are 25} Lects`are 1 watered ance at: ' demand , heavy, is ' OPPOSITE IROSS `ST. JOB}! BARR S OLD STAND V WEDNESDAY, Nov; zisth ANIJREWI u I.` '1 Ifngram "of`Bran-` `A_ - 4...2-{ t StocI -on Jan- ~nam :M$-. .an`d,1\/I|r_s . J. % Jagg} spleng suxgagyi wit.h,~Mi": a'nd::M_Vr's.; Ge *- Y o"u;n `-Gren-M, \ Th'e remains of Mr. John Booth, at , V, .- ---------uvua uavyuusxuy. fc-r'mu 1'CSld8I:t of Innisfl, who died} on..Sunday,, Nov. Isth, in Michigan; -ch VVC\_1l1Sd`-'-IV an 9r! e-arrival rf_it,I1r-"J -short rhurch service e\_va`s[ 4zor',terI?;; 4;} years old. were interred in the cemetery. here! morning *train 'from_ -the south.` Av: by Rev; Mr. Crockett. _Deceased V . -`_l . . W'e are sorry to reporr the serious, _illness of Mrs. Wm. Hudie. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery." J A pleasant evening was spent at the home of` Dr. Simpson last_.Friday> evemng by a few of his friends. A . most enjoyable evening was the -Presbyterian church last` Thursday, it being the occasion of a3 visit of the; Churchill Young People's `Society. The "vChur'chill - Guild : furnish-" ed the program, which .wa_s unusually; good. The Mandolin Club deservef Agreatopraise for the manner inblwhich? "they acquitted"tl'.emselves.` `Afters the; - :px-ogram, tea~was served,-,,and all enfij; joyed themselves thoroughly " "l`1.`.- .-........:-_ -r II," `I 0.--4 on `r v vllllat {l7V_It'..':11d Mrs. -George Sharpe haven`! :;'etu_rned home after_ ;'enewing'old ac- "gua1ntances at Killyleagh. ur-.. ...._ ..-__- - _ Miss` Susie `Peacock entertained 5 riumber of fr_1ends at her home?on Tuesday _even1ng. ' j ` '` "1M.. .1 -I '- `V Miisvs Corbett is visit'ng friends in Churchill. W. J. B_la_k hasfeturned to Toron- to after visiting his father here. Ben Webb has returned home after spending, two weeks in Muskoka. MISS Mabel Hockridge .is spending` a short vacation with friends in Tor-' onto. ' " s rR`otm. - Bert New is visiting` friends in To- -ronto. ` Howard Black spent Sunday at his `home here. ` - ` `M. B. Peacock left `to-day fox-`~ Ed- monton. Alta. n J. \-_O\.\ mc->'`x;, Alta. -I : T\` u": T.he Misses -Donelly of Ivy {Mere the guests of Mrs. J._ Walton last Thursdav, T ' Mr, Dalton Tifn has gone to Kjng City to visit his sister, Mrs. -V. A. Hall. is ~Miss Addie McCr'acken `of Hamil- ton spent a few days lastwgek at her home on the Townline. _ .n_ , - -A -~- 'lV]. F. `It ana IV]. . , Sunday in Grenfel. rs. J -_-- --vs no-_ ' S.ervice in the Methodist Chute}: ,;g:_ex.t. Sunday m'or11ing"tT -IO`._ 36. Mr. and Mrs. John Jago of Holly` spent S__unday at {M11 G. Young s. 0 A -n-uaa4>;...... 1...... LI.` _ ,.l_-___...._, ... _.u.. u. xuuug 3. ' A meeting for the reorganization. of the Sunday School and other busi- }ness will be held on Friday evening. A Mr. Frank Ti'avis new house is al- , mqstfcomplted. ` `Mr. W. J. Wilson of Midland spent iatehe. Week-end here,-4 ` ' ' -rw\QhI\JlI | 3/Irs. Stewrt and.fam'i'I|y have moved into the house lately occupied by `Ernest. Solway. - The monthly `meeting of th`e W0- men s Institute was held at the home of Mr_s. john Gilchrist./ n Auul ll\p" B. Armstrong has returned after spending two months `with her mother, In !Owen.Sound. . e _ 1 Our teacher,dMr. Scott, {vas able to a resume his duties on Monday. Mrs. A. Parker has returned home , after spending a couple of weeks with- friends in ' Barrie. `ll - -..w .5 v vv ll_1'llC. vagd Mrs. .J.,W. Wa1tonA spent unday ` ' Married on No.17.` 11th, 1) ; De Lom, at the residen bride s sister; Mrs. J. G. Mary E. Plaxton to Alex. Congratulatins. - ' Svhooting Vrnatcihes afev the order of the day here. V _ ` s. - C _ The {fall plowing `is well advanced In thisevicinityg j - - Don t `forget the Orange Concert` on December.-18th. First class talent frome Toronto. The Orangemen paraded to -the Presbyterian Church, on 'Sunda when Rev. Mr; McFarIane'of Co1ling- wood preached an excellent sermon for the occasion. ` - ` I y last, ` Izurst, N/e Gu ..- -rs-on-1505!, w-' Flos, ztqr, and you wil Apto, O thrie and Lefroy; D Ed ` d sugglies forwarded to you by re- vb VBSIEIIO, lvllaf ro Station, top a card to the I have postage .- __ _ -. -' '09-9099092->0-ooh-0-C) The` Acivancg wants live corres- ` pondents at Dalston, Crossland, Mid- ,:1`z11r_t,_ New-' Agtq, Oro Station. ...--_:r - gogagsroiicii BIG BAY POINT. HOLLQ.` COLWELL. ALLENWOOD: EDEN VAEE ht with,;_a _ngr ` V lgel, `0kl2:.j ` ` GRENFEL. by Rev. Mr.` residence_ of the` . \.:xuCll\IC H6 or I Dlckenson, \ A1151 A-*".` ` o J/J\.l\Cl K.- Archilligiiii % 1 D5 `Mr. Christie, IC.P.R. agent, and 'M'rs'.Clu'i$tie spent their vggation last .__we.ek--`with friends, `a`t-.-.._S,t_. .-Catharine's. -`Mt;-:Ste`w;ujd.-Qt, Ki?g'st*o`1i_`was the re:- % `i`i-1";f`*1VIf r_f:`*<''Vti_e s ` ab- .\: -- - . , v iMr Abre; Richardson was with a -party' of`-" arr'i e deer hunters near }S_c0tia J11.11Cti01-3 He returned 'hofme , S_att;r_day ; evgnxng, ;=hrs:< complement. ;; A V it "Emu `-5., `bringing with him; L Among. Thanksgivixig visitors here vIas't__week:w'ere`: Mrs. S. A. Hager, Toronto ; Mr. D. Hart, West Toron- to-;'1-nd Mr.` and? Mgs. Hart, Wes- ton... , , , ' v ,1 It-n wraith! Aawl In : Mr. Geo, Camero of `Barrie sI}ipp- *ed 4 `car I loads of `stock, compnsin-g `sheep, cattle and hogs, from this sta- , tiogi last wgek. % --v---w---y-`ton 1 Conr\`m:tiox.1Aser\"ice at St. JoHn s `church Fnday ev_en1ng. II` 313;. 1: ~.' 4.. _1\(?:L-3T Mdrrison _ o_f` -Scrboro Iunctxonsspcnt Thanksgwmg with her pafents here. - " .l_ _-___ --'- --v--up nnynvo Mis Winnie Burins of Nottawa rgnewxng old acquamtances here. On Thursday evening at the close of prayer meeting" ariother surprise awaited Mr. and Mrs. Rose. and Miss Larmon, when on behalf of the con- gregation of Zion Church they were .pI"ese_nted with a gold watch chain, a silver sugar bowl and" a gold brooch set with pearls, respectively. Mr; H. J. Schell read the address and Mes-,lH_uth, Ross and Me-Quay made `the presentations. Mr.,A. B. Rose replied very suitably-for himself and , ladies, _ C Miss Kate Shaw"of Toronto is vis- iting at her_mother s. ls Miss" Jennie Thompson of Barrie is `I visiting ..her home here. 1'70 ` " . A , (Mrs.) P. Giin. ' " Lizzie *Moir. _ Edith Thompson. - Mrs. 'Rose and Miss Larmon "each replied in a, few well chosen words, thanking the ladies for their rememb- rance. The good things in the bask- ets were then brought forth and am- I ple justice done. i ` .... ......- Jvu sv n\.\.&1JI. uua umurcua 215 3 l'DC!Yl_t'I_1tO Of Call! '1].)I;l'CCl3tl0I1 Of you. nWe all unite in wishing you both and Mr. Rose every success in your new home, and be assured you have the best wishes of your many fiiends around Sunnidale Corners by l-whom you will long be remembered. g:______1_,1c up -on ,____- J-.. vub uv :\.Au\.u1u(;l cu. `Signed on`-tt->`cfh;1lf of Sunnida1e' Cor-= [nets Women s Institute. VVe, the members of the unnidale 3 "Corners VVomen s Institute, on this the occasion` of your. leaving us to make your home in another part. of ' the Province, desire to express to you the feelingsof sorrow with which we ' can _contemplate your going from [among us and the high appreciation 3 we cherish of your work in our In- | stitute; `Since its organization you, Mrs. Rose, have not missed one,meet- ing, and have. ably filled the office of I President for three years, during` which time you really were the back-' bone of our"Socicty, doing so much for us in our infancy when we were` struggl'ngT into prominence. `Wei 7 would not have you go without as-j suring you of the warm place you have in our affection and that your earnest? labors in our Society have `I been fully appreciated and will be] long held in remembrance. Therefore.` as a slight token; of our esteem and regard, we ask you to accept this cut glass berry bowl, and as the days go by may you often think of your I friends in_ Sunnidale Corners Wo- l men s Institute. And, Miss Larmon, we are not forgetful of the warm cor-I 2 ner we have in our hearts for youli and how you have ever been a-will-l ing helper in our Society, doingle something to help make our meetings 3 a protable success. In view of this 5 weask you to accept this umbrella as 2 lhninasnfn at .-..- ..---..---_-.-- l uAnrr\Ju llIll\Ix Mrs. Rose and Miss Larmon, `Dear Friends- Luc_ prcsellta ....u.: stunts uuu In music the as ly was -called to order while Glin, Pres., read the followin dress; Misses Lizzie Moir and Thompson making the presenta' `| `/f__ 1*.` .1 1:- c r -o-`aa.n\ . Tues_da_';r evening of last week, the members of the Women s Insti- tute met at the home ofeMrs. `A. B. ,Rose to spend a social evenin and 8' bid farewell to Mrs. Rose and her sis- vter, Miss Larmon,.who are to _leave 'th2s week` to make thelr home- near Braniford, having purchased a farm there. After some .t1me spent 111 var- nous games and In the__assemb- `Ix? .....'-. .-..11-: Evzni or THE. WEEK; .".\'-II-.\-no All au.u.uudI.lCC, g`fg stsd thereto 35 about fty|, `i On-Friday.evening, I3th.inst., a sel- ect social gathering",'on the invitation of M1-.~ and Mrs. Jas. 'McDermott, as- sembled. at their home. Violin mus- ic was furnished by Mr. McQuay, as-I sisted `by Messrs. Miller and Geo... Carruthers, Messrs. Garbutt, Jennett and Abe. Low, acting as oor managers. Miss Garbutt and `Miss Alexandezzof Ivy were among the guests` fr om a distance. Tea, cake, etc'.,' were served by the host` and h_ostess in abundance, and ample jus- ltxcedone thereto 1% an I 0; "II"- t' `-`l`1 .` "Cr: tms week. '=c 1" 1111 BIS` ave returned f thgynvcsgrh with `plenty .f 49F; and son 'eithee1~0t 5t,1f`g3 `Wth their veni: 3. , - . . `Largegquantities V of potatoes are, ;being shzpped from here this week. ' ,;cOurA hunters have from the north with plenty of they were not sting-v mm-. +1.-.- -----: _ ,. .5.-- H... L1.I\.1lU3 u. LjHIOI'(l. Miss E. Fennell of Painswick visit- Ved Mrs. T Redfern on. Sunday I I z yM}s":f;`izzie Watt and Nellie 1< xjeturned home last week from a f Idys visit withrfriends at Gilford. Mk. 1: 1:-..._- --~ - ` '_ ,__,_ -.. `pv---as6vvUUU :jMe_ss'rs_. .Sam and Bavrnefvxszted at M T on `Sunday. 1:9, v - - A: V }JagO of Collingwood. - - E-7..=Gr_Abyf?L !M"c'jB,urnfey' 7 and sister, Miss`? Lizzi,` and '-Miss Johnston of Painswick shpent_.Sunday ,with Mrs. Jas.~Brown; _ -, `. j_ ` _MissL Jennie: Iago % and` Mrs. LockHa,rt.spent a couple of days last week with their brother, Mr. ._`g___-__ . (`I S-UNNIDALE `CORNERS C'R_AIGHUR5'l'. v UB9 I455` 0 DORENTWENI; co. or-i :*ronoN150.- ' gsgsmrnogge 1'u:;snAv one; in. / ' y.evening, `I3th in_st,, ,rathering",` on Invitation Violin mus-I ished hv `Ntr 1\II'..(\...-_- -- ANGUS. {and Willie. Maley of Mr. Alfred Dye1j s --- ....u :5: DID` ,.who :e their purchased farm :.time in var- music the assemb- Mrs. the following ad- `EP I`/rt'\;r oat` D;1:L1- 1 .uu. uuu J.V_C1lIC IXFH few m.-In -5 r`:1:....,I presentations is I One of the m'ost active workers in jthe recent goftical eompaign was a. gentleman who had passed the three score and ten limit. `He did more driving than any man in either ward here. I refer to Mr. Noah` Grose whom _Mr.- Lennox may thank for aid- in'g'so materially in the very pro- , nounced majorities he received in this i burg. ` SWITCHES ' POMPADOURS _ CLUSTER-CURLS[ CORONET-BRAIDS TRANSFORMATIONS WAVES, wuss, Etc. A large number of people took ad- vantage `of the cheap fares during Thanksgiving and visited friends eat: imany `points. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ayerst visited friends in Detroit. Friends from Toronto. visited Mi-. ,Wm. `Hicks. `Many from outside points visited friends here. A number from here attended the Olde Time Concert in Cookstown last Wednesday evening, and several attended the banquet tendered to the `Hon. J. S. Du at the same place last ` F rday evening. A I, ` ` I `The boys who hunted near Willow `Creek report "having a good time. Although they did not secure many dee:, this did not in the least diminish the sport. Better {luck inhdeer next time, boys. W--- -..-- ..-..uuJ. Mr. Wm. Quantz is building a new plant, which will be utilized as an up- to-dategchopping mill, and is instal- ling .a modern chopper or crusher. This will fill` a long felt want in this `locality. Ric_hard Grose, a retired mis- sionary from `India, and. the youngest brother of Mr. Noah Grose of this place, preached in the Methodist church last Sunday. 'IA _ 117 /\ - _,_.--- ~--saga-va Atva meeting of the members of St. Jude s Church held in the basement on Friday evening it was decided to hold` their armual fowl supper on N ew ` Year s evemng. *n-`~r-'- -R ,___- -.-.y nus) IV\.\,l\. Miss Tillie Boake of Toronto visit- led her parentsliere recently. She was waccompanied on her return by her `sister, Miss Georgie. AL _ .-A _ ~_...-.$ nu. I \Il(IlJIJu l .Mrs`.l-_I:I:ugh Scott of New Lowell land `Miss Bella Scott? of Toronto vis- ited~friends here last week. 11- pr: ' -,-----J \l vunl I Piased to report that Miss S. Co- burn and Mr. N. 'MdMenemy are both progressing favorably. `Kl-.. IJ--_.L n .- \v - I ,---- ---,..-.. [ .,At_time of writing, Mrs. James Dunn of Baxter, who was senously hurt recently, is very low. D``_-`__ J 1 . n E .Mf. B.J.Henry will soon have ;his bui1ding..,r_eadyf0r Mr. John Cor-. bett, harness maker. M 1'. about house. ! Friendsfrom OweuJSound ronto visited Mr. an -Mrs. West recently. `Al , "' "I`I\ _ _.-_.- - @01- Mr. Joseph Sproule _ . is at present mdisposed. _The roof is nearly completed on lthe new bank. - Mr. Wm. Shaw and family visited friends here last week. Messrs. Blair and Herman McFad- den are home from the VVest. Mr; Stewart Cochrane has, we und- erstand,.rented a farm in Innisl. The plasterers are now busily en- gaged on Mr. Sproule's new house. Mr. Fred. Nixon is now in the em- ploy of Mr. _G. B. Henry, merchant. Mrs. J. A. Lennox has -returned from visiting relatives in Newmarket. Mr. James Lennox of Newton Rob- lmson visited fnends here last week. Mr. George Green, contractor, has completed Mr. J. A. Jamieson's house. ` . T1}; B'e.1l'-I` nuniber 1 \|J'UB ' This cold weather on ploughing, and t ito prepare for wintex _ ,,,_ ..--.. ...-.. suvcnlment cdevery means known m {trickery to defeat him. The wi the Belshazzaric feasts at the the election were only examp `da'r`k ages. The election is grace to the riding and will 5 followed by retribution. I `Bennett_i_s the R. R. Gamey =Many people in the defeat ofvMr, the late `election. I `grafters and the g< eq every means 1:: The `funeral of the Gardener of--Hawkestc here at St. John s chur The deceased lady w. daughter of Mr. Geo. 3rd of Oro, and was in at 3:} o ' fheforo. _M MITCHELL THORNTON. gln weather has put a check mg, an_d tells the farmers wmter. )q no ;eraT~ the l`at:]~ VI. of--- Hawkestone took ` place ,church on Monday. sed was the fourth vi Geo_. Sargent of the v_ and wan In 50- `- -- .' apd the c<;un wxthout him. .,-v. naulsclll. U_I U18 m her 48th year. tn this section regret r. W. 'H. Bennett in V ' It appears that the government employ- known m n.-.I;+.....I SQUARE. ction li`s_`v-`am(l`i`e;: rd surely be ion, No, Mr. in Fed`-` nnnnt--n A ~ ound and T0- .Robert: I onouoowoonuoonoo uouwuonu-+.o_9o,o'_o u u ur pUUUC8l wild orgies, ts the, close of examplcd in the M-inn In ,0 , - - -9" . oods at f. --..._____J,.; _ 4 The re-build&r?g{w_f tkheb store prvented our rnnal-:i ngA a early display of F allj.,G.oodsA,but,.to crowd founf monthsr business into mo, we ivilul sell all these Ii.pS Of 'New` G 0 T uuusgnjnuv Low Pmcss Fan 01$!-l.: New Ladies Goats, { % i L %_ E New Helenasklris, { % Men s Underwea , cardigans, Sweaters, &'nnQ 4:... El. _-.l._ O I I _ few Flannele 3, E E Bnralgia,ctc., and,will nuke our Toupees are now in use. Don't fail to see tlim. ` $12,000- 1`)5\)mise yo.`u mtoney-siaving By our sysvgemf `Of prot sh; vcent. I t is worth your} while, Stock. VV department. ' movement in`; Ial rule -of th to the Germ: MONDAY, NOV. Gloves and Sh _" L %T 1` New Overc bu suntsmmn t%`IndjBoys,% 2000 Pa! Boots and Shoes and% L000 P Firs uhb e,rs%.~ % % - __---- vv Continued from Page 'f1_1mm New BOUGHT Iron cAs In shop of Stepeny has 7b_e.n\ Archbishop ~ of York. A" defeated Queen"s,` tiius 7tie -.f` the latter in the intercolleg-_. y series. ' ' -I"'Io _ 3- vi` . {3} 3r L1eute:1ar*`1t'-V(`}4`c`.a r_e4i`;1. $7 } fannly take possession, t I-louse to-day. _ T ` Iome" ent inopposition the of the Emperor` 1138f Gcrmanarmy, , .[ .~i:. .' `-]\)`9omise you money-saving prices irlmevery 5)"$,tmi Of shiaringA Vy)Lsave,A rnruuab Ia. .- __-_,_.`I, 1 on X. AT THE 1 Old` uya. .I.uUldb LQWICSS Was ed 5 preme; Treasurtr of ,the Ing_!e-ji pei1d`ent'-0rd'r of Forestcrs. Rep_ort.s.;'from `New Ontario state` that large `numbers of moose arcbve- e ing slaughtered for` the -heads` a1ohe;~ and the cafcasges left lying on the,-`V . ground to?'rot._ ` A _ N0V.(17th". " ` Mr. Thomas Lawless was appoinf` Sum-eme; Trpnciirtr at .1... r..-1- The_ inquiry into the MarinAe.V;De- partment at" Quebec was` adjour nedT on Saturday, and the commission will _ 21cc`: next in St. John at-a dat'e.o'bc.: xe . _ ' - ~ _,,___ __..--- ...u.----5 uvulpallltis. ._ > &Hon.: .Mr. _ Evant'ur,el, formerly; Speaker of the Ontario Legislature, died I at f his home . in" Alfred. pzieumonia. _ % - ` 9 __ me very: latest Parisian and Nevi`Y5;E V t l .3 d ' ls l `i vited m3.e'e'c .'.a ,5'.?'...`," of these creations. ~ 5'; e 'i' Vli OH` -n--A , ,-_.,, urwvvuuwl lily During this mu we will be shown: the very: latest Parisian New Yo: _ . styles, ;nd_ you are mx-ticulm-Iv-im.u...: Dore end's%4' Pat Toltllee zaml Swift Packing Companies.` JJA... 1:. fr... - '- uz uwae creations. We give {on the same. choice selec ion and sat faction as you would get t our Toronto establish- ents. In 5 word, we g our sun-g tn In-nu. __- j T j _ wilbe at Queen : Hotel. Barrie, on Tuesday. Dece_I_1_\l_)e1_' kt. nnnn I-Ll- ..lI ,-___- no it ~ or TORONTO 1 the greatest Hair Goods Artist the we _ ever known, is coming with 1 beat nor. no1?wENn $3 14.-n_-_ _ :3` Store to your C OMING 1 v'<"` '~. I `world has` t h J V }L dn-`ages. . Z:1)uFn1o?p Str?et.V Phone N9.f _33 i""t.'.'i`.. /=.`_ i-V J You :,:*.:-;,:."..;.:;:.:*,...'.'::::::v Wm be *mr"-i= r< GREA LY REDUCED PRICES take ect gayst a'sof&llows _ 0 - ,_ orgy rn.v_ ;` , . 8l`.)7e6perquartermn.perhun For June: 06.75 ton. 88.45 per um um. -7 v_-- -----v vv TC `' Will be sold strictly for Cash On! . . Payment mustube made before or when 0 or is given V617. . ml, and it not satisfactory, maybe 1-0 when money -will be promptly and ulgz refunded. ; s Plmso I '3; ' .. .-.-"'3;-..,,... .'.`...-.. orseshoexnz, S-rmc-r Pnnsoxuu A'l"l'lnN'nnu Darn an ] MANUFACTURER or . ~ - Buggies, Carriages. Wagons A ' Sleigh: and `Cutters. L mo. 55 BAYFIELD sii -Herman Billik, a f`ortune-teller, con- ,victed of murdering ve members of the Vzral famiy at Chicago, and ve {times reprieve has been sentenced {to 112110` nn. nAnAvn'\n_ 1--2 I--notion? IVIII ICVCU, I135` {to hang on December II. I `January, I902, I the United States" Governmcnt_i1ave deported in- to.-Canada. I31 -Chmamen who had been_smuggled across the Niagara frontier- . - The Kaiser has yieldecf to the de- mands of the.German people, promis- ing to act henceforyh only through the Chancellor and ms associate Min -`T isters. _ H, "7- v.-..u,.uw..,u 4.u.\..:u\. 1\11lUdU. _ The 'G_overn)rr_1en.t has forbidden the importation_ of `cattle and hides from Pennsylvania.-on account of an out- break of-the foot-and-mou_th, disease there. ' `Mr. R. P. Davidsori, ;Man-a-`ger `of the-.Trade`rs Bank `at Lakeeld, shot himself and is`in a critical condition. The affair" is believed to have been accidental. A mob eat Pierre, Miqu'7elo_ii, hois.t e` a Uqited S_t_ates ag .abox_'{_e! L,_ _ ~' mob St. 1\Iiqu;7eloii,l `hoisted United States abovgeg tne A.Gov.ernor s reside`nc_e_ during ,;a demonstration" in favor of frgfe. schools. ' ' _-- yo-V .avA-J1u`Lu . `Mr. M. E. Stewart, who was `injur- ed in the Horseshoe wreck at_ Cale- don, has secured a verdict for $11,500 from the Canad5an Pacic Railroad. 'r1__ .r~-,,,, '- _ - _--vv `vow: up: The liquidators of the York Coun- ty' Loan C0m_pay- received an offer for $700,000 for assets they value" at about $1,300,000. - - W The- Ontario Government wilfmake a change in the nancial year so, as to cbviate delays in p:-1-paring public racccunts for the Legislature. 1,1 - 1: -n n. The Provincial Government receiv- ed $Io,257 from the Crown Reserve Mining Company, being the royalties [for the last quarter, '1`! I a?:GINu'IuE;in'Av: for, 1906. .;`.` ;."'_`V"W`% ' , ,- -_-_ 3.: cap IpIl\v auaAL._ I -Dynamite` `cartridges were fdund near Hanau on tracks paralleling those over `which the Kaiser s train would run. ` ' ' ` . J Laurier has been invit-I ed to addxjess the ,Merchants"A'ssoc- liation of Boston. 'AjI?:((1! W-6;;l;l:;1 and John `Alia vre_: %ki1lcd* in~the Beaver mme at -Cobalt `by an accidentin the shaft. `I'\ ,,, I party of Princ Edward county hunters killed a white deer and. a. ` black fox. A 1 A I I; .......... -.e guy. \.vuaI.JLuuUll. ' Peter Van Vlissingen, a '-Chicago `real estate dealer, confessed .t_o"hav-` ing obtained $700,000 by means `of forged notes and deeds. He was giv- _en ap indeterminate term inthe'pen- _1tent1ary. , "' ` . . f Inuential Persian mullahs and merchants have appealed to" the: for- eign` representatives for` support in maintaining the. constitution. `r).;-.; `IT 'lV0 0 There is some fear of a revolution in China, the adherents `of disappoint- ed_ c1aimants- to the thronebeing dis- aected. ` T K Mr; N.` K, I:aarf1me,K;C,,' of Mon- `jtreal, [is the latest fec'ipient"of a5 Black `Hand demand '_ for money, accompan- ied byithe usual threat. \ ` ` Belgium formally assumed control of the`Con'go Free State `on Sunday. a VVar` again. threatens between"Aust- 3, and Segvia, and between Turkey" and..Bt_xlg'ana. . t ` { Queen Sweden reached England yes_terday.on a visit to King Edward- ` A ._._- .v- l\I " N V` .54. 4 cer Ingram off don`was `committed for trjai ".ch_a.1'e_.. wot ~,;h_aying- -substitutgd 3' A in the list ofelectors. . its 17 -- - - ?:fTI1e Eastern Ontario `Fat Show ;;wi11 be held in" Ottawa .:` :.uary., r,8t!;:% to 23rd;; _ D _,n;_ - . 2. _A_-__,. - x,*;~.'4|;_r,:e ,;-`.;'r.=.,`.'~. - ~ at his'~resxtfei1ce iri' Q1`1el$`e cj. `D;-`-~* I` ` - ;