Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 3 Dec 1908, p. 3

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i-i;;?d1%. 3-`W-V. N9-"`-5 j1'|nu:|:y. fio9:' $350 64 359 1:` Q 578 f 58 709 I2 741, 03 774138.. L1 5:. T 1916 I911 1912 "1913 1914 -' . 1915 1916 1917 ' 3918` V; 1919 n:\J\n\.-. r'fv 1994 The building for the forestry -and! botany departments of the University of Toronto was opened. . : hel. A number of vessel-owners Araisedl therate of carrying grain from the head of the lakes to Georgian Bay ports from two to three cents a. bus- `L. The St. Cathrines "Board o=f'Tradel ps agitating to `stop the export of W natural gas. ~ . . _ _ `f _ . - . ._ . . ,. . W _ . , _ > > `_ _. . ` . X : J` .. \ -:_ ' .- V ' - . 4 - ' ~ > ., .' * .' - _ ~~ " . ' . Theau-r_ % % % 3 Advance; Pierre` M. Desclos, `a. priest, was gentehced a_t Mgntreal to three years m the p'emtent1ar'y for defrauding a V merchant. A well known-resident of Stayner hadi, i'athe'r` a peculiar experience re- cently. Havingmade some purchases he went to his till for the money, and tiotmd that same had disappeared. On eldse examination he djscovered the nest _of a mouse lined wxth bills rang- ing m,,vaIue,from ones to tens. It ~it~need1essAto `say that it nias the gnost expensive monse s nest found -an Stayner for many? a .day. His ef- -fusions -"were totally dierent from "those of the `Poet Burns when he up- tnrned the mouse s .nest as he plowed hhxs Ay;-shire garden in the x8th. cent- Aury.--`Snn, , __ . "`--.A -AnH;uo n-`A : 5'-an.-`"4, nu... Over a hundred persons, mostly Arabs, lost their lives in the burning of the British steamer Sardinian at Valetta, Malta. Crowds of unemployed, bearing banners with the legend Work or Revolution, paraded the west end of London yesterday. FRIDAY, NOV. 27th. 1 E Mr. Frank` Barber was appointed iengineer of York county. f William `Mackenzie has secured ? control of the Toronto" Electric Light j Company. V The new stegmer `Hatnonic was launched at -Collxngwood, Capt, Maitland was killed at King-A ston by a fall from his vessel: _ Unrest in India is increasing, and attemgns on the `lives of Englishmen are 0 almost daily occurrence. Vborando, the I.talian runner, won his race at New York against Hayes, (hi: Olympic champion, by a[third of a ap. Iv :-of. .Shep'a.rci of Victoria College ; died, `following an operation. I ~-~1. mat to raise the said .sum~0f $2,000 for the purposes ,aforesaid~, it shall be lawful for-theV['COfD'0l'3ti.6| > N` Theta w,as .a_ pitched baitle between strnkers-and deputy sheris at Keas- bey, NJ. `~ ' I co . - ' .o u o n ` Ill 1 -`?IJ ll: . 1 Two young men, who travelled un- ;der the name of Parr Bros., and who hadpibeen. the attraction at Wonder- land lastweek, were arrested intheir rooms at the eCentra1,A.Hotel on Sun- day mght. 'Chief Wilde acted ithority received frogn Owen Sound, where the men were wanted by the police `to explain the disappearance of a couple of valuable overcoats. They were wanted at oMeaford also for 3.. similar offence. When first approach- ed by the police they denied stealing` at Meaford,` but upon being arrested in: the evening acknowledged the di- ier_'ent'fcha`rg`es. They -claimed they _ ou_nd..the.coat in.Ow:en.Sou-nd. The Meaf_"ar_d coat . had ,.been_ i expressed to - `Toronto-_v. to an "address with which Tthe3rL`pft,ariiis_hed' the? aiilorities. The . x locked}: I19` .0ve;`- `night A, and I ;t_ot';`A)_\jl`rer_xAv Sound -i on 'Mo_nday af- it liaulletinf. ; .-.8?" .{'.-;lA..~$`.`b.'.'. 2.3- 2.; '..' "~. Madame St. Andre was sentenced] at Montreal to three months in jail for attempting to poison the horse of a saloon-keeper. Dean Farthing has written, accept- ing the position of Bishop of Mont- real,- and will probably be consecrat- led on January 25th. W/frfs; William Bell, jun., of Blen- heilrln lost her life by" falling into '9. we . - lv J.`E. -Cyr, `ex-.M.*P., has been appointed emigration agent in`France. 11{rs'L`j;:x1s*15izi$gIaZt1$s"c};E$}}i. walked into Victoria Lake and was drowned. ` E A four-year-old boy named Ander- ;son fell and struck his head on a ta- ?b1e at Calgary; and was fatally in- gjured. . ~ 'M?'}+ The Evngelistic `Committee of the! Presbyterian Church decided to start campaigns in the ,Koo'tenay district, B;C., and the, Mirmedosa district; " "`1`ii_ev_IEx;a;'>1;";;il;Ji);a;t, built at a post of $125,000, was sold for scrap tron for algout $600. _ ' . . I n_. Whereas the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Barrie deems It neces- 1.-sary and expedient to purchase cer- itain water lots within the limits of the Town of Barrie, more particular- ly described as follows : -:`\_u'f:a`1-r11ily of Russian Jews `who. _came to Toronto from England were jdeported is. undesirables. ' < IKE` II`l`\IIh"'\tUlIIII "\I\Iu J.DIuIll\p`IIlq ` __ -V'l`.heV village. of `Coldwater is `in a fD.:uliar'A position. Last ' January when *-tlj1e_fVvc>`t ewas* taken on local option in rtlie tovjvnship _.of' -M`edo_nte,' . it was part ;of. that mumcipality. . Polling sub. `.di_vi_ig'n No.6,: which comprised the jpId:"p9lic(;`5N_rilI`age of -.Coldwater, voted `31"P* 93'=bY 12.5 t0 53- '.!1'e.;fa 1`!1lyn;ahip 3139, gaxried .; the V by- V5 vimrnc-~:1ta'aOr4t:r4Jand . on May ` * " 'egnam- A co}11`ri~1i'tf t<`d` sm'- cidein -Toronto by mhahng illuminab ing as. an - u` o _ A - 7:rist_;_ ma sec3hd' }time in :';'~'TA`KE_NOTICE that the above is agtggue cap of` a._pro1_>o_sed By-Law. fwh:h-. has .ei1 taken mto""considera- tion, {and which will be nally passed. by the Cou`n`ci1 of the Corporation of the Town. of3Barrie in the event of the assent of the'elect'ors being hob- Nov`=.,.- 1908.: tained theret after one month from- 'the Ar'st`-'-.e publication Lthereof in The ;_j_ .rHuRs3.2;AY.[ Nov-. .%9tt:- n -- . ~ ., . James Robertson of -Milton was the only Canadian who succeeded in get- ting stock for the Live -"Stock Show at _Chicago through quarantine at De- trout. Major-G_neral Sir Percy Lake has gpen appomted Quartgrmaster of In- ta. About a hundred of the passengers and crew of the s.te_aVmer Ponting ,wer`e drowned ix} a storm off the Phil~ ippine Islandgp `- `- and` separated. from the township of Medonte. Those favorable to lxcense new claim that -the separation ' ates the local. option by-law so far as the `village oi Coldwater is concerned. On its face this theory looks hardly tenable inasmuch` as Coldwater at the January elections expressed itself in `favor o__ local `option by a vote of more than two to one.--Midland. Ar [A By-Law of the Town of: j . Barrie to raise the sum of $2,000 for the Purchase of Property, the same to the used for the purpose of a Public Park and Re- creation Ground on_ the Water Front. I The jury at Port. Arthur icquittcd. [the three men, }. W. Axmstrong, Joesphr-Hubert and Robert Lthen, of ' the charge of conspiracy in cormec tlon with the, Dexter poll persona- tions. The infaxit Empgzor of China is to bef entht-Aongd on December 2. }% All diiulgies ixi the way of South }African union have been surmounted. `I40. The question of the revision of the electric light rates which has been under `consideration by the Council for some time will be nally settled at its next meeting`early in Decem- ber. At the present time the power plant is showing an annual prot of approximately ten thousand dollars. and, with new lights this is beingins creased each` year by about $2,000. .It `is, felt, therefore, with so lar e a prot going into'the general tax gund tlmtsome reduction should be made to the consumer of light. The pro- position which nds _most favor among members of the Council and which seems probable of adoption is to reduce, the house rate from an cents a month to 16 cents, and the storerate`from 28 cents .a month to 20 cents. Thislreduction would mean a loss of revenue of about $3,600 a `year on the present number of lights. but as it-~is probableethere would be a'_large. increase in the loss at `the end` ofthezyear would be slight.--- l'u0r*i*~ N*'s#L**- V The Aurora, 3 Norwegian bark, was wrecked o Digby, N.S., and her crew were saved by a boat from the shore. Tlidvn/7:-1T1;d AMurdock, aged seventy years, of Raleigh township, commit- iedjuicide by shooting himself in the The Government has decided to ex-9 empt dressed meat. shipments in bond from the embargo placed on cattle products from the United States._ -~'---- ------nnvuvnidl Jc>(f1`r1V`:i-I<`);vard was found d-rowncd at Newmatjket. Thev ieamer Bennington ran aground 1n the narrows above Brock- Pelice Magistrate Moore of Ken- ora. has been suspended by the Gov- ernment. T0r0nt0 will receive between $48,- 000 an_d $50,000 prots of `the recent Canadzan National Exhibmon. BY-LAW N0. . Four persons were drowned when the steamer Finance was sunk off Sandy Hook in collision with the White Star steamer Georgie. Ray Lamphere, accused of the murder of Mrs. Gunness, the owner of the murder farm at Laporte, Ind., has been found guilty of arson and given an indeterminate term in the State prison. SATURDAY, NOV. 28th. : During October 500 cases of ty_p~ `hoid -were reported to the Provincial Board of Health. ' :All"-the tarxlxerif-":}iced to `see In- dgan Summer; many. of" them being i far back with th_eir`fa.1l: ploughing. \Xf_ gu-.....-l4..I_ 54 kg. akin; On onnnub &VLI3- I`: lg-Illll IIIIVIVUVIII Mr. and~'Mrs. Georgefrvonch have gone to spend a well-earned . holiday IIl\u\IIJ 0 Vwigx friends in. 'Sa.ri:ia...and-<..Petrolia. _--_l.A I__L-___--I- '._'_.: `I._._ L-... ,A _._--_---.. .... .uu as-uanuy question. I _ Four thousand `men and large quan- tities of `material _for the National Transcontinental will be sent in over the new Lake Superior branch from Fort William. Thirty Servians were slain in a ght with Austrians on the frontier of -`Herzegovina.,_ British` Columbia and Nova Scotia were awarded gold med als at the Colonial Fruit Show in London. ISL IIQBII` VUIIIF II_\vll' ACID` ylvulllllag We are-~g1ad- go be- able t_o report ;Mrs. R-.-' J. Hill mxproving mcely. I r\l'- --A.-M-g cgannpn \X,nnnk `IIQIIQ ,wn.n xrlcuua Ill. aalIlI |~fauu..1..cuuua. f-~-One night Iast.Lweek~.:Lev-i.Ma;.ys had three ne rcwes. wottied;and.~~kxl.led by I '1VLI'-`J-V.l.`IlCIIgCl1 HUQV lll3.3UlI UI gunr- da_le _spent.=`a:` co Ate'vo_f~:;-.daVys..:recently Fw1th.th__*fonne s` nepftcww` IIT2_- ' `V Ifll Wnce. II ..- nm, uurmg ncr sxcmmaa. W_e ar pleased to know _that Mrs. Gamble, who has been very zllall fall, Lis: so` `far restored to +he_alVt_h.:-that` 13;; ' is reported that Premier Mc~ Bride_will,invite_ ghe other Provincial Premiers to Brxtzsh Cogumbxa. for a. conference on the subsndy question. ? whit: knuannnj -.--- - b oooooooooooooooooooooooob VUICC. . \ ` `Mrs. Wilson of ..-'I`oronto4 and Mrs. Ianting of Ivy are spending a few j}d3ya.'-.wtihf. their sister, `Mrs. R- I. `H111; dqrigig her sickness`. `II . .5415 'ou'lA'nag I-n I-MIL "`:One of _tt1e 1argesI.:_rq-ns of herring eyfer seen-:xn>I:.ake Er:-ens reported off Port_Stan_ley, and the -shermen there gaze taken hundred of tons of the s . i_AI~J'lort:_l'1Verzf9 V A!leW:sp3'Qe.'|,'J,".' "A, . A as; el1is1:et!%s:;gx::;thl!* am. . ;. & the date `of; wh:cl;;aidT` first. ubllhp tion in.The `Advance is"Thurs Y. the 26th day of November, 1908, and at the hgur, day and places therein x- ed'for taking the` votes. of electors, the polls will be held. Dated this 16th day of"Nov., z 9o3. j `c rxnrxrnr y L983 ` ~ __ -9/Ir, Mitchell and his;son of Sunma _ -_ -_..A._. - . . -__.....L.. .14....` . Continued on P330` 5. b day of Npv., E` " 3.`32'j7-L`: - L`; L` .L'Jl.Jl.4, Town -Clerk. 5oooooooo6o' .0 . O ,0 .0 n That to raise the said .su1n <'>_fv n Cm. u.,. ....... -- -: .... _:.| J. R. HAIWBLY The sas1E..A1ca _iTaAr'1ev'v jbtixilit entirely new PrinciP1`S. -` ' ~ V I * The Pandora and Sask.-Alta -be hold word for the coming generation, .,bcaus_e .tb are made to last a iifctime. ` ' 5 -` After six years gslth ltlhesi - proved the best and takes less fuel -to run than ajly other cast range made; - 7 T " ` ; In these purchase the best Rarggcs manufactured. V 1,1 West or Bamzg Hotel. " FOR 5;??? ce I 4. That it shall be lawful so, the Mayor of the said Municipal Corpor- ation and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign and issue the said 4Debentures hereby authorized` to be issued, and the interest coupons (if any) attached thereto, and to cause the same also to be signed by the Treasurer of the `said Municipality, and the Clerk of the said Municipality is hereby authorized and instructed to attach fhe seals of the said .Mu'ni-p cipality to the said Debentures. ' __.... 2. That the said Debentures, so to be issuedfor the said sum of $2,000" shall bear interest at the rate of 4% per cent. per annum. payable yearly, \ , such Debentures shall bepayable in` ve annual successive instalments, such annual instalments of prin- cipal and interest _to- _be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be-equal as nearly as ma be to what is: payable of principal an interest during each of the other years of said period, andonie of such instalments of principal shall be pay- able in one year from the nal pass- ing of this By-Law and the remaining four instalments of principal shall be payable on the same day in each of the (4) four succeeding -years and said yearly in-stalments of interest shall be payable at the same time and each of said Debentures shall in- clude the whole amount of interest payable that year, or coupons for! in- terest shall be attached to each De- benture as the Mayor .and the Treas- iurer shall determine. D ' 3. That the said Debentures as tol principal and interest shall be payable. at the Br_anch.of the Bank of Toronto | in the said Town of Barrie. I this By-Law. `of the saidVMunieip_ality to issue. De`- be_ntures of the sand -Muncipality to sand amount In sums not less than $100 each, payable within ve_years from the date of the nal passxng of 5. `That there shall be raised and lev-i ied in each yearduring the currency of the said Debentures, or any of them by special rate on all the rateable property of the said Municipality in the same manner as-other taxes are levied,`a sum suicient "to pay and dischar e `the said several yearly sums o principal and interest so ac-A cruing due as the same become re-_ spectively payable` according to the terms of this By-Law, that is. to say, the total sum of $455.58 in each of the said years. ` VI`! . .1 `rs G I 1 In . a n ' 7. 'I(`Vhe votes of fh duly qua1i.edL electors of`aid Town of Barrie shall be. taken o this By-Law on y . l Monday.` the 4th `Day of " January, 1909. mg.-e"_lh;t"t-11-i.s By-Law. shall take _ef- fect on the day of-the nal epassmg thereof.` 1 V . ~ commencing at 9. o'clock in "the fore- w noon and continuing until 5 o'clock in >the afternoon at the.un,d`u-mentioned places and by the following -De.put_y Returning -Qfcers; thaf` is to say, in 1` Polling` Sub-dz` 'v_is_ion-No`. r, atWrn. `I Barrie to raise the sum of $11-.000.00i for the - pur- ehase of Property. the some to he used for the `purpose of a Public Pork and Recreation Ground on By-Law of the Town oil | l ; the Lake Shore. IBY-LAW NOL TAKE NOTICE that the above. is a true copy of a proposed By-Law which has been taken. into `considera- tion,and which will .be nally passedby the Council of the Corporation of the Town -of Barrie in the event of the as- sent of theeelectors being obtained (hereto after onemonth from the -rst publication thereof in The Northern Advance newspaper,_ published in the said Town of Barrie, the date of which said rst publication `in The Advance is Thursday, the 26th Nov- ember, I908; nd at the hour, day and - 1 places there xed `for taking the votes of electors, thevpolls will be held. - Dated this 16th dayof Ngv. 1908. r ' `E. DIONNELL. s I A Whereas the Mtinicipal Corporation of -the Town of Barriedeems it- ex- pedient to purchase certain water lots and other property, vyithin the limits of the Town of Barrre, more particu- larly descrtpegl; _as- follows . I _` Firtly.`_--Lot number fteen on the East side of-John street, and Lot fourteen in rear thereof `according to registered -Plan-. No. _II5, excepting thereolit` andtherefrom all that por- tion heretofore sold and conveyed to one Alfred B. Wice, bi" registered deed number 9863, and that portion thereof included in regi,stered Plan number 347, and known as Lot num-; `her seven, 5. ' ` ' V $2000 oo _ _ I Read a first and second` txme in ogfan Councnl on the 16th November, st -Secondly.--Lot number thirteen on the West side of Bayeld .street'a.c- cording to registen-ed_.Plan, No. 115, exceptingthereoiat and thegefrom all that portion thereof included in reg- istered" Plan number 347, and known as Lot mfxmber seven. ,Foitirthly.-Water Lots `numbers : thirteen, fourteen and fteen on the West side of Bayeld street and on the East side of John street as des- cribed in the original tent thereof from s the `Crown to eorge Lount, dated`:I4th-May, I851, excepting there- out and therefrom the portionv~h.ereto- fore sold and conveyed to the North- ern Railway Company of; Canada by `deed registered as. No, 39222, also ex- cepting .any other portion. thereof at th!;SV date in` pos_ses'sio`n`o_f the said Railway, Company, also excepting all _that gortion _t`hereof , shown upon - - regI's.i_.rIe 1 .b`:`rs'_-_; . .Planf No. 3147', as {sot mim- ._-___-_c, -' -----v-,v- --.-..- -.v- 1 The above three paree1s.`containing. about one and three-fth acres Tagore -or less. - " V - 9. W l.`h';t-the sid Clerk amt said Council shall at his oice in the said Council Chamber on the 5th ._day'.-of January, _x9o9, at the hour` of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, sum up `the number of votes given for and against the By-Law. . W V ;1:1_r;1ber seven ac- cording`to registered Plan `No. 347. ` _ Schedule to ~` i ` Polling Subs-'diviaionN . 6, 7: turning Ocer. 3 8 That `on the 31st day of Decent`- ber, 1908, at 'the;_Co,uncil ..Chamber'f;in " the said Town of Barrie, `at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the Mayor will ap-g persons to attend at the 7 nal suin- mmg up of the votes, and one person to attend at each of the polling places on behalf of the persons interested in andfdesirous. of promoting the. passing" of this `By-Law, and a. like number of persons interested in and desirous- of opposing the passing o f this -By-Law. r ' Hall; -Ed. Deputy; ` point in writing signed by him twp " Tlie'-same_.,to be_ used `for _a Public Park - and _ Rgcreatxon ground on: the -l_ak;': Tshore. , V ` .n . 'un~4n- ` Andiwhereas the said `Corporation holds ;an-` option from the owner there- ofunder. whichbthe `said property can A be `purchased -free from ~incur`n_brances fiat . >.th e sltm` '0?` $11,000.00; provided "th e__` :'ofp`tfion. is` `accepted -before the First. -;', A;._ -.;1e`_n` '1'-`.--;_".:.c 'V'--_.'_' I-Isl wg - ~-w,---.-` __-__ - _I. . I 59* BI arty, , VAn d:wher eas. the said Council have _ .:deeVme'd itA 1.-xpedient to `raise, said sum` Dgbgn:g;gs,w gzpayable in- twenty T .'-fyea;fs*,<";vm1g;,[.m!;erst_at 41/2` per cent-.._.,: And whereas the said Corporation holds an option from the owner there- of under which the said property can be purchased free from inpcumbrances for the sum or $2000, provided the option is accepted before the First y of February A.D. 1909. e I And whereas the said Council have eemed it expedient to raise said sum by Debentures, repayable in ve years, with interest at 4% per cent.,. Payable yearly. ` And whereas it will be- necessary to raise annually during. the term of five years hereafter mentioned by special rate to pay the said debt, to be creat- ed by this By-law, and interest there- on the sum of $455.58. ' A__,1 1 -I ' - ` "` if'w_i!1 be nces$afy- fo ` ?':'3{' f:3*!*,13..5V4=. S.*?['E :31? Of. "gar hf{ef;jer=`:*;m;t1ped` by a 1 . . ` A . _;u T Sub-division N. ),1;.f* Bout-L;..p.X.= acivet, DP|1tY Rctllrmng-Qcer. _ -' - ` - I1-1I:._.. (L4. .19 a Polling No. D9901? Vktutmng Qicer. `l5.I`I2__._ J 3- o W8 Shoe rshqps And. L F. Huxitet, Jhn. *hvt=- Dena $90 00 $365 58 73 54' 382 a4 56 as 399 23 . 33 39 417 I9 I9 62 4359 96 1Foreg`oing By-Law No.+- "" " V` `Y`fJJ'J"' And whereas the amount, of the Who}; rateable property of the.Muni- ~|Da1_1ty of the Town of Barrie ac- =cordmg to the last Revised` Assess- ment Roll, bein-g`the Assessment Roll 5? the year, 1908. is$3.I7s.oI2, A...l , 1 .1 Mmnxonranax I910 191 I 19:2 1913 1914 L` IJLJLA, I Town Clerk`. . - 5. There shall be raised and levied `in each year during the currency of said Debentures or any of them by special rate on all the rateable prop~ -erty of said Municipality, in the same manner as other taxes are levied, a `sum sufficient to pay and discharge the. said several yearly sums of prin- cipal and interest so accruing due as the same become respectively pay-l able according to the terms of this By-Law, that is to say, the total sum ' of.}_$845.'64' in eachgf the said years. Monday. the 74th ' day of .333 ~ `i 1s;.1.,.? ;;.m...o..- - u..., uwm. by s ,Shoe__. Shop; Hunter, De- puty Returning Ocer. . I-\ _'-| " T1'=;5i"*" sI.i$L&Ei;i6ii"iL if J{in}I. Caldwell 3 Shop; Fred. Mart, Deputy E Returning Ocer. ' . Polling Sub-division No. `2, at Mar- ket_ Btgilding; John Clayton, Deputy Returning Oce. A . . l_ Ti -Svug-'d-ivision No. 3, at Fa}: ,-"Hall; Alexander McNeil, Deputy Re- turning Ofcet. T . Q,i J0 `,0- 1'- -.CI'I 91 _'-"' -'_"'_7"i ""_" _ ; Polling `Sub-division No. 5 (a),_ at` ;r;Hd'gg s Woollen Mill; `.D.A. Mc'Niven, it Deputy Returning O-ice:-. - A . .Po1ling Sub-division No. 5 (b), at -_Looker s Shop; Edwin A. Luck. De- sputy Returning Ocera 7 13.11:... a:..1.. .a:..:-:....- u'..- 1:` -5 `m... [""i= >113`.;`7u"13`3`aa:"8';"i`vo. 5, at Fire Hall; Ed. Whitebread, J Deputy Ree turning-.~'-Ocer. V V H , _ . . .- fI'|I_.-.__j__- LL -.._;_ .1--- - -__ ---- V1-0 v. .-rm-can ' *;.;i~hat itmsvhall be` lawful for tn; Mayor of the said Municipal Corp- oration and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign _and issue the be issued, and the interest coupons (if-any) attached thereto, and to cause the same also to be signed by the Treasurer of the said Municipality, and the Clerk of the said Municipality is hereby authorized and instructed toattach thejseal ofothe said Muni- cipality to the said Debentures. said Debentures hereby authorized to is: ":a;;;:.,:g`13yiL;;;,'Sign zgxzgzf- gfect on the day of the nal passing ` thereof. A commencing at 9 o'clock in the fore-l noon and continuing until 5'o c1ock in the afternoon at the undermentioned places and b the following Deputy Returning O cers; that is to gay, in `I\-IIS_._ Q__`I_ _IS_!___.. `Y- 4 -. (Iii, jfhe votes of the duly `qualied electors of the said Town of Barrie shall be taken on thisTBy`-Law on --._-` `y --vv- . i `:F8.. .T-hat. on Thursday, the 31st day of. Dec. 'Io8, at the -Council Chams; ber in-the said Town of`Barrie, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the Mayor will appoint in writing signed by him two persons to attend- at` the nal summing. up of the votes, and. one person "to attend at each of the polling .places3on behalf of the persons my terested-i in and desirous of promoting the -passing of this By-La,w, land ..a' like numberof persons interested in __and ;desirous,- of .o.pposing the passing" ..of .4 Au.` a A .6 9.! Water Lots numbers thirteen, four- teen and fifteen on the West side 0 Bayeld street and on the East side of John street, as described in the original Patent thereof from the Crown to George Lount, dated 14th `May, 1851, excepting thereout and` therefrom the portion heretofore sold and conveyed to the Northern Rail- way Company of Canada by Deed registered as number 39222,, also ex- cepting any other portion thereof at this date in possession of the said -Railway Company, also exceptingvall that portion thereof shown upon reg- istered Plan Number 347 as Lot Number Six, the same to be used as a Waterfront Park and Recreation. ground. - - -J :-`vvv 3%? 3. ""1`i{{ the said. Debentures. to be- so lSSl1_ed'fO! the said sun1~.of $11,000`: 1 shall `bear interest at the rate of 4% per cent. per annum payable yearly, such Debentures shall be :payable in .twenty annual successive instalments such annual instalments of, principal `and interest to be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable for principaljand interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as maybe to what is payable of principal and inter- est during each-off the other years of said period,and one of such instalments of principal shall be payable in one year from the nal passing of this By-Law and the remaining nineteen instalments of principal shall be pay-' `able on the same da in each of the (19 nineteen succee ing years and said yearly instalments-e of interest shall be payable at the same time and each of said Debentures shall include the whole amount of interest: payable that year ,or coupons for interest shall be attached to each Debenture as the Mayor and the Treasurer shall determine.` p 3.4 That the said- Debentures as to principal and~interest shall beepay- able at the Branch of the Bank of Toronto in the said Town of Barrie. Lllna ` . ` ` _ . That the said Clerk of ,9-the said Council shall at his office in the said Council Chamber on the -5th da --of January, 1909, at the hourof 2 o c ock L in` the afternbon~,.sum up the number of votes given -for and against the I 11.. 1' -... vs v uu;_a By-Law- . I. V-'I".`l;at tt}J.;,ra ifsVe": thfeu sttm"of i$II;ooo for `the ;7pufp6se>.aforesaid, it ' 7=sha'll be 'law'f,ti_I_--for the Coi'poration 9f `the said Municipality ` issue De; bentures of the said Muncipality to said amount. in. sums not less than .-$100 each, payable ,within {twenty years from the date of the nal pass- ing of this `By-Law. -v- v-cu our lll- IDII%3I .. _Therefoi'e, _the Munidpdl` Cdrpora-* Atnon of the Town-of Barrie enacts as `follows :*- ~ - L 4 - ` ~_.vs~unc1_ cvus ync :xu'jul:j`vU5:0a7 "' " ' `iii And whereas ,the- amount of the whole` ra teab!es.propertyffof ghg said vlunicipality according;to: theA la`st'Re- ;vxsed Assessment Roll, b.eing._.the. As- sessment Roll for the year I9o8,_ is $3.I7s.oI2;~ V `- I A...: ...t.....__ `L- .-__-,, .' -J .0 fistmg _pebenture Debt : of_;1;he said _Mun1cxpali`ty.'.is ""$285.273;.69"'-Bf which ;no-- part either of princ1pal_or of in.-` ; terest is -in arrear. " If`: - - - > - '5e'."taied` by this .B-14.3%; snwsr: :9s_t~*-ther eon the sxiinfbf a ;..' A .1 ` . ` A - '...I ___I.-._-_ - ` 15: J,'L[J!V "H Jyul ` ,,,, 1: `I ount Of the ex` ' . And whereas the am -. aid I bt vof the 5 xstmg Debenture Dej Municipality 15. $285 27369 . . * "of in-% _ clpal 01. - - no part xt11eI1`_e;>1f_ Dnn , V . terest is 111 211' - 1 Co`;-para` - ICIP3 `Therefore, the Mun ' . me enacts; 35 tlon of the TOW of Ba ' [ follows :

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