usxc BAY 1>o:ng'r.W C_'_C)L_WELL. ANGUS. . :'spe nt1 :. 5.1) ~ .- spent f;`Pcp- last `If- UVY her I 1?s,W=#!t 5 ` . " I `TGa:_.1`1.e3Vr' Of ` sp::it;;1;,Cih.r,fstnjxas in colwen, while Mr. and .M3rs ._ Geo. ' Peacock went to ' f0_r_ ' the- day; J: in _ A ~15 "-r-r _-~- ~.'-,.-: `.-vi - 'F~;:;Mh'a `Va:id?M;;","A. `B, *Hughsor'1` and =Mis Et1icl: M`3frs'halI_ df~Bar1 *ie spent `a".few days; recently with `Mr; A. -Hughsgrn `oti .th3'e Itown ling: ;;iIEiven ifCou1son was {he guest of MISS L:`.Me1frick last we_ek. c_.._. >. _~_V _ 2 ---_---v-- --_u vv an--o " vsaulgers `arid. fa mi1y have Ljohn , Pet`ers. italceii- the` house late1y vacated by nu a - ... %' rgev; Jas; -Currienof` Leith, a form- er. Baptist " pastor here, visited friends `_Iast`week_.- _ _ . '1;f1mas TA.nc_1ei'son ist able `to r be.u_p w_alki'ng arpund: again, but his leg is sttllgverystiff. . ~ ` cur _ ` rnted a house] from M`a'. Neil Bell, and intends movng his family from Orillia this we: . , g - " _ social vening arid spper given. by ;the members cof the. Bapt- 'ist Church East Tuesday evening was w_ll attended. A short program was much. enjoyed. -' ljowej spentltthe. wAeek-end with Alliston friends. Mr."Ashmore of- .Woodstock is visiting" old friends here. l.';i\}r Stock .h%;l j"rkcts; Mis' -Bertha` Aadism is visiting at E1_gpv_._ale. _ van<.i_'-Mrs. Clark visifed friends `at .'Sha'my Bay last week. 5:51:55; T;;,;,;.m is` visit- 'mg hls uncle, Mr. T. Stokes. ' V - V - I _Miss Jessie`Murra.y is spending the -1__1oliday season `with friends at Aven- mg. - O i 1&0`-'. run a an . 4 _ K/-Iiss Edith "Tracy of Peterborough is spending the. holidays at her home here. _ ` ; hr. -and _Br6oi< and Master Kenneth are visiting at Batteau. I and Mrs. Corneil of Toronto spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Teas- da`?- i` ' . I Misses Campbell of Brank- some Hall, Toronto, are home for the holidays. T eMisses Maud and can Livingston of Toronto spent mas "at their home here. _.Miss Ida Kerf_oot has _return_ed home afjter spendmg. some _t:me wnth friends In Toronfo, I V..- _r_V-`_, arid :_M`i's_s `arc? iI:'-'t'* `fends 1n____: _-VS_1`1:t1Vc{AI.`e`rl*a,nd. \ I W'are very pleased to see the smzlmg face of Walter Addison in our .m;dst once more." " _ I I `Messrs. Kerfoot and W. Young land ~M isses `E. Kerfoot, C. Bremner `and ..B.-Young of the B.C.I-- are holi- (laying at` their respective homes ere. . v -ggmong the holiday visitors -in the yilfhgg were: ,Me`ssrs.,A. F, A. Mal- `or_n`son,"v `R4. Mal<;o;nson,. Norman VSIoa;11_,-and; Clagicysloan of -Barrie; ' LC1aT:'_-,n_c"e; Sioanj. df _-'Cren'_10re,. -and A cert held in the_ Methodist -Chprch on M'o__nday- evening was a decided success. The proceeds amounted to g `Sunday School tea and {con- !about $45 0 I - __-_ _-_v--.J u--vu-n vivv `IQJIIO - I ;. After the ordinary business of the [meeting had been transacted, the of- eets for the ensuing xear were el- ected as follows: '- President--Mr. _R. J.` Hill; Vice Pres.-E. T.. `&M cConk,ey; 2n_d .. Vice Pres.--Frank `Ross; 3rd Vice Pres.-.-D. W. Len- lnox; Sec.-Wilson Black; Asst. Sec- ` +-W~ B. Sloan; Treas.--F. Beatty. mu, 4 - - - M - = i-.,-%g11:;}77`Mixxei;_ is` _ ' I CHURCHILL. " _ The annual meeting of Innisl Branch Libe'\ral4Conservative Asso- ciation was held in the Orange H'all here on Wednesday,` 23rd inst. There was a large and enthusiastic membership, representatives being present from all parts of the Town- ship. Mr, Jamieson, President of the Association, called the meeting to order shortly after two p.m. A I. _ .1 I! `rm: MARKETS iifr. S. Reynolds spent the holida lat" his horp_ in Huntsville. " '1'_'oro:}to l is visiting her`fr1end,' M1ss W111-5 son. . ' A . ` V 7o. 1\V/tr: and Miss Wright of Beton `Lszgnt a. couple of days with. Miss M. 1 Igment: I 4 f'VI:IV1feWv1;;"e'sbyterian Suinday Schoo1i' _held% their afunal sleigh ride and Chjristmas, Tfee. on the evening of Monday,__ 21st. `inst .- v_ The Tyqung people $1A)`ej1},_ti..Va` _j:!:_IOs:f_` enjoyable `um:-A. ..-_..--, _-`up-.u `autumn. - The newly elected ofcers made short addresses, but the speakers of the afternoon were "Messrs. Haught- xon Lennox, M.P.', and Alex, Fergu- son, M.P.P. 'M r`. Ferguson conned his remarks chiey to the changes and improvements in the administra- tion*of the affairs of the I Province of Ontario _ brought about by `the Government of - Sir` James Whitne . M'r.Len_nox made one of the bright- est andbest addresses that has been de' this Association for years. Innisl is justly proud of Mr. .Lennox andithe part he takes ghting for honest government, 1 __*,#. , in . -Mrs. `Iohxi Boyes, jr., is visiting in Brantford;' ` . T . ~iMiss_ McCaig -is spending the holi- `days in '1-`_oroAnto.~. Jones of Toronto was the. guet of hersister, Mrs, G-C, Aan, on ._Xm_as. "- 1 '- v }'{;'Mt.-.and"`Mrs. T.- G. Allan spent ixmas 'wi_thMr_s." Allan s gnts at ;.o..,.a.,.,,,_ 51,- .1`: ' -1\/Dis Morris of_To:-o.nto `is the guest of her cousm, M155 E. Ker- foot. V ` "mt-rcHmf.L j soumzn. umssrna. - tifropxg.` 4'-I1~ejre.`: |`- ...-v.- ,. [A; *`;M;sT%%sxe ma9enn {e .s`1ck-list,` but-11;? map)jj.frnends hope to see her around agam soon. .7. '00 a :-{.1 `IE..- `I .11. ft 1`: 5 ,-v wuss n 531 v.uqIu--.~_6 ulu-. IU\JIIc. 'r.*` :i'ri.d'V-" *Mrs;~.J;%%~71en,; alrancier, and ME . Ernest Bell, Gravenhurst, spentj `Xmas 'wit`n:the'ir parents here. In. 0 - I`- n _._.__.. ..-.-,,...-. run nnnn we us-1\.. .` ' `V ~S-"Cfafrr1ifhr's,. 'To,ronto,f_an `Mr. H. Carruther`, Allandale, spent Xmas -with their father, -Mr. D. Car- futhers, ` T ` ` Mr, a1`id' MArs.T 'VLuc'k' zare siting the latter s .r_nother, Mrs. T, Ford. before leaving` for` their home i1`. .Weyburn, Sask. ' ------t ---v A-- vvw. Dnonunmn 3131"; 19%. ' Av --- --, -v-v--- It was with deep` regret that the many friends of Mr. and Mlrs. John ..B.ell heard of their removal from our village. Mr. -Bell was one of th_e'welllkn",ow'n rm of Bell Bros., Hniller/5, Utopia, but through ill heal- th has severed "his connection with ghe business and taken up his abode In Midland; 1846.5. settling in The late William `Cunningham,who died -at Qrillia on `Sunday, Decem- ber 2o,'at'__the ripe age. of 76 years, was born in the county of Tyrone, -Ir_eland,'A andpcame to this country Wltl`l' his parents in the spring of _ the .township of Essa near Thornton. In 1858 he moved to the Township of Mulmur, and .was married to Sarah Jane Large, who predeceased him by f- teen years._ He returned to the old homestead _1n. Essa in 1896, remain- ing_ there six years, then retired and moved to the township of Mulmur, until his death. About four years ago he; married M'rs. Frazer, of Cookstown, who survives him. In politics he was a Conservative, in religion a. Presbyterian. Mr. Cun- ,'n_1ngham joined the Orange `associa- ; tron fty years ago, and was identi- ed .with the lodges at Ivy, ICentre Road, Mulmur, and No. 296, Orillia. -He is survived by six daughters `: Mrs. Blanchard, of Alliston; `Mrs: Fair, of Ayr; Mrs. Smith, of North I Bay;_ Mrs. Carss, of Yokahama, N. I 5 ` I S.;Mrs. Cunningham, 'I`_hornton:M`.rs. Stuar_t.~ Aberdeen, Sask, "and .one son, Robert, of Thornton. Two bro- thers and three sisters also survive. These are James, _ of Sundridge; Samuel, of Thornton; ,_-M7rs. Jos. Gordon, of Michigan; V M rs. Jas. Daly, of Sunnidale; and Mrs. Henry Ball, of Town. Mir. Cunningham was conned to his bed a little_ more than a week, but had been ailing for some "time past. \H`e-`-`suffered no pain until the last few days_of his life, but he bore his illness with pat- ience. He was highly esteemed, and will long be remembered _ and mourned by those who knew him. 1 j_. ; _ _. T V bRopetitiVon. " _ ggqgtgand. ;(entrfr;g house with bag `of; ch_e;stnu;a)+;-I_-,;._tv)rpught _ home some more ch."c"8.t!.!fiI_f;84-;;;fd.!t3'L_'I.'Ze. Wife (W`'Y-, glancing 9-Ifnx listen-1131:. --f 1 vtbgut. I .Corre'sponde'nce from %C1ov.ves re- }ceived too late for this issue. ` .' ` His Excuse. ` believe that whisky is gooq .Lftdr.ri;;'coIa.4 icon : you? Swlggs-- g`Ye`B'. ibnt""hdW` didfyotx know? Dtggs-- ;L`Qh;;fL`I. if `tiotI t_l1`at you nearly .4111- Wggxyh, hair a `_ ' ' No Encouragement. VMrs.i 8hoE-'-0h.- dear, I do wish we kwere rich! Just think of the good we .could' don.` we 0913' had lots of money! Mr., Short-s-True. my dear. but we can do a" kregtjgleal of_'good in a quiet way i .nowV.f M1-3. . Short-A-Yea. or but n1e\7er.hea:. of it. ' Origin of Geography. The Phoenicians were the rst peo- ple to communicate to other nations in knowledge of distant lands. It is now ` known that before the time of Homer that; enterprising people had passed beyondtlie limit of the Mediterranean `into the great -western ocean. and it 'wss by their sailors that the tirst rough charts of_,_ the world as then known` were made. But geography as a science originated amongthe Greeks. it reulefather being Herodotus of Hal- `.icarnsssus,ebont 13. 0.4484. Learned by Experience. I always make it a point. said the man with a wart on hisnose. a couple of cross eyes and a hair lip. but otherwise possessing a perfectly good" face. to say polite and complimen- tary things to the ladies. It does me- no harm. and I notice it always gives. them a lot of pleasure. My motto-ia-f to satter sunshine provided it costs! l no money as I journey along. 1 I11 _.._.I A- J- 41.-.. n.-- _-n.I AI.-. Touowro. Dnommun nut. mos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _` nx..-'av. . Yin. nor, 1 did, said the woman, catching` her breath. but I niver mint to hurt him. `in well he knows it. We d jut comevhome from me cousin : ; weddin`. an I was_ teelin kinder soft Ho Mike. an` I up an axed him if he loved me as much as. he did the day we was married. an -an', yer anner, .he was so Iiow answerin me that I up wid `the mop an ung it at him! It we poor women don't have love our lieartajist brgks inside nv us! .--rg --vuu Q-nave \'\u--u-\p- ."And what cured y;n? asked the` wr- nia. ' Yes, It Was Tube. % `.1 Is it true `that you thnw something at Mike tharcaused the swelling out his eye?" the squire inquired of I lit- tle, woman. T - , --av vv n - Irina uavuv It wvv I1`w1\pz Inc; the" ha-bit. N1; more sun;-hlne ndht-` Ing from these quarters. -lA_.I ..._L-L ..._,j _-._XO __I.-.- L- -- . .v-u.-vg -.-v-6- `'1 used to do that, too. said the-; man whose set of neglected whiskern; were calling plaintively for the lawn; mower. "but I have been broken of? ,n_A: THE LATE WILLIAM CUN- NINGHAM- There T is "considerable excitement anmixge the` residents of East Luther a'1,_1d;}Proton_ over `the `discovery of; natural gas, one mile west of`~;K{el-1 .d o'n ;Tane the town line, says the Shel- . burn";-`_ Free` Press. The expert dril-_ Vlersghave been at work "fvor-5 songe timeggavn `a ,owned..; by: ._ Davxd ,;` but _ .loc"`upied?>.i , ;`A`5`-L;`;%"'Bfa.r~ 1 ,1, ` 'H`n'v ' n lhnf % . The houses of Mr. -A.` Caniff of Stoco was entered by a burglar, who ' srbeatdthe o'w'ner- intb unconsciousness \ and robbed the place, A I .-u.W;.-"` -.-LFIlnl|,L' .5ua was struck_ ohv .Thursdayof last -`we ekat a depth `of `i965 feet. `The drillers at once ltqle horned the~fact to N _Et,1gen_e_ Coste,~ orodto, who is ,n`1n_ ag`er; for the company, and` one - fOf =-;b eAs1:.-.knVo`!5V11`;:Qil- a%n`d::gas. ex-.1. ?15er_ts..i.'n:.? Can;1d'1l,33`ld..he =camie'up .o`n -. -~ Waist '.9`-111?" A.0W-A Withi:" the :';S;a_i1,' Di!,1"P'_[5'.11? '.th,.vdri1l._h79le'. TWh3`Ch' " ` n11oyted;`,,;a*s;mal1 9rt:b _1A_1o_ 9;th;_ , "(with fcziot-arid-n1out1V1`:t'disease iii Mon- roe coungy, N.Y. V_.._., - _- ---v -- ----v-,' u Ial of Beaarisville W&82;kiCkd, by: a horse while tryng `to. rescue live stock from, aburnmg baii*ix,. and Seriously injured. Hggo; [out jvith dircult, . IVT thit Toronto s de- tective forcewill be increased by ve [additional appointments. T.-.._-.' `I -_A. _;_---A 4_,_AW, A A serum which is an 'an'ti-toxine aga.inst_hog cholera has been dis- coveged 'by_ experimenters at the. l`Mi`s_sou_ri -Agricultural` Col-liege. _ 1- -~_.-__.n _-._u:_,- . -.c, - _ VeLVe_royiBeaulieus -' e'stima .tes the wgalm of .the_ `French - people at $45,- ooo',o6o,ooo, or $1,100 for every man, |woma.u~- nd` child in the country. 1' I5 1 D I ._`. ~-v-v--7rIw2 Zis$aof7_ Kert, stone; contractor _at Montreal, has .'been` arrested on a charge; 'of_ forging weigh `tickets. F|.*t... ....... A._.I..----_ ---- - -94-A - -' r`AC I Addison `Smith (olored), said, to be ._the_- oldest. man .rin_ Kent county, is/dea`d.A His age said to `be `In years. - . _. `coal gas. 4- and Mrs. illiaml .H. Chlcut of Sttathroy and; - heir family were nearly` _~asphyxia.te by an .escape_ of personl were killed Tungan, China, in a at resultmg ifrovmrfan order issued to the natives to `cease planting. poppies. .' "FL; 1_...__ -9 In A rt -2-! '- I s`-got . and k1l1ed.~.near Lafayette, Tenn., by a man who mistook. him for a bear. IN'fDUFFERI_-h{.` _and a large quantity The sale of Christmas require- ments and1`n,ove1ty=goods fell far be- low. thesales atthis ,tim`e a year ago ' of Christmas goods will likely `remain unsold. Good sleighing and train ' service made Barrie `and Alliston favorite` points _for -Christmas trade. . The mails and _express also brought`in a very large quantity of=Christma`s . gifts. ' There was very little move- V rnent `here on Christmas day. E_v_ery body that could get away visited Barrie or Elmvale. It appears quite evident that people willgo to_places to do: their trading where hotel ac- commodations are unimpaired. After service at St. John's churhi yon` Christmas night, `Rev. ;R. Weaver on .behalf`i'of_ the `congrega- tion presented -Mrs. G. V C. Caston with a_ kjtchen orbakingi cabinetjn appreciattqn of `her faithful services as ` orgamst and choir `conductor. The members `repaired to the resi- dence of_ Mrs. Caston to make the present-ation. ` , i . I1`. _ I fl 9 -- v --._vv,- _-.r -' --------`r ---- V _ 'T."The public `school concert,` under the able management of the `teach- ers, Misses Turner and` Craig,` held last Tuesday evening, was a st.1cicess in -every particular. The attendance was _very large and the `program re- ceived great praise in every number. The singing of `the Christie children (four little girls whose ages range from 5 to T9 year),.`daughter's of Mr. `W, Christie, ' -C.P.R.' station agent, and the vocal solos of Miss =Wi'n'nie Polkinghorn with Mrs. W. Shaw as accompanist, and solos by Mr; J.` Baudry deserve special mention. There was a `Christmas tree in con- _nection with the concert from which many people` young and old pwerei remembered. Rev, R. L. Weaver acted as = chairman. The proceeds amounted to $20.00 which will be devoted to the school .library.. 3 The thanks of the section are due to the teachers 'for their untiring efforts in` preparing the program. T !, aMessrs. Mar Caston _and'Andrew vWise attended the _scho_ol-concer.t'_at ;No_ `15, -010, on Thursdgy evening; `They were much taken with. the `pro- gram which reecteq greet, credit upon the teaeher, `MISS Ramey; ` A4-.__, --___-_- -; C4. 1-I.__9_ -I_-_.__'L - 'Mis" `guest of his? brothe_1"s,_'TMessrs. -T. _ gmd A;-Craig i ~ . .--.a:.. 1] .1(:..1 .: 1u-_..u mg. 1b:.g.JVT;t::i`g i'%%isi F sp;aiggg% vivith fnends at` =B_`r4antfAord., Mr," John Craig H of Alberta; is the A,` u|au._ . . - I x. `_ .v _`;_,..M;-. `Colin .-M." Kiel .-ipf _North* O1fil- ``~`` 55 spendmg`. the` %hol1daysL at his 6;-met home` here. _A V ` _ \ Miss_.May. Morrisqn oi. Scarhoro is spending her Chrxstrna_s vacation at {be home of be; parents. `It... I-_'4_,, , ' A "v;"`&"<-1-au'g_Al'1-ier-70.3 :1'\/i1:.f-`and Mfs; Wm. Coburn one day last week. Glad fo report Mrs;. Ta_gue` and Mrs. Hamilton as recovermg from their recent illness, - . Mr; jqmes Patterson visited " the Queen City last week. .;';-e" ?1i\}. -f 11g:s:l-e;'. "a;'C;1 Toronto and Dr.` -Horton is an Napanee; - Rev. W". E. Heene of Barrie was the preacher at the: _rst Sabbath an- niversari of St. Jude's Church last Sunday. L ' . - `An enjoyable and protable time` was spent by those whoveattended the S. S. concert in conn'ecti on"with the Methodist Church Sunday School last week. ' _ . A our- cor, in a recent visit to Mid- land had the pleasure. of enjoying the hospitality ..0f the Rev. R. J. D Simpson_ and family and also `of W. E.- Glass, B. A., -Classical Master of the `High `School in that town.. This school has a. remarkably unique record and -a't_'the same time a- ree- ord of which the staff -may- well be proud. = Twenty-three `pupils were sent up for junior teachers certi- cates, -andv out of. that number twenty-one passed and seventeen. took horrors-. _ .'The_ above record was not reached by any school in the Province `of Ontario last July; Con- gratulations. . The following were visiting here during the week: -Mr..bOscar Maw, of Toronto; Mr. and :M`rs. Gar- eld Power, of Brantford; Miss ;V\_/healey, Toronto; "Mr. Herb Cun- gnmgham, Detroit; Mr. -Oliver Dart, New Lowell; Miss Tillie-,Boake, To- -ronto; Simpson, Stroud;: Rev. R.` I. D. Simpson and family, Mid- la. d; -Rev. A..E. Owens, New Lisk- card; Mr. Wm. Owens,_ 9_M`Qrr_1sbm-g; .,Pro_f.` r Frank Owens, T_,oVront.b;. ,*Mr. Herb Blackstock -ahd wife,; Toronto; _?M rs';` 'BI'ackstock, , Toronto; Miss -.M'ay,";~:D_url'ca,n', Toronto; Miss ._Lo1lie =Henry;_,_`f1`oronto;-V Mk-s, `Chas; 1\{Ijc-_ ramenememr~Hami1t<>m Miss = Vma 7}:Hod Bea `Cor; `- 13?IV-` Alexe- `A Mr `and At 8/?"iae manyfriendg of J`. T._ Corbett met an his ;s_hop one evening recently and presented him with a smoking outt- Mr.. Corbett is welrthought of _by his 'fellowevil- lagers, hence the presentation . T sum -<')'f $160 was the amount! of the collections `on the occasion of the anniversary services in the Methodist Church here. T Rev. A. J. Paul _of Allandale wasthe -preacher. I `-' WT",l"he'r'e was buried recently one of. the pioneers of this township inithe person" of Mrsi Adamsfrelict of` the late James. Adams, who ,predeccased her about ten years. Mrs. Adams had reached the ripe age of ..four score and seven years. .y Our sym- pathy goes out to the family, who hwe lost one of the k_indest'_of,mo- t ers... . .~.Gira;:ham ;of E{a,ra._}if~ is " ` th 11o;lid_:_1ys4 .A a't` 6113513 {VII 0. CIA Ly; I an A` iN>ew,tAo'xL;1. R6bi;)son._ V cmeumsr. THORNTON. I`";.';;:;;a' ;,;.a.'.% hm, o o 0 1` Q I.`D_: I 0 xoavxunm f _sp'ei:ain?g i;a&573}irs.%T Nei1~Mc'x1%ee sazefq Mr. _and. Mrs; _ D. Cameron, Rugby; Christmas day. " . . ` V W - ~-yMis.s. `Mary Orr ..of_"this plaace'a_n.d Mr. Edwardlrishw -of Vasey_ wer e" married in Coldwater `on -Wednesday, `Dec. 23rd, by the Rev. Mir, Brown. T 9-Mr.`:f ;&534;s.4 .iiai.34+ Christmas with r". ' and Dan`) Be1l,;`Hobar_t.; L " .- K * H "M.c Cr,in'1m'on- of .Creemoi'e `visited at 1115 home for. a few -days last week. V ~ ~ - | Did` Soules is" rnewing Old 'acq};a1ntan;es here." ' . V{d: 4 Guest `of "Barrie spent Xmas at Mr. Gues_t s.. |Mr..H. Ma`yor.\;_ T % -r\.rI- I. ` I -- lv Mr. Rf Mayor. is? visitiggj his uzigl, " Mrs. A. j>a}ice}s'pe3` J "hie of days last week. with "-Mrs. W.` Miller. 5i\ I`issV'_ie'n11TiL, of 1;<;;'ontd is! Spending her vacation under the par- lental rqof. T ` Mstri George '~ and J_)hn,.,~Arm- fstrong spetjt Christmas wxth friends In Toront . '- ' V ";1\/Er'.-'(T":;;<')'1'ge. Reid and family. `of Churchill were Christmas . vigitors. at Mr. W. Reynolds , `_ "' ~ Miss Lizzie ,McAteer of _Tor'ontO visited her mother .last Fr1day. A 'I T"I' "ind Mrs. Ed. C. Martyn of| -Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Neil`Shaw, . - A Mr, vH.L. . Iv`ax-BTuh ,' /of '1;(3i'Oi1t0 spent the Xmas holidays at his home` here. - ` VM;-s.. Robert Elliott sperit Xmas -with',Mlr. and Mrs. Johnston of ` gravgnhptsf. .v A `l'eacock. and Mr. Fred of Stroud'were visitors`at-the. Par- E sonage over Sunday. 7 .0 I` 0-motion: on Tuesday wary :- = .; 1 r ;. Butchers , Caulmpickod. .,; $ 4 50 - 4,175: 00d ......_4'45'._s "65h medium 3 75.; T;.4j2V " oomu1on...... .-; . ' '.7~a"."`. cowl. choice a . ` 9!-I\rIID J3III$ I (Dr.)` jWest. I. 1VI1:_J_erom of Spragg xs vxsxtmg h1s mother and* brothers for a, few days. ' 1:` in `us. 1 an o '- Miss M; '12. Mitchellj of Evere_'tt spent `the ho(1day- with her cousin, Miss ML A. 'M\c,Crimmon.- . `Mr. and Mrs. `Bert Humphrey of Barrie were guests a few days last week `of the latter s "aunt, Miss E. TarBush; ` ` Dr. and Mrs. West and `sons, Ev-I erard and Randolph, spent Saturday last with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Car; at Thornton. ` - ' V `I ; {L_1;;,d "`:a;a;;;;; `Coiling-. [wood v1s_ited`his parents, Mr. and iMrs.' R, Redfern,` over Xmas. . = 3` L II?` II U\IIII .' Mrs. Peacock cam'e home week very, much improved. wish her a_speedy return to usual good healtfi. Z1\&is:sM'lV"i`llie _Carr `of Thornton Isrgexlt Xmas With` her aunt, `Mrs. .. mil-T..-` ' l At the Xmas Tree entertainment? `Miiss Ada E. Clark carried out her` part most creditably as accompan- ist throughout the evening. __ [ M355 Jessie Davidson of Torontoi and Miss Maggie Davidson of Par- ry Sound are-. visiting_ their parents, `1VI`r`_[ and Mrs. James Davidson- Prices Ruling in the Barrie a_hd.Tor- ,' onto Markets During the Vleek. ` -II Aunrnvlu T\ nnnnn ninth Clnan if ,t_1:3e:: dunsA.%t:i:1%i;'izsi1idays~A* ~ SE. f 2.22 E:,;:?"jgepn qoziey E of .T.6ronto visitftt, th_g:f.fOr31_'1`e is _;31gjT;~} \\ 1 `iifin ~v-n __ _VV.___,,,` _ _ Ge-1* ` :- rort Pd iB1".a gran; I" ,_ Mr. _ Bryer V of Winnipeg spent a few days recently with his wife, who has -been visiting her" mother, -Mrs. Duckworth; and Mrs. Bryer, left -031 Monday for their home in -Win-, lmpeg. ' ' V A 5 The annual Christmas Tree in" con-I neotion with the Methodist*Church` Sabbath` School on Xmas night `was, without doubt the crowning event in ~ the history of the church. In--spite! of the inferior sleighing and threat} ening rain, moreespecially in the evening, the thron began:to fill the spacious Orange ' ll at six o clock, and at 8.15 there was not even stand-`z ing room. The-ushers and oicialsx assisted in makingevery person as comfortable as possible. .Rev. P. M-. Peacock presided in his usual good natured and genial manner. The .openin'g= selection by the `School, in a Christmas carol, gave, the audience at once the impression that many good`. things were coming. These `ex-H .pect_ations were fully sustained. `The . pupils of the school did their part most `c'reditably, which proves that those who` had them in_ training spared noxpains to ,make `the pro- gramme "a_` success. The fan -drill by twelve young ladies was a feature in tsef ,The costumes were magni- cent and thoroughly appropriate to the number-.,_ A` dialogue, John Smith Raising the Wind,` gave scope to those who took part to display their excellent ;ability,f` . The choruses "by Me'ssrs.. T. A; F.oster,.:',Wil,_liam Pierce, Archie `Duck_worth,._ ` Everard and Randolph `f.Wes_t,*pMisses Me-lg Keven: ' "Ida --'McMulkhi,.j_'_S;a_die' f_ Blair .` a_n:d,~` : Lillianf Clark, ~ `in _ nativecostume. p `conclndilng-; wi:tii -gfa "li`eautiful ;t'g.b1e`gu,. warez; .deided.::hit.. . f1Zhe"vtwof"-hiesavzlil ~1adn -.1f1'$`.`in.' -f1.1'.1.. hall With Pf$.1'iE8. ` for .. *tha`.;.pu9i 1sf=:w:re 2 r!rt:hJrgofIsemn?~ v.vI%t9c * i .,, . ~- . * '.. L _I." V: -Mr. Dalton ATifn`*_of ` spfent _the_holiday at: home. , - `io- `V M_iss~ Agtgij of MinVe`si'ng :;-is. I v1sit1ng=her_ sigter, Mfrs_, `_I-Ian:1s..] a tn '. IL ,, Ma`. and Mrs. D. J. Fergus'on ofl London, Ont., are "spending th e holi- days with the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell, Riverdale |Farm. V - My-J Blrf ~R6&vj%LLfof?*=1Tcrdnt9 , Chrxstgnas iwxtlg: :h1s; - pa.lrents.'~at_; I ~ . vt H ' ' AK` -:1 . '- `` ` " I`.-W:1\ f;"S:`"j;h1_1.`..w`iS:g" ings%%.mumea _ go, her home ~ m ~Msnesi;:s,`;% =1%t~t.,.*.:.r%_ la ; ::vn`sxt_.a tglatiyg %..j1`i; fe_.T ` Z N I `TM-Efaiki ;[ M351 TT;73sfiii;gi1'sL;n71 Christmas an Bap-ieV-. with gMr- Hughsoni _ 1 ' 7 THURSDIW. x 2