr. Bates, eMc~Master Uni- versity, Toronto, will give an address in ..the Baptist Church on Sunday, July nth, at 7 p.m. The many friends of Dr. Bates will "be pleased to `hear nf thin intimaonn .: I.:.. -.:..:L nsnyuua Ul. JJI. JJGICS W1 '06 to \hqar of thns mtxmatxon of ms v1s1t. The First. of-July picnic was an unqualied success and the concert im the evening very pleasant and well -attended. The Ivy Band Was: all; a. band` should be, and Mr. Ben-; nett sustained his reputation as an; entertainer in his elocutionary eerts in the evening. 1 1 1 The ofcers for the coming year are :--Pre sident, Mr. Brown,Dalston; 1 Vice-Pres., Mrs. Giin, Russe1ton;l Sec.-Treas;, Mrs. Miunro, Midhurst. N J We understand that'the sixth an-I nual convention meets in Dalston` next year. 1 The, music, a union? ofpvocal and instrumental, which was interspersed throughout the program, was well rendered and appropriate. -convention resumed their heavier tional exercises, which were followed The refreshments were abundant and satisfying, and daintily served, and after partaking .of the good things provided the members of the duties. Rev. Mr. IMaconachie,' the Anglican clergyman, led the devo- by the President, ,M{r. -Coutts, Mid- hurst, -replying to the address of wel- `come. ! I I I ! I Then came `the -Report of work; done in connection with the.Sunday Schools banded in the Vespra "S. S. Association, showing verjr gratifyingi progress during the past year. -Rev. Mr. MacLean, Churchill, who is popular in Minesing, addressed the convention on the Requirements of an nn-fn-A-Jim Q...-1.... C..I......1n 11. ..v..-`nu.-uu uu. LIIC 1\cquucu1CIll.5 UI` an up-to-date Sunday School. He added to his reputanon for earnest- ness and concise` presentation of -his lsubject. -But the address of H. W. `Brown Was`mos,t invaluable, the result of research and ereverently presented, showing the, grouping of the books of the Bible as historical, loctrinal and prophetic, and giving an example | of how to present a lesson on the! Bible, bringing out the various: points` in the lesson. dressed by Mrs. Goforth, `China, was a pleasing feature, and `M5r,s. Aiken- head s remarks on the Inuence of Parents and Teachers in -Child Train- ing were an incentive to thought, and an answer to questions which must arise in every thoughtful mind. 1. 3:, ; .4 `V_ ..V; g, V. ._v._> , me,` u`. t 13* scnmms. ? nEFluGEuronsj:Aau%i._%r1cE f CREAM FREEZERS ` H j%Tig vabu mknce_.` The prices are right. % 25. 30 and" 40 each shaggy e.nasate1.oo. . ,I.2s.,I.4o. 1.60. 1.35 and 2 0,, V A Co'mplete with spring hinges and fastenings, ' ' 'I c1;"C1'uaAn;&hF.xEz1:Rs'at 2.35. 3.00. 3.50 and 4,50 ,:Runn;g ` .1-1653,.` guaranteed to stand town pressure, at a 1 `Be. 9;,: me.` 11 and I2 I-2c per foot. jNO'AZZLE:S,, extrakgood, fnr 50 each. Hos}; REELS -90 each. ` LAWN SPRINKLERS AND SPRAYS from 25 each to 1.50. Daagler 2-Buiner Gasoline Stoves for 3.75. A u T v' 3_ u. u H 5.75. ` The. Largest Stoclf ih Barrie to choose from. H. H. OTTUN &. SUN, 1'; `TV `L S \ gong : home 0? `the `hyhsl-13$: : Est ; ,., A~{_L;gaiimb;{ i;f:rb,z,_;j`J gre; "the; =`exg;urjgiani%-to: ate` 2 Will . bettexggefurfher and gi" Y0 5, IS than any other Paint I ` e ~ on the market. It's 100 ` r cent` Pure. Thafs` whv % %. -:--2-+4-z-+-:~+ (Pine Grove.) .Following'is the school report for June with names in order of merit. ` Sr. III.--Annie W'0rs11<>p. Iftlith Scott.` I Jr. III.--Norman ~Scott. Sr. II.--Ge0rge Bishop. Pzatricia Seadon, Zella` M cBride, Mam! Don- negy. ' V `[31 13 _ - `Iv ......, :.1aLc1 muxr, Jonnny .\lCI5f1Ut`- Class (a)--Albert .\[cFad lie IMcFaden, M`ary .\I'cBridc, :\n.~-6) Donnelly. Average attendance, II. ` .. - * Mary Hubbert, 'Ic:1cher. ..-..,. Pt. _I I.---Beatrice VVor. .\l_vrtIe Holmes, Vera Holmes. .Pt. I.-'Eugene M`cBridc. \\';11Tace Pa-rr, Hazel Muir, Johnny .\lcRridc. Class (a\__An...... \r..r:...:,r....r`:.qr_ I The L. A. held their annual ;:::r~_1en party on V\/ednesday, June .1;roi. 2:: the home. of Mr. and .\Ir<. _~\h'm1 Dyer. A pleasant time was enjoyed by all present. In the 21fTL`:I1u,H)XI a baseball -match was played by 'l`h-rn- ton and Allandale junior tczmls. The score was 7-0 in favor of 'l`hr-rntrm. `The proceeds amounted to $1oo.r;>:. e___-____, ..--.. -......u., ...... M555 Cora Sifton of Tnrontn was the guest of Miss Zelmzt Srigh-_'.' mcr Sunday. Miss Sifton z1(l the children on Sunday aftcrmmn and in th_e evening gave a very intcmtixng address on Missiqns in China. TL- 1 A u 1 1 .1 - - : `W. Stone, accompzmiul by `lady friend and his sister Laws. Vi ited over Sunday with friends hcr Mlrs. G. E. Vanderliurgh :11` [daughter Evelyn of Toronto. 1` t I [spending their holidays with .\l:-. ;u` 'Mrs. T. Campbell. in, c at { `J. % tgh V. must` at B_recz'eV_'-Knoll`V6n"Sunday.; T 13%.; Mini}. Rievie spent`-thei_}`holid#yL*faf` ..ewmaa;l_c;. VA .:.,,j: I . . K, 3 . .. .ayu|. uxc uuuuay WILH II']Cn "Mrs. Jas. Brown and son I ited friends at Wyevale over (day. `ll`.,.- 7,, H` u - - -.- .......r.,\.... | Mfnd Mrs. s. H. Rcvmlni> Miss Stella Cooper of Blu-ric Miss Ada Cooper Of Torvirntu Sunday with friends here. `III 5l-'Th`,most beautiful, econom- and sanitary wall coating ; .- made. i w'a_lIs of Collier Strcfft H CW5 `Church and are all nished f. '- "~..., A . > 4; V F I I ` `*7 . 7*-x colors. Mk. Wice of Toronto Called on friends here on Saturday. .. Mrs. L. Jago and Jenpic arc visit. mg Mlrs, Geo. Young 01 Gr;-m`c1_ 'Mrs._ Wm: Bloxham. spc1_1t the hon, daxl w1th 'M,rs. Wallwm or Bccton. j iss Ellis of Toronto Fpcnt sum day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ta_v]0r_ V Mnr. Geo. Vanderburgh of Toronto spent the holiday with friends here 135. Brown and inn I.`....,I |.ua.J. I. MKS. JUO. Tyndale Of T:/)r(,`n[r` xted her mother, Mrs. 1., _J;1g;; lweek. ' ' I T Miss Jean Cameron of the guest of her cousm, |Brown. -Mr. and Mrs. C. Lofthousc of Toy. onto pent last week with .\1i~.~ 1' Izie Gibson. .12- Senoufs Mixed Paint Martin- Muresco Finish .Miss' Hmiurd u;:1%*o;% sane; `:1?'\a!! _thAev guest of _Miss `H. Ross last~;j;ivfe`ek1ff . V Mlrs. Stegveflson and `_fa_mi1y9'f'_Bhr-`L rie are sp=endingVa.`. .few=`_ w_e,el_(4s -`at their summer :rg'xort' on` thelakg shorg 2 ' ' .I s. s.No. :3, VESPRA. Five Points Hardware Store. HOLLY: 5 n`.,,.- CL. ...\.u\ 1.3 uL'T. on I'rc(1 vi L I` 5. Wycvalc is Bliss Clara ~11 \IHL`} \I!` Jugo, last A . -\.u H5` 1110 holi- 3. `vis- here. and are r. and some time -with }Mliss; ,~Jea,n ` 4 Miss Elsie If`:-az e`r bf Biantford has; returned- toher home, aftepsgaending lArick;.V and and `_ Mrs. Tgner anti bf Chicago are spcndiqg -some; time at. Ias..Tongr _s. . -. . Ahzj ;_ I - ..; ~ ' V 1 .:Miss !P.AStratli -and frind of Cros'~ 1 land spent 'Sunday.with ~M5ss A. Richardson. . A - _ -% ` i ahd 1\/Irs.vV(5. Bell of Lankinan `spent over v. Sunday j wi_thv _reIatives_ here. L lMiss R. I-I1l1tton-:ef- Hillsdele is holidaying here. `- Mr. Jolin Bradley of Toronto (visit-; ed relatives here recently.` - _ V ~ . -p . -- V -Mr. Charlie -. M|crCarthyA has return-1 ed horne'from Port Arthur, where . he gpent the winter. ` ` ., ,_ ..-.. "av--us. gaccu dud-Ill. Miss `Augustine, and Corine gour- _don of Toronto wereuthe guests of I M1,-s. -Jno. Desjardine over Sunday. ` :MiSse s M`. a.x.1d`E. IH_enry"of' Barrie wer the guests of Mass Gauley last` wee . ME-. zdrew Desburdie is\spendiI;g I -a few `days in our village with. his wife and family. 2 ` [ rie beautiful shower of rain last week was, weleomed `by all,` `and the crops are -lookxnggreen again. | MI' 'AIIpI-uaa`:-- --5 "-" K The Advance vlrants ~ live corres- pondents at Crossland, =New Flos, Guthrie, Shanty . Bay,. Utopia and Apto. Drop. a card to the Editor, and supplies will be forwarded to. you by return mail. I Mr. Charlie Br'ocVk hasbeen `renewing old friends. >020 5T3TfN:f _FERGUS ONVALE. BRENTWOOD. around xx .ZVw".l-21 Sutton 1s::h_ox_ne A after two-.-vgceks-at_ ; Mr__._ S. State ; . ' ,%T1>}7ys4a1e< % 5? ` vVe_;je_`;v:`itg$ifs )3; ;Mr.; 'J6. C_ockburn s = -..|rl.._r`, '. .u..n.,, ` "`~iI}gek ` ~:W5th. the hfqrmefs spt I1 A Mg; ;J3gb1' g-oi? i4na1;;.a:`%a;i iiitizig ~he1_'-- Jh_?{e"s~ Brandon. ; " A ""`I\'I_'iss ' Nettie VRefyn4o.lds wof Barrie` spent _a,_; ot:1 p_le_"`-oVf `days . with__ ~Mxss Ma r.y~ `Rowe ;jecntly.i _ V. % 'iM*a;st cr'svWa1t;r, Frank and Tom &g>7holidays' -with-"thV_i`r uncle, " Mr; . J. " ~ .,.A Treleaven ofj:Port Huron axe mend-` ,,_,__. H... u. uvvsvvwu uu sJu|U.|i\y. zM`rs. Jas. Warsnop spent a i'<:w days_in Holland Landing` last. week. Mr. Da1ton"Tiin of King -City spent the holiday `at his home here. '. :M?rs. H. Jeetsbn, and` son Ailan were the guests of Mrs. Rbwe last week.. . '0 ; `At .Elmva1e on Dominion Dayw ` there was a. small crowa on acc"ourgtl ,6! the celebration in Penetanguishime the .same_ glay, Four horses went. vi frq;gn., Bame to E1mv_'ale.' Three of M 'n'a,brbught the money of the 11-am-`A ed 3had f'-:.ni le ,race .'bac'}g with them; W . -Grlks , Sleepy` vfo A` . "'I\:I_Il;s Eva M o'Cra,cken f Winona. spent. the holiday with her parents on the Tow:_2`lin_e.. _j - ' V 1 "" lzIvi;;es_.i.'i`l.l.i;;v'ai'.1Ld `Clara. Tifu and? ; Mr. Harvey Tiin spent Sunday 5113 .G_rer}fe1._._v A _. A _: _ -___. _- -..... --vna-\. `ans, JVLJIICDUI5. ' I Mr. -_VVm. %Ti;.fn spent the holiday with has son in ,OrangevilI_e. , `Miss `Olive Erly of Barrie spent the 1st with Mrs, J. Mitchll. V - 1MJr. and MES. J. `Nalnjn of Vespra were in IColwell on Sunr.l:.y. )M'r Tue `X ..-.-....._ -----.-A - ---_v.-your nnwnv luau WCCIS. Garnet M'a.wTspenVt the week: end at has home .m, Mmesmg. lM'.- ur... 'I~:'a:.. .-..-_L A-- mu. u. .3. nowe vnsntea tnends in Fer-nbdale last week. ' ` Mr. and M`rs..~B. Parr spent Sinh- day in Grenfel. , Mrs; S.` M etcalf of AAl1a.nd.1ie visit- ed Vfrinds ` here` last week. _ .\l`_ I`- -_- ._.- ---- --.-gnaw. C. Wilson, who was up `from Toronto, attending the funeral of his niece, Miss Mac Wilson of Grenfel, paid a yizig visit to friendshere on Monday. - - I, M:a'ssE;l;1.a Blakeiy hag returned after sp_ending a week with relatives in Sunmdale; ` { ' if ... . . I '-Mr. Grover `Reynolds spentga few_l dayswith Mrs.TCoffee last week. ' i ....-- vv vwcno Misses-' Ola andZWilla. Pentland of Toronto are spending the week with Mrs. Coffee. ' . . `Th "t_lV1ree-`hundredth anniversary] inf the ivdiscovcry of "Lake `Champlain .-by the famous `French explorer, navi- gator, and colonizr, Samuel _'De` Champlain, was celebrated on Mon- day (July 5th), `at `Crown Poihti; -where "Champlain, with his -.Canadia;n `Indian allies of` the H?uron' and A'l'-jl .{g_ko:'1_.'qg_a1:n tribe`," first met` the Irc)qi1oj's"- ,iI#`.1%:.bat1if=-A ~ - 1 5. Rowe visited friends in at nvnnlr COLWELL. Tm: :d e;'i4zo3;ioVnal"~`e_:c :1-cisex conrluct-: by-'3R!33"M7` L V. .`if `bud? .hy%r;tA.d%s% ened,_ th.'.;{%- ` % Tihe fth annual convet1.tidx1 }`3f. e Vespra S. S. Association wasfheld in the Methodist. Chu_rch `on ,Tuesday, June-29. The services were well at.- .;`ten_d`ed, and wouldprove of value to -any ~ Earnest Sunday School w `rker..f The eprogtam was: closely. "fol dwed ..and .`;.th`re_' were 110 disappointments; 'o'win`E;7 the ,` gbseneeee of ,_g:V:'p'e.ct_1.-'_cl; .r,<.',`IIi':'. "1.- - ---- -.-J. Mliss `Violet friends `Gibson "\}fr.]71vf;}'sia'a11 aim Miss "Mlarshnalll of Barrie are staying with, Mrs.] steam Dean-` % , A1 _oI.cyu_<:II yuan. ` Q - -` 71 .'Mlr.' and Mrs. Albert `Spring . and MT.` and %M_.rs. J. G. ;D`ickinson spent Stinday at Dickinson s. I - Boddy of Toronto` and .`Miss Violet MigIgay` of A Barrie visiged at~'Gibsbn and. attended the _Gibson S. _TS`..:' picniq.:ggent1y. * .~ It is stated there was areductionj in the number bf killed and wounded ` in the United States an. July 4th .as a result of stricter laws regarding ireworks and more care for human` ;1ife' ge9erally. ` " 1 ` . w- --.. . Lesvlvie -Spring ' of Elm\7ale visited friends here on Sun- day. A '- v 1.: an. - ' '- - ~77 so-u--:1:-5.: van . ` , `V ` _ 1 'P_.1ckmg wnld strawberries is the` order of the day. _"If hey are ` quite. I plentiful he;-e. ` _ /I | vi/irs. 1\/I'cClennin"<$fg,.OLrillia is. spend- ing a few w_eeks,.at%M'1. H ug_h Mc- AClennin s. 7 --::-v vi &3Q }Sorry to report that J. H. Dickin-.. son is on the sick list. , Prospqcts or .a good crop of fall wheat in this vicinity. 111,, 111' [N 11- u .- v_~v- _ .--._ -v as; -utwvslillluu `Miss Gardner of _Toronto is visit ing her brother, M'r. 'W`ill Gardner. I `I; visited the Queen `City last week. Mr. Robt. Gardner has 'ret'urn.ed, gfter a visit to Old Scotland. will be light. 9"... -_ ---., ......u..., Anna. 4:. .I.\lCl. Haying has" commenced in some instances in this locality. There are a few elds `of clover which prdmise a big turnout, ._but timothy in" general . u i - 2"" t A number of workmen are `employ- ed'on theelevator, which, when com- pleted, promises to be a. prominent feature in the building line of this village. THe strueture, it is said, will be over 60 feet h1gh.' zMlr.- Geo. Clare of` Toroinito is spending his vacation visiting rela- tives in this locality. He is the guest of his cousin, Mir. A. Kiel. IT-__3 I UThroughout the older portions of ' Barrie the streets are named after fa- mous naval ofcers and commanders. .: The system gives a. uniformity to the ` map of the town, and in connection with the renaming of certain streets S ` which is now `before the Town Coun-v ' cil,-_ it might be well to keep, the uni- formity of the system intact, or make ' the changes in keeping with the plan originally adopted. '- ' \"2\}'i1'1'i';In{`."\3w\7i11iam's, formerly blacksmith here, leaveswith many well wishes for`the'VVest_this. week. `HA1. 1-...-- 7A`- V ...-4 `vs only VV VDL ,l.lll3' WCCK. "41;/it-.'_iames Johnsonof Pittsburg, Pa., is visiting his father, Mr. Wm. Johnson of~this `place and other rela- tives.. ~ V T-i1we";1;;`,'ITlbC1'S of L. O. L. No. 985` will attend divine service .at St. I James . _Church next Sunday. ` ``r_ I` DA____J`_". K V , .- --. _ N - V. _ v-~-- --- --var -w-nutty- 'Mr. D. Beardsall and son of Elm-I vale visited the former s sister, Mrs. James Osler, on Sunday. ` Rrzu. T `['l"_'n ,1 1 1 ` "' _-. .,..-__-.. -`\vVr\Allll.Dll, at L1ulILVlllC- 5 Mr. C. M. Kiel, teacher- of Miountl Stephen school, is spending his va-` cation at _ his" home here. - ?Mlrs. VVm.` .;1:1it`l_1`c-)-f"Uhthoi f.is stay- ing with her daughter, Mlrs. Geo.] Ostrander. V - I WD1-s_. Johno Greaves _is visiting at Wallacebprg. V_ . ' 'Mrs. G. C. Caston visited friends in Toronto last week. - 'Il`l cup - -_ ---v- Ir . n Q & Al\l`5Jo M!fs. T. Hill and baby and Master Harold are visiting Mrs. Hill s sister, Mrs. James Reedman, at Huntsville. 1,r__ 1" 1: 1-r-- . ---- A,wberry- fcst.;Va!sare In % ll! jswmg now. ' * ' ' A --' I9iii,.;i`;s-:(V3 Douse, `spending, hex; holidays under the" parental r root`. Mfg. Tom Donnellyx of -Iiichmqnd Hill 1s visiting friqnds in this "vic1n- ity. V : .~.-.W'e.are glad to be_ able id `report that -Mrs. Andrew is improv- u . III-If Although a. special meetihg-of the County. Council in July: had been suggested, one may `not `be heldun- . til the regular meeting on Oct. p18th.t The purpose of the special-_ m`eeting was to consider the guaranteeing of `the debentures of Orillia town, to_ be issued under by-laws recently passed by the people. Satisfactorynancial arrangements can perhaps be made , -`by Orillia with the-banks until the regular" time comes for the meeting. Results of ` promotion examina- tions :-- . I I `Jr. IV _to Sr. IV--Jean `Mitchell. ISr. III to Jr. IV-Edward Warni- ca (honors), Elsie Richardson (hon- `ors), Dorothy =Blackmorfe, Gladys` Lennox. - C- 1 1- cuuult. ` 4 ` Sr. II to Jr. `III--,Andrew M!c- Gowan (honors), Edna Brown, AWillic Richardson. `Jr. II to 51'. II`--Wil1ie'Ca.rr (hone ors), 'Doro_thy Vaughan, Patty Black- more. A . ' . Primary to Pt. I--Lloyd Black- mofe, Brucgf M!cGowan. 'I \--_-..4- - "` r -..-..--.. -..`.a yu Avvvv \/llLd.I.lLVa Rev. Dean Paget of Toronto occu- pied the pulpit of St. _Paul s Church` on Sunday. I Everard Long of Toronto? sp_:en`d_ing a few weeks in this nmghe borhood. ' . -_- --- --- van -vuoo\unnJ clowns Mr. `and Mrs. Kirkpatrick of F 193- have returned h.ome,~~ after _'spendi1_1g a few weeks withtjheir, son," -M:-.. A. Kirkpatrick. . PAINSWICK. ' Haying is `the order `of the day. ~M iss Devereaux, our school teach- er, has returned to her home in Co]- lingwood for vacation. `III mvI7Il-I;.':;r`1-d-'i1's'.f.3"<`)`};nv "Wright of` Bar- rie spent !Sunday with. the former s parents here. ' ,,......... .muua_ycu at me cement cas- tle. ` L ' - --Miss` Bessie-Hickling of Toronto has been visitingffriends here. ],|1 _ _ _ A ,_ 7, 1 - ~-'\ - ---- ..u-uub I annuuuv llC1Co Ml`\{I[essrs., John and Frank Fennel] have returned home after having a pleasant trip'to New Ontario. 1') ,___ T'\ , "fiiiflnd Mrs. .Culbcr't of Bond Head spent` Sunday at .the_ home" of Mrs.`Alex. Grese; Q VELMVALE RACE rR.4cx._' ~2_1\r -1;'i`-a.;id;;1w<;; Attu-oral, very abfly llegl the pulpit in the `Methodist Church on Sunday last. ' mt. ._,_ 1 an r Mr."I-I .-uiennox and Mr. `Bev. `Quantz Sundayed at the cement HA 4-1. \-_._`.` _ 1`, ._ 3 Hay`-xn'g`jgi:-3tl,1e.9t;igs%:ofg.the d:}.y.. ~ _v -`M51-.~;.` John v".i`$ `W5? Vmcfa-stings; :3-~ hnonul ~ V A LLENwoqn._ _ CRAIGHURST. p.u'Nsw1cx. umnsinc. A AvL:\o\JUW an. R. . Deyereaux, Teacher. I