er miser- - sob on m about ble was The oiling of the 'macadam road ~ways m Toronto commenced. ow IN 1. r` Capt. John Ellison, a leading citi- zen` of Port Stanley, js dead.f v-J... .. v-v---v v_-__-_---_--_- Rev. Stephen Cartwright, sbn of the Deputy Attorney-General, died in Corea. . __ ._ .- - I Nelsonfvsixyger. of Corinth was struck by lightning, and his condi-i 1 FRIDAY, JUNE 25th. . The new Aver : Hair Vi twill certainly do this work, because, rst of all, it do- stroys the germs which are the original cauaeof dandni. Having given this aid, - nature completes the cure. The scalp is w restored to a perfectly healthy condition. dhhl (I Lung-(I4 I`-All Zn:--:0 tion is `cfitical. . A spcial civic committee approv- ed of_a p1a`n for the of Ashbr;dge s Bay. . Several feduction have been madp n_1 the Intercolonial staff in the Man- I t1me Provinces. --__---- -- - rv .... u. -v-..- wv-- ----- -v --ampum:.o.A.~nooo.. uwou.xuu-- ,The Unifed States Senate increas- ed the House rate on shoes and sole leather ve pet_ cent. 3 11;. 1' n '\r - -- Mr. J. P. Mvorgan IS makmg per- s_ona1 efforts to have U.S. steel stock hsted on the Paris Bourse. __.._-_. --- --.v -...--.. ..\.,-_. -4-... The army of the Mloroccan insur- gent chiefs was completely repulsed In an engagement near Fez. 1`: 1 v- ,, - -_-=..c -----v... ..v`... o `r-U0 v Elgcfric railways in the Province, rtgnnmg over twenty miles must pro- vlde drinkmg water on thexr cars. At the rural `deanery conference Bishop Sweeny emphasized the need of additional church accommodation. ,~. ---.-- . Sergt. Wilkinson was badly wounded by the explosion of a twel- ve-pound shell at Workpoint Bar- racks, B.C. Sixteen trimmers were buried un- der gram in the hold of the steamer Lake Manitoba at Montreal. They were rescued with difhculty. ` -'|*\ I 1- I'- . Several members of the Toronto Board of Education will visit the United States to get information rc- lgatding technical schools. . Av 'M1en;be1= pf the Grand Trunks- of the veterans of e ~- .66 drew lots for the apportionme:V;t .'L . - , , ~'t_o~t_he:m ofveterans land grams; | County Crown Attorney Drayton `will resign. Mr. T. Herbert Len- nox, M.P.1 ., is mentioned as a. pos- sible successor. d3nUU- I He calls himself an `artist; but I fear he is unscrupulous, `and would not hesitate to-t0 make `money any way he cuuid. I only hope he is not, capable of-~of what I have some-. times: mspt-sled." V A .4 CL. ..,1,1...,1 4...- 1.,-.,1 ..... -..-_. -_| `B5a&ds'- C'Vc;xv1.<-:iIiz_1-t-i'<;r:-`have been formed to deal With the Grand Trunk Pacic and Canadian North- lern labor` questions 111 the west. The Shuberts have secured con- r01 01 the new rrmcess Theatre at vM.ontrea1. I` James `Black, aged 67, a roofer, in" Toronto, fell while at work, and died `of the injuries he received. The corn_er-stone of_ the momiment to Lafontanntwas land at Montreal by S1r Alphonse Pelletier. g ' Two new aerodromes have arrived at. Petawawa, and wxll be expert'- the` -Militia Department. mented with `under the direction of > An cxpeditiou from the National Geologlcal Socxety of the United States. _to study the b1g glaciers of |AIaska sa`i1ed irom Portland, Ore. _The_ aczion brought on behalf of the Czar against Ivan Proskowreak- `off, a defaulting Governor at Winni-` peg, has been settledgby comprom- 1se. A special meeting of the Toronto Presbytery was held to release Rev. Dr. hdgeon trom his present charge so that he may go to Westminsttt I Hall. B.C. y ` The steamer Campana, sunk near St. Valerie, was raised to the sur- face, when it was found she was broken in two. She was then aban- |doned to the underwriters. The Gillies limit mining laiids un- sold under the recent tenders will be again offered for public,sa,1e. She mlrlul she had not seen or heard of "him for three years: and had no idea where he was now, She dislikcrl vcn thinking of` him, but` my confl(ling kindness had "made her so Zl>llZ`.lT1C(l of deceiving me that shn l`.(r}1('(l l would forgive her.` . .. Y~r>u poor little thing! Iexclaim-' ed, full of vmnpassion. "Surely you married vcry young?" . A . Far too yuung. I was :1 silly girl pl (`lLTl1l('CI1. an orphan, and had no judicious lricnds to :advise "me. `If I had known more of the world, ' I .':l[10uld never have married ~ Alfred I rlI|:a<. ...l " lllllk." .)u.7y\ \ \ \,u. I I 1-/I(<;n:vz"srthur Boyer of Montxjeal has been appointed to the Senate of Canada. ` . Accbrding to a,telegra1n.received at_ Vancouver, the L,'row'_s Nest vstnke. has been settled. Two members _of the British Gov-. ernment, Lord Fxtzmaurice and Mr. T.-R. Buchanan, have resigned. The report is current at Vancou- vegb that.nv'e train robbers have been `captured f enty miles south of Ducks.` ' .- ' _, At a priva`te' session the `Congress of Women in \Toronto adopted a. resolution relative to traic in wo- gssmen. Pfesident Taft s scheme for :1 two per cent: tax on the pet eal.-nings of corporzmons was land betore the Senate. __ l . .. L The B1shop of I\1agar~a consecrated lChrist s -Church Cathedral at Ham- }ilton and received congratulations ifrom many quarters on the thir- fteenth anniversary of his election to {the See. ; Grand Trunk Pacic lrails will be laid to Edmonton by July 7. The powers will withdraw their troops Irom Crete on July 27th. I The Pacic Cable Board has pro- lmised `to reduce xts press rates by 'l....'o&' w1V1:rVs_.'lv-1V:)ward Gould -`was granted {separation from her husband, with yalmiony of $3,000 a month. 1" DU LILGI. Il\ Hall, lll'dIUL'Il nuuu. . .- I "What was his occupat1on'? I ` asked. 1 H11 ,,1I. LI_-_....II.' ._-- ....A:_L. L--A_ T mised half. formula with goal 500010 Show It to your , doctor em Auk Mn shun It. _, than do who says Why? Because it is annoying, untidy. And mostly, because itgalmost invariably leads to- baldness. Cure it, and save your hair." Get more, too, at thesame time. All easily done with Ayer s Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Stop this formation of dandruff! Does nolaclian the color of the it. SATURDAY, JUNE 26th. amvulu H`L.V\.l nuvc ularncu JTUICU-' .\'I:1vn;1r(l." ' ' ' Is that his name? ~.` _ - It is thc mznm I knew him. Shomctizm-5 I suspected he had more, t an one," - T It 1 4 - - - -4 -. ' ~ 1 I My husband, when I tdld him` the. story, pitic-rl her as 1nuc h as I Hid. he askcd us to keep her past a sec- ml and 50 we (lid. religiously. Seemed more c hcerf`t {after that; 50"` much so that Miss Galloway, the "W g0vcrnc.s5'5 improved JOGKS. My young neighbour had an aunt," -Mrs. rylor, 1i\'ing with her, and I had called on her at home day, to nd her. as usual, entertaining at room-, .ful of guest 5. - U`\rh0ngst thcm was a tall, 300(1- '9kmg man. who was introduced as (ilptam Gore; and from the Way" _`<`)' Snokv. Mrs. Taylor and he! 'l"CCC had known him some Vti1_1`|-T `[6 was vvidcntly a primcifavouratcz WI he Wits` still there when `I came iW.'n.' ` " next {inn 1 saw her, remarked 119011` Y hushzmcl is a clergyman ill the ` suggbs of Wheel-sworth, a` large? Midland town, and I have three" chd,cn_ Mabel West came to Ame` erncss after I had been _driVen nwly distracted by a successton of incompetcllt and dtsagreeable young women who could _ not teach and whose airs were '1nsuf.ferabl'e., We all liked her, but, tn _sp1te "of. all we could (Lo, she _was ev.xdently far from happy A 5111116 rarely appeared on_ as 80" her face, thottgh she was` in years! sti1]aI1]cl'C,gll'1. _ p ., I She was very ret1c_.ent concer.t_11ngv| my history. and evidently dtslgked being questioned. A young fnetid of mine, .\.liss. Galloway,/a handsome girl with it large fortune, who lived near me H1 21 lme house, `and `had many suitors, once laughmgly re- marked that Miss West must have been brought up in some Bluebeard s- castle. and her nerves had suffered accordingly- m_- L...l lxnnn mhh 11.: uhnnf ``1o-no .. accomm8U - _ ` ~ I She had been wrth us about three. months when `one day she came to .........o Jucoo-nee c|Ir;O1rr aka `nil-1 IHUIILH3 wnxu vnu, \.u._, an` `_u_~ `V me in grcat distress, saying she felt. she could deceive me no longer. She was not a .s`pi_nStcr, as we supposed but 21 murncd woman separateci from her husband. She had` once. loved hm dearly. but his `unbearable ueatmcm had driven her to" leave` hum to cum hcr bread `under her maiden name. _ ~\ ` u`X7I L1` -~`------~A1-_-.9) 1 away - ches and prompted -,. v bout 11"! I told my h~""`, szyin when I 3` (l;1:1`i`:3""ay g;/oulld, `fen not thin` 3155 er. " .- . Miss Gallow) much "O:v1h Capt/alu1;`l. sure from her niacra jiki. b?" xore that there W35 ' ' ' ' tween them. ` v .9 ' . ' 0 1113- I G name-`s :1 _"',ne `It ap_P3"- , "And >0 it *5 to Vl/n1:eelswo?b`.:`I7` he is a strzmazcf to had Inevefl fact, he told me lie` ' " f~o v " V llcrc hclorc " * my` 7, ' fdso V , .1 . day or V0 aftemladoin ',m" Orncss returned _froIil11e .wwh,-1`:_w}t.h" shopping for me sln t seen: my Very pale face. Ives. hand! she gaSDedv 3 ha the drzuving-room-k,, -most terrible shoc - "What, here at `Nb-eds "Yes. in Nelsoif St"" e> .~l1 looked so fur105.,!w? Absolutely face t0 face. 7`: Lllllly frightened! e 'H9`.vwd ?_1lIat he should havcgf9 *~ l,1live-! And `how ';h?b ould want 1116` to go ....Bt1ldn t!---I (l.r'1'3'dlQ - Gare? - . tam ,A,nd pray. who `S Cap gkff ad 3' , i_I; I C .1` :.,was living h':'1 fxids?" " some kn a;>,5o.}ff 1' I 55, `Mrs, 1',e.9.r-`:` If lth ' The Mystery `of Mabelwesti :QQ9 99 V.` - oned11arPS a=" ABENERM ave a. lif- GIG '51lIE.HU'L \\Jlll~\`u v > I _ "I had gone `downstairs to fetch V something-inurse wgmte.d,; when 1` lg ! fancied I heard.,a faint-..o;und "at tt1'1:ae-A. iyball ddo_r. I_ ung Vopeg the door. [_ land there, .o_n th,e._ s_t_`ep, cgouched :eIRover But, mste-Mad ofv leapxng if: .- with a.joyous bank, he, seqned ~to V.-have scarcly: enTerg"y tiocrayvl across, the threshold.` _I s_t'9o1:ged,,to bat `the -A _d..d ` my/hand`a.m3v.' 3.. *6 1`; : , `-`It iSn t 'li`kely h wi`ll, my deaf, if; he is only in Whcclsworth for an hour or tw/Po.` 'But{-._if h'e_ should _t-urnl -s 4.4 -A. auuwll. ULC any HKCUCSS OI ,hnT1." ` _"I -haven't got one! Mabel ans- were , with a shiver ; I 'burnt those I `h3d,\when [I left him; Ihoped then, never to look upon his face again. I daresay you think me an unkind wife; but you wouldn t--n o. yon couldn t-if you only knew ,a1l!.` 1.. ..........-.1 1.- or _--... \II Lvv/U. uut. 11 life Sl'lOl1l(1_'.t-l1I'I'l up at any,-future time, I `promise ht; shall not-`be alLp;ved t annoy you. .'My husband sympathiges Awith, you lsincerely; and he sha1l"'dea.l with this man,tI assured her: guessing what `sage lay behind her manifest ter- rm-. DH 1... .... .. :_` DA ' ' ' a tragic story of brutality and ill-. I-IDGSC Lay uemnu ner maniiest ter- ror. Did he appear; in ourishing cirfzumstanccs? - I 4 ` I Yes, he was` "well-dressed, .nd\ E prosperous-look ing. | ~By-the-bye, you have never. lshown me any likeness of ,him. ` "T . Ho\rno~ L 4..-; ____I)) `hr 1 1 V I 4 uaaulcu ucr U! 'pel'_ICCt tTus.t' land sympathy, and no more was -said. She was evidently very ne'r-` Fvous; but I did not share, her mis-. givings; I felt sure her worthless] husband would neveredare to come and make .a `fuss at the `Vicarage. ' ' `I ..I.....u`..-_--_ r - -- - - R----u ------~ Va auaaxu um vxcarage. ` y I shall never forget" that day to `the end of my life. To begin with, lthe heat was blazing. :A.ll- day there _was_ the op;_>resstve"feelmg' of thund- Ier an the an-, though the storm did not come. It was the kind _of wea`-, ,ther when one feels a pre-sentiment` *that something dreadful is\ going to happen- -ti pm-\s"ent1ment only too: rue In IS case. ' -, w a Late in the evening my baby sud? denly developed an alarming attaclc iof. croup. Every mother knows what Ithat means. for. few complaints are. more pa1nf1J1l to watch. My husband` had gone to a'_mee`ting,in V\/`heels-.' ,worth, and my housemaid was away {having her holiday. I was at my wits end to know whom to send for the doctor, for my nurse could not ;be spared. -.I felt very grateful.when iM:al)el kindly offered to go. 11-. . :;uonu\.1 .I\luuI_y UIICICU LU gu. 1 But even then I hesitated. It's jrather a long way. Road ;is very {lone-ly. And} if a ,storm| sh nuld come o'--- , MINI- 'I`!,,, -~ ,' ' 11 r `I 9 run I auvvuxu DLUJIC UH-" . Oh, I mn.o:t at "all afraid. There ,are plenty of policemen about, and '1 can take Rover for com_.pany { \ . """ ' Accordingly she started with our` [retriever own. the dark road. iThough it was summer weather, our lsuburban neighbourhod was `gloomy at night, as. the roads were overhung by big trees, and the houses; were " etached-and .surrounded by" large rdens. However, as I told my- self,- Rover was very sagacious, and would see thatno harm came to Mabel; and Dr. Payne would no doubt bring 'her~\_back with hfm .in his brougham. T l ` CAT`! T `A15 '5. nun nncn uo'q41na:oI|A::sI oor, poor at last. y. . Rich (1, softlytv ed deep` D--nn- ul Uuguaxu. till, I felt `a. vague uneasiness, reason with myself` as "I would. Nor was I reassured when suddenly the storm brofke-thunderand, lightning and a heavy downpour of rain. I sat _byim.y child's cot, watching her `struggles for breath and thinking of 'Mabel, exposed `to the fury of the elements in those lonely roads. till mingled fea s nearly drove me mad. No-; I shal certainly never foriret `that. night! .- . i - The minutes wore on to hours, I did "what I could for the baby, and he seemed .a little easier, but there was no .doctor,.. no Mabel!` I con- cluded she must have arrived `at his house to nd him out; but.Wthen,' knowing myextremity. WHY did She not,im for another medical man. at `once? % I ` `It was e1}ven o clock. and `my bus- ' and 11 1- not retrngd. "I was not alarme ,. at that,` for 11 .was` going` to s _uer with another'c_1c:'yp:n1.'m. and might stag` lat_c-.taIkins:i But I` wished things had fallen, out differ- ently. so that he coq1d- have goneVi1_1_ search bf" M%;b'e1I" ; I j'c'du1d< i`1_6t' leave- the house n1yse1f.W But why;--oh. ` why did.;she;.n0t~com.e,?*'; _, ~ . 1- 12:1 ........V\'A1\'I:vnfVn;I;` f('i"f9_f('~_]-V1 """"" " ll JVIJ VIII l\lICW `H.115 I~ assured her of my-' px-jfect trust nrl cvnnn-.-.1-kn nose` .-.. ...___ , -\.:g\g.,uVIp " ' ' men ._ol:;_ncilfjat the end; o.f,th_e n'ext =road. She ?h;ad ? .been, shot through the, hcad.45_he h'a d`"`been ~deaid< =-several hours when- f`foun`d`, and there 'w*as,no sign of a `were safe, and no shots had struggle. V Her, watch and Pt1)1rs4_: een heard `by _ax`1ybod in-the neighbour- hood,v_r_1or`f had'a y "strangers of s_us- 'picious7 ap'peara'nc_e been seen. But, *then,`the spot was a`veryAio;'1ely one. and the storm prevented rhost Deo- plerfrdm being abroad. ` T4. _-- _ i Aiiirnixiig Tforek A1 }Mab`e:l -s: 1 I-found . " `VT ~ -- L` I- >r ---,---- IO"~1l`l_I_' uUl`UB\lo `I ,I.'tj"was`a n1o,st\mysterious murder- `altogether. The p oli_ce'laboured hard ~to\`;:11n the a'ssassin;_ but there was absolutely no clue to go upon. I told them what I_ knew of '.Mhbel s history/and`. they would `have sus-. pected h_er.ilvl-doing husband, had he had any possible motive for shoot- xng his wife. Also; there was `no proof he wasin" Wheelsworth-at all, for he had expressly told Mabel he `was only passing through. Wheels- worth was a huge junction, with hundreds of trains during the day. sed no likeness, n.or even` an accur- ate description of Alfred Mlaynard, so that he could have; been sea.rched for by the police. He was advertis- ed for, but as no personal descrip- tion could be given of-him, nothing It was most unlucky` that we posses-1 came of it. ` oavnn \a\lI-ll\.I 41$ SIVCII `U1 `IIIIII IIULIIIIIK came -As ,may be supposed, the tragic affair made a great sensation in our` quiet, highly respectable neighbour-. hood.. lMy young friend. Miss _Ga_llo- way was - very kind at this time, en- tertaining the children, to take them off my hands, andtrying to nd m.e another governess. Her -theory Was that Mabel must have been shot by some lunatic, or Jealous lover, in mistake for somebody else. 3And Captain Gore thinks the same, she' added. I c"I _ L I, win : 1' 1 - 1. VlllllL_ xatcly. . , ' Oh, no, he left Whe'el swor"th`iust before." the murder: -to visit his es- tats in the North.'~He belongs to a very good` family, _and. has` much property in Yorkshire. I had a let-I ter from him this morning, she ac- ~know'ledged, blushing a little. Is he an old friend of yours? _ We met him at `Scarborough last year. He was staying at the same hotel,` and was very attentive to my' aunt.` Shegikes him very mueh.. Hel is coming back to-nlorrow. . \X7ZlI L. on... ...ol. --.... -1. 121 I JD IIC IICI Him, lately. ` I,6(\1.. ..,.. I. ' 53 ``\'V`.``lll5' _U(.l\al\ LU'll'lUl I VJVVo 1 I . he stay w1th you at E1- ` woo . " - ' uf\I, I 1 . I I11` Shvb . `bout that` not sure . efnsal -' Oh, no, he always takes rooms lVV\I\J\Ji cat the `Queen s VH.ot"e1. `But he will [spa d a good deal of` time with_us." 1 ' n . Va... Q-Vance` `scnnqano LA .-A- W , 1. aaxu, nu; Luauy. l '50 sheAdid, and we saw a stood deal ,'of' him. Soon the engagement was formalgy announced," and we all congratulat d Miss Galloway. Cao-I .tain_ `Gore gave her some handsome! "presents, and `the wedding was xedi ifo: O`ctober. - . P |ap`cuu a. guyu ucal U1 Luuc `WlI._ us. `You must bung hun to see me," I send, cordxally. lQT\ B145 AQQA U111` Bwuu as .1`;-sax)` . nI\lI \-'\Iy\JIJlI .In August we went for our annual |l10ll(l21_V. John had` exchanged duty with the incumbentof a quiet little` seaside place on the East Coast. Cliby was _not fashionable, but the `children erjoyed the beautiful sands. and my husband and I were glad of la respite from social functions. But, `alas! a week of wet weather set in. zmd T did not know how to amuse the childr'e,n,vwho sadly missed theirl cosy nursery. with its toys and rock-I ing-horse, They could not go out, "and `were continua.lly in mischief. r\,_ 1 l One day _John_ `suggested we` should all be: photographed; '_"`ThCl l children were charmed with the `idea. 1 [and the photographer s humble -abode was only just across the road.| I don t think the poor man could have earned `much at Cliby. ` `ll? - 3 ' . V... ..v`. ---..y.. s... `pa-o--VJ. i We. were received with effusion, and after the little ones had been taken singly, and then in _a group, they clamoured for .a portrait of` `mother. Iobjected, but was over- ruled, and soon found myself in the` fatal chair. I `begged for "only? a small vignette of my headpbut the photographer, backed up by John, desired a more ambitious composi- tion. If your good lady, sir, would rest her arm on this table and hold? this album _open'- before her--s(_>-| that would lookvery -nice. ` . L iH-c thrust an old album into my` hand fc ontaining specimens of his skill. I started as m`y gaze fell onl a photograph "-of a young" couple,. standing lovingly together hand in hand. Thje_woman was Mabel West, {if I had eyer seen her in myjlife! I jumed up, upsetting all the ,poor man s `laborious arrangements and peremptorily demanded the his- tory of V this'-- picture. He` evidently thought me ver peculiar, whilstl John was. doubt. 1 about the ladyl being Mabel West. But I Was posi-' ;tive of -it; andalso, when I examin- ed _the likeness of her weompanion __.__.. .......-.-.I` 4...- JVJIIII V7333 \I\lIuII-l5`>III GIINTI-It I-II`; KGKIJ I [being West. But posi-' the likeness her companion again, it seemed` _fami1iar, too. Where had-,1` seen" that man s face before? '_ ` 2 , From his books the photograph_er| "ascertained that the `liknesses were, taken ve years before, The young couple were `Mr- and -Mrs. Maynard, [Who had come to yvC1i by for their` honeymoon, and seemed very fond; `of `each other. . A ~ t - 41.- .......9- --L Q1 CKCH ,\Jl_IICIo I ' ` Again I scanned t man's feat- '_ures_._.. aJAohn,_ this .i' er .. Captain G9re or: his twin-bxoth!- ,I m'cer- -1 4! CU uvvy Sweet- , out that UUI C U1` Illa tain of it!. IIEI1 52;, I"--A `except for a moustac'h""e. `and this [dill UL 111' ` ,{B{1t Captaini Gore 'is.-clea'n-shave -`fellow \wearsVa':.bea r,_d.T. Also, he. is a man of -lzmily, 6,wn,ing l_arg' .estates, {ind ;Ma_ynard, fvromhis poor w1'f_e s a'9count, j;was' a] mere adiren_tu_r.e>r," io15_ie"c'td`m$*'.-husand. . ~ `. I ` 54117.11 1' .-'. uuAi`rC,\ IIICI.` (inn- objected my` husanud. ._ - A , Well, I've ngver 'qu:te `liked Cip- ta`in,.. Gore, returned. with true fe- .mimne4pers1'stence. He may own_ `large but. ha1'd._.,t.hat.` A b,c)d3f_ `Lhad atua'lly_,ise'en ,i , them. '7M1s ,G,a11owa.y only` made" his ac-l .:qu_aint'ance atA_a.`_sea`side hotgl, He ;i=fIn;g-::.~i.;1.3:.: on1y_-an:a\mv0t}sr.%.--anx-19315six?- *n1a;r " M. rich f::hit_es_s,*~ :a*;n,1 un ` 1131* u11bu`_s 9_gh- ;f.j6i*:.7 a;nythii;:g, ? ` -'1 " . J : si,:`aren-'E=.y gf . a- V IITII _aIGllI.\v-\| - lookmgf quxte ~ ..a,1:armc'd. . .1i."':'V`dno\"n n hP lookmg q111te`a,1;'u., 1 ' ,It1`,' a longutxme bCfOIfC_,Ij'CO1.`1ld! `ev aL'_i'I` ,31pOnv"._hi1j;j ];ut.,:w h:'_'5ve ref ?VhceIs19_v;,9x;t;;lg U`-`ICU: ` Is `he hefe still? I ha\ien t seen ..A.-`__ H , ERN AD VAN CE 7 body V-V` '>G6"'i~e * } [tl_l.~_'Ar1y,-_V `that .'his- `lgjrgek '7-pr.01>erty- was ea` myth, ethathe wasnobodyi by `birth, and _ that` he had been. called! Alfred Maynard and many" oktherv narhes.- I te`1.tru1'jr sorry for poor; deceived Miss Q31-loway, who .:was'ipe Scotland, but I was gladishe would be saved tfrom marryinggi a vulgar adventurer who o_n1y~ wanted her money. ` . . . . 'l`I.... .1..L..`..41---.... ...n..1....I .. -1;2`|.II.. `JILIII-l`JlC\I, yatu \.vu|v LU AVAIGSI \JIbIL\-I way for her mcne-y. When he `most .ui1expectedly met Mfabel fact _to, face in. the street at .Whe"e1sworth,` he was quite taken aback. ' If she told his s;c_>ryi to Miss Galloway, and claimed him as-'her husband, his "car-u eer in the place wquld be closed, and' awkward incidents in hisiife might be taken notice of by the police. LT_ ....-..;. .._.\.......s 1.-l'hl\n1 c cilnnnn. unuucy g % ,.The detectives worked so_, skilfully that until the day of_ his a.1_'resti;n }Lo`nd9n, Captain Gore h sus- .piciQn that he was being} shadowed; His conduct was easily , explained. He had `thought himself rid of his wife for ever, and, bein utteijly un- principled, paid court t -Miss Ga_llo- cunur `nu `Ana 1-vurxoanny `no rnnaf UC L'dKC1l HUIJCC U_1 U_y tuc yUu\.\.. l He must p`r`ocure Mhbel s sxlence at all hazards;- so he _ immediately went to a gunsmith s, and bought a. revolver; which was proved by the proprietor Aofvthe shop, who recog- lAl_\a&A\n-Jo . The'closing exercises of. the Royal Military College were largely `at-_ ljtcjnded, b \ 9 g 1":--`----T . l Seihanteen men were kxlled m" an` exploswn .111 a. coal mme at `Weh-I rum, Pa. . - I -\ 1`! IV rs~1 I ',.'l ,f' f\;!I1'._ __-_ I Iunnno, .. on- V Dr.4 (N. C. Gilchristlof Orillia was] elected Grand Chief of the_Sons of | __Scot1and. ' V i l' I LJ\rU`llI\Jl .. . ` ' Mrs. Lajoie was` committed` for !trial at Hull for ru`e11y abusing her lybung daughter. :_-_,, 2- -A. L`__ .....L...-! I The Toronto branch of the Cana- `Nan Mhnufacturers Association pro- test against the proposed Water ra'te I `increases, . I . ' . , . `.. _ I Three women were mjured wh11e1 alighting from street in Toron- to. . V, V V ! Oxford` University conferred th/e _}?b.norary degree of D.'C.IJ.\ on.Ear1 Grey. _ ' . , _Sir Lbmer % Gouin was presented wgth ' an automobile by` {Montreal fr1_ends. . ' 1.1 1'\ 1 J-.,...-. ....... . . . . -. . . ' . T ` I An msurgent army 15 at the gates` TofFez, and the Sultan of Mbroccoi is in danger of.1osing his throne. Five American and four English! tourists -and [two `boatmen were] drowned. on Lower Killarney Lake. While engaged in 5 bowling match} ion the Granite Club lawn, Toronto,` 3Mr. -Charles Boeckh dropped dead.i L Decision was reserved on a mo-| Ition to appeal against the" sentence] ingposed upon George Seager, a c aueur. V 1 ATEEURSDAY, JUNE um. DAY BY DAY nisetf -his `likeness r --'n_ `.1__-- . -_ our pre- V. ustiohej<).? "-."4.?.',.``-"7' V. 5-; ;;_,_t11eI! - `os'tfent'ajti'o sly left 1 W'h}sw;6rth-,';1taking- -_a :, eke: . Vior Y.ork;_-; But he onUw`ent' a few miles _and ._x;et_u`rned again at night probab-r lye `hqping- to" see Mgabel again under :cof\_r,er:__'ofb_darkness, to. avoid` detec- tion. A policeman remembered hav- ing se_en.a~ strange man lurking near the. V, `rage gates, shortly before m'y_gov'e ness_ started on her fatal errand. "'.r,\Wha.t foltowed was never known, for the prisoner sullenly re- fused to make a statement of any kind, and .-maintained an obstinate silence tiIT"the last. i I ' _v f__-__I ._,_!IL__ _..J __,.A.._. `He was` found guilty, and sentenc-| `red to death. His punishment was a Itting sequel -to a career of fraud and villainy, seldom equalled in the `annals of crime. Poor `mortied Miss ,Gallo_way had started for `a tour. mound the world before the trial. be-I `gen; and she. sold"her house,` and .never returned to Wheelsworth, to` [our lasting regret`. ~ D.-4- (LA `I;4~d>1 f\ l\+I\('rf"1`\1'It>1' -JO UUI Jaauug . 11:51:. _ Bug the little hotographer at` Cliby suddenly and himself fa- mous. '-'-He moved qpgto the West- i.End of ~Lo'ndon, and`ope_ned.a high- art studio, where I believe he is do-` I I ing splendidly. -Wonderful truly, are the turns of fol-tune s wheel! uvuu n-A vu VII`. ..--..---- - ____ _. Canon. Welch was presented with `$1,000 and Mrs. Welch with a silver tea service by the congregation of |St. James Cathedral, Toronto, |VV. .l.\.2l,bpUClly U1 1Aan1uLuu any uuu gas the result of. being kicked by horses some time ago. Brigadier Annie Stewart of the Toronto Salvation Army died at Winnipeg, whence she had gone in `search for renewed `health. [ ' Johh Lavton of Appin and Mr. R.! ;W. Raspberry of V Hamilton are dead` ..... 4'5. -amen-:1} Ix; B1] Pawns: \rIl Av: was`. my`. --__.-_--. I A Esther Howie, a Sarnia girl, is under arrest on a charge of man- slaughter. Her infant was found dead in an old skating rink. l - J"`f` v-------v--1 --,-----~;- j A national congress of French! Canadians is being held at Montreal, l the idea being to organize a federa- tion which will embrace all French `societies in Canada and the United` I States. K Dr. Workman has entered a ,se- cond htion against the -Wesleyan Theological College at Montreal, claiming ve thousand, dollars for libel, alleged to be contained in the college s answer to his rst suit. V Herbert A. E._I_(ent{, registrar for` the western div1s1on of Toronto,; `died suddenly. ' av . p 1-` 0 .1 I at supper %