Thi gives 1110!} {the eithe O L ' Term LAI1 ' `Mr; A.'1'i{in{ Rd '}{{1i1}"a:'1}Jn'{e after spending a. month" in Cra_1gvale.'l 1m":__ '1',..!, Bu 'Exte -`nary inn -App vvvouvo I-lrOI\OOIOB lat CIOVIIVIQ VIII &IUIIaVIIVl ` Miss Jessie B;-untotiv_has returned grom a two weeks holiday in: Mea- ord. s `Mr.` Geo.` Renfrew,. Toronto, has been renewmg acquamtances _m t_h1s .ward. _~ - `- ru A A-A . ,- po-macaw Mr, and Mrs. _I,Igke Speari`n..!'1,ave_ returned from vxsm-ng in 7Coll1ng- wood. - * 0000.09000000.99099000OO00.'.QO9OO9..QQ`OOQQOO0OQ.O: q X ` . . A vvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvurvvvvvvv-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvva . Echoes From South Ward} A A I!Dl"lTI AAIIVII l\I!` "I"l.IIKI'I'5_ 'l"DA`lIIIIIIfI'| It!` Miss Tena Ness ronto. V . ~__c._-_ Mr. "_ arty Saqders is out again! after Ins recent Illness, V j m~'1V1I'iss`_' 1::Zta;`c') <)t1';o_f_:i`ofonvtd "is via. iting at Mrs. I. Boone's. " `I1 7 I I Croft of .Limehouse', v)1o was visiting her sisters here, has `returned home. - vv I-'\J\It Mrs. L, McMillan arid children- wcri in Toronto-for a few days last wee . A .-q. _ . - J. . ;..- Miss (iibson is visitjng t Niagara Falls, Ont. ` A I VV VH5`: Miss Flo Brooks of Peoria, I11.,h- spent Thursday last with .Mrs. Geo. Poucher. ' ` _ I Mir. G. Blair `of Washago was here vxsiting his-brbth'er-in-law, -Mr. J. Jacobs. ' A ` 7 1': `I - 1 an 1" '0. V J. Paul and Mrs.VPauT1 are? home from Hamilton where they 1 spent the `week. - 5 . 1.: C` :1 ayuub LHC WVCA. 4 . . Miss Mayy Thompso of the Per_1e'- tang I-Iospxtal spent Labor Day w1th_ Mrs. G. Pgucher; . A _ - ' ` JVJIy LI. J.lJL|L'|IClo - M:-5 Wafter Kelcey hais recoyeredi sutcxently from his recent acc1_de_;1t to be around again. .\l,_- `I'.`,_I 5|, I I I"I I and family have. returned from a. month's Visit in: Toronto and -other places. .11` AI 'rr-,,|,! _D>I'|,I'l."I4 L T =IVIr:"A1.W}io;$1'<'i-xi; ' N.C., was here last wgek. -He `has%_since returned home With Mrs-.`IjIop1_ j P It I ' "Mrs[ 'wGoE'vVvweV;" 0?'ix&e},i}3rd*ZJci`"3iskr._| Will Stott of Iwyeivale were wecjk-,` end visitors at.-Mr. J. S. vBrunton s._` ` f1n's."F1L'}IK?1a}}Is _a;;1' have returned from _~Cornin~g, N.Y. I _home on Cumberland stteet from Mr. c. Fletcher has` punhased 5| `Mr. Herb. Crawford,` and will move` into same shortly; K % A ~- Hr `Mr. John Jacobs'7friends %wiu 15} pleased to learn that,he- isgexpected to 1;": able to leave the ho_spita'1 this wee . ` - ~ 1and__;Mrs. W. Webb's. IICU\l WK4I`III\1' 9'59. 5"! I " Mi-.. Albert Roliinson hf Nia'gara.7 Falls, N.Y., 'and_ Miss Abe'ns;h.ein'wof. Bualo were recent` visitors. at y.Mr,` . Mr. C. Gibson met with: aogpain ful _acc1dent one. night` last week" Whnle going. downrstaixs `he mtpsed Ins footing, `fa,l|;ing against a- ruling post Tand`fract1_1ring hus breast ._Re_v. .,Kent of. V_\I'lalter .s"."I<'3a;lVl._s.; A grtachcd =noo,.f!*e.5Meth9dts`t oCh1#i.1& !*:! I e;o .~ if ` ' V ` . Ioo ooooowoooonuoodbuow ' A BREVIARY OF THINGS TRANSPIRING IN BARRIES RAILWAY QUARTER color coxilbinations. ` _ w _ 'CHEV~_RON WORSTED SUITINF % SATIN -STRIPE VENETI-ANS, _i A i STYLISH STRIPED B.Ro;e.D"Lo:H`,;: us. "Our reputation for Dres`Gqcds hasbeen Voffvthe best, but " the only way to progress, the 9nly.wa.i' tdgange ourselves.` A1 .`____7v: ` 1 We invite every Iady wh o' theeprotlere abe\.fe ' ;: `I 44 ' snvind, to cc stand-upon past successes. Every season[_we*'stri ve to"? beat the V I dress fabrics, consequently weihave only our own "records to ext ` 5:: ` " V _, We are glad `to say that this season we have we believe hueiisehoice nd I ever. ' `V * ' A` IN __ - -: 4 .I'\|. 0 `\ 0 I. " ' T >A n You namnepresseu rm on Your Mind--Bom '71{4} .`"1'.oC;1' 'i2vBB"'"EF"c1eve1and, Ohio, is visiting his mother. `Ii .~` `CHEVRON WORSTEI5 sump: Jam mgge o_r.s:1ad:s`_ % SATINSTRIPE VENETI-ANS,_i ` In Black Suitings we `are -showin `lie election of Eroadldths, Cheviots, Serges, Worsteds. Valescas, Lord-de-S0355, Voilles, Crep be cues,` &c._ ' - '~ . ' , ' ' "A A ~. ' "'i [T \~.~ 0 . A Great %Cho1cAe1nFa gonble Suwnhngs Every indicatiorf .1;?.. ts- to the comi'_g. season bein5g;a..great-, season -for Suits. You cannot have a satisfactory coa - - y any A a good coat. hand. Realizing ,this wehave secured the I on. ts alone. T And more wecan say that -there is no concern . V ~ T e . ' ` ` work same as is being executed under Miss Gore's skilful d out is distinctive because `of its individual character and they ," desirable ideas. ` ` ~ ' e - ea\}yourorderearly.,' V i _ . % - A O91` _Dr_e\ Dep2uVft.ment U B getting. :3 dy for th; Fall openiri; In the xneariiirge any rush order will be executed. pfomptly. ,' JAS. SONS Migineryjbepartmfey B_\g_ym 11 two.-C-znfr own`, AI! that G-`Ha no L .. .. The correct m_ate1?ial_s,for iigh' class tailb -1`-- ;n--.;-..---_ -.-.g'.;.._. A-___' _ is visiting in To- -u--- .-v- .-V nan -puaovv-cc |` William J. `Wilson, son of .Mr.- and {Mrs. Timothywilson, Bradford-St., died on Friday last, aged. 33 years. Mr. Wilson had been in poor. health. for some time, but the end came suddenly. "The funeral took place` from the famil residence on Sunday` `afternoon to nion cemetery. ' I "l`|_- f`_.-_.I_'-_.`l"iA ,3!` 11.`! ' fa V The Canadian Pacic Railway Com-' pany is opening a new townsite on Stewart Lake.- The lake is on the. Toronto and 'Sudbury "division A and about 130- miles from Toronto. The town will be a summer resort and a divisional point on the road. `Here will be located a roundhouse, ma- chine shop, water "tank, coalin-g: plant, division yard and a railway station._ Already a boarding house, [with a capacity 0-f 40 persons, and lthree double cottages have ' been erected. The town will be named" |Muskoka. '_ VV.' H'oshel is visiting in St-` Thomas. Mr. Mitchell of` Orillia is the new bandmaster. ` v u ` `J In the Canadian railway service 20 railway employees were accidentally killed and 22 injured during. July, compared with 28 killed and 32 in- jured during June, and 26 killed andi 25 injured in-July 1907. Of the fa- talities, 8 were due to the victims beingrun over, 5 to collisions, 2 each to being caught between cars, to derailments and to machinery and I to a fall. Of the non-fatal acci- dents, 6 were due to falls, 4'tO being` run over, 3 to collisions, 2' -each to_ being caught between cars and to derailments and I each to ying ma-- terial, to tools, to falling material, to an explosion and. to escaping steam. . . i. does not meet with the approval of! many of the. ratepayers. A_._-..-- LL- _-._:L_.__ L, 41,, FI'1,,,,,,., W X{noog_ 'tL1Io[ ;;o`;o;'s';; the Toronto Fair durmg the past we-ek were Mrs. D. B. Brunton a.nd so'n', Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shear, Messrs. \Harry_ Webb and and Lorne Brunton; W.TN`ess, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mor- rison, Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, and Messrs. Carl Hutton, E._Rey'no1dsl . `VA:-September wedding of interest took place at 2 o clock yesterday af- fcrnoon, Sept. 9th,- at the residence- of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton, Hol- gate Street, whem` their third daught- er, Miss Annie, was united in marri- Townto. The bride, who was unat- tended, was attired '.in. her travelling suit of'b_rown `ladies cloth and all- over lace `blouse with hat. to match. Miss Beatrice Brtinton played the wedding` march. The `house was prettily decorated for the-happy oc- age to Mr. Hector A. Rosevear of { casion with autumn leaves and qu'an- . titles of cut owers.` About thlirtye` of the nearrelatives and friends wit .- nessed `the.ceremVo`n-y which was" per - Vformed by TRev.'A. J_._ 1=au1; After .1 -partaking of "a dainty luncheonrtnd ` receiving the rcongratulatiqns .,o_f their friends, Mr. and` Mrs. Rosevea"r..left': .-on the `evening: train ..or".fl`,or0nto.__i where they 'will_,rehside,, M */ ' Iacywaoalzfc wu 'uu_ .43 LKIC .I:1.:u|u:1cu are gqnqerned 1:15, a, _quest_1onj of 1{e'~V 'd~f c t1o,.n_f ofghgurs and-. ` cfarranggment - .`,. _l . ..A > G. T. R. conductors; and trajnmen, who have been in session at Montreal for some weeks revising the present wage schedule, which expires this iyear, have `had_ several conferencesj with the officials, but they have re?` turned. to their homes for the:pi'csent without -a. settlement having been at-. rived at. The repprt circulated in the west-"that the questions at issue have. been settled, and that the men-hav'e- been granted ageneral increa se;equal__!. ;to about. five per`cen_t.-,'-is incoa`-rect. `The committee will return tor:-~Moni-' treal` again `in ,the iheginning`. Of: 1N9`W>.-f: ember, . when .-the e :t ecut_i.ves: -of th_ef_ l0thsri~orsanizatins: Whoa i'sch:eldulies` expire _this}:1y.ear; -will At`rie,et':'.}to . co1is_i'cl~`? int, thfs`h=!g5seA;stl A 1 in riclj gits; new wa_.\}es, new shads,- new styles. iued ombrev and two`-toned effects,` handsome I -Cochrane is to be the name of the [new town and eventually the prob- of the/Grand Trunk Pacic Railway and the T. & N; 0. Railway. The rails on the T. & N; 0. Railway are laid almost to Nellie Lake, and by ,October the junction will have been `reached. The new townsite is now being surveyed and laid out, a thousand acres being reserved for this.purpo_se_by the government and the commission. Proper allotments . for school, park and public buildings purposes will be made, b_ut in order that no possible suggestion of un- fairness can be made, all the build- ing lots will be offered by public auction on.the townsite in October. `The lots will be,6o by 132 feet each, and particulars will be published later. There are three. small lakes adjoining the site Commando Lake, which is so or 60 feet deep, has ex- " cellent water and will be kept for the townvwater ' supply. A Vboulevarde will be built around the lake.- All of the lakes are very pretty" and the townsite is regarded asa most ide- lsirable location. able great city at the junction point- `land were-to hold their own in the_ grain trade against American compe- tition-the gram carriers must be al- lowed to handle the traffic without any undue delay, otherwise the grain would be carried to American ports, where it could get a service seven daysin' the week. Not only was -it necessarygfor the protectionof Can-. adian trade to permit the loading and unloading and transportation. of grain on Sunday, but the company _should be permitted to haul back the empt- ies. The Railway Board shouldmake an order whcih would recognize, the conditions "which exist` in the grain trade in the spring and fall. Some- vtimesthere` were as many as eight vessels in a port at the same time. {of )Meaiord, Collingwood and "Mid- l :;`xV1'cVl-x-"e-v;r'qI"aton has joined t}'1e1`an.ks of the brakemen. V Before the` Railway Commission at 1 Ottawa last week, in the. matter of the railways and the Lord s Day ' Act,- the case `for the G.T.R. was 4 presented by Mr. `M. K. Cowan, whol pointed out that thepLord s _Day Act ` of Parliament permitted trains made` up on Saturday to continue to their destinations over Sunday. The rail- _ways..were permitted to do certain necessary work on Sundays in the handling of trains, such as the wat- ering of stock, etc.- It `frequently happened, `however, that cattle were carried on the same train as other freight, and, if the cattle were to be sent on to their destination on Sun- day, it meant that other goods. should `go on the` same train. .Mr. Cowan pointe.d out furtherpthat the, Grand Trunk had been subjected. to several prosecutions; under the. Lord s` Day Act; He cited particularly "the case` of, switching, two` car loads of coal `to "a cement `company in Weste ern. `Ontario. If this work had not been done on Sunday the [cement company would have lost thousands . jot dollars by[reas`on of its res go- ing `out, He /u_rge d that if the :t_thi"jo,ughw `train busmess `were held up gnu-` onegdayiin-;s'e`ven` the. traffic must "inevjitab1y;g'o to the American roads. ;Mt:i:e`o\_?_'er,,-the stalling of a freight" _ trains-"in; rai,-lwa'y_ ardsin. cities and 2-xer .pom_tS: 9n-:, un.da:*.l~`.vas: a 9053:` . tive; danger-"to` pas_'senge`r= trains." a He. i obiegtcd` ztsx - .v'i*,'W'i3.-1 e ` .38`i3frate`s` being: i e`. 1nter pr.eters.I `fqf {the ap _lication" ,o_f; . Dar Acto wj_ y...tra_'i_c.; = ' S entgd; t'-,h.e_` re: 1 und, come mand see "llovir our reputation to` "he previous one. It is been pre-emment m nd\ttr- value th_mL` mm ` z:oi2'rmz1m A.DV~AjN;CzE:.,. """"oo g Great. .Ga.therm .': % = J _.3__l`_1& 9 structions from Mr. Thos; `Higgins, The undersigned has received in- Lot 42, Con. I, Medonte, tol sell by` public auction, without reserve, on Monday, Sept. I4th,- his farm stock, implements, etc. `Sale at 1 o clock, sharp. John Jennett,._Auctioneer, Y 5 % " o OOOOOOOOOOOOOO00000000000000000000000000 ' I V CABMAN . 3 Bsggage delivered at all hours to and. from any part of the "town. Cab meets trains at all hours of dsvor night. _4_. g..___:_._____ __.'?_ [55 % sgpxnal sin; 1i}s.T w. Ma:*si.'ai1' and. family are home from Huntsv_il!e - ' FRANK Bezst-I abrics._ in bringing out the distinctive `and,excl.u_ive. ,. _,,c.;>,ver .;:_'..i}s:_.,7 <:J__I_'J.A1f 8OC_>k V .0., :,Every.;i'a,;" 'Bn a.d`(1ed`_.neW7"shipm`ent_sfill W V weaves ready for yoilr choosing. ~ . . 4- 3: ia i. Is./alld uos better than are V Our. Dress Gr.oods9_v.arieties -`a1'.71$rgor` and our'qoa1i oered you by any other store .in town. e 131" your Dresns` G'(o&s' an L-you"1lose`e. a I not seen` here before.` 7 ` __ U ?_ j '__._ V. ,' We show all thestapleg:6odg;:.,o5;oourse, but e,ve_. %Bemj(i;`uI'Broadl6ili; $l;00 'Hanome Chevron Stripes 7 5c to $1,.5o Finely Finished Ven`etia ns,L 50 to $1.25. _ `imd"the"I1e'_a 7 Sitings-with stripe coatfn .. . ,,,;7 Stylish Panamas, 50c to $125 plaid skirtixigs that are all the rage, Booming Our Djressi%11ak D artment is Rather early "for sucha big rush,-but o fannquncemellt of Dress Goods and our past reputation brings in.the. businessgz 4' nt is ready with an efcient staff and will be pleased to_ help you in theselecti` of` ` and material. Olulr New Fall Coats "ate in an . lighted at the way they have open up. As usual we have not more than three 0 one - style and no two of the same size in eaeh line and the styles we show_ are exclusive this store s selling. . 4_ if Nlantles for Kn IVA Us-I\c -Inn} Ava Think it over, when you` see the of buying your,. oat `at ; you'll come and '- so- VV\r lIl\l vv Ipnwr H O E U First and always this is the stocking store and we mean that _ '- - _ :4-3 A. '_you will still get the best for the money if you shop at this Store. Immense contr `_- V ve been made for our Fall Hosiery and the big shipments that are opened upsev` . while tell the story of BIG SELLING OF STOCKIBT Ato is visiting friends here. of Thron- -1r 11'II I n CREDIT SALE. PHONE 321 . 100 dozen of -Super Llama`Gashmere Hose, fashioned. soft and . durable; ne quality and gqod Weight, sold everywhere at 4.30. Special price is 35-3_ pair; for $1.00. 7Greti your share of them. rge is` _dulr stock oi In justice to your gure and the `fit of your ogov'vns,bu.y your Corsets here. . We ve all the new models that have beenadopted for the season s wear and keep a complete range of sizes. No need to pass when it's corsets. There 15 no gure I We cannot t, no pocket book we cannot sult. Corsets - Corsets Mr. %Hi}1TEe,}W11 Iziioved from% Caroline St. to Innisl St. SAMPLE ONE OF OUR A Unique cigars at 5c. Lajcroma at loc. Unxcelled tot-7Flavc;x:. Manufactured in Barrie by J. A. JANES. % In Owen St. 35 to $3.00 _ff}1;ij*RSDAY, SEPT. The EMPRESS Range. owing to its superior de- `Sign and construction, will bake with less fuel tnan any fother range on the market. The Empress is hand- ` some in appearance, is made of the best steel and grey `"0": has large copper reser- Vl" if required, has inter- _.Changeable re backs, has _0ml'Iination grates that will :"bll_m.coal or wood and the _f_P",` isn't any more than { would pay for an i_|'dnary range. We sell ;.` notes or on the .::**1=.tlment plan. Before ']_`b1lY3!g arrange `call and see mefamous EM PRESS ls:9ui,;le.e0fe on ___ _________ CT THE Empress Rangg Olll_' omce On at, :,__MU|_.f.CAS`l ER ST- Ioth Mr. T.V?Di1;[ iL":}:c};d 3. ma. tlon at North Bay with the C.P.R. `AI..-