Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Nov 1908, p. 1

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~A'tten`xp't 11:0. Cdhyictiohs of. `- .O_wen sound Hqtelkeepers " FHas F` ai1ed.V' j i _i The attempt to--qua-sh theh1`convic,-. tnons.-of the Owen Sound hote1keep- ers, iWilliaAm Leach, -W'illia.niv Michael Deegan, Joshua. Warrilow `a_n`Zl -And. Fogarty, who were convicted of sell- ing liquor` without a license,~ and were sentenced to jail, has failed. The mo- tions for habeas corpus were dismis- sed last we.ek in Toronto by the Divi- sional -Courtiwithi costs, says The Sun. t'\ 9 I , - -_- v----, --_,_- ---V -ya... One of V `the most interest'ir1~g'_.e.j)oint s, `in M12]. B. Mackenzie s ar ument"as" 8' Ho why` the` convictions should be ` quashed was that the notes. taken at _the trialq` of Leach were taken. in shorthand" and not transcribed and signed by the, witnesses as required by law. ' I - mt- 1....a.:..,. n:.:,:-11 2_........,... z. ?<-`L . 0 -_ _---- { `These Hair Goods properly adjusted, prote {ment the `head, soften a` theexpression of `the face, a quently tone up an aged app rance. Be sure and see them at the en's Hotel on Tuesday, Dec. 1st. beautify tyles, a when 4 and ornai; COUSC-. Banister. Solicitor, Notary. .c')nv'eu-v ancer. etc. Mon to loan. Omce: MccAR'l`lIY_ BLOC . BARBIE. 44.4 I3 I Mr. Justice Riddell, however, in out- linmg his reasons for c0ncur`r'ence F'w_ith the judgment of his brothers of ` the Divisional Court, `says in regard to this objection :- V ` ltlvuvn . g It is not often an opportunity oc- `curs at your door to see the latest Parisian ` Ad New York styles in ` Hain-.Goo_ds`,:_. et such is the case, as Prof. Dorenwe of Toronto is visit- ing this town, (1 invites your in- spection of..these. g ds at his private apartmentsreserved the Hotel. _ I `rue `f?r 0 4 ' Take your grisgmg `and chopingt to Wilkinson's M111. -Chopping every day, sc -per_ 100 lbs., weighed in and put. % ~ -_ - v--J-v----_ -Whatever force the objection might have had-and the authorities are conicting-`--much`of its force is nullied by the Act; It reads : The words `writing, `written, or any term of the like import, shallinclude words printed, painted, engraved, lithograph- ed,- photographed, or represented or reproduced" by any other mode in a visibleform. ' ' l "' ' `V . - " The words used by thewitnesses were represented by the" symbols made by the stenographer in a. visible form, these` symbolslbeing no more conventional _than-though. perhaps . not so widely 4 understood as'-the jusual symbols employed. ' ' i 1' . 1 A- 1 In concluding his `judgment, Mr. l Justice `Riddell says: I feel no regret i at coming to the conclusions: just, set ?out; anyone whowilfully disregards land disobeys a. law of the land-as ithis by-law is-should be punished, "and has only himself to blame for his I unhappy condition. - - \ ' ' ``'`l`l'J "" Judge Ridde1l s judgment in this caseiis thedvlongest that has been handed out for some time. It occu- pies sixty-two closely written pages. (S, CALDw.v:LL s OLD Sr;_4ND). NOW OPEN Wnnx Taavumxc was-r ` an Sun:-_. . . .mn_sro1>)vu-u_:` 5 as; % nu. nmcgu 01-; ".\.`P.I I`h-nhnlnnn"-` `nimnmmndntinn. `Hanan:-In]- IQU-. If'I'IIIIU%CC --o , . lint-01:35" A son. nein'oaT. rl.ed~ and_Rafu hedTh1-onghontz. ~- MAaLLk'+3Jar:L ._ :.`..-4..-.-.. l).'. ..._.I.L-_ Iupojiir` _T?I:A_DIES`. win -------4 }c~ W"'`"`L-A 91-4_xTr~J~ WILL s'rfAY` IN" JAII}. r."o`-eouncsp. Propricstor. _.._.. m. . _.--- -- Q- -s -The most conspicuous business at Monday night s meeting of Council was the introduction by Deputy- Reeve Vair of a by`-law to authorize the expenditure of $11,000 for the purchase of the Lount property as a site for a water-front park. The. by- law \r/ceived two successive readings, and_ will be voted on -by the electors on January 4th. An alternative by- law -`provides for the acquisition of the water-lots only at a cost of $2000. `I',. `,,A,., sv D. Vrooman asked permission to trim certaig trees and remove others, alongs7de his `property. fl-Ie asked, further, that the road way be widened , out and put in prdper shape. f 1'` -inane 4___v Deputy-Reeve Vair agreed that this! wasa very desirable little property, ,and `there was the swale at.A1landa1e opposite to Mr. Bothwel1 s. With re- -gard to the former the diiculty had always-been to get" the parties toge- ther to agree ugon terms. . To Run For so Years. _- ____J _. .. -`.-v V. _In introducing the main by-law thel mover stated that the matter had_ rst come up earlygpin the year, and this was to provide the people a chance to. vote for or against the proposition. His own view was that the property should be acquired and the payments extended over a number of years.` They had all felt the needof a water- front park. The water lots could be bought and lled in_ _even if we didn t get the other property. III 1 C .... ..| Deputy-Reeve Coffey was granted` -leave of absence, owing to ill health. I # Medical Report. I Dr. Little's yearly report as M.H.O. disclosed the following statistics :- Diphtheria, 9 cases, noideaths; scar- latina, 28 cases, no deaths; small-pox, 3 cases, no deaths; tuberculosis, prob- ably 3o cases, six deaths; typhoid, probably 30 cases, three deaths. The M.H.O. commented on the increase of tuberculosis. It was now a re- .precautibns can `betaken, as regards disinfection, as in other contagious diseases. The campaign against the white plague was largely `educational. Typhoid, it was stated, was traceable in many instances to water and meat supply._ We had. aimed at giving cit-_ iz-ens healthy food, and vigorous in- spccticns of the premises and` stables of meat vendors and` of, slaughter houses were now made; The report went on to say that the licensing of milk vendors had been advised, but for some reason the suggestion was not entertained by Council. Our ice supply had been taken from that part of the _bay free from contamination. The citizens were to be congratulated on the condition of the town water, every sample tested being of remark- able purity. "Referring to the sani- taryinspector, Dr. Little said that thatofcer had been handicapped by pc or scavenging. As M.H.O. he re- commended. the extension of sewers wherever practicable, thus `- removing thedsnger of privy vaults,_cess:poo1s anci??'c<;nt;;mii1atiiig ditches which are a" constant menace to the health of the Town.` ' ` {portable disease, so_that the same "Electors Will% be Asketl tp Vote. Henry `Gibson df ~Wi11iam Street! gave notice of having sustained a broken arm by falling on Gowan St'., owing` to defective sidewalk, V Ald. Beard:-`1ey s nancial V report certi-ed aecountse aggregating $465.80.! Snpw Plowing. Aid. `Staplcton (Board of`Works) reported that snow plowing tenders were awarded as follows : _Div. I, no tender received; eDiv. 3, Matthew Fleming, $70; Div. 4 and 5, Matthew Flumng, $120; Div. : 6, Alex. Watt. $85. .Akl2-inch tile culvert was re- commended at Tsouthend of. Peel "St.-- 'o1f_ James St'.,` cost I;1ot_to~exceed-$22. by-law wa passed potponing th' sale of lands in arrea_:-is for tans.` A;ld.. Beardsley had. a motion '11- structing and empow_ering the Mayor to consult Mr-"-Cifeswieke re` Phelan matter , and if four`xd_advisable` to pro-. fined. to collect .. amount alleged tobe ' ue. - . ' - ' - The Mayor `objected to being made shoulder the responsibility. He would not act} uhfess -the Finance -Commib . tee refused to do "so. 7 L w ' Ald. Jackson enquired if -the chair- man Qf parks had taken into consid- eration the swale in- front of Judge I Ardagh's. ~ - behalf of Mr. Phelan, `offering to pay $83.60, the amount of taxes for I905. The letter stated that the taxes for the succeeding years should` not be mentioned. - - e_ ' x; ' k `Supt.-Tifn of the G.T,f{. wrote on! I - All accounts against the.Town were ordered` to be presented at once, oth- efwise th,-.fy~ will have `tojsta!id_ until next year. ex ; . T ' f..The wording of the motion was then changed so as to read Finance Cctnmitti:e instead of"`May`oi`. ? ,'1 )1e golktitor lwniilj at upon; . inSiI.uC,f!3i .-'f.f91.%T1.`1V*u1'1"V-.f<?.}`-'e`i1"%`*. wA3.'-`A 5 1 A ' - L` The by-`laws were then passed" thrcughithe initial stages. The de- bentures for the $11,000 by-law -will run for 20 years, andthe annual pay- ment for principal and interest is $845.64. In the case of the $2000` by~ law, the term is only 5 years, the an? nual payment to'ta11ing_$455.58. `Both debentures will bear interest at 4`/z per cent. i`!vr Obsects. J :: _'UO.MlNlON `OF CANADF OUR CRITERIQN. -Z& _ __ I ' A. sV:1T1al{ _ct-ilw_r'eLr_t` (->I1: the sixthline was-*ordered1 to-he Vrpaired, one- half A .;th2e <:o`sit-t.o` be. bomeib`y the Town:` .5..- j .......OOObOQ.OQVQ.g,...-. .* . ' 0090 :OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A I Go `toi `<.: I ldty H Slabs,` sawed Vand snlit gnu h-nae-In nah ...:..I. ,_. saw: an ..sp t any en you was and sold per card. not it; loads. The account of` the W. W.ADept. for hydrant'_rental, public buildings and parks for 1908, amounting -to $3,- 459.70 will be paid on receipt of rchmque. for debenture aqd interest, _,amounting to $6,362.44. - TRINITY cnuncu %s; I:B\,l_IcI:'s4: E SUNDAY. NOVEMBEQ .2z`u_ao., 3-H1-~Ho1y Communion. ` U -: $1 a..m.--.Mornin8 Prayer and Se:-m`on. ' "``-`Sunday School. Pull ..-4I._-A_._ _,,In'I, ,,,,__"-;;_ On motion of Reqve Garden, a spe- cial committee 'cosist'ng of Aid. B--ardsley, Stapleton; Little and the `Maybi was" instructedv tp investigate` ,.the.laim of ;Henry Gibson. H `-510 ant? +Pc:l_i;;W(-Zomrlraittee `was;-`authorige to "purchasegthe nec- .$sary.suppl:cs for the. fire alarm sys- -1.` Th,_wa'vtetL'.'-seijyyice at the marketl halI% qvill l`be;_.;put- xni's_h a;pe . to prevent ;x'e3e_'_z_':_n;g"`f~1-d11:'.3x__1_g='; the wmter, V cost not The ;last day to uesday, Decem- d avoid delay of grace `save penalty will ber zst. Pay at once and inconvenience. ' No will be allowed. L ` . ,i `'1 _.V_..-J -'o- wvu. Dreaml:md" is- again reported to have changed; hands, the new owners ` being -E; G. Redditt and a gentleman L from Port Hope. V ___- _-__ v- wvucg --V. 1`:-H .Re`hearsals-nave been in progress for the last 3 or 4 weeks for The Temple of Fame, which- will be giv-' en "on the 3rd and 4th of Dec. in the Opera House, `under the united aus- pices of t'he. choir of the Collier` St. Methodist Church and the Y.L.-.P.A. of Trinity Church. About 70 young ladies will take part. I I dcwn `and frimmin`g of shade trees ,was granted. ' - *~ - a .4 cu. cg- -_ two. A I-- D;_ Vrqoman `wa accorded permis- `.s,ion 1:6 trim` trees _on*6th l'ne, under s1gpr\_gisioir of` `Aid, T_hompson. V _ Hon. S. Du for Norfolk_ County to Inspect the forest mxrserxes there. __ --_'- -.-v. -1. I Ge1V1e-1_'.;l servant wanted at once. Apply 54 Mary Street. ""-W-.7 vuuum. _ - 4; ,0 p Full orchestra will be preO'eht. Lv Th- m. T-Evensong and sex-mog, V V e Vxcar will prmlch at _for 50C. or. nyaauwlnww Ill J|LAlDI.\J.|lo | The -Advance has made a special clubbing rate with the Weekly Mail and Empirewhereby subscribers can. secure _the latter until Jan. 1st, 1910,] V I l Tliercx will be a lively -coxnpetitionl yfor places on` the Executive of the O-H.A. The Toronto` Mail particul- arly fancies Johnny Dyment"s chanr ces. There are SIX candidates, fourl ito beeelected. ' 1 --To f)arties_ looking for a snap, wchave _ V some, up- right Piano, worth.$35o.oo or .00. `Act quickly. `Garrett s Music. Store. ,,_- r.._-. It is the` intention of the R C. con- gregation of Penetan-guishene to per- 5 petuate the memory of the late Fath- er Laboureau, who by the way had "many friends around Barrie, by hav- ; ing a `memorial placed in the Church of the Martyrs.` This memorial will take the form of a large bell or an chime of.be1ls for the church tower. Contrib'u_tions-may -be sent to Mayor Tessier or to Mr. Henry Brunet. Penetanguishene. ' --Ifyouwant to be really sure of a googi night s sleep, try the combina- ltion h'a'ir~.~ ` felt matress. We are agents ,for the V and Empress mattresses. Every sale us new customers.~- A See. them at 11 Bros .: ' ` s - .` `Something weekly newspa_- per th ublishes seventy columns of good, re en news, comments on current-event , ' arkets, and general farm" ne_w_s' each myv '5 rate in these days of cheap wee '1 Qredit iii due `The Weekly Sun for ke ' g its columns clean and lled with resh and-up-to-da_te' matter of vital inter- \ est:-to `every farmer. Give it a trial; 13113 has sold his farm} near Cookstown, and has purchased a residence in Alliston. f a. _v--. . . ` ` . -At city pnces. `All the la.test.1n| \ sheet . ' ..St.ore, ~ fo_r_ I_9c a copy`. [awe Taxes 19031 - --Just arrived a large assortment! gf 16`ii`Be'ds-:-i3eoz-value..z;t-r.l?QL1ga11 . ros . - . Rev. T. B. Hyde, formerly pastor of .the Northern Congregational Church, Toronto, preached in Rev. W. .Hipkin s pulpit last Sunday, dur- ling` the latter s absence in Hamilton. VALUABLE 'rowN PROPERTY IN THE TOWN or T % BARRIE. ` % 1 L _ v _ _---..-.. --.........,... . Thedeer killers all had fairly good luck this season, and the Canadian Express -Company was pretty busy this week handling `the shipments. Some splendid specimens of mature deer were ao be seen, .but the slaughter of `fawns is regrettable. 8 fresh water Fish and Oysters .ani weH s. . Mr. Frank King; sorT3?CTf`King of.,Town, who was so seriously injur- ed in a railway accident the fore part of the summer, was able to leave the rMidland'H`ospital last week and re- turn to his home in Lindsay. He can walk with the aid of a cane. ' -Pim mQVougaU Bros .l At the last meeting of the Barrie Public Library Board it was resolved to grant any additional ticket to sub-g scribers, after the second ticket, at] fty cents each. The purpose of the iresolution is to extend the privileges of`the Library to families at the low- est possible cost. ` HERE IN BARBIE Vhon a G1-an?'n. Regi. mentsgof nn'm.aloo`:1;1?t do it now.` Iskeq too many q{.l'ru and G:-an`mas an on Even; the up hmp` our the to keen! up with H _ . ` ~ FOBESIHVIGE `IIIII-'IlIAIElIlII"uucn -Iaggw l!'ero's~su5u . 2 . BWNARMTH -`-' . V.8andf86oheavyhooo. `ofboqt hosijory opus hero and! --iebest t!u_It amudo.1lcm50o. . o_n_bo' l All arrangements are now about complete for taking the census on Tuesday. The committee hopes that the ladies who have promised their [services vziil be, on hand or find sub- stitutes, as it has just. the required number` of `workers- The workers will meet in the Congregational church on Monday evening at 8 o clock, to get instructions from Mr. Yellowlees, who has charge of the census. All helpers: are requested to be ready to go to work at I o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, under the "chairman of each dist-.1;ict who will distribute cards and give all necessary` infcrmatiorr-. L Hiosiery. [Socksor Sox? An increasing interest is being manifested in the evangelistic ser- vices now in progress in Collier bt. Methodist church-. On Szzbb-.tl1 1.14.: there was a large attendance and rapt attention at each of the services. The evangelist, Mr. R. McHardy, is an earnest and effective preacher, and is eminently adapted for his work. His associate, Mr. McBretney, is a very sweet and beautiful tenor singer; in- ~deed, he is said to, be the. best inter- ipreter of gospel music that has `Jl:i!t- ied Barrie for many days- The meet ings continue every night at 8 o clo-:24. Song service at 7.45. On Sr.-bbath. serv-ces will" be held at the u+u:i! `hours. ` " `Juan. ; Interment at-St. Thomas? church cenxetry, Shanty Bay, on Friay, 13th.` ` - . 1`W VA'l`SON- --At Teeswatcr, on Satur :- day, Nov. ; 14th, 1908,` Mrs. R. M. .\A'ats.U.h, formerly of Town-. ` Tobnoennci -1115: on} `FW.-)".w|r1`}`D An Nlanufacturer s Prnces E .I.J.'rHoMPsoN, MlDHlInc'r n A Offers will be received by the "`.m(1crsigned for the purchase `Of the -following lands, commonly called the McDonald property, nan;ely:--", rjxg P`; ' BORN. SOMERVLLLE-~At th -R. V. Hos- % \pita1, Banriie, on Nov. 15th, 1908,. to Mr. and Mrs. John P. Somervi-lle, a son. FLEfM.ING:-At Bying Ifilet, on Wed- nesday, Nov. nth, to Mr. and. Mrs. V'W. R.` Ffeming, a son. ,GARD'NER-ALt Hawkestone, on Fri: day, Nov. 13th, 1908, Bella, wife of ,Mr.` Joh}1 Gardner, aged years. rIIvI`IlIII` IUU WANT IN WELL VMANUFACTURED ' 7 ought to be printed at home. It means a mighty heavy knock to a merchant s home patronage talk if his stationery goes out to his cust- omers bearing the imprint of a city or out-of-town printing rm. Get The Advance s' prices. i Your letter heads and statements --B`UDD-At North Bay, on Nov. n, 1908, Sarah Ann Budd, retict .f the . , - late . Ambrose -`Budd, in her 715: j year. Into.-grungy! v-:6 Q+ Tknrnnc" ntiitnh. ,_ .- -.-`ruin: \J\II" MIDHURST P.O. PHONE I509. BARBIE. "Stock now complete-Fincst Da Prunes, Figs, Raisins, otc.-both table and for cooking purposes, Bothwell- s. . - , _-.- --... And speaking of ver<:1ti1e actors, have you ever heard Robert Gan- thon_v s imitation of a boarding school girl s performance On the mandolin. Ifjou haven t had that felicity, has amiable fate cvcr afforded you the oppcrtunity of hearing Mr. Gan- thony s wonderful intpersonation of the thxee characters. in A. French fa- ther in-law farce? Unless one excepts his delicious imitation of an amateur [soprann singing a cello obligate, I lreckon the French Farce Monologue tis the cleveres-t bit of nonsense in the world.--New York Telegraph. At ?the Grand, Tuesday, .`.u.o'v. 24th. you will nd it the best. The Ad` Vance T . .Sun- costs you but $1.75. c Sun tee of, 1908, and they are extra good va at that price, A former `resident of Utopia, and a. `native of Tossorontio, Mr. -Michael McKeown, died at his home, John `Street; West, on Thursday last. The family have lived in Town for some three years. Besides a widow, two sons and a daughter survive. These cemetery On ~Saturd:ay. Six former Utopia friends were pallbearers. lVll`&I| I'II`EII A Ianzv amount of Private and Trust Funds to loan on M ortggges of Real Estate at lowest cur- Arent rates. an m sums to suit borrowers. M! A FYI ll` (_ {$100 PER ANNUM IN ADV smcu conunvt can-3 vP`!I.lL_3_l.{Il, L\_J11_u. all vi .u'Ivvu-` . _` Interment was at `0aI on Monday. `TV 1-: u L- hu l;?;r:?-i`g'$!:t.!o`h':shlo'an(c)l!i tmI. ' FUR".8TYLI. - A. -_._`.'I_.._ 24.4.- _ Il_-J -O B E R jvv} -y-.. ff!-II: 'cL91-Hu:Es.j J ?En{BB_0.8.. SIED. - muons JJCLC fo |I`Il'! 9\II9d\;\--An -4 _I. The South thirty three feet, nme inches, of lot four on the West sgde of Bayeld Street, Barr`ie,rwith Tights of way thereto. There a - twq good stores on this property whlch is in a most desirable locatipn.`l Eixnua &..hnnnx. ADVANCE EKTC um 39 at Churcl_\_oiEng1&?1\_1.| ;;;,;a1;`,;a.-`, `.;`.;`:i;.; `;;:.'r"3 $55; ages. MCCARTHY, B0 8 MURCHISOM unlop Street. Barrie. . . 1.) u: a ILIUDL ucauausv av-avsvu-` _2. The North thirty `two f.t tgght inches, of lot four on `the. Wi_st S1_de of Bayeld Street, Barrie, "with ght of way nine feet wide to the North thereof. There is a. good" tommodious two-storey * dwelling hous_e on this property most centralt 1} sxtuatcd. v" -age weight about 1200 lbs.. 8. so 8. Yorkshire OR SALE-A span of Ba. Clydesdale Colts; fu`.l brothers. rising 3 an 4 ears old. Aver- Boar. pedigree with 6 im orted crosses. erfect. -and quiet. Apply to JO N GEARNS. 4al4st. n. , . _`_ F`- P. O. Q..- \.AA UAUL, ` For further terms and pai`ti13r3. 813131) to the undersigned; George McDonald, Exec., Barrie, Ont. Stewart & Stejviftg I3 0:we St-'.;.B"a'..i'ea. - Solicitbrs fox` Vendors. .v-v- .r-----1- eat-u -$111150 lvgmall store on the south size of Dunlop St.. east of Buyeld St. Rent $133 per month. Ap- ply to S'l`l{A l`HY Sc ESTLN. 45-46p Otces to l-ct with vzuut, the oices formeriy occupied by G. A. Radenhurst. Barrnster, over #th'o.-F Bank otUon1Ter`cxr2. `gpgrganu uu Iv ucnu. amounts, vrnnnn `M1 p ". "?L\ L]. -I I` `V d E1th'*r parcel may be purchase? sepanmtccly or the Wh01 Prptt.y bought en bloc, ' H1 P4 P4 F l` K} [L DAIJ I1a_` I. .llU1'UUgUl'CLl JJCIUEHIBT Shoop u-esristered) for sale. Apply at Mr. Wm. b`RI :i Brick Yard, Barrie. `M-47p ULL FOR SALE--Short.horn. ten months old: choiccly_bred and good individual. A prize-winner. Pmce reasonable Satisfaction -guaranteed` Apply to W. C. WILSON.` East Oro. 46-48p i -bUNLOP STREET STORE TO BE LEE. "'V-aaw.V_` OR SALE~Two Thoroughbred Black Minorca Cockercls. Apply to GEO. C- BROWN. Barrie. . . _ " 47-47 I not-Iii:-1-n v-nun` - :2- Mnle~-`2nd c1a.ss_professiona.l--for__ Stroud Public School. Dunes tr; cqmmence January 1st.19o9. Personal apphcatxon preferred. 1! `ossiblc. Address testlmonlals, &c.. to R J. {LACK Stroud. , 15-47 Prop- Agra!) Ag oEE-oy to near; 111] rm 1n usin ss, 1 VANCE OFFgICE. e D at `he P70/5` Preza-a:2 anf xuur ;unu(yJ5* -02 1. AmmnNn" \V` M 10 J S. v ust' Now, when mone - _ faster than at any 0_yt?h'r5 Sm1ng in you laying as rnuch as. e3S0n,; are" Q96 3 Swings Accounyou Should? Umon Bank of Canada`? w1t.1-1~;he` often as you can-, any Sum feposlt, as W9 'H_11 watch your ha] ~"m_$I.oo .Tnere 5 satisfaction and 5`u:ityg_rovy. In 1t. Interest at `he hi . ~ ghest current ' rate is 1;ai_d 4 umes _ be \\ Ithdrz1wn as :'I flay . w1t out notice. LHU I of CANADA. Capital, Rest and Undivided Pfpfl ` `1 H E E `r` FOR SAL E- l`horoughbred Leicester ` Chnnn H-mriqfpl-nth fnr nnln Annlv of Mn QUIICIIUIS I `Dated June 17th, ` 1908. L xvu v n~--r $5,o_ _i:),ooo ARE You sA_vme.1_ [)AN'I`-RY Girl wanted at once. Apbly at th _ EW BARBIE HOUSE. H. G. , rop- . ` 47-47D , Increase Yquif` *. ,} i\--_ ~14 VAIIAA. D--- L _ BARRIE BRANCH I. D. MORTON. Manager. voL_|_vIl. NO. 47 A WHOLNo?.;}ag5_7): 9' w:sL:v O. cnsw. ,nou-am-on._r` - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. All Welcome. ---- vvuu V `V - ' " MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY! MONEY! .-_-__L -1 v\_s_. TEACHER WANTED. ,n,_,__..-I j,,. OFFICES TO LET ,_:.I _,,,,u FOR SALE l'UllL l'&|.UHo UIUICII Ill Slllll 01' large the securit);r0f mrm morb- A R.'I'Hv- Rn R ,MIYR{!HInN_ a -uuvnuu IA: via a -as A Alvvvl Knerce. A pl to A. W. W L INSON. sun. DUl'l'UW6X'l W. AULT, I-Inna JLJ1, Ross Block. II. II t G1!` I 3.3.: CI w_vu are on the market with s1o(_:|3l Ilrieea durhgz uovaullmanu nncllnnn for setup cast Iron. Wrolln lroII..0I|IIlr uqll nuns. oltllluhlners and IIOPQO I191:-..'l`q hcudn'nIzln_c.. Bond Yonrotdol'I3._` %s4Ln.ua1a]Asm:. Na` |3'*i. y?i1Ta.;;:;' I|nnMs!!'_! -ml Enoch, Durihgth;;veninbgM1-. Gantt` V y will resent his famous specialties as per! ' ed y him :lE)`8f0l't(l3 King Edwaud and membe Q! the Royal am yn Q `.3 ,` _ Prices : 15, soc. 35. Gallery. 23. Plan at Mi ne 8c Son's. Mer. Taiiors. Phone 39. I and mmgaigcludlng MISS HAz'EL STANMGR . of thg Court Theatre. London. England. in his grea;1;,hLondon and New York Sucagsses The _ Mee%f_Iiig_ an_c_l all Meeii and _% %_BrownT s% gulf J LII-IVWSVU - noanrsnN s% 1 nooR"EAs;r on- BARBIE I-IOTELJJ -4AAAALAAAAAA'AAAAAAAAAAAA. OOOOQOOQOOVNOOKOONNO ` i Thick Neck.- Inuavlvun -A QJVV curve to vvang vnnnuv 1151!] " 9 AB" 1. M. CHO8SLANb,'D1`|188i3toB9o1 1'10 :. 99o+9ooooooo O0oooooofooo I The Realm; : o got Rubber; 3 :.oooo69o5oo; i . V nun:-'..g.w-17:-up: . WI N 1' E R Amp sIMMoNs'FuRs AR;%HERE- -rugsomk. jNov::Ma_:nT24v/ax ENG`K(%_}MENT EXTRAORDINARY . Mrflgbert Ganthony .... __j _______J'k a `guns `-1 ; runn- V of which the chess We hare to be careful in .theese1ee- 14 as careful as we are. Between the high- est grade and the wholly . bad there is notmuch difference in external an ar- ance. but the diiference is soon ound outif you hep nvto get hold of an un- worthy kind. _ e carry different grades pest are d and the best are the finest to beehe . , Ea_ch kind is sold for Just what it is and at Just the right price. . tion of rubber goods;and you should-be . 1 J 1 1 1 I I I 1 4 HOT WATER 3o1*1*LIss. sYRlNGES.'8_IcI( ROOM . GOODS and Nunsainr surn..Iss- j Morgan's Goitre Ointment reduces the ` . swelling and is thebest remedy for this. ` iaonditionp Price 25. a box. Made only ` 1=~1Rsr1*ecI;Ass %a;;;E::$m%&:a?`==.% } `nun ham` ngh SimmoTns&-Bo. 79?3.N'5`%'it3u'u:ltT -`_.l_`.-.- ._.1' ll!_'.'_`- -Il.'r.":'.I'.`gLa , 951.1}-V3? choice %tO% first" `(sail lersg prices, but_' we can- not help it. `First: No room m "quote runmsits THE -`_lNTEBC8_'| $-. 1`-F .R_'R'E| "THE .COUNTY -OF SIMCOE AND THE_ `BARBIE, COUNTY SIMCQE, ONTARIO, \NO'VEMB%ER,19. 21903, my

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