.., auu an.- amateur Sherlock Holmes made out a. case "which": some local papers took. pa'rtic`ula'r " pains `to make as prominent"=`as- possible. All to please an few who.` never read ` anything` stronger t`h g`n: the Catfrie Nwtgon News. "A meeting `offthe" members of ~ John r~iCongregation! met V that chur on Wednesda.y`*even1ng__ to_ .`consider:=a proposal -of the ~nnssz,ons" of -Shanty; `Bay and` =-Crown Hill un- iting. Archdeacon Warren pie 'for- onto Uprefsided. .. Representatives of- the Shanty Bay and x Crown. ~ Hill p missions were present. After` con- siderable discussion .no denite de- cision 'was- arrived" at; ,. Craighurst and -Crown~Hill missions are id;nti- 1 cal and their union, which has exist- ed for_ many years, has always been in harmony. A . separation` now would be very inconvenient for -this mission. . .. "This season `there was a -large quantity of fallen apples, owing to. `the longdrouth at the latter part of the summer. `As these apples were of no comme ci'al_-va.lue -to~the fruit grower," many " procured cider mills, and where there were` 'S_now, St- Lawrence and ToIrnan __-Sweet apples some pretty good cider was made. This when kept'a' short while took on a muscle thatsome times knock- ed out an old soaker after a visit to the family cellar, where in addition ` to the cider, probably, in_many. in- stances, was a case of wgell-. brewed; ale -or `Irish stout, There=x_&*as~.tr,0u- ble recently for, the local" hotel-keep- aer,- and an amateur Sherlock .HolmeS99 mad` nu, _ ___,_,_ ...___g-:,n,'. `The-1.`p`rospecs of a. .gr.e'e`n Christ- look rather._slim- at .present.V. It! ,will `be fortunate if the _-tops of `the fences can` be seen. Nearly 8'inhaes" of snow fell on Saturday night and isiundayf . . . 5 Tie -`service in I St. 1 A ndre_w s, fchurch next Sunday will-be held `at two o clock, instead` of in tin: ` fore- noon 38f is usual. . - 7- V-~..- ---- --r _",'" --V , -'1'!-"'9 A "Mr. James; Hm oFE1n:v;1_ wlithw h_i_s_. famil. spent over; Sunday.` _at his parents ere. . , , ` "` ' F h-` ~_1oued _ tea-fnie.-E.fing"`5~ i ad'5) Christmas tree V ;held~'>andL7-ifrrbved> agreatw e.nc.c,es. ,~;-; i'1`.h f nrnzram. V was rendercgi mainly by (the c,l_,1iIdi-ex_1 of the sunday sthool. " ` =~ _` -Mrs. f `Hiil waLs` Sei;e15a'1 day;s `last. week laid `up with,` la ctippe, _. ""Mr. Tampa I-NI! A'..`I'.`I..:...-1- ...':A.L I` . cxixrtiiuizar.` p5msyv1cx;% W rennet you. Mr. P hearty V3PDreciation ES ~o:\u... 1.-.. 7]. A. Stewart; See. Harcourt B1ak__tocIg THORNTON. of the 35th Re gVi-f appreciation of` r your term of e, ask you to a small token >f your services usmess of tile f::iIn`A-."_- Sunday with if Innisl, "day last nspuublk, Treas. A F1"-illings, pale blue, pink V)'1--;:s:l;;1:'e', wide width, perfrill, each. .I0c and 15 .5; *?`5n8~ Was znga: in Siethan `g ~ 52* V- 42;. I A-A ___..-wv Merry Xmas to all. Very good sleighingx -Miss Sarah Groves of Toronto is spending Xmas at home. Miss Adams of` Orangeville fox-',a few days recently. - Mr. `L. F. White is busily `engaged over In Bgixter section. ."uWe learn with `regret that Mr. John Bell of Utopia. is preparing to move to Midland; Mr. Bell ' massed very m_uch,"by all who knew l hfmr V Messrs. R. E. Davis, .W. .B. Davis and F. G. Davis, who are attending college. in To_ronto, are home for the Xmas holxdays. The Presbyteriaq Sunday School are giving a tea _.and concert on Jan. -4th. - -Messrs; .Beverly ' Jennett and Frank Banting, who. are attending the C. I. in Collingwood, ,are home. 'Mr. .5. Burton is visiting his old home an Prescott. ` _ Miss -Muriel Parker of St. Cathar- mcs is, home for vacation. - `Messrs. R. E. .B, . and R (2. ng..:. ...n.. .e - -- uvxl . 61 IU V1rS. wm:_1_(obms~ Oxbow, Man., are _ vnsmng f here. Quite a number frbm here a ed the concert at Braden s last day. - I1! 4 Wicie rri11iggs`"p}f'in fancy hams, three frills to a box, assorted colors. per o O O D I O O D o O o o O 0 0' O O O Q o o o O o o 0% MITCHELL 'ake advantage of these` `many offered Thursday morning. 'I..adies ,` value 50, ons Coar , newest styles, regular . Thursday mornirxg at , , , , , , -25 % _ ' Fnn\1nons Reduced A }Be'ar.iTtiful"Fancy ' T15. Doylies. Tray Cloths and Table Covers all at reduced prices Thursday. i Your" hoice_on Thur chiefs from our utifu A}. draw-*to"the clo ; A of o Sale emf tlieoeonfueion` of ` ' _thothu_ come to this store T '% `tag the leirfts away. we nd some i but been overlooked or the cm A, ti to I list want to eleor them outbefor goes foreure; f~`~BTget%*\s;ttntion the ` we v~=v-was m M `regret f Utopia dland; will be m_uchf`by whq knew` _ -_ -v uvlc\.I.lIJlI3 Pg: was not a. dull mo- art to*nish, and as the gresscd the interest In`- rery artist thoroughly position, each org; _be- ugani" rt` ` Luann Handk-chiefs; 5 B}. Msnnv-BARGAJNS gs: T l_-IURSDAY; jM?_RNl G Amen; __,-vv0 W SQUARE. *P',sram Riven gQfA`n FAA. The very sill; collars and ruies, in all the newest dsigns and colorings, will {be found in our stock, each 25;: `re . . . .'. . 1181. _;\uu1'11aUp OI Avnsntmg fnends aels aPurseS, worth gi T.` T Thurs `y morning any Handker. zkutifu ghristmas bell, 2 for 5)]; attend- ' it Tues- I x ` } ` ' T_f_B-_RIDGI,~_;A.ND-In "Barrie, Friday. 7` _"Dcce'mb er 18th, 1908, the wife of 1?;Mt; ;P._..:Bridgland, B-A., D.L.S., Of Alberta, :1` son. :,`2i.i1 ' > 7 fa _ _ARRIED. -tIMMI'_7G+`4MaFADDEN-At the _?\C,,6l1ier.`Street_ Methodist Parson` ' '*";8i;-7:03 . Monday, -Dec. 21st. fV- `DI -.,. Ockley, John f6f.? to Alice E-na Of .1?grg7us0nvale. _ .., --.. V-.u-., vcspfiio / Mr. Selby Cooke has gone to To- ronto to visit his sister, Mrs. W. Martin, who {is seriously ill at pre sent. ' V % ' Master,` Wilfred Liscumbe, who .v_vas.kicked by a horse last week, is "are g"lad' to learn not seriously `E-'..'3.l!I1'<,1-_. /Mr. J. Cbwan, our former pastor, occupied the pulpit here on Sunday, and gave a. very interesting Christ- . mas addrcop. . i1Ir.";:r1as. w. F. 1 Sunday with -Mr. and M grove, 6th Co'n., Vespra. Mo` GAIL f`- - ' ALLENWOOD. Mr. Milton Spring of Albert Col- loge, Belleville, is home to spend his Christmas holidays with his par- "Mr.Nandi Mrs. J. G. Dickinson spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. . Joseph Langman, ninth line. ` Oswald Spring of Belleville is home for his Christmas holidays. `Mr. Boddy left on Monday for Toronto to .spend the Christmas lholidays with his parents.` {--uj 4,F1Rsf1'4cLAss COLLEGE. I 4 -or vullatl `Several from.} school concert a last Friday night, time. day evening to hear Mr. Douglas, teacher at .\'o. 16] is `leaving at Christmas. A f:A-r:-1- :<.)rn here `stone last Tuesday Mir. Croxall and hlst Weft! run! A. ....----` 'line will be next spring. A 1- `W _V1?HURSDAY.3. vrv A" Heavy'line_d ilha mitts pam . . . . . . . . . . . . . _.%.._......15c are an ponrr. I51, hrzstmas. .Vu-. xv L'4lllUlL bpfti r. and Mrs. G. Win- Vnan... F.` Elliott spent -T sum! 15... 1` ur:_ ,her attended the at Leigh's Corner: 1, and report a good other ij` ' I-Iea\;y Iihed Mocha ia;di$.' very comfortable, pair; .f,.; . . . .:.-, 11.00 X iUnlined Mocha Giioves, `with deep `gauntlet and fringe, pairx; . . . . . . . this place hold [H cream Silk Shawls, 1Vove1y[4sqi: quaz; E r1ity,gca1h'*$1`toii. }. . . . . ._. . .;..:.$r.2..5. L ' Roullion'mke.6f 17 all slected skins, dome fasteners. ;sill-I embroidered` back. `black, *-wb'i'te`%and; colors, per pair . . . . . . . . . . .; . .I`.O0 - Irvoqv QIUIIIUU. All ce1o:;%:.a=;w` `designs, in silk hd - -` .-_-3 ,. . L o 0 0 0-9 0 Q q '0 6 0 up: 1 %Haps%.%of handkerchi`efs" ahd Amany %differen t , klinds amongst: them fancy linens; lawnsVan_'d silks,4each 5c to . ;6Qc' Ladies Fmy_Cu marks have beein the Canadia-n pressh rith `a good `deal of my further "advances AI '..:' A Silk Slnvils Jsfi-I II.L-Ma131` V McLean; % -Sadie` \ --..---v Hubbert, 1Amy Sriglcy, -Harvey -dale, Carmeeta` 'SVxhig,ley.--.3 ' . `v ' A I _~_-..` `\ I .- I-I. OLI.Y. _S'cho6I report` for" DeceAi'z`1t>j4er.W ' ` % "IV. C!aSs..--`Robert '* Rcdfe), Mg- ~ubbcrt,_ Henry* ~Herre!l,' Stanley} fe Hubb.'er`t, ` Alfgjcd. Dyer, Eddie . lI_en.~ M:lton `Brow: i.j __ T Sr. II`I.-Fr'ed'_;. Kel'l," N elIi_e'- 'Ke;` Ethel, H erre1 l,`r, May. Gibson, - Dora Gibson, ', ' % ` " Ir: V1::.;.:+;.;a; %%,%J'? ny;'. "jchuaT Bloxha1'1.v __ __.- -.uvuu6V ulpl l:1V:n C0g:3- -_ , smut` % ' ros . "` E33. New plan, apco, Oro dmion l* vanq `Guthtfie. D:-op_a card .to. the l and much respected resident of the . township, who passed away. on Fri-` is otir sad-duty to chronicle the death of Mr. William Forgie, an old day night, at the age of, 73 years. In - religion, he was a. Presbyterian. and in politics a Conservative.` He leaves to mourn his loss a widow and two" sons and. two, daughters, Frank-,` near Saskatoon, and John, Eliza and Isa- bella, at home. The funeral took place from the deceased's late resi- dence , to Stayner Presbyterian gchurch wh,ere'MRev.' .R. C- McDermid conducted _an'f.impressive' service,.__af- ' ter which interment '5 was made in the '-town cemetery. The bereaved. widow` and family. have .,.the deepest .?v_mpathy .of' their manyfrientls in. 4 t`xs great. sorrow.` V 1 -____-.' -uudIJ- ($151533 'C'| will be held` { in Zion Pr esbyterian church `Thursday evening. Dec. 24th, under the auspices of the Sabbath, School, : _ . c " rue reg;-' the Women s Institute w`as'held. `at the home of Mrs, _W. 6. Ross on _r1day 'p.u1., when excellent-_ reports of ~ the recent convention in Guelph were given b the delegates, Mrs. Gii n and Mass Thompson. An entertainment and. Xmas. tree will beml'1_el {_ Ziot; Presbyterianl n`|o.-L lar monthly hteeting ' of . f!Messrs. J. E. Hood and George, Lambert of~~Y low Grass, ~Sa'sk.,- are? spending the winter with friends . en T _, . . . and `Guthiie. Editor. . { tilt Damian." `C that 3::c.New \Aptc::Oro d __60RRE8PONOEil?E` b ai;"provfal.,. _, -Biut any 1 , awv with Canada." Mr. Hill sai "We have too long considered it) only as a boon for iusto grant.a.nd Canada to ask. That may havesbeen tn/1e thirty `years ago; it is not true, to-day. Not as 2 suppliant, -but `as an equal, she mustbe dealtyvith. T-Her` interest is no gI".ea_ter- ad no less` than" ours, her position is :as inde-_ Pendent. 5 l ' V ` : ~ Hill s _ _s b 1 widely tquqtedi in the Canadians-pre,s`aL"'_ and they meet- with aygood o_deal.:=of> `_ 0 I the d`*;.9tion. of .'!`i`5P5 ;' 143 !9 frbxns: Washintb-; A d'j_ `ns_ believer thy? V ante?` `in. sition, #9. am 949%-ftt . iellis. V 1Me.s}s. T 4`Aa--`- Sunmnanni commas, f'....-_- ' I`. --v - A special line of Asiik nd woo1-co;rer- ed` Umbrellas, with very. natty handles. Special,` each. . . . . .'*. . . . . . . . . . . .I.75 _ MEn $f'gBlgck Cashmere Sox,% silk `em-L laroidered, patterns and colors, put up six `pairs fa.-l'3ox,% per pair 50c, per hm A A A _ % . Mg_n s Fajicy Sspen;derS, pt}: up-one pair to box. `very. fancy, each . .j . . .%.50c _(, --_.__ Ladies" Chats anifjaclt, 1ma<.i ffom` a nice ne Awqrsted wool. in either styles,- giavy b`iue,% cardinal arid black ; regular 2. 59 each, special_ L . . . . . . .K. . _. . ,, .135 other side` regarding Canada's im- `portance from a commercial stand.- `point, and it begins to `look now as ifithe old order of . things would be reversed, showing the republic. in the role of petitioner{ Ajthe ,New_ York `Chamber of commerce `ban-3 quet a few. weeks ago, James J. Hill, the railroad magnate, foretold i*eci'- procity with Hill said: ' We too considered it)` `us7to -'g'ra`nt.a.ndl: 1-4` _: _'_,_37...- Ao`oo-4oo-ooo'.IoIfV` -` White` SilI<}Waists, very neat deigns. Our leaders; gacb. 2%. 7 5_to. . . ; ._ .T. .2.90 :l'i:n"ing; nag; each kau-.uV:I` net waists, Wltn Silk y.sty_le,v `in whiteLor.' euchre, conq-iooooooorohicoo-60030-4050 All styles of~MtiVf'er; -for men ays, and all colors, each 25c to. . " v v jfi ~ -'Lad`5~ .~:31"Vfget wfgysts, wtth _s1lki , . lllnnei unison... ...--l- T55]! . `|nd&Qoa`ts[ 3 Clnuristmas Uinlarellas _ x ` ` ,_, .,.--...u.u --.;uurIltU'iJ - aniversary` se rvic e's` "or'r"Sunday. 5 A ._{I`h;Adeba'e",ip the Sons % etan "I' i.M.5t.' '- g:rat; - ' Ii.;thes.\" ` , ' ul fe ,\ws`7_"o*fLVtA,be young p4 *i18h.bj1`*.*9d.-` % atthie1% anniversary. ?se'rvxc``s ion V .-r~L;. J . -- L- A _.----- o`? O _' |l_en`s udpenden in * January and hope - to have` in Montreal on their way t `fax. ` V-After -aending a. bons _Glasgow,; tgy go` Eta Switzerlz a, game there, _ V K.-....=. suing.` .1118 curlers sta: _-__ , --u-vnuuw Ilclco { `Mr. Claude Sloan of Barri A. `Sunday at his home here. : Te skating rink L Saturday night last. . large` crowd in attendance. ' . Mr. Howard Allan and `Miss. Win-4 nie. Allen attended` gmhe Sun;iay-_- School Convention in Orillia. " " Churchill. Curling` `Club _was asked ,-to `send a representative `one of te'n".' . curlers from--5:0'ntario` to go to Scot-, *l,and.~,eMr. D. W. -Lennox, one of thegoldest members`--of _the:club, in- tends going:-_;The_ 'cu`r1er$.st_art `ear_ly.__. in January-Wand -`to have all slam? " in Montreal, on their-.way_ to A_IrIali. A-After-. -attending an` .hz~mgn:.1 a... -. e T spent Med? Mufflers 1rnaVJ\vVl'l.lI-lllv `M14. H. D.` Sawyer of Markham visiting V . .fHei1d`s here. fl 2M.-. `wane: `-Ken :1:/ad M i;:`I\'i.i-`x,-1-z`1`i",e. * spent Sunday of last week wit_h ~ friends: at Cookstowny. "Miss _ Lizzge :Mor_'tis went to gcity on `Monday to` spend a, month with her siste'r,j Mrs. J. Wice, ` Remember the S. S. enterpainment and tea on Wednesday evenmg, 30th inst. A good program will be giv- ' en.-e ~ ` ` We are sorry `to say `that M:-S. Leonard Bloxham isjyingjn a `very ' cg-itical condition at the R. V. Ho- J pntal, Barrie,-A . ` `Mi `_,___-- use uvuuGy ' `am Sunday last Cookstowgzj. '1::-- we V 3. Miss: Flo:-e'nce, Mc.Menemey and, Miss Lollie Webl; of the AB. I. visited Over Sunday with Mis Sad- iic Brown. _ - ' - Miss: Mary I_Iub.bert of Barrie is spending` the holidays at he;-. homg. '-Kell and `|\.f:.'. .1u:.....-- Mr) Ben h_o1jday'ing Charlie Blocham. Sr. II`. to Jr. I] Saflie Hubbert, `A: A ented`?b'y a vast amougrt of.uncu1tl- b Iiiore vequable `fobting. " Wl1en tl1lsJ ____ .._v... _--v -yo--U ed `States-`--Uncle _ref1_1sed `ts listen to her` overtures` for closer trade ;relations.- At; t_l1a_t, time *th:e` eDom,ivnion s _capital ,stock was "repre- vated. `territory and"'\fast condence- `in: her .futi1{e.'. greatn"es's.. She` was- an`x`io'u-s ftp dd business with .,the r `United gState's:: i1l1ampe're,d by a ` tarj wall, and she asked ` `her neighbor iO"kindly lower "this 3 `ol>'struc1":i9n, arldgdeal` with ' Her.--.on :a4 ' loneessionl was denied her, Canada"; `turned naturally. to the _Mother` Ccuntry. for what she` Wanted, and 1 Great Britain readily aequiesc_ed.`. , .After, many days, a"cl:ar'1ge of -1|:-an-' ALA`--- -.- -' , -. _._. - --vouv-up: 0, 4 III! Qt! v If. II. `to Sr. II.-Reggie',Srig1ey,, Matthew Hoskinsonu Pt. II. {o `Jr. II.---Frances -Hub. bert, Elsie Tyndale, Clifford Taylor, Elmer Dyer. I A . '_ - 9 51".` Lite ft. `II. :6 `III.-e Hubbert, `Amy H m c-- Mabel: M cLean, Srigley, . cHuncHn._L . \l\II I.l.lCII' way tO. 5rlall9; bonspiel in` .g y ~80;;tO, Switzerland for l' . ` LEFROY. Wihen ways :'in athch .swad- dling clothes stage `of her develop- ment--long - before. her 322,000 mile-is. of r.a.ilroad had 1?i1_btiilt, and hen- poptation increasd by` `hundfedsj. -of` thou_sands`~.of gt.-ttlevrs from the Upi-t-`A: . V N` _ R 51118 o.::`.:; Hwheu. you can gag ng g'LA-.I_'__ _ , , 1?: .`='.,.'?9Plt: 9f._t'2i$ 1 % HOLLY,` t. II.--`Bert srigrey; % A `E. .M. Usher, Teacher} Viv U1 [I115 '..Thorn_to2j ....3--.. `_a`_.1 Miss _Bs`sie" I`-Iickling, and H. T. I.ennox_ yisited Mr. , ' j-Shannon qf IMidhurst4,0n:_`dVa`y jgg -7_---_... an: ;||UlllLUIl': ` V` -Mr. _H. Grose, -. Reeve of .'was in 01;; villag f one `(I L CANADA IN. A NEW now. v -`purl 90 V ' M;-I ifviiz Nixon spent friends Th'brnto"n,w a 1:; Yr `I- `and -`Mrs. have gone. to Detroit to spend ;-the yxmas. holidays. A ~ -A `l__ . `ff I n on Georg - I-Iewison (Si/inal L"1'na1 mental Band, `I ";'4nd so ably and satisfactorily. It vvvv unusual` til` is our sincere wish that you, may` long be, spared, `and _may you con-` mm: to be honored with the .o-ice ofpresident of `the 35th Regimental `Band at 'I`hornto'o. ' V We wish to tender M `ident,H. ou:_' eapprecia your serv1ces_dtIri_ng ` ,oice. ,W`c, therefore, accept, this locket as smjal of our appreciation of your`: sin _ conducting the` busmcss` "_Band so_ aigd satisfacto 4 uquu m a, posmon nancially to be 's elf-s`usta1'ning,- a fact _which the ' audit of the books to-night proves. very` clearly. tWhen we take `into consideration _the -number of `engage- ments the Band has- lled during the _last __two years and the amount of expenses in connection therewith, we say, sir, it must be a pleasure to you and to your executive. committee as well, to_ know that there 'is such a ilargeabalanceton hand. `X7- ---3-L `- ` ' .-_, .u ?v_u ulcll many thanks for the u-ntiring and kind manner in which you have `looked after the in- terests of the Band for the past-`two years ; You have left nothing un- done, "and; in fact have neglected other important business `when the welfare of the Band was at stake. To you,_sir, is due the credit of playing the Thornton Band in the military role, and iti.-m_u'st_be a pleas-. IIPQ snrhn-A ----- 4* ` e......a -a;uu a gala rocket, as a tokenl lof respect. Mr. Tomlinson, although] `completely taken by surprise, made = a happy speech and `thanked the donors for their ki'ndness and good feeling." The .el_ection of officers, conducted by Dr. 'Whealey, resulted as follows: . I-Ion. Pres.--1. A, Cor- bett; Pres.--Fred. Tomlinson; 1st" Vice-Alex. Stewart"; 2nd Vice--W. A. Nixon; Mrusicala ,Director--R. Len-nox; Treas.-`-H. `S.. Blackstock; Sec-J.. A. Stewart. rHereunder is 5the address to the President : Mr. Fred TomTinson, President 35th -Regimental Band :_ ' Dear Sir,-The members of the 35th Regimental. Band wish to con- ` vey to you their many thanks for manner _in ` vou hnvp `In.-n...4 ..r.._ .L