, inpany. ` Carpenterfng, building, _`-axzdzmanufacturing of doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, etc. Planing. of r all kinds done promptly and satis- factorily.` Hot blast `drying kiln. \ District Agenc _fo1'~ `grained lum- `fber._ ._Factory, ' ayeld street, Bar- rie. R_odge'rs & Gallic, successors .; -to Geo. {Ba-Ii. -e ______._._.._..____._.._..___._..__;_____..... UNWIN, MURPHY'& ESTEN, ON-N _ tario Land `Survevnrc 1: ..... ..- 4'-___'_""'T"` FINANCIAL. . $70,000. FOR INVESTMENT ON good freehold security at lowest rate -of interest. -No principal money required -until end of the `term, Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barne. ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY T0 loan at 41/2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. { Lennox, Cowan 8:. Brown, `Solicitors, Barris- Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in Bx-itisrh Hospitals and havin served as Clinical Assintnntln Golden Square 1-. Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London- yal London. Ophthalmic Hospital (Moo:-elds ; for a term as Resident i : IoyalI'nl;&))Ehthalmic Hospital; and Birmingham Eye Hos ital, B rmlngham ;f ' British` hthalmological Society. OFFICE~-78 Dunno? Smnnr, BARRIE. Phone 5;. P. O. Box. 96. M. 0.. C. M. ('l"or.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. otllce of the me Dr. smug. comer st. LV Phone 0:. - 3'2-Iy , _v:2. L.R.c.P. 8: s. Ed'inbt_nh; M.F.P. & 5. Glasgow ---SURGEON-- 151'. J. A. C. n-n-...\.. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 3: Carl- , ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, l (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear` Hospital, will be at 67 {Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. ` _____%_____,___ `DR. ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSI-I nnn Cu-nan.` AL- C--_:_1L__ `rs vI:sL:ya.cnzw. PROPHIETOBS H.T. ARNALL: =M.D.-,C.MT., o1=F1~cE in Bothwell s block, Allandale. On E. the premises at night. ISONALD Ross; L.L.B., BARRI`S- far Q.-113-54.-.- '46.` Dang - ..f 'I`._... STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS-' +395 'CA1l-:bn..- 'nm I`.-u.._L -1 G. A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- ce--Ist `oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. HE_wsoN & CRESWICKE, BAR-E can-`nan 'cA1:-:6A-n Al LL- C .... -_.- 7--.vvLAV ;u.Lll.\.l."1'.I..X Q ON` Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Estal_Jlished'I852. Oice, Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- mond and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, `I335. Instrug- tionsleft `- with Strathy , Esten, Solicitors; Bank of Toronto Build- ring; -Barrie, will` be promptly at- tended to. - 'i'is.ters";"` " j5.?$1`EWA`RT-, BAR. V _ "rs; Notaries Ptiblic, a`n'd'-Conveyfahcers. Money to loan in. any gums eat-_5 per cent..`O_ice, ` I3'Owen street, Ban-ac`. H. D. Stew- art, L:L.D .,. D. `M. Stewart. W. AULT, IBARRISTER, SOLICI- A..._- 'D......6.-\- RT;-nbao-so (`nu-nrnuan:-pr LENNOX," ~COW'AN & BROWN, Barristers, `Solicitors for obtaining A probate of wills, guardianshxp and administration, and general Solici- "tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. vO`ice's, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Creemore and Alliston. Hang}:- ton Lexmox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, L.L.B. .------v Eye. Ear, TlVu-oat. In D{I|tu aou._L Tmms or sunscntpmox. . $1 per Jcmum am Advance -_-- _,____ __:n 1.- ...IA...'l 6.. Olga nk )r. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Olce and Residence: William Street, Allandale. Tele- phone 30 a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. -- g- WF5DDING mvrrAfr1oNs. 59:` no ' JR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon`, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edint, L.R. C.P., London. Ofce and` resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone, 77. In. RUDLKL 5. BKUAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon,.etc. Specialty--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone I05. Box 456. >12. A. T.`LI"A1:'-1`L`E, late of churcl. Ont. Ofce and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. . Va as: La. J..l. .I. ll. 1.395 1.35`, .lJIbI.VJ.\l.>J' .ters, Solicitors inHigh Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ance:-_s. Ocs 'over_the ..Bank of Torcbntof-B,ari'ie,.i Money in sums of $2,900 and upwards, to loan at '5 per cent. H. H.. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten, ` - ` r\J:.IJa.L4JJ l.\\Jv.JsJ .|4..l4.].J., DIXIXIXID` tcr,.Sg5licitor, `et ;c._ -Bank of Toron- to Buxlding,-VBarr1c. Money to loan. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. ,(~g~|-, g_g11n.s`,-,I - IIQVVDKJLV X DIX-DDVVLDIXL, DAR` risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Ofce, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. H-ewson,K.C. A. E. H. Creswicke.` Y`. l'1LJl4.L,,lJrLI\.L\J.'9.1;.|.'u.\, I-l\Jd-JA\tb` -tor;-P: woctor, Notary, Conveyanccr, etc. Special attontion in drawing and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian- `ship, `collecting accounts, etc. Of- {E65, Ross block, Barrie. Money to can. ,. To vim" I~`I`o. 53-Io.25 a.m. g- 3.40 p.m. " ' Qnn 1\QI.q MANUFACTURERS. MONEY TO LOAH. % ARCHITECTS. % SURVEYORS. PHYSICIANS. ._.cMG`HUR8T. cm. L " , t M ,, `uL'f.`I_;.._; ,_ _ .-:5 Office BARRIE. . 1_ICIILlJUIlb_ ` To . ~ From bio. 54-7.30 a.m. I\{`o. 53-IO.3O a.m.I - 56-5.25 p.m. 55-- 8.05 pm. * Daily including Sunday.` I ,,, __.____.:_- -"Ail 3-horsepower Boiler and 3` j.h_9rIVepow,er Engine, m`-`dc bi 9 Co, Toronto. . g5` -installed gas in out 03:10`- athe above for immcdxa ivr umnx Go-Home-1583* U099" `"" gonna Souci an Parry Sound. leave PenW'3` :3." m.Tuntil September 12th ; after thus db Ierv ca discontinued. I"l`_1okets gnd informat.ion from all railway agents v agr Hinhi ' , Go-Home-B852 C`-ODD?!` W3 am".-.... `anon 5`...-.o..-...I...... mn. . ..nm- ohm date nB F For Sale. Mackinac service d's` m` 1 Nteamers "0 C11inswood 1.30 lpf'i(1')1..l(')]\`v\l'?n Sound 11.30 ` 'm"T99d8YB and Saturdays only for S 5 'e and way pong, North Shore Division. Service discontinued. _So_und - Penetang Div.- 1 Steamers will leave Sarnia Mondafsg $818 and Fridays at 330 p.m.. 1111111 L J ennett. - nt-- Qgovj Q can-nod-I \JIJK.`L) LLVLJWLUQLVVIB Private Funds to loan on first mot: cases. Corresvondence solicited. Office. Bank of Toronto Building, Owen Street. Barr 0. Out. Fall Service 131-8 Puke 48 Column Newspaper. Published from the omce. 123 Dunlap Street: Barrie. in the County of Simcoedzhe Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning, by INSURAEICE AGENT. `CONVEYANCER, ETC. FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE I\_.l__-4._ m_-_;_ - , ` CAKES. PASTRY.CREAM PUFFS, Fresh Daily. Bake'r s, Cream, Twist, Vien- na Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf, at 5c. Brown origenuine Home *Made Bread. 'PHON E 250, or drop us aI 0stu1if_\`ou would like something good in a loaf of our Machine mane :- Dwelling 1 rooms). stable. drive house. Q1353 "and nearly of acre of land in garden and lawn: Come; of Peel and Wellington Streets, Heme Dwelhng-6 rooms, stable and sht,-(I. Large loton Peel Street. I`l\II`I1 l`Il9n|':v\ln D -....~..A.. .'_. , 1 .. IUIDH 76'`?! Direct. ' Double dwelling. 6 rooms in each. on Clap. perton Street. - Vacant lot. 3 of an acre, on Penetanguishcne Street. Apply to an F. M. MONTGO.\IEI .Y,~ [).._..2.. \4\I`llIvIA\Bl'4lJ AU` l'.K'l'H"_'.VfE.\"rS. Condensed advertisements on x-st page such as Wants of all kinds, lost and found, pmpen, for sale or to rent. specic arrici(.E' - -_ must be accomvanied with the (-nah, and Wm be inacrted-rst insertion 2 wins each ubsequeut insertion 1 com per on; (name ,addresse3 and gures counted as words; t a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number ot insertions ofsam. matter exceed four l\_`_A----A- -- ulg. 13 Changes of Advertisenu-nts year. If more are required, comp, will be charged. AdVGrtiRPPR ran} 1... -n BBOWN _8_BAKERY uu.VxlIAU']' L`]]A`\'GE-S. `Advertisers will please he," i notice of intention to change - n mustbe handed into the oir-o n I 1 Saturday at 10 o'clock, and m J .```* r that change must be in THE ADV `V forsuch 18%!` than 12 o'clock noon on `W01 - week. otherwise the am-..,.:..n--.7 [ "` It _ _ 1-- ........:uuucemgn'1 not be made pubhc unnl the week follow, allowedpe ye_ar. requu-ed, composition mg: be charged, Advernsers wlll _not be allowed to neethek space for advertl1ng anythjm mmide mm own `regular busmess. sho v :1 they do ,0 l:ran_s1ent rates will be charged for suchu} verusementag ` ---v_ _.._g. Onto for advertisements must in en: ` one be mounted on solid metal bun ` ...--.. T,-Ell Anvmou 1s 1 ?I'u"'geIt circulation of an prove" t It "has also b grown. ` y pap" mt G62. 5' far t he largegt 5 Th lttrjfact Qemonstrates N... If; nah-nun -A-- . L-~-~`;\: El1%mened " manta in the pap2?s3?1"ef;d`9` d"rtise .o_f onwthird on above rateg ' " dvan account will special positihsand 0" " lhe) rule will be strictly carried ounbe Khan ml connucr CHA\'(;1-_" 'Advex-tinm-n mm ..x....-- L ucga etc.--1 TH_9:~=:.%-sM-TH} Barrie Property For Sale. Lake Superior Division. V PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS. Georgian Bay Division. %"r]pgsU1z-SDAY, SEPT. 42!! CONDENSED ADV}-ZRTISI-_'.VHv`\"rq ensued m vm-Hc..m.....- -_ .. " Address _ nannmnaxfwkv dumb. CONTRACT I V ~~--~ y\.A nuru gures went 81' msertions nfnm. Ioth ` RATES .I\ I { _ Bame. Wed- [ Sept. `O From` '23--10.25 am. _ 22'-_7-55' 3-m- 25-- 2.00 p.m. V (Allandale Sta.) (Allandale Sta.) A-u__ HIE urn 0`-.E9K 11111, 24-1.35 p.m. `. no-u-o--u--v -v-- 27- 7-45 pm- Colllngwood and Meaford. Dan; LC Duh} \J\ua.uuau.. um V 26-5.25 Harmlton._ F-Adan Penetang. ---v- -u- V..- _ .. __ From I\{`o. 62-7.55-a.m . 42--1.05 p.m, 56-5.25_ p.m. :uvu1 WLCl- I'll. LDCVIICXI Cllvlslon, of da No. 2, the blasting outl of the to k chamber. is completed. The blasting gang and machinery` ,ai-e" ' now "at cove lock No.l3,_`ab'olve*-Glen : `Miller bridge .Ener g-y; 1s cen-V tred' towards the. completion .of. the}. large : coer ` dam, which-`E i1,5_s_v_beir1_ g; built in. the sshape O'f ~:a.j,h'a4lf ?n`i.OorI,. and, runs out ,1_,nor_e `kthan:-l;lha1Vf.-.way' V a__cx:oss- the riv_er,:__The--'sheeting f:'_s-: t f0n3'ued.oland "gr '<.1f`an'd i'tted.t" the rock on'7th Lfftb vb divers - A dispatch from ` Trenton states that work on section So. I of the Trent. Valleys Canal, which was corn- menced about the middle of; April, is rapidly beingpushed, forward.'., In the ldi.vis'ion ~ of the w G.T.R. tra'cks- near Trenton; `the ca.'nal;_ is` completely dug tor a. depth of ten feet, the big? steam shovel` is at..work `on a lower level. The second level.be- ing somewhat lower` `than the `rivetr, pumps have `been.~inst'alled,` and are constantly at worlc to. keep. it"fr;ee` from water. Atthesnext division, or 0 '\".I`:O|.th ncnbl l\: l `L; pyula ez\uuerta._, was marnea to Mr. Walter C. -Male]. of Thornton. The ceremony was performed by the" Rev. D. C. McGreggor. gThe bride was beautifully` gowned in white silk and` lace, with embroidered tulle veil and orange blossoms, a-nd carried` a bouquet of asters and sweet peas. Mr. and Mrs. Maielleft on the after- noon train. for Thornton and_ To- ronto, the la_tter s going away gown being navy blue chiffon broadcloth, withrhat to match. a . 1` A"`<;~1'1iet- wedding was solmnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.. Mainer, `Orillia, on Friday, August 28th, vwhenw their eldest daughter, Lydia Roberta, was married to Mr. \}UaI+...- r` 1\,i..:..1 .: rm...-_.-.. rm p"`S_oiiiebody tore off a good one at Ald, Jaekson s expense an after- noon last week. Calling the worthy Chairman of Fire` and Po-lice top the `phone he explained to him that_ a first-class `re team (for which the `Townis looking) was foi: sale`, and co`u1d_ be seen over on Bayeldt St., near the Vespra House. Ald. J. F., who is nothing if no-tvassiduous ,in the `civic interests, immediately hur- ried_ to the scene, only to xnd that the wrst-class -re team was - a` yoke of- oxen! `He is now busy re- ceiving the good-natured ]lbS_ of his friends. J ` FRANK JACKSON ` ` MAKER OF PORTRAITS auu a \.ua15CZ U1` uurgnarlzlng a.tl'unK in the American Hotel. He pleaded` guilty as to the former, and was proven guilty on the latter. The magistrate deferred` sentence to en- able the prisoner s `record to be,` looked up. ` - .. . - ' 1 _ _ -_.... .- u.- vv an 61 vvlll-alllallo -H. A. Cannon, `who was arrested last week by P. C. Sweeney, came up for trial on Thursday. before Rad- enhurst, P.--M., cmtwo foygery charges and a charge of` burglanzing a/trunk` lin `H19 An"|nrnnn T-Inn:-`I Ua -do-A`-r1 -_..... -\r. as gun-sauna ' The wedding was celebrated on Wednesday afternoon, September 2, in ,Beeton, of Miss Mabel Maude: Campbell Ellis, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson -Ellis, and Mr. Walter AlvinlPringle, also- of ,:Beeton. The bride s attendant was `Miss Campbell of Bradford, and `Mr. Aubrey Ellis was groomsman. 'LT A - ' f`________ 1, 1 " ""'"`" , ppendicitis was the `cause of the `death on Tuesday of last week of ,William Dick Beath, fourth son `of the late David -Beath of Dalston. He .was 18 years old and was a bright young man who willbe greatly missed by his associates. The fun- eral took place on. Thursday to Dals- ton cemetery. Mr. R.'P. Addison, an uncle of deceased, was up from Ottawa for the funeral. -------J- . The_ advertisement of .the.`Temis- kaming and_ Northern Ontario Rail- way Commission, asking for tenders for mining leases of -Cobalt Station Grounds, part of Lot 44 and Lots 338, 388 and 389, Cobalt, h_as been withdrawn. New advertisement will appear shortly. pa. .\-' Ill` Mr` `Mr. Fleming, fr., of the llOwle1V1 Sound sun, was a. pleasant caller at The Advance office on `Saturday. Mr. Fleming and his party were en route to Muskoka, there. to spend a short holiday. `- - g 3 ~ _-_ --..--J._yuv on I llvslayj IICIC. Bromheaa Russell `left on Tuesday for England. `She sails from ~Mdmrea.l to-morrow ` per Str. Victorian; rail xzzigansfl l'this '. thq$ugh"'limit_d mileage to` '5} gratify-A ing degiee of exc'll_en'cc. 2 " .."",1`l'1e:,.iji;estion:77of 1 2 taxltiou: wog;1d,4l`} `0;*:\;C0l1.1fy',' The. rather}: A khotty While" a. rst-class main road bene- ts in `some degree those residing a considerable distanee back on either "ank, still the greatest "V advantages accrue "to" those whose property lies in close proximity, .and it is only right that these should pay a- larger proportion of the cost than farmers living. on the back coneessior1s. ..............,,....., ....... .. ....-... ...,. w..-. ;.'t1'4`o1.of. `county commsioners, whov at gtesept work under the advice and: ~:ttgte!:ige of Mr: Ca,mpbel1'.ar1d_y his. xpble ; assistant, W. '.Mc_-`_ ' "e_a1`t, Engineer of 5Hig-hw.,y$:"If. heir advice is good, Aftlieitj :LpifV.cti.}?? j %%~T sheia1d",%T`b: % ui=cin `_- ___--- ------v -u I-val: A-Lul\l{,_AVJ.lCIl. John Hines` has returned to. Town. after _a gut weeks holiday. in the Moon Rwer country. ` 1 ..1m.... 1 c v_.... rm '- -`V`- ---- ---v-u ----_w ~v-uu-.v- V H` Mrs. J. _:s. Kgug of Tayistock 11354 been staymg with ` her `sister , `Mrs. Kester, Worsley _St. - . - . ` ----vJ `uvv 1 Miss, M'ay .Gra.ham _ Areturnued to `Qumcy, 111., last week after a. pleas- ant holida;y..at her home. here. _-AAJ7 V n C Mrs. N. W. E. [King is` visiting iier iparentarhome in Port Huron;-Mich. u:--- `--- GOOD PROGRESS on THE TRENT CANAL. ~ SUBURBAN URBAN {ion of the country than all other There is more ca;tarrh`in this sec- diseases 2 put together; and until the ~-last few years It was supposed to be incurable. For ,_a great many` years doctors pronouncedfit a. local disease and: prescribed local remedies," and by` constantly. failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it_ in- to be az-c.ons'tituti4ona1 disease and s it. therefore, requires `constitutional .treatx'nent. `Hall s cacanh Cure,` ; nxanufactured by` F._ J.` Cheney. &- Co'., ` Toledo; 3 _,Ohio,f- is > the; . oniy A j-constitu- ' curable.` .'S_cience has proven. ca.tar1-bl tiona;1:::c_.nfre-,_on .'thae. emarket; It is Ata.k e'n- ei9!er1'1a1iTy [doses de.ff0m 1 T10 9 V *drb`ps_- r -to: -a._~-;`teasp:o`qnfql;; .5 `It naetsi`, di- .. xii `;=1!d cs :!'?l1Lsc 3! '1:he F.1i'rner s-AdvOcaLte is inclin-` ed to `think well` of this proposition. "We believe the money: is more likely _to_ be wise]: expended_ _under the ` - ' ` u a ` a: a '. competent dgrectxon` ofa Provmc1al_; .1 good roads oicer, such as the pre- -'.sent -Commissioner }.-of I-Iighways, `M_r..-Campbell, than under the. cqtis .I_*_:-I _( ._I_ un Ulla. , An imp rtant feature in connec- `tion with his season s` harvest is that thecrops arerfairly uniform, no dis- trict particularly suffering to any.ex- tent, and; `consequently, the money will be pretty generally distributed over the. whole country. v~-- c""f"' "c""_" 4 Taking the average .of the esti-` mates of the wheat crop made by those who have given the matter suicient study and attention to en-' able them` to speak with some au- thority, thew gure 110,000,000 is ar- rived at,_and may be safely. taken as a fair approximate estimate of the total wheat yield of? the I-Canadian .N0rthwcst. . A It gives some idea. of the `large amount' of money also which will nd its way into the hands of the farmers as a `result of -` this_ y_ea.r s crops. ' ~z - The estimate of the _oat crop, of 91,ooo_,ooo bushels, and ~ of barley of 33,000,000 bushels, added to that of the wheat, will gives.` good idea of the large volume of ' trafc` -which the railways are confronted with,and which will tax their capacity and keep them~all busy for the next 12 rr1onth.s, ' ' ` Winnipeg, Sept. 3.--The rainy weather which prevailed at the first of the week has given way toibright and clear days, wi-th- good, strong winds, and cutting and threshing operations have been resumed, and are general again. - "I"-1_!,_, .1 F Latest Estimates of the `Western Crop are uo,ooo,oo Bushels of \oNheat and 91,000,000 Bushels of_ L ate.` V * Wu: ICDIUC Ill `.lUlUlllU. The bride's going away gown was` of blue cheviot trimmed with gold` land blacksatin with hat to match. u xcuua ` Mr. `and Mrs. Spry left on the Cw` P.R. afternoon train for New Yorkl "and Atlantic City,and on their return, will reside in Toronto. 1 I Pl... L..:.1._7- ._`_:A_ _,, _ - :. un uu LU, -The bride reqeived many beautiful presents--an evidence of _her` popu- 'larity among a large number of friends both in Peterboro and at out- side point_s. Mr; and_Mrs. Spry will have the best wishes of a legion of friepds. 1 If A g ._ .. .. \.Au15_ uculg UUIIC Dy DUICS, .I.0r0I'1t0. Among the out of town guests _were `Mr. and Mrs. D. W`. B. Spry,- Toronto; Mrs. W. Ross Cameron, Erin: Mrs. A- -E. H. Creswicke, Barrie: Mr. and Mrs. H. vC. Fortier, :Tc_>'1"`<)nt<;J. _ The Toronto World suggests that the time has arrived when the Public Works Department of the Province of Ontario should take over the con- struction and maintenance of a sys- tem of main or trunk macadarn roads aggregating some 3.000 miles or more in length, as a Provincial enterprise.- At present, under the county roads system, some 16 municipalities have undertaken systems of improved roads, involving an expenditure of `$3,200,000, of which the Province pays one-third, in" the way of spec- ial grant. The plan does not, how- ever, in all cases provide for the con- tinuity of -h-igh-class roadbeds on. the main highways. Continuity and uni- formity of construction under expert supervision are among the good re sults which our contemporary anti- cipates as results of adopting a Pro- vincial system.` And the. `Govern- ment, through its` main` highways, could demonstrate to the counties how good roads are made. New York, weare told, is committed taya programme of -good roads to `cost 7 $50,000,000, The `annual outlay "on; Ontario roads in money and laboris gwell over $2,000,000. This, says the" World, shows the necessity for in-I telligent. direction, and a P-`carefully _ `thought-out plan of developrnent_:. along broad and permanent-,li'n"e,s. J , . llsbll CU. 'lIILIIlCa The wedding repast was served ini a large r_narque on the lawn, the cat- ering_ bemg done by Coles , Toronto. Afhtf fkn null A: 6-rs... .--A-L- nuns. a. puauuuc U1-U1a.CK SHK 1a.ce. Mrs. -VVL Ross Cameron, SlSt1' _the groom, was attired in a gown gured emulle. V r1'*1.._ _-_-.:.a:,-_ _-_--a - u1_y vc|_y acccpwuly. 7 Mrs. Bradburn, mother of the brxde, wore a handsome gown -of black lace over white silk. .1\/I`.-- C.~--- --AA1--~ - ' -" unayn napc uvcx WHILC SHK. . -`M-rs.. Spry, mother of the groom, wore a costume of -black sxlk lace. M" urn 0-..- r .... -u 4- v miss uara apry or Barrie, sister of the groom, and Miss Edith Hewson of Barrie, were costumed, in gowns of lace mulle over pink silk with pink Persian sashes, and carried pink asters. _ The ower girls, Dorothy Hill and Marjorie Hewson, were at- tired in lace` mulle over pink silk and carried shephe'rd s crooks. The groom was supported by Mr. Arthur B. Fortier of Toronto. A4..... LL- --..-:_A- `|" " ' u. xuxucz UL '.l.UfUvllLU_. - ` After the ceremony -M1ss M.abel Harrison sang O Fair, 0 Sweet, 0 Holy very acceptably. MPG 'Rl"jrI"\I1vIo1 rv|nL1qn_' .1 L1- - u was uxawxug room I The bride was attired" in a, sheathi gown of white satin, trimmed with sea pearls-`and lace, with veil and orange blossoms, and carried a show- er bouquet of lily of the valley and white roses. The matron of honor was Mrs- F. D. Hewson-, who. wore I9 121*`: anulrh nuns: u.`Lh... ' nnL.._ - -vvuo uLna.- 1.`. JJ. FICWSUH`, W110. Wore a lace _gow_n over white `satin and gold tnmmmgs. [She carried a bou- quet of pink asters; The bridsmaids, Miss Clara Spry of Barrie, sister 0 H19 at-nnrn and 1/(3.... `L`.l.';.I. :rr-_,#_-,, giirt 7366? '.Iii'g i`I - ,5 ~t`W.0 ' ;- a`c`r,os's yl;a`.ti; Vtlic .1 top, ` 'reqt1`i17ijzi`g, ;:1fron1 ' i `fiiteenjito.`i-twenty V .'c1a:loads'.+of cement ` for ttljis; alone; ,Iwo' other "walls-, clan -gel t_ha.!'1' the one completed, are -being constructed. They'-will4 form the canal in the neighborhood -of Miller's` paper. mills, Besides the steam shojvel there are three orvfour steam. drills constantly fat W01`-k blasting out rock, which is being taken away by the derricks. the core of the bank on each side of` cietyv weddings` of the -season V took. place` at the home of the bride s rnother, The Oaks,: Peterboro, on Wednesday afternoon, Sept. and, when Miss "Mabel Bradburn, ,daugh~ ter of the late *Mr.. Thomas Brad- burn and Mrs. Bradburn, was wedded to Mr. Frank McLean Spry of To- t'v One of. the most fashionable so-i I ronto, `son of the late Daniel Spry of Barrie. The-ceremony took place at 2.30 o clock and -was performed by Rev. Dr. Langfeldt, rector of St. Luke's Church. The bridal pair stood under a canopy of ferns in H14: Hnnenmo A--n..2..... _..-;.. ---1_:-1_- Theconstruction of a system of Provincial roads has_ recently been proposed by the Toronto Worfd, and has been favorably commented upon by a number of Ontario newspapers and magazines. In discussing` the matter the Farmer s_ Advocate says: stoodunder canopy in the handsome drawing room , which was- prettily decorated with: pink `and white carna_.tio`ns and .ferns, and about` I25 guests were in attendance, many of them from out of town points. The.bride, .was given away by her brother, Ald. W. :H. Bradburn, and M endelssohn s wedding march was played by Miss, `Mabel `Harrison, Keene, as the wedding, party enter- ed the drawing room. The Hr`:-In u-Inn" ..4.4..'.....l' 2-- - -L --` _ARAILWAYS WILL BE BUSY. sinvenaannjiriin. mi: xommm A1vAN cE{ of Toronto (National) Aug. 29, Sept; I4 Bceton AOct. `8-9 Bracebridge, " . . . . .. Sept. 24,_ 25 &Burk s Falls Set. 24 8: 25 `BARRIE SEP . 28, 29, 30 Bradford Oct. 13 & '14 Bolton` ........ . Oct. 6, 7 Clarksburg . . . . . . . . Scigt. 284 .Cooksmwn H ' M- 4 - LIST or FALL FAIRS WITH DATE& %% % H. gs. 1-;_E:N wo o D. "J "' no-v-v-v--uv --- _._. , , 81% new namewill be addecltothe Sub arlption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrests for three months and over? will be charged $1.50 per annum. Ba_nk 9_;_To ront0 Best capital TORONTQ Your" Savings `Account- ' is invited whetheryour dc-; posits and your balance be smaller or .. larger than these gures. This (`Bank adds interest quarterly to all Savings balances, and a_its large ~ resources assure the safety of your money. p1ane%$1o` M 0` M M Y BANK or Borders same pg-ice as Sidewall. l NCO`BPOj`RATE.D. % % 13655 SCOTT S Bookstore EBARRIE. o f Train" irfivals Ziid _departiu'e's" sat " Ind from Barrie are as. follows :_ Goink North. I NO. 49- "'4.2o 'a.m.: -T-North.B:.1y: - and 'Engle1}arf pp" 61:325. i8:%8::i.'::} - south River :" 59-11.58` a.m.--Muskoka Express `: A63-.-2.03 p.m.--Muskoka Express . a_65- 4.00 p_.m._ -North Bay "` 67-8.00 p.m.---From Toronto to `Meafo:-d .."' 55% 8.05 pm. ` -For '01-illia` " 47- *u.I5 p.m. --Coba1t Special a . Going South. 3 " A 46-- *4.4s a.m. -'-Cobalti"Spe_ci.l " 54- 7.30 a.m.. -Frorn Onllia " 62-- 8.oo a.m. -From Meaford to Toronto ` " 44-9.$5 a.m.-From Gravenhurst to Allandale (mixed.) " 64-1245 p.m.--Fromv North Bay: _66-1.33 p.m.--Muskoka Express ` " 68-5.2o p.m.-From South River ." 48--*9.oo p.m.-From Englehart and North Bay - and watch the .growth- of `your balance. In ve years it will be $647.70. and in ten years $I, 399.82. mama Z130 ALLANDALE mnucnas ALL PAPER Artistic Effects New Designs IN THE Manager. ' $4,000,000 `$4,500,000 IV -HIIIIILIIQ - II` `V IVIVAI->-ul( Nso : Order your wedding , Invitations- ear.1&.'r and at richt .e%- The rAiTV'8Y!_!5?j35b,V lrftinz .epramnent sat thisie:,<=1as s 9* -2179; an ih 'sa'q!p_I_e.. 1 4 _._..-u--1 NMEFDY, }ARCHIT'ECT; 'THOS., KE * _ C)i`c_e,: 'O_nfa`rio-.`B_'l9ck,, -Dunlvop .St. TH:_Non'n-lean AovANcs'