~ - - - - - --5 V. we.` uunnvuu gun: was: 4; That -there were large numbers of_ persons brought into the riding _for the express purpose of personat- mg legitimate voters, and assisted by some of Macnish s local supporters such persons did personate qualied voters in voting for Mr..Macnish. .. PI`! . . 5. Th:"tii~Sd;Lia& '}]3I{{i.'e}' of votes for Mr. Macnish largely ex- ceeded the number of bona de votes cast for him. ~-v- V-II CVCIVI $V$I IIIICO --nunycua.o.unou..unn.nu,-- ---- -v. o-J-any W61" That a large number of ballotsi cast for Mr. McDiarmid were in `some nefarious and corrupt manner! manipulated, whereby the result of the election was rendered doubtful, and in this connection the voting at Shedden and Middlemarch and in sev- eral divisions of St. Thomas, where said strangers so acted as deputy re- turning oicers, merits special men- tion. / 7. That there are good reasons to believe that there are many specic and well authenticated cases where` agents for Mr. Macnish concealed at the homes some of those strangers, who there paid large sums of mo-ney to electors to inducefthem to vote for hum. The doae of Ayer'a Pills is small, only T one at bedtime. .Aa arnle, laxative dosea are better than cathartic doaes. For con- atlpatlon, blliouaneaa, dyapepaia, sick- headachea they cannot be excelled. Aakyonr Joctor about this. a ' L.-JAL-AL-O A A_.__g_ o___-o- --A- 8. That Mr. Macnish will forth- with deliver to the Speaker of the legislative assembly his resignation :2; a member thereof for the said ectoral district. (Sgd.) DONALD` MACNISH. 1`:-I Witness : I (Sgd.) A. B..Ay1esworth. T Yet Nothing Wrong! I have only one word to say in ad- dition; When that matter was sub- sequently referred to Judges B., M4 and McT., and they sat and examined 211 witnesses, as Mr. Ross here states in` his speech at Napanee, and as the fact was, these gentlemen, under the able guidance of Mr. Wat-. ...... -..l.,\.~. LI.n.- nr\ov\r\1;r'rInrl4':r` 117131-Al uuucl |.llC nun; SUIUQILLL us u.u. vvarg son, whom they complimented, were able so far to wh1tewa_sh_ tlie ille- gality. rascality and criminality in- dulged in on that occasion, that they. found practically that` nothing ser- iously wrong had been done in \Vest 1 Elgin. has COUNTY COUNCIL! r C7""7.` , ' v.-* ~ v-1. TheLCounty Council met Tuesday, May 19th, the Warden in the chair. m....1, r:1-+..1....- gmmnm~.=-A H159 qn- May 19th, time Waraen In UlC`CIl'd.lI . Clerk Fletcher announced that sin- ce the last session Coldwater had be- come incorporatedand that F. G. Millard had been elected Reeve. _I-_..L..A.:;\..q :-r\o'v| D C1Iv;1`;4kI1P1Y `the deputation. 1v1u1ar(1 nau Uccu cLcL;Lcu. 1.\CCvL.. A deputation from E. Gwillimbury was heard regarding the grant voted in 1906 for th bridge over tht Hol- land River. Reeve" Smith and Dep- uty Reeve_ Hill spoke on behalf of 1x011 jy_ __AA_`_ _____ _A Linc uvyu u u y . V . an Councillor `Mi11ard s name was~ad- ded to the Roads and Bridges Com- mittee and to the Eommittee on Ed- ucation, and the name of `Councillor Sanders was added to the Roads and Bridges Committee -and to theCom-' mittee ' 0-n Finance. lllll-L\\. \J L 5 L A n n u A - y V- Councillor Brov\{n s name was ad- ded to the -Commtttee on Education. Finance. `T he salary of A. W. Beardsley, County `Messenger, was increased from $525 to $600. ~ , r 1.1 . '`r.`.____'_ . :,__ A_yer s Cherry `Pecroral. is a regular cough medicine, a -stronzf` `medicine, a 'doctor s medicitie. Good for easy -coughs, hard coughs, desper- ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don ttake it. Never` go contrary to his-advice. ` I.l.\.uu. VJEJ uv Yvwvu The application of Mr. Feverj for $25, damages for engine going through br1dge'ove'r -Holland River, near_.Bra.dford, was turned down. .. rl-1,- ,., -1: r--1 Il\rGl_ . 1'41 cassava u, vv you u... .. Debentures of the Town of Col- lingwood to the amount of $25,000 were. authorized to be guaranteed by the County.` A ` ,4 -5 L`-_ 'l*;.._-... A: LIIC` Vvunnuuy - Certain debentures of the Town `of Penetanguisheene also were author1z- ed to be guaranteed. Equalizationv of Assessment. A special report was brought in dealing .with the matter of equaliza- tion of asssessrnent. A This report was amended by stipulating that `two eneral assessors be appointed, one or] urban municipalities and one for rural, tovgo over the County with the Reeves, and that they together arrive at an equitable assessment and report. at June: session. a ` ' " . Roads and Bridges. The C`ommitt'ee~*'reported with` re- ferenice . to a communication of Me- ., Carthyh Boys and - Murchison, re McCarthy award ditch. on 'Sunnidale Road in Sunnidale that `the\matt,er - be left {with County E`n-gxn_er Jupp ` and the Reeve of __S`unnidale.t-tojbe u`t;_inpsuch condition as requaredby _ i1'gn1_e'e;r- _s .a_vvar_d. WV. ; . i\"';$`xno.tior._ .1_t'foo .:re_fe4,r rback ; was des _ at: o,.n+a~ et=tel:;oa;~r. t 0 l e to r-.ada pte d: 739`.t'vo:g.Ii20,=._ 311` I report was ucclarcu - tluupu.-\.u. Re. the matter refgrrcd to by the E. xydeputation, on the 1_*e'-_- dationf oi. * the ,.;Commigtje_e, , it ' ` '*s3gp~>:towa~;r;lai;t3;;. 4; _ : _ , ,2" ~... HIE? `jxomzm A "VANCE We public): our thrnuhn Wobuxiahdoolnol hononrnudiunon wounvub The Map Specialty `Co. of Toronto -wrote offering to prepare an up-to- `date map of the Town (25 copies), sixe 28 x 40 inches to a scale of 500 feet` to the inch, for $165, or in the alternative a map to a scale of 400 |feet to the inch, size 36.x 52 inches, 1for $225. up township had `expended $900 on the work". ` - - ` ` County Property. . On motion, Garden-GoFfatt, it was ordered `that the Committee ha._ve ag sta removed to a. point 40 feet west of `the Court `House, and length- ened by 2o feet. ' , t\,A; W, , 1-. -no The _Bell Tel. `Co. desired permis- sion to open portions of Owen and John Sts. for the extension of its service, the erection of the necessary poles to be under supervision. of Town Engineer, Granted. rs-I -|t~ 1-PIN Band Grant Qlade but No Band Named. ` The Town Council sat for acouple of hours on Wednesday evening of last week, disposing of the fortnight- ly grist, Deputy-vReeve .-Coey and Aldermen Jamieson and Little were `absent. A. B, Coutts, Clerk of Vespra,[ wrote asking for an-itemized state- ment of the, Town's account of $10 against Vespra. FIN!` ..c.._.__ `G. .' Somers called attention to deplorable condition of `street run- ning from Davis `St. to the bay un- der the iron bridge. He suggested the construction of a permanent roadway at this point. 11 . -_`.--v. A. W. Longhurst and others peti-. tioned for the opening of Sanford St. over creek between John St. and Ross `St. W. V Fje_}x_ns-c)_x'1 eeiced that the rate of $3.25 per dayfor the Town . team- sters be increased to $3.50 per day. 15 ' The Committee on Markets and Parks (Vair, Chairman) recommend- ed the erection of a band stand in No. 6 VVard at an estimated cost of $189, work to be let by.tender. The. report was referred hack for further con_s1derat1on on motion of Jackson- Cralg. ' 117,A-,, 1' 3-1!-.. ___.1 'C--__-..... [With the Town Fathers.l JL. rxuuyccu. Per Reeve Garden, acting `Chairman, the Board of Works reported on E.T. Tyrer s application to have changes made in sidewalkiorr south side of ~Dunlop `St. It was recommended that the same be done by striking a proper level for the sidewalk,on con- dition that the property owners give undertaking absolving Town from any claim for damages. Adopted. A [Wu -nn1\osqov|noQt`n`-:r\I1 n: Fhnirnann \aI|.~n. The Water, `Light and .'Sewers Committee (Staplet0n, Chairman) re- commended that a, hydrant be placed at the headvof water main on Peel St.D Adopted. .. Dnoiva (Inn:-Inn nn4>;nrr.(~Yy1o;I-rn-an |dll._y Llalul IUI uauxasua. zxuvyuuu. On recommendation 0 Chairman Jackson (Firesand Police), `the ten- `der'of the Gutta. Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co. was accepted for the fol- lowing supplies: 500 ft. hose at 85c. per foot, 4 rubber coats at $5 each, n\ .-"I-.k.o `knno-4: n+ Ca An nnf [JUL LUUL, 6|. IUUUCL LUGLJ cu. Va \.u.\.u, 4 pairs rubber bootspat $3.40 per pair, I controlling nozzle at $10 and I axe at $2.25. The same committee recommended that Driver Graham be notied that the present re team is not satisfac- tory, and that he take steps to pro- vide a suitable team; that the- re team shall be under the control and direction off the Fire _and Police -L.__AL ..._._-..1_1.__... ....,J UHCLLIUII UL LHC J.'l|\.. auu. Luau, Committee for street sprinkling, and that when team is required for other Town work permission must be granted by the Chairman; that the district to be watered by the re team shall be Dunlop-. and Elizabeth Streets from Mulcaster to John, Col- lier St. from Bayeld to `Mulcaster including Market Square, Marks St. east of Bayeld, Station Square, Bayweld, Clapperton, Owen and Mul- caster (south of Collier) Streets.` Adopted, AIA T)nn.-AL-lnu c r`nnnrni1-O-no nni rxuuptsu, Ald. Beardsley s Committee on Finance recommended a grant of $300 to a band, on condition that the said band furnish a guarantee as to being under a competent instructor and a `further guarantee of a" mini- mum membership .of twenty quali- ed" musicians, the music to be fur- nished in turns iniSt. Vincent Park, Market Square, P. 0. `Square, ' - "`B1a%ck Knight shines quick1y-shines bright- shings by day and shines by`x_ng}1t.` A` V H _ `1' 5' .._, ...5.... ' ?No dust-110 `dirt -- no` hard rubbing - always ready for instant use. 11' Ami it won ; burn o, no matter how hot the re. _1atpossibA1eL trouble, use m'lTokeep Stoves, Grates and` Iron work - always clean and bright, with the Contin1;o:<-1 on Pase Five. $1. R.HXhBLY s %ueen s Park and Ward 6. Adopt` e . we On motion of Bothwe11-Jackson, the Committee on Water, Light and Sewers was requested to instruct the Water and Light Commissioners to place one incandescent light on east corner of Owen and Sophia Sts., and one incandescent light on west cor- ner of `Owen and Worsley Sts. A cup '-On motion of Thompson-Garrett, the matter of placing a water-trough at Dyment s Gore will be considered by the Parks Committee. The Board of Works was request- ed to purchase 1,000 feet 2 in. plank, 12 ft. long, for immediate use to re- pair sidewalks. in 1- H11 , [-1 Vair-Garrett, that a horse lawn` mower be purchased for the use of the Town at a cost not exceeding: $65, and that tenders be asked for` same. Carried. ` .. 4 ;-n The Public Works Committee will take immediate steps -to repair the drain across Dunlop St. where the same intersects Louisa and Berczy Sts. l i VairBeardsley, that the sum of $20 be granted for the purchase of suit- able bedding plants for the Gores in No. 6 Ward and at Dyment s and for the public fountains, and that ten- ders be asked for same. `Carried. Incubators add Brooders. Fon om: YEAR FROM DATE, for V special arrangcmcnf the gbciva oQr`vuh|h:%gvaq t.{havj_e oxp_lrQdAprl| 30th, Horse and Cattle Food. $53 Northern Advance For those who do not wish A to take a daily paper,this offer is UN-` PARALLELED. BEMENTS. nu R.._g, Poultry Food. % $|.25 I On motion of Jackson-Garden, the Chairman of the Industrial Commit- tee was instructed to communicate with the Fleming Aerial Ladder Co. to ascertain when it intends starting building operations. On motion of Ness-Thompson, it was resolved to have the Parks Committee consider the question of lgranting the sum of $50 for the trim- ming of shade trees on the streets, i this work to be done next month. A by-law will be prepared and sub- mitted to the electors for the rati- catlon of the G. T. R. agreement. On motion of Stapleton-Craig, Engineer Mitchell will be engaged to prepare working plans and speci~ cations for the Bayeld St. sewer extension. The Mayor, Reeve Garden, Dep- uty-Reeve Vair and Aldermen Evans and Beardsley will compose the Court of Revision. Evans-Garrett, that tenders for street watering in \/Vards 5 and 6 be 'asked for as per specications. Car- `tied. | Mr. w. A. Boys will be engaged to draft a by-law for the readjust ment of the several wards. Council adjourned at 10 pm. or null ` drive house. shed! garden and lawn, n Streets, Barrio nd shed. [I7/T'I`H I--1-1-.1-no-to-1-VI--U-vi-; -A`: [ever increa- Mo.I on first *1. d foundrggrg `mi articles. etc. the cash. and in each. 0210159- wist, vie-. it-Loaf.` at nine Home. 250. rhavinz. u-wvv vl-l IV" 5 a pplicstionu ghnesa, and by. 3 skin acquim softness of I 1 Penetanguiihonl I , ) us 3. Postal If you. , in a loaf of ourf i`0E.l!l% voovu -- Eluilding. ;2i :15 'L sticky, and: few momenuj name BEDONIA. Sect: on tough it nnng bl--. c`')\'1ld.'il;V-0,; twice uman! '._j For Sale. YGOMERY. ' 3 0. . AKERY] IMAN. . _F_. CREAM 5-1--:-+4-m-+'! SKIN Barrio. 1 A Haughton Lennox Compares it to West` .El%gineLTrial-N9 Chance for Thorough l[nq uiry--Mr. VVatson Will - Engineer Proeeediengs. ` o (Concluded from last week.),. ' 11' we are to belteve what the mm-. ister says as to hlS desire for a. full` jmestigzttioll, would_ he e_ not have mam. me tnvestxgatton as broad` as 1 have suggested? The _ mtntster, seemed to haxfe a doubt as to whether we would belteve hlm. He saldi: I do not know whether homgentlernen will believe me or not but my c_>bJect is to ltave it full and thorough. Inves- ngation. Let me say _to h1m.now' that if he had been desxrous of con-_ mcing the members of the oppos1- mm ..1-, what ts far more 1'n_1po'rta,nt, {he people of Canada, 9f hts -bonag dcs zmd honesty In thls matter, he would have secured that end by're- ferring to Judge Cassels not an ISO- latcd sentence but the whole matter of his department, or else by _refer- ring it back to the cornmtssaoners who had cast the asperstons upon him and his department. . . . _. Under such c1rcumstan_ces_ would It not seem honest and fair, Mr. Speak- ,, ;l...o lnnrn-`A AC {-119 n-ant-Innan vvllb PU: cent per word. _ d `:3? me as we V cggr word will in n(_)L _5L'L'l11 IIUULJL uuu sun, u:.n. nuy\..u.n- er. that instead of the gentleman` w}1n.~`c 1c1>artn1cnt is attacked rst selecting his own judge, then pro-| cccding` [u try some of the offenders himself before the investigation; could cmnc on and then selecting L .u.'\-u~\r<(\` u`vl`|r\ Eln l\`t\l\$1CO. _C21l1.~c l \\'ut.mn f':_ 'n:1\' . Inn -s bc1iL`\'v that Cc ht \\':.r1'.M this muttcri that hc is In buluml In _ L1` I}\ll'\\\ l|l.L .1 l|L:~ VVBIL 51V`-`II (I Lllalll` ! xi.-._iu`!l get at the bottom Of ] ll`.2*.'i'tL`l'l but I have pointed out 1 Illill i ii-t given a chance; he is. , ])Ul,1llii l~._i- the terms of the /order ofig TL`it`l L`llL`i,' in such a way that he can- 1 not pi`>~.~il`l_v investigate this matter I as it ..ii;.lii In be investigated `in the ` public `illlL`I'L`.~'[. And this I say'be-}1 CIill>L` thi; _;'>\'L'I`l`lII1eI1t has shown a,: lit`.~ll'l` In l<>llH\\' the methods of its]? lrli.-ml~ ll! l,)lllItl'l(') in the West E1g`in`i .it.~i- Jlllil its own methods in theif in-lll'.'l!ii`:` i:i\'cstig;iti<)n Of a more re-l" cent The minister says the;_e3` must lit: It full and thorough investi- gation. Tile officials of thevdepart-_' ment over which my hon. friend (VP liri-ileur`) presides, officials of` `.vh ilk" is the guardian in a sense, are :iti:icl are on trial.` .Yet._ I \'HllUl'c to say that, with all his btizisti-il so,-iisc of justice and his i)u;1.~.t for it full and fair in- \"~`>llSI'tt1-ni, he would .not allow the _'imI1~cl Ui these gentlemen to appear` in ()l`(ik'T tiizit a fair investigation may b'~:`il'k'ii`1. .\ clrmd may` rest upon the 0nici:.i~. or it may rest upon those `Vim l1i;_;'i1L`I` than the ofcxals ;\nil, `.11 that condition of things, is, It l2lll'--~--til` is it not an outrage?--t0 C/.in`.mlt, tlic matter to two counsel. U1`-': l`:!`:u: .\lr. W'atson, who has been .3 l1i= 7:!'c identied with the work - mk vii tlw: Ross administration,,and lllc mi-:~. this gentleman from Que- b. is identied clearly and m_l>lct':iy with the department und-I tr m\'.sti:4':ition, and "both -`selected l ,, t ' hm n~.. I /11,, -f'I;.-_I-....\, . `H1 0t`t1ci:1}- VVINJ .x`. Anrl. 1; it fzlir-- on; but 1111 iI1,"\ ilmw by my 50 I (The Brodeur Investigation. vv uu can an WON] per vyord insemons of an .'.~`!,1'..','. ltl()l1, and `both uselectea _\' Xnm. friend (Mr. Brodeu}`)?. h:m: no hesitation in saymg :1 `-. 'All ne'w dsizs. V Bf;r;aind Ci_]ing;,u sold Vbythe Roll` $1.u|% gt the "sameprice, at ' '4 ' 4 V` Zy '- Funnnitn AND CARPET sronn oun NEW Is} [that this investigation will be a farce in if hrnd-I-nee no-Ir` n In... 1-- r I `Admitted Black Made White. i In the West Elgin case, we have a `confession signed by Donald McNish, land witnessed by A. B.` Ayleswor_th, ilns counsel, of the state of things in that election. Subsequent to that, the Ross administration to inquire into the manner of conducting that !election. Judge B-7-, Judge M--~-, land Judge McT---, and the last [named qualied, more or less, .I ima- `gine, in that case for his subsequent employment at the instance of the Crown. And when I tell you that these judges say that practically nothing was done wrong in the West Elgin election, and when I read you ' the confession of Donald M.c_N_ish you will be able to form an opmion ` as to that inquiry. T'nat'investiga- : tion*w.as conducted and engineered by Mr. \Natson. And the report, in Kconcluding, compliments Mr. Watson '|upon the able and thorough manner) E-in which heconducted the case on; ibehalf of the Crown. I have here a f]_speeR made by Hon. Geo. W. Ross 141:: Avg nf fhn last nnnnnn Add 1 we had three. judges appointed by i `Luci. uua mycsugatlon Wlll De farce in its progress. and a farce in its re- sults. ' It's wonderful I-low They be it. Let us `see how these things are. the senior counsel inthis matter. I have nothing to say against him per- sonally. Mr. Watson is the gentle- man who engineered the West Elgin election `case, and_he is the gentle- man who will guxde thxs proceedmg. I d0 not fhik ha`-I urn` nrn an Fa.-'-n `worked out. Mr. Watson will be II mun Ii: 0,7437, 1! men] nun; _uauu_. vvuu will guiuc U115 pl'OCeeQlng. I do not think he will go so faras _Mr. `Shepley went in`the i insurance `inquiry. Mr. Shepley was the coun- .sel throughout the entire insurance investigation; he guided and shaped the evidence, and every question by anybody else had to percolate through Mr.` Shepley and he had to give his own `interpretation to it in propounding it to the witness. And at the end, when all the evidence was `in, you will say, Mr. Shepley, after addressing the commission,. went about his `business leaving them to decide. Nothing of the kind; Mr. Shepley remained, as we have been told in this House, to assist and dir- lect the judges, before whom he had ipleaded, in arriving at their conclu- isions. We shall have a better state lof things, I believe, in this case, for the reason that I have- faith in Judge Casssels and feel sure that_ he will {not allow anything of that kind. But, `still, we shall have an investigation lguided by Mr. Watson, SIJCCCII luuuc Uy L1uu- uuu. vv. n.u.z.z `in Napanee on the eve of the last igeneral elections in which he point- ied out what a satisfactory result it lwas, and it was satisfactory inthe face of what I am going to read to ;you, signd by Donald McNish, the unseated candidate, and that declara- tion was witnessed and concurredgin by A. B. Aylesworth, his counsel. `Here is the declaration: I. That a large number of persons were especially sent into the consti- `tuency by men working on behalf of the Liberal partynfor the. express `purpose of taking part. on Mr. Mac- nish s behalf in the election held January I2, 1899, andwe believe that ,fraudulent` and corrupt means were. 'used`by s'_ome of-such. persons to se- cure his election. ~ 4 wuanv ..-.. ____V g 2. That some of the said persons ;illegally and without authority acted `as deputy returning officers" at the said election and in at least .three cases so acted in the names of re- putable local men, having, under as- sumed names, been introduced to the- returning oicers by local agentstof _Macmsh. . ` ` P1'5,5 .11.. .....+ Sm-n 1-ha. (`(1719171- 3. That in many of the polling subdivisions of the riding there were_ grave irregularities connected with the return of the ballot. boxes and their contents, the voting, and the counting of the ballots thereat.