gsmcr %%Aum!;!~v*s '1 V _ _ ~ ; = v;`n(1uqurAcTbRmn. on Cbmgangg.`-_{ Ca_.1_;pen-tering, `building, ` ( V, ._ doors, sashes, blin s, tnou`ldings,'.etc. Planing _;of an 'n`d_ doiie-`prompt! gnd satis- factorily; H_ot_ blast 1-ypng. 4` kiln, Distiict" Agen'-for gunned Inm- , be :-'. Factory. . a egd. street, Bar- .`--,rie.T -A `Rodgers & ,(a_lI_1e. j successor: 7 A J 7 UNWINT fa 1-:1-n T A . > ' ` ' H` - l K}- I $70. ; FOR INVESTMENT . go9d~ freghold L securit at 10 rate of interes t'.r o prin mane 'rjequ'i;' - until `end of .......v,. - Aaslatsnti Golden Square Bar , ---,v -aasvlllg I H vi ng s In 4 `years Post Graduate k Bx`-Iitish Hgzespitale and having served aeyifizzicg n .- . e- ~~ ---- -"- f:"'_.`,`ff~`.`f_`, `f."5`" `W navy? is the question asked and ans-. _.vered by tlie'Mbntr'ea1_Star as fol- lows; , V - V ' -V 2 The discussion is proceeding in. the press and on the platform whe- -ther Canada .shoul:d contribute dir- " ectly to the Imperial navy or try to establish a navy of her own. It may -be admitted at once that both plans` have their attractive features,_and. `both present obvious objections. A _ direct gift to the British Admiralty would undoubtedly produce a maxi- *mum `of ghting ships in a minimum ` of time; but as `a permanent policy this methods would create a mini- '1 _mum of -Canadian enthusiasrrr, "with i a maximum of seiisitiveness to the ' Imperial burden. On the other hand, ` if we-adopt the policy of. building a : E l `Canadian navy we shall have to start veryifar back. Thatis, we must first egrn `how to commence`_to' begin. to ciprovide places. and materials-with.` which to build a ships. If Britain I needs -effective navalthelp ver:y__soon it-3" -._..I...L1_- L, -I- J. M. D. C. M. ('l`or.) Late of Toroto General Hospital. A (mice of the late I}:-. smith. Collier st. ` V Phone OI. , ` 32-ly uh` IV LIV, & tario Land Surveyors, . etc. Established 1852. < ical" Building, S.E. ` co ._mond_ and `Bay Streets >'.l.'elephon,' Main, 1334 gtsgng 1 lei; with Sfrathy `Socitors,';?Ba4ik of '_l_'p1,-4 g in,f; ;`t.Bar ti. will = be pr: +_`:m'-Ided to.~-.:- e V Dr. J. -A. C. EVA) Surgeon, etcz, Co . County. Oice William- Street, . phone 30 a. At .' to [4 pm, Monda; DR. `W1 A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C-.P., London. Office and resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone. 77- ________,___.______, DR." ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI-I cian, Surgeon, etc.` Specialty--Eyc, ' _Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and r residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts.` (Dyment Gore.) `Phone ' I05. Box 456. DR. MORTIMER LYON 1 f Q9 '1`:-nu.-;.`L_ 1-`A " 13R. A. T. LITTLE`, late churc-13-11; Ont. Ofce and {residence John St., enear corner. Elizabeth. Phone 213. I H.'r. ARNALL, M.D.-,C.M., OCFFI-CE in Bothw.ell s block, Allandale. On thy premises at night, _ ` `\"5`4--7.30 _':N_<`>.. 53-r:o.3\v;,'m. _ 56-.-5.25 p:m. % 55:58.05" run-, _ I DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRI'S- yter, Solicitor, etc. Bank` of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. D U ISUIAU -- Eye. Fa: Nose Th:-oatj, rg.{guu 1.-.-_A A L . ` ' ' I STRATHY'v& VESTEN, BAR-RIS- fters,_. Solicitors'in High Court. of _Just1ce, Notaries Public, Convey-" aariccrs.` Ofccs over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan -at lowest current rates. H.H; Stratify, ;_,K.C., Esten 4 n it-_, , >.- ". ORESWICKE &_ ALEXANDER. Barristers, Solicitors of the Sn- v premp Court of Judicature of One` __ tario,1Proctors, Notaries; s=Convey- ancers, etc." Money. to loan. `Of- ' cc, Ross Block, Barrie. A. E. H. C feswicke, K.C.. Arthur Alexander. G. A.` RADENHURST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ~ &c. Of- cc--1st oor Bank, of Toronto `Building. Moneyfto loan at low- est ra_te., , 4 ,f:`: &-5-1.TEWART, BAR. Igztrisexig. 'Solic_itbts, Notaries` .Pgblic, {atgdg % Con1_reyancers. Money to 1 loan in -any ;s'ums.fat 5 per. cent. Ofce; `I vI3'.`O?vv`en[`stree_t;Barrie. H, D. Stew- _ art,"`L L:D., D." M. `Stewart. "`E,:19t, ~ P1ocgo6r,T N:ot`at=y,v Conveyanccf, ,e_tc.`; 'SpecraI`*attu1tion in idrawing ~ ;a,n'd probating wills, obtaining let.- A: -. t;e`1:s of administration nd..g't_la1_`dian-A ,;1Aship,;. `c'o1le'ctin -g vacco'm1't"s, tc. . Oj- : /fees,`-.. Ross block,. Bane. Money to I Oall. ' :UI;`13'5;."`;l31&*I{1RISTI-ZR. SOLICI- EENNQX, _cowAN1& BTROWNQ ' .R'av-1-`gin:-e `eI\':b;.l'IGQ} (nu v'tuI\6'a:oI|:d|4i \~'-I--9} wayc will be at .67 .every Saturda Nosc and 1 -hours 11 a.m. pointment. ? ~ hivd 'nex7v":}s}x';;{r'iV1'1V 1; added tovthe Sub 'lo;nptlon~List until the money is paid. ' Qclhnnnlknng -.4... .I_ _...--__ 1-.. LL_-- .f V, I )R. LYON,` 31 Carl- you St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N-Y.,) `Eye and .' Ear Hospital, Owen St. Barrie`, 1 --every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Thff Pnnn..1L-L3-.- n|u'aVa.1\JJl -.\.\lVV(lV `, IX V J,PJ.\V.I'VV L`, ` Barristers; Solicitors;-for obtaining probate -of wi11s,.~' ardianship and administration, am? general }So1ici- tors; Notaries, -Conveyancers, etc. ` Qieeb; Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop $_'treet,.;B_arrie.'A Money to loan at 472; andss per cent.--4 Branch oices at Creemore and Alliston. -Hauglr ton Lennox,`Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, L_'L .B. . . 535-UF1ATVRERs:T > iiuuuct -run-u_ou: - MURPH 8: ESTEN ON; Fm`A_NcIAL. T ,,-., ...,........ nu o:mcoe* and Residence: -`Street, Allandale. Tele- o Stroud Oice: 2 n, Monday to Friday. . ARTHUR ROSS 7'!`-|_E NorH:nN%A4u`yAN;%L :. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, rnrnnna 3-- 05" PHYSICIAN; uxuay. uxseases bye, Ear i Throat. Consultatxon am. to 5 p.m., and by ap- -o vi! ,9 - .2 `V0 pnnclpil JV untxl the _V_t.rathy, Solicitor, etc., -voopbvu I469! uuuu Dill! `H9110 15 Wat "Subscribe i 1 three` 4 th and over WEI ':gv<:ha!1z%drre:1!:a50(;,)rer annuxnxfn vuoul: mo. e 8: ESTEN. ON- ms, Engineers, :2. Oice, Med- corner Rieh- . 'eets, Toronto. 1336., Instruc- thy & Estgen,. Toronto Build- .promptly at- i it ` __`__ _ _...6..n., unauc U) N In term as Reeidenf ` T t * \ `ml; CO. 02.0110. gonad Birmoupham ` .. metnem of _ Cdpable of power and heating. Can ociety. . - ` i ,1 RR. beseen at the Barrie Found1'Y. Brad` P. O_.Box!~. ford Street, next to the Tannery. _-1--_-I--------'-_-_ 5 0 .. 1 /:_,'4 -`l`;AA`I`I O1NIS. '~ *`+1`L"`1-`>`t-':ar _. _ ., ' , kw _ ` V" 7"` `(TC-`.-.'.`-`V. -. . _ - - . Barrie. 1' .i'LC"l"l-I-`cl-d-H-4'-I-I"? T _.cRAlGl-I-IVJRST, oN'r. LICENSED AUCTIONEER ro`a'm_cou~Tv or gsmcoan `MA-ost reasonable terms gxven on 3 the County of Slmooe. tha Pro- \ of Ontario. Canada. every . hursday Morninc. by ` vriiuzv a. cnzw. noP`an:+6is the once. 12:'et.' |NSURA!:lCE-AGENT. . couvsvnncan, arc. FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE Private Fucis to loan on first mom gages. Correspondence solicited. Office. Bank of Toronto Building. Owen Street. Barr 0. Out. JOSEPH H. SWAN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER CONDENSED ADVERTISE}! ENTS. Condensed advertisements on I`: as wants or all kinds, lost and found, propen- tor sale or to rent, specic a.rtic}<-.-i. t1c., era, ~must be accompanied vgith th(:(`Z1.*.}1. and my be inset-t'ed-rst _1nsert1on 2 ('('ms per woni each subsequent. Insertion 1 com per 'v\'orrj gmmesmddresses and figures counted ac words; ut 9. reduction or one cent per word will by made. when the number of iuserzions ofsamo matter exceed four "I .7 - `` rs! page such :~"'~.`.'=.V",?S|0lu._II -not ticky. and p,-g`'v' ""7 bWotn 5 cw momezmj zlllllnjic; ~ ._ ' UM! TUE! DLTCCE. Double dwexling. 6 rooms ,in each, on ('lup. perton Street. Vacant lot. 301 an acre. un PeI1ct2m:.:uish(-ng Street. Apply` to F. M. .\1ONTG().\IP.I:Y. `M n......:. Dwelling 1 rooms). stable, drive }10u.'5r-..=m-rls; and nearly} of acre of_ la`? in garden 21 ml Ia.\\'ns Corner of Peel and We ngton Sfreq-I;-1_ };um_ g;!!!ll,Igi-gtrr::tI.I18, stable and shed. Large nnn1\`n Runnul-nu. l.'_......__ :_ _...---vp vasvvvun LVMA Outs for ndlertluetjneuu mun! In over cnyq be mounted on noun ulelal bun Ivntnuuw U11` DUl)BUll l'lU&Vg ' N `. par %.1nuua_:_o; _4gtv('mse " -vuuyy. Vwi`2.' `changes of Advertisements allow . _ _ ed %.;i':,'a..`:,,*::g':.;.m Aihn-.`.`.ox-...... ...:n ._-. x , . " WI fghlzllggrgdlfre required, composmon raw. Advertisers will _not be allowed to use then `P399 191' 3dVrum8 anything outside [ht-j, on V r busgness. Should thcv do so transient rates W111 be charged for `such ac. vert.mements.5 ' v. aqspncu u ruuca vertxsements. 5 fl na 1 1 1 menu gathelpuper wi be 33m (38 adv later than 12o c1ock noon on Mom _.__\_\_ otone~ rdon aboverates. `and an adm , . . 0, H0 Othg account will special posmons be ` rule yin bes_trictly carried out. `m e .Advertisora will please bear in mind um atlas of intention to chan e advertisemem, mustbe handed into the 0 cc not later um Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the Cupy tom, change muatbein THE ADVA.\'(.'P: lav m week. other-Irina Hm nAm...+:......v~ "V V, ,,__..-..--.. .....a.-4 a.;.1vn.\.1_j<,0m `, later 12 o M Ce "` week. otherwise the advertiser's Onday in "7 {H1110 {nay not-be made public until the xs-cg}? HI `. ` .-. ...... I3` ".An'VA1lOl ll proven 9*.910.ti_on of any paper image lb. 2. -. '. ` ,7. `; out! ._.A `far the largest subscpm W`. " . `iittei fact demonstrate Ifiyonhave any aave , ,, mic: mar that reaches ghegto do no ; :t0~>DO!- price. ' [ cuts are c N ,. harged ante measure: mafiifgghu - ` nurqrnzrr mvnzk-rzsnm _ _..un 1 Legal ivotioe. Auction Sales, A K . eio.-'-,F'1nt insertion 10 cents er '?i`I1]t:cmeentI -cu nentinsertlonscents per ine. ' `ch notices, 10 cents nor u_- . _ g| cents perllne for uu uuuonuauruunocanlw line,m" Ch V mag notices, cents per De ,0 9 h the same matter. .2101 iiggignt - er girithnrvl fpo3it': -yac negtleixrfe. charged 5 nu aw _ or will cnwacwr, c t/Ohituu-`V Poetry 50 Der line. T An 8-%hor;e1`:ower Boiler and 3. T3.PVZ1'.,. Engine, made by the I`- J - - 1 inch .... at .. TI-A-Ios, SNHTH MAY _ ,2`. "_--{.._. Barrie Propel-*_v For Sale. Qlkin. '35: Q mnrvolloua eecc on rough One or two applications , will :-emove. -the ltoughnesa, and_ D) ` its occnoion ' you the skin acquire! I thI i:lll00$hrlIIr add softness of I ` `I . \LG .. `is and: love! Just h-----s - --r ----W" '. Monlgnmg any cxomom A. `iio, FOR COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Address BAKRIE P. O. -vuC 3 _'i?1:i3e.lkl$onnd 25. Dfnglltfql after ghavinc. rlcoooofo` ; column i column 1 column CONTRACT |1 Mo.|3 Mo.` 27;, 19E. arrival,s ` ` ""lVIdfI'omTBa;rie are `as 19116613 :" -- .....uuuuemenz week fallen- ; allowed per position Tutu .1 L I . Bame. How shdu1tivVZa1:;1t1 a_`begin he.- `.'...'.5!! 2- LL- -,- " Ounnnuinntsiugpaporf` `re ? QANADA zmn THE NAVY '33-10.25 a.m,:_ 37-. 7-50 p.m, , _ AW) 5, I-'_cll|a""I' I VIII `4l,_"l_`U`I l-:\,__`9x _ 8.05 pm. V . -L--.Va_();-ibltlp, ` aim.-V-From `Grave.nhurs.t . . I :to Allandala Cmixhd.) -.-12.50 ,p.m..-_sFrqm North Bay . 5.15 . p]._m.-__--Frpm J IfI0r:t_hA {*6 Tordnto ._ Daily 'inc1din'g.~Sund ay'. 10.38` `mm. -.;: -No'rth- %nay% .% %-ms a..nI._ --com: Spf 6 - `3f.`so p.m. ' -'-+`No'x`-th ~fB cy`:. 6z-.oo pm.-`-From` Tprontotq 1 ` .\ W . From 53--xo_;2s ia.m. bio. 62-A-7.55 mt 13" 3-35 Dim` '49"'1-7-"P-m- 57- 8.00 p.m. 56-.-s.5_ . _p.m. Tmus o1rVsuns'on1P'rx6N,` p. l._._._.._ Hamiltop. n. --iCba'l`t %-.:r::o2%;__e9;i: F1`-`om - "2: >-7.s5 iun. 36+-5.25 p-m. From ` ,, ~-~~-v ---v-v--.---ny "\vl>] SIVV -(ll "we -will probably be chaffering. with _ `our inevitable middlemen" over the `price of alshipyard when `tl1_C'.;C3-11;. comes for Dreadnoughts. _ . "'The question is really whetherfwe ' `should look to the immediate or to the distant future. -`If Britain s--pe_r-i1 ` V is imminent, we can hardly askviher to wait untilwe learn" the vdiicult` `A and intricate business of building, battleships. If she, has no immediate V (_ianger--if her only `anxiety is the distant future when possibly the" . wealthy and populous: `German}.p'eo`-. may be able to out-_build her--`x " yien obviously the best thing` we can i ` "do is to =>cstabli,8h a `navy building `` L. a branch of the, Empire here, and be i W able to pit our"7new shipyardsagainst .4` .1 theadditional shipyards of the -Ger,-` ~ V. mans-or whomsoevei-.may `be 4th.efr" "'(lreaded'power at that time. 7 - , _.._._ `j `-vu-va Iawvo In Great; Britain, upon the publica- tion of a report such as that of the New Brunswick A Central `Railway Commission _public opinion would have compelled the immediate retire-. "ment of the Minister concerned.` . Here the Government and its organs iiicpinsider that virulent, but ineffect- ual, abuse of the commissioners is a "su'1cie'nt' answer to ,the charges. ` They do not even promise an .investi- i gation. !While clinging `Q` degener-T n ate and unworthy. methods ofadmih . istration, the Government has made- ll -no" advance in policy. Rather; it has - souht to repair its tattered policies of the past, `for Aeaxnxple. by taking `power to borrow money.,forthe pur- 'p6ls_e-~.1of._`.loaningA. it to the. Grand Trunke_1_ a'ci-_c. Ajyd in the` -speech` mm the "~th'rone it igravely congratu# latesthe, countryupon being grac- iously permitted to enJ'o_v' jthe privil-._ ego of A "')na_l:it_Ig_"f7 that.`-l_oan_'. , p 3 .. ; . , 7 'Thve.Lau_rier-Government has been upon the defensive throughout the _ session 'just'closed. ' Its policy of re- fusing investigation, and defying public Opinion, has been not` only maintained, but carried to a more ex- , treme limit fhangever ~.befor{e.< The . `house-cleaning demanded by im- ." portant Liberal journals immediately after :the gen;ral[elect\ions has not: Leven been comimenciedi No river of _ investigation `has been `poured , through the Augean stables. The ` Cassels 'Commission,made only a 1 limited enquiry into one department, [but the Government` refused'the'mo- .tion to extend that enquiry to other `great spending departn1en_ts, I of which one, at least',is in a worseAcon- dition '.than"was ever the Department ` of Marinev and.Fisherie's.. 'Investiga- 1 tion was refused into the St. John `.4 harbor; dredging iscandal's;. and the 1 Government boldly announced that ' noattempt would be made to` r`ecov-` er the $35,000 paid out ofgthe public ` treasury through the _contractor as < toll for the political inuence which 4 got him the contract. ' - ` T (`WA ` _ .7 1 V h It is as much.a .du-estio,n_ of_ the date of the threatened danger which our Ministers` will discuss with the Imperial Government] next summer as any other, if the Imperial",-ex perts are of the opinion that Canae da s `contribution, e"e`ctive,. , mltstgbe -ready in four` or ve vyeaV]ris," .then. our Ministers ought to be a__~ ` = `position -to propose that _British_ Shipia , I 5'_,ardsWbe_,plac`ed at our}"_ifei jnitiationl` of. our. 4naiv'y. *Wfe;..-ca_-n, ; =sa.i1d' ' wh`at' i` ;w`anted"at the` "-l__)e_fte_n'_e '_C9nfete_nce, ` wl1ich"is tolbe, held this` s__uWmtner,A is `sh`n]d tell "ouif `Ministers justwhat` is" necessa'lTY;l -and `oiir Ministers.` shoiild ` tell t`heBr1itish Ministers just Iwhre theirydiicultieg lie. {Of qpe thing we are certain;, and th`at`.is.._that if , `Britain needs: help atoiice, it will be ing t.o far at least -as `a certain -corrupt p,Qlitic_ian, who asked im1$at- _iently--`What is.,the Constitutio1'1:be- :stand so" rmly on he letter of the Constitution has to imperil its chief Jiprinciple and pui-po"se-the \ mainten- I......_ -1-' - P` plaindspeakiiig. `The British j`-'1 Iini`Sters.. forthcoming; `Our people"-will be`will- - ;_tW.11 fxfiends? {Certainly we will_'i1ot . 5%.319.A1'?9!;iFW!3".?Z9::.`3"FWi53`* :1???" ' .; Zfgin our st`aBlisV1ihieiii'[b3-`;biiy- V ; img wag fcmiisiersi in.i_e:Brita1in""'i%f_` in; 1 was or _' `as ! _ij3bIii'7xiiakei ch an. L fat. -in,ters i -;eo,ur_ _pa'rt_}1esirale. VW'oej c"a nnotL pre- Itend that-itiie pi-eseg-va_tio`u'_o,fv our ane- i `tcnomy~is*-:se;riusIy `involved in.` the `?dec_ision asiefto-w11ieh.e:kact place un_- ' yet the British fag .th..i'.f1_fSAt'-C8-!~18dia' Jaatflships ` `are ` tq "be . built. Govern- fmentfc.ont1:atars `A will be more 'co_`n- . % fcernedf` in such `a .subjec_t., than Con- `;`stitutionalists.,_All the nations of the jwo1?,battleshipsv in Great B1-it~ Iain without losing their riational`in-' idependence. ~" " A A I `:sFifI1*3n5l. : Movies ' ;~%:n:o ski most :ch;`rishd gain" with it. -7mth. chis"at -in" view- 'and with` `the iintentvion Vtokeep our . L . In can -nan- .: __ vconstituticmal .-autonomy intact, T there _,_ ..--... .....3.nq-->\.(sII\.. '- JHAIHLCIP -of.a free" and ixfdependent. Can- I on DI`FENS;IVbE. thouikioohoil 2'%hnd='?'Mrs`.-Jaquiih left-in`1Ifnedia_t- A1 afterwards for the -`coast; a._ndL will. ,.t'-he; i `Si:a;tt_l'e Eitpositioni _~ ibeforc =rturxjia zg.v---in Lthe "aufjiiA1h. v*`L`They*nVvil1L. ;'~s.e_te-`:2 fir '= 0rillia,? ivhe ra"`r *`M r-. };Iaqij:_ith: ' jugs Iahgme, ;` . ~ .~- ~ a ( I '..s..-4. _.- ` _..._.`_ ........;, uI.r`arK(Jale,' to Mr, George S. F,-,`J_aqu'ith was quietly. solemnized -at `St, '.'_.'Pa(u_l s~ Church, Tordhto, on Thursday, May 2oth._ The cemony 'w;T:'.s performed by -Canon Cody at - half-_past'_`v`thtee _o*clock, only the im- A jmjedia't`e* fgiilies- being present. Mrs. ;?I.`hG.~:Ryan,'-._of Chicago, sister of the ._bride;.v?wa'8jI}1atrbn bf-J honor. `Mlrs. V ,B;eldin`,`-wQ're~ he: traveling d'r'ess" of~ znavy 11 `Safe :-`g`_e; with ` `goat fto match; f`lf:`I':I"5_-h'h_`t""W8";i3nf:, strgw, 7 -the `crdwn fgit_I'gi jmaas,,ed?:*- `Wfth: -lilacs` =of `-5 the : sujte ` ~hs;aa:deh:a_na-gfgmain `pink *rbs*es; h * <;?a r-_. .rtnd*@'wet ""P..'a`s'.:- M`J'.9` "Rya`n' st dress` 7 ihdvhishanipiznch `mien-hie. `With w:h,ihh ~ 1-iunvla 64 , .'..:.A.-.~.s.~- L _ . . - ..._ - uuu uiupircu. .' Y ~,Capt. Lyon has .a ne new launch d in the Dorothy. She was built at `Hamilton and is as trim'and trig as` ..a water lily, Cap. does not say` much about her speed, but the local! yachtsmen will probably ndthis outl later. -Her stern IS the torpedo boat ' of .the new artesian well on Wednes-, - day afternoon of last week, the pipe ` While-the men were -engaged _ in` became disjointed about__23 feet from I thevtop under the heavy strain, sus- a pending further operations for the ` present... Two remedies remained: r \ .Eith" r to send to Pittsburg for ma- . chinery toraise the" iron from the bottom. or to resort to nitro-gIycer- . inc -to ':shatter`tl_1e pipe at the. level of the ow. I A _s_pecia_l meeting- of thel Board was -`c'alle,d and decided to drive another well; This. does not ` mean t_l1at`.the. rst well will be',.alto- ` gether abandoned, ;.but. it 4 was `felt that it would be too .expensive ; to keep the contractor's plant idle Awaiting the arrival othelnecessary outt; '~At_ some later date the other well may he proceeded wit,h,,and an y.extra`t.ou_rc'e [of water" supply obtain- ITh`e~"gang are~n0w"m'akin good progress .9511` the new drive_ at lien is "about 20"-ijeet digstant 'fro'_`m the rst. "rm.-:-a..-;.;-._:-_-. - -v v -_ -..- -- _ H.-. uaosaul. uuxu ttne urst. . '1,'he"ma}'ri.ageVof Jessie; widow _,of the late, Charles 'W. Belding, of Tat- :omb,`a'nd daughter. of thg `late `R0.-L brt, (Burbs, of..Barrie , and of Mrs.` Bums, `of. Ppi-kdalg," to IM13 Georg} Ta` fIII;Df`ll ar:'nov|-:n- I u. ;vJ1lBD Luan- er, of Brampton,WI\'/Ifr..7a:nd Mrs; Joh Somerville and son, of Midland, and -Mr. and Mrs.` J.. H. Hunter and son, of Winnipeg, are visitors at .Mr. J. Ne'ela.nd's . ` - T The vCe_ntrals defeated the -Carriage Works on` Wednesday evening, May 19th, in the first league baseball game ofvbthe season by the close score of 4 to"`.3. It was a rather'ra.w exhibi- tion, both teams being decidedly out I 5 of condition. ,=Battei-ies :' Lett and-` Scott; -Meeking, Ferguson and `John- ston. W'aE._ Todd umpir_ed.. . V ' ,{`nl- I 1:... L-- " Wm. Robertsdn of, T01_'Onto_ha\ve been spending a few dais with ,the lat.ter s. parents on Bayeld Street. M'r.,.and Mrs. B. Huneer and `children ?and Mrs. E. G. vHunter` arid among"the holiday visitors here. `Miss Car1,'ie Scott, who has com- pleted her course at the" training] scho`ol for nurses` at St-.*]ohn s Hos-[ pital, Bro_okl_yn,_ is home fer vaca-I tio-n. ` ' ` ' ,'Mrs. J.VH. Peaker and Miss Peak- Master Harry of Newmarket. were! er, Brampton, M'r..and John son, H.-Ne.`evla.nd's `PIN I Thompson "of Ottawa `is stay- 'ing with her sister, `Mrs. W. R. King, .-...,... -pvunllle sun. VVCCl\o To":-onito Street.s_ .o - 1 Mrs. .Russell and children- and Miss, `Florence Lowe of Toronto were holi-u `found sum. day vxsztors-Sat Mir. Thos. Lowe s,:'. Charlotte `Street. V H - ' . ' Mrs. Palk and Miss Macs` Mlurchy oe Toronto have been stay- ing with V'rs. R. A. Stephens for a `few days. V - `Mr- B. Lawrence .sold his pair of Shetland ponies last week to Dr.' `Hutchinson 'of' Brampton for .a good - -_ V- ~vuaI\u\lt|V DJ IJII J: Mrs. J. K. Fars3I.t~h of_T_ox-onto vis-! lited her SiS`tFy- 1\/ITrs.,'Willmot, for a few days during th_e`week. il :__ TL A U.:o{ '. Elmvale has Qpen.ed Vafweekly rrtar-5 I 7%` Miss` Glads Dougall was in Ham`-u ilton for the"week-end. " `Mrs.j|C.T H. Bosanko. left onoThurs;_g I defy to" visit in `New York. Miss -Bgssie Stevenson -arrived home from Vancouver on Thursday. Mr: T V 'D,...'..:-u. r _r '1` - ' ' BANK OEEORQNTO Ass;=;Tsf,$4d,ooo;ooo I Baukingservicel ` `OI Inll Blllk nmu gives Ia1n1.e!1dcn6o?;. that our. enammers we rece1vegsatdstactory banking .ne4rVvioo.- , v. % _ Yonraocountisinvied. ,' ~* 1. {A , compargtryiytj c%- 11; iwm b `i v I .~.d.; t 11; umncr ..ot.tne north. , _, One of the increases `wiIfTbeAin_th`e ;Temagami. ;res _:erve,f:'where` `H6 .men 'will_ be ~em'p1oyed_ 1in'place of 6o(to 70 last year. . ` order`; ,to keep ajn vcios-V `er :tou,,ch. with = thee m'eni.thi: two dist -' I-ricts have been divided intg-';fdur.eThe -large force hag. .been~ rendm;_efd'_ iieceais: the. e~eI.t5=;3:ite";amOt1s T s`ernin3hs emenr W;5thvi*** V " ' .- `},5~ . f 1'- ._'~A v or]:-nnn.`u.c.s... sax ' ``-`' 4"` [11, J; rnecehan ms...- e_veLr; in); td. timber .,of-_the"no1'thV. . f .,._i sthmboai Alene; _ I . Sumqxer sailings now Using` booked. ~ Re'resent8i-`Bea; En lislra `American and . anadian Fire'~,Cn. s. xcelsior Life. London `,GuarantQ hnd"'Accldent, New York Plate Glass Co. Mr.` rson wm am he {quid at the _otnce_-o an 31`. nnnmp. `s-17 _. -`.`'"..'*""'-` =lar!vVoIIu5|cn..!Ion~q3uu"agi`o:'oi`ndo = * gm: you n_Ioununno- -rgurqnc-r Aiulil-`-v&`(`:P.R. _Aun-0'": IvR.L -`nu -tun-. . .~.- . ,Pu-._.A..Tcr-non. . ll din-' mg `. ..;...'.._--- .'-_-' Tgunm sLtmranacans`[ ` L..J.`. l_-_ __,,u * %..4 :&..;;.:;"";:.;;% -M n.-%* V-v;u'-"7" an- s:. u'a JIM M! , %:um.#u 2: ` ---_n non seams` [ IxcUg_s1oN"s% A. F. A. MALCOMSON, .\LVl..A|}l um-: AND C.`P. . s CoTT*s \ _ Bookstore Will 52 p/{eased to show A you samples. Spatial V a'lues"at 5_c,..lOc, . 154: {And 25 perVroll,'._% 4" % ` Borders same: price . % Designs in . the