/// FOR cumonanrs caucus The Antiseptic Healing V All kinds. Beau quality. .'gb7A.N 5%TuNs%nT _ ,;.`; ;-.` .I`1I_`....` fI-hn;Igoiu us` na%Awmc. NEAR . sonn mt -- ` 7:11-15` ivvii. L rill- g 4 ack. VSALVE' Robertson's window display of THE INTERESTS -`_OF.' `B. _ . BA RjRI`E,, COUNTY 0F SIMCOE, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 12, 1909. `LIC'ENSE msrnxcr or cmsrrnz SIM-COE.'. .d "-Little Dolly `Dimp1es, at the Opera` House next` Wednesday 21:igItt;*``Nov,=-18th`-,;; should draw as - __ d-_ i r.hou9.- -> `~. 7.1` he. Vccmpanyx J Wit..1!<.~ iss. "in ,.Vthe, Ieadiv ' 1_f_ol_ie_;: "4;`1"19.3-"?`3".'.3':" .f"3L4L1'.`V"?"?e -" I 8.30 a.1n.--Hoy ommnion. _ - ll a.m,-Mornifng Pmyer and Sermon. 3 pm.-Sunday School. I11..II- -__I_--A____ __-9II L , , Public notice is hereby given that H. C.` Deorsam of Wyebridge has made application for permission to transfer his tavern licenses for the lipremises known as the Dominion >Hotel,- Wyebridge} to John Enright ; of ,Midland, and that said `application , will be` considered at themeetingfof the Boafd, of License Commissioners p to beheld in `the Inspector s ofce, ;in the Town of Barrie, on Friday, i November 13th, I9o8, _at "the hour of 12 .p,m. All persons interested .will govern the_msel_,vfs' accordingly. V -_ " -' _ ."DHOS.`DUFF,A _ - 'I.\.i,cense `Inspector. -`TA-\I4V0\`n`\AQ non.-IV otu-no ' , _. v _.__-i -v---av - Full orchestn will lie present... _ l 7 p. m. -- Evensong and Sermon. . The Vicar will preach at both services: All Welcome. 9eats~F`t'ee; 55 nuviusnn srnzm. mama. jo_3_o__o_o_o_oooo`u ow] ngs. and frill _ {Church of England; 2-u--c `(Qty Barrister. Sbllcltor. Notaru."Couve1r:- .` at. M -I . om . . 8Kn-n aL3": . I?Ln3':'. 455 Ladies wishing to bowl can have- two mornings a week reserved- '(excIeu-s1've1'5r) by arranging with Mr.. Simon. . ' A !A.1)`. SIMON! ;PIa.n. at Miln:es, Met Taiiors. _ Phone-$91. .- ' Boys under I8.wi1I_ not be allowed in the aey at any time. ` J..`4l\}Cll3C .I. I jNov4embe1.-, 2nd, 1908. 8.;W|in2,A||ev| LUI U M V- w. J.`ELLl0'l"l`. rrnncipu. CORNIR YONGE AN D 'ALRXANDER STREETS . S. CALDwELL s ` OLD SrAN.my)*- ' "f" ` "" .`"""'/T ' . Proper Preparatzon Does 2t. ATTEND ._ clan.`-r9 -._' unis Prove? we give we best. Noth- in .e so would satisfy us-nothing else should satisfy you. All graduates renal secure employment. Write for ca _ ogu ._ A - III I -EIJJIIIIIIII B..I..-I.._.u 'rmm1'_v CHURCH Asaavacas suuonv, NOVEMBER` 15m. `I\.J yr To;;N7o. `QM . And the time to commence is right now. TL One hundred and _one students from other business colleges have patronized this college within one ear. What does this Prove? We gare the best. Noth- I`1s-notbing Q`\AII`l` andmfu -van II J..-.I-__4__ and other Users of Machinery when in Barrie call and. see the N/0W OPEN oooooooooooooooooioooo ` 0. . , New Machme Shop 3 o.6o MILLMEN! ` rnnzsm-znszz` ~ FARMERS! price _ W um\' TRAVELLING W331` BE Swpn AN D STOP` ATTHE - P. o -co~N:u.. Proprietor. OPP CITY MARKET ' ' no answers: 31-. `$31933 First-cla.ss_,Accom-moda.tion. Remodel- , led and_Refurnfshod Throughout. I mrease Your Salary ./ ").'.-1_-__` T)-_-1__._,;,', 1'1 4 -v-vs can 3 MA Rink-ETHBVTEL -_ .-_-. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: `aiana. tn: counrrv. `or smco: mo -rm: _____________________________ . muy equippeg Plfmer 144-`. c".w'i- .! `_?`TNv `wsonzgav ` __I0_ IL I LIN ELLIOTT ?1_2 OPRIETOR; . Taking _up'th profe sS_ion`al `sirde_o_f ' the utiivgrsity`, Prsident .Fa1conr_. al-. 'l_ugled -1:9 tptjlicin ' j_tnd,_ enginegring. % _f1`h` whole" commugity; he `said, _h,adV ,t_ fdepegxd now-3-`days ont.he- eiigine-; Ann -sunny Lu LAIILC 111 L115 . UIU laun- - Speaking introspectiveiy; Dr; Fa`-1-f coner asked How are we to be W012`- thy of the past? He would not ling} 'er upon matters like; material suh-' 'stance `and military force. These were not sources of national` greatness. ` Rather was it humanity` and. moral worth that constituted the touch- s_ton'e. Tracing the history of civiiizai-e "tions in oriental countries, the doctor inquired which of. these had_inuenc- ed usmost. Undoubtedly the Semitic race had given us the largest portion of the`moral_content of our western ` ~civilization'. ~G1_:eece and Rome had been enormous, contributors, and" it was mainly by thevitality of their thought` as to government that their inuence was manifested; The university was `the crown of our educational system, ,px-oceeded the .Pr-esideht. One of the functions of a university'was toteach the youth the" meaning of language- Put what you mean in clear Awords,'a'nd. -yoii have an `antidote against 'pr,ejudice was one of the speakerfs apothegms. `Theuniversity arts` s_tt1d'ent:was ask; ed to think for himself, asked to "dis- cover,:whe1fein were his beliefs root`: ed, asked to -say why he believed" -what = he believed; 'D_r. Falconer eillixstirated this po=sition_b_y reference to_th'e_ var- ioi1s`branhes?;9f. the artsgoijrsegv T` _Can'a_da`7s destiny would deend, `said the speaker, upon_ the way we Vaddre'ssedou_rsAelves to the problems thatlay ahead of "us. These" were largely problems of (race. `Physical force, wea_lth or power- of productive- nessuwould not avail "us imthe ght against the countries_ of. the Pacic; but power `of `ideas would triumph. -I1: is the quality _.of the ideas tip` the minds of our people that will deter-; mine our destiny, argued Dr. Fa]-' cone!) ' ~ " ' u.-"y jfouching reference was- made: to our foundation builders.) President Falcanerothought that our. pred.ec.es- sorts had dealt with problems ssuch as had never arisen in the mo.th.e1:~' cotmtry. This had re-acted favoztab.-~ ly, and had borne a material part in:` the solution of questions. coming up-` from time to time in the. old land. I` I I I - ` f ' 1' The speaker observed that-we haci heai:d'a. great deal of our physical ' environment and material resources. Therewas much in this country. to excite the irriagination,'and` imagina- tion was a big factor in the national life. Then, we had the romantic ele- m.ent-the something that. appealed; {to-_ the historic instinct. Upon none- lof these features of 4.'Canada -s- g,r.eat;--V ness did Dr. Falconer care. to. enlarge... Dr. Falconer lost no time in-getting` into. his subject, which was announc-- ed as: The function of a university in the light of the nation. We.`w.er.e. growing. rapidly into the position of. nationhood, he said, with its respon.- sibilities looming up ahead of us, Canada. was, at times, apt to measure: herself by the republic to the south, The. Unit.ed States` had had many `natural. advantages to start with." For example, the culture and practicability of. thenien of New England. was a. decided--llip to the progress of. her- government. When we, as Canadians,. -thought. of our slow development. arts. and sciences, morals and religion, we should not be discouraged,. but. should take hope, always remember.- ing that. what we have done has been solely dn.e to our inherent manhood.` x 1 The Canadian Club "was?" honored on A `Tuesday evening by the presence of Px;esident. Falconer of the University` of Toronto. This was -Dr. F_a1co.ner~ _s _rst apearance in Barrie, and that fact coupled with- his high reputation _as- a. scholar and" a public a sp.eaker.`~lenL considerable interest to the occasion., D1'.._Falc.'oner does not resort to. th:I' -arts oi the_`rhetorician, but-makes. his`. points. quietly and .free .fronr effort. There is no straining to tickle. -the ears of his audience,`but with logical" .c.oncisen.ess the speaker. outlines his; argument and then proceeds to ela- iborate. The Parish Hall of Trinity Church was well lled, the chair be-` ing_ occupied by the club s president, Mr... R. L.. Barwick. ' ' ~Sclm|arly Address by Presidenr 1 T - Falconer. % ?Function of a Un iversity.i DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. ' The religious census of the Town, In which is to-be taken on the afternoon - "of Nov. 24th, is under the supervision ' of Mr; Thos. Y'ell'ow1`ees;.of' '1oronto.: ,`Mr'. Yellowleest will be. here on the `Sunday and Monday previous ,to the census taking`, and will explain from asrnany pulpi_t's~ as possible, on Sun- day, the objects and working of this movement. He will meet with the committee; and` their helpers on Mon- day evening, N'o',v. 23rd`, to give them nal ins'tructi`on's,. Conc1ud 1'ng, `Dr. Faleoner - asked what t~he_university' shoukt do fbr our national life; '16 shouId,f"he'thought, first of all turn" out skied and well equipped men fr: the variouseprofes- s'iQns~e1i1_en larger than their profes- sion,. equippect to practise their" man- hobgl in such a way as to` add to the .Sl11'!i total bf otir national life on its vmoi'aI,_side. This called for the exe,z~ `icise ,of.; a high type of,,since'rity. See- 3p`r1d'I y,Ve`f l3fe;;`uxii3rezjsit_y shopld turn out of `high V_'1"!l'o'r_a.!.f`e pu rpose--men ` `e "vingm the `cognfpnmizy e through their "i o'n;'.. .1;;w.g.eare;1eht9 c_6n'ei_u'e' as r gr h9`1iefS"' `are more V r : gas}; gfA_1j;`ht,.1t1idu ~i`t-will I _ -_- -- ----- --nu llA\-FlI\-J The Advance has made a special clfubbing rate" _'with the Weekly Mail and Empire whereby subscribers can secure the latter until Jan. 1st, I910, SOC. ' Prof. John C. opgmeell His; iMoving Picture and Mirth and Magic `entertainment at the Grand on `Thanksgiving night. to a: large auds ience. ` The show is.an excellentqone-,_ Jtlhe pictures being tlie; best ever ;shown here, and the illustrated songs ' and magic are g>.o,d.`. 'P.rof~.`. Greim. will be here the remainder of this- week and will give a matinee `on Sat- _.urday at 2.30 p.m., at: which children will be admitted` f'or:.- 5c and` adults ' rm- "portance to you, argued` the doctor, to ye able to trust in skirted man- Eing/rather than to rely on'someting [purely empifrica1. The state univer- ' sity must supply these requisites. _ I fort: Bothwell s. Your letter heads: andfstatements ought to be printed" at- home; `It means a migh_'ty- heavy" knock` 120- ai merchant s home patronage talk if j his stat_i_one;'y goes out to his: ctrst 1 omefs bearing the tiingjrihtt a.- city or [out-of-town printing rm. .Ge~tr The Advance s pr-ices. vv v-nnv N -'33, \.L.LJ.\JAJ .- I Go to Wilkinson's for. all kind; of 41'1" T_ ` _ s. sawed and spht any let) you `WISH; `and sold per card. not a. T xvloads-.. There "is _an excellent ., aggicultural paper that 15 of more than usual in- terest to the` farmer who wants to oretxical side 6f < business. .Tm~snch an. of.` our readers we? . uld suggcs_t.that when you renew y:n$f~suhscr1p_'nxon to The Advance you order\`T,heeWeekAly 0 `Sun , the price of the tWOl?'3b.'L`lt'$I.75. :Y0n wbill nd it worth the=-mtsmey, 1 knuw the practical and not.t'he that 'n.- A. .a....... 1-- - ` The W. A, of.Trinity church- will be: At Home in the Parish Hall. on the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 2th._ E. Fannie Jones, Diocesan. Sec- retary, will be present and .will .s.p_eak. of thework and aims of the-.society. -All `interested in missionary work are .cor.dia.lly invited to be. present... A; silver collection wil1.be taken-. atthe door; ..- ~uuvub DIA VVCVA3 IICLC1 isis-tin:g"to get things installed.. 5 The regular Quarterly. Love.-feast. of Collier Street Methodist- church will. be held in the Lecture Hall, on Sunday morning next, .at 10 olclock. The Sacrament of the Lord .s Supp_er will be a_dministered atthe close- of. the. mormng service. ` Vgsprg Council .wi11 mvee.t ._ at Mid- Vhurst on Wednesday, Nov... 18th, at ; 10- o clock a.m. ` V 3 "l`I_ ` arriving daily, at Bothweil s. -.__. ----J, us. aavuuvvuls D.- _ The marriage took p_1ace fat. the .Methodist Parsonage, Ottawa, on. Tuesday, Nov; 10th, of. Miss. Ethel Mae Edwards, youngestdaughter. of [Rev. George Edwards, ..to.. Mr. Percy I Morrison of Sudbury, formerly of Town. ' ' Chester Johnson, who ushot-and.kil--I led. Rose Ouimet in :Hamiltoa. last week, and then suicided, was} known in Barrie. When the Mammoth Roi- ler. Rink was opened last spring, .]_ohn- son spentaabout six weeks here: as- sisting to I I There was a light. bill. of fare at. Tuesday `night s meeting.of.' the Boasd of -Education. - `. The otfertorv at th. union T.hanks=, giving gervice ,in' Elizabeth Street` Methodtst church amountedto. $.18` H . |-. , _ . p The- November session of the- County CouAnAc1l opens- on. Tuesday, 24th inst. o , `.0. ,;ouoO"".' 00". .00 I J :O0o0OQOOOoQ0OO6ooo9ooo_ Stock -now` cornrgplete-_-l?it'test Dates, H1t1.vm% 2-. _ HEREIN mate nic-il'Il'ICf. cooking` purposes. 13-] ao wilkfnsoms lday, 5c per 109. 19138., wag yynnaswagulax J . `On Friday, Judg;nAr.dagh tried the case of Johffe v:s~On.t:m1o Lumber Co. (French Riva`-.)'a_ Pbintiff, who is_.a railway contragtpr, Eeft some off Ins goods and tQQlS51.', charge of dc 'fe_ndants$, storehr.2v.,se- ffar which he: paid $19 in stongzg_s:.~. Later, on call,- _ing for: the articles_,. he found them missing. Fiv'e wit-nesms were_\exa.m- `ined. Judgmer.=1l::W.a$_ given for plaiip. tiff fey $173. .. . At the Count); Jt_1(_ig'; ~., miminal court on Wednesday of,._ 333.54: week, ;.His Honor tried and -ccxwictnd. -Wm. lstraghorn of F195 for. assault upon his neighbor, while t}1_c.;l'z1t1m_- was lengaged in drizving.l1i`_S5 cows off .'Straghorn s place Thar fwdmce of lDr. MoClintoclc of ~E_l;,!mr-a.Il=.~ showed /chat :1 very, sr.were_.blo,;\;,- had been idealt on the back of-.5the;- hamg caus. ing insensibility. Pris9n,e.r._- was ned `$5 and costs or tw_o-.mQnths in jail. {The zfme was paid., '01 #1-In Anon Ac DA... --A -'--`-~ aunt `Alll\a VVGJ yaJu.., 6 In the case of `Rem; vs.. Malcolm gvMuir of Oriilia, fort; hqrscstealing, prisoner pleaded .gtiil!} ,'. A previous 5conviction fm a. 1iE1e.::0fmme was ad- mitted. The court: accordingly .im. posed a sentence 2;;"3_, ycars in the penitentiary. T poI;?`4S1r Tqcrinp- A-o-rn...I. 4....:...I LL- "lot A`. dsmzessingly sad calarrlity, bsell the imily of Mr. and lMr5...W..A. Boys on. Friday forenoon wl-1`eru.t'.1eir xmmges; boy, Philip, aged tw.o_.y_e:-.rs, became. the victim of stry<;hnin.e poi- soning. The little fellow, ,durin,gjthe absence of his mother in,`Toronto, was-at his grandfather's, Jgdgg.-Bays, when he st-.1_'ayed into the .p:_1ntty; and ate some DIPPPQ nf hrs-`gr! :-.u'A kg.-- .. ..._... -.... ..-..~u_y vu nnu.u un. _y_xuuy; JUU. ate: some pieces of bread andA,b.utter that had been dosed xvith;-,t}ie_p;.zison and left on the oor` asa bait. for t:ats.. His cries attracted the attention of the household, and D:.-Wells was :imm:ed':iately summoned_,,.but.a11. ef- forts to save the child provediivtile, `death ensuing shortly -_aft';:r_.w,a.rd's; I T1,, -. , --~ ------- --o ----- --.1 t--~74-.v'vWu!-=\ - '1-`he: interment took..p1_ac.e=,~Qm Sun- -day, Rev. Mr. Heeney oiciating at the private services. M_uc}_u,s3;m;;anthy is felt for the bereaved pa,rcp,ts, over `'the tragic occurrencek lists,. Messrs. McHardy and _M.cBz:et- iney. Mr McHardy is spoken of as a. [most effective preacher, direct_,:force- `filll and.` zeed from all sensationalism. His companion is `a voca1ist,.o am-* usual power, and adds greatly_. by his singing,-to; the interest of the serviczes. I twill be otpened on Sunday A special__ evangelistic czmpaign nmtt and i!` will continue each night in` -Gollier i-Street Methodist church, what: the pastor` w1"_II'ibe aided by the mange- _-~--. A1` ...___ Manufact1mer's Prices I J.-LTHOMPSON, IDH FIE P. O. {PHONE I99. BARIIZ . , au The3z3're saying` all 0"" thatiour Fall and Wi_g1 1, _ `gwear. ablesamene. .' 1;` I. g;;. ..a .n .1 U.lwheym:.:\_r;.;venV the papa:-sa*ndAboys; "tits `F-....- -_.. LL- --.__.....n.!-# uT-nw- -u-wun vs: V, - ,---... _ thegommogxon t`___ At 13.30. 5'i.337s;;'};'go_ ` vant ]HUN'l`BR 31:03.. Limilbd .. Th=sr":.%a>'in%' s*Jl.v=sro9h II'lI\l VVJU wi:'i.'1'. MANUFAGTURED _, / 131.00 Pm amnuncm nnvmcz ( _ smou comtsrucatms _..__,_..____.,________.._._____._. EWANGELISTIC cAMHuuE;N j---:-- :. Collie: Street Methodistzehurch. ANYTHING. vou w;Ir1 m `I `I A `YI1!'_!:A Assn-r-c-._. ___--7 j I mu. TIMBER. slmiauzs. . POOTS. suns on coanwool. ...'-~._ A'l` ._.--- cAsEs m coums.-. DIED OF POISON; HM BE R R. McHardy. igtsgnt ma. - ...... nu. n uuo uuu avulp IUICIBGIIIIFI All facial blemishes permanently removed Ilsodandrtv . falling hair. itching scalp and ntherscalp tliseaseicureda...-by, qgientic meth- ods. Home treatmexnts by apiowfn Hours. l0a.m. to 8. pm. One mont s treatm ye `dollars. MR5 MORGAN. 5 Points. OW!` Jtton s Store. Entrance. Clapperton St.` 46-46p ----- `W -.1` Dar 1 be` . Jatcly og-ceth;naywh'o1e_ jpndwfi 'Wehaven. large `amount of mone to loan itlowest current rates. either in sma or large mounts, on the security of cod farm mort- es. McCAR l`}{Y, BOYS MURCHISONo lop Street. Barrie. `UH. D.`llJ`4-4'\ Spi:U| U1 Du uxyuuuuulc Uultasu fn`.Ibrot~hcrs. ris1ng3 an 4 ears old. Aver- : age weight aoout 1200 lbs.. a so a Yorkshixe Boar, pedigree with 6 im orted crosses. erfeot_ -and (mint Avnv tn Ill M {`.|o`.A HNQ I nlntnn Pulled Angus{ Dairy. A 3021 .,,Mm';'l|1f3NE)\'_!' MONEY! on ;`(__f 1 Plvate a_nd Trust Funds to S 8 ,,cs of Real hstate at lowest. cur- und In sums to suit borrowers. we Ross Block. V Hun` Ill: lh'l\Jll|: AUUV AIJAJIQ BQl~I\I IQ {lI\TIl9\J mar, peaigrec erfeot -nndqniet. _&11u}ytuJO N GEARNS. alston' P.0. 44-47p I nevi % ite and VALUABLE OR SALE-A span of Ba Clydeadaie Colts. fn`.I brothers. rising 3 Jun nmln-In udnnut 1-`Mun llng. nn n Vnnlpgklnn -guaranteed. Apply 0 " ULL FOR SALE- Shorthorn. te_n months ..g}_i; choicely bored and good indwidual. A ' - ` atisfnc prize-Vv1Imo?~'v ~B.w: , .'-,..'. .A_. '._..'_ _. .. . 3 On). ` . :-' 4 Ila:-I\an--nu... _ . ` ` - 2-. _-f[ale-`. nd class pr0fe;sic;nal-.--for Stroud Fublic School. Duties t 151, 1909. Personal app%cg)iIJrI1nen1?:fJanuar sible. Address testimonials, (3 age?!` J! CK: ` "` t V iLA btro~`o I 1547 . _[:`b-rale or Exchange.` An excellent Co_w. 5 years old. Part Jeqse md Durham. _\V1ll exchange for good Imlc cbw and pay dnffercnce. Also for sale 8. sound, : 1' b'ep1ny_. cartapd harness. Ap'ply C. W. l1;eL1KX I`0N. 73: Buyheld St, Barrie. _ 45.46 ;..": .._..________ ANTBLI ) AT 0.\CE-Bo ' -"'-` Printing busmess. Apglytoatlelgfg 231136 v VANCE OFFI(`.E. Sclentmc I?-`Tace and_S;:aIp Massade. All u..:n1 m.....:..1. ..-_.._..._..-.n.. _-....-..-.1 ARRIE BRANCH W. MORTON. Manager. Sheep cresyisteredb for sale. Apply at Mr. Vm. FREEK'b` Brick Yard, Barre. 41-47]) I I1l`4l'4l 1.` UN. DAlJEn*~ 1 uuruuguurcu IIUIUUUICT .mu_ch a ~Umon " ' Q \\`v--wl1e.n you are .' A son's crop, or getti,,:1ht`;18" che sea-_ irom your Dairying De retumsg nd as often as. epSit `as Bank of .Cana(1ya0u Can! in the r money earn interegt End, make Then if you need ' r t lat ' can draw what; you :3 91` on . Ht 12 de. * lay or inc0n\'emence Interest paid 4 .-ti-mes a Year at. /highest current 1~ate_ $100 opens an account -Wards Ilse. : capital, Rest and Undivided Pf9ts_E On and after Dec.`20th, 1?_08'. `.nQfl'\Vnnnn .1.-....:__:_- - Savings Account . -NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 748 man: No.31. w$LEY e. cntw._PnoI-muons. Build `ABLE TOWN PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF V % `ls ; -.-_: MONEY TO LOAN. f as CANADA. ,-% , ,_ AAA` '4n '+KE` _-_c-.._. -....I 4:..- up .3-our balance i yqur FOR SALE -C. CUNDLE, Pfop. 3X1{12'1E.' 22 are` oi: the market with special pt-lees during NOVEMBER and DECEMBER for scrap cast In-on. wreath: Iron. comer and Brass. on Rubbers and llorse llnIr.'l`ar Zinc. Bend vour ordqrgto . . `_. gm Baweld Street. . P'.'.9" %cn..s.I.'mT |-.|:;n}:" inter" `and Dance:-_ _AYQ(I_;: . _l;_l_|j%_lSTMASTlBE V --AL80-'- ' cA9.tI:99.Ik_::9_.B;!s.3VN ll; Erank_n!.a:|:snnl inm;=.AMLANn} f 4 `A"iu`a`i+wrmai-~ A 3 1 5`Comus" hi; Mprionettes In "n'..';.;:;.a an-'.".%..`% Iind-N899!!! Pi`-*-J Lg_vo_u% I V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Y V V V V V VVV` E2 Thick Neck.f A on Robertson ?s Drug Store; 0 A ~ 0 %OX% OO% % `++:' i i jg _ ' Morgan's Goitre Ointment reduces the ` swellingand-is the best rexned for this ' aondition. Price 25. a box. ; ado only ' V `V v 1 --.-_.. _,`,,, FR E oTB7I-`i%o`%o* K -...A `uh: :'-an nu:-n ace our wmdow display I ._:___::. .Qooooooo_ooo3 _ % - . . J ('3UllU.llvlQllp I'I.'lUU 300- ll: UOX. LVIIICIU only V b - . y. Caossumn, Druscist. Barrie . OOOO4_O6fO'O-0609 `for style '}_a_nd good service is H 7` ' Barrie ' 0 on their own judgment, ib'11:it the help, which condence. /ijiizif the dealer gerde; `savesmuich Werry and`; buying our Furs, the rep_uta_tion gained the cust0mei"s guarantee}; ' Musquash J ackets, from $43.00 to $75.00. . ' Persian Lamb Jackets, $90.00 to $150.00. cur -.wu -- :1-----_a-- Phone :3. Oice. Yaid and Mill. J'ol`m A-w-\o!.IL5!~_9!' THEVGREATESI: ` % OF TONICS. coL'rs1=*ooT % A % `>EXPEC'l`0RANTi NOW ON SALE AT See Y in_ mart CUROLE FLOUR 3 %;.c?:;.r;:;.;'.'.:1:.;.';:;.;.., %}y4\`!;m-a%o:%%gI!sn-1%1'orsub. 265-.--igiui-...'z'ivn".h'InI :I.3|v` '. fb";g- b vv]0 D .MpnEL*L Z"E Buoy comgdjuns lagesggal Fun % FaB.m;sa`;2*~ Hard and Soft, S$w_d and Split MAKER 91-` 'I5Ol;'i`RAITS_. Consult its in regard to suggestzpazs jar ~ /zolzkiew % t0n:.T Choice Manifob8- and Family Low prices. Best value: at