Now is th time t'o~get 'yoi1r new stove up and ready. " W'0-have vth`e Largest assortment fo choose from. I'BY`Tt`N DIlIll\1-9-`A. - THORNTON. A` jfsh'and Quality Of "ezno equal. illizive a discount of 10 per cent 0 - We are making our first dispjay f. Blankets this season. and, to make us places` as interesting as the ism; the entire stock during this week m-_'_-l_ . pri'cZE&}E{g' this `we. -_...-_.. -v:w-- w-roan II? W 'i`lnnnelette lanlgtg` at BLANKET SALE 4'~",I*`;I_:1vT.I'RSDAY, V L The anniversary services heldh Bethesda church on the 4thiI1V} were a success with regard to anew gance, nance and good gospel scr- -mons. The proceeds of the dll amounted to $72. Rev. Mr. St. Jot: the pastor on the circuit. was 1%? preacher for the day. .\Iiss Gem! {Hill and her brother, Wilfred. sang` duet which was well rendered. 31155 Hill is coming into prominence 251 popular singer. v'f Hillsdal . e Wm prfach morning and d`}' In - mm ...3:`` RCV. R. L. Anni Od- Versaf '. _ da;->t. (hurchywSir`{,* In the .\Ic Ct. 18th. R `E held next S::~ Q`- R. A. Spenctf `Vetting ~ - Spe . ered by the cxcah10,mUSLC will be rend\ - 5r\'xce in ' James "11 be held next Sun- Weaver IIIIJ IIIUI III!!! will preach. | . KILLYLEAGH. (Too late for last week.) Miss Edna Quantz is visiting`n cousin, Miss Ethel Wonch. I v'Mrs. Gprdon of Barrie spent Sm dgiy, 4th 1nst., with her mother and I SlStC1'S. The extremely dry weathelr has made ploughing very difcult, In fact In some places impossible. ' 'I`I P . J. Had it not been for outside mg-_. ence there would have been no mfez. `ing of the Liberals of S. Simcoeir. the seleetion of :1 candidate lor~_`;- Commons. One of the oldest Liber- als of this riding said he was pen'e._~_. ly satised with the work donebx [Mp Lenn_0x, the best represciitazzie lthls constituency has had for the. thirty years. Mr. Lennox is recog- nized as one of the ablest and clever est men in the Dominion Parliamezt and has been doing yeoman sent. in many ridings in Ontario. The farmers are all taking out th potatoes now and they report th; an excellent crop in quanmy, qua! and size. `----..; of Mr. John A. Jamicson's house Mr. W. Webb is at present doingi`. brick work of Mr. Robert \\ rig}:' house and will then nish -.\lr. Ts}. ue s house. .\lr. Gavin A11en', Churchill has the ' " cement work of the new Bank ha` and Mr. George Green has tl1eb:_'. ance of the contract. 'Five of the pupils who graduate! from this school are attending IE9 Business College in Barrie, andio is attending the Collegiate Insmmt FBI _ L_H k ooabooooooooocoooooqoaog .` "ll" " A A |UrES, for coal or wooa, Iruw %~g}.oo to $65.00. Stoves ,,j Copies of New i-fitting with cuta. CROWN HILL. special En % Passant ,.The- xwilliam-Wilson ~ ._ element ' is still` -harpin_'g;.on.the:L.O1d strin'g.Jof?Col-. A l%inswodT*i4hatbdr iri1pi0fiin.ents;g Aas:,% ay ,_l3:;1_it ,:to;cgth`wjvotes;%, ` hpl.-. thiizgi `_ . Rural mail delivery will deceive no- .bo.d_y. This. plank was deliberately stolen by the Grits at the eleventh _ hour from Mr. Borden s Halifax ,' platform. Early. last session in the , House of Commons, the -Conservao L tives sought. to have free rural `mail _ delivery inaugurated, and a motion to `that , effect was introduced by -Mr. Armstrong, Conservative member for East Lambton.` This was voted down 1 by Sir `Wilfrid and` his servile follow-. ers on the excuse that the nancial. . obligation was too great. "Now, "how- ever, seeing that the country is going against him,` Laurier is using rural mail delivery as a .trump with which to win theffarmers, and this week saw 1 the (experiment started in, the County __ of Wentworth. But had the system 1 ; been adopted} when -the _`Conservatives_ i first brought the t rnat`ter 1 vupf-`in e"th_e1-I -7 'iH`6u3e;t it 9u1dl.ihav ;i.3.t3i.7'5f1ti?Pf5f' ` ewfrl. ionsiitidn 7't64da:?%"jr;uThuis erhm ` lithe zfartneri ~beeit` ;`deni;a_?%gboon-..whieh, ,1 shield we " -.r .. ..-- ----. vo TIIIU IIIIWI UCIIE III tdustyy. Are you satised with this, Mr. _ -Then show your `;a_p_preciation by voting for Major_ Cur- rie, the Lib.-`Cans:erva_tiye candidate. They .talk about the bacon industry, and the farmer; We are justly proud [of .the high position occupied/by Cane .ada in the export of this staple anti. .cle.. But .whose credit? The farmers of __North Sixncoe, in -common with those of V.the rest .of_ -the Dominion, are getting 2c a pound` protection on pork, granlted by the [Conservative Government. Laurier and -Cartwright opposed it .at the time,' still re-' mains. What has [been the result? United States `pork is not now com- ing into this, and twelve" mil- lions in gold .was brought from Eng- land in one year in consequence of the upbirilding of this important_ in- AIIE`QQn A-n --- -A`l~ ' Laurie: Government has done ior the. fatnier. -Yes, the princely. .sum of` $500,000 `is spent annually on agricult- ure. .whiIe $10,000,000 is the yearly `toll for party brigandage! What _-you think of that, honest" yeomen of Ves- pra, Ox-0,A Sunnidale-, `Flos and Nut- \tawa.eaga.? . ~ _ Let the farmers of Nort11.,`Simc 9e take `no stock in" the prosperity cry-as _T reason for. rttirning' Wilson`; v_;'],.`-he :farmr since 1896 have simpIy.~s_har-" Ted ijfthe wav_ pf prosgerity-`3L`whgh< % ;}ITwei>t~.the `world; V, V{1`he`iprea7ihr;hf: `k 1Eo;i1ii;ry*s:., `pvopultidn and` 9.? " $9? ` "'`<'3.."`;_.-`."..-"_. F- ` xlqm o < ?mer.~ -% B;-owmee, the Auctioneer, Barrie, handles credit . sales; of farm stock nd implements; promptly and qatia. -{antes-i`!`y_ fl` 7:35=v ' ind :`upwa"rds. \ mu That.` something will have to be .` done is certain._Meanwhile, the Grand VT:-unk people are more and more convinced that the_thing as laid out by Sir Wi1f1"id`,Lau_rier `is a great blunder. What. is needed is an'ar- rangement for the relief. of the-peo-` -`pie and bfgthe `company-A-ax`xd the gen- ' ex`-a1: eopihipn is ,th_at it would` be a ' {mistake to leave the "making of- the _a1rrangement`.in,thehands Of the -po1i- ' ticianse ygfhoef.-\,epmmi.t_td hthe original hP9sinss.s . men have `u`eede tt)ih*stE>`I_vj ei; thisigroibxcm. serious. It vmea-ns thatithe company must earn,sover and above expenses, $2,000 a mile on the line be- tween Winnipeg and Moncton, `and the thing is `impossible. The cause of the increased cost is political con- struction. `Major Hodgins gave. an insight` into what is going on. He charged that we are paying about twice over for the line. The revela- tion about the terminals is another explanation of the increased cost. A politician bought --the terminals for $99,000, and sold again to .the Gov- ernment for $222,000. `In this `case; the . country paicl more than twice the `price. v_ -` ' The jump from-$51,300,006 to $124.- 403,2I9 is `important. It is `important to the taxpayers who have to borrow the money :and to pay interest on it -for seven years, and it is important to the company also. It increases the company : rental from $1,539,000 per annnm to $3,732,000 per annum. In a word, the Grand Trunk went in- to -this contract expecting to pay $1,- 500,000 a year for the roadthat as be- ing buiit _for `it, and now it nds that it `N31! have to pay $2,000,000 per an- nun: more than the sutn the Govern- ment mentioned; ` 9 A. pretty severe strain was put` on - 4th_e` fraonking: p_rivilegef_a few days ago ywh_en thee;Town was ooded with :*Grit campaign literatute through. the` medium of His` Majesty s` mails. The envelope bore the mystic initials R. J. C. which, of course, everybody will fecogriize. It was a` gross abuse of privilege evenfor a Minister of the Crown, but it shows the low, plane to which .-a once great party has fallen. - "`Fx-om -Mnoncton to Quebec I esti- mate at .400 miles. I am informed that you "can build the line through :.that Country for $25,000 a. mile.` On 400 miles that would be $Io,ooo,ooo. The Government, with Premier Parent, of Quebec `bridge fame, `and three other politicians, have been working _on the line for some years, and now we have a revised estimate from Mr. Graham. His gures are .as follows: Length of .road from *Monc.t1on .to, `miles - -`Cost, per..i1iil`e. . if I . . If is 53,427 Total cost: for t,8o3' miles 114,393,765 Interest. during c - txon .- . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 1o,oo9,454 gzoggs and that gis-`to' denounce afil:.cja,;didate or par- gy _ yghogwilli Tre_`s or'f V` to ;'s_u,ch means of V ."v?eii12ii:g: ;5cs1stia:ar;_suisj;`;g;r;; '{'1`h_~ sobf ,er-m}i1i'ded" e1ectd.r%g_of fCo1li"ngw'ood,` `of cours,w e9l_l_know;thaf `if if~is right `and ' prop'er_ to ~7ma`ke 'liarbovr'7it'nprovements ho credit due` tof tho Government fordoing `what mist obviously bewits duty,.whi!_e, on the other hand, if the works: are un'n'e ces'sary `the expendit- ure hot only un`justiable_ but crim- I-nal. ` c T I v The` edict having gene forth from! ,Ottawa that thereymust be no Con- servative acclamations in Ontario, the "South Simcoe Grits rare, at the `hour of going to press, wrestling with the zprogblemiof selecting acandidate. This is the ".`reductio ad absurdum of,pol- iitical exigency. i `3oooooooooooojoooboooo3 A1'I`~h.e .-slogan "`Wii.on will .win' seems `likely :t.o.end ,qn 26th in Wilson -will .wilt. ` IFIEI-jDI.N'G S SERIOUS MISTAKE When the Grand Trunk Pacic was going 'hrougl1, ,the Laurier Govern- ment 'rep resen't_ed what was said to` be an lestimaterof ;the `cost of the Eastern .-`section, Mr. `Fielding said: From `Quebec to Winhipeg I esti- mate the distance at 1,475 miles-. I put that down at $28,000-Va mile. )That tw'ould_1'fnake `the .cost of that section $41,300,000. The `Tm-oAn t,o -Dai;1 y St`ar appears to haveggot-mixed with this w_e`ek s Bar- rie G_z_ttej. ' ` The two section together Vwould "thus can {for $51,300,000. Now, the Grand T-run`k Pacic, at ;the end of `seven yea1'-s, is -to pay a`-rental of 3 per cent. upon the cost, `for the" use of the road. Mr. eFielding s gures represent 'the `obligation of the comp- any ._to be $1,-539,000 .per annum. . `Total cost T. ...$'124,4o3,219 _McCarthy and `Wilsomare not invit-, ing discussion at the vlattefslmeetings. Theyhad a rather unpleasant inter- tuption at Midhurst on-this `account. Give every honest questionef fair _ play. `I I 3 r V Had the Laurier Government`. used the public revenue as the farmers` `have `applied their private incomes, not only would the V .n'atidnal.,._equi;'i-V i_ ment hive" been enlarged`,'thfe` ,4 tional`- debt `would have. been _v.gI,=e`t1tly;{_. :.fredu.c'ed. ._ -. . v :_ &' ml: `.- -Mr. John Elsrnere, whose death we-`g recently reported, was one of the` pxcked gang employed by the late Mr. James Morrnson in opening out: the government `road, now` the Penegf tanguisheue road, he being-. the last survivor` of` his 1- `associates, In hisfg young dayshe attended school withjf. Col. O'Brien at Shanty Ba . .~Mrsf, -Elsmere, whose death'oc'cure a week-?|.% later, -was born_ in England and_ lived: for a whilei an the Towmshnp o"f'.-if, Chinguacoucy, PeeI~County._ ` - -t` A .. Mr. James McCracken -and his sec"-` tion gang have been busy for the. past two weeks getting the track in the best possible condition, as the president and other -o'1cials=are ex- pected Over the line in a few days-- I *'Mr. IHaug`hton, Lexmox and Majoxf Currie were in bthis' village over `Sun- day and took the Winnipeg tram in the evening for Toronto. `While here`; they were the guests, of PM:-. A. Jary. -up - 1 The Rev. R. L. Weaver is in Tor- onto, and in his absence Mr. Godfrey Gray, student of _Wyc1ie -College, conducted the service at` St, John s church on Sunday. - V V CRAIGHURS'r._ 3 degrees of frost Sudayi night. Mrs . A. Jary is visiting her mother at -Gib:-alter. - . V . Th_e 9.15 train from, Toronto, which remained hete. over night; will after Monday, it is said, go on to, Cold-_ water and remain over night. II`! 1-; Cu _ Mrs. D. Hart _and' child of west Toronto are visiting Mrs. G. -C. Cas- ton; ` _Threshii1g i_s abpt gll nished this locality, 1t ,bemg_l1ghter than former years. L ' ,_ -__._--_--.-., -v.uuu.u auu aLV1d[JlCo_ Miss I.- M. Burkholder of the Good Samaritan Hospital, Dawson, and Mrs. C. A. Elliott of Detroit, visited their brotlher here last week Two ears of wood which had ap'- parently caught re from -the. engine were run on to the siding here on Sat- -urday -night to burn out, thus delay- ing the passenger train about four hours. i If the electors of Ndxtth Siiucoe honor Majjor -Cu1t,rie'.w.ith. their .,c.on- dence on Oct. 26th, .-as athgy undoubt- `edly will, he will reprgsgnt the Whdle constituency. mot ,sinqp!y_ .a cornenof it. `His motto is No sectionalism, than a square deal 4for";a1l;. :cucwu|3 acqua.lIl[a!1CCS nere, -1v'Iiss_M. `_J. Wiggins bf Toronto` hohdaymg at her home here. 1:. , I It V...` __.c ...- ..-. aawlnlub uunb. | 1 ('_Mr.. and Mrs. J. `Carruthers criter- ta_med a nugnber of_ their young fnends on F1-nday ewgenmg. 1.1:... `D.I:..1_' mu- - M ..... uuz vu LJIUGJ CV'C.||Ills. Miss Edith` `Thomp_son has return- ed from a. month s vxisx with friends in Claremont, Toronto and Maple._ Mina `I . Mr D.._I-1._I.1, 4- -- Oooooowouoouoouooooq ` I runlulunnumnunnnnnnn . . . . A . l M1s Mag_g1e Bmme spent a fewl days 111 Craxghux-s.t recently. ` |, Mrs. T lCamp1;ell of Allandale is] `visiting `her sister, Mrs.` Robert -Maw.` Miss Frances Minnikin _of Fmdale $15 spending a few days wxth relatives ere. ' ` `C vvnllluvl vuvuuvu C ` OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO % ANTEN MILLS. 1 `Messrs. ' Dalton `and Grover Rey- T_nolds were home from Midland last _ week; , We hardly ~.t`ni.nfkj -the fanners! of `North imcog desire :to be repres-- cntbd by --a -member of the -Manufa.ct- titers` Assoc'izti_o.n= Executiwe. If -xhcy want 3 `higher tariff on .:agricultural imp!ements,,`the_y will or course vote for lwiison. _ " T Rev, `Mr. Sinden of Maryboro renewmg .acqua,intances_ here", .`|.l 2_- If .1- curs 0 SUNNIDALVE CORNERS- Black. sizes % 40. Some_of th em :ing`tlu-tough the cloaks depainent` Constantly we bring new odels in ~ to Constant succession of Coats S with its ownlinyidualit .1. were o-`lay-gone to-mar ow. Til way of importing enough Coats to y season is a methoil of 11, E ` % j "the department to replace garmeet sold, creating an ever a angung ant. with always something new gnu! ` ' We inviteparticu York models, in Black. wgy in itont at $ 1 5,1 %-You. SILK SARJ Thefvrhangi Major Cur-}ie was born.-in _Notta- wasagaq but he i's`_ not clairm'.ng any Vspevcial support on -that `score. The mere acciden._t of births-p_lacc_ cuts no gure with imelligeng -voters. 25 Silk inl __ _. .. yun, LVLIBDIIIIIGIJ [UK 30 'years grnong the Esqmmaux, preached in St. Jude s church last`! Sabgth afternoon. `He gave a vivid: - descnption of his work there. '|[ ,_ `I? Y\ I `__._-- -v -cw-nu oubllvo , We notice the name of the Rev. W F. "Carpenter, M.A., Ivy, as one of the Executive Committee at the meeting of :W`yc1iffe' Alumni, Toronto. The `Rev. G. A. Rix, Orangeville, an. old Ba_rrie boy, is president of same Alumni. V ed the brick work of James "Sp:-oule s house; and `Mr. John `B. _Clin_e has completed the brickVworl_c Mr, W. Beelby is to be congratulat-l ed on the success he attained t Bar-g tie and Cookstown Fairs. ur old friend, T.,Connel1, is a1w_ays to the front with sheep, and took- several! prizes at both fairs. 1 II! V--4'*(;3ongratulatiOns to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Adams on `the arrival of a daughter. T [ Our much esteemed young friend,| Mr. Ec_ld Ie Ayerst, is now night op-I erator 1n Beeton-.` | iM{s, M. Nix8;., Mrs. -s. R. Brown and Miss West visited friends in Newton Robinson and Cookstown last week. - ' Mr; John'_'Corbett, harness maker, is about to open a shop on Front St., andwill live in `Mrs. McCul- 1ough s_ house. V is 7" o- It is noticeable that aeicceptingi a A `law oice seekers ;there.are no prom-_ inent Li_h.erals[4P.Dearing (m Wilson s platinum. .Is it ..b.ecau,se .he is 'ssu`.ch'.a. ".nenem:_v.conver.t? nhriell sq IIVKIOI. Mrs. R. 'D. Henry has returned `from visiting friends in Detroit. Miss Minnie Ayerst, who also has been .visiting friends in that `city, returned on Saturday. 1': 1 mg. Mr. "155; `;;;ia,;. ;} .qI_3a1-'cvl;1;'m1;:;1id 1 us a ying visit last Sunday. I `f,._ .\l' 17' 1"` 'e:y_*`la;'ge quantities of grain have begnshipped from this pomt so far [ns season. ' Inews 1s true. m"I;h_;:1";"i; some talk of a druggistl opemqg a._sho'p here. -We hope thel I d' 9 '."" ""' """>""'-1' I I Mrs. `M. Nu_:qn_ has rjeturned to To- lronto after vxsxtmg friends here. `All I It AI Born to Mr. and Mrs, Lance Beel-I by, a daughter. T Miss Belle nStewar _has returned from a. prolonged visxt m Toronto. `II , `Mr. and '1`)-o:z;ne-,'i3_v2:1rrie, visited Mr. Lambert Doane last week. Our band played at Elmvale, Bee- ton and Cookstown fairs last week. I i -' : W T .1 MISS `May -Duncan of Toronto 15 paying a brief visit here. ` "b;jLT c";I"s an{,s"o.{"1{;{., bought outl Dr. M.cPhedran of Stroud. T| The Store of Satisfaction. THE BEST RANGES` MADE .u._'.` `- . . - . . ------__-V-3.-V`<.`.*. V'~,-'_-V-V V UP `UT-90,3`.-.01' W000: 170m` .A % % . sms to $50-0 :0O'0KIIG` STOVES AND RANGES,` for coal wood, frcgn ,, ___..- __.,. 1 Rev. E. J. Peck, Missionalfy for 1- vears amrm'a- Ma- `l:.`m.............-- ,___ _...--.-av uucvx ulucuh LU UJJU SIOVES, for coalor wood, from Stoves *They give entire atisfaction `both as to pconpmy baking. % hG'r$hto $o me- coats this week. In and Navy. medium length. semi- The x.Cco11ingwoo.d Bulletin has .4801: dippy ..on jhatv h.arh0.f guestiml. '