Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Jul 1909, p. 2

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SpecialtVa_lues at 5c, l0c, 15c and 25 per roll. ,.Borders same price. sc0'I`T's `/ o Bookstore WALL PAPER HASTINGS-CROSS}` . '. ,' ' / ea_n M`_cKeev- v ",`;&:-Va-STEWART, `BAR-_.. ~; :;`i_'ist_e`Vx-3, :Sbiiit6x_s,' Notaries Public; ;_{l.`Tand,'.Convyincers.. Money to loap "ran -1anyT s'u'ms-:_1t 5 pg: cent. Office , f T 13 0wen`st:eet.-,[Barne. H. D; Stew-_ art, L'L.'D.;' DJ` M. `Stewart. ' STRATHY. & ESTEN, BARRIS- 4. tors, Solicitor- in High Court of Justice, Notarxes` Public, (.onvey- ancers. -Offices over the Bank of` Toronto, Barrie- Money to loan at lowest `current rates. H.H. Strathy, K.-C., G. H. Esten. \ DONALD Ross','-L L.B., BARRI'S- ter, Solicitor, etc. :Bank'of Toron- _to,.Building,' Barrie. Money to loan. ARNALL, -M.D.-.C.M., OFFIC ._ `I3.-.LI.--...11 a '\1;n'n`.v A"no-naaia nn North. VI`:-nln .__._._..,___..____.__.________ DR. A..T. LITTLE, lat: of Churchill.` 'Ont. Oic and residence John St., near c"'or'per Elizabeth. Phone 213. I M. D.. C. M. ('l`or.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. Olllce of the laie smith . Collier st. ` Phone OI. V 32.15:` DR. ROBE-RT s. BROAD, PHYSI- V cian,` Surgeon, etc.-'Specialty--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad-, ford Sts; (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. A D!-`. J. A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and Residence: William Street, ,A1landale.' Tele- hone 30 a. At Stroud Oicez 2 to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. jw. A.L Ew1s.J ' L.R.'(`..P.-& s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8:. s. Giasgow - - --,-s1mG1coN--L-_ " ' "'7 Having 3 nt 4 years P08}: Graduate work in British ospitals and havmg served as Clinical Assistant in Hospital. Loz(.5ci ';i.?n1zS$'y`}.`ir.`i.oE:{1b'xI:`h & N _ phthalmic Hospxtal (Moo:-elds) : for a. term as Resident Surgeon in Royal_ London Orhthalmic H ' - G; S-M-I31-`:iI`1'-:8z? C'-.I().', :E-S\'PABI'..ISH'e ` Wed Open day` and` night - Q . Colli_er `nd ; _Clapperton Streets, _, I 43a:-rnyeg ."_H19`x;:`2. ,, mu gvauu m noyal uonaon thalmic Hospitif; ' Ca: 3,; ,1 H ml, mm ; ,1 mm b Capable of power and hcatmS- Eye` Hoonyigal. ' hamo: tgxl-lmer Mem am . . B (1. British phthalmolm calsociety 5` 3 `t *1" 33 Fd" fa 'orr1cs-7s nusmp as-mum, BARRIE.. ford street. next to the Ta Y' `Phone 51. ' T b P -0 D-- M ITO O Aonrramo LAND msuavtvon. ;.INK",O'~T0.0N_I ._U|I..D|NO.` .III|C. : ` -ICCIVUCNCI TCLCPNONK 149. -- u.;;.1m.m ` ' -- Lgg....m....;.A; _ .. . mafia ' onO`"P fm' No. 66 leaves A1.1an_dale' 1.50, _p.-m~.,-7 for Penetang. ; A . 6 . DR; MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ` `Act C` TAQAQLA `AI-A 4`: D-Ana`-1--on $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT good freehold security at lc ' `tat 0? iqterest. No` prin ' moncy rcquujed until end of ' "term. H. H.StratAhy, Solicitor, B8l'.fi. V 5 V. cl -I-'oL\9 - new car. v- `to1f,=.;APmctor, l Notary, Cgnvcyanccr, ` Special `,5;tt_Intio`n. mi clrawing . and; probating wills, qbtainmg -_let- ters of admzmstratnon and guardxam Uship, collecting accounts; etc. Of- ces, Ross block, Barne. Money'. to loan. . 4 - I . administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. {0'ices,`Hin<]s b ock,';N.o. 6 Dunlop I -A-__A. - 11...-.- nhnv in 10,211 at SRESWICVKE 8;` ALEXANDER. Barrist_ers, Solicitors of, the Su- preme`Co'urt of `Judicature of On- tario, Proctors,_. Notaries, "Convey- ancers, .etc., Money. to loan. Of- ce, Ross Block,, Barrie; A. E. H. . C`reswicke,- K.C.. Arthur Alexander. - T I 3. A. IRADENHURST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- c'e.--Iqt oor Bank of To`:-onto Building. -Money to loan a; low.- ..'.L `-nL4n `O`ices,`H1nus' mocx, .n.o.u uu......,. 'stteet," ,B"a_rrie. _Mo_'ney to Iqan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Crcemore and Aiston. -Haugir tonV_Lennox, K.~C., Alex. Cowah, G. . E. J. Brown, LL.-B. A ' , ' Votpany. wufpentening ui ing, axd:ntanpfac;qtag , Qt` dofx-'5, sashes, blind," nfouldmgsgetc; "Planing of all `kitgds, doixe rfogxgptlar gnd sagis- ' factq;;;ly`.`L, [ .\ last,` lnln. Distnct`!aAgex3c , - fo_r`gta1ned `lam-. ;`Fact9I:1r. str.e.jet, `Bar- -jri.`~-`=`jR9. em ;&_=_`__ alhe, T ' s ` ` sucfcessm-s 1-. .l . 1139! 1'l1.4.I.4, 'LV.t.lJ0'.\a.1u ., \J-I-' L` A \/I-3 in Bothwe1_l s b1b'ck, Allandale. On the` premises at night, TH: Nosrrnznu Abvmc: LII Page 4'8 Conn-n Newspaper, Iiuuunod trom the onion. 12: lnunlog amt, ._ ; _I%|n'l,o.'1n the County (7! 8imooe.ft.11e Pro- : - vinoe of Ontario. Ghnadamvery -. Tjhnrsday Mo:-nine. by WIILIY E. OF KW, PROPRIITORS 'JR. W. A. `ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L..R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., l. LOndon. Ofc'e 'and.'\resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone, 77. f Eye. `Ea:-.Throat, anx. LVJ\lJ\LJ.JVLluL\ l4.l.\JJ`, J1 ball` ,ton .St.,` Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye` and Ear. Hospital, wilkbe at '67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointgnent. you I v ggv, uL\Jl.\L'I1 I X ON _tar_io Land `Surveyors, Engineers, etc. "Estat_Slished.1852. ._f'-Oice, Med- -ical Building, S;E. corner , Rich- mond and Bay_`Streets, _ Toronto. "Telenhone. Mann to-2` '5--A__-A - canons`.--.$- est `rates. . UL1z.{BA~RRI`s'rER..4 SOLICI- , _ n..-a..... I Mnfarv ConVCV2.CCI'. Dr. J. ARTHUR R03? _-vc IVA `Rhone N. 5* . ... vuan` `u ...' :T_.' A -----o- f-I}ANING* `MILL '. on! puny. -.3..- 1...=n-1:---A . `PHYSICIANS. UbDER'_:l`A7I{'i;3`RS.- . V . W` v'"'" ' ' ' `U AUU'l'lUNl'-M` requujed untxl f . {h hlubuap - ' . Hf`Strathy; Solicitgr, etc F0. 7` COUNTY OF ::IMC05 ` - , 3 ` Most reasonable terms given 0:135 8URVEYORS.- _ V" i K Stock Sales FINANCIAL wuusu l.'.'gI.Cn of Igronotco `31zl`<}-`I [ 11.. noninn-51- ...-an 9 ualxltill `P. '0. Box. 96. V No. 7o a1:ries- at A11anda1e=.:.i;o; p;m., from Penetang for Toronto. I. 711.38` 1 U _a: % CRAIG!-IURST, cm. 6,5,}, ffpuggg LICENSED AUCTIONEER - -_;__ 2&5 9n.1`a_-4u.- - . . . . u an .-{ur-nr. Boiler&Engine Fei' Sale. lVAKCI 18 qigqumuon ofanyp;.?gg1i:lth:ag:,h& 7. also b 1 th M" xeaeagu. Mr 2 ` 1``88sI.- subscription I-I _ fact demonstrates the `.13 FI*1 0nI- 11.1011 have any 3dYerti,ha11tyt ivlqoett with the paper that reachmh em %not:%tnid;,to my the px-ice, 9 ; AI1ve!'tiIementa are charged ac `llllfbf-13.u1l0Bl8Ite measure inz -rnxxsnmr An'vx.-n~,.,m,G .` C _._';I 'AA.!_-'- A ___ -... nu. : Lexi] Aucti sax `tc.- j `insertion l.((omcentse8' J: 5 09111.3 per ' Inn! 030` 5g`nm.of this character, hamgfmuudz, .OQH,UI3ElAL cowrnncw mug. r i ' T 'Prefaned posit on for I , 1 . mentrin the paper will" be sold 3;? anaggizm 2`o33'u?.`;'w 3z pe`aX?"oi?' `$1 " " hi? . one ' v . rule will beatrietly carried out. `mm Th OONTRACT CHANG ES. Advertisers W511 please bear in mind th notie of intaemiqn to change advertisemen mustbe handed xnto the office n I 1 `Saturday atlo o't:lock. and the 3, ' `W . . , DY forum chsnge mustbe m THE ADVAI\ CL on; later than 12 9 clock noon `on Monday :3` week. otherwise the aqVert1s_er's announcemenyt may not be made publxc untnl the WCekf01lew_ ing. ` . _ 12 changes of Adver1sen1ents allowed 9,, year. It more are requn-ed, composition mm will be charged._ Advertinerqwlll not be allowed to , _ useth' space for advertlgmg anythmg outside mg. own regular bumness. Should they do ,0 transient. rates will be charged for s'1ch,d_ vertisementsa 1 inch;..... ... "`l'lV no. u A.ulIA`l(3l`..II r..\ |_ Condensed advertisements on q as wants of all kinds. lost an} fofLi1rrr(t1w; such tor sale or tp rent,` soecic artick-5"mc 93;! xnus_t be a.co0mDan_1ed with the cash. un: M". be 1nserved-rst mseruon 2 Cents per W ; each subsequent insertion 1 cent per W3 (namesmddresses and gures counter] a: wordgc but a reduction of one Lem per word` will 1,; made when the number of insertions ofsam matter exceed four ' ' ` -_ l,, - _ `7IrJ 'ne'w namo 13$ }7.aESei u} the sub. llotlptinn List until the moneyis paid. . Buhloribera now in arrears to!` three months` and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. ` min {or advertisements mun In em on-ellpe mounted on solid metal buel l'lUll |..!'_b'U|a. ~ Vacant mt. iof an'acrc, on Perzetunzxzislnene Street. Apply to ~ \ F. M. MONTG()MER_Y. 1090 o L. ...: IUUULI "CIT! O|:l'Cl=.Ia- I Double dwezlmg. Grooms 1n each, on (Hap. per-ton Street. - Vmmnt int. 3 of an am-r-_ nn Pr-um.-.n-m;;1m.L JOSEPH H. SWAN. `LICENSED AUCTIONEER msunmiecz AGENT, CONVEYANCER, ETC. FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE Private Funds to loan on rs: mor: `cages. correspondence solicited. Office. Bank ff Toronto Buildzng. Owe: Street. Barr e,- Ont. Dwellirig 1 roomsl. stable. dri V0 house. sheds and nearly} of acre of land in garden and law, orne_r of Pel and Wellington Streets, Ram; wellmg-6 rooms, szable and shed. Large } locon Peel Street. `I\tn11-n u7nInn- pnnrna u`n r.n..L .... In- An 8-horsepower Boiler and 3- horsepovzer` Engine, made by W Polson Co. Toronto. .1 "John J ennett, The young maples in Queen s `Park, planted by` the town three or" `four years ago, suffered` severely from the effects of the dry weather last season. Fifteen` are dead this `spring and thirty-ve others are partly dead. This was the result of iweeks ago, when it wag` too late to thirty`-ve will die in the course`-of _ a "serious one in view` of `the expen-'. .to make it keep the moisture longer, `of the gravel bed. the very dry spell last August, -and the havoc was not apparent. :.u'ntil after the leaves came out a few replantv others in their places .this. season. As the greater part of "the another year or two, tlliis loss of nearly fty trees in a single year is diture oniiparks. If the application'- of water had been more timely last` season, there might have been a dif- ferent result;`- but in any case it would be well .to give the poor, gravelly soil at top dressing of clay before committing a new_si1pply of young trees to the` tender mercies TH9:s-_sMITH Barrie Properv For Sale. ierdcf .T ` ' % wed.din `mt FOR COUNTY or sxmcos. Address BARRIE 1 . O. CONDENSED ADVERTISE M l~1.\'T8_ .._.-p..-I .--.3-v..._A.:....__ . _ -, k.`l `Mo.1l3 Mag l \ The new Normal school at North Bay will be " open for students in" `September, and the Minister of Edu-3 cation is. giving encouragement to students who may wish to attend this institution. The Department will pay railway fare for students who reside more than one hundred'mil'es from North Bay, and will `contribute $1.50 a;w-eek toward the board, those `whose home is -more - than twenty miles distant. This is the rst time in the history of the `Province that such liberal oers have been made by the Educational Depart-e znet for the encouragement of those .` Session. who desire` to enter the teaching vplroi invitat ion: J\ I 9 Barn gm W p ' ?'l8.|I_a m..Co'.'n1t Special .. Mldiii 35 I `t.VI,aVm..Bu1fa1oExprcju-._.-!.QpIp_48" . 1I.lIun.._'1`oronto&8;.RlidrI.1I$:n as, t 8.I p1n..MnskoluExpren 1.-lpm -8. > . 8|!m-H9hB#!----:;--_-=1M5;!!m~ 0!: " _ .,Q.lApm..',loronto;llidl:_\nd._!g9-yum ` ' G1-a(pnl_:urt.... 0:85-m. Q. * incli1,cHn_~ Sunday; V nlIi'tx`_v voo_i`. and Monica. " urban: 7- `TERMS or Bunsonnirxox. monmjqi %_ Hamilton." .l'U V Nol'5 _1.,.`...7;.a_,m` ' " .42 .;,1;Ip.xn 9` 6&;.`."`l`.__U`b-11.1.: No.63 xojum: 66..*..7 45 pan ' Miss Mabel Tbtbhtbi is `stayig ?Mi?s. --AIbrt_~ B}-ysb. - Ray I :H:i1nt,_ei--;-Ah'ast`;. bggn spend: ing -a few days at .J_a,ck-sonA Tohn. '4` % Gordon. the `guest of M33 H. 3.11. . A Mis `Ethel Hun'ter of` To:-o.nto `spent a.`few days `last week- wit\h her: ;1u.nt,_` 1VI.fs.~_H. Hamilton. - ` ' `1M'is_s Gefti drontogg is ,v1sxtin_g her .s1-s1r v.`_>n Ma.ry.St1je;t.-': ~-George Clcmenc` of S_tayxjxcr__ visited her parents _for a few days-_ .dur_ing`thew'ec'k. , ~ ` ' 1 .-Miss Haskins Miss Jessi_e Mc- Lan have returned from M'acdona1cj Inistjtute`, Guelph. % " ` Mrs.' C. G. Arthur and litflendauglil ` ten` of` Midland`--Ispent Dominion Day with` relatives in-Towxfn." - ' -Mi-s.'7`ai1'y' ` Ana fMr`. A"v'v%hi::i:A`;;%T1J Orillia, .31,-e;.the guests of Mi's'.g.H.j ' ` ' . ,_ ' a i . .-\; Bqdll. |Ce1..el`n=ati`c$n-sx on tHe' 12:th will be; held at Allandale. Allistqn and `Co!d- 1Ira'-til '- ` Miss Mgrth 'A.- ,IT-Imitut, ngfse, `of: New YQI'k_,Hi8, holidaying with friends: in_ tfowgx. . V . - __\ P_rof. Humeand family of Toronto 1 Unaversity `.wen.t on June to Shanty Bay. for the summer.- V` 1V_I.;r. nd Miss. R. A. St hens tavre. hol1daymg`.1n Mont:-ea.l.. A e latter will` yisit. \O.t_t_awa bveforgf returning. ` . Mr; Frank LeRo_y .left,on' Monday for Vancb.uv.er_, he having-_ been trans- ferred to the branch of .the Bank of Toronto in that city. - % Mrs-. H. Ball, M`ar_y5'Street, has re- turned. to her home much improved in health, after a.r three weeks"visit with friends in Michigan. ' ` The `new ofce b:1i`lding of the _Electric `Light and Waterworks De- pa`r_tments was to be ready about July -I, but owing to `delays it jw1:ll be 3.` week later. --v vu-_-va-up up-wvvur uvvv onavnal-lava The coiitt of brcld in Toronto_ in-_ creased , last "Saturday, not by the loaf, but [by the pound. The 20:our;ce loaf isno more. 2 The one-pound loaf `for ve cents _has taken. its place. Bakers` tell thear customers the D'_ri_cee has jnot been raised. The 16-ounce loaf. had been` econned to the fancy variety, butjnow -the ord_ifl.8i Y~and, `coparser--bx_-ands `will be of the same `weight, if not of the same shape. ` -.~His `-Honor Judge W.ismer- went` to Sunnidale, on Monday, June 28, 10 make an inspegtion. of the West Sun- * nidale Drain. He "went over me: ground accompanied by a representa- tive of the opposing interests. . ' The baseball match, Mhrkham vs. Barrie, on Dominion Day was keenly coxitested,-T` resulting -in ` a victory for the Barrie team by 5 to 4. County Notes A . ' -Murneyv Woodcock, a, brakernan,.i fell from a moving train at Allandale about 5 p.m. on Friday, and was bad- ly cut on the head, aiso receiving in.- juries on his body. He. was takento the R. V. Hospital where Drs. Ross attended {'0 his.wounds, and he is progressing favourably. \ \ residence of her nephew, John Salter, jr;, Vespra` fS.treet_, last~Frida_y, July 2nd. Her remains were interred in. the Uron Cemetery on -M.`onda.y. ; Miss Elizabeth Sa1tei' died at the] The Orillia -Packet says; Dr. and Mrs. Gilchrist left` `on Tu`esday'fox_-_ Toronto, where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs Jinn, `Gilchrist and their son, D,r.yvArch.1ba1d Gilchrist, the party leaving. yesterday, (June 30) for Montreal, whence they sail for` -Liverpool`by the steamship Mb- gantic on. Saturday. They. expect to be absent about` two months.` A1ex..VVa1ker of the south ward committed suicide las_t Friday about 5 p.m. by taking a large` dose of .lau_danum. He lived for _only two. hoursafter takingit; For some days he had been in `a despondent condi-.` tion.. .. The High `School Inspector` who! made the -last visit to the Barrie Col- legiate .Institute laid down the `re- quirement for seven teacher-s'_on the sta`. This was the reason for the appoin.tmen.t of Mr. Edwin Longman to the staff last week. ' - - MB UU' 5 U lBU.|ILI"l'lU 3 '01 tlqrmjlnnum in Advance. ..-.-xv- _--_. ____..__-n 1.- -.|.1..1;- u.-u..I. St-. James Cathedral (Toronto) cricketers played the Barrie, Club here on July 1st, `the visitorsawinning; Toronto played only one` innings, makinga score of I27. Bar`rie s score was 54 in the first innings and 36in' the second.` Mfelville, a Jamaican,` was Torontols best player, making a % Rceentdi'scov%e rie::%havc shown. that M1191" Ilulr % ii . cauapd y: :et`n1M$A`h= .9M*=I'% WI -AT frhergfdreg to.(;`tov['9%ll1iul hiir. mm mm Gm: cqmvleulr do- nto" ` ` ` .(-'1' ; -.- .13 _n " .,,"'. gt,x_,A-3x4. - `cu. ' ` . _ .(ct_- -. w "'1 v ' `R: l:'AY1fyD|}Cl ' ~ x_\uvYu5`;_1L_c ,,_;?vl.IlIUn` lb ISIS 1 f~i st of`-1_nsw~gtandmother~' at Mount. 5. * ..t.~'*;L.|,:5-' " " ` Mk'."+; b':;i\Ibatt of Toro1ito i ; ispggditygiis . _ 7holid,yg at` his `home o `L _u.' The Elmvale Lance says :A Many garbled reports of the Flos tragedy have been going round, and the Toronto dailies have ' been;prin.t- \.ing some sensational stories about thentragedy` that are far from the t1'.uth.~ The worst of these reports vwvas a. special despatch `from, Barrie towthe--Toronto World and ~cop'ied- in- 5 to the"`evening papers. The state-`` i 'n1e"n',ti that `a religious dispute. ivassthe` cause of the quarrel is not true, and - iisfla `reflection on both-the. Ron1_an,, A `Catholics .at_tt l Protestants of: F108;` f`w'ho~ have the `r`eput_at_ioni of mingling` . very ` `harrrbniously `t'oetli'r j_',_~ toil. -' Othr" :the-I ranlr. whlchitsi: 7; , "aysl;-_ise one -o'f.~t-he? most-.resp3ected xin`% ' pee; township, were...,.tsmnch.l}.;ioutmofi. ;-.r and; `am ; are}: fiirisfesl this` g} `journals o`; . -i"`**a:`n Wt?`*l`Wi`*'***is:i 5` 'OVb4I'WI`n. `Ii-EIIIICI yl -'-L` Igl C, uU\;\}III" .-he}: is; -lf:o1i`o:Vla1'yin`g1- `a`rii_th`}` hip: `mofher-' . `D31.y.r,v:_ _ pure and true,` and as we drop._m the battle one by ;one, may we hear the Master say :; ;'Enter into the aoy of thy, Lord. % 51;? "` .~ "WORDS. X * of my pastorate of four years among- ,,S,.t you, and`-'wh.a.t shall 1. say? Nozt ' "good-bye, 9) because 1 hall not be far away, and because - indulge the hope that I may have the privilege of visiting. my many friends again. 1. cannot close, however, without ex- pressing my thankful appreciation to the members of thiscongregation, and the people of Barrie as well, for their uniform and generous kindness to myself and the members of my home. ~We should be wantonly un-. l And now: come'{e conclusion` grateful indeed, if. we did not always tondly cherish as one of the greenest memories of our lives our stay in this beautiful town, and the thought of consideration of the people of dear old -Collier Street Church. }, huge-s` 1,3,1 u. VUl"'lJldnU`lUIU .::Iu`ccI. , :,V_V]lIl` :d' 2VstrgightL -ugh -.gfront- ve storeys-xhigh. ;'1. h_e=.pr9:ess- of v the `-'arrangements* `rs V iraiiid. -. e`.plan~, are} an drawn;-~, `ai `quantity ~-of; `the Tmajtr-ial has". been ;con~tra.ctfed5 for;~".`1'md`-" work gill `pi-0 -. -. The first " sod for `the foundation! tests. of the new "g:an nejry annex was_' _turned o'n~:W?d;1esda,yof `last week, ;a tarmery; a`rhit:tj from B'e_rlin, '_On"t.,-- `being in ftaharge . o_f: :the `teats. ~The;; 'n'ew,b`uilding,~wi1l hive a frontagefof 313-3 `* ft. - ; cgxi uB-tadford `Strcfet:,:; ,vyi.t ta -aOin::d`hA u'n;{`n `d;\-`-gt "no- nm._`..--... ` L: the c1o`se`bf'.hiVs rxnarks "gr: 5I1nday',evening, Jun}: 27th, `Rev. V r." Ocklejr, : , O./' ` Let me-sayhere, that I shall never forgetthe loyal set of men who are at. presentdirecting (as'ofhcials) the op'_erations'of. this church. A more cordial, harmonious, and considerate Board has never been associated with, or surrounded any pastor. Dur- ing the four years of my residence amongst them,` there has never been the slightest. ripple of unpleasantness,` either amongst the members them- selves, or as between the members andfmyself,-I came to you by the appointment of `Conference, and ' without `invitation (having been un- animously invited to=remain another` year on- my former charge), but from the day of my appointment until thisl ghour yourcordiality and co-operation have been all that could be desired, and morethaii I had any right to ex- pect. Forthis I desire to publicly express my thanks. ` * I 7 i UI bllnl G\vIVla ' '/And now let m_e bespeak for "my, successor, (Rev, I.G. Bowles, `B.A., B. D;\),_ who is; a `young and effective numster, the hearty co-operation of _a1lh `these forces. `and he will notfail t9 succeed. `IF 7 -up --yw---- And now as to myself, I assure you that`I leave `with a heart full of the utmost goodwill to everybody in the church; In leaving you 1 am not going.`to,a stran e place. Already I .have spent in oronto 5 spastorates (covering a periodof '19 years)two ` years each, and 3 of 3 years. 0 _5 The,church_ to which I; go will make demands upon my strength and tim;e,,.. -as it has a membershlip. of 790, and a -Sunday School, of a thousand young .people, bht I. go in the strength of God, and can only"ende_a`v'our to do` the", best `I can, . - '1_{{{igiiQis} }[;$e}I1E' in `the same straw of the _noble women who form the Lad:e_sA1d, and whose assistance` `to the church has been both gener- ous and timely; o-f the ,Woman s Missionary Society, with its tireless president and secretary; the Leagues and the Sunday School with their self- I sacricing oicers, and their hosts of young people. Islam not here to-ii night. to utter attering words of ad- ulation, but it may not .be out of place for. me to `say that in many re- spects many of the young people of the Sunday "School give evidence that this department of the clI urcl_1 s~`li,fe. has not been barren in the formation` of character. - ' ' ---r.. -_- --~., - - - - - _ - - -.. t is not untting either that IE shoiildpmake mention of the efcient service rendered by the members of your splendid choir. I may repeat here, what I have frequently said in other places, viz, that during a pase torate "of more than 30 years, I have never been aided by a better or more efficient band of singers. .1 sincerely hope that it may long continue its ef- ficiency, and. retain for itself the goldenlopinions already won. ' 1- o I . 3 I - .1 - -.- -1?... 5"` J. o .'.`Ai:. 1_\ f`,'utAs"'e`:'. ..nn1a:a.~;.;c; L eron~ as _th;~.:'~ ninab `p. " Li`... "'.-Aon..a.L-_. ..a. .ll'.......u` M01-` TORNTO ATHEL TANfSlER ANNEX. us aem~nA:.e %5hRANcES C. .Ml:I8gel'. Kr a;coni- iki; ~ 5sI&':1~.'I.a.-'.-.s`aM;8L:.l `$3.1:-.1-.-.:_. .'. 330'. 5t4....{!I-l lLam f" ;l8...`: `lL_lIp m " "I.-&o_p'_m ;1 <>'Sib1Y $'. : haVe.`vm:Ac;r_:e3( ) in this .B.ank5' 805- nbi, >aw`ay _ to" `lay asidv "s,Vmf9}-11 }sxi rns ._ ;fSh6u'ldEisik'ness4-- and `adversity, ovfaite 'yoU',-}"'O1b1_Y ugm; Oz 1e6,f thg3 important objcts_dt_'this Bhk i.s foafely care for sfi)a11:savin;'gs. cm:n~s. 3 ;|.;i..-;. rlr--'_.. __- , 1!\PaS1":-. V` 'V~ 'Lina `lVI.k:}`ffatt," Mhfflxg }n3Ea}2i7;n3{ ~;-."3J&.~;:% -- Rssbertwn. , '1_a.u;- . F 8'teamboi;f Aiencu. _ Summer sailings nqw being booked. Represants- `Best lish; American and Canadian Fire Cola. acalsior Life, London Guarantee and Accident, `New York Plate. Glass Co. Mr. R0 erson will still belound at the `.0`ice-0 EN S'l`.. BARBIE. - 6-17 I-av--, Inllv a.r\FllGvl\Ju ` ,'IIgf,;-`Pf;-anvk _ Dbbsbn, f v QC. ".L1a,U`l 1-_.ruq1c,v marry vv vr1g.{u_. T 4 J'`.J.t".' L4`--Theo` Brown, .C1`arissa Fer -` son; -- ~M ny Armstrong, -Kcnqgth! gis::`7*KIieL Atkinson, Norman Atkin.-L CaV.xHjeron,L Ccxl .;I 1owman;-_ 4:?` 1 "Ivan "". I --.' I arf';. ; I-Iv..-_-j3 dna g Dcfbtson, Freid` -:Fe:ris;;*-Mbel ' Brown, . He:-best ~ Plow-~ tn1aq;_::`jN" 1 p `W1-i:g_l41t~,, 3:~Hugh Plot}.- - arvils and deparirqs it tram Barrie %are' ,j I Jilin Line, ` j M |;m,a ..f - u--frg_-v 31'-.. . ` t. 4` Armstrong '.Lura> [:I3 i$fBT3%w._.-Rita` Atkinson, KIw.i.zzie Tuck,` Mrmstrong, A 1 Gordon . Brovyiy. 2Ia`;;:VbL1ff1-?o(>_le:,>Ai-Iarry W3I*ig',:ht_. V. ' -` 3 N -. _. -` \:u\.n\.LL U1 >JlJUuU. LHC D1103, Wn. was given away by her father, was pgettily attired in white and was at- tended by Miss -Minnie Smith of Bar- Vrie, the groomsman".being Mr. Louis _`Cross"o Toronto. Mass Lula Reig, niece of the bride; made a - tle oyver _girl. The ceremony was r_form'ed 1n the presence of the, im- -mediate reiatives of the contracting` parties. After `partaking of'a"beau_ti- {n"v"cne-unrl um II. ....A .`RA`_- IJ--L '_DeIIa. `Ferr'i. __ V _ , .- I'II.-Robbi``p}, Vega `Dob- son, ~.Rita M"cKeev1'. Edna RTobc_~'r.t- son, Willie Dona:ld_. V5 3 . -` -/ 1- * j V.-.5-.Ma IV oEaLftT, Greta; h Dajy; pa: uca. nucl paruuung 01 a Deann- uvtvo auasuuuaucil 1052. ._\K)n'| CC, ic,al 2 mond Ton ,"1,`J.ephon. ,Mam. 133:1 ,_I'n ` t``?, 13% W3) Stfathy &` .. ol1cators,_ Bank Toronto _,;mg, Barrie, will be- promptly -tended t o`.. . T ` V fully` served tea, Mr. gmd ~Mr`s.Hast-g ings left on-gthe gyenmg tram for a shorttrip to` To1jo'nto and _Whitby-. T % cUN1$Lns' scHoot.. %; P '1', _ I'V.~ _I-. ina 1 _M}offatt," Mhrthgz `W; I` ..A- IV V ' An interesting and pretty event took place at_ -_Glenview F_arm, In- nisl, the residence of,M?r. and Mrs. Charles Cross-,' on Tuesday," June-. 29, - wjgen their dqughter, Carrie, was -united in marriage to~M`r. Harold` Hastings of Nantyr. The ceremony was performed, by "the R'ev. Mir. . `C:-ockettof Stroud. The bride,.whq.. `um: aivpnv 9117511 Kn `In... 6.41.... ....r_ Augniu um}: }FuB`}. E if L t F; New and .- Artistic Designs in >Wil!Tbc pleaged to show. you samples. -v-----v-v- tutu aw! LI`sQbelb,~ -~~e!dcst Vdtxfgfhhef vof: ,it_t;on.~ hprnpon, was unite.d~?iu`f~ `Salas-bAnders_gr;, ; u;1eff_ L eingperv o_ "

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