'1'b'. June '-~$I. ' .. I` IN) - 7 _!` S301-I` 3'3 .55; 3000;. AAA '4 25.. `3 50. . 2 75.. 4000 5000 `l\I\ Z3 61 ` Miss vCoop1*` bf Coo1stowrM1=`*i's Qvis-A _iting frie1_1_ds in Tluown, __ 5'. . . for Mackinac. - -. . < '. The ~ Misses. D:-Jrir. `r ` n'v;>-1 - 'l_`;>'r_onto-- s staymg with Mrs. H. _.E. Jory; eturned` .h_om, I from _.Whit'by College"-last week; _ ronto are visiting at Bellevie-w, T'Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hinds of . i 11'! -17 ecu - ` [55555 |II\}lVI-LID ' III 1\IVVJIn` i I . `Mr. {Sinclair spent over` Sunday wnth jhxs parcnts "at Glenarm. ` ' 111- on. ` -3) he _ rd, H ;,_. S~-+QRO~S$--.fAt - jth`e._.. ` resi-. me; fl2_t_id s father", -.Nanj- E Tuesdny-` . t ' 1909* %7M.g.' viriE.'TeZ'on satugl for Vancouver, _B.'C.V . %:"1ib};""}5}"Ia Uxbridyzeh is the guest of `M :-s. Thor_n1cy`,.`N.Eary Street; I. A. -M`cNeil of the Tordn 0 Mail gmd Empire is spendirig his olidays can `Au-can `:I\}I(i. Rodgers of P`r=. is hniidang at her home on Wors: ley`St_reet. - - 1 ` "M-is's Adie. Corcmian of Toronto has been `visiting her `sister, Mrs. Wm. Bibby. ' . u 1-: .. n .00 I l .BeattyVleaveV; this volrek {for Cobquxjg, where she will spend [th'e summer. % V _ __ _ `Master Carl In/v,e`.. Pnetang St,` is` holiday 11:: with friends in Mit- chell and'List0We1.v Master Wilfred 'M`or1-{son of Tor- onto is vholidavine` at Mr. A. F. Gar- |re`rt s for acouple of weeks. - `I17 1!!` ' 9 Qty -I I` .....:..l.,.v vs.---a HW'i11:v_-\7\;;:s'1evv. of v'\'7\/':V1'Ik<=rt>n. Ont? -Jw heenvisitimr his brother, S. Wes1ey',- of the_ Advange. T I\1`.is`s`vB;I`:V:1 s:V;_`.i; 'xi1;%r lft [Satur-V dav to spend a coupf/of months with friends,at_ Balsam Lake. - --ow-uuu. us aasonuuann J-IKLl\\vO Mrs. H. Giv5te and little d;'uj'eht<='-L Norma of St P`m1,l, vMiinn., are spend-. inc: 9 month with the former s aunt. M1; T. Mefcalf. ~_.- -- - -- T----- I Mrs. Wiis and little daughter of] Saskatoon and Miss Edna O Brien nf V2ncquv.er._ B.C,. Aware guests of |M'rs. J. -Bailey last week. _. . Mr. and Mrs. John Lott celebrat- ed their golden wedding last week at their home Fair View, near `Awning. `When the worthy couple took up their residence` heree ftyv years ago, the neighborhood was mostly woods.` Mlrs. Lott was a daughter of`the late Capt. John` Clemen ger. `suns. J. uaucy lab]. WCCK._- l I `Mrs. A. W. `Smith ` and nchiidlren. rt-turned to their home,at Sturgeon Falls on Saturdnv after a nleasant stav with Mars. Smith s parents. `Lr-,_ 1 :1 -r\, n- is sol ed the.- M on- V Hon. J. s. Duff and M)rs..-Duff! celebrated the` 25th anniversary of their weddimr on Fridav lagt. at ltheir home Clover Hill Farm. -.:`.Mliss .E. A. Duncan of he Oriia Collegiate Institute staiff, spent the wjveeloend in Town. the guest of the Mlisses Rodgers. oniher wayvto her home in~Michigan. I `Ill, `TI I In 1 ~n--' 1n _W. C. Needham, formerly of Bar-I rie. now of Prince Albert. Sas1 ugon first place in the 100 yards at nice at Prince Albert on June 18th, and was`aJso in the group of win- ners of first place in-the one mile lrelay race. . . T V -_ 1 ~1VLiss Bertha Powell and Mr. Geo-` P}. King leave to-day for Minni-1 \coganasI1ene, Georgian Bay; wherel they are engaged for the season, to gsupply music at ~that fashionable summer resort. ` ` ex -- We "offer :Onc fiinndred/A Dollars- Reward for any case of Catarrh that 'ol:_annot IJe'cured by .Ha11 s Catarrh, .- We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last-I5 years, and Helieve him perfectly. honorable in all business transactions, and n- anpiallyfiable to. carry opt any oblig- i ations made_ by his rm. T W'ald,mg,iKinpan 8: Marvin, holesale Druggists, Toledo. .0. i I. `H . I H;l'l ;`C;t;x:rh- EifZi":ken i,;t;.;' nally, acting dit:ec'tly"upon the blood` -and _mucQus suracsv of `the _system. Testxmomals sent free. Pnce ' -`cents .per: bottle. ;So1d'_by. all drug- gists. ,, L. .. ` .. Tuba un" Q 1?-n-$1.. :I\O IAAIQ- . .. V % mm. . -WALLA-CE---At~ the R. V. .Hopita1,' .' Barrie, "on Mondday.J-une 28', `I909, " ; a` son to: Mr, nd .`Iv1'1's; A. I.`-W31-_ }a`e,;`_Pel ;sm.r_ 1 , 4`; A_ L_ _| _-.`._?'.__._.a.`_. - ' ?1;`l:_c . Ha1l s Fa'mily`Pil1s fox? don- ,%t1pat1`on._ { . v .' AN. INTERESTING GOLDEN D WEDDING. '1`o1edo,V T_'( ). How : THIS 2 IRICH so1L1 V Muses 'ruE:tson. men I `We are told "by tholce who use it that an application of Land Plaeter greatly benets the crops for two years thereafter. We have just re- ceived _a consignment in bulk, V jute `and cotton bags. ~ . now` use A I`!-Iii-Q1`; 0 1 '- ' LAND PLASTER is good for] `Clover, Oats, Wheat, Potatoes, Tur, njps, Beans, Peas, Corn, Fruit Trees- Grape-vines, Vegetables and other. crops. ` Eeiil and "get a circular, giving all` information of when and how to ap ply it.` Ihesaant 00., Limited ' /-1"" SPAR'LING-On Thursday, June 24th, 1909, at 59 Crawford street, Toronto, James Spa:-ling, aged 69% years. . ' VV-Y2MLAN-At, the Royal Victoria Hospital; Barrie, June `24th, 1909,` ""'}I,\/rs. _~M$argaret -Jane Wyman, of ' ' Kagawong, Manitoulin Island,.ag-I _ ed `51 years, I month,_ 10 days. ' James Spa:-ling, a former citizen} `of Barrie for a 'i1u'mber of yeafs, diedl at his residence in Toronto ' on `Thursday last. He was born/in Eu- phraja_ Township in 1840, of Irish descent, --and came with his father's family to` Barrie in the early fties while still. in his teens; He learned the cha-rpentertrado and work`ed for _a_riumbex of years in the planing fgmill of .Ge'o,1-ge Ball. He lived at 56 iesgiphia "Street `west of the Queen's`; `_-i!~?ajrlc:;-%'jf or: some `years ' riot to 1890, `:;w.hen`he1,moved to -Tcaf .,to. and took `1_1fp..fi t`heeT.iinsutante business`, in" which h ad`1'b 'en`.en`_e ` , in l_a[te_rv years. 2j.! }i`n` was ` twice` .1Re`TV~.-` .1-;5par1ing~` of , U ~p'?`his'~.~rst. ` oi: died ~ab`out*-.1 J 2' i; -Hull-Q hite. `LATI;MI;ZR-At Becton: on Sunday, ' Tnnah ant`: . `Ml1..o?` Icahn` I 'I+:!+IAO' [DEATH 01-` JAMES s1='ARL1NG.' I. LUV]. l'4L\l_\I. IJCFLUII, UH sJ}alll\.lG_Y , Prjune 2oth,- ~TM`.rs.` Isabel Latither, 3 aged-, 83 ` years. `I\'Io'C`ANN|--In Innis`f,iI, on Thursday; June 17th, Thomas Fred`1\'I}c-'Cann, Tin his' I9th year. 9 `T'par1in`g's% re~` afr.rie%;1Ii%+ stock over. If you have not taken advantage of our bargains yet,Adon"t leave it any lollger. Others `declare themselves well _ satised. why not you ? Our Men s and Boys Suits `still continue to be the centre of attraction, which in itself proves that the qualitv and price must be right. 19 Suits, from 36 to 42, ranging in price fiom 10.00 to I 5.00. While they last, HALF PRICE. These are good serviceable Knockabout suits, and will stand inspection and, still more, wear. ,year. l\A1`II`l' I4 Youths Suits for boys from 12 to 16. While they last for 1.75. Several have already got these suits and pronounce them rst "class. IN SHIRTS,` -FANCY VESTS, SUMMER HOSIERY, SUMMER" UNDERWEAR, in short and long, our stock is unexcelled. Come and inspect it. Costs you nothing. I play-' ' e local, e_ _ boys Tom) the CLOTHIER Mn's and B_o_ys' Suits lNSURES~ GOOD CRDPS. `AND "iTK&'i3lXs'r Oice ~ 4f Dunlop Yard-F_oot of Mary St. L:%?%stron: or _euALrrv ~Mary M. Malkin, in her 25:11 TENIAGAIWI. GEORGI 4 MAGANETAWA R KAWLRTHA ETC.` FULL SUMMER SE mwrmc EXCURSION` TICKETS ON SALE DAILY. I . 5C Boys Suits for boys, from 4 to Le years of age, mostly blue serge. W,hile they last, 1.50. You can t buy the lmings tor that gure scarcely, without the cloth and making, and for the summer holidays at gciod Knockabout Suit is just ..t\-1 AAA!` I - . I ALASKA -YU MN -1; S\ \I\I A3Ir\l\rAn.~-\ what you need. 4 low rat`l Fast Time. v ia Attractive Routes. Ill Sept. 30th. I009. eturnllmlt Oct. alst. .909. Stiff Hats, regular 2.00 to 2.50 for 1.25. This price will continue on these till they are all sold, which won t be lgng at the rate they are going. - , wn_`_ _-;--I.._ a All In-0 I 9.` -v..b ...- ---- _ Fedora Hats. regular 2.00 {Er I55 Telescopes, regular 2.00 for 1.00 -_._l _ ` For Tickets and Fu`.I Information can on-- J. E. BILLINGSLEY. Depot Qigent. ?-- I vlvvwvg-vvy - v.,.__--- ,, WE also have a few specials in Straw Hats that might do you good to see. arrival of the II a.m. train from To~ ronto, `Rev. Dr. Ockley conducted the sgrvices at the grave. The pall- bearers were Jas. `Cross, J; Cul ert, Brown, Joseph D; Rod ers, Jonathan Sissons ant John Mick. ` 3:-on I Scflomberg C_riclet team played, I the .1oca.l .; IY_l!_-:11 -mg thq %_Q'u'eeI.1. s. Earksg ai'a. 'I..`h3irsd ar `*1 Y`9?*...Yf-* H ATS ! 'iThi's.is.the statement `made by everyone vihom.w'e have had the pleasure of serving,and they must have told their friends, for b_usig- _ ness still contiaueskitp increase. Saturday was . the biggest day we have had since taking this Alex.Mi|ne&.Son V__A___FOR_ } Satisfaction TODD"S ooooooooo OOOOOOOOO Christy's Celebrated ENGLISH HA l`$ HATS Sorto. 5'10 EX POSITION ` Sanita #11 \ time '. n and Sun-`- _Cro-wn U0 -Iv IOU '7 after- 1 ceme- gi. Rev. `A414 few Lt V AVLIUIJ. late 5. ed was TL- l"_x .l.._.\......-.. _V__ A very sguccessful garden A party under the auspices of the L. A. of the .\lcIh(di> t Church was held at` v.\{r, J, 1.. Burton's last _Thu1"sday.:` During the evening Rev. A. J.jPaul and .\lr.~. } :m1 were made `the re'ci-" picms -f h:;m1ome gifts, the former with :1 golal watch, locket and chain, and the latter with some tab1e._ silver-: ware. They left .for Sudbury on` Tuesday. - "V II ,__ _____ S'u`3`i;;}y _}1re `visiting M`a'$.'_ _l_3a.i.kie. ..s| mother. MT5- R055` - A I y - Sabbath School ecur-' .;]hEVii]ng;nio Orillia on July 9i9t-11 tram services can be. secwrred. _ ' Major Green of Hamiltpn will lead- `5 A, open air SCYVICC here next- ivednegday night, July 8 . k. V 4 0C.]?.C \,I:....In Pace and freigf D-__ Dcar l'2;.~10r,--~H2LVi1lg learned that the Ct.-ttft-rcttce in its wisdom has phtcctl _\'(rll in :1 new eld of labfo1', and that )'()u will now soon be leav- ing the littrtnn Ave. Church, we,'the members and adherents of - three )'cars, it-t-I that we cannot allow you to depart without :1 tangible `expres- sion of uppreciatioxi of your un-:. ct-asittg cffurts in our behalf and the ttmcral gum] of the church. There- fore, \'\'(` 2iSl\' you to accept" this `Well, which represents in a small measure the esteem and appreciation of the ma-tnl)<.-rship. W'e hope that as on its face _you note `the passing hme, it will tend to'keep in remem-_ btzmce the mzmy social and religious" ttcs forrnul while in our_ midst.` "Wishing 3'01] and your faytily th continuctl ltlessing of God and`great'~ Slnrttuztl sttccess in your ministry, we are (ill behalf of the church ` Jas. L. Burton W. B. Taylor `A J. E. Mmrison ` -_ ,J.. A. C._ Evans John Brtinton. Humphrey: J. `L. Wisdom. Therctnztitts of 111: late MES. Rusk WI-ru u. ,, " _'._ Ddlnur " The fuiluwing address was` pre- scnIe(l m 1111` Raw. A. J. Paul, `B'.A.,. B.D., on the occasion of his leaving this churgv : I -I r. . 1: . . 1 Ai__Ll H-\. tunuH.~; 1.)] ,Lu.c _|a|.c an: a. I-\uwn Wtre interred at Grcnil Oil _Fmida.y,` `_h _R<`v. J, Paul conducting the mucus at the house mad the` -grave Om! wreaths were cont `bated by [hp {r.1I,-...._' , _, ll_ ,,,_|___ J E f'\ T?` """; `VICRLHIS .wCI'C CUHI IUUI-CU J1 the mllowmgz The husbaxid. S.O.E.`, l_"O-L- `Gates .a_jar our neighbours; `\T5S, 1;. A. Little; crescent,_. `]3D}_1Crso11; shuaf spray by`Mr. all M .5~ I`i1.V`wr; sprays by friends and nt`Ighb0ur.~;." Mr. A. Patterson; M3`. and .\Lr.s`. W. H. Taylor, W33"v `{m 81 Co, G..r:o. H, D,cran_,-Mr.` af,I4;.` ,`r1.TSI.).*\. l,uck,, star by`M1'.;aI1d ' mil; anchor by hex` sister;;D11*'. 10w1\.. n ,r n n_._. rm; '.....`Il_ vhaa and was in 3142! 10' "man, uncnof uy IICY SIBLUI1/'.I"` bw by B, 0+ B. Dem. The.-,va1|- Hcilfers were G, Mils,,, E`.f:"SlfIK1)'_p W Pct:-rs, A. Wice, ,Sfin80o.",W-5 ebb. :.\l~r.s'. Rusk waasfa. `C18-l1lK`hA1,_.7:_, ?ef]VJ1'-. and .\I+TS,." J-. Hacks-idg,..:.i ' `(#11 II`\ ; 1-..\..`A.Ia. `Au of To-` sts of_ . ---H was 111 Cr 4 ? 'h31dbccn in ill health for (5 ; 97 years, and her deat11.W3` : Dccted. Besides her wax? `husband and one so1'1T31'eIejf $ven sisters and two 1)!`-01.1"? -arc`: Mrs, McKenzie,j1Wf- .`_rto:1, Toronto; MW. 1-4`. ` "M155 Emma, Ph_1i3,5W. Ehel and Etta at `both ,r.The Cobalt specal;,_._ Oronto, running -at-W-"' `ran, into `.3. sid:I`% B Haileybuzy;-'}jS__, ref , L. Esten -of Tdrontgkjsg, ; at the Rectory. ;er Wallace Toronto and ' I-l1am11ton`.*~ , Dan B2;i1_(i_e and ch'dten3.aof -y;;'1rc vxsmng Mrs. _Bajki:_ ..nA__ For rdof; us." 1a9V I glass,;,escap'e{d.` seriousvinjury. ' The engine of tl'_le"-passenger ..train `was stripped of ~1ts smokestack_ and`bat- tei-,ed, up,-,one -freight car isomersault,-I mg over the engine and straddling the. tender, almost burying the en- gine with _broken timbers. The cool- ,ness of Engineer` Fry in applying the emergency brakes no doubt prevent- ed a serious disaster. -The-passen - ers state'_that' the shock was terrigc and was preceded by a violent lurch- ing "as the emergency brakes` were applied. The train swa.'yed"fr`om side to side, and~-then came the sickening crash and -rebound, giving. an im- pression as'if_ -the entire train were being demolished. -A `wreck `train `was early on -the scene, clearing up, `and traic was not delayed long. - 3 `The u(`.nm-+ nf. Annanl L..- -11.---AA auu I.`iauu; W35 not (1ela.ye(1-long . ' L "The Court of -_Appeal has allowed ` [the anneal of the defendants in the action "of Mary `M.'cD'onald of Barrie, widow and admlinistratrix of John Beeton McDonald, .c1aimin'g damages from the Grand Trunk Railway [Company for the death of her hus-, `band on July _28, 1907. 'ThE action was tried `b"eforei Mr. Justice Clutel with a jury, on October 19 and 20, .1908, .the._jury -nding a verdict for plaintiff, ;and assessing the damages. under the workm.en s compensation `act at $1,800, and at comrmon law; $2,000. The trial Judge directed judg-_ ment in favor`-of plainti for $2,000., From this judgment defendan ts'a'p- [pealed to the Courtiof Appeal. \ The appeal is a'll'owede and the action rs- `dismissed, bothwith costs if de- manded. _ ` i mw`'" S6uthv_Wafd School. ` ' To J12; IV.-E.Tay1or, Haddcn, NP`cFadden, E. M`Caus1and. 1 l{ ;R. I L "r3'j.' "1i-.1'.'_Mf ir'ar_rofv},*'11'."12cspan, json, T. Dalton, Paul. ` pg -an ' ";1._`,o I-i.:?S.v.'D:':1`\v;i(i'so11,, C. Jar- main;-J\ TDibb, oF. W7`qlker,VIH.- Hook, F.` Williams; " 7 ' _ n. .. . . ' __ 'n3e'T6 d ~M:`rs. f"r3"'s.'r."1'1i'.l'.-<`;.' 1i1ItB?1:'"i{"n4oss, 5 IV. Spearin; 1. Ford, E .Peters. V11 1:. is '11-. 1n -1: To Jr. II.--C. Mbntgom.eI'.Y. P. V_Newman_.` W. ~Chipp_ington, E. -West, M. .McMi1]an, E.'E_ng1ish, E. 'Caflin, S. Brown, L.- Srigley, P.` Jay,` `M. iBaer, G1` Firman- ' ' T .- ' I\` 41' II ' ` To `Sr; Pt. II.---R. ,Sam1l~er~s, Poucher, W. .Mi1`Ie1', ;V. Storey, AA, Doran, H`. Jarmhin,` E; M'cD'ona1d, ;-M. Scott. ' * __ -- an and: vs 1 % To Jr. `Pt. II.-'--G. Stimson,` B.` Lougheed,-M.` Baer,I. Evans, V.Pet~ ers, L. Lins, N.- Firman, `M1 Paul, M. Looker, Arn1:strong,IH.- Dibb. To Sr.- I.'-'-B. Blevins, J. S.ins'on,. G. Blevins, B. `Montgomery, V. M'ar- ling, G. Harman, R. Brown," F. Wie,' A. Sharpe. L. Chippington, A. _Ml|E1'-' shall, J. Hgdden, L. Harman, L; Pt- lets`, _D; Marshall, G. Roadh0use,:=B. 'l.`,_ _,1.!-L "Mr. Jams 'H`a`rr'iVs-dfL `Tm -on.'to [visiting at Mr. C. PaJ1ing s.. V .- -__J D--LLn Misses Zelma. of Toronto afe home here. - .-o 991 . c;a, .11 En glisiz. ` `Hurst Vofl-T the A ited Mr; and.Mh-s.` Geo. i week.` . . ` ` U 7- `van! 41 ii`! I T4:-'5,` john "wicg ,-of .Tor0int.d .is ipnding a few weeks with ~.-'Mr.'-and {M1-`s. I-Ia,-Loughee d. " ` ' ' ~ ne,.-_.__.__a - .`r- A{1......-4..-1.. .31] 5. 11. U auww If :. rs. '1; -Eichm"-{ma ]of"A1'la:n_da1e has been visiting hi` parents, ME. and M_rs.'_ Geo. Adams... .- ' % I 1x1:IJ`._.? `I:J-.';.sL I\: " lb`;-._| iand, a e was goh1 1e an in the 3.310` .LV1_l'5.' UC'U. lIuan5uvr;- - _ . L . Mar. and Mrs`. 'Wls'on.-Hui'st_o To- ronto, called onfz-iends here this _week. "_ ,. ` ` b ` - Miss. Ethel Brooks`; :of _ 'Qravenhnr.st is spending the holidays a`jt `her home here. . ' 5 I "L 1\1isse .~1VIabel~ . Hmbbrt. of; _ l_3a:;rie. and IyIar'yT`pf;_7Grenfe1 L_arjeV"spe1.:d:ng; their vacation with`,the1r\-pg1:qnts._ ii I ` '~ - % = `"3"? +' < . . . ~' _-Mrs. Herman Bush` of Ca1lander.is, vlsitingxher fnother, Mlrs. _Tay1prL,~' .. "Mi:-js. ] oseph;Secor of Allandafe-Vis _n,ow _pcnding ,.a_ pleasant vagation with lative-s, the guest. `of. her sis- tqr,*M.s. J-.'Brc?nn`hn.`~ I V" .` ` : iM`x.A L. M.qCri'mnf1oq_wi11` spend a few days at home. _ W `L vi -' ~ Kgriapfn l Q$`tV.TwoLV,.ne . |co.Ws;_ by -beizig? p5_1S_On_ed:- featmg, Vfpiaris `greerix 1a1td;.;, %'app,a;e_i1t,3y `.1%`eft~,o`n+githe' ` :1`, `\`. `` '_" ` Vv` ,,`_:.1v- ,1 = 'Hu'fst yofar the -States wis- __i` KKK..-` HA); `nuior "lac? %AG?& int`! S1'i.ey| holidaying , at '.t'hei_r J9 ' z;n..1ag.. ii; Lii :Barr;e/AA" - Tor-- *:oto VMatrkcts _Dunn-I 1' \' Vg the>Wee1':.;9 _` *VS[heatA... .,..$ I 254$ 1 30 `at: A ~ ' ` -`A "" l`-`lg; dressed. ;. . . Chickens, , per` lbs. _I-Ienslper .`1b_. `Butter, rdll, per 1!: ;'I;a1"(l,. per lb . . . Eggs,`-p`er doz. .. Botatoes; per bag `Hay, per ton Cured Hides Green Hides "Calf `skins, per lb. Tallow, per lb. L.Wo01, picks Horse hides Horse Hairs . . . . .. IWool, washed V - unwashed . Sheepskins 'Wheat, fall`; . . . . . .,. ' _ goose`-..'... Oats .. V . . . . . . .. `Barley . . . . . . . . ._Peas . . . . . . 'Rye . . . . . .. Buckwheat .. .. .. Hay, Timothy Straw, bundled Dressed hogs, cwt. Eggs, per doz. Butter, per lb. Chiclcens, `Live, pAer \rlul\rl\\'luu aavy, Pg; , A " - dressed Potatoes, per bag Carrots, nVl:AfI5 A..n.L.. \-111 I ULB, Onions, crate `Quotations `on Tuesday were :- 'ExEor cattnle, choice .$' 5 90. ..$ 6 40 -medium 5 20.-. 6 65 Butcher bulls 3 50..` 5 20 Butcher cattle, picked 5 25.. 5 90 "` * 'good loads .. .. 5/ - medium 4 75.. 5 25 _ common 450 Butcher cows, choice. 4 75 . ` medium 50.. 4 00 common 3 25 Butcher bulls . . . . 3 50.. 5 35 Heavy feeders 4 25. 4 80 Stockers`, choice 3-6o._. 4 25 h. `light 325.. 425 Springers . . . '. . . . . -Calves .. . . . . . . .. Sheep; export ewes. . . "bucks & Culls Lambs, grain-fed. . common . Spring lanibs, each . . O08 .... ....l... Mrs. D. `J. Fei'gusQn of London! -will spend a few weeks with her par- "erjts, Mr. `and Mrs. T. Bell; River- dale Farm.. `She arrived last week. I event that will come as a sur- prise .to many residents of Barrie as! well as other places, occurred in To-i ironto on Monday evening, `June 28th, when vMargareti Ethelynda (Linda) eldrest-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cuthbert (both of whom "are former residents of Brarie) was united in marriage to Norman L. I-Iarton of Toronto. The. ceremony. was performed `by Rev. Geo.` R. Fas-` `ken of Toronto, assisted by Rev. S. L. `W. Harton, cousin of the groom eld in yT huts- `llul. Canners Mxllfers, choxce 1C .\.. Owing to the illness of the bride, who arose frot1i_a. sick bed for -the ceremony, the wedding was a very quiet one, only the `members -of the t_Wo.,fam11ies being present. The bride, wholwas given away. by her father,`-was attended by her sister, Miss Alma Cuthbert, whi1e_Dr. W. Harper Nelson of Toronto support- ed the groom. ', - t V ` .` The groom s gift to the bride was a7 ma gnice,nt pearl sunburst; to the bridesmaid, an opal ring;__ -nd to the groomsman. a pair dffgol cuff links. The honeymoon `had to be; post- poned `until the recovery of-, the .bride, which her many w`e1l-Wi,s"hers in the neighborhood of Barrie `sin- cerely hope wxll he speedy. ' ~ ` `Following, a- quarrel` on Sunday "between neighbors "about six miles north-wesxt of Phelpston, Michael Kelly, a farmer, is dead, and Wil- liam Smith, who'occupies an adjoin- , V ing farm-, has to answer to `a charge ; of-V _m.ansIanght_er.- `Kelly and A the Smith famrlyv had been on rather Saturday `night the former [impound- ed` 5; cow .be10ngmg to the Smiths. ,o'n Snnday in '_search or " the aniirnal, and whjlee `passing,-_~IV{,e11y s;`p1ae,e__m ea 7hx':gar',;et4he~1ater` rushed-out` of the tha'_t`~Kell'y~_ seized `the .hqrse' and "-;st;app;ed= the rag o wela'bor~:: e lab `The; e. 131:6-+ bad terms 'for some rtime, and on. . aniesand .Wi)lia2rn Smith` were out 'h.ouse_v"rith-fa. club. ,Ther,9 "declare , `then proe'eed_ed_ W1lliarn `Smith with `the _ latter `ieacd Ifrom`. the but `in ping `so, '-b'eca;m_1.e` en-g MICHAEL KELLY. `cm VF'LOVS.l ` KILLED INA QUARREL _ on SUNDAY. L Live Stock Markets.` HIARTOAN-V-CUTHBERT. , \oll\lI\p\. a 1 n o o a corn. and med. Toronto, [mi Eur- George;