`his thia- ny friends- death of Frances, _ Z laid gulf -444 _ gng Ex eryone Should Wear the lied ' Cross Emblem Next Tues- ` day. _1_a.g U1`! 'd U18 aL.uc vvlu nuxux nu.- dltional interest to_ the second day of Barrie s 'B1g Fair. Next Tuesday -dozens"of energetic [young ladies will give their services to the~Royal Vic- ,toria. Hospital ,for the day a.nd~ "will ..erdeavorv to decorate . everybody.` -..*"-1-1.'- 'A:.nn.-_u_-. as-air`. `11nn19f 1.c.i (ycungi and Old, rich -' gnd:poor, _of ev cry. e1a.ss.- and de_1_1o_m1nga,t;1on) ;w1th Red Cgqss tags; recexvinguin exchange RCU p_rU::s L433, u:`v.c1_vau5-us yzsx.-uuu5v .x:ic_kles, dimes' and. upwards. -Both .tl1'e"citizens and the y s visivto"1A's_may - slxare in the. honors - f giving `a.`g r'e_at bvnet to '$h lwspiital-V in this gn<.`>ve1 _ __ ` _ ? * Aha V 7` an ` je,.r>e. b33*_ 31 * Total . . Tag? `cm a big I scale will lend `ad; }L:A.....1 inc-go-`me I-A 1-1-in hp:-nn Anv Thornton. (First innings.) Barrie Defeats Thortiton. Barrie. Barrie.` (First innings). IVE ; III GET YOUR 1`AGS.. EssA COUNCIL. X CRICKET.` -`-uvw ..-_v_- --., -J. coxsv\nc>12"iwH','7c'1r'1}. 1 ($econd innings). (Sccond ammings). . Buchanan; b Mur- b Cook . . . . . . . . . . I I , 6 0 I O I O I I O I I I VI VII 16 22 - - ----a v.--- 7 iiilvliii 771?; w. A; ,7]: Bell; a K.'C.,` ~se_c_onded by; A350; Garden, that we,` the members. of . the__ South Simcoe Conservative" Association in conven- tion _at Cookstown-"assembled, desire to place on record. our pride in the public `stand taken by our gifted leader, Mr. R._L. Borden, KC.,.dur-A ing his term` `as leader of -His Maj-` -esty s -loyal `opposition in the: `House of -Comomns; and in hisbrave ght to free this Dominion from the cor- ruption and uncleanness which to our sorrow has been so pronounced dur- ig the `present administration, and to have such legislation as if honestly carried _out will prevent. his disgrace in the future. VV'e are 0 the opinion that this can only be done by-placing the reins of power in the hands of our esteemed leader and of_ his cap- able lieutenants, one of the best of wl~.om is our revered member, `Mr. Haughton Lennox. We cannot allow this occasion to pass without record-I ing. our condemnation: of the reign of! graft, corruption and wilful ex:trava- gance which has_been so rampant timing the past four or ve years. We pledge our loyal and enthusiastic support to the Conservative cause and the platform framed by the lead- .er ofwhom we are so proud. We desire also to express our approval of the wise administration of the af- fairs of the province of Ontario by Sir James ,P. VVhitney and his cab- inet. ,- The followihg resolutions were un.-. animously p;-4.'1s`sed `by the `Liberal- C`c-n se1_'v_ative. -Convention _at Cooks- town o_n .Tht"1rsday last : I!` `I! v vs :1 cu 4-n ed by J. A. Jamieson, that we, the Conservatives assembled in the old honored and historic constituency of South Simcoe, do here take this Op- portunity of showing` our apprecia- tion of the services of Mr. Haughton I..tnnox, as our untiring member, in his great efforts in the defence of the noble principles of the party of pur- ity and `stability, also ofhis splendid `efforts in trying to unearth :the great I I -m1\lIvoved by, Wm. .Hammell,i second- rascality of the Interior Department, and of` congratulating him on his ap- pointment to one of the most im- portant commissions ever made in the history of the Canadian Parlia- n.ent, and of expressing our pride in {his success thereon. ` IIUUD CW5 UH I rum lApples.......... cor.--var - - - - - - - . V . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . Live Stock Make}; Qnotstiono on Tuesday were :- Expon steers, choice . . . . . . .5 4 75.. 'madinm...... . . . . .. 4 25.. light . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 75.. ` [bulls . . . . . . . . . . .. . 0 .00.. Butchers , picked...... 4 25.. good loads 8 80.. 5` cunt`-inn: . R 9} "3' 'Lf L521" 2:i.ii.' '.'. Spring Lnmbq , ouch . . . . Hogs. uelect . . . . . . . . . . . do ligt_u .. . . . . .. RESOLUTIONS OF comm)- ENCE. THE No'r'rAwaAGA INSPECT-1` l V " . o. _ ter, Miss.` visit: ng VOn Monday Mr. Alex. Ferguson, M. RR; Mr. Joseph Pierson, Reeve of -Tecumseth, and a. government in- spector ,from Toronto took measure- ments and inspected the work in pro- gress at Thompsonville in connection with the deepening and cleaning out the Nottawasagariver at that point. The work is progressing favorably Tlisxnxilllic AN}: notnfnjsnn on- \ flgtmo RAILWAY COMMISSION. lTn`ers fox Mining Leases. d tenders (which must be sep- the un ersigned and egdorsed Tend- erfor` Iimng Lease-'w111 be receiv- ed at . .e'iOfce of the Commission, 25 Tor to Street, Toronto, up to 12 o clock on on -Wednesday, the 14th day of - ctober, 1908, for mining r each parcel) addressed to leases fO| %`999 years.of the following. parcels : 'D..-....1 1': 11- ,.2- .- .. .-. . Pill \.%ID a Parcel` i -Portions of the `Cobalt Station gr nd and of the: right "of way adjoim g thereto "to the north and to. the uth containing together 16.53 acres re or less all as shown on plan whic maybe inspected at the Office offithe Commission, Tor- onto`, and the,';Oice of the Mining Engineer, Cobt. , D,` __,`1 A "F1; ___ _ -1; _ .,1 R ...- ----- u, a.\.I|\JulI.\I,",.l1AI\1 Lllb KJHILC UL the Mining Engi _er. Cobalt. Parcel -3. Lot 38 in the townsite of C0baIt'including`3-lthe mining rights under one half theggstreets adjoining saig 1ot._ 1-. -r . Art . .-. J.4||6111\.\.l, \.zUU L. Parcel 2. T' westerly portion of lot 44 in the toxnsite of Cobalt con- taining 4.o4 ac _s more or less as shown by anoth plan which] may be inspected at the fce of the 1Com- nfission, Torontokand the Oce of 3'. `Doc-1'-A12: Tn4- A 1... LL, 4...-_-.....';._ [10 spent e, return- JCOTIICYS, vcuu JUL. ` Parcel 4. Lots 388 and 389 .in the townsite of Cobalt inigluding the min- ing rights under oneiihalf the street adjoining said lots. A... ......--,.,: -1..--1- .'z.-._._. _ ,1--_..~ aujommg sam lots. An accepted check -u"`po11s a charter- ed Bank of` Canada ayable to the order of the Cl1airma11fm1d Secretary Treas_urer of the Coxnni`jssio11 for the amount of the cash bo',nus tendered for such lease must accj(}n1pax1y each tender. 4 'I'.`, In . I 1 `.9 `L\rll\l\-lo Forms of tender and bf proposed lease (reserving a rental `bf $1.00 per annum plus 25 per cent. 6f the gross value at the mouth of tlie mine of all ore mined) and full i1formaition and plans showing location of each parcel may be examined at `the `Ofce of the Commission in Toronto, and the Ofce of the Mining Engineer, Cobalt. ` A11 1 1 I 1 KIVJIIGJ L. All tenders must be madeion the form supplied by the Commission for the purpose and siszned with the ac- tual signatures of the parties tender- ing`. In case of each parcel the__ party whosetender is accepted will `?_be re- quired to promptly execute a lease in form satisfactory to the Commission, faililner which his deposit will be ab- solutely forfeited to the Commission. Tka t1Q14\Ir.'V on:-\L 1-04 L... qu.-u.-.....`nz-n DKIIIILLIJ 1LlllClLCll LU LIIC K./UIIIIIIIDDILIII. The checks seijt in by unsuccess- ;fu1 tenderers w11l be returned to lthgm. I` ' ' 1 . 1' 1". LII bill. The Commission _does not bind: it- self to accept the hlghcst or any ten- (let. A. ]_ MCGEE. \ . Secretary-Treasurer. Tnrnnn /rant` cnnnvnkan vnr\Q 'JCLlCLdl_y"L ICGI ;Toronto, 22nd September. I908 x `l`I_.___,_ 3,. Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a. certain Indentnre of Mort age made by Niel G. Beggs. there win be 0 ered for Sale by Public Auction. at the Qnecn s Hotel. Barrie, on Monda . 5th October. 1908. at 11 o'clock a.m., that valua le property situate in the Town of Barrie (A1landale Ward), known as Lots `Numbers 32. 33 and 34, on the North side of I Holgate Street. Unnn H-man. lots `nre mid to he fnnr dwellimz - . . ` - . . -., - - . . u _ ,-r-v...uv.. .7`/-/_. -`Papers insex_'ti_ng this advertisemer_it w1thout authority will not be pzud for it. nolgaw mrecu. _ Upon thes_e lots Ire sand to be four dwelling houses now In the course of erection and nearly completed. The rn-nnm-tv will `IA n n_rc-.d fnr mule mlhiect MI!` mum: 3_@'n_IE PROPERTY COITIDICECQ. The property will be- offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. IPA-nae o_1 nor nnnf nf tho vnn-r-hncn mnnnv to a reserveu mu. Terms :-10 per cent of the purchase money at the time of sale; other terms and conditions will be made known at the time of sale and in ' the meantime on application to 34..- Al... O. I .-A-.. ta-Iv llI\lI-Aav-nun`: \alu -1..-.-v-v.v- -up Strathu & Esten. 38-38 40-80 - Mortgageda solicivors, Barrie :.--.j T -1.3: -.j. -_.:_____.__-_j_..___.... MORTGAGE SALE _ op-_ ornc:-:s Dunlop Street, Phone No. 33 Victoria "` 8'1 Coal `E Woo_d_ lsbot T5331! .9n1v -nu,-asngnnn ~nan""IhAIl - nnn Will be sold strictly ton Cdeh Only. Payment must be made before or when order is given or delivery. _ Deliveries will be made subaoet to inspection onurivel, and it no . setienctory, may be ro- tutned when money will be promptly and n`|nAD'lII7 I-nfnnn. mrneu wnen money cheertull ; refund nun A I .V REDIT1 ke care. lr|LllI\'\L vvuvu refunded. > GREA LY REDUCED PRICES take eifect May let. as follows : For May 06 6!: per ton. $3.10 per half ton. $1.75 per quarter ton. For June 06.75 per ton. 83.45 per half ton. . 31.7! per quarter ton. For July 06.85 per ton. ; 83.50 per half ton. {L86 per quaher ton. For August 06.95 per ton. - $3.55 per half ton . 31.8 per quaxxter mn. For September $7.05 per ton. $3.60 per half ton. . 1.85 per quarter ton. For October 3 .15` ton. $3.65 per half ton. 31 1- quarter ton. For November 87. per ton. $3.70 per half ton . $l.9upcr quarter Mn. 25: per ton less than ton rates will be van to -- _- '_-._.r__' .____ "farmers rnd other; teaming coal from 3 ed. *' under the supervision of Mr. B. Dor- sey. There" are about ten men {and four teams on .the job, and. for the ' 'pupose of getting*a portion of t_hc $2000 appropriated by the pr-ovmc1al government it was necessary to have the,'work.'nspected by an offxciayof tl_1,e:g-overnmcnt before -any _n"oney_U _'ci bie;,dra.v.t1..,The expense, 1gr_eadY.:" ` "ig1;(:g1.rred`s`;is between _' $600 amp;-.` Athei1i`}}Sp_t:c_tor .eLemed_ warm` .1 fI..GI7NNlNG " AY 1.1. was.` wnu .l)t:`.l_.1Il1llCU I or lst. The extensiv pg-ovements to the ' weeks yet to complet business goes on so of goods on everv t: we are anxiotis to get we will sell it prices // " "" -o SPECIALV DURING T- , a|I-!...l.- separate Skirts, Goats. %` BI: child's and Mald s ~Jackets,. Men's Suits and Ovoroo'afs ,* Raincoat: and l-|!!`ll V%"%l||' Boots, shod: and Rubbers; at 20 par cahhj below regular prlcos. ` % ..u. Uubll 1 cimsiderable ,-..-u--- ".*\ number of farmers are bus) '_ "12 their silos at present. `The bush res in this vicini Ki? Snnlalnrnnno `nor mutant 0 all . tract in " 6 Dunlop St. Near FivePoints. omouwowuooouvoodonoooooo6Mo$ ` week afte-'- V-nun a,l'llVCL! .IIUll:Uh!GT 1 . r an e_xtcnswe visit wit -re- atqes. at Hamxltton. ` b 1 dgnrl`: Th0S- Bel] attended the, Lou- was :7 135? week. While`the1'e pcrgusonguebt of and Mrs; A] \l - J. C. ALWAYS, V EVERYWHERE: CANADA, BDDY S MATCHES iEddy`s Matches have hailed fr6rn' Hu11"`siI1C 135" land these 57 years of Constant. I.3etterme qtL~`h.3Ye ' `ea Lsulted in Eddy's Matches "reaching 9- Hag Of Per ifection attained by No Others. - , T .i - `~-H-ug,L. ~Ir. .`\n(1r<.-w Waddell has the con- _`\ Of lguilding a new farm house Jr. 1`, Tebo. ass Ada Clark arrived home list: afflir an n..A....._Z,,- _,Z_!; ,_,!LI- ..- '1 and Mrs. extensive % olterotionsi J gig]. to the "store '4;; oq`;.,..-`e`o two: yet complete and. in the meantime; on as ti_1suol.T We have stacks everv table and o counter which anxioos get out of the-Awaiy. lTI\3 at prices Before unheard of, s House of`-` nds here - We must get hen-ge quantities of goods out of the way of the builder: 1 ,; * and will make a Great Sacrifice in Prices fora quick sale. Mrs. Wm. I\/IVc;Mastel`.,.va C.- hv +1m:.. DI\QQ umu ..:..:a.i-.I~' THE SALE 0N SPECIALVBARGAINS Sold and used everywhere `in Canada.` --u \J All LIIID VILIIIWJ 5|V"', annoyance by `way of ANGUS. poun 1 dunng{ heved onw d showef? d `off sand_3t~ ng Satur-f_ James Arnold are `of their daughter, West left on Mdn-A` the model school,} ASK I-`on Blouses. among her numerous associates to whom her uniformly iaable and lov- ing disposition endeared` her. (Her early demise, therefore, calls out the deepest sympathy for the bereaved parents and family in their severe `Ann I-`GI .\:u it `MI_DH.URS'l`._ One of_ Ves.pra s oldest_ residents passed away on Thursday, Sept. 17th, in the person of Mr Joseph vHayter, in his goth `year. Deceased, although in failing health forsome months, was able to be around until a short 'tigne previous to his death. _H-`e was highly. esteemed by all__w.hojknew him, and will be greatly missed in this community. The funeral was his late '-reside:tee,'_'7th Com, to the largely `att__end`e.d.~~and `took place from cemetery Vhere, ' on` Saturday -after-`~ `noon, Rev. Alex, `Shepard .co_nduc_ted the services. Mrs. Hayter died sev- exal` years ago. `Two sons, Jo-s-, on the` homestead, ;: audr: Albert, y... ip. the Ixr--A. ...-.I turn anllhtfs I I I V I Iv _There is more castarrh inthisn sec- tnon of the country than all other dnseases put` together, and until the Qast -few years it was `supposed to" be m_cu1-able. Forca great many years` d.octors pronounced it alocal `disease and prescribedt local remedies, and- by constantly failing. to cure . wgth}; `local treatment, vpro_noti"nced- ".1t\ an-it. ` .._..________ I cut-able. 'Sciencej_;_ it proven`. catarrh` to_.be a. cQ;;gs;titxg,txq';al' di_ jg me. it :3 therefore. .Ai'ei1g_m-tes c` `A situtionalt Hall _sa':1At -Catarrh' C " V ; treatment-f` ' ; A _ y & C manufact_tu:e Toledo, 410 3l'n5l:.cau,, auw lllllvn ., I9, .2. gmd two_ daughters surv:ve. _"`lSh::`1`>`r1`i'.d":ondii-ctied 's. Two sons, 105-. mdr Albert, in the Laughters survive. ---'--- . . 1!1.thlS. itry ether, `and until a great many` years, :ed at `disease Corner. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Corner, 9 Peter street, Hamilton, and Mr. -Chestereld May, of Barrie, took place in Zion: tabero nacle, Hamilton, Rev. Fred W. iH'ol- linrakmoicinting. The `church was prettily decorated with white and pink asters, and the `bride, who wore Brussels lace over `taeta; silk, with local` remedies, .a.1d-viot__i,>,carried a beaiuitiful '-bouquet ;of ling. to cure; .>l_`mdal roses. and: wore a sunburst, the `rlt ~ giftof the groom. She ;_was * given ,-V .6` .proyen';_ cs `a__v;ay, by her ;fath_er:v and was. escorted 1;: ` V e _jto_the altar to the, strains of Mendel- : s`_ , . is,sofhn s ~w_edd1ng :inarfch,.` played". by Eli2abth~ Ba'yiey,_ ` organist oi b . ' Susie Corner, !7nac1e.`~.a ~~M1ss df On Wednesday afternoon, Sept. ; I6th,Athe marriage of Miss Minnie E. 1 par! trimmings made; in empire fash-.' ` b"rid;;e', Mas 1brid;e_s;ma`id,. .. ._.sk:_ I T..`.%,'1`,l_1e_ date. off the 3l )ominon; lectjbns has been xed for Monday, Oct; 26th, wxth nominatipnsva week previous. in -I-I.. French desired a cement side--I walk on west! side of Florence St. from So-phia to. Park. ` ` Clerk Donnell reported -results of petitions for sewers. as follows: Bur- ton Ave.~from.vM.i1burn St. _to4Essa--- `Petition fails both as to numbers and as to` value"; `Cumberland St. from `Wil- liam to Essa--Petition fails as to num- bers only; Essa. :St.` from N. side Baldwin to Town1in.e-Betition `car- ries; William .St. from Baldwin Lane ta Burton Ave.--aPetitio-n carries ;. Townline from Baldwin St. to Bay-- Petition` not returned. ` T .,When Mayor Bennett i called the] Town Council to order on- Monday evening, all the members __were- pres- ent excepting tReeve: Gafrden, Deputy Reeve Vair and Ald. -Little. ;J. Huggard wrote requesting that `sidewalk be nished in front of his property on south side of Bay St., ward six. `V = ' ` v;_ pun Aautnsk. \zaIJJG`5C \.aU. . - 'A1d.' Jamieson, seconded by Ald. Thompson, moved to refer the re- port back for further consideration. Lost one following` division; Yeas- Jamieson, Thompson--2 Nays- VVarnic:1. B.eards1ey,"Ness, Bothwell, Craig, Garrett, `Evans--7. ' ' \ . . 1 , .-.__,._ ..v- av- C_Ihairman_ Be~ardsley s Committee (Finance) reported in favor of Town `collecting amount of indebtedness of .Spenceri~Industria1s -Co., unless forth- with paid by directors, and that W. A.` Boys be retained __as Solicitor in the matter. A` similar report was made in connection with the default of the Barrie Carriage `Co. AI1"l' ` 4 Ana Report No. 24 (Finance) stated t-hat the committee was of opinion that the. Board of Health should sub- mit a draft of` the proposed by-laws re milk and privy vaults, and recom- mended that, if said by-laws in the judgment of Council complied with thle statutes, they be passed by Coun- Cl. . W-"I`h,'B.oar(l of Works per iAld.eS"ta.-A p-Ieton, Chairman, made the. follow- ing recommendations which were `adopted : (a) That the cement; walk on .East side of William St. be plac- ed. outside the trees; (b) that walk on Harriet and Melinda Sts. be gra.d- ed and gravelled from Blake St. to Mr; G1'.asett s residence at a cost not exceeding $IO;` (c) that therequests of John Slatter and Ab. Rankin for cement crossinags opposite their re- Bayeld Sts. be granted; ((1) that Board be empowered to have man- hole at north east .corner of Owen and Dunlop Sts. enlarged if found Aspective premises on Elizabeth and` necessary, and if culvertsopposite post office cannot be ushed. out to have `same taken up and relaid. l A: viifiNiii}}{o.}'5s "{d}:}"Si- sup- ply of coal to re hall buildings for season o:f,I9o8-9 was accepted. A .__II P, `I _, .V 2 .. --_'r-".. A `cell for the lock-up was ordered to be purchased from the Canada VVire Goods Mfg. Co. at $140 as per tender. ` V _ It was recommended by the Com- mittee on Parks, per Ald. Evans, Acting Chairman, that the services of the caretakers be dispensed with for-the season. Council went into committee of the. whole" to" discuss the question of street lighting with Ald. .Bothwell in the -chair. Incandescent lights were ordered as follows : Ward I.--Cor. `Duckworth _and Kempenfeldt Sts., and cor. Albert and Theresa Sts.; Ward II.-Peel St., half way between `Wellington and North Sts.,` and cor. `Sophia. and Owen Sts.; Ward III.- Cor. (n. w.) Owen and 'Worsley Sts- and North Street near R. Manue1 s; Ward IAV.---Cor. John and Wellin on Sts. and cor, Dalton and Mary '_ ts.; Ward .V.-Cor. South John and In.- nisl Sts.-, and cor. Frances and Eli- zabeth Sts.; Ward VI.--Cor. William and Hblgate Sts., and Burton Ave. ne-at Milburn St. mE)-nrr.'1;()_tio;';,E;'ans-Staleton, it was orderegl that the plans of the s_ewer exten-sxons as prepared by engmeer be forwarded to Provincial Board of , Health for approval. - 1 .I `av--v cw. -rr-_ ..- Aid: Beardsley 'pr'ocu1-ed the pass- `ing or a by-law repealing by-law No. 552 relating to the doing away with `dry earth closets, privy` vaults, etc. -9 ,.A_4L-.__ __ A- _ I-.. A numbr _of matters. were` refer- rgd t'o.the Board of Works for com s=derat1on. ` `Dug `,------ ------, r--.` . _ _ _ -_, vvv. j MAY-COTRNER. L'I?`1i7E: NA0RTHERN`% ;auv%ANcE, groomsman, aAnd th~e ushe rs w ere Ed - ward `Corner, brother of the` bnde, and .F. . L. -Britton. - . Afte'r._5theV ceremony the .'guests, \= ho numbered ~aboum 75, were enter: tained at the home of the bride s plu--' ents, 9 Peter street, where a. recep-"` tlon. was; held. _ . Mr. and Mrs-. May left on `(the even- ing trainifor a- short honeymoon. The bride s going-away costume was brown ladies cloth, with hat to match- They will reside at I8 McDonald St. on their return to Town, _` The local cricketers scored a. deci- sive victory over the Thornton eleven `here on Friday, winning byA97 runs. Effective _ trundling was mainly -re- sponsible for Barrie s success. ' and the visitors wickets` _fe1l rapidly. In the second innings, Banting perform- ed the hat trick, bowling three op- ponents with successive _balls. Mur- chison, Pae, Cook and Buchanan ide- serve `great praise for their fine bat- ting. Pae and Buchanan each got a six hit. Fisher was the only Thornton batsman to reach doubles.. The score : ' V7 `gifts, was 3. beautiful case "of pearl-handled knives and fc.~rks, the gift of the choir, Sunday, school and oiciaf board of Zion tab- ernacle. ' . Dr.`I_-Iart, c R. Stewart',V b Me? T)'......1.4. A Knight . . L JJI . 10.! L, L J.\. 5.1:. n urn. u .v... } J. Cook, b ii. _'s't'e'w;{r' .I'.f.fC'IC A. Pa_e, b McKnight ., .. .. 'R_- T. Banting, C3 Know1es,'b Mc- `l .7...:...1..L a .IJ1v1lL11|5 u Lnllvvvnvu, w on-v mKLnight }D. R. Murch1son, c R. Stewart, b `Il"~-`I 7..:._1.A. LJ. J.\. .lVLuI\.uac\Ju_, \.. ;\. u,uwvvu- ., ., McKnight.- R. W. Pavne, c and b R. `Stewart L. B. McNab, c Henry, b R.-Ste- has .4. QV\4-Vvu-r V __--._.,, ,- , , , wart Dr. Palling, bvR. `Stewart . . . . .. F. -Harrison (sub.), b McKnight C. Fraser, c Hind1e,,b McKnight AW. Buchanan, not `out Extras . . . . . .. |R Stewart, b Banting . . . . . . . .. G. Henry. b Banting . . . . . . . . .. T. McKnight. Cook `. . . . . . . .. T. Hindle. b B ting . . . . .. VVL Knowles, c` alling. b Banting. F. Nixon_5.F ing. b-Cook VV. B. Sprou , c Palling, b Cook A. Stewart, b Banting . . . . . . . . .. B. Fisher c "Buchanan, b Banting A. Averst, `c Fraser, b Cook C. Tomlinson, not out . . . . . . . .. Extras . . . . . . . F, (in Sat- T Buchanan, run`_out ..; . . . . . . . .. Harrison, b `McKnight . . . . . . .. Payne, c and b. R. 'Stewrt McNab, c Ayerst, b McKnight. Pae, run out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pallig. b Fisher . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Banting, b Fisher . . . . . . . . . . . .. Hart, b Knowles . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fraser, b Knowles . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cook, run out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Murchison, not out . . . . . . . . . .. Extras l\o Lb-IV at I, \. Aauunnunauhn, I: n -~chison ..... Tnmlinson, run out . . . . . . .. McKnight, b Murchison Knowles, c McNab, b -Cook Henry, b Cook . . . . . . . . . . . .. Nixon, c Pae, .. Sproulve, `c Murchison, b `Coo Ayerst, ob Cook . . . . . . . . . . .. Fisher, not out . . . . . . . . . . . .. Hindle, b `Cook .. . . . . . . . . .. A."Stewart, b Cook V . . . . . . .. | Extras . . . . .. .Total : Thornton. LR. Stewart, C -LZ....... The council _me-ti pursuant to advl journment on` -Monday, 14th Sept. ll members present with the `Reeve In `the chair. V Illa Ir|a\, Vnluuaa - - Report No. I of standing? commit- tee on .nance recommended pay- ment of accounts amounting` to $237.25. __ --:-.. n-_...:.....1m:11.... A... On. motion,` Banting-`Miller, the Clerk was instructed to have a. by: law prepared for the appropriations of certain lands for the;_use of the public as a. highway, as` surveyed by Mr. Gaviller throu 11 the part of lot 29, E. A, on 3rd.~ on. Essa. Moved by Mr. Banting, seconded by -Mr. Erwin, that the Clerk be in- structed to notify Messrs. Speers and Corbett to properly clean out ditch allotted to them by the Township Engineer, Mr. Gaviller; ` -n _ _-L:.. .. .mr:n -.. g...1-._ naalaanlvvn gnsou -.v. V_. On motion, Banting-IMi1ler, order-` ed that the sum of fteen dollars be retained from Mr. J`. .Hi1l s account until a legal decision be` obtained re assgnment of Jas. Hill to `Mrs. Don- ne y. 1 - IV, , `,1 ,,1S-_,,._.-.I L. .__._-A. _L `*TH<: Counil adjournedto `meet at Angus the last Monday _in October. 1' f`(\\"(`1I1|I'\.'I\FI\T`|' .("I-..I_ Total Total 'dH;;