Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 24 Sep 1908, p. 6

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UVCI UUI CUB . V Npt when she has intfalligence." `He dud n'ot`poin_t the complunnt, but lit was apparent. ` - ""1. Lucy. nan:-nan C-/sip` Acsnnn I:'4u:..-.. :1. ' ll. VVGD (lllillclll- I have never told even Fairy; it seems so` stupid---- she broke `off. I should hardly have_ expected, that. ` You do not ~knowvme. , What is knowledge-appreciation,* unders`tuuding,a sympathy; without the-seg three knowledge of one another dces not exist; with them the i-ntri- eacics of character are easily discov- ered. They may be the products of alifetime, or, in rare instahces, theyi may be the growthsiofv a, moment, of intuitive pcrception. , AYou are de.ngerous,, she" suggest- ` o . CU. Not often." A Afterxvards. in the silence of her own room. Gladys Dayburn slowly digested these sentences, which re- mained xed on her memory. She understood that Lord Andi-ng had been paying her a compliment, and -she feltthat with him compliments vsere a rare. commodity. ` ` I ' ~The reason?" he persisted. .' You are not easily put oE,.mind_, I tell it only for your ears.- ` I .I_ will be asesilent as the grave. 1 Before answering, Gladys _ lookcd round her;Vthey wereedescending into a thicker mist than any they -had passed through before, and it came with a damp softness upon their `faces. It wreathed all the shapes of nature, making them appear unreal; even the roan in the shafts might have been a. phantomhorse. m V~ coca-sg-d6:L:4\an . QLQ ---L-'--A.-A edh ucvc uccu if puauLUuL nursc. ` Superstit1on," she whispered, pure, absolute, unadulterated super- stition. . 1 A `he `gave a little shudder, as if she was physiciilly chilled... ` V Just for a -mognent Arming" felt- tempted "tq .pu t has arm round her. % `Chapter. 11. They drove -in. silence through the misty bottom, and/ began to breast the hill opposite. The-driving occup- ied Lord Anding-`s whole attention; the road was not easily seen, and'an accident might have precipitated them intu amnrass tothe lcl't.- Anding felt that the dog-can carried a. prec- ious burden, .-and this: made. him dou- '.struck=.with "anyone _before;; he v felt strangely; :drawnr*tow_u-ds Gladys" `Dy- that the *3tttaetionVe.was: !1 l`.[ bly cautious. Never: had he been so ibum, `and could no1_:f_hglp7=believgng' A-.L-- ..A.l`. ....> I..'..I, .`_ -..7.`:_ `4L`..'..". .4. 4.41. _'-. anus sue Ilttlauslvu wad lllukudlo -`After they had pasedAthr,ot'1_gh the thick. atmosphere, and come out into the - opp . aga,in,_` where-tihe' ,'sI'1n's` . rays 1 W` .3 `f90!V,{fQ,tl0n~ L '-I go:--3&1--:-a-+4:-:-3-+4-++-s---2-:4-i-a-z--z-+-:~:-+ 5:--z-2:-z-3-:--:--z--2-z--:---+~z~++++++++++++ SUBSCRIBE FOR 2` coumav BU _|NESS iirriellndertaking Eslablishmeft h th a linnceu for the care of funeral: in transit th_x-ouch town and` p\:tY|'<>n'::dingcolI1 1I1)try: Hearses and Wagszons; Morgue and Bunal Parlors. In. torment: in all cemeteriel. or shipments to all parts of th 2 world. Work of __ 1-_.-_L-.._ _-;._...&In n-ul nu-nnnu-In nnr-A fnr, El-If\M I Q0 torment: In all uumuwuc-. us uuuyu-saw .... .... undermkero promptly and properly cared for. P|:|'6 DOLLAR A Y EAR The Guideposl To Good Claims- "Progress Brand Suits and Overcoats THE ADVANCE has always main- i3i.3J 54 | Pl86..l| SS being in the forefront %\i`C0:\lnziy-"-iveieklies. .lts.8l pages are all " hminie Eiveiry department carefully ` _ RIM District News-.--the main Look for this label --the distinguishing Sign of ` $9 9 " ' " I V * ' ' ' -`V , _ U_l.lI_ID IUI bus: .9: GIvll9ll\v_IunIrIa V. --...-- banking business. Sales notes will b:e gashed or t_akgn for collectidn. BAN m me By mm L A;:::::s ':::,:;t:s::4;z..:;*:;:2: Ck}: nrgv ufh ermal facilitv. 115 -. Northern Advance E. T. TYF(EIF\ Collier and Clapperton Streets (ADMITTEDL Y BA 1e1e1`_S LEADING PAPER) ALWAYS OPEN. Sold pnd Guaranteed by Best fagilities for artistic north 9! Toronto. ESTABLISHEDH869 DUI EIIVIIAJ Jw>Iuv|\oI~J- 'Wm. Snow, who escaped from the_ Central Prison on Sunday, surrend- etged himself_ at that institution last` night. .. . L__ L--'-_ .12......1-....1- Th-` ...Tl-IE... `SEPT. }t:ti.s~\.vsrVa;y. with equal facility. `HOW ore t ehev ndin _On [$",;;J HY of th ave less Scotc I..- .. Ex Hwh ave n HC__ noc hY\ anug . "'1 h Ion. `WC never my t |~\' Iu\.l`Aa.|\Ja I V vv o _ J. J. Hill of `th_e Great NorthemT Railroad` celebrated his seventieth bu-t`hday yesterday- . `I1 , ,1-` .-..-..--...-I `gm-an \A D993 xnythi he L Lo IT I] u: "Yo hams? u"l`L vs` Mi k3TgCj 4.1! . L slee ( me right lent moth '.{nis ave ber 59611. Hwy \u, 5 blue .11 lllsllbo Parliament has been.disso1ved.' The` general eledtions w" place on Mpnday, Oct. 26th,*~nominations on the Igth, " V ""' `I I` l\,I__,,__ ___.... nag. van oyuolg William Lowe of Oshawa was sen- tenced to eighteen months in jail for ~fx'aud. fHe sold a lot of brick on which a bank had a lien. ` - --_l VVIIIDII G Uualnl uuu ta saw..- ./`.u.guste ,Ch'1rest, former road foreman at Montreal, pleaded guilty implicated in the case. I` ` _ __ _` to defrauding `the city of $I,4ooby stuf11g pay rolls. I-1'13 daughter is ,,_-.._ --'. .......L.1.. ,IlIl1lll\|'all\.\` Ill to-5. wu-av. I - Several. men and women, most"1y| colored people, and known as alley workers, because of `their alleged peculiar methods of robbing people, are under arrest in Toronto. -~ pr\.. 1.. Mayor D Arcy Scott of Ottawa has] been appointed Assistant Chief Com-. missioner of the Railway" Commis- sion, and Hon. Thomas Greenway and Prof. McLean of Torontohave been added to the board. tr);- `less. lvuuu , It is proposed to take a police cen- sus of Toronto. T An earthquake shock caused. a lgrgat panic at Guayaquil, Ecuador. nn 1'? '.._1 0.-..-- L..4.4.1....-1.... oat `5:-\ u ycaalnv g... ..-.~Jr.l-.7.>, _.-A_,_r.V , The United_ States `bat_tles'hip eetl `leaves Australia for Mamla to-day. - Toronto, .I\-ll\\-5! Altautlipil-my av. -.-v------. 7. Natural gas has been discovered in the eastern and western sections of --- - ' 1- .- 1 -,,,-,_-..:__- I There. will be a. judiciztl investiga- tion into the agxirs of the `Canadian Nati0x1al_Exhibit1o_n. A . - AV slsluauun aatwag-w-u-you James Sero, an Indian, was murd- Aercd near Belleville. A step-grand- son is under arrest. awn: nu us-uun ~o-.---- Seventy deaths from cholera. are rc~ported_f1-om St_. Petersburg and. twelve from Mamla. . I.V\Ll\\ ll\Illl --------- an A hunberjack is under arrest,__in North Bay on a, charge of assaultmg an cig11't-yeariold girl. "" - -l' _.-_-I_- 1.----- swno \-Aaanviwsvo v-- 5---. The dense clouds ,of smoke hover- ing over the lakes` a re;proving a ser- FRIDAY, SEPT. 18th. V I-Iorsc thieves are busy in_t11e coun- re in Vancouver cvaused $50,000 `HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO" 'I"l"3"6"`lO"I"o"o"o"o c u u v V Events the Week Every facility affbrdd to farmers and AA o_thers'f'or the transaction of their _ _ -I`l_`.L2-_ ions menace to navigation. - `n....: -1. IULIB ulcuayp nu ..... . -..-, - Hans Knudson, a. Danish engineer, has _invented a_typev_vriter which will receive and prmt wireless messages. IE-Lklvu 1.`-us: 1.-.---- V` An old Scotch 1ad'y,4who w_as pick- ed up on the strets m a. starv1n'g;con- dition, died at the Toronto General Hospital. - -' 0 9 'l`-......vL.\ .V Dr. Bi-uce `L. Riordan, of Toronto, who was bitten by [_a mad dog, goes t0 the Pasteur_ Instxtutc, New York, for treatment. I-`Q1--I-1*-I-vi.--I-I-3-A A.~:-3--so,-1-4:--as-?:--:-1-n-:~-1--z-2-:-:--5| The Wright_aerop1ane was wreck- ed in a test at Washington yesterday. Lieut.Se1fridge was..ki1l`ed and Orville Wright seriously injured. _ W _Guatema1an revolutionaries tried to k11A1T_Pres1dent Ca._brera. by means._of an Infernal machine connected wxth {he President. s'te1ephone.' , luunv .u-..._..._., _ \ A resolution endorsing technical education and voting $5,000 towards the appointment of a commission was passed by the Canadian` Manu- f2cture1"s 7_ Association at Montreal. `-Alnother turbine stear_ne;' will be `built for the Toron'to-~Hamxlto_n trade. ' A Chicago_ girl who tlouche-Id a "live wire, rc_ce1_vmg 2,300 volts mfto her body, wxlli recover. ' - " V 3. I. wanna, President Paid.up $10,000,000 eLA.I0RD, General llanazor V Reserve Fund,` .. 5,000,000 i 'Mr.A. H.7U..Cc.>1quhoun' d_eclined the position of Chief Librarxan of {T01-onto s Public Library. avgvuuvv _ ._`-__-,_ There were 126 deaths from ch o1- era in St. Pe.t.e.rsburg between noon |on_Thursday and noomon Friday. _ _Oril1<; Wright, yvho wasgeverely mjured 1n the acmdqnt to h1s ae1o- `plane on Thursday, 15 recoverxng. John "E. Redmtmd, `speaking at New York last night, declared auton- 'omy for Ireland to hex within sight. .'1:h -AC.P.R; strikers_ 11ave~ decided to |lay '_their case before Sir `Wilfrid T n u o c an A119-:nn' 14:: 1Y;C;1 fl`) ' lily -INCH` LZd3C UFLUIC. . all vv us; u Launer durmg hls v1s1t to North lABz1y. _ . ' ' The Shah's army is on the point of bombarding Tabriz. The Nation- alists have forbidden foreigners to leave the city. L ` P`rAes dex1t-Falconer of the Univer-| sity of Toronto spoke before the- Orillia Canadian Club on the Es- |sence of the National S pirit.o A It is reported that Mr. %W; G. E1-| liott, who died in- Brantford, left" `$5,000 `to establish a. ward in the John H_. Stratford Hospital. - Major-General Luard, whose wife was murdered near, London,_ Eng., in August, committed suicide by throwing himself in front of _a. rail- Iway train. t`,-_ _,,_ :,-_;__L__I __-..__ I_,_,I vv .7 unwoun- Forest res are reported very bad in Quebec, and sevefal villages are in danger.. tNavigation of the St. Lawrence is almost completely tied" up by smoke. T ` . -n.,- 1-_~!_,1_u_ \ V 3: +4-+4.0:--a-4-n--Q-s-:44-++-a-+-:~-1-+-1-:-:--s-as-4 THURSDAY, SEPT. mu. _ The'fo1-est. res in Ontario are dy- mg out. v ' V A ' |.. (V. 1'1"-',L-_,-`_...... Ln--A "r"`7-U H J` GRASETT. ' Manager '(7cS}{}Hd on Page Eighth.) SATURDAY, SEPT. Igth. ESTAISLIGHED _1_so'i Ri\o-rdan, I.-- .. ..4. 5-` Ana Hnhd The small. train. of four carriages drew up with pon_derous snortingand an air of reat xrnportance by the platform 0% Ailsa Station-, the ter- minus of the line `in the hxghland `of -Scotland, - f`l_ .1--- .I"\..-..`k'.--on nip `nn.1;:nrr (unf- -01 -pcuuauu. _ Gladys 'Dayb'urn was looking out oi-'_ the _window of a` rst-class com- partment which bore the magic word -`Reserved.o the glass at each end. 311' obsequxous porter opened the 001'. ' - ' ' - T -.__I A..J:..;_ --.LA` outfit` al-n;\r1c.o-in: I115 wave The pe1ce a t' St. P"'eter_sburg have" arrested eighty-ve terrorists. !,,..3J_.n.-.. -1-LLA nos, uuur. . - _ _ 'Lc3rd \Anding, who: was gtandmg waitmg on the plaftorm, _ra1sed his hat. A 1o,ok._of recogmtxone _passed across the two faces, containmg an element of surprise. f`1nA-on nnqvkucnn 117:? 0 t\nQ'fO;f\ CICIHCIIL VI. avuys Lav. _ Gladys Dayburn, with a certain amount of mysticism, of superstition, in her character, wo-ndered what `it portended. .`She had seen" this'man cnce before, near the Marble Arch; she saw him now at Ai1sa,' hundreds of miles away. - Then he was in a London crowd; now he was in the solitude of,a lonely station, in the most thinly populated part of the British Isles. These contrasts struck Gladys by their incongruity; through iI._al1,ran the personal thread--how did it affect her.?. Perhaps" a. little bit ; How did it affect him? IA----- A..---.... .1... 1.-.! UH. LLUW ulu 1|. a_u.~\..L 'uuua ' On the former occasion she had 4 hardly given the man a thought; af- terwards she "had felt that she had been selsh o in not doing so...` She realised that he had risked his life, and, hadit not been for a rare com- bination of strength and agility, a disaster would have have happened which might have involved most ser- icus consequences. The man had risked his life to save a dog, snatch- ing italmost from under the wheels of a skidding motor. The dog, to show his gratitude, had ~ promptly bitten` hint; she could see the scar now on his ungloved right hand. The dog, a` valuable Ascheperke of A rare breed,` _ belonged to her . mother. Gladys -had "apologised for the bite and exp-resed her thanks," as warmly as she could, in, the urry f the mo- ment, _for the service rend red. The man had made nothing of it; he was keen on dogs, and would do the same again; still, as the blood was owing, he would go and have_it attended to! at once. ' - ` rm._-_ 1--.: _-....`-.x "`mr..-.. LLA.. L'...Ii at uucc. A 9 _ ` They. had parted. .~fNow they hadi met again-why? ?._ `$\f.-u. n.-n 1.1;;-e n..,?u'-m... n` nnur-en?` .Mass~'ngham, has one of his asthma IIICL dsdlIl -W ll ; 1' .Yousa-re Miss Dayhwrn, of course? My name is Anding. I have come to drive you to -Glen Mull. Our host, ts: on to-day. The mist is on the hills; he` has been cautioned not to make the journey under these condi- tions. At Glen Mul1 i=tse1f the air, is high and dry; lower down the mists hang about, even at this time of the year, after rain. . , LT- L.....l..A `nap Co-Ann 4-kn 1-are-inc`:-A`. 1 LHC yCll, GLLUL lulu. ' He handed her from the carriage; her lug-gag:_was already being trans- ferred from the van on the platform. There -were only two or three more passetigers.`third-class, in the train; except at few shepherds, the district was almost entirely denuded of in- habitants. ` ` . 'I`L-..... In .. An.-I-.1qau- `non 1rl'\i1I` `lift. UI 'd. l;Ull3luC1dtJ1C nuluuusvua suaanlll` ~ lth regard to the great he-'resses in 1 `England and America. who had cross- ed the matrimonial horizon. A ne ` man physically, of spotless character, the last of a long linebearing a great ' name, Lord Anding might he regard- ed as a suitable match for anyone whom he jclroosexto approach, short ` of royalty itself. A keen sportsman, a great traveller, there was hardly ~anyo-ne whom he d d ~not know, har :1 girl` to.whnr'n he had not been mtroduced m one cont.nent or another. - - ' - c '1 allllalllb. - ... There 15 a cart-here for your lug- gage, Miss Dgzyfburn; I am afraid you l`av.e had a-, tn-mg journey. . 4 f`I...I-.n Ln. I-manna :nA`1:Q1rr "I$|'I1` 1 l`3V. nuu EL unug }uuAur:_v. Gladys had been feelling hrselfl strangely tongue-tied. after this meet- ing wi_th the manewho had done her n tncntvlno 1lV`JC `QC: tfilfh`-. lg wuu Luc u|a.u`wuu uau uuuu. uh: .a service, neither was it less disturb- ing when his idenfty was disclosed- L 1 .-....I AnA:nn nnccnacnrl a nharnr-for CIKIUDLVU 555-15; Invv vv.-v.---_. A permanent. liquidator 9f` the On- ta-no Bank has been appomted. r,.-. ._I..... 4.,` [us Wllcll lua IUCIIL c_y vvua \Jl~J\.1vu\-\n`- 5 A Lord Anding possessed a character and antecedents which had attracted the attention and aroused the inter- est of the. world of. his own day. -A peer with a very 1'mited rent-toll, a poor man considering his station of life, he had been made the ubjcct |of_ a considerable amount of gossipl ,,-_,-__I L-'LL- ....`..L LA:-A3545 en. The Grey Lady of Glen Mull CIAAV L A A M I o Yet the gossip proved abortive en- ough; nothmg came of_'xt. The years s"cceeded"ones another, Andmg ach- `in ed many things, but marriage was not one of them. Now he was_ th'r- ty-two; streaks of grey appeared in the auburn of his hair, and evenin; his moustache; the world had `given up coniecturing about his marriage, and had` voted himjia conrmed baclteldr. ' 'T---.1- --A.., adv. can} O 411` ';1'Af" nag VOICCI. mmV_a culutuucu Ur.u.l'..\.1v|. `Thank you, I am not at all txred; I can always sleeps in the tra'n. The last_ part of the way I have been re- callmg my impressions of the scen- ery when I waslast h_ere. . A5 53.3: 9-nnnmanf '\/he: nnVhllf S. ery WHCII 1 was last ucxc. At this moment Miss Dayburn .-1' maid. Harris, came up; she had beenl super-intending the unloading of the vat-'ous .pac!'<'ages of her mistress and he'rself,'assisted by the groom, who 1-ad `driven the cart over from Glen] Mull`. . . "Shall I ride with the luggage, mi's's? Hat;-is inquired, "the groom tells me there,is a comfortablevseat `-in the front. ' ' Cur--- --.. J- -- -...'.. nlgng Ila:-_ `In INC IYUIIL. 4__You_ can do- as you please, Har- ns," Mass D.-aybum Vanswe_red,Tg1anc- ingat Lor.d Andi-ng for conrmation. Ana\A4uL' onn:A IlI`l'LII`I` INK at 1.40111 nnumg 31.)! cuunuxuauvuo I expect. your" maxd would. nd that more coinfortalile than the _back seat of our dog-cart. My experxence of sitting_up_on it is '_ that you `are re- duced to an extraordmary angle when ascending some of these steep hiils. l`.l-'A..p- Lao! ov|:fA)` hunngrtnu `Ar abccuumg sunlc Ul _|.ucac asccy iuua. Gladys had smiled inwardly, for although Harris was- wellvon` into years, she still ~h'arl an appreciation `for a m'an sT society, especially, curi- ously enough. for a very youngmman. E2..- `hiu'3nn6Aa fab-n 6}`:|c-F man IIIIBI CIIUI-| II; IV! 6 Vb! _yvuII3 nnaunu U 5 V o M Five `imnutes later the dog-`cart was` bowling `along thg: - mountam road from Aiisa` station, towards Glen :Mu1x. .The"~cart' hart not. -yet ststartedg t.`A:. T np`n "`nns:nn o-unduu rnnun _1Vll.lllI. l.l_lC Uilltf "u nut 'y_!;L ass: |.vu._ .`4`Fiairy--La.dy Massingham, I mean. .--`-`did not mengion that you had been. here before, -Mass Daybum; how long 133.? -`$;it? ?e - ; 4 ` About.;v wars. - V e < 3 'VIt`e` ii ' ` ` young;jthen? _ _ l"l'lU uaun uua uu\.;a uyyv--f-y-- . A law giving gr_:a=ter fredom to Jews is to be subimtted to the Rus- sian` Duma. 1` 7..- -1- _..-.I.'-.-I 1.-an uomrnm ADVANCE p for `his walking powers, he is short . deadly dull! I a had _stopped short. `They "were as- , cendmg a steep hill; he handed her - the reins and swung. himself down although friends; *1 was fancy nd I anxious` `to -_co_ine here again, l~ airy_ is` one of my greatest we were at school together; Very proud, because she took. a to` me, as she was at the `top a was near .the bottom; we: have kept j the friendship up over .s_in:ce. Lord . and Lady Massingham often stayed I with us `in, Belgrave Gardens, but I have always resisted her suggestions: Minart; my father enjoysvthe shoot- ing there; we none of us care for Glen 3Mull, but for. dierent reasons, `my. father nds these hills too much and stout. My mother declares it Miss Dayburn ? And you, _ ng prompted her, as she Lord Andi that I should return with them` to I ' Glen -Mull; we always; go to see them- when they are in Somerset, at Castle` into the road. ~ Shall I walk, too? she. suggested. .Oh, `no; it is not at all necessary. 3 our weight.,wi1l ma_ke very little dif- ference; I am heavier than you -would guess. ' CL.` `r\ru`)nt` -.+ hie ch-nncr :l'In11lrleI'S: guess; T She looked at his strong shoulders and sinewy legs. He carried no sup- eruous esh, 'but, doubtless,, his frame verged towards the .massive, although so symmetrical that it -fail- ed`to strike" the observer. 1 -L --- 1--- -11 LL.` .--nun-1-so-ct led to StI'lKC ,l .nt: uuscrvcx. . Around them lay all .the wonzlzrs and beauties of the Highland land- scape. As they crestedthe hill, the m.~'st_whi ch 1ay'in the valley, produc- ed by heat after rain, was left behind. Here and there it gave to the lower slopes of the hills 3 sense .of mystery. I as if they were passing through eloudscapes in place of landscapes. The heather glowed purple for miles, vith gorse reaking the` monotony frczm point toopoint. All the lower slopes were clad with forests of trees, mostly varieties of r. It was in land of silence, of solitudes, almost of mystery. A6 I-Ln Ono; A: Olin nlra-1l\_ Ul" .Il1_V3I.Cly. ` " At the top of the. hill Andmg clmb- ed in again, resuming the reins. The hm-se,' a po'.ve r`ful roan,` moved for- ward at a rapid pace down. the in- :r.:line. I.or_d Anding. was an excel- lent whip. Although it was the af- .,te~noon of an August day the air lcame fresh and keen on their faces `at this high altitude. `ah ! `\l1O\ Ln`;-u.o1rr :0-I r:.`nr`1rc d.-L Llllb Illgll d.lLl|.lull1Co ` Anding had been taking in Gladys Dayburn s ensemble as he walked by- sirie of the dogcart or now. and again fell behind it: He had been struck with her before although he had forgotten; he was struck with her again now, seen, as,.she was, und- er such `totally different circumstant ces. .He gathered she was a consid- erable heiress, not from anything. uhich had been said, but from Lady .\IIassingham s_ silence. _That most da-'ntv of little ladies had a perfectl gift for match-making. She had tried] her hand mar after year on her cous- in Andlng, without the-- slightest suc- cess, but. womanlike, she never own- 61] herself defeated. always expecting to win in the end. That,is the crown; ing virtue of the sex, and the` reason of their ultimate triumph. V... 1...". :,......,...,...~-.,. ......' .... .. ....-. You have forgotten"`to answer my qt estion, Miss Dayburn. What question, Lord Anding? Why, you, yourself, did not want! to go to Glen Mull. I don t suppose you found the hills too` steep to .-1.`...L -" . \JL LII\-Il |vIlIpIlIl(IvIr\p Lllhllllllllo I laughed nd sh5 her head. 9 Or that you were bored. { Is a girl on the threshold of life ever bored? 1517,. 1 1 1 - .,n- on axau` Lluuaa. > > Twenty prom_i'x-:nt French men and smentxsts wnll reach Toron- to to-morrow. ....-n.. 3 , 1'! . \7, _,1__A_A_

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