UIUWHCU at. vvuuauu, VVIIIIC ycu.nu-:5-' "An attempt was ma:de to..-burn the separate schoolhouse m VVest Belle- ville. " ' 4 GDDGOJIAIGLLUII UL sxune wu-_-vu- A .A1bert "Cullen, 'aged_,seventeAe, wa idzjczwned at We1land while bathing.` -A_A..__.__A. _-_..,-. _........I.-. #4. . `sun... Lkn A stox-m` great damage m the grape belt in `Steuben and` Yale counties, New York. . A man in`Arkansas has stated thatl .-`Mrs, Guiness, the Laporte murder- ess, is alive and that he has received `a letter from her since the `burning Iof her house. - , . __ vv - v-- - w- -r---nfnvllll J `Vh |r\rI\|-55,0 ` .Charles I-Iennessey was killed by` a burning tree. falling upon `him while ghting'a forest re near Co- ba.lt., ' .` In Dz, .;~ ` 2 In l.VI-1.lv)I:IvI:.`.SDAY, MA`Y 27:11. Victor Fry, an English` lad, was` drowned `in Toronto bay. T\ I . -r ' 1 ! WI`-I_enr3;'vl'3arman, the ae_rona'ut,` gt; complished a number of lghts` agam- st the vv_md.a Ghent. " ' 15re-sidiit` Iw*`;1l1`i-<;i"e;--of. France and. Kind Edward visited ,the `Franco- Br'tis11i Exhibition yesterday, `- A I--3I _,_.I _ __ .v....-_--, -vvvv 4. `.11 l\n Li bill `providing for home rule for Scotland whs introduced in the Brit- .ish House of Commons yesterday. r*|.....1.... u-..;.-_-v.,- --n - - Bert Jenkins and Thomas Johnston of Fort Wiliiam went out in a. canoe and axe -supposed `to have been drowned. - CTVI T` ` l'I'\ 'v(-I-flivans went to Toronto for the holiday. P `I7 ,I_ A___'_`_ P;'.em_iei'_. ,Whitney spoke at Lind- say. ` ' ` l"I..- T......;..Z..1 CL.-.-... \XT.....1.,. ..4..1\If,-... Maiiro; Steyvart Mul_vey, a well- known; Winmpegge_1_-, died - Bntish Columbia. ` Prohibition" has been carried North `Carolina by a. majority of pro- bably 4o,ooo. T . . ` entente. 7 ' vlsgaris Temps suggpsf that the` time has -come to ,subst1tute an .An-I glo -French `alliance for the ,_present` I . , . James, ._F-. Crexghton .of- V-Owenl Sound murdered his wife and two step-daughters and red a bullet into Vlgis own head.` . _ T - v .- v- n...`-..' .LL.-...'.I ._..u. A A II 1.3 uwu uca._u. , _ "Sev.ex7e> '-thunderstorms `oc`curre'd in different parts of `the Dominion yes-. terday. At Montreal `a. church was ;.truc.k by, lightning. - - ` ~ Ca. - The Imperial Stove Works at--Mor- risburg. were `partly [destroyed by Gen LLB re. If nI'e.f_ A - . _ Mrs. _Eve1yn Thaw has wlthdrawn her actzon for a s`eparation from her husband. Forforty years Orillia has` be__en a headquarters` for the hiring or pur- 4 ehasesof teams for the lumber woods, . says the`. Packet. But this business, 4 which has brought a great `deal of .1 money to the farmers of the distriet, 1 seems to be -threatened? with`ex~tinc- tion,; ultimately if ` pot "immediately, .'. by, the introduction ofsteamlogging machines. These machines, which are~said to_ have demonstrated their practical utility,.wi1l each "of them do the. work o_f forty horses.- * Not only . 'is.there`. the saving in fodder, wages andafboard of. -men, but the machines = will ,run `over, roads: too; steep` and` difeult `for `horses-.-V.Mbi-cover, while] t not. in _ the: mfa`ch ne. `does `not - eat. its hea'<`13i-ogin ' a. ital ;:.- It:f.c_osts v_.notl15! . ing" 'bu.tf':t_l`_I'e.g interests -on the .ir__1 ves't-1 1 1f11entij.'T_h -it_Iti'odia'cti&`3n.n;6 these. ma 4 enchin93'5<:W111t!na*k; ,an9tI:t`:.st . 5|1.tlii:' j ;.disp1a,cxng{._tsf the: 1130-:-sis` .`\t]" " _seeins~ " .to,_.- _bef_j_`. t1_'4`zo'1xtg:':`gc.>_:__,? -;\_1n-'*" l1=3 ="` 1 ` ` Ieyen a"m9{j ' pv. --. -v----J. Mr. `Fred Stott of Wyevale speriti the holiday here. - 1 at -II~r'II T1 , , . ,k __n ;L`_I TO ` :SU15PL'ANT 'r`1-is I HORSE. he',jen?i';::c:tii_i1-E-ci<;es: .;1o't'"e.-$1. `The se cond ga.me, 4th Line vs. 5th n"a__'ta1[;, 1t;_c_ost5.n0th,!L1ne, .was -called y agreement at interest -on invest. the; er_1d_ of", the se qnth. . Lme-up: noduction Of these m- th 1.'"``-v`v"N' G-"s" iv` S9 1v F- hark anotne `step `in the '5~'~ . 7R~ eRE'5"- 2 Thoma? ' tihe"ho` se '\v'h`ic`h seeiI1' `Matt ~w"" V-`E '-Rg"5.\. B` 'w`1S. f;:. . is?*w1%9sts;th=m9=*s9:; e f,`3. :eLe`1gV`e:.rwoo' . "N-V `1{e1ve_.- .\Sc.ore uv the CROSSLAND'--At Barrie, on May 23rd, .1908, Henry Joseph, infant son of-Mr. and Mrs. William Cross- land, aged 3 months and 23 days. MI'C'HIEL-At Toronto, Friday, May 23rd, 1908, at Western Hos- pi_tal, Emma Michiel, daughter of Elizabeth 7Michiel, formerly of Barrie, in her 37th year, - Dear Sir-Kindly allow me space [for the following letter, having refer- mined your books andiaccounts, as Treasurer ` of Zion Presbyterian Church Sabbath School : I\ 1\:I.x:."Will Hunt spent tlie holiday in Orillia. T -` `A 11!- Yours truly, ` A/Vellingtgn -Ault, . B_arr1ster,_& c. The above letter should put an epd to at_1y further comments on the mis- leaglmg statements sent out regard- mg the `same. Thanking you for your courtesy.` I.a.m, yours respectfully, I , f` V, (`I..-I- iEditor The Advace, [Mn `C. K; c1ak, Aiigusf | ed. Dear Sir,J--In January last, `I exa-i mined your books and accounts, as! Sabbath School Treasurer of Angus Presbyterian Church, very carefully, in the same way` as an auditor would do, and had no diiculty in arriving at, and striking a balance which I found to be $64.71 `in your favor, and have no hesitation in saying that it would be quite_ incorrect to state that your books and accounts could not be audited; I may add that, as the accounts extended over a period of years, I. was surprised to nd there- ceipts and vouchers so well preserv- I7 . 1 Angus, 26'th. My,` ,,,_', _'_]6,6'q-3 I.`1'36 Umpires, -M. Mathers,` (Rev-.) 1L. ,McLe n.;, Batteries : ` Nantyr--W'_. Cross ,:_a.n"d A-` Crqss. Shh. `Line-W. -ms GLOVE day, May 20th, 1908, by Rev. P. I Peacock of Angus, William J. Parkes'.to Flossic IM. Peacock, both` 9 T.`__...-1I.. .I.a.ll\\.D.Lu .1.` of Fennells. It is_ ne'v1e::1*A"vvise td buy Your be.t policy is to buq; Qrgly the product of gtrie `Miss Annie Brunton was in Allis- ton over the 24th. 4 nuuo Those barleu the ohly- g.`AGlc` `those brand: which are univc being reliable "PERIN'S. I:T_n v IC KERS. BOOKS WERE CORRECT. Long. Silk, Long `Silk, ageri, $r.Io. ._.. INDOOR BASEBALL. Igre ra f_w popular lines : _ _ ' s V12.-Button Glace'Kid, Blak, orig Silk, larging their store. V Mr.- R. Campbell o fv.Ha.milton is visiting his parents. V Mr. James `Miller of Toronto is visiting his mother. ' -"Some more cases of scnarlet-fever. have developed here. an!` -Messrs. Luck and Wisdom are en- e vvln -vv-.y\,_ - `Barrie, May 23rd, `I908. DIED. Black, $1.55. `$21.00, 97c and 83c_ _i1 _White, $1.49, $I.2o, $1.00, 97c and 85. in`Tat_'1, $1.25 apd $1.10. Dl.l\r\.|-IIJIFJ -c. K; clafrk. "y u can buy: ofus~` .unive I recognized as 28th, 1903 `40C. 25c and 15C. Cu Jus vvvl hI%|J\lInJo | Miss` Jessie Brunton returned frbm' Torontoyon Tuesday. "07 f` `I 3' . I O O`! And Will not ignite from sparks, _coa1s or cinders. Is WATER PROOF Even the morning due will run off. `More durable than shingkzs. Has stood the test of time. No experi- rhent. u- --`Iran A nnnn nnnn . An 8-horsepower Boiler and 3* horsepower Engine, made bY 9 [Poison Co. Toronto. will he sold on and after May 19" prices, for CASH ON L3 :1: . \l__ 2 Having installed gas in our oict. jwf have the above for immediate orrncas : igfnnlop Street, Phone No.33 I Victor-in `c;f`.'Toronto is visit- mg Mrs. Peter Clark. V ~ `:01 Boi|er&Engine For Sale. Advance Office BA RRIE. jg- :3: J . ,_ p5y_ ~T`*3;':.'.'::.`: 2 S:.:;3:sm is we- ; '. { 'A . b` `t to U13 :; *:.::r*; ..*:1:`;ma: .:r,~. ;;;g{,,".na -w ` ` -`money will be 9'0 Coal ?; Wopi spot Cash om PAROID ROOFING JUUUUUFA . 0 n. Novembex-.. MAY 131', 19 A V AL Coal and Wood %i1` MAKES A cool) ROOF And yet cheap. W-Tvlr. Nor_man..-Hvodgins went to- Mid,- land for over Sunday. ` I1`! ,,-1, an; `I All IS A FINE REZTARDENT Grey and Tan, $2.50 LIMITED. Barrie and Orillia. enquiries cheerfully answered by IS DURABLE Address 1908. {at at reduce ' as follows: `- M-mu --- _ ..---~.._J. Mis.s Frgnkie 'M11rra)f is visiting her Sister an .Sca.rbbro . 113 luuv--- 35 ga perton I . 6.75 per ton . 4; 35 pertol ,, 4595 perloll ` M nerwl Wit` of Ca thoro 1; KAI: mittcd V"T) itlx Eounj. A ho For {C MRS. 10 3535310! en` un ;Miss Gertie Kearn-s `visited Beetdn fnends over the holiday- .1ur__ ha... .9 `.1-1-___,-c. _ Buaanu , 8 PRO ient,-vs May 1 has 0; *.",E * .34 Han` VVht:\- premi prepa di` sold aten Mot All &O0 8 ' 'i:<;x';_;nto has been staying with Mr's._DeWx1:t._ ' . `:Hamilton V is vxsitmg his parents here. - `I-7 . 1 Ci ;.:m;s.;; loi .3}s aftended the Woodbine on_ Saturday. ' '|n',_'-'n'1-\u - -' j._:Miss Heflgfef and ofi Sevrn %Vv1?5` W `'m'-`"9\b?fhrfh?r9% this :_(}_ _. . ._`,.~,. I. ,, `.1. ram \ `6ooooooooooooooooooooooooj Echoes From South; Ward _X'E1iEv1AnY or THIWNWGST 'rnANs1-mus IN BARRIE S RAILWAY QUARTER % wmmm% New Dress Muslins, Aworvth 150, for 9 1-20. 7c a.,nd%8c Print,%for . 50 100 Canadian Prints,` . for '7 1-26 12 1-20 Prints, for - 91-20 12 for .- 150 Dress Gring;:ha.ms,; forJ91-2c` 15cNa.insook,% for 9 1-20 On % Sale Commencing Friday, May the 22nd. J as. Vair 81 Sons "1\'4%'r'.'"\'2{*'-'11 Logue and Mfs, L. .De Witt left on Wednesday for a trip to .Ne`t3.raska.. ` Nit`. "Charl'i"e Wilson came upfrom Toront_o .to spend the 24th. and 25th- with- 1115 parents. - ' ` `II 17' 9 1| . , `I, rw - V - - w -- | Mr. .1McKinno;1 is able _to be but agam, after havx_ng been lald up as a. result of an acctdent to his'- foot. ' uvIa.\- V. was uwv-`annoy uv ----u -~.vvw (Mrs? J.B. McDonald returned home last week after a. two months stay with friends across the border. The -Muskoka summer train service has `commenced earlier `this year. Train No. 69 went into operation` on Saturday.` ' 1-,... `r- - u '9 .. ,, ,1 The marriage of Miss -Margaret Watt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. `Alex Watt, Essa Street, to Mr. Alex Fras- er, took place yestrday; afternoon at the home of the br1_de s `parents . Rev. W, A. Amos fed` the: nuptial knot .Mr. Will Morrison, who is attend- ing Varsity, spent a short time this week with his brother on Holgate Street, on his way to New. -Ontario; '11 17 1-r 1- arts, T{)71"cT>.tV1t-o spent the week-end w1th.hisAparents here. .11.: Dnn1\l\1r `nun quad-I1r\uvArI LIIC VVCCl\`Cuu. VVALII , lll ya: \vll'|O AL; v. Mr, Brooks has . removed from Gowan Street to the commons. Mr. Hoover of Stroud is moving into the [vacated premises. ' ' ' - run -9 `I `ll `, .| --The Brotherhood of. Railroad Trai en hold their regular meet- ingsvin _ ' '5 Hall, Allandale, on the 2nd` We :1 8 p. m., and the 4th.`. Sunday, `at ,2, V ., every month. Visiting brethren we - come. - - ` A Reeve Garden presided at Thomp- son s_ meetingkin the Orange [Hall on Thursday night. Among the speak- ers besides ,_the candidate were I, S. Duff, Alesxge Ferguson, W. A, Boys, and seveg_"al'jof the County Council- lors. _ Nb. 6 will go, strong "for`jVV~hit- e-hey on the 8th; prdx. 3. L 5 Qpbaoooooooooodooooocog '?How is the, Grand Teunk _1If acific Railway `pwgressing? Work as be-e ing _pr at` many. `points. In 7 New Brunswick the. work lsrat-'p1'BS4A enti. chiey that .0f`.L_'surivying,-*, ,b'1_J_.t` at some points contracts,_,aie Ue1,11g- p_ras- ecuted. f~F!`0*1n?.QI_1b Q."City 9, a, ; poig__:gt. northwest iofj"Fprti 4h - .f8iOi- J3-f!` .1135" 1be__p_`,i;o_nd le; " `been 'iOc'3t gfnorthft. of . t_.b_.te " ;Ca'n,adia[n ` Pa'c_ic Railway for nearly V two .y_ea.rs'.~ \1t...isV . heavy * work; but ;.gconsider'ab1e F = good country` is; met with, 3333 a. good ;.. qleal of .m,rchantab1eZ' `timbere -tap`ped.. At Winnipeg. the government sanction} stops, and; the Grand Trunlc `Pacic _Ra.i1wa_y`has .fu11`charge. from there . to the Pacic. e-Here -the `_ line runs; . through prairie, and construction has been most rapid. It is expected trains will be running to Saskatoon by Dominion Day, and to Edmonton by Christmas. Work has been begun _ westward from Edmonton, and just now the company is beginning to build westward from Prince .Rupert._ l.BVENTSl~9_l_ fun: VRVEEK .. G.`-an `Dn nun _Mr. A11an. McLean Howard, sen., passed away at his home in Parkdale. Bishop`McEvay of London, 'Ont., has been appointed Archbishop` of Toronto. ` _ , T - - . , ,1- -l U] |JIlLLlu .There is` talk` of a great struggle between the :C. P. and the mech- anical unions. A . Dr. James Bain, chief librarian of the Toronto Public Library, died at his home. ' ' Emmerson Benrhxs was killed. by a mass of clay falling upon hxm at Bell s brickyards, , Toronto. C1A.L...4.:A... 4-! naanva-Ju--u-~._, -v..--_ The trunk sevtrer arttl` ltration plant by-laws will be submitted to the T o_ronto ratepayers on June 27. J_-2.l,_.I U\l\v .LvAvAIvu curvy; v-. ,v-_- .,---_-- A-`London =La.bor .men_ have deci'ded not to put a candidate_ in the field for the Provincial electlon. ' 1 1 LUI Iullb L Lvvlux.-us \. L v v w - v . -. The Mohmands lot two` hundred _`_men in a erce battle with the Brit- xsh forces-in northern` Indra. V ' "f>ki;n$ "1-`e-1-1-1JovedV ffoml` Holgate Street to Bay Street. T ` Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riddell were gin Tottenham during theweek. `Mr. N,-Yeak and `family of Ioron-., to visited_at Mr. J. Ma.t_l1n- _.s;recently. 3M'r._Fryer of Toronto was _a._ holi- dayivxsitor -at Mr. S. J. .McMorran s. V Mr. Wil_i_ and~"Miss Maggie Dun- nett.are.?v1s:ti,ng' New Lowell frien ds`.. _ ` 7 Miss '-Hawley_ of, Toronto. wags 1h _ _ `est `of, -Miss Ca.tc2her~`o1_mr V1_c1_:oria}j H ;r`.'_' =Redfe'rn .:o>'1`,>ro:`:4toe,.v;-isited..` : H3`) :"""i-"*'*"3_ .`,_",e-': wise; The steamer `Calvin carried away three gates in the Welland Canal, and traffic there is suspended for re- pa1rs. . Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess Grey and Lady Sybi1sGrey arrived in the city to attend the rac- K may D. _bU5aWCu. U]. l.\\,J'\.ll.\-JL\al, vv:._.v {was recently a_rrested In Toron_to, (has been held In a New York po-lnce gcourt on a charge of. grand larceny. '|_-_! vvuau v - a u V - . .5- v.-.-..-.._, _-_,_, 1 A Grand Jury at Laporte, Ind., has returned` seven indictments,.ve of them charging murder, against Ray Lamphere, Mrs. Guinness hired man. - L . The marriage of A. W. Agnew and! Miss Gober, which took place at Kingston, has been annulled by the Court of Appeal of Quebec, at the instance of the husband s parents. James Young, the hired man who assaulted Mr. Robt. Stewart with a club, near Brockville, was arrested near his mother's house after three days chase by the constables. 1' I P, ,_,_I` ____ 7E;}.'17 .E.}E'"'aeh}i&' the church parade of veterans -at` St. James Cathedral, Toronto. Mrs. John Stephens of Toronto took carbolic acid by- mistake and died from` the effects. " There have been forty thousand `deaths from famine in the Province of Uganda, in East Africa. - Hedley J. Gardiner, formerly con- nected with_ the Royal Bank of Can- ada, has been arrestedAatAProvidence,, R.I., charged with stealing 13,000 shares of Bay State gas stock at Boston, V I The" Ontario branch of the Domin-U ion Alliance will endeavor to secure a pledge fromall candidates for the Legislature. ~ ` I P ' `I % _It is j)robab_1e ghat woman suffrage w1ll_be a mam" 1ssue in the next Brinsh general election. . I C I "1\ir`.TW iT1iiam _Prince will run asigan` Indppendent Liberal against Hon. Dr, Reaume in North Essex. - goooooooooowoooooooooowoo oooooooooooooooooooooooooz --- - - - - - - - V. - Frank -Carter escaped from jail at. Cornwall by climbing on to the kit- chen roof and -then making his way to the wall. ' . -.. ..v-\.-.-v --__.____ __,_ Mr. '_Bo'urassa will cont'<,=;st' St.` Hya-I cinthe` for the Quebec Legxslature. I 1"! saw-J, '_1`he 'Wel1and ~C_anal Has been re- p_a1red and is again! open to naviga- txon. . ` ' up-van Efresfdent Fallieres of Frange will arrive 111 London to-day to visxt Kmg I Edward, ' Sinfcteen persons were injured Tgt BerkeIy,_ Cail._, when. a. great; airshtp burst at a height of 300 feet,and _pr'- 4 cipitateck them-_ to` the ground. . 1\/T;enn':- (`.91-i-;A Ant` `Rat-I-11-3 .n`\rn1;If' :The manhood suffragexegistration in Toronto totalled 16,037. rV'. . 71' he: '-III-E1If'l-lOI1""8`~ B`l'2 I1KtOfd {Elec- tnc Railway was.opened on `Satur- day, ~ I II! I I I` ,,I I__ |___A_ __l I;.1'1`i:rt';r_V1mpa,ssenger`s were hurt in a. coll1s1on' of street cars near Ottawa. Frank and -Qhqrles Byrne, brothers, are in a critxcal condition. Clpll.i1l.CLKLl.l.Cll.l.' LU LHC gruuuu. Misses` Gertie and Bertha, Obrecht; aged I9 and 20 years. respectively`, and 'Mr.- Fred Clark, 2:, were drown- ed at Walkerton, their . skiff going over` the dam. ' . ` _ V-ui-s__:pp`i"6reco was sentend at Hamilton by Chief Justice _Sir Wil- liam Mulock to hang on August 2-1, the extra; time being given in view Oi an e_}cpected`v_isit of the prisoner's parents, .who are in Italy. - TUESDAY, MAY 26th. , . ._`'I;Iarry`".L'a,wson won the Nfarathon fteen-mile race in the Olympic trials- at _I{os_edlg_, . - . - ` ; E OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO:. The 6th Ward now possbsses an Mr} Hector: Rosevear called hefe auto. . recently on his way` from Toronto to lMlSS Meggison is visiting in Lime- 'C91f1Waf_1f~_; -.'vE;rie_ was shot and; wfound--I ed - while _'p;act1 smg at a target , in London. .V - ` -Tlfe sti-iking s_hIpbui1dfs in -Brit-' `airfhave `accepted the terms "of the employers. V ...-~ Vi-1:<-asvident of Frai1c;e a._n*ived in London yesterday on a'v1s1tVto King '-1-J_ a\"s."evba1l playefv at St. Lo1iis,'i=Mo .,` burst a blood-vssel in making` a. long t'!jA1: `vv/'_A:a4.1_1_cl fell d.ead.A_.. A L -->. ,_ Fr_ed Cope, a xavell:-` AEnAglis_.h .1mnugra!3t."was taken 111 on theitram ." ` V `7 * '. _ : '`&3v`}3._%A* V75/r:?.f7gSi1T;'}H7$1ios. L-hbuse; ac Ro"dn`ey.: 1E1iza`.:%V-.Lowry: v:w9.' ;mq"t W V T11'v,rc};'ciI"'%w " misc! "has haw I A -1 `Ray S. Cogsweli of Rochester, who vnn o-nnar1.l'I11 on-rncfnr` 1'11 uoirmmx anvmcn Meggison Lime- house. . . SATURDA,-_- MAY 23rd. "MONDAY, MAY 25:11. TC $j Z w u Continued from Page 6. ,------ sums AT nu; |I%\.l.l-4\ru - _[_______~ _ - `Orangeville ha`ve resignedA their `charges. ` '1' .,,1...:- 1_.`_-.1-.... l\` 4.1. ... \.ucu5v.;a. _ Mr. Larry Loughrin, brother of the! Liberal candidate for Nipissing, was accidentally shot and killed while taking -a rie out of a. box. . e _ 9 1:1. _._:_ 1.... ....,.,.J.. ........,=, .. .-..., -__ -_ _ rr The Republic of Liberia has receiv- ed an ultimatum from Great Britain, ordering that a better form of gov- ernment be maintained. ` '` 7` =--- ~-- ------I 1?--4.31" :4` I... l V: lllnnirnfv lax: ---...---__.-__-_. ' The Porttiguese royal family is ing besieged by Creditors, whose counts have been unsettled since `assassination of King Carlos. A L IlLIUC9\vo ' `Mr. A. 'WebB and family are;_visit- ing in Toronto. ~ . 1 A /'0 -ri ,,- .-._; ;_ fl`-_._..A....