Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 22 Apr 1909, p. 5

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The United States Government has `lost $6,000,000 on Paris `gowns smug - gled into the country in the last ten years. Ina, n,,1._,_9_ 1.----- -..._ .1........a-1.... idlly. xxuuun 143 he will not ee, J was :4- The Su1tan s troops are deserting in large numbers to the -Macedbnian larmy. Abdul Hamid himself declares LA nv:`I o|I\` nan HATS ! goooooooo oooooooo ` Christy's! ' V Cekbrated ` ENGLISH HATS THE CASH AND ONE PRICE DRY GOODS PEOPLE. % `nu: MARKETS Prices Ruling in the Barrie and Tor-_ 1 onto Markets During the Week. BARRIE. APRIL 221:1). 1909. 1 1n 1 12 % t We are clezmng manyijlines of Ladies and Men's Boots and S ' es, at very special pr1ic_es. Come in and `seevhow much {ave can s e you. UHJIBKJDE, D61` 10.... . . . . .. Tallow. per lb...... ..... .. WoolI icks.................. Horse Hides ............. .. Horse Wool,washed .... Wool, unwashed.......... Shae skids .. . , . . . . . . . . .. Map e Syrup. per ga1.... .. V Tonor Wheat. full... ....... .. A n onnnn 1'65! . . . . . . . . . . . .. Buckwheat Hay, Timot.hy..... Straw bundled. . .. nnonn I-'1!-Q nnxf vv H681. Iuu... do goose... Oat.s.......... Barley .. Rye Pant... Live Stock Markets. West Toronto, Mbnday. There was an abundance of cattle to-`day at the Union Stock Yards. The run of 54 cars included 1,196 cat- - tle, 33 sheep, I8 hogs and 51 calves. Everything passed off the market be- fore the morning was over, but trade was rather slow. Prices for butch- ers cattle, on the whole, were a lit- tle lower, due to the quantity of beef at hand and the small export busi4 ness that is being done. I ,,,,,I-; --V-rv -----u ... -yv.-- _..__-- A few ne exporters were bought to-day for $5,65 and $5.70, but the general impression amongst the deal- ers is that the local prices are still too high to make shipping protable. Notwithstanding the easier quota- tions for butchers, one of the best consignments of cattle on the market to-day was bought at $5.50 for but- cher'use, showing that the real ex- port trade is being conned to our own markets. Calves are being quot- ed $I lower, while export sheep, bucks and culls, are 25c higher. Quotations on Monday were :- Export Cattle, choice . . . . . ..$ 5 40. .5 5 85 do medium . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 10.. 5 3: : do cows and bulls . . . . . . . . 4 00. . 4 40 Butcher L`alule,picl~;ed. .$ 4 85 . 5 `25 do good loads . . . . . . .. 4 75. 5 10 do medium. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 25.. 4 60 do common . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75.. 4 550 Butcher cows. choice . . . . . . . -1 25 . 4 60 do medium . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 50. 4 60 do common . . . . . . . . . ... 2 75 . 3 25 ~fl*urcherbul`m.. 350.. 435 Heavy feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 25.. 4 75 Smckers.choic-c. .. . . . . . .. 3 60.. 4 25 .1- 1: _n.. 2 `)5 R 50 ' -4--gn-av, F-.-...- - . . . . do c0lD(z'u)'3 . . . . . . Spnng l-nuns. each I [Inga . . . . . . . . . . . . I klvlrvnt I J. V-rlI\u-.v - do liuhc . . . . . . (iannervs . . . ... Milken.-. choice 1,, LILl|nUl c, vuv---v - - - do con`. and med. Sprinpens.......... ()u.`1ves Sueep, export ewes. . `in I-\n.`_`u urn` fn"` 01160.). rayvnu \.yvv V.-.-4 do bucks and cuii Lambs, gzain-fa? . . I .1- ..,_.-__._ K A Narrow Escape. When Mr. Ilartmzxxa returned an hom- later than usua!. Mrs. Hartman asked him the reason, and his good natured face was solemn as he answered her. ``I but had one nar1'(m.' escape from drowning, Kz1t<-hen. he said. ~,__. ;|-_.a. L.\nr\nr\')" ncfra hie _ 3% Yd- NOttingham_ Lace` Curtains, good w1dths,cho1ce.range of patterns. Sold by J. C. Irwin at '1..25`Eir. Out; sale price per 0 'Jl'UWuIl.135, .L\l.l L\ u\.1Lo Lu. um-uu How was that happen?" asked his wife as she helped him unwind the knitted` scarf from his neck. Tell to me it at once. Hans." It was at the fer'.'_v that I came late," said Mr. I-Izlrttnan, from `the blocked cars. and the boat she was just starting. A man he mliod me out, `Joomp, jcozhpf.` and for one mo- ment I thought to m::'.;o as he said. But I reminded 1n_vsc1f to he c:m si<.us and wait, and in one minute umrv. Katchen, came :1 great patch cf wzltcr showing! Then I tock hols of the [)<.. whereby I stood and said to :::,vs.-H . `Hans, `you W011:-the wise man that `you joomped not at tirst \'.`l.'u.u that man advised. Cracked Furniture. Ugly marks caused by :=:v2i`.s or cracked places in furniture are L-xs'.2,; filled in with beeswax. and the m:-zrk is never detected. In fact. this is lm\\' furniture dealers cover Sll(.'ll b;um_i.-~.!z<+--,. I First slightly soften the lc.'\\':n.~; until .it is like putty. then px'ess t"2r.uI_': lam) the cracks and smooth on-:`.i_\' with a thin knife. Samdpaper me!` the surrounding wand and xvu.-rk line <`:l.~'t into the beeswax; This ','l s'Ps :'. \`.'c`.-nl nish or'color', and when '.- u- !".'.z'.'i mu- is varnished you will look in vain fur the blemishes. It is better tlzaaxz ;.~n:t,x-'. .-since putty soon dries. trunihlc-.; an} falls out, while beeswax will 2-mnnln tqrever just where it is war.-e-;1. `Anna 5' t - . { The sexton s reply .cau~.o pr-oxmur;-*. L Well, sir. I don't know; but.` zmyhow, better` pray for them. for .tho;.'re a Dreclous bad lo_t! *-I.ondon Stzaz`.-dtl:'d.i=` . Thug Needed Prayers. A member of parliammzt as-2'4 :1 ;.:n:~r1` story of an out of the '.'-.'::_\i <-c-mmxv clergyman who did not hoop u=_.wto date" in what wasi goim: on in the world. One Sunday he n.<.:!-ted `.`)i;< smi- ton: `fls the prayer for p:'lin.:12om to .be',l'1sed,today? Is pm-lianwnt still sit- 4_n_,. _. an- -IULC Tonoxrb. APn1L2o'rH. mucous SUTCI-I ~` SPECIAL-the kind'we 56113 great man s`of in our. Lindsay and Oshawa stores. u ht rig , 7 the Old Coun-` try by our buyer. . T " patterns, free from d U _-1 510 460 420 460 460 a F)? to Q {,0 iaer pair. only... pair, . mm on. Paints M me new swat Prices - 12.50 andI4.00 Suit ABOUT%BOOTS AND $HOES, __-__._J- , .(2v5' ai: V 0131'? .8316 T price W. . . . . . ...'. . . . . . . . w0MEN.'S1.SPRING surrs. Mr. E. C. Hill. UW ARRIE ing was at itg height promxnent ofhcer of was President _of the nearly two years.. " 7"" 1- .1... -.'.-1 nearly two yCax'a.. V . Mr. Hill is the active party in the formation and so anization of the when it becomes at oin`g concern. Mr. Hill married a eingston lady,| I secretary-treasurer of the ~ congpany and has a family of two boys. Mlany of those who had _the pleasure. of meeting him in Barrie have express- ed the wish `.and hope thag he will bring `his family here-to.res1de_. Mr. Hill expresses his opinion _st:`ongly that the company will ede- that in `the , new` agreerhent the.To wnA of `Barrie has g . safe and sure, invest-. I men: ; W'hiQh,,:jll:l bring` great" retiirns`. ' IJIUIID` ' 9 I produc liq-uanfl its height, Mr. Hmwas a _o`1cet; pf the jC.W.A., an A -......'-.4-`inn `run 7/ PARSIFAL. zer ox me ;L..yv.5g., ...... the Assocxatnon for . Black Itali A '1 Men s~sprin weight Overcoots, in Black. Che 0t and Vicuna Cloth, lined, silk_ facings, full length of Eoat, self collars, a coat that will t erfectly and wear real well. Two likes to choose from at special prices . $10 agnam ..Tht` 1l`>0Vc photogravure is that of` I`-wunl C. Hill, a Toronto gentle: `minll who has lately cor'ne prominent- ly bcfote the citizens of` Barrie in _conncct1on with the proposed locat-it lfng here of a large industryto mam:-_' Z1C_t:.1re producer gas and `gasoline `HI1tS,ctc. V ` Q `_M_r. l_lill was born in Brltol, Elig- MEN'S spnly OVERCOATS A number of immigrants "arrived? 111 Toronto from Britam. b;rv:;:_'-I"c>ronto, was ! struck by lightning and slightly dam-I aged. ! -.- ---.. It is expected that Mr. Fielding; will `have a small surplus to announce in his forthcoming budget. T -I 11` IV 'r\o I . ' I --- -... -------v----.-.. --~u~-- u ~1V-f-rs. George E:ller of Pilkingtorig wandered away from home and was found drowned in '3. creek. MA,.....1-. ....- 1.....-I__-.1 -...._.. _c A.:.. '. Nearly two_ hundred cases of tin-I gned m1eat,from Chicago were seized{ land destroyed by the food inspector} at M`ontrea_l. ' | At least a thousand persons have been killed in the ghts between Moslems and Armenians at Adana, in Asia Winor. I Geor e B. McKinn0n' of Moore: town, nt.', was shot and killed in a saloon at St. Clair, M'ich., by -Capt. `Ralph Pringle. ` I 1 , . XT` ! ----r-- - -___c--. x A lot of damage -was done at Nia- gara-on-the-Lake and the lower! reaches of the Niagara River by ice] Sand high water. A , . ` \a ' Thomas Simpson ls under `arrest at! Hamilton for stabbing Ross Wallace! in` a quarrel about Simpson s wife.' Wallace may die. 1 . {VI , Yea 1 M.r., Asq1`1-iJth, speaking at Glasgow, n-navy --- -- V. said he was in fav_ore of a conference between` thecolomes and the mother country on naval matters. 1-rs `ID ,_1_ 11:11 -_|_-_;__1 ._1__! ;"1`;/In-V.-"F.E).: 1.\-'fwc;x;k,'M.'P:,- `Accepted mei Conserfvative '1ead'rship. for Quebec! at a banquet given` him` by the La-% ftvmtaine Club of_Mlontrea1. " I -any v-v.- '. _....--_ James A. Patten and his followers, of Chicago, have made a-- prot of inearly ve million dollars as a, result of the rise in the price of wheat. ~Mr. and Mrs. 8. Robbins `and J. M. Taylor of Gananoque were drowned by.theA upsetting of their- ski near oClayton, N.Y; -`Mr. John McPherson of Glace Bay was drown- ed__at North Sydney; N.S. - -- ` . A ..._-.._L .1..- 4 `.The.p.o s_s__es.s`iox1 of _i_ndefcnt. pictLures ._w:llf b'e made.-ga_ ;cr411(;na!L offence. . wF`i`1`ref"<;;;1-1e`1:J;;<?~ p;;;nt members of the Finance `Committee of Maput- real?-City Council were disqualied {of two years for voting nioney to v.__- cl... aunni-lane n` rplhfivpc O; .10! TWO years lur Vuuug uu.u_:c_y Lu pay the expenses` of `relatives of Mayor Payette and Assistant Clerk 1Bauset ontheir trip to Paris. % IIPILIIJ t (Q1453, \loI5uo_ . . ._ The P_resbyt'erian- church_es'..of__ To-,_ ronto raised $116,900` for rmssxons. l% '1`UESI >AY, :APRIL mil. 7 V Four; cattlgemeu were lynchd bv at _n;(_)_ "at Ada. Okla. ` I i u `-I-----L--' Q`: rm. hse `1_': dl1:_'CAiO!1".by`-. ` t!e_, 1 D1`v1siqx_g T ., . `u . - MONDAY, APRIL Igth. - o companies 111 ';V"`F ._.-I 3 nawial interest. `ha?! 25 years b.u53I_9- d `a .1vew:jy .vaVl_. DAY av DAY. Continued from Page 3. THE Axs :oRm;ERNi Anvmvcs to SKIRTS; T5 for Women and Misses is h ' thesefatmous makes. ' The ` of these garments. 1 The nd Ladies Cl_oths.; We onithese garments, which nge is e des Panam_"a.,~'" Voiles. Ve ive you the advanpefe of our purchase` means a big saY_jn for you. Q"g;)d qnality Print V\/rappers. 'fast colors, made with tted - . ' -' I d wa' t linings and deep -ounce, 31} S1265 34 $0 42- 80 gagiings Navy, Red, Black and Whnte. Each. . . . . . . . . . r bMEN's WRAPPERS $1.25. E Mary Smith died as the result of [ljnjuries received. at the hands of a [miner at Cobalt. The Lady Grey has arrived at: Montreal and reports the river free} of ice to the sea. ` 'It is expected that a strike of the! sailors on the great lakes will be ord-~ ered this morning. ' % -_ United States Department of Ag-E nculture ofcxals inspected the 011-; tario Veterinary College. ! Ten _freight cars were thrown qffg the ranlway track near Port |Cred1t, [the damage totalling $1,000. ` It is proposed at Washington to` ;break the Patten wheat corner. by ad- {mitting Canadian grain free for af itime. 1 The trial of Capt. Peter Hains,l who is accused of murdering E.| Annis, began at Flushing, L.I., yes-l terday. . ' - { 1 Two hundred lady teavchcrs arrived} `at Guelph,to- take a three `months : -course -in the Ontario Agricultural` i College, T . T I ! An unconrmed report has reachedg `!St. Petersburg of the massacre of 2,000 persons by Turcoman tribes-I `men at A_strabad. ' [' Points on which railway men and ' shippers cannot agree as to a uniformv bill of lading` will be decided by the Railway Commissioners. l l Macedonian troops are pressingl closely about Constantinople; The _'Sultan is reported to have ed. The `Young Turks threaten to hang him {in front of his palace. 3 I John Nevills was committed `for: trial at Hamilton on thehcharge of` shooting Constable Smith with 131-} tent. Smith swore the prisoner was. the man who -shot him. . 1 I 1 . I James Johnston's allegation at the ' Fort Frances lumber inquiry that all lumber` companies robbed the Gov- ernment by making false returns of stumpage will be investigated. by Hon. Frvank Cochrane.. The House of Commons, spent} most of the day on .'Mr._ Conmee s Ontario & Michigan power bill. Sir `Wilfrid Laurier `condemned the mea- sure as opposed to P1-o\`rincial..p:)licy, and moved that the committee r.-se land report. _ _- . _ This j w`k'5 i`t" "WS' isjparticula$x`-13f` 311$;-estixg Sui %'V,;o%vilie[s numfevyrous sijvings pa that any 530 ``4ldT P%l"%V5d_g We especially %c'j:}|Il your pttentionk two, the many new lines. t have not heretofofe begnf found t this store. It will pay you to rnd our` gdvrtise$6t's. Seven` hundred. settlers left'Tdron- to_ 9: the west: ` % ` A `The `lifeboat Istastioni and the lifc-| boat at VVard s `Is1and,. Toronta, were ;1es,t;oy.edby re. _ - , _ _ __ _ . | vjT"1`hqf: } iifa!ft plans Lf`orVth_ t1e.\_v'xfC ent- l i.;ra1e;=Pr1s?_n;jhaye 2 been submntted * to] overnme-kt WEDNESDAY, APRIL my Plain Oil Opaoue Window Shades, 3x6 feet, mounted on. good rollers, "Colors, Cream, White and Green. This is a gcnuineoil shade so do not 'confuse it with ordinary water colors. Regular price 40: each. -omplete for only.. INDOW SHADES EXTRAOR Lace and Insertion trimmed genuine` Oil Opaque Window Shades, Creain. White, Green. Won t fade, crack or curl and the greatest 5 0 value to 'be found anywhere. Complete each u _st seasonabie and desirable ' ` nstmock that effect. buttons and satin trimmin'g,_colOrs of Browh, New These are a-martqfa_CtUfT 5 0Vf make Athet we .purch:asedA at tnueh under reguar value._ " Every s`u1-t was made during the past `three weeks and m the very latest styles and perfect gar M ments in* every way.` SLASHED COATS." long style, gored skirts trimmed in drapery- r _ y, Green, and Black.- We are rushmg these {garments out at Low * t EXTRAORDINARY ` T. Eaton `Comapny. ,_,_r -7` . Thenleuncivgrant to the Algoma Central & Hudson's Bay Railway is ;thrown open for settlement. ! Samples of reported nds of coal` ion the north shore` of Lake Superior` have been examined by Government] , experts and found to be of little va1-i i\/Ir-. Stanley of The Fernie Ledge! uwas ned $100 for criticizing a Brit- Eish Columbia Judge. I Willard` S. Kirkby was killed at I. _..-1---... `_-.._-. } Kirkby gBrockvi1le by a blow from a` stick, iwith which he was trying to change :a belt. u an as o v\ . -rs Mr. P. J. G. Dugit, Deputy Regis- trar of Oxford` county, committed !suicide at Woodstock by stabbing ihimself. ! gMr. Fielding in his budget speech jannounced a surplus of a million and {a half, and no tariff changes. The [concessions enjoyed by the sugar re- iners will be extended for a term. , A evere earthquake followed an` erupfzlon of the Colima volcano in .Mex1co yesterday. 1 _ .,-,1 9,- 1-1-- I Id-v\..a\n\yv.; J\.u.~n\-u-J- i -_Fiv_e sailors were drowned in Lake Mhch1gan when the steamer Eber ;Ward struck an ice oe and sank, Hill Eng- mI~......\ ..n |-:_ --,--I_ 1:-..` A... An.-`.

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