L.R.C.P. A: s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: s. Glasgow --`-SURGEON-- . _-vw- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. _ (RECENTLY or Nnw Yoax.) OEFICE AND RESIDENCE: OVER Union Bank. Dunlon St. lg].-_I.-_ _ A -- Dr.'J. A. C. EVANS, PHIYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and Residence: William Street, Allandale, Tele- phone 3o_a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. I HERAM 3. frHoMsoN,n Duvet I A A n . . . _ . . . _ . _ . _. DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- t-;an `Q11:-non-um .34- C.-.......1L-- L`--- DR. MORTIMER LYON, 3: car1-' V > ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, ` (N-Y-.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ea`:- Nose and Throat; Consultation hoyrs 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by ap- poxntment. DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R;C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P-, London; Oice and resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- .phone, 77. - 1512. A. T. LITTLE, late of CThurch_i1l. Ont. Office and residence John St., nar corner" Elizabeth. Phone 213- I G A. -RADENHVURST, Barrister; . Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- ce---1st oor Bank of Toronto Building.` ,.Money to loan at low- est rates. " . DTYNALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRI`S- ter, Solicitor, etc. -Bank of Toron- 'to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. 11-8 u -.1.'.'s'% :;.'..'.'.'. ....p....,. ' Phbusned from the oloe. 12:. Dunlop Street. T Battle. in the County of Simooe. the Pro- vince-of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning. by H.T. ARNALL, M.D.-,C.M., O1F:P`$`CY :vI| t!r\`-Iuuvn.-111,5 `\1An'o A"aaA;'ax` f\_. IISTRATHY ' & ~ ESTEN, BARRIS- 1-no-Q 'C.-.1.:4p..-._- :u Uink f'A...A. .. ..'.__----__ 12:...` --- -r--.- W. AULT; BARR1.s rR,"s6ifIc1- 4...- 'D_n.s6p-up KT.-drawn ("A1-nrnuant-or no `.1. an: ONTARIO LAND Inuit no 0-5-..- _ sTWARTf W 5; T STEWART, BAR? _:-.:4.-.... xc.`.`l:-:4..u.'a kfn-l>o-inn` Dushlin LENNOX, COWAN 3; BROWN, D-._:-L-_n `cA :n:&Aan :5. AK` n $ . -`no HEWSON &_CRESWICKE, BAR- K risters, Solicitors of. the Supreme 1 Court of Judicature of Ontario, r Proctors, Notaries, .Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson,K.C. A. E. H. Creswicke. FHE:wBALL -PLANING MILL Company. -Carpentering, building, _and_.,ma.`n_ufa,cturing` of doors, sashes, %4o-1:1.-`i_:1,d's',.o= `-mO'l'.Vll_dingS,"~ etc. Planing of ?ai`_ll;f;E'g-i:_tids` `doxlgyprdtbt `gird ._s'ans- 5:1 .I. VIJIXIV 1'11 loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Easy terms of 1':P3}'I'l ll1t._ Lennox, Cowan & Brown, 'Solic1tors,~Barris- tezfs, `etc. T Eye. Ear, N03; Throat, r....-... _.. - so-uwuw vs` Uvnvvnlrllllg 31 per Jmmm tn Advance C'N-o new name will be addedtothesube npon List until the moneyls w.id,__ ` Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over -will be charged $1.50 per annmtp. - u;.\.. a.\\JLJ1.IJ.I.\J. Q. 1.I1\\Jl'l1J, f1'11D.l' cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and residence,` cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ~ ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. -.; 53431. 1.1. 1 xx. J.'4u.J.I. 1.3;`, .l.JIQ-.l.\`.l.\1s)' ters, Solicitors in High .Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers.-- Oices ove r the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums -of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.'C., G. H. Esten. % a. . 4 LLVAV 4 1.14:4 u..JJ-',\a..Lu ., \Jul` 1` .l.`\.uIL "in Bothwell s block, Allandale. On the` `premises at night. ' " Ix '_'Q-.l'.I.'4.VV J'LL\. L , .l.lLll\` 1`-s'ters," Solicitors,_ Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money`. to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Oice, '13 Owen street, Barrie. Stew- art, L.L.D.,~D. M. `Stewart. VI nulgs, lJJ"L.LL\l.'J-I-lu'4l.\, u.;w.:.n.:a.\;.;* tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyance:-, etc. and prgbating wilis, obtaining let- ters of admixjistration -and; guardian- ship; collecting accounts, etc. Of- fices, Ross block, Barrie. Money to can. Special attention in drawing 1.31` 1` \.ll\, -\p\.J VV ILL` B` .IJl.\\l' VI 5`, Barristers, `Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici-' tors , Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street,_Barri e. Money .to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch oices -at Creemore and Alliston. -Hauglr ton Len-nox, Alex. Cowan,- G. E . J. Brown, L.L.B- " ' or. J. ARTHUR Ross, l\'l\ A_1Ic-nu. __ MANUFACTURERS. MONEY TO LOAN wcL:vacnzw; Pnobantrons SURVEYORS. - ,V,-__ --..-cg tumult!!! Clo elepllone 34. 39-ly PHYSICIAN, Phone 0!. LEGAL. -w-u- c ovwllltlo .s-.-u.c.....,..`. `rHos_5MrrH 7I" U. SURVEYOR. 3-. CARRIE. J49. 9 . 9241: JIIIIHIIUIB To - Fromv - lie -7.30 a.m. No. .-53---11.00 am. I s .25 p.m. , 55-- 8.05 pm. _.. '3 ._ . ` ' . MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET usvotwuuu nvu a nu. -- El-`on THE coumv or same in Most reasonable terms given 0 -s-ts-3+-I-1-+-1-no-u-I-ea-+-5-s--I-1-M-x-1-:~++4*' CRAIGHURST. 0NT- R LAIQENSED AUCTIONEE ,._ _- gullmin Advance Office BA RRIE. Having installed gas in our 0510* .~VI_B have the above for immedii Iusunmict-: AGENT. CONVEYANCER, 'rc. FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE Private Funds toioan on first mo cages. Gorresnondence solicited. Office. Bank of Toronto Building. 0' ` Street. Bu-re. Ont. 'PHON E 250, or drop us 3 Postal ityon would like something good in a. loaf of on: Machine mane :- Baker's, Cream, Twist. Vien nu Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf, )1 5c. Brown orlgenuine Hon. Made Bread. 1 CAKES. PAS`_)'l`_l_lY__.CREAM iI`I7`i'~'.'15r'e'1C13}{i1'yT' ' so To .' No. 53--1o.25 a.m. ' 2- : 9.35 P-`' Juana...- v--uu-` vv vwt ' TU'IiI'I"\I` Bgasge delivered at all hours toand from any part of the town. Cab meen tnina as 911 hours of day or night. jj p-*4-;j_-.._.4 .\.:. 100011 F6131 laI'BCL- V` Double dwezling. 6 rooms in each, on Clap perton Street. Vacant lot. 5 of an acre, on Penetanguisheng Street. Apply to F. M. MONTGOMERY, l2tf I2--2. E55 ' SOPIPIIA: TST. \r\rA' nrA.IA1IJLLI nu V nit l'lHE.\IE.VTS, Coniensed advertisements on rstpageg as wants of all kinds, lost and found, pm M for sale or to rent, specic articles. etc D2? must be accompanied with the cash, an], Wm be 1nerted-rst _1nsertion 2 cents per Wm each ubsequent Insertion 1 cent per word (nam ,a.ddresses and gures counted as word,` but u reduction'ot one cent per word will 5. made when the number of insertions 01 gm. matter exceed four Cuts for advertisements must In em cue be mounted on solid metal bum BROWN S BAKERY] Dwellihg 1 rooms). stable, drive house,ahF5: and nearlyy of acre of la ml in garden and lawn; Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets, Bani Dwelling-6 rooms, stable and shed. Larg. lobon Peel Street. ' T\1\n`-n Ruuon-In~ 0...... :_ ., u .. Inustbe handed into theo [transient rates will be cha _.._--wtl uul. `w. CONTRACT CH ANG ES. `Advertisers will please bear in ' notice` of intention to chan e ad\'eTtlgmm|\ , cc not late, 3. Saturday at 10 oclock, and the c ` . ' for change mustbe m THE ADV'AN8m `W later than 12 o'clock noon on Mongag-m 10: M Week. otherwise the advertiser's announce W guy not be made public until the week tom 12 changes of Advertisements allowed year. If more are req uired, composition up will be charged.` `it Advertisers W111 not be allowed to usethd` space for advertlging anything outside mg, own regular business. should they do ,0 H . rged for such 17;: nnv-non n A. Wu: Ue cqargea, Adveirusexs Wllll allow or a vex-t sing anythin own shou charge: Vertiemen nu. 1 us uumcuh rates vertisementsa -FRANK al ,gn[d fxfoin Barrie` "are asAfollo`ws : I " 555- ' 8.95 pm. --Orillia ~-----_--: -u---..: : v -- - cu : --- .-.- Train ~ar1-ivals - `and; departures at `Going North. No. 47--` "'1_2.4 a'.m. --Cobalt Special _- ` Oljgp; :':$:{-.- Gravenhurst ` 65-_ v 3.50 Inn. -North Bay` 67-8.00 p.m.-Frotn Toronto to Meaford , Going South. - _. L` *4.45 am, -Cobalt Spe_c1_al . 54-- 7.30 a.m. -From Onllta " 62-'- 8.00 am. -From Meaford ' . to Toronto 44-9.35 a.m.--Fx-om Gravcnhurst to Allandale (mixed.) 64--12.50. p.m.--From_ North Bay 68-5.I5 p.m.-%-From Gravenhurst CC C` John J ennetb] ` HP: fen-ed - - T` ments in? the papgg8:%?1nefPldlocal advemg. or one-third on above 1`ates?%!:.it an admu account will i - - 0_n n rule will be stsr`;gf1;`lc:3-;%3:tb invent? 0%? lV1\\VlII-In A 1.... -- neauxng notices, 10 insertion : 5 cen inset-ti Sigma, otpthis charactc ts per line on of the same matt 1'; oetry 5c per 11 . nu..-----~ --~-v raw. nne. cents per for each 3 All he charged CI`. 118. line D , skin. i itavooouionsi use the skin acq -:the- Imoothneu and 80fI.neS8 ' yum-v- AIIULV DUlL` 0 \JlJ.l. U44 ' Hos a marvellous effect 09 IOPKE1 One or two apphc:m 4 will remove the toughness, and ml oil b5)'. .*:` ` ` ' a VG310_Ii0lIin_ in not ntickY- `B '8}6V!. .!nnyi*' boyrorn of few mom h..4-n..`.- 5.41....` a. - TRANSIENT .u.v;,~,;ms,\ .'a_ Legal Notices. Auction sales 830--First mse t _ Am uu tient msef-532 51c"c,,,`*` . 1:; ing notices. can per me insertion ; cents girpgclie for '" " 3`!~m matter. A Inhfpbswm. l|An -4 cl. :_ III 7 C3 IIIC II` I after using it. I Dr,uissi_"_v JfA1fAI'IAURSDAY, Barrie Property For Sale. R_AILW_AY_ GUIDE. 42tf *'MONKMA-N: GEYEEDONIA. ' I50 and 25. jfter shavin R- CONDENSED AD\'RTISE.\IE.\:Ts ETIQDI` nn Vorfinnrnn..L.. ._ n . - -(-tn Ill weca..'!,3::' by far the largest subicm `` fact demonstra If you have any tea the LWWQ ` advert` the D8418!` yhat reachea1r8h.'.` `I ngv an n-~ `_CA_BMA|_`{ PHONE 321. Address CONTRACT I ouolua they charged 1 12fh;_ ~- r`B'9 5'5 propaty icles, etc., etc 2 cash. and win cents rent word mted :19 WM'`-' RATES B`?! and _3 /`I uu - such Id- ' 33-mes 27-- 7.50 Essentials For Safety. Dr. Hastings began by pointing` out that special -care of milk "-was. a comparatively new idea. Itwasj only twenty years ago when suspic-I _ions were first aroused as to infant mortality. It was found to be the food, and as milk .constitutes the chief diet it was thought it must. be milk. Moreover, it was discovered: that 98 per cent. of the `infant mort-` ,ality were children articially fed.s ; 1mm". ......:-..- _:-i.- Daiiy -'in<;l_u'din-g Su;z'day. coi'ii}Ig&&3'a` 3.&"iae'a'{<{r7a'."% Tnnms `or sunsoxnmox. A. ------_-- J~A PURE Ml i-Iaitnilton. _ ---- _..-v_-_y-_ -: , From ,/ No. 62-7.55 a.m.' - 42-1.o7 p.,rn. #7`? 56-525 p.m'.' F;-om 22-7.55 am. 26-5.25 p.rr_1. _ .._---e V- u.--.)-, so 'N.e.w York, he` said, vh`as1 i_done ..pq,ore thorough woxk in.-this ;1i__ne than any 0.th;.er city on the 'co1'1'tVinen-t.= <'B_ u-t. of the 1,509,009 `qua.,r`t,s whfith. 1.NeW. York City uses; ,e.very '._d` y p_n1y;'I6,000 V "qg`ar.ts_ are 4cert_i__e` _.[;, fTc{u=ont< `wcj L-"' 800.00) t.s`a Ldama * ` -As - discovry. ofthej source. the disease inmen `had been f"ll`,6wed `by7 a decrease, so ' he hoped 't1it~"now that Tmilk ~hadv been dis'covered?;,to. be fthe chief. source of. the %di sease'_`witl1~ chilflrenv `it. would be fql1QW9d".by a? %5*mi%1ar%% re as`: r8*>if1;ihi!`1= .:A`-; {V ` .. .:1?_|aMS1t11l::_iZe`(_i:. 1,n`il;k,A V " z in cpnn-_ "cl`us1on,`_ 1S_`Vohften-* buggq -tab _. 1)eu 1g_ . In a test` of 410 cases of tyhoid it was found that 353 were directly and 23 others` indirectly traceable to milk. On an average 10 to 20 per |cent.'_of epidemics could be i traced lto milk as a source. 1. Taking up tuberculosis, Dr. Has- tings disagreed `with the Koch the- ory.` 'H said tuberculdsis in the cow was almost identical ,-with that=in the human -being. | In London hdspitals '21 to 37 `per cent. of theichildren suff1fing,_frox_n* fi1}br_culosis had had mi1k_ as~a..cLhief- |.3et. - .- _ - W ; Milk, continued =Dr., Hastings, in another phasfof his address, is a fruitful sourc_e"of infection. I have known. he said, -milk with -3,000 bacteria per `centimetre to be. in an ordinary house `temperature for 24Thoi1rs, and then show ten mil: lions pathogenic bacteria. ` ` Tuh_erc}i3osis. When milk goes sour, said the doctor, it is a sign that there is something wrong-it is a danger sig- nal. Milk should not sour in. 24 hours, but how much will stand "the test? l Pasteurized milk,` if lowered to 40 or 45*degrees should be safe for 36 hours. ~ ' ` .5- Mrs. -Stevens introduced the sub- ject of woman surage. She said that when they considered what the women s vote could" do for the coun- try they must all concede ,that the ght for the suffrage was one of their most important spheres of labor, and should command the interestand at- tention of all. The almost im-medi- ate result of the partial enfranchise- men: of -women was seen in a. law `for the better protection of women and children. _~M'rs. Stevens said she was proud that four of the six coun- tries-where equal suffrage privileges had been accorded to women were English-speaking lands. But. now the European women were aroused and pasteurized and then placed in refrif gerators; V ` ,. .. v- V w----s.uvu- I05 I-IIIGJIOOJJ, 5`-`II Milk stations were established in Paris in 1902, ,and one year later` a Milk Commission was \`orga1`1i2`ed in New Jersey to ascertain thegerms and get a system of inspection. -_ _. -As te "Certied Milk. .I ` By certi,ed'fmi1k, Dr;`."gHasti`ngs: ex-' ~p1a1_ncd that ' -he meant T the V. disinfect- ing of. all utensils, a11~cl.df_';thet hands, the ;s_teril_i2ing-f' '0__f; ` `ea q s,_ , etc, i _ v. . , '66`? Growth of the Union. ` Mrs. F. Y. `Miller of London, as the Provincial Corresponding Secre- tary, gave a resume-' of the year s work. The receipts for the year had increased by $3,643, `to which amount the London Union: had contributed] no_ less than $2,553.` The number of `unions was 201, and the registered members 5,300". Eighteen unions had been formed or. reorganized; eigh- teen branches, too, had been engaged` in the ght for local option. Of these six had been victorious. Five won by a substantial majority, ` but were defeated by the three-fths clause, and the others reported fail- ure. ` r uy uuyuv vvvu uala aux: LUILIIQ5, uuxcra to do likewise. She knew of one in- stance where a. man was discharged because he was always hanging around a hotel, although he did not! drink, and he could not get back till he had given a. satisfactory explana- tion. In another case Sir. Thomas Shaughnessy had ordeded a bar. to be closed. The license holder asked when he `would have to close. Sir Thomas said now, and it was out of business in ten minutes-`. Unfermented Wine. Mrs. Hagar of Welland stated that, exclusive of the Episcopalian, only thirteen churches in Ontario used fermented wine. -During the year no less than three Episcopalian churches had given up its use.` She instanced a church where fermentednwine had been used until one of the communi- cants had` said, Oh, how I love it, arid the managers had seen its dan- ger then and substituted unferment- ed wine. A Much good wo;k in the way of dis-` tribu1:ing.1iterature, `leaets, coxfo-rt bags,.and Testaments had beenodonie among the sailors on the great lakes and off the Labrador coast, so"M'rs. McLeod of Owen `Sound reported. Miss Agnes .Sprou1e,_ `one "of the union's mlessxbnarles, sand the Canad- ian Pacic Railway were forcing their men to give" up whiskey, not because they were temperance cranks, but be- cause It meant more to them in dol- lars and cents. Thea: were closing up thein own bars an forcing. others ff! ("(1 `dl!A1u;ea Iro-nan" A: An... 2.. MS . Igfa Gorddn reported A'go'od" progress In the work` among raxlway men. V The annual parliament at the `T.-U. workers of the 'Province,whi'ch opened there on Tuesday. of last a week; was continued until" Friday afternoon. `Much interest was manifested-in the pr_oceedings,_.and many of 7 the matters raised provoked `l1v,ely. discussions. `Perhaps, the woman suffrage question elicited the.w`armest `sympathy from. the delegates `present. Itnwas made` the occasion of a demonstration,` in which every country where equal rights had gained recognition was re- presented by .a' national banner car- ried by the speaker who voiced the progress of the particular country along the lines of dual enfranchise- ment. 'A . I `Railway Men Do No; Drink. Voting Power for Women. --.--.-. ------u `Dr. Hastings was careful to em- phasize the distinction between pas.- teurization and sterilization. To pas- teurize is to raiseit to, a. heat. of about 140 degrees, which will kill o `all of the dangerous pathogenic germs but will not affect the nutri- tive qualities of the x milk ; to stet- ilize is to raise it to a. boiling heat of 220 degrees or more, which destroys the nutritive qualities as well _as the germs. ' . - Source of Infection. Danger Siggul. Among Sailors. Rev. Jos. M._unt; `of-. Huntsville, in an brief address, thought that the Pro- vin_cial~ Government. should give n- "ancia1aid to white `cross work, and a committee was instructed to` follow up the suggestion, by sending a de- putation `to Toronto; The Union de- cided 'to ask the help of the_A(_)ntari'o Government inregard to missiona work` among lumbenne.n. Rev -Mr.-i Munt`,r_aiseda- mild objection here, as he;_feaied the` danger_ of Church and State ,be_o niing..mixed. The sense of hc.'=*bbn%?nti'o_;' '.however, was _dist- q j1`net1y_:"in-.:fa._vor of_`?th<":.fres o.l1'1t,ion. :T8c:h"o6ls. f-aviieri h;ef1p:ed'-- :1 IE Election of Oicers. Barrie was again singled out for distinction when the convention re- elected Mrs. S. G. E. `M`c=Kee as its presiding oicer, for another year. Mrs. :May .R. Thornley _ of '-London retired-from the vice-presidency and- was made honorary president. The other offices were lled asfollows: Vice-presidentl--Mrs. `Hattie Stevens, Toronto; . Corresponding-secretary- Mrs. Flora Yorke -`Miller, London-; Recording-secretary--Mrs. H. E. Ir- win, Weston; Treasurer--'Mrs. B. O. .-Britton Gananoque; Y \ secretary-- Miss Lottie Harris, Toronto. The last four named `heldtheir positions during the year just closed. . White Cross Work. ` Mr. A.W".`Beall of VV'hitby,who looks after the Union s White Cross work, had the ear of the W.-CT.U. conven- tion for afew minutes on `Friday morning, He made a `strong plea for personal purity among boys and girls, and urged the local unions to. give _ him greater_assistance' in theprosecu- non of this importa`nt.mission.* To There was a.` pleasing digression at Thursday morning's session when Mrs. Gordon rwright, Dominion President, on behalf of the conven- tion invested M-rs. Flora Yorke Mil- ler_ of London, the energetic corres- ponding secretary, with a life mem- bership badge and pin in recognition of `past services. Thiswas followed; by the singing of Blest_be the Tie. _ -r-. - v---y..-o-pump images: a It is not a diet of lady ngers and popcorn balls that strong men need to give them `strength for the work of casting a vote. We have the whole` wheat bread always in the` house. *Moisten the crust with the milk of human kindness, and Instead of`/moral glyspeptics we shall have stalwarts. An interesting report on Press Work! prepared by Mrs. Emma. Wa- terson showed that the desire of the union was to bring the electorate to '4. fuller understanding of its aims and methods. `The suggestion was offer- led. that press workers cause to be published throughout the year, in the various newspapers of the Province, Tidings editorials and pronounce- ments upon all public issues. In this way would the message of the temp- erance people be carried hom.e to the greatest possible unrnber._ The report concluded thus : ' w--- urn uul\.. for vCanada,.lMrs. `McKee of Barrie reviewed the rights that- women `had gained in the. Dominion, and praised-the laws of New `Bruns- wick, where every incorporated mun- icipality must have at leasttwo wo-- men school trustees. At- the close the following resolu- tion was unanimously carried :-'-f`Re- solved, that we as patriotic Christian women, realizing the importance of the ballot for our sex, _do hereby `promise to exercise our `own `fran- wunv wunavo `l\J| VJI-all DEA, Fl`) .llCTCU'y ipromise exercise own `fran- chise powers on all occasions where possible, and to encourage other wo- men to do likewise, so that the elec- tion of' the best men in municipal and other contests may be secured and` the liquor curse banished from our homes. ' -""' `Dr. Hastings is a member? of the Milk Commission appomtedeby the 4 Dominion Medical Association," and of the Milk Commission appointed by. the Academy of iMedic'1ne`. Al-' though his address was to` medical students chiey it contained much, of interest to every householder." ` For, England Mrs. Wright of Lon- don claimed that; thevsuragettes had achieved something more than noto- riety and adverse criticism, and call- ed upon the conventionto sympath- ize with the women of England in their valiant struggle. ' ' .c___:A_ H p /s n -- -- --' -.--. pvuauaanvu '\JIJ_\.lLll GI-Cu M1;;."I{e<'1mond of Toronto repres-- ented Finland, where all the women have-'-`equal rights and intimated that there they had threatened to strike Itill the Diet had yielded. . RI..- `I`1-_--_1I ,r rn - ,__ _._7 :-vv J-|l-\| Jl\tI\J\v\Ig V- Mrs. .Russell of Toronto spoke- for * 300,000 women voters in Norway, and .11:/I IArs. Brown of Picton for the Isle of 0 _an. ` 0 ' I -__v -.1u-uvo on Iaallw 'M1:s..vi3ryan of Lucknow, bearing the Australian. ag',.showedJ that only Victoria of .all the States of the Commonwealth remained .ohdura.t'e. `IA ..- 11-4,`--_ V F "" Mrs. Grey of Toronto, for New " Zealand women, pointed, out that at the `last -election in the island 175,946 `out of 212,875 `women on the voters list cast their ballot, whileonly-2;-` 211,611 men out of a total of 2,625,- 794 did so. A "white ribbon army I,- soo strong was working for the over. throw of the liquor traic. .`ll',_ `'1 t`he3-1 mx;st look .to their lau`re1's.- Results in. Other Lands. | Mrs.'Thorn1e}i'.of London, repres- enti ng"th`et'United States, rejoiced in _ the fact that four States in` the Un- ion` had granted` full rights to wo men. "In Wyoming, where full rights had been granted for` many` years, `there were "fewer divorces and less unmarried womenthan in any State of the Union, and statistics showed that 90 per cent. -"of the eligible wo- men voted. %1:snnomnmn ADVANCE Honored Mrs. Miner. Pi-ess -Work. Ce.r.tied lx'n.ilk,l"he aditted, was `the ideal---but it was not possible to secure more certied milk than a` small fraction of the total supply- Hence it was necessary to seek a practical solution. First, he thought, there should be rigid inspection;_ then the milk should be pasteurized, and afterwards placedin a.refrigerato'r of about 40 degrees. `There would still be a few thousand germs ngering around in every cubic centimetre, but the milk would be reasonably pure and safe. Several women's societies made vigorous complaint last winter re-> gaiding the burden imposed on the commur.ity.by unemployable immi- grants. Canada is not a. country for either the weakling or the dull-wit; ted. To the immigrant who has a clear brain and willing hands it of- fers golden opportunities, but there is no room` for the mentally inef c-ient. The older countries may keep their dregs at home--it is. paying Canada a poor compliment to send out the criminal or weak-witted. The time has come for plain" speaking on this question, and the women of the community are more immediately in- terested, as_ the burden of charitable work usually falls on them. The Ontario Government has lately tak- en active steps to protect and shelt- rer feeble-minded women and has stri- ven to check immigration of, such ur.-desirables. One province cannot do a great deal in the latter regard, however, and, it is. high time for the `Dominion immigration department gtocope seriously with the situation. Is it not time for whatever powers control immigration'_ to establish a rigid system of deportation for in- capables? says Jean Graham, in the Canadian Magazine. So far, the Do- mimone inspection appears to be a farce and the consequence of such laxity is deplorable. On the streets of Halifax, St. John, Montreal and Toronto there ._may be seen daily re- cent arrivals from Europe, whose im- becile expression is sufcient indica- tion of untness for a life outside the ,walls of an institution. Last winter there `were many such creat- ures among those who were aided `by the charitatly-disposed in Canadian cities, and it is just as well to pro- test early in the season against al- It wing any more such immigrants to enter 3 country, where the survival `of the fittest is the" only doctrine. 1 Tl.is may sound harsh, but the truth ,..is often stern. ` * , % placed on the curriculum among the test subjects for examination `in thei schools . ___ I With a view to increasing the VV. C.T.U. membership a Provincial or- ganizer. _ill be appointed. The absence 0`Rl11Cl1 an office has been greatly felt 1 many places. a Picture Shows. The convention deplored the tend- ency of picture shows to the vulgar and suggestive, and town authorities will be asked to exercise greater sup- ervisionin this regard, so as to re- ; move such features as are detriment- ` al to home life. - t Desperate 999958. Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the, throat and lungs. Coughs thnt shake .the `whole body. You need a regu- lar megdicinehn doctor : medi- cine, for such n eough.; Ask your doctor ` shout TAyer s Cherrvi Pastoral; 3 V '_Insp.e.con. Etsteurization. Re- fngezraztiom. `I_n the opinion of` Dr. C. J. '0. Hastings `these are the three prpcesses .esential to secure safe milk ior ianuly "use. . , T lC'I`L- ...__A ' - ` -" THE UNDESIRABLE IMMI- ' GRANT. Barrie and Allondale _ Branches ~ . 4 H. B. HENWOOD,..Manager_ Interest 52 Years Lite secu'rity% for yotir savings. vide yet with abso`-% Has been receiving deposits from the public for out 1 and is `ablefo Vpro- A1` HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. _____ wvg ---coco-cg. ~bU\rc T.-he most important thing in pre- venvee medicine that has occupied the zattention of .the civilized world for many ye'az's was how Dr.. Hast- ings d.es.e.ri.bedg the pro.blemof pure milk in a recent address. , `(IN `We publish our formula Allowed in .1 Qi begun- I- n.-_. ___ A... w........... I 0 `III !!! E 7IiI_"III'v I-FIIIIJ BANK OF TQIONTO DUILDING. RESIDENCE `TELEPHONE 1 ~-~ . UNWIN, MURPHY &.ESTEN, ON- tario Land~_'Surveyors, Engineers, etc. vEs_tabl1shed 1852. Office, Med- -ical Budding`, S.E. v_ corner Rich- ` mond and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, ~ Main, 1336. Instruc- tions left` -with Strathy * & Est'en,_ _ Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- `, jag, Barrie, will be promptly at- ,_Ltende.d`to. V. . .' ' ' $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON good freehold securit at lowest rate of interest. o principal money required until end of ~the term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. ` ` _. --c :10` Having spent 4"ye`a.x- s Post Graduate work in I I vBrl'hB mu dhvtnar ed '~ _ e 0! , II` on BOI I8 r 3! [NEW "Hospital (Mooreids n P m c 7 D; to term Redd Surgeonin Royal London: `hmaxm':H M capital; I an to} u an. B1-int: .1 Bi ::uh"7:Ei-eha';. :::1.ams::`r;s'M""m`h *`?* For Sa e. OFFIC,E-'I8VDuxanoP Suunrr. BARBIE. - nd 3' j, Phone 54. _. P.0.Box.96. An 8.hors-cpower B`1 3 T E ' .3, made b) `h L FINANCIAL. h"""`' "gm Poison Co. Toronto. at $7o-nnn nap- TRT\71.`"l`|t1'.~-urns ..-- ` . , ANY `QUANTITY op MONEY To an at 41/2 and : nap ..-.. 12---, % M. n., 6. M. ('l'or.) _ Late orroronzo General Hospital. once or the me Dr. smith. come THE `NORTHERN AJDVANCE