Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Oct 1908, p. 1

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V. __v_-..._ , - Notice is ereby given pursuant to The Revised Sta tes of Ontario. 1897. Chapter 129. that all e -tors and others hnvin claims of the said Franklin erkie. ut the Seventh day oi June. `O . t or lzlefgre thetalst (I: (37. 501'. 903. . 3811 Y 2 . Y geiver to Messrs. _0arthy. preys 8; idtuch ison of the Town Barrie. Solicitors 9! Louisa. Jane Markle, Adminjstratrix, their Christian andsurnam addresses and (1883 criptions. the full psrtic of their claims. the statement of their 3 ts and the nature of the securities. if any. he ,-a n,;,,.L -_ 4.-I__ _.LI... 4. .01 ll? UUUIIKILLUBQ Ll. nu}. LIV =.An`d further take notice t t. after such last mentioned date. the said A inistratrix will ; proceed to distribute the asse nmomt the narties entitled the II] vuvnn-Io proceed t0d.1SBl'1D\1l';c me 8888 I Ina uugcu-' unong the parties entitled , havmg mu-d nnlvto the claims Of which 0 Shall, tl prooeeu to alsnrmuw me new parties ggrd onlyto the claims '01 whio - ve notice. and that she will the said assets or an part th spa or persons. of w one claxms no been reoeivedaa required. 1",. . -nun-cur unvu o. 1u I'1`Dr`ItI"ln\T, h any per has not liable for ` `Dean reoelvuusu upquncu. ` . McCARTHY. BOYS scMURc1soN. V Solicitors for Adminiatratrix. Dated this 7th day` of October. A.D. mos. 4244 '."1-im ,|;a~r%rie`carriage Company . 1- n...l4-Jl . , _ V (Limited) . . Annual Meeting. - - ` The Sixth__ Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of ' the above Company, for the hearing, of: the An- ntial Report, the Financial Statement", the Election of Officers and the ap- proval of a "By-Law `reducing the number of Directors from eight to -----..-. ..._.: ..oI......- mmm-al l-mmness. number OI IJIYCCIOTS Iruxu C1511; nu seven," and other general business, will be held at the head office of the Company, Ellen `St, Barrie, at 2.30 o clock p.m., on Monday, October` the 19th, 1908. - |Dated this 5th day of October, 1908. -n A 1 17'1"!` - T ..f"_ T'Rt\NTN_ I-JELCLI Luna gun I F. A. LETT, President. T1Tf1YiriA3T(`_ mom TO CRENTORS roa sAL: on RENT. `l"`Kv.ID|0JU- a `Vrvv -v..-..-( .>. ,(Pro;a_r- Pr: aratzon Does at. % , g 1'1-mun _~ J i % cu-%|jQ'r'r. .4 , . _ 4 TCHUIITU. \lI'II_ .. . m*-.....t*,..-v~.*:.:2,"::2*::=,::-. ....-am gave:- psu~oniaod' this college within cue Ol_l'- What dog .T . 1 . `... N9 ?' .. :'r*r~w`*'.;: ` T..}Irs.f` :5- $-aI>.x1=;, mu.-J. `drncas `rd LIT . I-L .._:sI. ._-..IL AL- -3-- _Imjr"ea.s2. Your .Salary";/ '5. f\."._ `.4 It IUZ|lV.IIIIKIDIi| Jt';I&IDUUl ?'\7v. \vEKYmso`N. .'. `(Vj I .=1'n"ori1'. ONT-A .. .;~-g AA/. -'....4..'.'...a'n\4n IJQI`: t TfI'i`5N ' '1 _ emu, BALL; .., ` ll \'VV ALI, Secntary. VVVVVVvVvvvvv-vvvw-_ - - V V - The improvements at the VG. `depot are being .' advanced another stage this week. 1. 1.-.. _.A-I-`gang;-Ar` I-A anus I-III-J IV vying ` Johnny Dyment. -"has V returned to Town, the racmg _opera.tion's haying closed for the season; ` --.. -`A--gvuv-ml 119A`I"I'*1'IK1'I LIX l vwn Wall Paper at Dougall Bros . vv, 1.1!- -___`I I!-2--- VI`-I\a % .---W:A.LL` \..l I91 I19 vvlnu V -- PAPER} _WALL PA. in. Rev. W, Bertal H`-'eeney will preach at the Harvest Thanksgiving services in St. . Paul's, Midhurst, on Sunday next at 3 p.m. as .Rev, ';l\I:.mfL`eggott, Bay of Quinte Conference, late of Elmvale, will oc- cupy the pulpit of -Elizabeth. Street Methodist `church morning and even- ing, Sunday` next. -9 II ... `I `T-.. Anna, hr-nnusu-J ..... :- The friends here of Mrs. J, Van .Buski'rk will regret to learn that she -is lying seriously ill` at.hE:r home in North Bay. V * ' u .1 'r._12__. _-,.__2_L-J Alva`-In 32,0 _ Char1sBel1, the Italian convicted lgst week on the charge of burg1aris- Ling .Hanmer s` store, was or_1`Tuesday .sentenced_ by Radenhurst P.M., to ,one year 1n the Central. V -1' ._-.A_-__4 --...I- , LL- -..1-..-'. vvpg -an v-ow v--.. -. `Joe Dunn, runni'ng.under the color's of the `-C.Y.~M..C. nished 20th" in the Ward Marathon race in Toronto on Saturday last.- There were over, 4150 starters, ' . , -Why do you sleep on a hard mat- ,tr"ess when you can buy a good mat"- tres ' le more money. at Dougall Bros ? g , [Mar- shall and Empress sanitary matresses; I"-'1`-l`1e-};l.l.c_3"v\;irr;g wlffeiis Vffstii the local Brotherhoodof St; Andrew to the Dominion .-Convention held in Hamilton last week: Messrs. R. L. -Bat-wick, H`. E. -Brownlee, F,.VBant- ing, Herbert Brooks and H. `C. Chan-, next. ...__.-- - g n V .-4 n n 4 n U LU VVLIBLIIBUIIB SUI Cu Isauuil Ill db; Hard and Soft Wood, also Slabs; ` ne1; gnu Inna-O-It urn 1ll':I 3571?: `and sold nor card. no? ---- ---- v- _-__ __v- _.. _-... \ Mr. E. C. vDrury eni:ertained"`the' members of the `Canadian Club with a splendid address last Thursday evening on the subject of Rural Canada as a National Resource. Mr. R. L. Barwick presided. '5-;'s;e:';,~ ;aE{e"{a are --y__ r----_-_- -1')-eize for the best skating `con-i ple at Mammoth Roller Rink" * on Thursday evening last,was awarded to `Mr. Ernie Williams and `-Miss Pow- ell. To-night the ladies -will endeav- or to catch the judges `eye in a single competition. at 1' II? If IIr,.___ Q--- _I:_----_l McWaters has disposed of his saddlery_ business to Mr. Fred. Loth of Ingersoll, the latter to take possession on the 20th inst. `Mr. Mc- Waters has not yet made any busi- ness plans for the future. 'I"\ .I'\_.,_._ `I'1'-,-_.. _____ u--u-av r.-..- _w. --_ _.._.._ -- The `Grand `Opera House was thronged on `Monday afternoon to hear Dr`. J. Wilbur `Chapman and his co-evangelist, Mr. `Charles !M. Alex- ander. The service was exceedingly interesting throughout, and the large audiencelslistened with unabated at- tention. Many of the business places were closed for the occasion. av v-'_v- -_ -_-- --- " Eirapes, Pear; and etc., are now_ their best for eating and pre- 1 The annuar meeting of the members of the Corporation of Royal Victoria Hospital will be held in the assembly room of Fire -Hall at 4 p.m., Tuesday, -Oct. 20. All are invited. Any an- nual contribtor of_ $3 and up may vote on the" election of Board of Trustees for theensumg year. Q 30 to Wilkir:son s for an kinds of, __ `l`l-.._l -._.1 5.2;. III...` -1-` .I_L_ `The eminent tragedian, Mr. John Griffith, with his splendid company`, wi1_l be at the Grand Opera House on Saturday, Oct. 24th,_ in hisgreat Shakesperian `production, Othello, The-' Moor.of -Venice. VA carload of scenery is carried and a most elabor- ate production is assured`. Particul- ars next week. i ' ' . ` Benedict Clarke, Toronto s noted boy violinist, who is coming to Dreamland next week, is exception- ally good, and has played at many `of the high-class concerts in Toronto_ and vicinity. Dottie 'Dimples and sis- ter will put on 3. Teddy Beat; and Sis Hopkins specialty, so the,patrons of `Dreamland may expect an especially. good bill nextaweek. - new case 0' I - "1;I;e great "play, The Wolf, wE`1ic-h ' is now at Her. Majesty Theatre, Mon- Vtreal, is booked at the Grand. Opera -Househheriepfor Friday evenin , Oct. 30th. The -compan andgpro uction are` the same as at ` er Majesty's and whiehswill` be at the Princess Thea- tre, Toronto, on Nov. 19, 20,11. Pax- culars later. < V ,, --v..-_._ . A're1igious censu of th-. Town` will be taken on Npv. 3rd,: when a house to -house v1s1tatxon- will. L- _.-.I.. A ..............+ Ava:-I11-inn mot WIICII '4 HUUBC LU lIUIul5\. Vlanuuu-van` vv n.-. be made. A permanent executive met on Tuesday evening and appointed T. T. Young Chairman and R. J. Fletcher Sec.-Treasurer. The citizens are requested to remember this datel -and" to place all posiblee facilities in the react} of the venumerators. More information next week. .~- T. A .0.` IIIL\II annuvunvqn -- V--- . The Advance fhade 5 se-special` c1ubbing'~ra,te` with the Weekly `Mail. `and - `Empire .e whereby subscribers can _ecure the latter uritilljan. rst,V 1910,` for KG!-I, uavevon. mun. mam Pu: 149. I\Il gvvu The favorite Guy Bros. `Minstrels will be the attraction at the Grand Opera.. House_ on .Thursday, eve__ning.,_. next, Oct. 22. They givean. entuzely new program, clegant x-st part and `a. most superior 0110. Exchanges from; -`Eastern. ~Ca.fiada'.. where they are no_w':_ playing,-. speak in} the highest. .term`.s'*' of . p_ra:99at.. the?` v.59ffm L Salim: n V Its: Wee mt neets EA .571: nnuv - -.. :`9rt`a.t 9955a I-IE? HIGH 99 you wish. of Guelph spent the week-end in Town, b 0 II` Mis _Sadie Ellis spent a. few days in _9nl11a last week. 4-: gr II. p r. V 1"` A7._`_ $11!: VI'\p\u|IrVna\n go. o w it --. I -`Mrs. Chas. Kimpton.o-f Torohto is the guest of Mrs. Wm. -Freek. \ -c r\_1-__:n, ....,.. Vm(Ea1):.'-MT::uii;;_r~1" spent lsunday with has sxster, Mrs. W. C. |'Ar}qrew. o-- ., a Cu . 1'1 LL ' ".1"s;.".Cl'1i1deV Hdlt of Port Haney, B.C., is visiting her brother, Mr. Geo. Raikes, Ridge `Road. " ' 119 11' , 1 _ P l'l"\!_ _ `I1- -1_-A. I'\..:I `;n'1. V Wismer and ,child of London are guests at: Mr.` S- .,Dyment s, for a few days this week. 11:-.. t`-..._....._ .f"`.......l...I1 ".1... Ln.- -I.\s5AA\\.u, a\A\n\p .- V M1"-. Wm. -Ha1e.c'>?The Packet, om- hIia, was a pleasant caller at%The Ad- vance Ofce on .Mor_1day.` vanxuw minus; v.- `my--. _.Miss Laura Souls left `this week ;to enter om; of the New \York hos- jpitafs to tram for a nurse, Ir, ..,q .11.. 117 1.` 1172-...-- .....A w-'4----~---1 -v- -- -- v *'`d' ` Miss Georgina :'Campbell, who has been spending several weeks at Glen Almond, returned to Buffalo this week. . _.._ - nu __ _ .` ..- `:Messrs. Walter Scott and E: Know- les of Gravenhurst were visitors at Mr. Marr s for a few days this week. _... _ ' -n , n vs Mrs. -N. `Carson, a. resident of Bar- rie for` more than 50 years, went to Tdrontov this week to live with her daughter, Mrs. R, M. Butler. ,1 1:..- *n_L-_;_ |I)`I-_`I- ....A \.|u-1435:;-`ya no .-..--V_ Mr. and Mrs, Robert Black, and Mrs. Wtilliam Black and her son, Robe1`t,`attended the funeral of the late Richard Hill of Cookstown on `Saturday. ' ~ If (V ;!.i, L- l-,_-1___,_ M. Smith, who has been seriously 111 for several -weeks in the R.V. VI-Iospitafwith typhoid, was able to retum home pm `Saturday. `He is slowly` comafescmg. 7 Y1` 'KY-_I_.,_I_ ___L.__.___1 ____ V-v vw V--- _.--_-___. Mrs. J. `H. Neelands returned yes- terday from a. three months visit in Winnipeg and other Western cities. Mr. Neelandis and Miss Bessie went as far as Toronto to meet her,` --Since the scientic tting of glas- ses for elderl-y peop1e,_that dreaded dis e _Glauc'oma has almost disap- peare `and we can reasonably be- lieve, i oung people took greater advantage properly gr nd lenses, cataract and other abnorm conditions would be equally rare. Y eyes will be hand- led" with scientic recision by G. H. Wright, Doctor of ~ tometry, from Toronto Optical Tech ' Reeve s |Jewelry `Store, Oct. I2 t P A--. f the relief obtained from. "J\vv\vAJ -V-v.', The Court of (Sin " here on| `Monday next. Hdn. Mr. Just: Clute. will preside. "' - ` -1 L--- II..?.J..--` nu; lllbanup. V Word was received here Monday of the death` at Weyburn (Sask.) hospital. of Mr. William Wattie, son of the late Charles Wattie of the 7th Con., Vespra. Deceased went West: in August, and was engaged in home- stead duties when stricken with typ- hoid. No further particulars have come to hand, but the -body,will be brought east for interment. i`-Much sympathy is expressed` for relatives of the young man, who was held in p the highest esteem. He was a Lieut- . enant in the 35th '=Reg't., having been attached to No. 4 company, and at- tended the recent tercentenary cele- ` bration at Quebec. -He was about ' twenty-three years of age. The fun- " eral will likely be of a military char- acter. u-vuw- . The local W. C. T; U. held an im-W portant meeting in their parlors on f Monday afternoon, Oct. 5th. There ` was a good attendance. The devo- I tional exercises were conducted by t the `president, and satisfactory reports` were read by the recording secretary and the treasurer. After the ordin- I ary routine of business was disposed 1 of, some time was devoted to the _per- : fecting of arrangements for the com- < ing Provincial convention and to re- - ceiving the reports of the different ' committees. The entertainment com- mittee reported having been cordially ijeceived by the ladies of the various- churches. =Many had expressed pleas- ur.e- at the prospect of entertaining the delegates, ofj whom a hundred and fifty. are expected. The conven- tion commences on Monday evening, .'Nov. 2nd, with executive meeting in St. _Andrew s church. The day ses- -sions? and some evening gatherings` wm be held in !Co'llier St. Methodist ` church, and one public meeting in Elizabeth .Street Methodist church. Among. the speakers expected are :l Mrs, J_. K. Barney, Prison Evangelism` Mrs. e `Gordon "Wright and Mrs. ='Pho-rnley,v~ London; ~-'Mrs- Stephens-, _, Pres. Toronto district; Mr; Ben. ' Spence~a'ndMrn_,any others.-V _ ANNUAL MEETING` 01-` - cum. 1NGLUB., - lv `These ofcers virere_elected at the` [meeting held in the rm|_c, _.'C1apperton-` ` Street, _on'T1_xesday evemng: ._ '1xr n rn:a:_. 1.1-- Hon. P;esident--W.R. Tifm; -Hon. Vice-Pres.--Judge Boys; Pres:'tdent-- D..*A. .McNiveii;~ Vice-Pres.--A. E. % Stapletony Sec.-T1"eas.--A1ex. BYOWQ- le, "' Committee-3D. C.`_ Mumm- son, J. B. M.cPh'ee', Byron Geo. I,-Iogg,`A~.n'-D. Simoh, J, Vaxr; ' epte;s- entatwev to Ontario Ass.--Jas. Vaxr; % Auditors`-'-T.` . Bcectoft, ; W. _Duf; ..R..V= .W-LA-,i.Am0S-.4. T >\lvIl'G'*W,>'%L\CVo` 'A'.I`_`lo _nIno-p--- V A7;bohspil ws pfopoed, and a committee was appointed td furthexf tl_1gidga._ _ .> -_ A . f 9 Take to :W.1k.31.1Son s; Mi I . dV8'y .V.: ` A ~! ofog;1bi 'A"~ ,. , _ - jug ` I`: .;;"~ .v-`5"""`--.2 -,9.",x>;'! a1nd.;choppin(g. ` . A. , ml, 979'? { `M94 \_g'Ei.' "sa1sui:`i.~xa&t:i;% Manu~fa:E1rer`s ` Paces- J.J.%TI-IOMPSON, % IlII'IIJIIDT D I\ L isi _ 81,00 lira iiiiuuu m. Advmct V Ill-I COPIIIFIVI CINTI _ I-Hon: 109.. BARBIE. Further meetings in theinterest of Major J. A." Currie; the` Lib.-Conser- vative candidate in North Simcoe, are billed as follows: :Minesing--Thursday, Oct. 15th. Anten Mil1s--Thursday, Oct. 15th.. C1-oss1and--Friday, Oct-'.. 16th. New'Flos-eFriday, Oct. 16th. Vigo-(CancelIed.) V Stayner--Saturday, .Uct. I7_th. ` A Oro (Town. 3Ha_l1.)`--Mond`ay', Oct. I9,th-. i Da1ston-Monday,{ Oct-,`. 19th. Brentwood--Tuesd_ay, Oct. 20th. `G1.-enfe1-Tuesday, Oct. 20th.. 'Barrie-Wednesday,=itOcL 21st (pro~ bably). ' Phelpstone-Thursday,_ Oct. 22nd. _ Swan's School -House-Thutsday. . Oct. 22nd, ' 'Duntroon-Friday,. Oct- 23rd.; 10ct.. 24th. -Hon. J. S-~D11 , Ministei: of Agri- culture, will speak at. the -_ Stayner, 1 Oro, Brentwood,. Barrie, Phelpston, _ Duntroon and Collingwood meetings. The other speakers for these and thg ' remaining dates will be.` chosen from the names previously announced. Major Currie will be present at all ` of the .meeting_s.. 1 A'Nv1'Hmc.`v6u want in IIED D Q A A `chat: A 11.93`; {DEATH OF AN om): smcon `Mr. Harvey D. Graham, barrister, of Haileybury, died at. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., on Wed- nesday, Oct. 7h, after a brief illness. Mr." Graham was advised a few mon- ths ago by his physicians to undergo an operation for brairr trouble. He was a native of Bradford, and was graduated; fxtomzthe University of Toronto in 1900,. and from Osgoode -Hall in 1903.- While at the univer- sity he was one of the leaders in the ahtletic sports of the institution. He was at various time, pzesdent and `captain of the lacrosse club, captain of the association football team, and secretary of the literary society. `He was a charter member of the Toronto Chapter of the Delta Upsilon Fraw ternity. mu. nmnzn. snmcuss, A ros1=_s. suns on connwoon. Following: his graduaom in law, Mr. -Graham opened an office in Hail- eybury, before the- railway was con- structedto that point. `He had a bran- ch oice .at'Coba1t, and` was interest- ed in a.. numbe; of. mining companies. He leaves a. widow, formerly Miss Strong of Bradford, and two children` Two of his brothers: are students at `the University of" Toronto. I 4---. _. n_-4.._.l~ he purehtv` LIIC \JlI1v\.Lou.J un. a.v . v . . v `I. The funeral took place` at Bradford. on Saturday afternoon. ;` -With day p;ow_er in Barrie, we can- not. help but beheve the Town s' pros~ perit`$r~~\would- be assured. For in- stance, one\old Barrie rm manufact. uring fur" gbeds,_we mean Simmons. &vCoy., the F11 rs, would make all heavy goods right in Barrie. In ne work ' such, as 'es Persian lamb jackets-,` theyyalready ve Bar- rie purchasers fteen dollars 0 very jacket, and hand work at . that. `We ` say let us have day` electric power by`; -11 onnoha any [CL ua uavx. 311 means. X ITryO\1r Kind = `iround 3 * Qkrlght out 'r.n`It\h` Cult CURRIE'S MEETINGS. 0 to :4 1...-{.. . it poi Suits gt 8.50. 84-00.: at them` ~ ,... . BARRIE INDUSTRIES. IUIU TI` VMIDHURST P. o. 7| . Phone 200 " -`-?' ` """_ . '1) AT ONCE--Boy to .learn the WA;r'{tingIPtusiness. Apply gt tt_1_e_.' AD, ACHERW ANTED-Male ontemale teach- or wanted for S. S. No. 6. Innisl. Duties January 1st. 1909. Appl` with un P.0. `ARM FOR S:_\LE--Being Lot 15.'C0n. 6. of Townshxp of Oro. 100 acres. Brick NOE OF!` ---------------------.\ . horn-' " `-I2 ....t.he!mme barn. stone stabliriz.- B_o1l _gg9gl~ J `-'- B"'u_I"'.~f 2 hat W9 11` `. anon hm-,. A. B. 00' Clerk Townsh Dated at Midhurst, Oct. 10th, 1908. "U I 'O .> sold my business to Mr. Loth. of .1 wish all outstandi accounts to 'oV,15th. J. W. cW_aters.' Harness Maker, llnmls mm-I ` Havin 8 11 Va | urle. .["'"T"' : . ' r an important part A1n4. ) . busmess of thus Bank, and every 9 - rompt, courteous 'hetl1er his account The , The highest _cu_n'ent est is pa1d 4 times a. be withdrawn There is no trouble` or` fqrmality `Wt opening a_n. account v\{1th;_the ' on Bank. Sxmply deposxt $1.00 .. upward. and get your passfbook. aw , Accounts may be opened ,1n_*t11e _. A; two persons, and "either! `p of Oro. 109 game. um frame_barn. stablin .~3o1l ood~ b ld h 1 N- 'S'l`ON?.:cl,la.ncale:tp. pp (1.51 GENERAL SERVANT wAx.'raF-`yr ones. Apply to 31 CHARLOTTE s'r.. mnlp. .3 . ; -~,'_.-.`-,. __ 1TRAYED-Strayed from the premises og the undersigned. on or about Sept. lat. one large. red steer, Adehorned. three-your-old. Auyinformation Ieadin to recovery will be thankfully received by . QUINLAN, we P.0. Wchavon large `amount of moe to loan 1! lowest current rates. either in mm or large unnuna an Ohn annllilifv O, Gf` fm wownsmp ow vfsFnA.| n_nnN'r H from s uslw vs A.\'r1su- A secono. nana mun wan- ed. Apply at the ADVANCE OFFICE or \oJ.G. SCOTT. Coal Merchant. Bartl. 40.42 `ltloweat current rates. _31me1' m amuu ur ungv mounts. on the secunty 0t ood farm mort- xes. McCAR'[`HY, BOYS M_URcn1snN.~l nlnn `than? no v-I-3 n Notice is hereby iven that 3 Court will be geld pursuant to __Ontario Voters List Act. {His Honour the J u of the County Court 0 trc County of Simco . ' the Town Hall. Miqhursnon the 24th day 0 * tober. 1908. It oclnck in the forenoomto hear A mhlaints of errors and omiss the [FR E_P___.99 5! JFALUABLE TOWN 1>`R.O1=E1i?rY * IN THE TOWN OF V BARRIE. v Offers will be received 1:) the undersigned for the purchase of W `mowing lands, commonly called the. McDonald property, namely :- ` ' _1_ _ -9.`; $5,033,300 .4-A--n m{mEB'S' SAVINGS A 1 . . . n 1 1 i1DOrtant I part i j__._. QKII-`F WA\"l-`ED- A second hand ski want- \ ml Anni`: ..o H... A nvA\Yr1l'. nll'll`I l'!E m- ..--J! """" `i ' ...fet.v `A - r" - thf 1: A 1- W-' 5 fhfyr on `*1 Vyvfzsn :3 line inches, f lostreet,-*-Barf`-v are " egd of fBayeldthcrcto_ Tlg_`;)`p.evry rug ts 0 way his - _ h "W0 800d Stores OcI11estira.b1 l3 t1n which is in a most ' v feet, . twO. V . 2. The `North t}`;{f,"oa thy V eight inches, of 1` cet Bame. `Vghe ' * side of Bayeld. strfee wide. to God Night of way Um` e is 3, gm _.. North thereof. Thegorey dwe -`commodious_ t`'St most 493? .'housc hn thxs PTO? Y I ` --ly situate . 1 .- . ' , A `J, ,.4 . - AI T ` ' , ~ . ` mew ADVERTISEMENTS. ~ V '. 7'-In-uLc(l. x '1; .-; Z'." .2 Either parcel may be .P1'h ' e `L bbarately or the whole -'Pl'P`.`Y,_ _8ht en bloc, ` ` ' `L F01 further terms and ': $991? to the undersigned. ~ ' ' ;] l.; >;?GY&e McDonald, Exe., { . 13 Owen St ` ; Solicitors f<{r.gN9. 1;. Dmd June .`__$V17th. Aclif LE1 To'u;' I'E;g-x-1l'a-t')r. , Pianos Always on Hand` For Sale I 4 37-1y 343 JOHN STREET. -BARBIE Iendeilssohn Pianos; do We ..,,,______ [Uh JIIUUKID. l [1 1 p I. nlop Street, Barrio. FIRS1`-CLASS of CANADK A a- `dad Profits Exceed 1_F:t.a'nj.Lk:': nnn . Mons} fo LOAN- ~ -l'-'f|-AN_5 1"o.3N':nT ._ .1 HI.__ 'D__..|..--. ORRES1 _.__ won SAELEL . form a1it$' an. with the ` deposit d : m the ) persons, 'e_fithr _-I.:.nnr - SOLD BY ---- us gives you : coU'r'rs. '3` Township Vespra. ()1-1., Ifh, NR. . .wHou: No. .a'aB*b_ v,PnoI-m|'.1'ons. ~ 9 lEf2EAMLANDl -TIITXITI TIT II? 7 Do vlouu1uL. also Dottie Dimples and sigtor. in as TeddyrBea.r and Sin Hopkins specialty act. ' Benedict Clarke, '{,`3 $?.',%,{i2?` nlun-'l\n1-tin n{tnn1n and nintnr, in A 'I`dd-VrB8.` 1iam"rrv CHURCH ssnvuczs I suumw, ocroaen 181m. A 8.30 s.m.-Holy Communion. ll s.m.--Morning Prayer and Sermon. 3 p.m.-Sunday school. 7 p. tn.--Evensong and Sermon. Ven. Archdeacon Warren. of Toronto. will assist the Vicar at both services. - 1 Church of England! SIMMO N s was No: M c/zeczp. ug /zawgood, zI91ourMot- to in` T 3 _ MAKING 7Persz'cm .Lain6 I (15%- Tets,26 in. long, Don-} bl: Breasted, Hz:g/zT- T = Storm Collar. M #110? jackets from $18 to $1000 Simmons &`l}n. Buck noun` couamnus stating. Dancing. Talkln. 0 LAMi"*'?aTii-:'ENE Tl-||` FUR8. `THl%"|NTRI:.l"'.8."'F Bitlinc. iui co\iN.f~"vor`;s'nL`1co,: AND -me `DOMINION or~>cAuAnA oun cnnnnuou. ~ `win: A n WEEK Toronto's noted kn: 1rI AI in! nf -r\- BLARRIE, C0iIN1'Y*oF LsIMcoE, ONTARIO. 9?;1'oBER 1531905 A &I'T'$_ I? if! 1' Omces to lei` with Vault. the otcoa `tormerly Voo_ong:ed by G. A. Radenhm-st. Barrister. over the A `of Commerce. Aggy to tf - A w w . nmnkt -`That very desirable pro rty known as the Thomson Estate in Barrie King west` 0! Toron- toatreet and east of Sunni ale Road, com ris- ing about 32 acres. Good bank born, ith dwellin house` and orchard. Possession Oct. 1ot.h. Vortu 1-then particulars apply " -JAB. L. BURTON ) ' ` V M. BURTON (Trustees l1`E'I\ `IJAII.

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