`_ .Pmqi._1':1)<`V>!ft.{fo`L1'Tith,e monthg `g - -'"'`'V-` *V`.'*' ` "WW": V %IIIII6VU I I ` A qumber of out sp_or,ts atter_1ded~ a`7 sshootzng `-match _at. LM'ine'sing `last;-, Thursday Aa-nd brought home a gpodg supply :o_ gees; nd V,_tu_rkys. __An c>;r`s;'1" _;11-13.l;e?1~.,. undexj the prces o the A-.`O.U.W.,_w asheld ir1;j;j_5`~ the Orange "Hall last -Frxday _eveningj.j; . A ,.........g.,._ .: .--_.. --L._M-_ _Mrs., Walter Patterson. ' `Sunday with the'la._tter s parents, `Mr; and -M`r. `John Hughes. . ' 2 _ tirdie Patterson ~. `of C_hurc'hill__ 1s wsttmg at the home of -Mr.` and-` Mr..`a`i`d Mrs. ~J,.-.j L, 1.. ___-'A -'-- ' I "I'41;gJa;r' Toronto .1335 bneng =spending..a couple of weeks with hen mother,_ Mrs. owilkinso-%n._ ~ o Messrs. Harry Brown _ apd A. Dyer of!-lolly were Sunday v1s1to_r.s of Dec; Barclay. v A T ` *' . -. Lawrefnce Barr-Eel `spa-nt 5unda`yat'her home here. A 111-- If .1 ` Mfiss Cunningham of Wit'1nip.eg _ ` spent a few days` lastweek with Miss Nell1'e D_igke`y.. T ~ ~ `. V , i rt U .._.--,`-.4 you any; IIVIIIC IICIC. Myrtle Guest spent the_. latter part of last week at herlhyorne In Bar- rie. _` _ ..--_-_ \Jnl v V AJVVV lllall. ("'I`o1`r'x"-L`/.Iulholland is expected--`home from Athe_n4orth west this yveek: ~ I ]A :-_- 1-,;-2 . Vv - v-_ gen yinll we shall never be any /different by ` letting matters take their own eurse. The ratepayers sl1oul_d makethes sel- ectgon of aldermen a `personal con- cern. Barrie needs` a? live, business ' coungil with ptogressivejdeas, "and if` the propers means? are taken such; we .belieV. .9311 be_ secured. _. " " _ - -_ .. cur. v sauna V1 \v\.I\o Eavina Orchard-has reitumed af(1f V.i_siting friends in Ba_r_rie. ` 1:;-- ru- ' ~M:ss; 1$en.t Sun- 'day with Miss Olive Bowman.` -cw-u-`nu; o I hf:Bwe"1:tf_I1\;Ie`C.onkey sp_ent the weekend with fr_i'ends.in Lefroy. - The Citizens Band "will give a con- cexft m the near future. _. " ' Mm. Issac Woolman of Barrie visit- ed his father here this week.` '. `II2.- , -V-_ __- ---o n -1" Ja<':l;T Reynolds" was down frdm_Al- landale over Sunday. "n__. .-Lr,r~, 1 r... ....-g guy .5 vs \lllb\Jo Miss Brown visited friends in Ai- landaleon Sunday. ' Mr. Will Meredith has seciircd a position in Oshawa, "Miss Gertie Wright` `is visiting friends -in Allandale. T Mr. 'Charlie.!Mai'tin has secured a position in =Haimilton. Mr._ _Geo,_ `Sharpe has returned` af- ter visiting iii Barrie. _ I 7'5 knee: We are gladto say he is provmg. - -`. `,. _. go _ an n- .-_ - ` Tihe'1-VI'ethodist is. s. will hold their an'nual"Christmas Tree and entertain- ment on Wednesday eyening,` 29th inst. A good program 15 being pre-` pared. - `There will be dialogues, sing- ing and. gramaphone selections. :Mr.` and Mrs. A. I-fughson of Barrievwil1 assist in the program. ' Simpson spent `Sunday in Thornton. ` , Roy McCullough is visiting his! parents in Toronto. ` ' ` _. Fr_ank' Brewster .. Spent Sunday- Barne. . T ucwa, uuuuuy~ba`I:c1.Il5 [0 Know.` . V days of. the silent member of` council are past, or ought to be. {We want no mere `automatons, but men _whot'1`; ink for "themselves and are ready to give expression _to._ those thoughts `in a business way. Perhaps, we -haven t .such material at our dis- posal, but we .might, at `least, try to nd out. One_,t_hing -remains ecertain,` Amanda. L _ A--- 123- W * . ?,Women s Plain Black. Cas ere. seamless `feet, all wool a d- b 'mful values at`. , . . . . . . . . . . , . .- . fl' 0.0 . Try our Scotch. Fingefjn Boys at T from 256; *0 50- will please you. A Yciaufcan buy with iniplici; conde e Sarjeant & Smith's Hosiery, knowi that satisfactioh is sure. ' _-vvvv~, v--vv value from. . . . - ~ Let us suggest, "even ufge, that you hiake an eat 3 -Merch'andise complete. _ `HOP NOW and you wfl enjoy the b in lines that.of_fer the greatest variety from which Vo choose. ' entsoand thus avoid theonpleasantvcrush and _dis p ntme ping. We have been busy gathering for weeks. __ now ha Sarjant 8 Smith's %No. 712 is"2i grat favorite for girlsi It is ribbed, warm and scrviqeale,_extrj in: Sal of Christmas Handker- i es Next Saturday . We sha at he ball rolling by offe1`ing' 500 Handkerchiefs at Half Price o'n.Saturday.M ~ See our window/%_display. tale of Hats at` H We _do- not wish to be understood as levelling these remarks at `every member of -the V present aldermanie There are among the muni- cipal. shtraps'of_ .1908 what may be saxd'touconstitut'e the -nucleus of a iairiyirepresentative working council, -it-"_i;s' `only `a nucleus. It is ideas 4th_a1.e70nnt'-in the race of to-day, and .I_Iere ~ zirwhere `this year's aggregation" T would appear to be "woefully de- *eien1:. 7I,f"th'ey' have any progressive mews, -nobody`. seems to know.` 'PBx.`. _I-___ JEAN'I`szSMITH Start ChifistmasShoPPi11I atthe Great Christmaf 15 I-(IO LLY_., ` STROUD. December I-Ioslory dl Ill GIILI 3C1 Vl\..x\:GlJl\o' b `LOW. PRICED HATS-0Wing to the advanced season, we have clipped dollars and dollars off the price to clear them out. Cpme and get a Bargain. Choice of large (`Misses Libbie Blueman -aind Eva Brandon visited friends ,at 1Hawke-' stone on Saturday and Sun_day. `Mr. Walter Lauder of Vermont, U.S;, is visiting his mother`a'nd bro- therhere, after an absence of a num- ber of years. ' No move has as yet` been by any body of the citizens making for a stronger and more _representative council. We have been -dodging along in a ,hi.t-or-miss,` go-as-you- please style for years without the least attempt at concerted action-sin the selection. of those who are sup-` posed to assist the mayor in the im- portant work of condupting the busi- -ness affairs of the Town. Better men are wanted. ` A Miss Rae Brandon hes returned af- te1_* a. two weeks visit with friends at Mzdland. ~ W (-1'>;i"-Pl;+:rt"-`I.-`I-t-1;;'>e1:t`,v?lorencfe lsrigley; Lorne `Gibson, Alberta` Stig- cy. (a)-4 -Johnl Cochrane, Gladys S:-ig- ley, George Givens, Willie -Givens. 1',` it 90 n -- ` | Sr.-' II.:-Mabel `McLean, Sadie Hub-I bert, Amy Srigley, Carmeeta Srigley, Ernest Bowen, Harvey Tyndale. I T- `I"I `l')-_--,._ J -IVI.:-:Ii2;g'i;-W -'.S~t.anley I iCra.wford, Mat Hoskingon. I R V 1 Cliffordl ,Tay1or, Elsie Tyndale, Elmer Dyer, isadie Giveng. * - -~-v---- 1 Sr. I.-Joh'n Kell, Bert Srigley, Preston Bown, Charlie `Hoskinson. ,.\.v.-. -- -- : Milton Brown. s1iI*.;'F"r'ed Kell, Nellie Ke11.| Ethel Herrell, Dora Gibson,` May. Gibson. | Ir. III.-`FIoyde Dyer, Charlie `ninvharn J5. .I.L.l.n" Bloxham. Ch as C % AM-L FIXTURES. Rom 59 E . v "v- --- ---- vvuvvni Iv vv up-s-----~ ; L AxjEto: snout" ; T.`_V.1VA0ther'vai'ieties to choose from for 65 up to 1-25 +*u=Am:n."i MAPLE mm" a -`SAW X`?-CUT Everyone guarxteed. V " " l\.v-i- -l'l._ J7.-in `Le: .& .....`. - ... ._- L JWood Choppers and Supplies V tveyou our cnowu JEWEL WARRANT!-JD 4 Ch 4 -n___ . _-,5 - -. ~ r\;. ,;.r I ; ,v v ,_ . { . . .,;.V I ;._._..__ .- -__-v \-ovwlluln Usher, Teacher. ..4u;.: HEADQUARTERS mg Gold trimmed horn and gun handles, suitable for engraving at BETTER MEN WANTED.` 2.50 and 3.dof ;We` have just received a choice range of beautiful Parasols for Christmas, all made with ne gloria covers and with pearl" and gold handles at . . . . . .2,oo T. Gold trimmed, box wood handles at :_ 4:4-` 4 lbw Parasol: for Yuledg % ' GIN ! % THURSDAY, Probably the largest p10Wi1l8' CV61` held in the township 0f0 took place on Wednesday of 1_ week, when over thirty neighbors M their teams gave a helping hand! Mr. James Fillingham, who _ laid up all summer with rheuI_'natl5 T1155 shows the esteem in wh1ch.\ Fillingham is held by those who Sisted him with his work. Pleased to report that Mrs. R0 Robertson is able to be around 3 after her accident of last Thuri evening. `An-other farm has chat_1gedh3' Mr. Duncan Gilchrist havmg P"h\} ed from Mr. Chas. Robenjtson- . Robertson will have a sale m the ne future. Mrs. A. A. Bell and gizught"_B tha. of Oro Station VlS!ICd ffl here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Brandon arei Cranbrook, Grey Co., attending " wedding of their niece, Miss W` eld. Es sale means to every purcheeer a difect rebate of froth 10 to '20e_ on every dollar 'in - V ea . SALE FOR CASH ONLY. ' AMr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson lM.:1rchmont called 011 friends a `neighbors in this place recently. M`ss Minnie Smith has return from a two months trip to the we` where she was the guest of her br ther, Mr. Jno. Smith of Regina. SHANTY BAY. c:m of `_ `As we are just completipgoui iiifthwyeniar in business; iwesiwishi to thank`i1`i`our.ugKgo_.- mers for their patronage-during the past. Now, we proposef givinga two weeks TROUS`. ING `ANNIVERSARY SALE, `during, which time we will give our purchasers great op. portunities of SAVING MONEY, by giving a straight discount _ of from 10 to 20 PER CENT -V 03' 011!` already well-known cash prices. This will be the` greatest Bargain Giving event of the season. - ~ V ; - " . , ` - V , V ' .4 ` meta] Devlin 8! Nlurchison A1903 %Qo u aouoou obpoooocouoL . llll l\ B E`I'I Q;$Ii ash: A iv-v -w I vuu w v-vvv Ladies and Chilcixfe-n s Ready- lto-wear Coats and Skirts. An- niversary Sa1e' so per cent. off. _ Black * Sateen Underskirs-.- Good ` quality and neatly trim- med., Regular $I.oo'ea`ch. Ana niversary Sale 79:. Re lar $1.65. Anriiversary Ssie 1.25. Heafherbloom VSkirts-Regu- lar $2.00. Anniversary Sale $1.50 -Table Linens--Half Bleach- ed, extra "heavy weight and full 2 `yards wide.-T Regular soc. Anniversary - Sale 36` yard." - __ J 99.. -__ Jfllllll 1 OD 930 J $36 ow Gloves, Hosiery a'n:lU-t'1&er- -wear-.-Ladies ne tWool or Cashmere Gloves, 1Hosiery and Underwear; also -.-Ladies Kid `Gloves and Mitts. Anniversary Sale to per cent. OE. 14:11:` I 1\A_j,_ _Wrappers - Black "Sateen Wrappers, sizes 36 and 38. Regular $2.00. Anniversiry Sale $.x5o. V A --'-l`vaI;l`e aid TTovTvels'---`-_ All Table Linens, Bleaced o r unbleached, Towels and rTowel- - lings. Anniversarysale 10 per cent-.oE. _ _ v--vq I TabV1;c-:1oths-B1Vea'h:d; size 2%, yards long and 1% yards wide, extra good value at $1-25. . Anniversary Sale 95 each. All the newest" `and best `weaves of this _Fall s ~Dres_s-- Goods, during. the Anniversary Sale 10 to. 20 per cent. off. _ DRESS .0005 vvII'IIIIvl' VlIlIla_AlI.\AlIl 9`| ----w- `c'``""' v-_-v-----'4 ""_`f""_ B'., r._V '- A. Stewart, organizer :fO`1_' thy! A."O.U.-W-.A has been in gut vitinitw `for 3,1 few; days. and }=!t,1i:*v th. r..t.*- 8_II1a.1If' ,r_ne'e_tmg :09. [Friday 2.-nj g'h_t~. ;=eiglift_.1ew_: . . 1 fe Rev. E. Crockett `exchanged `pulpits .'with `=Rev.- A. J. Paul; of Allandale, Mr. `_Paul., preached 3. very impressive` miss1onary_~scrmon_ to ea; v`er _y-:-;. Large . congregation _ on ..._Supd_ay.` .evenu_1g._;.. . ` IA . {- I I Our t_a`ti`o n ageing is 6/E` on his vacation. I-IE` `intends visiting Buffalo and other._pTacs .i_before re-} turning to work. Mr. M7.-"Rather-Q [`iord _i t_he;1-elieving_agex1t,_* V H bers `uniting for h'e lxfst time, ' , - Clout, vv vans: van`: vv urn: an IVIII-Th`! Java we J The sacgamcait of the LorEl s"' S up.-_jj per was. dnspensed--'in_ the" Presbyter- ian Church`: on Sunday, `ve mem--_ \/V I won; wvva-avg v-_--- vuvwvonn Mr. JohnJ'.aMcC'raw. paid a visit to the pagental ,,h6me over _S.u:nday_. 1r"1r-c.- . II on . L. A 3452; M.`"vi}}ii{:Za{ as Balme pent tl_1e,week:-,nd- with Afrigndg, he_}_'. T . Mr. and -Mrs. John Patton bf Al- l_andale- were week-end guests at` A. W.` Wax-nica's. _ _ ! v --o-v- -- Mr. Ben Webb liars returned home i from _ the ` hu1_1t; . and. reports gfame 'very scarce this sea,so'_n.1 "'1: ti ' on "A-ga-1'2; g'i`r'l`"cani`e. to` the home of Mr. and Mrs. `G. C. Alley: last week. Congratulations. ., ' A ' Miss E. Willson ai1d_'_DVr, `snoan have returned from a visit to Toron- to and Oakville... ` ' ~ 9 A "The of the `Wc'>`man s' In- stitute met at t_he r`esidence of Mrs. Leader on Wednesday last. T"isho'p- Reeve bf T_o1-onte conduct- ed the setvices in St, Peter's church on `Sunday last. ` ' ' p `j'M;.';;;: m;;1a;;Lg.;ga';a;.;;i;a; mg `rue were recent` _v1s1tors _at; Mr. W, |o'McDermott_ s he:-_e. ` .~ A ' ` Mr. Hooey made a. trip to Orillia last week. ` A `~ ` Mrs. R.- w. snoau visitod in. Barrie last week. - '2 ' . ~ ` T Mrs`, E- C. Berkinshaw of Toronto is visiting Mr; and "Mrs. H. "C. Will- ntuau ' son; | o-'f'"D alston is staying with her sistr, Mrs. W. Scott. If "'11I:."'b." i53InI}7n;s' ;.;.;;;a Mr. Geo. Young's farm on.the Izth lme. Miss Josie Teasdale of -Minesing is visiting -her cousin, Miss Rachel Parr. ",9 1')- _ A .. Mr. W. J. Coulter is. spenditig `:1! fcwfdays in North Bay and other ncrthern _town_s. . ' ` Quite a number of people spent "a social `evening at the hall here last Wednesday. night and report having a good time. ._ - .. -Miss Ethel Muir of Angus has`bc;en visiting.frie_nds herc. - `D `\ C n umb:e11aa--Ladies? and` Gen- tlemen s Umbr_ellas.V Anniver-_ any S1.cxopetcent.`o v-all, except, one `Special Line. of Silk. and Wool 'C6vering and Para.- gon frame. Reg'ularV$I.5o7 An- niversary Sale 95. A. a nanny ` VA -);;iVisA .De:vere-ax her _home in Coliingwqbd-`v: ? , . mr:-.- -u--1-s--;W - I v A " ' -`-` at A quZu"T 1R"`J1Z`"`c"``rd." niversary Sale uc. T `Pins--'Good strong pins. Re`- gular 5c p`aper, Anniversary Sale 3 foe-..5c. _ ` .Ha'ridk;rch'iefs' -'- Plain 1 or Hemstitched .Handkerchiefs, Ladies _or Men's `size. Regular 7c each. Anniversarysale 7`for READY-TO-WEAR GLOTHING Sp6_o1s -: -A good strong Vthx-"cad. '_3 for 10. A 'Men s and Boys Suits and Overcoats. Boys 2 or 3 piece Suits` and IOvercAoat_sV. Anniver-. sary'Sa1e, 15 per cent. oif. `6dd%1'>at-- Menfs Odd Pants, some are ne Tweed and some are `heavy working Pants, were `$175 and $1.90 a" pajr. Anniversary Sa.le,`$1.25 a `W3-eys Russian Style Over A" coats-In Navy Blue or Light Grey Tweeds, trimmed with velvet co1la_r, regular $4.00 and $5.00. Anmversary Sale $3.00 and $3.7s- ` T Black . S:ater'1:--'Good heavy" na`:I~1r Dnncclau rgn con:-A Ln, CRAIGVALE. -- ..v--..`, -00 VVIQQIIQWVUUO H .Miss _M has:..`r{ur1i_edT..hori1:<:` V jaftgt-v1s;t1,_ng jft:11ds' '_i.i1`Hl_lx.. . % .-Mr ,IV1VI`./>-: :l`:Va'- `D`...'...~.. .. 3.2 1 tf.;ii*`Z_: CHURCHILL. GREKFEL. 917 An- '1": "` ". """-' "`"'-"" :`:;:!~`1rf1ss= `Lxzzxe, M.cBur_neyA- has return- fr `e `i Std din Pa_in:s.u'tick,4,_aft_et a cou'g7l`jQf - y v..":5%M``V 1.97?` . mania Ann nova _;_Lo1fmuc } _ i iA .VV`e a`r sohfy to re;}o'r'tj the . s_ri6u_s 1 unE__SS, of - Mr's, Leonard TB1ox.ham; but ope; ztg `hear _o_f._ a : _speedy :recovery. 5 ` ` ` . - ,'..:.:`,,' c . - " . '17 '2._._3- If G`! - u--- cow IOl~II\JVV and "Mr"., G.;::t;`i.ey of West Essa, \iiSit.eg1[ the. `fbfrm er?sL s iste"r,7 Mrs`. W. ;_(?oh1jan`ej,;;Von;"Su'ndzygg_' V . g_ __A_ A .. I and. sister; Miss visited . over L. Sunday _' with "at..Pains\yik. V .4 __ In I VJJlJ\IlIn A gang. of Beg] Telephone C6; line-I e men.,t`1ave been m this` vicinity during tl;,..pas; two weeks. 7.V-_.-. -.-_-.-v-__-- ocnusfua qu 'Ll_Ul_l]_`.` I y ,| | ., nd. Miss ._.B;;. W11? pf; H9113? ; gent -` V5Wday'L.?with M and ' . .. . 1. V , .-A / *~'~~- ' L: Lw'_:'I[;_I;',7('}uigavn Qf Beetdn spentn few a,`ys-.. last week with Messrs. K. and. Gibson.` _ , _ L ' ` V I \Mr.iand Mrs. Rob_..` Shannon of.` ,. Painswick vi'sit_ed friends here - on S I,1.nda`y. ' . V - " n on Annie? 'Redfern5 and brother" Babb -spent Sunday with Thornton` ,' frien s. Waltgr Ke_`ll of Barrie " spent Sunday at his home here. V ' _~ " gd-{J gave `a. 1ar7ty on Friday. night to `forty of- her young [friends A . - V ' _4Whooping cough is prevalenthere. Mrs. Benson of `-Mi-nesing isivisitn ing her sister, Mrs." Simon Chappell. Rev. J. `Russell M' of Shanty Bay exchanged ulp1ts"with Rev. "R. L; Weaver last ' unday. = Rev. Chas. Ierey and Mr. Mainly Partridge had charge of the Epw-orth `League meeting last week. Despite the dark night and had roads quite a large number w_ere.-1n attendance and there was a` splendid meeting. ,- ~ I` >The militia paraded in full force Friday afternoon and the rearms were of all modelsand ca._l.ib/res` -from -away back to, the revolutionary pitch- fork- The fusilade` that took place put the battle of Mukden in the 3rd row. The casualties were 23- turkeys, 18 geese,,24 ducks, 5 chickens, 7 quilts, 11 pair of socks and mitts, 2"dogs and L 3 cats. Col.*_ `Binnie slew 3 turkeys, '2 geese, 3 pair -of sox and one cat. 'Men s and. Boys Underwear, Shirts `and .-Collars, Ties,` Sox and Braces. Anniversary Sale 10 per cent. off. Mr. and Mrs. H. Snider and daugh- ter of Alberta, arrived here `Saturday morning and are the guests of `Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall. Mrs. Sni- der is in, verypoor health. ' `You . Men : Overcoat;--In _ dark ` eed patterns,` Navy `Blue or Black, sizes '33 to 36.. Anniversary Sa1e'$3.9o to $13.50 ' _.__ -. 4-vvsu. Miss Hikli-g of Bayrrie was "a ge- cent visito: %h ere., Lastweek was a record week in shipments from the- C. P. R. station here. There were large shipments of lcattle, hogs and farm produce. - . II VI` I\I\' in Mr. T. O'Neil has secured aositua- tion elsewhere, and left the employ of Mr. H. Wise as bookkeeper. M-r. Wise s son is at present'~lli'ng the position. T*h ._farmei's are pretty well through ploughmg, ` -l\ 01 u "an: -_ G:o, Raike of` `Shanty Bay was in this village on. Sunday. f ~ \S.weaters-I-1V1IVen s Grey Wool -Sweate1is, buttoned at the neck, deep green collar, regular.$I.5o each. Anniversary Sale $1.00. wojol B1ank`e:;'-xtra hztavy, `size 60 x 80, regular $3.75. An- niversary Sale $2.85. Pure Wool Blankets--Extra ~ heavy and large size. Regular `$4.00 and ._$5.oo.` Anniversary Sale $3.50 _and $4;_59. M Coxi1'c;rt.:rs-\-)5-011.. or Eider- down Comforters. Anniversary Sale 10 per cent. 05. aav|~unJ ya unn';nn|\.\J,V , 91191 I `J1 IUII6 -sleeves, sizes 3 36 and 38; Regular $3.50 an "$4.50. Anni- versary Sale $2.go_._ ' I fiibbons, Vexhng` ' '5 ` and" I'.a.cv: Curtains--AnniversaVry Sale 10 per cent. o'.L ' Tjv L nWhite or `Black Silk Waists, neatly trimmed,_short or long -gleevgs, `sizes 34 A36 and_ cur ijcnisrnnnmct Li! - White `Lawn Waists--Lon.g or short sleeves. Regular $1.25. V Anniversary Sale 98c. Regular. $2.50. Anniversary Sale $175. L9Lo9sa cnown mm. CRAIGHURST. ` HOLLY. ; T -R 1131 list. ` Mpamswrc % T Mr. Sam. Blaglgmrg ,i_:Sicli] We arl _Sof(y , I i`ll'nes